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Screening of 46 putative enzyme-coding loci and 4 different kinds of tissues of Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrone, 1884 for enzymatic activities using starch gel electrophoretic technique proved that the 21 enzymes such as AAT, AK, ALP, AP, CK, DIA, ES, FBP, G3PDH, GPI, GRS,IDH, LDH, MDH, MEP, MPI, NP, PGDH, PGM, SOD and XO* , were active to Sepiella maindroni after being stained. The tissue exhibiting stable and clear bands was also determined. Among tissues tested, mantle muscle tissue was the best for electrophoretic survey of isozymes. Buccal bulb muscle, eye and liver were fairly good for some special enzymes, such as DIA, ES, MPI, NT, etc.  相似文献   

The genus Geppellais a small group of tropical and subtropical algae.It was establishedby Boergesen in 1940 on the basis of its uncalciferous frond and its characteristic of annularattachments of the filaments,with G.mortensenii Boergesen as the type of the genus.Sincethen four more species have been described,namely,G.decussata Dawson(1959),G.echino-caulos Cribb(1960),G.yaeyamense Tanaka(1963),and G.japonica Tanaka et Itono(1977).The species G.decussata was reported by Dawson from Isla San Francisco(Gulf of California)and the Marshall Islands,central Pacific,and later removed by Tanaka and Itono(1977)from the genus Geppella because of the absence of blade and of annular attachments of  相似文献   

IwrRODUcrIONBiochewhcalindiasrnaybeusedtoreboresponsestospedccontandnantSincludingheaVyrnetaIs.ChineseshrimpfisheriesarebasedonpenaeidsofWhichPenaeuspoiciIlatusistheddrinantsthe(Xuetal.,l993)incoastalwatersofFujianProvince.Larvalpenaeids(Andelsonetal.,l976)likeotherplanktoniccrustaonns(Clarkl992),arepartioulariysensitivetoheaVymetalcontandnatedwaterduetothefortnationofmetalbindingproteinsintheirbodies.Cytoplasndcproteins,dondnatedbythestilphydrygrouphave~reportedinvariousdassesofphylog…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONColloids (orsub micrometerparticles)areoperationallydefinedasparticlesbetween 1nmand1 μm (Vold ,R .D .andVold ,M .J.,1 983) .Thedistributionbetween“dissolved”and“particu late”phaseinaquaticchemistryusedtobedefinedbyafiltrationwith 0 .45 μmporesizefilters.Th…  相似文献   

Electrochemical studies on the cathodic reaction of marine atmospheric corrosion using Kelvin probeas reference electrode showed that the rate of cathodic reaction-oxygen reduction first increases then de-creases, with the reaction maximizing at a certain thickness as the electrolyte film decreases duringevaporation. It was indicated that with decreasing electrolyte thickness by drying, the oxygen reduction ratewas accelerated by the faster oxygen diffusion due to the thinner electrolyte layer on the metal surface. Theresults also revealed that although the oxygen salting out effect has great influence on the rate of oxygenreduction, it is not the main causative factor for the decrease in cathodic limiting current in the case of avery thin electrolyte layer.  相似文献   

STUDIESONWATERSTAGEFLUCTUATIONOFYAMZHOLAKEINXIZANGLiuTianchou(刘天仇)(TibetanBureauofWaterResourceandHydrologicalSurvey,Lhasa350...  相似文献   

Minke whales caught in the Yellow Sea range from 4.16 m to 8.60 m in length with an average length of 6.93 m for the female and 6.14m for the male. Sex ratio of the female is 74.3%. The pregnancy ratio of all sexually matured females is 65.8 %. The minimum size of the pregnant whale observed is 6.60 m in length. Females having a body length of more than 7 m long are all sexually matured.According to the studies on the embryos obtained from the females caught in the northern Yellow Sea, there is only one breeding season each year. Mating mostly occurs from July through September, and the length of pregnancy is ten to eleven months with the peak of calving from May through July. Most females breed one calf each time, only two cases with twins. Sex ratio of female fetus is 56.6%, and the newly born calf measures 250-270 cm in body length.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid procedure for diagnosis of penaeid viral disease using the immune serological method. The SPA (Staphylococcal Protein A) coagglutination test in early diagnosis of penaeid viral disease has yielded satisfactory results.This is the first time SPA is used in China for diagnoses of viral diseases of marine invertebrates, especially penaeid shrimp.The SPA early diagnostic method is characterized by accuracy, rapidity, simplicity and convenience, low cost, high specificity, strong sensitivity and micro-detectability, and easy dissemination and adaptability in prawn farms.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBrownalgaepolyphenol (BAP)isadistinctivenaturalproduct,anactiveorganicmatterre leasedfromnormalgrowingbrownalgaeintoseawater.TheBAPoutputfromthelivingbrownalgaeis 1g (m2 ·d) (Craigieetal.,1 964 ) .About3 7%ofdissolvedorganicmatter(DOM)inseawateralongshoreisthesecretionfromseaweedcells,andcanreach 70 %oftotalDOMinseawaterifor ganicmatterreleasedbydeadalgaeisincluded (Raganetal.,1 979) .BAP (mainlycomprisingtheyellowmatter)inseawateralongshore ,canreach 2 .5mg L (Rashida…  相似文献   

ImODUcrroNTheVertchrateepidennisisinintirnatecontaCtwiththeenvironmentandre~environmentaladaptions.TheepidermisofterreStrialanbolsiskeratinedwhilethatofamPhibiousandaquaticfonnsisrelataltomucus-produCti0n.Theepidennisadsasafi-nalbatherbetweentheorganismanditsenvironmentandoneofitSrnainfunCtionsistoproteCttheorganismagainstextemalpathogens.lnadditiontoIneCanicalproedonofthebody,theepidertnisofamPhibiansandfishescansededinsandotherantibacterialpeptidesthathelpinthebonedefenSeoftheanhal(Su…  相似文献   

The present paper reports on comparative studies of R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) from 30 species of the red seaweeds in Bangiophyceae and in Florideophyceae from Qingdao. The measured absorption spectra show that R-PE from these red seaweeds have two spectral types, namely type I having two absorption peaks and type II having three absorption peaks. 9 specise of a lower red seaweed belonging to Bangiophyceae are all type I R-PE. 3 species of a higher red seaweed belonging to Florideophyceae are also type I R-PE. The remaining 18 species are all type II R-PE. According to the distribution of two types of R-PE in red algae, an evolutionary trend from type I R-PE to type II R-PE can be seen, but this evolutionary process is more complicated and without a definite line of demarcation between the two spectral types of R-PE. The occurrence of two types of R-PE in red algae is of taxonomic significance.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONThetermphlorotanninswascoinedbySattlerinl974(dtalinRagan&Glombiha,l986)forthebrownalgalpolyphenoIshavingcheAncalcharacteristiesoftannins.Later,theirstmCturalunitwasprovedraaganandGlombitsa,l986)tobephlorogludnol(i.e.l,3,5-trihydroxybename).OginoandTaki(l957)notalthattheaqueousextraCtSoffreshthalliofSargassumringgoldianumhavetanninproperties(tumingbluishorreddishvioletafteradditionofironsaltS,astringenttaste,andabilitytopredpitategelatin).HighmolecularweightpolyphenoIsfromAsco…  相似文献   

Analysis of 13 spore-pollen assemblage zones reflecting environmental changes since the later middle Pleistocene showed the succession of paleovegetation and the paleogeographic changes in the Bohai Basin and circumjacent area. Paleoclimatic variations here can obviously be divided into 5 cold and 5 warm periods : 2 cold and 1 warm periods in 200 ,000-100, 000 a B . P. (late middle Pleistocene ) 3 cold and 3 warm periods in 100 , 000-12 , 000 a B. P. (late Pleistocene), and 1 warm period since 12 ,000 a B. P. Late Pleistocene climate tended to become colder and colder. The coldest period was in the later stage of late Pleistocene, when the study area was a periglacial zone. The mean annual temperature then was about 10℃ lower than it is now. In the middle stage of late Pleistocene, climate became warm ; the mean annual temperature then was about 3 - 4℃ higher than it is now.By applying principles of climatic stratigraphy, the authors deduced through spore-pollen analysis , that the boundary between mi  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBenthicdiatomscomPrisethemaininitialfoodforjuvenileabalone.ItisimPortanttocIJlturehighqualitybenthicdiatornsduringtheeariystageofjuvenileabaloneculture.AtpresentthespeCesofbenthicdiatomsusedinabalonebedingfannsprirnarilycomefromnaturalpopulations.SomespedesinseveralgenerasuchasNavicula,Ntzchia,Caroneis,Achnanthes,AmPhoraareusuallythedothenantspch(Chen,etal.,l977,Ukiandaxuchi,l979,Nonnan-Boudnauetal.,l986,Austinetal.l990).Inordertoselodsornespedeswithhighadaptability,fas…  相似文献   

The 60% ethanolic extract from Gracilaria textorii (Rhbdophyta) was degraded with B- agarase, and certain charged (sulfated) and neutral oligosaccharides were separated by using DEAE Sephadex A 25 and Bio- gel P6 , P2 chromatographic techniques . Some of the charged oligomers were verified to be neoagarotetraose - 63- sulfate ( DP2 ). neoagarohexaose- 63 > 65 - disulfate ( DP3 ) and neoagarooctaose- 63, 65, 67-trisulfate (DP4) by using 13C-and 'H-NMR spectroscopy . One neutral oligomer was assumed to be a mixture of methylated neoagarotetraoses (DP2 ) by 1H-NMR spectroscopy .These oligomers assigned by their chemical shifts may be used as the model compounds for the structural investigation of the agar- type sulfated polysaccharides using the B- agarase degradation method .  相似文献   

Population, seasonal abundance of the mysid Indomysis annandalei Tattersal (1914) from Karachi wat-ers (northern Arabian Sea) are studied. Occurrence of breeding females is noted and developmental stagesare described.  相似文献   

Measurements were made on the contents of protein,lipid,glycogen(PLG)and water,and on caloric values and amino acids,in muscle of three mudskippers periophthalmus cantonensis,Scarteiaosviridis and Boleophthalmus pectinirostris collected from Haicang,Xiamen.The essential amino acids(EAA)for these fishes were also studied with radioisotopic trace method.The results showed:(1)Thecontent of each component in tested fish muscles differed slightly,and protein was the most importantcomponent making up from 6.685% to 9.891% of the wet weight (about 44.21%-50.45% of dryweight);(2)Energy calculated from the sum of protein, lipid and glycogen in wet muscle was low (<4.3kJ/g) in these Fishes, especially in B. pectinirostris(<3.1 kJ/g), the ratios of energy to protein content (E/P) also were low(<39.873-45.535kJ/g), (3)Seventeen amino acids were determined in thesethree fishes.The content of the same amino acid(among the seventeen) tested in different species andsexes varied slightly.The amounts of methionine, phenyl  相似文献   

An experiment on the optimum dietary protein content for the black sea bream using semi-purified dietsshowed the optimum content is 50.19% by weight as inferred from the growth rate and food consumptionof the fish. Another experiment on the proper ratio of animal to plant protein in its diet using sandeel as theanimal protein source and peanut cake meal as plant protein source showed that the ratio had great ef-fect on its growth and should be 1.00:0.89—0.96 as judged from the growth rate and food consumptionof the fish.  相似文献   

The viral disease of penaeids is indistinct but highly dangerous because their symptoms are often masked by some secondary ones.In order to gain knowledge on how to prevent the occurrence and spread of this viral disease, diagnostic studies on the early phase of the hepatopancreatic parvo-like viral (HPV)disease of cultured Penaeus chinensis was conducted using immuno-serological techniques. The purification of HPV was successfully done by density gradient ultracentrifugation of cane sugar.  相似文献   

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