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江治波  杨戟 《天文学进展》2000,18(4):320-335
分子氢的红外振动发射线是显现年轻星质量外流的重要谱线之一。自Gautier等人1976年在猎户座发现年轻星质量外流的分子氢发射开始,人们在银河系内几乎所有的恒星形成区都发现了这种线发射。研究表明,分子氢发射与年轻星周围的其它活动现象(如分子外流和光学喷流)之间有着非常密切的联系。红外和光学喷流代表了年轻星剧烈活动的两个侧面,是喷流与周围介质相互作用强弱不同的表现,这种作用还拖带周围介质,产生分子外流,光学、红外喷流和分子外流组成了恒星形成区壮观的景象,它们是恒星形成活动的重要标志。随着红外探测技术的飞速发展,对年轻星外流活动现象的观测越来越丰富的详细,使人们对这种现象的本质越来越了解。在20世纪90年代NICMOS等大阵列红外探测器投入使用后,红外成像观测有了长足的进步。目前已在70个左右的区域里发现了H2发射,这一数字还在迅速增加,今后的研究主要可能向两个方向发展。其一是高分辨观测,进一步了解H2发射的结构以及与光学喷流和分子外流之间的关系;其二是天观测,了解银河系内的恒星形成H2区发射的大尺度结构和恒星形成的统计分布规律。  相似文献   

王红池 《天文学进展》2000,18(3):216-228
赫比格-哈罗天体(HH天体)包含了有关原恒星吸积和抛射过程的许多重要信息,HH天体高分辨观测研究取得了一系列新进展:分辨出激波峰面、马赫盘和辐射冷却区;分辨出喷流节点的结构,发现它们大多是内工作面,而不是由Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性所产生的斜激波;发现喷流宽度随到激发源距离的减小仅缓慢减小,对喷流的准直和加速模型提供了限制条件;HH天体在小尺度上尚有复杂的激发结构。对这些进展进行了评  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):441-445
The discovery of optical jets immersed in the strong UV radiation field of the Rosette Nebula sheds new light on, but meanwhile poses challenges to, the study of externally irradiated jets. The jet systems in the Rosette are found to have a high state of ionization and show unique features. In this paper, we investigate the evolutionary status of the jet-driving sources for young solar-like stars. To our surprise, these jet sources indicate unexpected near infrared properties with no excess emission. They are bathed in harsh external UV radiation such that evaporation leads to a fast dissipation of their circumstellar material. This could represent a transient phase of evolution of young solar-like stars between classical and weak lined T Tauri stars. Naked T Tauri stars formed in this way have indistinguishable evolutionary ages from those of classical T Tauri stars resulting from the same episode of star formation. However, it would be hard for such sources to be identified if they are not driving an irradiated jet in a photoionized medium.  相似文献   

The physical nature and evolution of the Orion Nebula has begun to be revealed by calibrated emission line images and high resolution spectroscopy. We review the evidence that the nebula is a thin wall of emission on the near side of the Orion Molecular Cloud and that its separation from the dominant ionizing star is about 0.3 pc. The density of the nebula decreases rapidly away from the ionization front and the ionized gas is moving at 8 km s–1 away from the front. A three dimensional model of the surface is presented and its peaks and valleys interpreted as due to irregularities in the density of the molecular cloud. The front is moving rapidly into the molecular cloud, so that objects previously shielded from ionization are continuously being revealed. Recent Hubble Space Telescope images are reviewed and they indicate that protoplanetary disks around pre-main sequence stars are both common and rendered visible by ionization and projection against the bright nebula. A large body of velocity data is discussed and it is seen that Kolmogorov type turbulence seems to only apply to material in the ionization front and the statistical fluctuations become less correlated away from the front.  相似文献   

We present [N  ii ] and H α images and high-resolution long-slit spectra of the planetary nebula IC 4846, which reveal, for the first time, its complex structure and the existence of collimated outflows. The object consists of a moderately elongated shell, two (and probably three) pairs of collimated bipolar outflows at different orientations, and an attached circular shell. One of the collimated pairs is constituted by two curved, extended filaments the properties of which indicate a high-velocity, bipolar precessing jet. A difference of ≃10 km s−1 is found between the systemic velocity of the precessing jets and the centroid velocity of the nebula, as recently reported for Hu 2-1. We propose that this difference is as a result of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary central star. The orbital separation of 30 au and period 100 yr estimated for the binary are similar to those in Hu 2-1, linking the central stars of both planetary nebulae to interacting binaries. Extraordinary similarities also exist between IC 4846 and the bewildering planetary nebula NGC 6543, suggesting a similar formation history for both objects.  相似文献   

We present 3D simulations of a system of four neutral clumps embedded in a photoionized region. In this system, we have three small clumps which partially shield a single, larger clump from the stellar ionizing photons. This flow evolves to form a neutral structure with a main body and three neutral 'columns' pointing towards the central star. Qualitatively, similar structures are seen in the 'Finger' of the Carina Nebula.  相似文献   

Photoionizing feedback in star cluster formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the first ever hydrodynamic calculations of star cluster formation that incorporate the effect of feedback from ionizing radiation. In our simulations, the ionizing source forms in the cluster core at the intersection of several dense filaments of inflowing gas. We show that these filaments collimate ionized outflows and suggest such an environmental origin for at least some observed outflows in regions of massive star formation. Our simulations show both positive feedback (i.e. promotion of star formation in neutral gas compressed by expanding H  ii regions) and negative feedback (i.e. suppression of the accretion flow in to the central regions). We show that the volume filling factor of ionized gas is very different in our simulations from the result from the case where the central source interacted with an azimuthally smoothed gas density distribution. As expected, gas density is the key parameter in determining whether or not clusters are unbound by photoionizing radiation. Nevertheless, we find – on account of the acceleration of a small fraction of the gas to high velocities in the outflows – that the deposition in the gas of an energy that exceeds the binding energy of the cluster is not a sufficient criterion for unbinding the bulk of the cluster mass.  相似文献   

To investigate the kinematics of the neutral material around the Gum nebula, emission from hydroxyl at 1667 MHz was observed at many positions over the region. Fitting models of expanding shells to these data together with previously published molecular line data shows that the diffuse molecular clouds and cometary globules form a single expanding shell centred on G261−2.5. The mean angular radius is 10.5° and its maximum radius is 14°. The models show that the distance range to the expansion centre is from 200 pc to 500 pc.
The path of the runaway O-star ζ Puppis passed within <0.5° of the expansion centre of the neutral shell ∼1.5 Myr ago. The supernova of the erstwhile binary companion of ζ Puppis is the probable origin of the Gum nebula and the swept up expanding neutral shell. The 500-pc distance to the supernova is adopted as the distance to the expansion centre of the neutral shell. At this distance the energy required to produce the observed expansion could have been met with a single supernova. The radii of the front and back faces of the shell are 130 and 70 pc respectively. The front face is expanding faster than the back face, at 14 and 8.5 km s−1 respectively.
The extent of the neutral shell matches the radio continuum and H α emission of the Gum nebula well. The photoionized gas in the nebula is probably primarily ionized by ζ Puppis, which is still within the neutral shell. No evidence was found for the IRAS -Vela shell as a separate expanding shell.  相似文献   

We present hydrodynamic simulations of molecular outflows driven by jets with a long period of precession, motivated by observations of arc-like features and S-symmetry in outflows associated with young stars. We simulate images of not only H2 vibrational and CO rotational emission lines, but also of atomic emission. The density cross-section displays a jaw-like cavity, independent of precession rate. In molecular hydrogen, however, we find ordered chains of bow shocks and meandering streamers which contrast with the chaotic structure produced by jets in rapid precession. A feature particularly dominant in atomic emission is a stagnant point in the flow that remains near the inlet and alters shape and brightness as the jet skims by. Under the present conditions, slow jet precession yields a relatively high fraction of mass accelerated to high speeds, as also attested to in simulated CO line profiles. Many outflow structures, characterized by HH 222 (continuous ribbon), HH 240 (asymmetric chains of bow shocks) and RNO 43N (protruding cavities), are probably related to the slow-precession model.  相似文献   

We discuss here the spectroscopic properties of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7130 (= IC 5135). Emission line regions were isolated and line ratios were measured and fitted with photoionization models; this allowed to discriminate between thermal and non thermal ionization in the circumnuclear regions. Massive star formation is likely to occur at projected distances from the nucleus ≫ 2 kpc: line profiles in these regions suggest the presence of outflows of gas due to stellar winds from hot massive stars.  相似文献   

We present results from a survey of the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) using both the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope . We have mapped a region of active star formation covering an area approximately 1° by 1.5° including several previously known clusters. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) fitted to our data combined with that from Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) are used to identify young stellar objects (YSOs) with infrared (IR) excesses. We find that roughly 50 per cent of the sources are forming in clustered environments and identify seven clusters of IR excess sources including four that were previously unknown. We investigate evidence for triggering of star formation due to the ionization front, identified in Brackett-α emission, associated with the young open cluster NGC 2244. Although the position of several of the clusters of IR excess sources are coincident with the ionization front, the bulk of the youngest YSOs are located far from the ionization front, in clusters located along the mid-plane of the cloud. We conclude that although triggering from the H  ii nebula is a possible origin for some of the recent star formation, the majority of the active star formation is occurring in already dense regions of the cloud not compressed by the expansion of the H  ii region.  相似文献   

We investigate the launching of outflows from the disc–magnetosphere boundary of slowly and rapidly rotating magnetized stars using axisymmetric and exploratory 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We find long-lasting outflows in the following cases. (1) In the case of slowly rotating stars , a new type of outflow, a conical wind , is found and studied in simulations. The conical winds appear in cases where the magnetic flux of the star is bunched up by the disc into an X-type configuration. The winds have the shape of a thin conical shell with a half-opening angle  θ∼ 30°–40°  . About 10–30 per cent of the disc matter flows from the inner disc into the conical winds. The conical winds may be responsible for episodic as well as long-lasting outflows in different types of stars. There is also a low-density, higher velocity component (a jet) in the region inside the conical wind. (2) In the case of rapidly rotating stars (the 'propeller regime'), a two-component outflow is observed. One component is similar to the conical winds. A significant fraction of the disc matter may be ejected into the winds. The second component is a high-velocity, low-density magnetically dominated axial jet where matter flows along the opened polar field lines of the star. The jet has a mass flux of about 10 per cent of that of the conical wind, but its energy flux (dominantly magnetic) can be larger than the energy flux of the conical wind. The jet's angular momentum flux (also dominantly magnetic) causes the star to spin down rapidly. Propeller-driven outflows may be responsible for the jets in protostars and for their rapid spin-down. The jet is collimated by the magnetic force while the conical winds are only weakly collimated in the simulation region. Exploratory 3D simulations show that conical winds are axisymmetric about the rotational axis (of the star and the disc), even when the dipole field of the star is significantly misaligned.  相似文献   

We present Hα, [N  II ]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size ≃ 11 × 9 arcsec2 in [N  II ]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width 0.7–1.3 arcsec) S-shaped region which extends almost all along the nebula (≃ 7 arcsec). The 6-cm continuum emission also arises in this narrow region, which is characterized by an exceedingly high point-symmetry and systematic and continuous changes of the orientation with respect to the nebular centre. The properties of the narrow region suggest that it represents a system of precessing bipolar jet-like components. Two low-excitation, compact bipolar knots near the tips of the jet-like components are observed in the deduced [N  II ]/Hα image ratio. These knots may be generated by the interaction of the collimated outflows with surrounding material. A comparison of the optical and radio images shows the existence of differential extinction within the nebula. Maximum extinction is observed in a disc-like region which traces the equator of the elliptical shell previously observed at 20-cm continuum. All available data strongly suggest that K 3-35 is a very young planetary nebula in which we could be observing the first stages of the formation of collimated outflows and point-symmetric structures typically observed in planetary nebulae. The properties of the jet-like components in K 3-35 are in good agreement with models of binary central stars in which highly collimated outflows originate either from a precessing accretion disc or via magnetic collimation in a precessing star.  相似文献   

Very Large Array surface brightness and spectral index maps of the evolving extended emission of the triple symbiotic star CH Cygni are presented. These are derived from observations at 4.8, 8.4 and 14 GHz between 1985 and 1999. The maps are dominated by thermal emission around the central bright peak of the nebula, but we also find unambiguous non-thermal emission associated with the extended regions. Our observations confirm that this is a jet. The central region has been associated with the stellar components through Hubble Space Telescope imaging. If the jets are the result of ejection events at outburst, expansion velocities are consistent with those from other measurement methods. We propose that the non-thermal emission is caused by material ejected in the bipolar jets interacting with the circumstellar wind envelope. The resulting shocks lead to local enhancements in the magnetic field from the compact component of the order of 3 mG.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution echelle and long-slit spectra and broad-band ( R , I ) images of the very young planetary nebula K 3-35. Several emission lines are identified, including the He  ii  4686 line and strong [N  ii ]6548, 6583 and [O  iii ]4959, 5007 emissions [ I ([N  ii ])/ I (H α )≃5.5, I ([O  iii ])/ I (H β )≃30]. A systemic velocity V LSR≃10±2 km s−1 for K 3-35 is obtained from the optical emission lines. Two different kinematic components are identified in the nebula. One of them is probably related to the elliptical envelope previously observed. The second component exhibits systematic changes of the radial velocity with position, and a relatively small velocity width. This component may be attributed to the precessing jet-like outflows previously identified. The R and I images and the deduced R − I colour map strongly support the existence of a dense, partially neutral disc-like region in the equatorial plane of the nebula, which probably represents an equatorial density enhancement in a previously ejected slow wind. Diagnostic diagrams for line intensity ratios in K 3-35 and collimated components of other planetary nebulae suggest that the emission spectrum of this kind of structure is a combination of radiative and shock excitation, in agreement with recent models of shocks in a strongly photoionized medium.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of detecting signatures of surviving Uranus/Neptune-like planets inside planetary nebulae. Planets that are not too close to the stars (orbital separation larger than ∼5 au) are likely to survive the entire evolution of the star. As the star turns into a planetary nebula, it has a fast wind and strong ionizing radiation. The interaction of the radiation and wind with a planet may lead to the formation of a compact condensation or tail inside the planetary nebula, which emits strongly in H α , but not in [O  iii ]. The position of the condensation (or tail) will change over a time-scale of ∼10 yr. Such condensations might be detected with currently existing telescopes.  相似文献   

We present proper motion measurements for a number of knots in the jets and bow shocks of the outflows from DG Tau, DG Tau B, T Tau, CoKu Tau 1, FS Tau, and FS Tau B in the nearby Taurus-Auriga star forming region. From these measurements and the available radial velocity data we derive tangential velocities, spatial velocities, angles of the outflows with respect to the plane of the sky, and in a couple of cases the pattern motions of the knots relative to the flow speed.  相似文献   

Supersonic plasma jets are ubiquitous in astrophysics. Our study focus on the jets emanated from Herbig-Haro (HH) objects. They have velocities of a few hundred km/s and are extending over the distances more than a parsec. Interaction of the jets with surrounding matter produces two specific structures in the jet head: the bow shock and the Mach disk. The radiative cooling of these shocks affects strongly the jet dynamics. A tool to understand the physics of these jets is the laboratory experiment. A supersonic jet interaction with surrounding plasma was studied on the PALS laser facility. A collimated high-Z plasma jet with a velocity exceeding 400 km/s was generated and propagated over a few millimeters length. Here we report on study the effect of radiative cooling on the head jet structure with a 2D radiative hydrodynamic code. The simulation results demonstrated the scalability of the experimental observations to the HH jets.  相似文献   

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