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伊朗扎格罗斯造山带构造演化与成矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洪瑞  侯增谦 《地质学报》2015,89(9):1560-1572
扎格罗斯造山带是特提斯构造域的重要组成,其内赋存有世界级规模的金属矿产资源。本文综述了扎格罗斯造山带构造格架、物质组成、矿床分布及特征,讨论了该区构造演化与成矿。扎格罗斯造山带由南至北由扎格罗斯褶皱冲断带(ZFTB)、萨南达杰-锡尔詹岩浆变质带(SSZ)、乌尔米耶-达克塔尔火山岩浆带(UDMA)和伊朗中部地块四个构造单元组成。新元古代—早寒武世时,萨南达杰-锡尔詹带和伊朗中部地块位于冈瓦纳大陆北缘,受始特提斯洋盆俯冲影响,边缘发育大陆岩浆弧。晚石炭世—二叠纪萨南达杰-锡尔詹带和伊朗中部地块与冈瓦纳大陆裂解,新特提斯洋盆形成。三叠纪伊朗中部地块与北侧的欧亚大陆汇聚,古特提斯洋盆闭合。侏罗纪—白垩纪新特提斯洋盆向北侧的萨南达杰-锡尔詹带俯冲,形成弧岩浆岩及弧后盆地,其中弧前蛇绿岩中发育铬铁矿床,弧后盆地双峰式火山岩中产有块状硫化物矿床,碳酸盐岩内发育梅迪阿巴德密西西比河谷型超大型铅锌矿床。白垩纪末—新生代初洋壳向萨南达杰-锡尔詹带仰冲,含铬铁矿的蛇绿岩就位。始新世末—渐新世新特提斯洋闭合,南侧的阿拉伯板块与北侧的萨南达杰-锡尔詹带和中伊朗地块所在的欧亚大陆碰撞,在阿拉伯板块前缘形成扎格罗斯褶皱冲断带,在欧亚大陆南缘形成乌尔米耶-达克塔尔火山岩浆带。伴随碰撞,在萨南达杰-锡尔詹带的碳酸盐岩中形成类密西西比河谷型铅锌矿床,中中新世以来扎格罗斯地区进入后碰撞阶段,在乌尔米耶-达克塔尔带内发育了包括萨尔切实梅和松贡超大型矿床在内的众多斑岩型铜矿床。  相似文献   

于冬冬  汤良杰  余一欣  陈茜 《现代地质》2016,30(5):1085-1095
川西和川东北地区处于扬子地台西北缘,均具有褶皱冲断带-前陆盆地的二元结构,其构造特征具一定相似性。根据地震资料解释和典型气藏解剖,再结合前人研究成果,分析了川西和川东北地区构造演化差异性及其对各自成藏特征的影响,结果表明:川西地区主要受龙门山造山带影响,从印支期中晚期开始发育前陆盆地,之后主要受燕山中晚期和喜马拉雅期构造运动的影响;而川东北地区从燕山早期开始发育前陆盆地,之后在燕山中期和晚期受大巴山、米仓山和雪峰山联合作用影响,最后大巴山造山带在喜马拉雅期的强烈活动使其最终定型。上述差异构造演化对川西和川东北地区陆相层系的成藏特征的影响主要表现在4个方面:烃源岩的发育、输导体系的形成、气藏的保存和天然气成藏过程。川西地区主要发育须家河组烃源岩,形成了以NE向和SN向断裂及其伴生裂缝为主的输导体系,多期构造运动形成的大型通天断裂影响了山前断褶带气藏的保存,成藏经历了印支晚期、燕山中期、晚期和喜马拉雅期4个关键时刻。川东北地区发育须家河组和下侏罗统两套烃源岩,输导体系以NW向断裂为主,隆升剥蚀和大型断裂造成了山前断褶带较差的保存条件,成藏经历了燕山中期、燕山晚期和喜马拉雅期三个关键时刻。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震发生后,笔者在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合野外实地考察,对龙门山演化历史和构造样式等方面进行了综述。研究表明,龙门山构造带经历了基底形成期、扬子地台裂解期、构造反转-褶皱隆升期和推覆滑覆叠加期四个演化阶段,同时具有东西分带、南北分段、上下分层的构造变形特点,发育大量的构造样式,如叠瓦冲断带、花状构造、背冲断层、断滑褶皱等,并且具有推覆滑覆多期叠加的特征。该研究有利于推动对造山带构造演化规律的研究,同时对汶川地震发震构造环境和青藏高原边缘动力学环境研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

滇中盆地位于云南省中部,出露地层多为中生界陆相红色岩系,又被称为滇中红色盆地和楚雄红色盆地。其大地构造位置属上扬子古陆块西缘,是我国西南地区大型的中-新生代陆相沉积盆地。云南楚雄砂(页)岩型铜矿就赋存于滇中盆地内。  相似文献   

The Longmenshan thrust system consists of two major groups of structural styles according to the depth of their involvement: basement thrusts-compressional fault blocks; fold-thrust system in the cover. In cross-section, the Longmenshan structural belt is divided into 5 zones. The propagation of the Longmenshan thrust system is piggy-back due to pushing at the early stage and overstep due to gravity sliding at the late stage. Balanced cross-sections and palinspastic reconstruction reveal that the total sliding displacement of the thrust system amounts to 120 km. The tectonic evolution of the Tethys domain in western Sichuan has experienced 5 stages: continental break-up; ocean-continent subduction ; continent-arc collision; orogenic thrusting; uplift of western Sichuan.  相似文献   

缅甸Sagaing走滑断裂及对睡宝盆地构造演化的控制和影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在研究Sagaing走滑断裂的形成和发展的基础上将其分为2个阶段:第一阶段古新世—早始新世洋陆俯冲造成了缅甸板块与欧亚板块的分离,使缅甸板块加速向北漂移,Sagaing断裂开始形成;第二阶段始新世以来发生陆陆俯冲,印度板块的北东部首次开始碰撞缅甸板块。这次A型俯冲使得缅甸板块沿Sagaing走滑断裂向北继续漂移,最大的右行走滑位移达450 km。在Sagaing走滑断裂的控制下,睡宝盆地亦呈现2期构造特征:中新世,缅甸盆地内经历拉张和断裂,安德曼海(Andaman)打开,并且弧后扩张中心向南迁移,睡宝盆地即呈现拉张的构造环境;上新世—更新世,由于缅甸板块向北运动碰撞到亚洲板块的喜马拉雅断裂,受到阻挡,构造反转。睡宝盆地受挤压和扭压导致一系列的逆断层、花状构造,最终形成以南北向右行走滑为主、叠加东西向扭压的应力背景。  相似文献   

The boundary faults of faulted basins generally have segmental growth characteristics. Quantitative analysis of fault growth processes and combined models is of great significance for basin formation and evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking the Fulongquan fault depression in the southern part of the Songliao Basin as an example, using the 3D seismic data and using the fault-displacement length analysis method, the segmental growth and evolution process of the boundary fault is systematically studied, and the control effect of the spatial and temporal differential evolution of boundary faults on faulted basins is analyzed. The study shows that the segmental growth control of the boundary fault of Fulongquan fault depression forms a series of semi-mantle shoals; the sedimentary center of the Shahezi-Yingcheng fault is controlled to migrate from south to north; The slanting and thrusting activities control the height of the anticline trap; the transformation of the boundary fault property controls the evolution of the basin's tectonic pattern from the tandem semi-mantle to the faulted anticline.  相似文献   

The Main Recent Fault of the Zagros Orogen is an active major dextral strike-slip fault along the Zagros collision zone, generated by oblique continent–continent collision of the Arabian plate with Iranian micro-continent. Two different fault styles are observed along the Piranshahr fault segment of the Main Recent Fault in NW Iran. The first style is a SW-dipping oblique reverse fault with dextral strike-slip displacement and the second style consists of cross-cutting NE-dipping, oblique normal fault dipping to the NE with the same dextral strike-slip displacement. A fault propagation anticline is generated SW of the oblique reverse fault. An active pull-apart basin has been produced to the NE of the Piranshahr oblique normal fault and is associated with other sub-parallel NE-dipping normal faults cutting the reverse oblique fault. Another cross-cutting set of NE–SW trending normal faults are also exist in the pull-apart area. We conclude that the NE verging major dextral oblique reverse fault initiated as a SW verging thrust system due to dextral transpression tectonic of the Zagros collision zone and later it has been overprinted by the NE-dipping oblique normal fault producing dextral strike-slip displacement reflecting progressive change of transpression into transtension in the collision zone. The active Piranshahr pull-apart basin has been generated due to a releasing damage zone along the NW segment of the Main Recent Fault in this area at an overlap of Piranshahr oblique normal fault segment of the Main Recent Fault and the Serow fault, the continuation of the Main Recent Fault to the N.  相似文献   

北部湾盆地北部坳陷古近系NE-NEE 向断裂控制凸凹格局, NEE 与NW 向断裂控制次级构造单元发育展布,整体 表现为一个北西断、南东超、呈NEE 向展布的新生代箕状断陷盆地,其中涠西南凹陷为复式半地堑,海中凹陷为简单半地 堑,而涠西南低凸起为单断式低凸起。研究区古近纪构造演化分为裂陷期(长流组-涠三段沉积期)和断拗转换期(涠二 段-涠一段沉积期)两个阶段,而裂陷期又分为裂陷Ⅰ幕(长流组-流二段沉积期)和裂陷Ⅱ幕(流一段-涠三段沉积期)。 响应于盆地结构特征和构造演化,研究区在裂陷Ⅰ幕,构造活动强烈,形成了统一湖盆,沿陡坡处发育较多扇三角洲、近 岸水下扇,缓坡则为辫状河三角洲,洼陷内主要为湖相及少量湖底扇;裂陷Ⅱ幕,构造活动较强,涠西南低凸起出露水面 而对涠西南凹陷与海中凹陷起一定分隔作用,在陡坡处仍发育有较多近岸水下扇、扇三角洲,缓坡处主要为大型辫状河三 角洲,而洼陷内为湖相与较多湖底扇,且沿涠西南凹陷长轴方向发育大型辫状河三角洲和曲流河三角洲;断拗转换期,构 造活动微弱,整体以滨浅湖亚相为主,陡坡和缓坡都发有大量辫状河三角洲,涠西南低凸起仍暴露水面而遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   

The Aghbolaq skarn deposit is located in the Urumieh-Golpayegan plutonic belt,NW Iran.The garnetite skarn(stage I) has been intensely cross-cut by the magnetite-garnet skarn (stage II) which were,in turn,cut and offset by the orehosting quartz veins/veinlets (stage III).The predominance of andradite (Adr_(82.5–89.1)) and its high Fe~(3+)/Al ratio (up to 1685)apparently supports the high f O_2,salinity and prevalence of magmatic/hydrothermal fluids involved,rather than meteoric waters,during the magnetite-garnet skarn formation.Two major groups of fluid inclusions,namely aqueous (LV,LVS) and aqueous–carbonic (LV_C,LL_CV_C),were recognized in garnet and quartz veins that,especially in growth zones and along intra-granular trails,better display fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) than those in clusters.The prograde magnetite-garnet skarn was formed by the metasomatic fluid at relatively high T_h (209–374℃),under a lithostatic pressure of~200 bars.The retrograde mineralized quartz veins were formed at temperatures ranging from 124℃to 256℃,by dilute and less saline(2.57–11.93 wt%Na Cl eq.) hydrothermal fluids under a hydrostatic pressure of~80 bars.The fluid evolution of the Aghbolaq skarn began with an earlier simple cooling of metasomatic fluid during the prograde stage,followed by the later influx of low salinity meteoric fluids during the retrograde stage.  相似文献   

The Qom Formation comprises Oligo-Miocene deposits from a marine succession distributed in the Central Basin of Iran. It is composed of five members designated as A-F. Little previous work exists on the sequence stratigraphy. Based on an integrated study of sequence stratigraphy with outcrop data, wells and regional seismic profiles, the Qom Formation is interpreted as a carbonate succession deposited in a mid-Tertiary back-arc basin. There are two second-order sequences (designated as SS1 and SS2) and five third-order sequences (designated as S1-S5). Five distinct systems tracts including transgressive, highstand, forced regressive, slope margin and lowstand have been recognized. The relationship between the sequences and lithologic sub-units has been collated and defined (S1 to S5 individually corresponding to A-C1, C2-C4, D-E, the lower and upper portions of F); a relative sea level change curve and the sequence stratigraphic framework have been established and described in detail. The coincidence of relative sea level change between that of the determined back-arc basin and the world indicates that the sedimentary cycles of the Qom Formation are mainly controlled by eustatic cycles. The variable combination of the systems tracts and special tectonic-depositional setting causally underpin multiple sequence stratigraphic framework styles seen in the carbonates of the back-arc basin revealing: (1) a continental margin basin that developed some form of barrier, characterized by the development of multiple cycles of carbonate-evaporites; (2) a flat carbonate ramp, which occurred on the southern shelf formed by the lack of clastic supply from nearby magmatic islands plus mixed siliciclastics and carbonates that occurred on the northern shelf due to a sufficient clastics supply from the land; and (3) a forced regressive stratigraphic stacking pattern that occured on the southern shelf and in basin lows due to the uplifting of the southern shelf. Thick and widespread aggradational framework limestone usually occurs in the initial sequences (S1 and S3) of the supersequence, which led to preferential oil reservoir deposition but a lack of source and cap rocks, whereas the retrogradational and progradational framework limestone usually occurs in the later sequences (S2 and S4-S5) of the supersequence, which results in two perfect sets of source, reservoir and cap rock assemblies, so that the limestone in sub-member C2-C4 and the F-Member can be predicted as important objects for oil exploration.  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲盆地泥收缩构造发育特征及对沉积的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥收缩构造是发育在尼日尔三角洲盆地深水区的典型构造样式,属重力滑脱冲断构造,主要构造类型有冲断裂、塑性泥构造及相关褶皱和正断裂。基于地震地质解释,结合构造发育史分析,认为泥收缩构造主要受塑性泥构造控制,在中新世托尔托纳(Tortonian)晚期开始活动,中新世墨西拿期(Messinian)—上新世赞克勒期(Zanclean)达到最强,之后构造活动逐渐减弱,但至今仍在活动。通过古构造恢复,结合沉积展布分析,认为中新世托尔托纳晚期沉积开始受构造活动控制,托尔托纳阶上部及以上地层具有明显的同沉积特征,泥收缩构造相关的冲断裂上升盘厚度明显小于下降盘厚度,褶皱两翼的地层厚度明显厚于中间背斜顶部的地层厚度。  相似文献   

Geological mapping, interpreted cross sections, structural analyses and residual thickness maps were used to characterize the evolution of stress setting, structure and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift, which is a NW-SE trending structure located in the Western Junggar Basin. The NS-trending faults show an important transpressional phase during the Late Permian, as demonstrated by tectonic stress field and stratigraphic thickness variations. A major compressional thrusting and strike-slip phase during the Late Jurassic created a series of NW-SE faults that originated by the large-scale uplift event in the Northern Tianshan. Faults were reactivated as thrust and dextral strike-slip faults. In addition, the angular unconformity observed between Jurassic and Cretaceous provide evidence of this tectonic event. Lots of normal faults indicate that the area records southward tilting and regional derived extensional stress that took place during the Neogene. Before that, thick Early Cenozoic strata are widely deposited. The balanced cross-section highlights the evolution of stress setting and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift.  相似文献   

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