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提出利用ICESAT卫星搭载的GLAS激光雷达数据进行SRTM数据的高程精度评价,选择青藏高原东北缘作为研究区,综合利用GIS空间分析方法,计算在不同高程分带和坡度分带上SRTM数据高程精度,并分析其变化规律。结果表明,ICESAT/GLAS与SRTM高程数据间存在明显的相关关系。该地区SRTM数据高程总体精度为5.3m,随着海拔升高,坡度的增大,高程精度呈降低的趋势。在祁连山高山区(4600m-4700m)误差达到12.3m,在40°-50°的坡度带上误差为18.9m,略高于SRTM的标称精度。  相似文献   

利用机载点云检核ICESat-2/ATLAS激光测高数据精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国第2代激光测高卫星ICESat-2已经公开发布数据,能够提供剖面状密集点云,但其平面/高程精度还未得到充分验证。全球开源DEM或卫星光学立体影像生成的DEM精度远低于星载激光测高数据,无法实现激光精度检核。本文使用机载激光雷达/光学立体影像数据开展ICESat-2卫星ATLAS精度验证,通过单光子点云去噪、剖面地形恢复和数据内插等手段,对国内舟山、上海和汉中等不同地形条件下的星载光子计数激光雷达数据进行对比分析。实验结果表明, 6组ATLAS点云高程的均方根误差分别为0.43、0.65、0.72、0.53、0.45和0.77 m,平均值达到0.59 m,具备较好的高程精度。  相似文献   

高分七号卫星激光测高数据处理与精度初步验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装备在高分七号卫星上的是我国首个具备全波形记录功能的激光测高仪,主要用于获取地面稀疏的高程控制点,提高了同平台立体影像无地面控制点的立体测图精度.高分七号卫星激光测高标准化处理是测绘应用的关键步骤,所生成的激光测高标准产品是后续对外分发和业务化应用的重要前提.本文围绕高分七号卫星的激光数据,研究了激光测高数据处理方法,验证了激光测高标准产品的几何精度.选择几何定标区以及陕西华阴、德国北威州等多个验证区,结合高精度外业测量点和机载LiDAR-DSM数据,对高分七号卫星激光测高标准产品开展精度验证.验证结果表明,高分七号SLA03产品定标区两波束激光的平面精度分别为(3.896±1.029)m和(3.286±0.337)m、高程精度分别为(0.018±0.099)m和(-0.017±0.096)m.采用高程控制点质量控制参数ECP_Fl a g能有效标识出可用于高程控制的激光点,其中陕西华阴验证区两波束激光总体精度分别为(-0.113±2.519)m和(0.191±1.071)m,经质量控制后ECP_Fl a g标记为1的激光点高程精度为(0.111±0.152)m和(-0.064±0.115)m;德国北威州总体精度为(-0.897±5.485)m和(-0.202±6.207)m,ECP_Flag标记为1的激光点高程精度为(-0.304±0.190)m和(-0.279±0.220)m.目前高分七号卫星激光测高标准产品已在自然资源部国土卫星遥感应用中心实现业务化生产.  相似文献   

本文主要验证资源三号卫星生产数字表面模型(DSM)产品精度。利用整体精度评价指标对平差后DSM产品进行了精度评价。实验结果表明,ZY301、ZY302、ZY303生产的DSM产品精度依次提高,均方根误差分别为1.85 m、1.70 m、1.55 m;同一颗卫星11—12月比9—10月的立体像对生产的DSM数据精度高;基于前-后视立体影像生产的DSM产品的高程精度明显优于基于前-正视和基于后-正视立体影像生产的产品。  相似文献   

卫星激光测高严密几何模型构建及精度初步验证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐新明  李国元  高小明  陈继溢 《测绘学报》2016,45(10):1182-1191
采用星载激光测高仪辅助提高卫星立体影像几何定位精度特别是高程精度,已经得到了航天摄影测量界的重视,计划于2018年发射的高分七号卫星上将同时搭载光学立体相机和激光测高仪。虽然,已有相关文献针对美国的ICESat(Ice,Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite)卫星上搭载的地球科学激光测高系统(Geo-science Laser Altimeter System,GLAS)的几何模型和产品精度作了相关介绍,但对其严密的几何定位模型和精度验证目前还没有系统性的阐述。本文较全面地对激光测高卫星的严密几何模型进行了构建与精度分析,并选择ICESat/GLAS的0级辅助文件,采用严密几何模型重现了2级产品的生产过程。将本文计算的结果与ICESat/GLAS的结果进行了对比分析,其中基于几何模型的高程误差约11 cm,平面误差在3 cm以内,表明所提出的严密几何模型的正确性,同时采用新发射的资源三号02星的激光测高数据进行了初步处理和验证。相关结论可为国产高分后续卫星的激光测高数据处理提供参考。  相似文献   

将ICESAT测高数据与动态GPS数据进行了比较,对于沿卫星地面轨迹上的点,采用直线内插求定GPS点的高程,与GPS大地高的最小差异为0.76 m;对于偏离卫星地面轨迹的点,分别按与GPS点经、纬度差异小于5″、10″、20″的原则选取卫星地面轨迹上的点,比较了算术平均等3种方法内插GPS高程的效果,与大地高之差在2 m以内。选取ICESAT卫星激光测高地面轨迹与GPS动态轨迹交叉位置附近的点,分别用ICESAT测高数据与GPS数据进行内插,GPS点与ICESAT地面轨迹上的内插点的经度之差最小为0.000 03°,高程之差最小为0.381 m。在卫星地面轨迹附近选取点位进行静态GPS测量,比较了ICESAT与GPS观测结果之间的差异,分析了不同内插方法对结果的影响,在高山地区,最小高程差为0.103 m,最大差为27.475 m。  相似文献   

李国元  唐新明 《遥感学报》2022,26(1):138-147
卫星激光测高数据在湖泊水位测量方面具有重要的应用价值和独特优势,本文针对国产高分七号卫星上装备的线性体制全波形激光测高仪,开展在大型湖泊水位测量方面的应用探讨.介绍了高分七号卫星的基本参数,并与其他类卫星做了对比,分析了影响湖泊水位测量精度的卫星侧摆、大气散射、回波波形饱和等因素,研究了湖泊水面激光点的提取方法,结合I...  相似文献   

激光测高有着广泛的应用前景,尤其在全球表面地形确定和空间星球探测方面发挥着重要作用。本文详细介绍了激光测高的原理和精度计算,并对三种测量模式进行了比较。  相似文献   

针对地理信息资源建设项目的数据生产,探讨数字表面模型(DSM)、数字高程模型(DEM)产品的质量控制方法、质量控制内容,并对质量检查的注意事项进行总结,为做好产品质量控制提供参考.  相似文献   

针对ICESat-2卫星激光测高数据监测陆地湖泊水位精度问题,该文以太湖为例结合水位站实测数据评价ICESat-2/ATL13湖泊水位测高精度.根据湖泊矢量边界提取湖泊激光足印点;采用中位数绝对偏差方法剔除沿轨湖泊高程异常值,得到沿轨有效激光高程点并求其均值作为沿轨湖泊水位值;基于ATL13数据分析太湖水位变化.实验结果表明:ATL13湖泊水位相对测高精度优于3 cm,绝对测高精度优于6 cm;ATL13测高水位与太湖实测水位月变化趋势基本一致,两者相关性较高,相关系数达0.96以上.  相似文献   

ICESAT/GLAS激光测高原理及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了ICESAT卫星的基本工作原理,对该卫星上的地学激光测高系统GLAS的测量原理和精度进行了分析,通过GLAS可获得冰原地形及其时变,同时也可对云及大气层的特征有更深入地了解。对GLAS的适用于冰原、冰面、陆地以及海面波形的算法进行了分析,简单介绍了对GLAS测高数据进行检核和校准,并对ICESAT数据在地学研究中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张建涛  刘传立 《测绘科学》2021,46(2):20-24,84
针对多源星载激光测高数据监测湖泊水位变化问题,该文选取2003—2009年ICESat/GLAH14全球地表高程数据、2018年10月—2019年8月的ICESat-2/ATL13全球内陆水体高程数据,提取丹江口水库多期水位变化数据,最后利用水位站实测水位对其准确度进行了验证,并分析了丹江口水库年度水位变化规律。结果表明,丹江口水库水位呈现明显的季节性变化,每年11月达到较高水位,3月降至较低水位;由ICESat/GLAH14数据估算水库水位的精度为16 cm,ICESat-2/ATL13数据集估算水库水位的精度达到10 cm。因此,ICESat-2/ATL13数据用于内陆水体水位变化监测具有很高的可行性。  相似文献   

卫星测高反演海洋重力异常的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对卫星测高技术中由于大地水准面取值受各项误差影响导致精度较低的问题,该文联合多源多代卫星测高数据,基于逆Vening-Meinesz公式确定海洋重力异常,进一步对海洋重力异常进行内部和外部检核。结果表明,卫星测高反演的海洋重力异常与EGM2008比较的精度为±7.116mgal;与船测重力异常比较的精度为7.417mgal,这与国际上对测高重力异常与船测重力异常比较精度一致。  相似文献   

The error sources related to the laser rangefinder, GPS and INS are analyzed in details. Several coordinates systems used in airborne laser scanning are set up, and then the basic formula of system is given.This paper emphasizes on discussing the kinematic offset correction between GPS antenna phase center and laser fired point. And kinematic time delay influence on laser footprint position, the ranging errors, positioning errors, attitude errors and integration errors of the system are also explored. Finally, the result shows that thekinematic time delay can be neglected as compared with other error sources. The accuracy of the coordinates is not only influenced by the amplitude of the error, but also controlled by the operation parameters such as flight height, scanning angle amplitude and attitude magnitude of the platform.  相似文献   

The error sources related to the laser rangefinder, GPS and INS are analyzed in details. Several coordinates systems used in airborne laser scanning are set up, and then the basic formula of system is given. This paper emphasizes on discussing the kinematic offset correction between GPS antenna phase center and laser fired point. And kinematic time delay influence on laser footprint position, the ranging errors, positioning errors, attitude errors and integration errors of the system are also explored. Finally, the result shows that the kinematic time delay can be neglected as compared with other error sources. The accuracy of the coordinates is not only influenced by the amplitude of the error, but also controlled by the operation parameters such as flight height, scanning angle amplitude and attitude magnitude of the platform.  相似文献   

A tide model (named DN1.0), which contains 12 principal constituents over China seas and the Northwest Pacific is estimated by along-track harmonic analysis with TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data taken from 1993 to 2002. CSR3.0, FES95.2 and DN1.0 are used respectively to detide the data for the time series of sea level anomaly (SLA) in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and Northwest Pacific. The SLA curves and the power spectral density show that the major components that exist in SLA in China seas arise from the error of the tide models.  相似文献   

Long-range airborne laser altimetry and laser scanning (LIDAR) or airborne gravity surveys in, for example, polar or oceanic areas require airborne kinematic GPS baselines of many hundreds of kilometers in length. In such instances, with the complications of ionospheric biases, it can be a real challenge for traditional differential kinematic GPS software to obtain reasonable solutions. In this paper, we will describe attempts to validate an implementation of the precise point positioning (PPP) technique on an aircraft without the use of a local GPS reference station. We will compare PPP solutions with other conventional GPS solutions, as well as with independent data by comparison of airborne laser data with “ground truth” heights. The comparisons involve two flights: A July 5, 2003, airborne laser flight line across the North Atlantic from Iceland to Scotland, and a May 24, 2004, flight in an area of the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland, near-coincident in time and space with the ICESat satellite laser altimeter. Both of these flights were more than 800 km long. Comparisons between different GPS methods and four different software packages do not suggest a clear preference for any one, with the heights generally showing decimeter-level agreement. For the comparison with the independent ICESat- and LIDAR-derived “ground truth” of ocean or sea-ice heights, the statistics of comparison show a typical fit of around 10 cm RMS in the North Atlantic, and 30 cm in the sea-ice region north of Greenland. Part of the latter 30 cm error is likely due to errors in the airborne LIDAR measurement and calibration, as well as errors in the “ground truth” ocean surfaces due to drifting sea-ice. Nevertheless, the potential of the PPP method for generating 10 cm level kinematic height positioning over long baselines is illustrated.  相似文献   

A tide model (named DN1.0), which contains 12 principal constituents over China seas and the Northwest Pacific is estimated by along-track harmonic analysis with TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data taken from 1993 to 2002. CSR3.0, FES95.2 and DN1.0 are used respectively to detide the data for the time series of sea level anomaly (SLA) in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and Northwest Pacific. The SLA curves and the power spectral density show that the major components that exist in SLA in China seas arise from the error of the tide models.  相似文献   

Local accuracy measures for digital terrain models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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