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本文利用高分辨率中尺度WRF模式,通过改变边界层参数化方案进行多组试验,评估该模式对美国北部森林地区边界层结构的模拟能力,同时比较了五种不同边界层参数化方案模拟得出的边界层热力和动力结构.结果表明:除个别方案外,配合不同边界层方案的WRF模式都能成功模拟出白天对流边界层强湍流混合特征和夜间稳定边界层内强逆温、逆湿和低空急流等热力和动力结构.非局地YSU、ACM2方案在白天表现出强的湍流混合和卷夹,相比于局地MYJ、UW方案,模拟的对流边界层温度更高、湿度更低、混合层高度更高、感热通量更大,更接近实际观测,这表明在不稳定层结下考虑非局地大涡输送更为合理,但局地方案在风速和风向的预报上存在一定优势.TEMF方案得到的白天局地湍流混合强度为所有方案中最弱,混合层难以发展,无法体现对流边界层内气象要素垂直分布均匀的特点.对于夜间稳定边界层的模拟,不同参数化方案之间的差异较小,但是YSU方案在一定程度上高估了机械湍流,导致局地湍流混合偏强,从而影响了其对稳定边界层的模拟能力.  相似文献   

在复杂湖泊水动力环境作用下,换水周期和传输时间变化直接影响着污染物的迁移和转化.本文运用数值模拟方法,定量研究了季节水情动态下鄱阳湖换水周期和示踪剂传输时间的空间分布.结果表明,不同季节下鄱阳湖换水周期均具有较高的空间异质性,贯穿整个湖区的主河道换水周期约10 d,大多湖湾区的换水周期则长达300多天.尽管不同季节下换水周期空间分布格局几乎相似,但受鄱阳湖水动力场的季节变化影响,夏、秋季的换水周期要明显大于春、冬季.基于换水周期频率分布曲线的统计表明,80%的鄱阳湖区的换水周期约30 d,其余湖区换水周期为几十天至几百天,表明鄱阳湖应该更加确切地描述为一个快速换水和慢速换水同时共存的湖泊系统.鄱阳湖示踪剂传输时间介于4~32 d,夏、秋季的传输时间(11~32 d)约为春、冬季(4~8 d)的4倍,主要与鄱阳湖季节性水情特征及示踪剂的迁移路径有关.本文所获取的换水周期和示踪剂传输时间的时空分布信息可为今后鄱阳湖水质、水环境和生态系统管理和维护等方面提供重要科学参考.  相似文献   

研究新一代中尺度气象模式WRF中两种大气边界层方案(MYJ,YSU)对沈阳冬季大气边界层结构模拟的影响,重点分析温度层结、低层风场、边界层高度等对污染物扩散有重要影响的气象要素.和观测数据的比对表明WRF基本能够模拟出温度风速的日变化特征,但模拟风速偏大.YSU方案由于模拟的边界层顶卷挟和边界层内混合作用较强,夜间接地逆温强度低于MYJ方案,逆温维持时间比MYJ方案短4小时,同时模拟边界层高度也高于MYJ方案,有利于污染物垂直扩散.边界层高度的3种计算方法中,湍流动能方法计算的边界层高度最高,Richardson数方法次之,位温方法得到的高度最低.Richardson数方法对临界值的选取较敏感.  相似文献   

MYJ和YSU方案对WRF边界层气象要素模拟的影响   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
研究新一代中尺度气象模式WRF中两种大气边界层方案(MYJ,YSU)对沈阳冬季大气边界层结构模拟的影响,重点分析温度层结、低层风场、边界层高度等对污染物扩散有重要影响的气象要素.和观测数据的比对表明WRF基本能够模拟出温度风速的日变化特征,但模拟风速偏大.YSU方案由于模拟的边界层顶卷挟和边界层内混合作用较强,夜间接地逆温强度低于MYJ方案,逆温维持时间比MYJ方案短4小时,同时模拟边界层高度也高于MYJ方案,有利于污染物垂直扩散.边界层高度的3种计算方法中,湍流动能方法计算的边界层高度最高,Richardson数方法次之,位温方法得到的高度最低.Richardson数方法对临界值的选取较敏感.  相似文献   

The effect of channel size on residence time distributions (RTDs) of solute in rivers is investigated in this paper using tracer test data and the variable residence time (VART) model. Specifically, the investigation focuses on the influence of shear dispersion and hyporheic exchange on the shape of solute RTD, and how these two transport processes prevail in larger and smaller streams, respectively, leading to distinct tails of RTD. Simulation results show that (1) RTDs are dispersion-dependent and thereby channel-size (scale) dependent. RTDs increasing longitudinal dispersion coefficient. Small streams with negligible dispersion coefficient may display various types of RTD from upward curving patterns to a straight line (power-law distributions) and further to downward curving lognormal distributions when plotted in log–log coordinates. Moderate-sized rivers are transitional in terms of RTDs and commonly exhibit lognormal and power-law RTDs; (2) the incorporation of water and solute losses/gains in the VART model can improve simulation results and make parameter values more reasonable; (3) the ratio of time to peak concentration to the minimum mean residence time is equal to the recovery ratio of tracer. The relation provides a simple method for determining the minimum mean residence time; and (4) the VART model is able to reproduce various RTDs observed in rivers with 3–4 fitting parameters while no user-specified RTD functions are needed.  相似文献   

The solution for the bottom Ekman layer has a somewhat counter intuitive character, which seems to violate the maximum principle: at a certain level the velocity within the Ekman layer is higher than the velocity in the geostrophic layer above. I explain this character by looking at an analogous problem in an inertial frame of reference and show that it is the result of observing the flow from a rotating frame of reference (i.e. within a system that is not in steady state). The flow in the bottom Ekman layer is a superposition of the flow that results from the force exerted on the fluid by the rotating Earth and of the flow that results from the pressure-gradient term. Therefore, at a certain level the speed is higher than the speed of the geostrophic layer above which results from the pressure gradient alone.  相似文献   

The thermodynamical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Deccan plateau region has been studied with aerological data for 1980 and 1981.The temperatures in the sub-cloud layer were lower on active monsoon days than dose on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the layer above the 900 mbar level. The moisture content on active monsoon days was higher than that on weak monsoon days. The profile of relative humidity above the 850 mbar level showed large deviations between the active and weak monsoon conditions. On active monsoon days the values of dry static stability were higher than those on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the case of moist static stability. On active monsoon days the magnitudes of thev components of wind were small compared with those of theu components, and the latter showed a gradual decrease with height.  相似文献   

The hydrography of the Laptev Sea is significantly influenced by river water and sea-ice processes, which are highly variable over the annual cycle. Despite of an estuarine structure the inner and outer shelf regions are decoupled at times as documented by the stability of a warm intermediate layer formed during summer below the Lena River plume. We demonstrate that a remnant of this warm layer is preserved below the fast ice until the end of winter, while only slightly farther to the north, offshore of the landfast ice in the polynya region, the pycnocline is eroded and no signature of this layer is found. The warm intermediate layer (WIL) formed during summer can be used as tracer for Laptev Sea shelf waters throughout the winter. Thereby, residence times of southern Laptev Sea waters can be estimated to be at least from summer to the end of winter/spring of the following year.  相似文献   

This paper documents a numerical modeling study to calculate the residence time and age of dissolved substances in a partially mixed estuary. A three-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic model was established and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal sea in Taiwan. The model showed good agreement with observations of surface elevation, tidal currents and salinity made in 2002. The model was then applied to calculate the residence time and age distribution response to different freshwater discharges with and without density-induced circulations in the Danshuei River estuarine system. Regression analysis of model results reveals that an exponential equation can be used to correlate the residence time to change of freshwater input. The simulated results show it takes approximately 10, 4.5, and 3 days, respectively, for a water parcel that has entered the headwaters of the estuary to be transported out of the estuary under low, mean, and high flow conditions with density-induced circulation. The calculated age with density-induced circulation is less than that without density-induced circulation. The age of the surface layer is less than that at the bottom layer. Overall the study shows that freshwater discharges are the important factors in controlling the transport of dissolved substances in the Danshuei River estuarine system.  相似文献   

Sediment movement in the wave boundary layer above a mobile sediment bed is complex.A velocity formula for the boundary layer is proposed for sheet flow induced by asymmetric waves above a mobile sediment bed.The formula consists of a free stream velocity and a defect function which contains a phase-lead,boundary layer thickness and mobile sediment bed.Phase-lag of sediment movement is considered in the formula for the mobile sediment bed.The formula needs six dependent variables about asymmetric wave and sediment characteristics.Asymmetry effects on parameters(orbital amplitude,roughness height,bed shear stress,and boundary layer thickness)are properly considered such that the formula can yield velocity differences among onshore,offshore,acceleration,and deceleration stages.The formula estimates the net boundary layer velocity resulting from the mobile sediment bed and asymmetric boundary layer thickness.In addition,a non-constant phase-lead also contributes to the net boundary layer velocity in asymmetric oscillatory sheet flow.Results of the formula are as good as that of a two-phase numerical model.Sheet flow transport induced by asymmetric waves,and the offshore net sediment transport rate with a large phase-lag under velocity-skewed waves,can be adequately estimated by the formula with a power sediment concentration function.  相似文献   

We applied a three-dimensional general ocean and coastal circulation model to the Irish Sea in order to determine water renewal time scales in the region. The model was forced with meteorological data for 1995, a year with relatively warm summer and when extensive hydrographic surveys were conducted in the Irish Sea. We investigated intra-annual variability in the rates of net flow through the Irish Sea and carried out several flushing simulations based on conservative tracer transport. The results indicate that the net northward flow of 2.50 km3/d is seasonally highly variable and under certain conditions is reversed to southward. The variability in obtained residence times is high; baroclinic effects are significant. Obtained results point at the importance of spatial and temporal consideration for transport of pollutants in the shelf seas. Implications for management are numerous and involve activities such as transport, fishing, use of resources, nature conservation, monitoring, tourism and recreation.  相似文献   

Complexity analysis of riverflow time series   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
I have used the Lempel–Ziv measure to assess the complexity in riverflow activity over England and Wales for the period 1867–2002. In particular, I have examined the reconstructed monthly riverflow time series from fifteen representative catchments in these regions and calculated the Lempel–Ziv Complexity (LZC) value for each time series. The results indicate that the LZC values in some catchments are close to each other while in others they differ significantly. In addition, I have divided the period 1867–2002 into four equal subintervals: (a) 1867–1900, (b) 1901–1934, (c) 1935–1968, (d) 1969–2002, and calculated the LZC values for the various time series in these subintervals. It is found that during the period 1969–2002, there is a decrease in complexity in most of the catchments in comparison to the subinterval 1935–1968. This complexity loss may be attributed to increased human intervention involving land and crop use, urbanization, commercial navigation and climatic changes due to human activity. Determining the complexity in the riverflow time series is important because an understanding of the extent of complexity may be useful in developing appropriate models of riverflow activity. The extent of complexity may also influence the predictability of the variability in riverflow dynamics.  相似文献   

青海湖水中某些化学元素的停留时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于昇松 《湖泊科学》1992,4(4):56-60
湖泊水中化学元素的停留时间(τ_l)是研究每种元素在湖泊水中的行为、迁移、相对活泼性和水下沉积矿物的一极好物理化学参数。对青海湖水及河水中13种化学元素的测定及对湖水中这些元素的停留时间研究结果表明:1.停留时间顺序:Cl>Na>K>B>Ni>Mg>Mn>Cr>Cu>Li>Al>Pb>Fe,且均小于它们在海洋水中的停留时间;2.湖水和海水中元素停留时间的对数值呈良好正相关;3.影响湖水中元素停留时间的主要因素为浓缩比(C_(浓缩比))和元素的水化能(L),并且,湖水中元素停留时间的对数值与浓缩比呈良好的正相关,与水化能呈良好的负相关。  相似文献   

为了修正中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)对低层风速模拟的系统性误差,有学者在新版本WRF模式的YSU(Yonsei University)边界层参数化方案中加入了两个地形订正方法:Jiménez方法和UW(University of Washington method)方法.本文利用这两个地形订正方法,选取了两个时间段,对北京地区的地面气象要素以及气象要素垂直廓线进行了个例模拟研究,模拟结果和观测数据的比对表明在北京地区:是否采用地形订正,对地面温度的模拟几乎没有影响;采用地形订正后,模式对地面风速的模拟有明显的改进,两种方法对风速模拟的差别主要体现在山/丘陵地区;Jiménez方法在山/丘陵地区的模拟风速明显偏大,而采用UW方法进行订正后,模拟的风速减小,更接近观测值;两种方法在山谷地区对风速均有一定的过度订正.通过分析气象要素的垂直廓线发现,不同地形订正方法主要影响的是2000 m以下的低层风速.总体而言,UW地形订正方法在北京地区更为适用,采用UW方法后,模拟得到的地面气象要素的各项统计参数基本达到了统计基准值.  相似文献   


本文基于WRF-ARW (V4.0)中尺度数值模式, 选用耦合同一近地层参数化方案(Eta)的五种边界层参数化方案(MYJ、MYNN2、MYNN3、BouLac、UW), 对2020年5月1—2日海南岛一次典型山地环流个例进行模拟, 对比分析了这五种方案所模拟的山地环流结构和湍流特征的差异, 旨在为模式应用于山地环流研究和模式改进提供一定的科学依据.研究结果表明, 这五种湍流动能边界层参数化方案均能模拟出山谷风特征, 对环流结构和湍流特征的影响表现为谷风时段大于山风时段.对于山地环流水平结构的模拟, 因平原风推进距离的不同, 五种方案模拟的近地面风速差异可达4 m·s-1以上, 其中MYJ方案模拟的谷风最强盛, 而MYNN3方案最弱, 山区多为静风或小风.对于山地环流垂直结构的模拟, MYNN2、UW方案模拟的谷风环流较强, 表现为谷风厚度较厚, 推进距离较远, 同时由于模拟的谷风环流可越过山顶, 从而模拟的高海拔地区上升区的覆盖范围和强度均较大; MYJ、BouLac方案模拟的谷风环流均未能越过山顶, 且其中BouLac方案的平原风环流未能与上坡风环流耦合; 而MYNN3方案模拟的环流结构最不明显.湍流特征对比分析表明, 五种方案模拟的湍流动能强度和分布特征存在显著差异, 其中MYNN2方案湍流混合最强, MYJ方案最弱.由于MYNN2方案下垂直湍流混合较强, 大气不稳定度增加, 因此其对应的谷风厚度较大, 同时该方案模拟的边界层结构与实况最为接近, 更适用于海南岛山地环流的模拟.



本文利用2013年6月至2015年10月北京南苑观象台两年多午后臭氧探空资料,初步分析了北京城区大气混合层内臭氧浓度的垂直分布规律以及典型天气条件下大气边界层臭氧的变化特征.主要结果有:(1)季节平均而言,地表至对流层中部(8 km)的臭氧浓度在夏季最高,冬季最低,相差50~130 μg·m-3,最大差异在边界层.总体而言,对流层臭氧浓度随高度有比较缓慢的增加,但是边界层内臭氧浓度的垂直结构随季节有比较大的差异:夏季混合层中部存在一个臭氧浓度极大值,这与夏季比较强的光化学生成臭氧有关;而在冬季地面臭氧浓度很低,平均值小于40 μg·m-3,说明冬季地面是臭氧很强的汇.(2)臭氧浓度季节内变率的季节差异也十分明显,夏季最大、冬季最小.季节内变率在从边界层向自由对流层过渡区域最小(夏季为24 μg·m-3,冬季仅为10 μg·m-3),在边界层内变率较大,夏季可达64 μg·m-3(冬季为30 μg·m-3),这也说明边界层化学过程明显影响臭氧浓度的变化.(3)我们从所有白天样本中严格筛选了部分混合层样本,并把臭氧浓度在由混合层向自由大气过渡时的垂直分布分成了三类,即臭氧浓度随高度增大(Ⅰ型)、减小(Ⅱ型)以及基本稳定不变(Ⅲ型);臭氧垂直结构类型有明显的季节特征,夏季主要是Ⅱ型,而冬季则以Ⅰ型为主.(4)此外,我们还针对一些典型天气过程(强风、静稳雾天和PM2.5污染)边界层内臭氧的变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:强风切变产生的机械对流引起的充分混合,有利于高层臭氧向低层输送,使得混合层内臭氧浓度的垂直梯度明显减小,同时混合层高度较高,达3 km以上;在高湿度静稳天气控制下,大气混合层较稳定,对北京上空污染物的垂直扩散十分不利:颗粒物浓度升高,削弱到达近地层的太阳辐射,从而降低臭氧的生成效率,混合层内臭氧浓度与混合层厚度都处于较低水平.


An approximate infra-red radiation scheme, employing essentially the cooling to space approximation, is included in a one-dimensional model of the atmospheric boundary layer. The approximate scheme is found not to produce significant errors in the behaviour of the dynamical model when integrated over a few hours. Radiative cooling is shown to be important in the development of a clear well-mixed layer which is capped by an essentially dry region; in particular, convetive instability is induced and this enhances the rate of entrainment of dry air. The development of fog is found to require sound models of both radiative transfer and turbulent diffusion.  相似文献   

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