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本文基于国际深空探测任务的经验教训,结合我们近期的研究成果,提出了适用于深空探测行星表面原地定年的新方法——激光无稀释剂K-Ar反等时线法,以及实现该方法的LIBS-QMS技术方案.该方案充分发挥了K-Ar法在深空探测特殊条件下的优势,有望成为深空探测、行星演化研究的关键方法,为太阳系演化研究提供关键时间信息.同时,该研究为我国即将展开的月球、火星、水星及小行星落地探测研究等深空探测科学任务提供了可行、可靠的相关载荷技术方案,并为我国月球科学基地提供在站科研仪器.  相似文献   

行星科学是近几十年发展起来的一门多学科交叉的新兴学科,如何利用行星资源、可持续永久开发太空成为行星科学的新兴前沿研究方向。在阿波罗号人类登月50周年之际,世界大国纷纷抢占深空探测的科技制高点,美国宣布重启太空计划,俄罗斯制定了一系列的月球战略,我国也制定了深空科学探测任务规划发展路线图,要达到这些宏伟的深空探测与开发目标,亟待发展行星地质资源与工程学,为太空的可持续永久开发提供基础理论与关键技术支撑。行星地质资源与工程学是行星地质学的分支,运用行星科学的基础理论,利用行星观测、探测及开发技术方法,研究行星地质资源形成演化规律,查明地质资源的类型、特征、储量和分布规律;进行行星地质资源的地质调查、岩石成分、结构与性能、开发地质条件评价与预测,解决行星工程中的各类地质问题,研发行星开发利用地质工程技术,为行星地质资源开发与人类工程活动提供基础理论与关键技术方法。行星地质资源与工程学的研究内容通常包括:行星地质资源探测理论与技术、行星地质资源成因演化与评价、行星地质工程。发展行星地质资源与工程学具有重要意义:从行星科学的视角进行研究,促进学科增长与拓展;开发行星地质资源,打破资源束缚,实现太空永久可持续开发;培养学科人才,提升行星地质资源与工程科技水平,为人类移居行星奠定基础。未来行星地质资源与工程学科应加强行星物理学、行星化学和行星地质学的交叉融合及理论应用,发展行星地质勘探方法与智能机器人工程技术,发展高/低温、高/低压、高辐照、低/微重力环境条件下样品采集、加工、多尺度测试分析理论与方法,培养行星地质资源与工程学科人才。  相似文献   

周新华  林杨挺 《地球化学》2010,39(2):101-109
我国月球探测一期工程获国家批准立项和“嫦娥一号”卫星成功发射及运行这一历史性事件标志着我国已继人造地球卫星、载人航天阶段之后,开始进入人类航天活动的第三领域——深空探测。无疑此时探讨人类这一伟大社会实践活动的自然科学意义,特别是深空探测对象的科学内涵具有重要的现实意义。随着相关技术的开发、创新和成熟,工作重点将逐渐转移到深空探测对象本身的科学研究上来,即认识地球之外的行星体以及更深刻地重新审视地球。本文讨论了现阶段深空探测对象——月球及类地行星的基本物质属性,回顾美国和前苏联两国探月计划实施历史的启示,Apollo计划的演变.科学内容的纳入及宇航员地学素养的要求,Apollo登月计划的实施对月球科学本身的促进,以及对20世纪地球科学发展、人才队伍建设和分析技术进步等的重大影响,总结了前苏联探月计划的成败及其教训,并对我国月球探测工程立项历史等方面进行了分析。在此基础上,论述了月球科学及类地行星研究的地球科学属性,并强调指出地球科学家应将月球及整个类地行星研究纳入到地球系统科学的框架之中。  相似文献   

深空探测时代的风沙地貌学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"深海、深地、深空"探测为地球科学发展提供了机遇与挑战,地球科学开始迎接以火星探测为代表的深空探测高潮。中国将于2020年实施火星探测计划,对火星开展全球性、综合性的环绕探测,并对局部地区开展巡视探测。行星地学研究,包括风沙地貌学,需要未雨绸缪,做好准备。基于风沙地貌学的发展历史与趋势,将发展历史划分为只关注风沙地貌本身的经典研究、关注地球系统的现代研究和关注地外星球的未来研究3个阶段,总结了各阶段的特点,认为深空探测时代的行星风沙地貌学研究已水到渠成。随之重点总结了行星风沙地貌学的发展与成就,指出亟待解决的问题,展望未来发展方向。现已探明在火星、金星和土卫六上有多种类型风沙地貌发育,风成过程甚至是这些星球最活跃的现代表面过程。不同星球风沙地貌具有较好的相似性,但差异也很明显,意味着风沙地貌发育机理的统一性和形成条件的多样性,风沙地貌学理论需要通过不同星球风沙地貌的对比研究逐步完善和拓展。地外行星上较为简单的形成条件在展示风沙地貌形成规律和机理方面具有明显优势,深空探测时代的风沙地貌学方兴未艾。  相似文献   

比较行星地质学的研究方法、现状和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较行星地质学是人类认识自然和人类本身形成与演化的前缘学科,是实现太阳系探测三大科学目标的主要手段.比较行星地质学研究主要回答3个问题:行星的现状是什么样的?行星的过去是什么样的?行星的过去、现在与太阳系其他行星的可比性如何?行星地质学的研究内容与研究地球地质相似,即撞击作用、火山(岩浆)作用、构造作用和夷平作用等,这些是塑造行星地貌最主要的地质作用,其中撞击构造是其他行星更为常见的地质作用.行星地质学的研究方法是利用遥感获得的各种影像、光波和电磁波等数据,以及在行星表面直接勘察获得的数据和取回的样品,对行星表面和地表以下的成分、结构和形成与演化过程进行研究.我国积极参与深空探测将获得第一手行星地质数据,国际深空探测计划的持续实施和数据的广泛共享为中国科学家积极参与行星地质学和比较行星学的研究提供了广阔空间,同时也为研究和认识地球提供新的和更全面的视野.  相似文献   

一、引言 长期以来对地外物质(陨石、彗星、小行星和宇宙尘)系统而精细的研究、Apollo和Luna登月计划的实施和对月球样品的综合研究、大气外观测和一系列空间探测器对行星探测所取得的大量科学资料,为地球科学的发展开拓了广阔的领域与前景。航天技术与空间探测的迅速发展,获得了大量而系统的行星际空间科学数据,如银河宇宙  相似文献   

月球是人类开展深空探测的首选目标,月球探测是世界各国科技竞争的制高点。开展月球科学前沿研判,对我国实施深空探测战略、规划行星科学研究路径,进而赢得未来竞争优势至关重要。基于Web of Science数据库,本文利用文献计量学方法,对月球科学领域论文产出数量、学科和期刊分布、主要国家和领先机构的竞争力、国际合作等进行了深度分析,并通过聚类分析获得当前研究热点,梳理出五大研究领域和七大前沿问题。过去20年,我国在月球科学研究取得了长足进步,但仍然存在优秀论文少、顶尖学者少、学术期刊少的问题。未来月球科学可能在三个方向上实现突破:月球的水仍将是国际月球探测和研究的重点;月球内部结构探测或是我国弯道超车的机遇;新的月球样品将进一步揭示月球形成和演化的奥秘。本研究结果可以为我国未来月球探测和研究的规划与组织提供参考。  相似文献   

过去十年,中国陨石学与天体化学研究迎来了一个迅速发展时期.嫦娥工程与月球采样返回,以及天问一号火星探测等一系列深空探测工程的成功实施,极大地推动了我国陨石学和天体化学的发展;南极格罗夫山陨石库的建设,为学科发展提供了充足样品;高精度同位素分析平台的建设,保障了陨石及地外返回样品的分析研究需要;此外,国内还涌现了一批优秀行星科学与天体化学青年人才.与此同时,通过对各类陨石的研究,在太阳星云起源与演化、火星与月球等类地行星形成与宜居性研究、小行星岩浆作用和含水蚀变及后期撞击历史等方面也取得了重要成果.  相似文献   

HED(Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite)族陨石及其可能母体灶神星是国际深空探测与小行星研究的热点。其中,经历了复杂撞击混合成岩作用而形成的Howardite(古铜钙长无球粒陨石),是研究灶神星表土层物质组成与演化这一国际前沿领域的主要对象。21世纪以来,中国在南极格罗夫山回收了大量陨石,这为我国行星科学的发展提供了重要的研究标本。我国目前已分类的南极陨石中发现有3块Eucrite陨石,其为研究灶神星岩浆活动提供了重要机遇。本次工作对2016年收集到的南极格罗夫山陨石GRV 150277进行了系统性岩石学与矿物学研究。研究结果表明GRV 150277具有典型的角砾结构,主要由近乎等比例的Diogenite陨石和Eucrite陨石碎屑组成,是我国在南极发现的第一块Howardite陨石。此外,GRV 150277中还可见少量的铁陨石与CM型陨石碎屑,表明灶神星表土层遭受了多种小行星撞击。GRV 150277陨石的发现及其外源碎屑的详细研究,对确定灶神星表土层物质组成与演化历史具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

太阳系探测的进展与比较行星学的主要科学问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了太阳系的探测历程,综合分析了太阳系探测的发展趋势。未来的太阳系探测将以月球与火星探测为主线,适度开展太阳系其他行星及其卫星、小行星和彗星的考察性探测。21世纪将是全面探测太阳系并为人类社会长期可持续发展服务的新时代。随着太阳系探测的进展,通过系统比较地球与类地行星的大气层与水体的形成演化过程、地形地貌与地质构造特征、岩石类型、热历史与内部结构等方面的共性与特性研究,表明行星的质量大小和行星与太阳的距离的相互耦合,制约了行星的形成和演化的复杂过程。比较行星学已成为指导太阳系探测的科学理论体系。  相似文献   

王道德  戴诚达 《地球化学》1995,24(2):110-120
类地行星挥发性元素普遍亏损很可能是由于太阳星云早期剧烈的太阳活动引起的。当气体、尘粒、挥发性元素和水被驱赶出内太阳系时,只有米级到公里级的物质保存下来并堆积成星子,最终吸积星子形成类地行星。我们认为类地行星的初始物质主要是已分异的星子和一些未分异的球粒陨石质星子或不同类型的陨石母体,最靠近太阳形成的星子具有最低的FeO/(FeO+MgO)值,水星是在靠近太阳的高度还原条件下吸积成分类似EH球粒陨石的星子形成的。地球的初始物质为分异的铁陨石及H群球粒陨石。随着距太阳距离增大及温度降低,陨石形成的部位大致为:EH、EL-IAB-SNC(辉玻无球粒陨石、辉橄无球粒陨石、纯橄无球粒陨石)-Euc(钙长辉长无球粒陨石)-H、L、LL-CV、CM、CO-Cl-彗星。物体之间、星子之间及行星与星子之间的碰撞对太阳系的形成和演化起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The history of the solar system is locked within the planets, asteroids and other objects that orbit the Sun. While remote observations of these celestial bodies are essential for understanding planetary processes, much of the geological and geochemical information regarding solar system heritage comes directly from the study of rocks and other materials originating from them. The diversity of materials available for study from planetary bodies largely comes from meteorites; fragments of rock that fall through Earth's atmosphere after impact‐extraction from their parent planet or asteroid. These extra‐terrestrial objects are fundamental scientific materials, providing information on past conditions within planets, and on their surfaces, and revealing the timing of key events that affected a planet's evolution. Meteorites can be sub‐divided into four main groups: (1) chondrites, which are unmelted and variably metamorphosed ‘cosmic sediments’ composed of particles that made up the early solar nebula; (2) achondrites, which represent predominantly silicate materials from asteroids and planets that have partially to fully melted, from a broadly chondritic initial composition; (3) iron meteorites, which represent Fe‐Ni samples from the cores of asteroids and planetesimals; and (4) stony‐iron meteorites such as pallasites and mesosiderites, which are mixtures of metal and dominantly basaltic materials. Meteorite studies are rapidly expanding our understanding of how the solar system formed and when and how key events such as planetary accretion and differentiation occurred. Together with a burgeoning collection of classified meteorites, these scientific advances herald an unprecedented period of further scientific challenges and discoveries, an exciting prospect for understanding our origins.  相似文献   

The 182Hf-182W isotopic systematics of Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), metal-rich chondrites, and iron meteorites were investigated to constrain the relative timing of accretion of their parent asteroids. A regression of the Hf-W data for two bulk CAIs, various fragments of a single CAI, and carbonaceous chondrites constrains the 182Hf/180Hf and εW at the time of CAI formation to (1.07 ± 0.10) × 10−4 and −3.47 ± 0.20, respectively. All magmatic iron meteorites examined here have initial εW values that are similar to or slightly lower than the initial value of CAIs. These low εW values may in part reflect 182W-burnout caused by the prolonged cosmic ray exposure of iron meteorites, but this effect is estimated to be less than ∼0.3 ε units for an exposure age of 600 Ma. The W isotope data, after correction for cosmic ray induced effects, indicate that core formation in the parent asteroids of the magmatic iron meteorites occurred less than ∼1.5 Myr after formation of CAIs. The nonmagmatic IAB-IIICD irons and the metal-rich CB chondrites have more radiogenic W isotope compositions, indicating formation several Myr after the oldest metal cores had segregated in some asteroids.Chondrule formation ∼2-5 Myr after CAIs, as constrained by published Pb-Pb and Al-Mg ages, postdates core formation in planetesimals, and indicates that chondrites do not represent the precursor material from which asteroids accreted and then differentiated. Chondrites instead derive from asteroids that accreted late, either farther from the Sun than the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites or by reaccretion of debris produced during collisional disruption of older asteroids. Alternatively, chondrites may represent material from the outermost layers of differentiated asteroids. The early thermal and chemical evolution of asteroids appears to be controlled by the decay of 26Al, which was sufficiently abundant (initial 26Al/27Al >1.4 × 10−5) to rapidly melt early-formed planetesimals but could not raise the temperatures in the late-formed chondrite parent asteroids high enough to cause differentiation. The preservation of the primitive appearance of chondrites thus at least partially reflects their late formation rather than their early and primitive origin.  相似文献   

衡水地区地裂缝空间发育特征与地下水位降深关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过浅层地震法及高密度电阻率法物探对河北衡水地区最近发现的3条地裂缝调查,探明了地裂缝地下发育深度、宽度、倾向等,发现地裂缝在地表与地下发育特征有明显不同:地表以一条地裂缝存在,在地下深处则以裂缝带发育,裂缝带两侧裂缝埋深不同,地下裂缝形态表现为上窄下宽。对该地区深层钻探、水文地质和多年地下水开采等资料分析表明,该地区的地裂缝是地质历史时期地质构造活动产物,开采深层地下水等资源则是促使地裂缝发展的主要原因。通过对不同地点地裂缝发育深度与近36年以来地下水水位降深的关系分析,结果显示:不同地区地裂缝发育深度与相应深层地下水水位降深呈线性关系。研究成果对地裂缝机理研究及预防开采深层地下水对地质环境的影响具有指导作用。  相似文献   

The physical properties of the stone meteorites provide important clues to understanding the formation and physical evolution of material in the Solar protoplanetary disk as well providing indications of the properties of their asteroidal parent bodies. Knowledge of these properties is essential for modeling a number of Solar System processes, such as bolides in planetary atmospheres, the thermal inertia of atmosphereless solid body surfaces, and the internal physical and thermal evolution of asteroids and rock-rich icy bodies. In addition, insight into the physical properties of the asteroids is important for the design of robotic and crewed reconnaissance, lander, and sample return spacecraft missions to the asteroids. One key property is meteorite porosity, which ranges from 0% to more than 40%, similar to the range of porosities seen in asteroids. Porosity affects many of the other physical properties including thermal conductivity, speed of sound, deformation under stress, strength, and response to impact. As a result of the porosity, the properties of most stone meteorites differ significantly from those of compact terrestrial rocks, whose physical properties have been used in many models of asteroid behavior. A few physical properties, such as grain density, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity are not functions of porosity. Taken together, the grain density and the magnetic susceptibility can be used to classify unweathered or minimally weathered ordinary chondrites. This provides a rapid screening technique to identify heterogeneous samples, classify new samples, and identify misclassified meteorites or interlopers in strewn fields.  相似文献   

Stable isotopic data of meteorites are critical for understanding the evolution of terrestrial planets. In this study, we report high-precision vanadium (V) isotopic compositions of 11 unequilibrated and equilibrated L chondrites. Our samples show an average δ51V of ??1.25‰?±?0.38‰ (2SD, n?=?11), which is ~?0.5‰ lighter than that of the bulk silicate Earth constrained by mantle peridotites. Isotopic fractionation in type 3 ordinary chondrites vary from ??1.76‰ to ??1.29‰, whereas the δ51V of equilibrated chondrites vary from ??1.37‰ to ??1.08‰. δ51V of L chondrites do not correlate with thermal metamorphism, shock stage, or weathering degree. Future studies are required to explore the reason for V isotope variation in the solar system.  相似文献   

王道德  王桂琴 《矿物学报》2012,32(3):321-340
陨石是来自含气体-尘粒的太阳早期星云盘凝聚和吸积的原始物质,大多数原始物质因吸积后的作用过程而改变(如月球、地球及火星样品),但有一些却完整的保存下来(如球粒陨石或球粒陨石中的难熔包体)。这些原始的物质通常依据同位素丰度特征来识别,依据其矿物-岩石学特征和成因可将已知的陨石划分许多更小的类型。陨石学及天体化学的新近进展包括:新近识别的陨石群;发现新类型球粒陨石及行星际尘粒中发现前太阳和星云组分;利用短寿命放射性核素完善了早期太阳系年代学;洞察宇宙化学丰度、分馏作用及星云源区及通过次生母体的作用过程阐释星云和前星云的记录。本文概述了早期太阳系内从星云到陨石的演化过程。依据这些资料,对早期太阳系所经历的多种核合成的输入、瞬时加热事件与星云动力学有一些新的认识,以及认识到小星子和行星体系的演化比以前预期的更快速。  相似文献   

According to their genesis, meteorites are classified into heliocentric (which originate from the asteroid belt) and planetocentric (which are fragments of the satellites of giant planets, including the Proto-Earth). Heliocentric meteorites (chondrites and primitive meteorites genetically related to them) used in this study as a characteristic of initial phases of the origin of the terrestrial planets. Synthesis of information on planetocentric meteorites (achondrites and iron meteorites) provides the basis for a model for the genesis of the satellites of giant planets and the Moon. The origin and primary layering of the Earth was initially analogously to that of planets of the HH chondritic type, as follows from similarities between the Earth’s primary crust and mantle and the chondrules of Fe-richest chondrites. The development of the Earth’s mantle and crust precluded its explosive breakup during the transition from its protoplanetary to planetary evolutionary stage, whereas chondritic planets underwent explosive breakup into asteroids. Lunar silicate rocks are poorer in Fe than achondrites, and this is explained in the model for the genesis of the Moon by the separation of a small metallic core, which sometime (at 3–4 Ga) induced the planet’s magnetic field. Iron from this core was involved into the generation of lunar depressions (lunar maria) filled with Fe- and Ti-rich rocks. In contrast to the parent planets of achondrites, the Moon has a olivine mantle, and this fact predetermined the isotopically heavier oxygen isotopic composition of lunar rocks. This effect also predetermined the specifics of the Earth’s rocks, whose oxygen became systematically isotopically heavier from the Precambrian to Paleozoic and Mesozoic in the course of olivinization of the peridotite mantle, a processes that formed the so-called roots of continents.  相似文献   

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