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全球气候变暖与我国经济对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合我国温室气体排放的现状,初步探讨减排对我国经济的影响,及面对国际减排的压力,我国应采取何种经济对策,如何实现以绿色GDP带动我国未来20年或更长时间的经济发展。并给出减少温室气体排放量并保经济持续增长的建议。  相似文献   

IPCC发布新的评估报告,全名为《IPCC在加强全球应对气候变化威胁、实现可持续发展和努力消除贫困的背景下,关于全球升温高于工业化前水平1.5°C的影响和相关全球温室气体排放路径的全球升温1.5℃特别报告》。报告指出,将全球变暖限制在1.5℃需要社会各方进行快速、深远和前所未有的变革。  相似文献   

全球变暖的科学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全球变暖已经是不争的事实.根据目前主要的3个全球温度序列,1910-2009年的变暖趋势为0.70 ~0.75℃/100a[1].粗略地讲,目前已经变暖了0.8℃.如果把气候变化的阈值限制为2℃,则今后只有1.2℃的上升空间,这就是我们面临的严峻形势[2].根据全球气候系统的概念[3],全球变暖不仅仅是地面温度的上升,还包含了冰雪的融化、海平面的上升、多年冻土的退化及全球植被的变化等等.这些变化已经、正在或将来可能影响到人类生活的方方面面.  相似文献   

最近科学界指出,多年冻土和海洋中储存的“天然气水合物(gas hydrate)”(或可燃冰)可释放大量甲烷(CH_4), 从而加速气候变暖,并且在地球生物化学过程的作用下, 全球变暖的进程将进一步加剧。这一观点已引起人们的注  相似文献   

正《自然·地学》2014年2月Curry的文章表明,近16年(1997—2013年)全球变暖的停滞已经成为当前气候学研究的热门问题。因为温室气体的排放仍在继续,大气中温室气体的浓度在不断升高,但是全球平均温度却没有显著升高。为此,提出来各种各样的解释,如太阳辐射减弱、小火山活动不断及热量向深层海洋传输等。然而,近来计算全球平均温度的不确定性问题,再次进入人们的视野。目前用来得到全球平均温度的序列称为  相似文献   

2010年日本内阁通过了《全球变暖对策基本法案》,该法案规定了与1990年相比到2020年日本的温室气体排放量减少25%的中期目标,以及到2050年削减80%的长期目标。法案同时提出了创建国内  相似文献   

肖祥 《湖北气象》2000,(1):43-43
近百年来,地球气候交替出现了若干冷暖时期.中国科学院大气物理研究所和中国气象科学研究院的专家指出,20世纪中国气候变化的总趋势是,前期(40年代中期之前)气候偏暖,中期(40年代后期至70年代)气候偏冷,后期(80年代至90年代)气候再度偏暖.联合国气象组织宣布,20世纪10个最暖年都出现在1983年以后,其中有7年在90年代,1998年成为20世纪最暖的年份.据我国国家气候中心提供的分析结果,1987年以来,我国北方连续13年出现暖冬,冬季平均气温比常年偏高1~2℃,局部地区某些年份偏高达3℃以上.这一气候变暖趋势与全球气候变暖趋势是一致的.据各国政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)1995年的科学评估报告,近百年来,由于人类活动的影响,全球气候逐渐变暖,其平均气温上升了0.3~0.6℃,且以中纬度地区变暖较为显著,一年之中以冬季变暖较为显著,一天当中以夜间最低气温的升高较为突出.  相似文献   

全球变暖与地球“三极”气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北极、南极和青藏高原分别是地球的最北端、最南端和海拔最高的高原,被称为地球“三极”。地球三极是全球气候变化的关键区与敏感区,在区域及全球气候系统中的重要性日益凸显。本文回顾了该领域的最新研究成果,重点阐述了地球三极气候年代际变化的基本特征及其对区域气候的影响,探究了在全球气候变暖背景下地球三极气候变化之间的潜在联系,讨论并展望了未来地球三极气候变化研究所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

American evangelicals have long played a significant role in American culture and politics. Drawing from a nationally representative survey, this article describes American evangelicals’ global warming risk assessments and policy preferences and tests several theory-based factors hypothesized to influence their views. American evangelicals are less likely than non-evangelicals to believe that global warming is happening, caused mostly by human activities, and causing serious harm, yet a majority of evangelicals are concerned about climate change and support a range of climate change and energy related policies. Multiple regression analyses found that the combination of biospheric, altruistic, and egoistic value orientations is a more significant predictor of evangelicals’ risk assessments and policy support than negative affect, egalitarian or individualistic worldviews, or socio-demographic variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the way public opinion responds to the prospect of global warming. In particular, we focus on the public's willingness to pay in order to prevent various hypothetical climate scenarios from transpiring. To this end, fractional factorial survey methods are employed with a sample of over 600 residents of Southern California. By and large, the public is able to understand and evaluate rather complicated hypothetical climate scenarios, but the public appreciates some features of climate far better than others. In this context, the contingent valuation estimates we provide, while promising, are clearly not ready of consideration by policy makers.  相似文献   

Global warming and accompanying climate change may be caused by an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gasses generated by anthropogenic activities. In order to supply such a mechanism of global warming with a quantitative underpinning, we need to understand the multifaceted roles of the Earth's energy balance and material cycles. In this study, we propose a new one-dimensional simple Earth system model. The model consists of carbon and energy balance submodels with a north–south zonal structure. The two submodels are coupled by interactive feedback processes such as CO2 fertilization of net primary production (NPP) and temperature dependencies of NPP, soil respiration, and ocean surface chemistry. The most important characteristics of the model are not only that the model requires a relatively short calculation time for carbon and energy simulation compared with a General Circulation Model (GCM) and an Earth system Model of Intermediate Complexity (EMIC), but also that the model can simulate average latitudinal variations. In order to analyze the response of the Earth system due to increasing greenhouse gasses, several simulations were conducted in one dimension from the years 1750 to 2000. Evaluating terrestrial and oceanic carbon uptake output of the model in the meridional direction through comparison with observations and satellite data, we analyzed the time variation patterns of air temperature in low- and middle-latitude belts. The model successfully reproduced the temporal variation in each latitude belt and the latitudinal distribution pattern of carbon uptake. Therefore, this model could more accurately demonstrate a difference in the latitudinal response of air temperature than existing models. As a result of the model evaluations, we concluded that this new one-dimensional simple Earth system model is a good tool for conducting global warming simulations. From future projections using various emission scenarios, we showed that the spatial distribution of terrestrial carbon uptake may vary greatly, not only among models used for climate change simulations, but also amongst emission scenarios.  相似文献   

全球变暖中的科学问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2013年各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组发布了第五次气候变化科学评估报告,以大量的观测分析和气候模式模拟证据,继续强调由于人类排放增加,全球正在变暖,未来将继续变暖的观点。本文综述研究全球变暖的几个深层次的科学问题,即多套全球气温观测资料的差异、不同标准气候态时段的作用、20世纪全球变暖的检测和归因及未来全球气温变化的走向,以此提出需进一步研究的科学问题。结果表明;需要进一步提高观测资料的质量;注意不同标准气候态时段对应的数值的不同;应进一步改善气候模式模拟年代际变率的能力及研究近15 a全球变暖减缓和停滞的原因,从而改善气候模式的模拟效果;造成预估未来全球气候变化的不确定性主要来自气候模式的差异、未来排放情景的差异及气候系统内部变率影响和自然外强迫的作用。  相似文献   

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