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Paragenetic types of pyroxenes, selected according to mineralassociations, differ in their average contents of the majorcations. By comparing with the average composition it is seenthat both the Fe/(Mg+Fe) ratio and the Fe+2, Mn, Mg, Fe+3, andCr contents are determined in the main by the composition ofthe host rocks, but the AIz, Aly, Ca, and Na contents in pyroxenesare influenced by the conditions under which the rock was formed.The dependence of the Alz and Aly contents of orthopyroxenesand clinopyroxenes on temperature and pressure is shown withthe help of a new P-T diagram and by comparison with chemicalanalyses of natural pyroxenes. The correlation between the compound cations in pyroxenes isused to test the hypothesis of real isomorphous substitutionsin each paragenetic type of pyroxenes, and to determine rationalmethods of calculating pyroxene analyses into components. The calculated discriminant functions are useful for referring(with 5–10 per cent error) analyses of pyroxenes to oneof a number of paragenetic types, and in particular for distinguishingpyroxenes from magmatic and metamorphosed gabbros, and fromhigh- and low-temperature two-pyroxene granulites.  相似文献   

李宝龙  季建清  王丹丹  马宗晋 《地质学报》2012,86(10):1584-1591
滇南瑶山—哀牢山地区出露一套呈NW—SE向狭长条带状展布的深变质岩系——下元古界瑶山群和哀牢山群,并认为存在前寒武纪的结晶基底。本文选取瑶山群眼球状花岗质糜棱岩和金平阿得博的片麻状花岗岩作为研究对象,进行SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年。结合阴极发光图像,获得岩浆锆石的结晶年龄为828±6.2Ma(N=11,MSWD=1.8)和748~801Ma。同时,作者在墨江-元江剖面的哀牢山群黑云母花岗闪长质片麻岩中获得SHRIMP锆石核部U-Pb年龄为769~893Ma。研究揭示滇南的瑶山和哀牢山地区存在新元古代岩浆作用。瑶山群中古老残余锆石核部的984Ma年龄和哀牢山群中古老残余锆石核部年龄1104~1353Ma及2655Ma,表明该区存在中元古代或太古代的结晶基底,研究区很可能位于南华裂谷与康滇裂谷的交汇部位,新元古代的岩浆活动可能与Rodinia超大陆聚合——裂解过程有关。这为构筑Rodinia超大陆聚散过程和揭示华南大地构造演化史提供年代学方面证据。  相似文献   

夏琼霞 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4042-4049
石榴石是高压-超高压变质岩石中最重要的变质矿物之一,是研究俯冲带深部变质和熔融过程的理想研究对象.通过对俯冲带内不同条件下形成的石榴石进行详细研究,确定了岩浆成因、变质成因和转熔成因石榴石.岩浆石榴石是岩浆熔体在冷却过程中结晶形成,成分主要为锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石,通常含有石英、长石、磷灰石等晶体包裹体.变质石榴石是在亚固相条件下通过变质反应形成,包裹体为参与变质反应的矿物组合;进变质生长的石榴石通常显示核部到边部锰铝榴石降低的特征.转熔石榴石是在超固相条件下通过转熔反应形成,通常含有晶体包裹体,其中既有从转熔熔体结晶的矿物包裹体,也有转熔反应残留的矿物包裹体.对超高压变质岩石中转熔石榴石的识别,可以为深俯冲陆壳岩石的部分熔融提供重要的岩石学证据,是大陆俯冲带部分熔融研究的重要进展之一.   相似文献   

孙德有  赵国春 《福建地质》1994,13(2):106-112
政和地区变质岩石在晋宁期遭受了3期构造变形作用(D)。以这3期构造变形作用为相对时间标志,讨论了变质砂泥质岩石中各种不同产状、不同种类变质矿物的生长期,确定了基质主要加粗期为D2-D3变形期间的静态期。进而将晋宁期变质作用划分为早期、主期和晚期3个变质阶段,变质作用的主期为D2变形期和D2-D3变形期间静态期。  相似文献   

变质岩中金红石研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着原位微区分析技术的发展,金红石作为常见的副矿物,受到越来越多的关注。文章系统论述了变质岩中金红石的矿物学特征、形成过程及与其同质多像变体的区分方法,总结了金红石在变质岩中4个主要方面的应用,为广泛开展与金红石有关的地质问题的探讨提供了较为全面的基础性认识。  相似文献   

超高压变质岩的塑性流变学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
钟增球  索书田 《现代地质》2007,21(2):203-212
岩石流变作用是大陆造山作用的基本特征,超高压岩石的形成和折返过程也是大陆深俯冲带内物质的复杂流变过程。要深入理解大陆造山带的造山作用和大陆壳岩石的深俯冲和折返动力学过程,必须对大陆地壳及地幔岩石的流变学进行深入研究。岩石圈流变学的主要研究内容主要包括流变学分层性、变形分解和应变局部化及大陆壳岩石部分熔融作用的流变学效应等。应用岩石圈流变学的基本原理和方法,分析了大别-苏鲁超高压变质带中超高压变质岩的塑性流变特点,探讨了超高压变质岩形成和折返过程的塑性流变学。  相似文献   

东海盆地处于欧亚板块和太平洋板块的交接部位,是全球岩石圈结构和动力学机制研究中涉及众多基础问题的关键地区。它的生成及发展对深化中国东南陆缘地区地壳构造演化的认识,且为能源勘查,研究海平面变化,预测自然灾害,保护环境及国土主权均有重大意义。就其构造机制及性质说法不一,有待商榷。该盆地内已钻井30余口,随改革开放以来,局部凹陷对外公开招标,已施工10余口井,涉及变质岩的仅2口井。变质岩为黑云斜长片麻岩类,原岩恢复为变质火成岩(中性侵入岩,包括石英闪长岩及其相关的浅成岩),属吕梁期,原岩经多期变质或混合岩化作用所致,是中国大陆的自然延伸部位。  相似文献   

新疆西昆仑塔什库尔干以东解体出一套“斜长角闪片麻岩-矽线石榴黑云斜长片麻岩组合”。岩石地球化学特征表明,斜长角闪片麻岩原岩为基性火山岩,具有岛弧玄武岩的特征,在构造环境判别图中(TiO2/10-MnO-P2O5、Zr-TiO2、Hf/3-Th-Nb/16),样品均落入岛弧环境;矽线石榴黑云斜长片麻岩原岩为过铝质碎屑岩,构造环境判别图(K2O/Na2O-SiO2、La-Th-Sc、Th-Sc-Zr/10)显示,其形成环境为活动大陆边缘的岛弧环境;LA-ICP-MS锆石同位素年代学表明,斜长角闪片麻岩形成于早寒武世,并经历了志留纪、二叠纪、白垩纪、中新世4期岩浆热事件。该区高压变质岩的重新厘定对于探讨西昆仑的构造演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1058-1066
This paper reviews chemical characteristics of common minerals in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. Garnet in UHP metamorphic rocks belongs to the almandine-pyrope-grossular series and has a wide compositional range in Xalm (up to 0.73), Xprp (0.98), and Xgrs (0.92). Garnet with pyroxene exsolution microstructures reported from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway, shows relicts of majoritic garnet formed under P = 6 to 7 GPa. Most clinopyroxenes are Na-Ca groups and their Xjd ranges from 0.0 to 0.89. Members of the clinoenstatite-clinohypersthene (P21/c) were reported from peridotites in UHP terranes, and are considered to have been originally the high-pressure polymorph (C2/c) formed under P > 7 to 8 GPa. The presence of sodium in garnet and of potassium in clinopyroxene characterizes UHP equilibrium. Attention is drawn to minerals of the epidote group as strontium and REE containers, to amphibole as a sensor of metamorphic fluid composition, and to phengite as a geobarometer.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Strength and elastic properties of rocks have vital importance for the design of structures in several rock engineering projects. Additionally, these...  相似文献   

海南吊罗山地区中深变质岩由变粒岩、二长片麻岩、斜长片麻岩、黑云母麻粒岩等组成,呈孤岛状产于二叠纪花岗岩中。以往根据岩石对比,把它归属为中元古界抱板群。本次研究利用激光剥蚀等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)技术对岩田南部吊罗山地区的变质岩体进行了锆石U-Pb定年,在片麻岩和变粒岩中分别获得了255±9 Ma和247±8 Ma的峰期变质年龄,表明该类岩石变质作用发生于晚二叠世-早三叠世交界之际,而不是以往所认为的中元古代。这一新发现为深入研究海南岛海西–印支期造山运动及其变质作用具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

利用阴极发光仪对一些前寒武纪变质岩(河北,内蒙等地)和西藏及其它地区的后寒武变质岩,以及不同时代和成因的花岗岩类岩石的样品进行了观察。阴极发光与某些过渡元素的含量有关,可以揭示岩石的构造,间接地反映矿物化学成分的特点。本文介绍了阴极发光在变质岩和花岗岩类岩石的以下几个方面的应用:1) 间接地确定变质级;2) 揭示原岩的变余构造,3) 鉴别细粒和发光矿物;4) 研究矿物之间的反应;5) 重建变形构造。  相似文献   

秦守荣 《贵州地质》2000,17(3):180-182
贵州前寒武系变质岩主要有区域变质岩。区域变质作用有两上重要的递进发展阶段,有泥盆纪时期的埋深静压变质作用和燕山期的动压变质作用。  相似文献   

Summary Experimental evidence from true triaxial tests on dense rocks are analysed with emphasis on the failure modes of these materials under multiaxial loading, ambient temperature and external pressure. The strong dependence of the modes of fracture on the secondary components of applied stresses, and especially on the intermediate principal stress, indicated that the failure surface of these brittle materials may be appropriately described by a failure tensor polynomial criterion. As such, the elliptic paraboloid failure criterion was found to conveniently describe their mode of failure, by considering also the severe influence of anisotropy of the material.  For this purpose, a method developed recently (Theocaris and Panagiotopoulos, 1995a, 1995b) was applied, defining anisotropic hardening plasticity through an appropriate sequence of anisotropic elasticity problems. Assuming a particular path of loading or unloading, we measured the instantaneous tension and compression yield stresses along the transient principal-stress directions. These parameters completely define the instantaneous state of anisotropy of the body for the corresponding loading step, by applying the theory of the elliptic paraboloid failure locus (EPFS) (Theocaris, 1989a). A parameter identification problem was formulated on the constitutive expressions for this most general failure criterion. Then, by applying convenient constraints derived from the EPFS theory, which serve as filters throughout the whole procedure, the characteristic values of terms defining the variable components of the failure tensor polynomial were calculated, as the material was continuously loaded from the elastic into the plastic region and up to the ultimate failure load. Accurate simple tests in uniaxial tension and compression provided sufficient data for the definition of the yield loci of the material, at the considered loading step. These tests may be complemented with biaxial and triaxial modes of loading of the specimens. The results improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the method. All such data were used as input values, for establishing the mode of plastic deformation of the body during particular loading paths.  Moreover, the method employed allows the complete definition of the components of the failure, H, and the strength differential effect, h, tensors at each loading step. These quantities define completely the failure tensor polynomial for each material. Therefore, it presents the important advantage over other experimental methods by clearly indicating the parts contributed to the failure mode (either by plasticity, or by the strength differential effect) and their evolution during plastic deformation.  As convenient prototype materials for testing the method, specimens of metamorphic rocks such as Westerly granite (G), or quartzite (Q) were selected. Interesting results concerning the mechanical and especially the failure modes of such materials were obtained. Furthermore, the mechanical tests indicated clearly some basic properties of these materials as concerns the mode of their structure.  相似文献   

Interpretation of the Shape of Mineral Grains in Metamorphic Rocks   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
KRETZ  R. 《Journal of Petrology》1966,7(1):68-94
Grain boundary angles at junctions of three scapolite grainsin a scapolite-pyroxene-sphene rock measure 120 degrees witha standard deviation of 7.5 degrees. These data are comparableto those obtained from annealed metals, and indicate a closeapproach to static equilibrium of interfacial tensions. An examination of hornblende-hornblende and biotite-biotiteinterfaces in gneisses has shown that for certain angles ofmisorientation, the interface lies parallel to a plane of lowindices in one of the adjacent grains. These interfaces areconsidered to possess lower free energy than those of differentorientations. An examination of inclusions of quartz in grains of hornblende,biotite, and garnet has revealed a tendency for hornblende toimpose its {110} form, biotite its {001} form, and garnet its{110} form on the inclusions, regardless of the crystallographicorientation of the inclusions relative to the host. The facesof these forms, when in contact with quartz, are consideredto be interface of relatively low specific interfacial freeenergy, and the particular forms are considered to be presentin the equilibrium shapes of the corresponding minerals. The shape and dimensions of phlogopite and pyroxene grains inmarble have been examined and measured. Although ratios of dimensionsare not constant, as demanded by the Wulff theorem, the presenceof a degree of regularity in the shape of the phlogopite andpyroxene grains is taken to indicate that interfacial energyis relatively low. Consideration is given to the forms displayed by various metamorphicminerals, when grains of these are embedded in a quartz-feldspargrain aggregate. An attempt is made to assess the effect oftemperature, adsorption, and composition on interfacial energyin metamorphic rocks. The Becke crystalloblastic series of mineralscan be refined by application of the principles of interfacialenergy. It is concluded that several aspects of the shape of mineralgrains in metamorphic rocks can be attributed to a local reductionor minimization of interfacial free energy.  相似文献   

高黎贡山变质岩带中(腾冲大蒿坪地区),原划归古元古代高黎贡山岩群中广泛存在的变质深成岩类,原岩实际为早白垩世(163.5±5.7 Ma)花岗闪长岩和晚白垩世(74.0±2.0Ma)二长花岗岩类,属变质的燕山期深成侵入岩,可划分为扬飞水角闪黑云花岗闪长质片麻岩、芹菜塘花岗片麻岩两个变质地体单元.早白垩世花岗闪长岩形成于造山前期同碰撞火山弧环境;晚白垩世二长花岗岩侵入岩形成于造山前期碰撞造山环境,并沿断裂带强烈侵位.原岩经喜马拉雅早期韧性剪切带动力变质,变质强度达高绿片岩相或低角闪岩相,形成花岗质片麻岩类,喜马拉雅中期叠加脆韧性动力变质作用.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies were carried out for metamorphic rocks in the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex, South Africa. The metamorphic rocks give the Rb-Sr mineral isochron ages (whole-rock - biotite - felsic fractions) of 844±85 Ma and 811.6±6.6 Ma for the lower granulite zone and of 776.5±5.4 Ma for the upper granulite zone. The rocks yield the Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages of 1071±18 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) and 1067±158 Ma (whole-rock - hornblende - biotite rich fraction - felsic fractions) for the lower granulite zone and of 1052.0±3.6 Ma and 1002.5±1.4 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) for the upper granulite zone. These age data suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism took place at 1060-1000 Ma, and that the rocks cooled down at 850-780 Ma. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of metamorphic rocks are different between the lower and upper granulite zones.  相似文献   

刘鹏雷  章军锋  金振民 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4028-4033
了解柯石英的产出并制约其保存机制对于深入认识超高压变质岩的形成和演化具有重要的启示意义.早期的研究发现超高压变质岩中的柯石英主要以包裹体的形式产在刚性寄主矿物中,而粒间柯石英之前仅在苏鲁仰口的超高压双矿物榴辉岩中有过发现.目前提出的柯石英保存机制主要包括以下两种:涉及"构造超压"的"高压釜"模型和较干的变质演化环境.新近报道的大别山甘家岭超高压变沉积岩中的粒间柯石英和白云石中的大量柯石英包裹体肯定了较干的变质演化环境而削弱了传统的"高压釜"模型在保存柯石英方面所起的作用.   相似文献   

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