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We present the results of a survey of the Coma Berenices open star cluster (Melotte 111), undertaken using proper motions from the USNO-B1.0 (United States Naval Observatory) and photometry from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) Point Source catalogues. We have identified 60 new candidate members with masses in the range  1.007 < M < 0.269 M  . For each we have estimated a membership probability by extracting control clusters from the proper motion vector diagram. All 60 are found to have greater than 60 per cent probability of being members, more than doubling the number of known cluster members. The new luminosity function for the cluster peaks at bright magnitudes, but is rising at   K ≈ 12  , indicating that it is likely that lower mass members may exist. The mass function also supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We present the results of a survey of the open star cluster Melotte 111 in Coma Berenices, undertaken using the USNO‐B1.0 and 2MASS Point Source catalogues. On the basis of their astrometric and photometric properties, we have identified 60 new candidate members with masses in the range 1.007 < M < 0.269 M. We estimate a membership probability for each by extracting control clusters from the proper motion vector diagram. All 60 are found to have greater than 60 per cent probability of being cluster members, which if they are confirmed as members, more than doubles the number of known cluster members. We also have I and Z photometry for 100 low mass candidate members of the cluster, 13 of which we suggest may be brown dwarfs. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We examine the scattering of single stars from an open star cluster. The probability of the capture of a star by a star cluster is dependent on the velocity and mass of the star, and the stars that are not captured experience a velocity change. For low-velocity stars there is an exponential decrease of the capture probability with the initial velocity, and the velocity change decreases almost linearly. For high-velocity stars there is a v −6 dependence for the capture probability, and a v −1 dependence for the velocity change. Analytical estimations, Monte Carlo and full N -body simulations are all in good agreement.  相似文献   

Accurate two-colour photometry and proper motions of 7096 young X-ray stars in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Star Catalogue, version 1RXS, are extracted from the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The sample is dominated by red main-sequence and possibly pre-main-sequence stars. On a global proper motion convergence map, two features are very prominent: the nearby section of the Gould Belt and the Hyades convergent point. The appearance of the Gould Belt feature with its peak at ( l =2443, b =−126) is quite similar to that of Hipparcos OB stars. When only stars with proper motions drawing close to that point are selected, strong concentrations of stars in the direction of the Sco–Cen complex are found. Another concentration, not corresponding to any known OB association, is detected between the position of the Lower Centaurus Crux and Vela OB2 associations. It is a new young moving group located in Carina and Vela, and a near extension of the Sco–Cen complex. Contrary to the classical Gould Belt OB associations, the Carina–Vela moving group has a considerable geometric depth, the closest members being as near as 30 pc from the Sun. IC 2391, one of the youngest and closest open clusters on the sky, is a part of the Carina–Vela moving group. The Carina–Vela moving group does not link the Sco–Cen complex with the Vela OB associations, because the latter is much more distant than the outer limit of the sample. It is more likely that the young late-type population of the Scorpio–Centaurus–Carina moving group stretches towards the Sun and possibly beyond it.  相似文献   

Tidal tails of star clusters are not homogeneous but show well-defined clumps in observations as well as in numerical simulations. Recently, an epicyclic theory for the formation of these clumps was presented. A quantitative analysis was still missing. We present a quantitative derivation of the angular momentum and energy distribution of escaping stars from a star cluster in the tidal field of the Milky Way and derive the connection to the position and width of the clumps. For the numerical realization we use star-by-star N -body simulations. We find a very good agreement of theory and models. We show that the radial offset of the tidal arms scales with the tidal radius, which is a function of cluster mass and the rotation curve at the cluster orbit. The mean radial offset is 2.77 times the tidal radius in the outer disc. Near the Galactic Centre the circumstances are more complicated, but to lowest order the theory still applies. We have also measured the Jacobi energy distribution of bound stars and showed that there is a large fraction of stars (about 35 per cent) above the critical Jacobi energy at all times, which can potentially leave the cluster. This is a hint that the mass loss is dominated by a self-regulating process of increasing Jacobi energy due to the weakening of the potential well of the star cluster, which is induced by the mass loss itself.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry in the Johnson U , B and V and Kron–Cousins I passbands for the open cluster NGC 2587. The sample consists of 4406 stars reaching down to   V ∼ 21.0  . We developed a new method to clean statistically the colour–magnitude diagrams. NGC 2587 appears to be a sparse, relatively bright open cluster, with a few tens of members projected on to a populous star field. The comparatively bright F7/8 II type star HD 70927, located close to the cluster centre, seems not to be a member. Our analysis suggests that NGC 2587 is slightly younger than the Hyades and probably of solar metallicity. A cluster radius of roughly 8 arcmin was estimated from the radial stellar density profile. From 18 probable cluster members with measured proper motions, we derive the following mean values for NGC 2587:  μα=−4.3 ± 3.6 mas yr−1  and  μδ=−2.5 ± 3.4 mas yr−1  . Adopting the theoretical metal content   Z = 0.02  , which provides the best global fit, we derive a cluster age of  500+60−50  . Simultaneously, colour excesses   E ( B − V ) = 0.10  and   E ( V − I ) = 0.15  and an apparent distance modulus of   V − MV = 12.50  are obtained. The interstellar extinction in the cluster direction is found to follow the normal law. NGC 2587 is located at a distance of (2.70 ± 0.70) kpc from the Sun and ∼9.8 kpc from the Galactic centre.  相似文献   

We have applied the “moving cluster” method to an archive of L and T brown dwarf stars to identify those stars which are members of the Ursa Major moving group.We show that five stars have proper motion directions which agree with the direction of motion expected for a cluster member, and which have proper motion distances in agreement with distances determined by trigonometrical parallax observations. We then use 2MASS data to produce an M K versus J ‐ K S colour magnitude diagram. The group members define an empirical 400 Myr isochrone, which is compared to theoretical models. This is the first cluster/group to have a known T dwarf member. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Direct N -body calculations are presented of the formation of Galactic clusters using GasEx , which is a variant of the code Nbody6 . The calculations focus on the possible evolution of the Orion nebula cluster (ONC) by assuming that the embedded OB stars explosively drove out 2/3 of its mass in the form of gas about 0.4 Myr ago. A bound cluster forms readily and survives for 150 Myr despite additional mass loss from the large number of massive stars, and the Galactic tidal field. This is the very first time that cluster formation is obtained under such realistic conditions. The cluster contains about 1/3 of the initial 104 stars, and resembles the Pleiades cluster to a remarkable degree, implying that an ONC-like cluster may have been a precursor of the Pleiades. This scenario predicts the present expansion velocity of the ONC, which will be measurable by upcoming astrometric space missions. These missions should also detect the original Pleiades members as an associated expanding young Galactic-field subpopulation. The results arrived at here suggest that Galactic clusters form as the nuclei of expanding OB associations.
The results have wide implications, also for the formation of globular clusters and the Galactic-field and halo stellar populations. In view of this, the distribution of binary orbital periods and the mass function within and outside the model ONC and Pleiades is quantified, finding consistency with observational constraints. Advanced mass segregation is evident in one of the ONC models. The calculations show that the primordial binary population of both clusters could have been much the same as is observed in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region. The computations also demonstrate that the binary proportion of brown dwarfs is depleted significantly for all periods, whereas massive stars attain a high binary fraction.  相似文献   

A self‐similar evolution of a globular cluster within a galaxy, which implies a one‐component formulation of the virial theorem (Mouri & Taniguchi 2003), is extended to a two‐component formulation (Caimmi & Secco 2003). To this aim, the general case of an embedded sphere within an embedding sphere, both represented as truncated, singular isothermal spheres, is applied to the situation of interest. It is shown that, in the case under consideration, a two‐component formulation of the virial theorem reproduces the analytical results of a one‐component formulation. The process of energy change due to mass loss through the surface is analysed in detail, in connection with both a one‐component and a two‐component formulation of the virial theorem. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analyse 20 star cluster candidates projected mostly in the bulge direction  (|ℓ| < 60°)  . The sample contains all candidates in that sector classified by Froebrich, Scholz & Raftery with quality flags denoting high probability of being star clusters. Bulge contamination in the colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) is in general important, while at lower Galactic latitudes disc stars contribute as well. Properties of the candidates are investigated with Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) CMDs and stellar radial density profiles (RDPs) built with field star decontaminated photometry. To uncover the nature of the structures we decontaminate the CMDs from field stars using tools that we previously developed to deal with objects in dense fields. We confirm in all cases excesses in the RDPs with respect to the background level, as expected from the method the candidates were originally selected. CMDs and RDPs taken together revealed six open clusters, five uncertain cases that require deeper observations, while nine objects are possibly field density fluctuations.  相似文献   

The distribution of 120 O-B9-A2 stars and of the interstellar dust in the direction of the star clusters NGC 2175 and NGC 2175s (the complex S252) is studied in terms of V, (B-V), and (U-B) data. Ten star groups (associations) are found at distances of 410, 720, 1000, 1500, 2200, 3100, 4000, 5200, 7000, and 8100 pc. Three of these, at distances of 410, 720, and 1000 pc, are type B associations. The remaining seven are OB associations. They are designated as Gem B 0.41, Gem B 0.72, Gem B 1.0, Gem OB 1.5, Gem OB 2.2, Gem OB 3.1, Gem OB 4.0, Gem OB 5.2, Gem OB 7.0, and Gem OB 8.1. The V absorption (AV) for stars No.2, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 40, 41, 47, 69, 87, 88, 90, 95, 100 and 109 is estimated to be 2m.78,4m.72, 2m.69, 3m.33, 2m.61, 2m.86, 4m.67, 6m.21, 3m.14, 3m.92, 2m.69, 3m.04, 5m.95, 5m.95, 3m.20 and 5m.66, respectively. For most of these stars the absorption lies between 0m.5 and 2m.5. This large absorption may be caused by circumstellar absorption. The dust in the associations Gem B 0.41 and Gem B 0.72 is distributed nonuniformly. There is no dust in the space between the associations. Essentially there is no dust inside those groups (associations) which lie at distances greater than 1 kpc.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 45–57 (February 2005).  相似文献   

A new method to measure the epicycle frequency κ in the Galactic disc is presented. We make use of the large data base on open clusters completed by our group to derive the observed velocity vector (amplitude and direction) of the clusters in the Galactic plane. In the epicycle approximation, this velocity is equal to the circular velocity given by the rotation curve, plus a residual or perturbation velocity, of which the direction rotates as a function of time with the frequency κ. Due to the non-random direction of the perturbation velocity at the birth time of the clusters, a plot of the present-day direction angle of this velocity as a function of the age of the clusters reveals systematic trends from which the epicycle frequency can be obtained. Our analysis considers that the Galactic potential is mainly axis-symmetric, or in other words, that the effect of the spiral arms on the Galactic orbits is small; in this sense, our results do not depend on any specific model of the spiral structure. The values of κ that we obtain provide constraints on the rotation velocity of the disc; in particular, V 0 is found to be  230 ± 15 km s−1  even if the short scale  ( R 0= 7.5 kpc)  of the Galaxy is adopted. The measured κ at the solar radius is  43 ± 5 km s−1 kpc −1  . The distribution of initial velocities of open clusters is discussed.  相似文献   

The existence of older stars within a young star cluster can be interpreted to imply that star formation occurs on time-scales longer than a free-fall time of a pre-cluster cloud core. Here, the idea is explored that these older stars are not related to the star formation process forming the young star cluster but rather that the orbits of older field stars are focused by the collapsing pre-cluster cloud core. Two effects appear: the focusing of stellar orbits leads to an enhancement of the density of field stars in the vicinity of the centre of the young star cluster; and due to the time-dependent potential of the forming cluster some of these stars can get bound gravitationally to the cluster. These stars exhibit similar kinematical properties to the newly formed stars and cannot be distinguished from them on the basis of radial velocity or proper motion surveys. Such contaminations may lead to a wrong apparent star formation history of a young cluster. In the case of the ONC, the theoretical number of gravitationally bound older low-mass field stars agrees with the number of observed older low-mass stars.  相似文献   

Absolute proper motions and radial velocities of 202 open clusters in the solar neighborhood, which can be used as tracers of the Galactic disk, are used to investigate the kinematics of the Galaxy in the solar vicinity, including the mean heliocentric velocity components (u_1,u_2,u_3) of the open cluster system, the characteristic velocity dispersions (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3), Oort constants (A, B) and the large-scale radial motion parameters (C,D) of the Galaxy. The results derived from the observational data of proper motions and radial velocities of a subgroup of 117 thin disk young open clusters by means of a maximum likelihood algorithm are: (u_1,u2,u3) = (-16.1±1.0, -7.9±1.4,-10.4±1.5) kms~(-1), (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3) = (17.0 ±0.7,12.2±0.9,8.0±1.3) kms~(-1),(A,B) = (14.8±1.0,-13.0±2.7) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) ,and(C,D) = (1.5±0.7,-1.2±1.5) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) . A discussion on the results and comparisons with what was obtained by other authors is given.  相似文献   

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