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A correction and analysis of routine total flux measurements made in Toru at 127 MHz allowed for the determination of the peak brightness temperature of the Sun (above 9 × 105 K) in three periods grouped around the last minimum, and for estimation of the brightness temperature of the coronal holes: (7.3 ± 1.4) × 105 K.  相似文献   

Center-to-limb brightness distribution measurements of the quiet Sun at a wavelength of 3.3 mm show that there is a slight limb brightening at this wavelength. Within the measurement accuracy of the system used, the limb brightening function is only radially dependent. At 3.3 mm, the measurements are consistent with a solar brightness curve that is flat to about r = 0.8 with a rapid increase to a peak value of about 1.3 at the limb. The results show that most of the central disk 3.3-mm emission comes from a thin layer of relatively constant temperature about 1500–3500 km above the photosphere. This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force under Contract No. F04701-69-C-0066.  相似文献   

Maps of the Sun at 2.8 cm wavelength, observed with the 100-m telescope in Effelsberg, on 1972, October 31 and 1973, February 10, are discussed. The brightness distribution over the Sun is, with the exception of active regions, approximately constant and nearly sharp-edged. Regions of small enhancements in the radiation can be identified with zones of weak activity in the solar magnetograms. Optical filaments could also be seen in absorption at 2.8 cm wavelength, the optical depth being of the order of 0.2. Several active regions have been analysed with respect to their position relative to their optical counterparts and to their brightness temperature: The latter was found to reach almost 106K in one case. No noticeable limb brightening could be observed; if any exists, it should be smaller than 5%. Likewise no noticeable elliptical deformation of the Sun's disk could be found. The geometrical thickness of the coronal layer, contributing to the undisturbed radiation at 2.8 cm was estimated to be a maximum of 4000 km.  相似文献   

The authors have previously discussed an improved method for obtaining the absolute solar brightness temperature using the new Moon as a calibration source. New measurements of the Sun-to-new Moon ratio at three frequencies near 36 GHz ( = 8 mm) and also at two frequencies near 93 GHz ( = 3 mm) are reported. The slopes of the solar brightness temperature spectrum based on these ratios are then discussed. The absolute solar brightness spectrum derived from all current available measurements is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The Ca ii K line emission from the quiet Sun network does not vary with the 11-year cycle (White and Livinston, 1981). We confirm this result from direct magnetic measurements. This effect is not simply explained by present empirical models of the evolution of surface magnetic fields.Now at Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Observations of the planet Saturn at wavelengths of 49.5 and 94.3 em are reported. The equivalent disk brightness temperatures were found to be 400 ± 65°K and 540 ± 110°K, respectively. It is suggested that the enhanced portion of the spectrum of the disk brightness temperature favours the idea that the observed long wavelength radiation comes from the planet's atmosphere.However, the possibility of a magnetic field associated with Saturn is not rejected by the observations. Part of the excess temperature could be attributed to weak synchrotron emission coming from a region outside the ring system.  相似文献   

A re-analysis of the brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 1.2 mm wavelength is made. It is concluded that there is no evidence for uniform or limb-brightened distribution at this wave-length.  相似文献   

Radio cool regions observed on strip scans of the Sun made at 2800 MHz with a 1.5 min arc fan beam are associated with X-ray coronal holes and are used to derive lower envelopes which are similar to spotless Sun drift curves. Fluxes are evaluated from the Ottawa-ARO solar patrol;. e.g. that of Coronal Hole 1 observed during the Skylab Mission with central meridian passage on July 25, 1973 is 66.5 s.f.u. ± 0.6%. This level is identified as that observed during sunspot minimum by comparison with the flux of 67.2 observed in July, 1964, and with the low daily values of 67.5 and 67.1 observed in April, 1975 and January, 1976. The enhancement of the quiet Sun of 3.0 s.f.u. for the optically inactive hemisphere of May 20, 1974 suggests that the radio quiet Sun may vary during the sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

The problem of predicting the radio emission from the quiet Sun for meter and decameter waves may be formulated in terms of a standard radiative transfer problem with conservative scattering. One may therefore avoid the numerical complications involved in using a ray-tracing approach which incorporates a Monte-Carlo routine for representing scattering. The brightness and extent of the radio Sun are calculated for several values of the electron temperature and scattering parameter of Steinberg et al. (1971). It is concluded that the temperature and density model of Newkirk (1967) for solar maximum reasonably represents the observations. However, some observations appear to be inconsistent with scattering models and further observations are needed. It is shown (in Appendix B) that the standard ray-tracing technique incorporating a Monte-Carlo routine for the scattering may be replaced by a diffusion approximation.  相似文献   

The planet Venus was observed at 49.1 cm wavelength during closest approach in 1964 and was found to have a brightness temperature of 580 ± 100°K. The measurements were made with an interferometer of 190 m East-West spacing to minimize interference due to the Sun. The celestial background was observed separately in the absence of the planet, giving measures of the confusion: these were subtracted vectorially from the planetary measurements to give the true brightness temperature of Venus.Comparison with results obtained elsewhere between 0.32 and 70 cm wavelength shows that the brightness temperature of Venus falls from approximately 630°K at 10 cm to approximately 530°K at 70 cm. The radio spectrum of the Cytherean radiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Part of the “Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project” is the study of a historical record of “double dawn” and its astronomical interpretation. We used the light meter on ordinary cameras to determine the sky variation during normal sunrises and sunsets, set up a way of calculating the variation when the rising sun is in eclipse, and identified the range and intensity of the double dawn phenomenon. For this, we organized a mass participation of the observation of the 1997-03-09 eclipse in Xinjiang Province. The observations are in good agreement with our model calculation and prove that an eclipsed sunrise could indeed give rise to the phenomenon of “double dawn”  相似文献   

Although a great deal of information is now available about the distribution of electrons in the topside ionosphere, much of the published data refer to a single altitude, namely that of the vehicle carrying the experimental payload. It is well known that topside soundings provide accurate routine measurements of the electron density over a wide range of altitudes simultaneously. It is the purpose of this paper to provide information about a number of surveys made as an extensive programme of analysis carried out in the Space Sciences Division of the NASA Ames Research Center, the detailed results of which, presented in a series of NASA Special Publications, provide data on the overall morphology of the topside ionosphere during, and close to, the International Years of the Quiet Sun. The importance is emphasized of the diurnal and latitudinal variations of plasma scale height for the interpretation of the data in terms of the physics of the topside, and as an indication of geomagnetic control of the upper F-region. Attention is mainly concentrated on data derived for the highest altitudes possible (near 1000 km), away from the widely-discussed problems of the F-region peak (Rishbeth, 1968). The scale height distribution can be understood in terms of diffusive equilibrium theory, using which the mean ionic mass of the plasma can be derived.  相似文献   

To obtain quantitative temporal and spatial information on the network magnetic fields, we applied auto- and cross-correlation techniques to the Big Bear videomagnetogram (VMG) data. The average size of the network magnetic elements derived from the auto-correlation curve is about 5700 km. The distance between the primary and secondary peak in the auto-correlation curve is about 17000 km, which is half of the size of the supergranule as determined from the velocity map. The correlation time is about 10 to 20 hours. The diffusion constant derived from the cross-correlation curve is 150 km2 s-1. We also found that in the quiet regions the total magnetic flux in a window 3 × 4 changes very little in nearly 10 hours. That means the emergence and the disappearance of magnetic flux are in balance. The cancelling features and the emergence of ephemeral regions are the major sources for the loss and replenishment of magnetic flux on the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

Absolute brightness temperatures and brightness temperature ratios of a quiet region near the center of the solar disk and the central region of the new moon were measured simultaneously at the 6 mm wavelength. The measured quiet sun/new moon brightness temperature ratios and reported central brightness temperatures of the new moon confirm the measured brightness temperature of the quiet sun at the 6 mm wavelength.Reported central brightness temperatures of the new moon are tabulated and graphed as a function of frequency and wavelength. The equation of a linear regression line for the reported measurements is given for estimating the brightness temperature of the new moon at any millimeter wavelength. Estimated brightness temperatures of the new moon and measured quiet sun/new moon ratios are used to estimate solar brightness temperatures at several millimeter wavelengths. The solar brightness temperatures, the regression line, and the Van de Hulst theoretical model are presented graphically as a function of frequency and wavelength. The regression line equation is given for estimating solar brightness temperatures at any wavelength in the 6 to 1 mm wavelength interval and is solved for the wavelength of the measured ratios.Reported solar brightness temperatures in the millimeter wavelength region are tabulated. The measured temperatures in the 6 to 1 mm wavelength interval and a linear regression line are presented graphically as a function of frequency and wavelength. The regression line equation is given and solved for the solar brightness temperatures at the 6 mm wavelength.This work supported by the U.S. Air Force under Contract No. F04701-69-C-0066.  相似文献   

Precise relative measurements of the disk brightness temperatures of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have been made at a mean wavelength of 1.4 mm. The rings of Saturn contribute significantly to the observed total emission. Other results include a better understanding of the properties of the NRAO 11-m antenna near its high frequency limit and of atmospheric degradation of observations in this wavelength range.  相似文献   

B.L. Ulich 《Icarus》1974,21(3):254-261
Absolute measurements of the brightness temperatures of the Sun, new Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, and of the flux density of DR21 at 2.1-mm wavelength are reported. Relative measurements at 3.5-mm wavelength are also presented which resolve the absolute calibration discrepancy between The University of Texas 16-ft radio telescope and the Aerospace Corporation 15-ft antenna. The use of the bright planets and DR21 as absolute calibration sources at millimeter wavelengths is discussed in the light of recent observations.  相似文献   

Muller  Richard  Keil  Stephen L. 《Solar physics》1983,87(2):243-250
Using two very high resolution, white-light plates of the solar granulation, we measure a characteristic size and intensity for facular points. The plates were obtained with the 50 cm refractor at Pic-du-Midi Observatory using a 60 Å bandpass filter center at 5750 Å. After adjustment for atmospheric and instrumental smearing, we find a characteristic size of 0.22 arc sec and a characteristic intensity of 1.3 to 1.5 times the mean continuum intensity.NAS/NRC Resident Research Associate, on leave from Pic du Midi Observatory, France.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We have previously studied large-scale motions using high-resolution magnetograms taken from 1978 to 1990 with the NSO Vacuum Telescope on Kitt Peak. Latitudinal and longitudinal motions were determined by a two-dimensional crosscorrelation analysis of pairs of consecutive daily observations using small magnetic features as tracers. Here we examine the shape and amplitude of the crosscorrelation functions. We find a characteristic length scale as indicated by the FWHM of the crosscorrelation functions of 16.6 ± 0.2 Mm. The length scale is constant within ±45° latitude and decreases by about 5% at 52.5° latitude; i.e., the characteristic size is almost latitude independent. The characteristic scale is within 3% of the average value during most times of the solar cycle, but it increases during cycle maximum at latitudes where active regions are present. For the time period 1978–1981 (solar cycle maximum), the length scale increases up to 1.7 Mm or 10% at 30° latitude. In addition, we derive the average amplitude of the crosscorrelation functions, which reflects the diffusion of magnetic elements and their evolutionary changes (including formation and decay). We find an average value of 0.091 ± 0.003 for the crosscorrelation amplitude at a time lag of one day, which we interpret as being caused by the combined effect of the lifetime of magnetic features and a diffusion process. Assuming a lifetime of one day, we find a value of 120 km2 s–1 for the diffusion constant, while a lifetime of two days leads to 230 km2 s–1.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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