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针对液化石油气(LPG)地下储库具有高边墙、大跨度、不砌衬等特点,在开挖过程中不仅要解决好围岩稳定性问题,更要确保地下洞室群能长期安全稳定的运行。通过对库区钻孔资料与已施工的巷道地质调查结果分析,采用赤平投影法分析了黄岛LPG地下储库的主要结构面节理,断层与岩脉的产状。根据块体理论,基于块体稳定分析程序Unwedge预测了LPG主洞室潜在不稳定块体的几何尺寸及稳定性,结果表明,在洞库的拱顶只有少量不稳定块体产生,发生大型不稳定楔形体的关键地区是在J2-J3-J4节理组合的顶部和侧墙,为支护设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

Ming Lu 《Engineering Geology》1998,49(3-4):353-361
A three-dimensional finite element analysis was performed to simulate field tests at a pilot gas storage project. The storage was a shallow rock cavern lined with a 6 mm thick steel liner. During the tests, high internal pressure up to 52 MPa was applied and deformation of both rock mass and the steel liner was recorded. The maximum rock displacements of less than 6 mm was numerically predicted and fits the measurement very well. The three-dimensional nonlinear finite element modeling has confirmed the overall stability of the structure and revealed the functioning of each structural component, including the rock mass, concrete lining and the steel liner.  相似文献   

Feasibility of storing LNG in a lined rock cavern was evaluated using a pilot cryogenic rock cavern constructed in Daejeon, Korea. The pilot program included hydrogeological and engineering characterization of the rock mass around the cavern, design and construction of a drainage system, and pilot operation of the cryogenic cavern. An appropriate drainage system is most important to protect the containment system of LNG from thermal shocks due to ice lenses and hydrostatic pressure of groundwater. As a part of the pilot program, this study focused on the evaluation of hydraulic and engineering properties of the rock mass around the cavern. For this purpose, engineering logging of the rock cores, single and cross-hole hydraulic tests, and recharge/drainage tests were performed using seven drilled holes with different trends and plunges. Three main joint sets were found from the logging of the rock cores, acoustic borehole televiewer, and window mapping. The orientations of the three major joint sets were 60/209, 40/171, and 29/331, which can provide the main groundwater flow paths. Mean RQD values ranged from 56 to 88, which were classified as fair and good, although varying with depth along single boreholes. Hydraulic conductivity from the single and cross-hole hydraulic tests estimated in the order of 10−6 or 107 m/s and corresponding transmissivity ranged between 105 and 106 m2/s. Permeable intervals identified from the hydraulic tests were mostly located above the cavern roof. Below the roof, the permeable zone was difficult to observe. According to the hydraulic communication tests performed for some designated intervals, hydraulic connection between boreholes was highly varied with depth or location, which indicated a very different distribution of water conducting joint sets along the boreholes. When water was injected at R1 with constant or varying flow rates, monotonous and stable seepage was observed at observation boreholes. From this, some stable drainage was expected even in relatively heavy rainfalls. When designing the drainage system of the cavern, the drainage holes should be orientated to maximize frequency of encountering the major joint sets and the permeable intervals identified from this study.  相似文献   

井喷失控条件下盐岩储库稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井喷压力失控是盐岩储气库运营的极端情况。根据一维绝热管流理论解析得到井喷情形下储库卸压规律。在此基础上结合金坛盐矿工程地质条件,模拟对比分析了不同初始内压失控工况下盐岩储库应力状态、变形收敛特征和损伤破坏规律。结果表明,溶腔硬夹层总是先于盐岩体而屈服形成明显的屈服带,失控卸压阶段塑性区逐渐扩展布满整个腔体并向径向延伸6~8 m;运营压力范围内初始内压越低,储库卸压收敛越大,7 MPa下储库体积损失达5.02%;卸压阶段溶腔内壁围岩应变速率跃升至10-2 s-1数量级,属于准静态范畴。研究认为,井喷失控状态下失控初始内压是维持储库腔体稳定性的关键因素,在极端灾害环境中应确保盐岩储库处于较高的运营压力之下  相似文献   

金坛盐穴储气库现场压井试验发现某泥岩夹层密封性欠佳,可能影响储气库运行的密闭性,钻井取芯情况表明,该夹层易破碎,难以开展系统的渗透性测试试验。针对该问题,提出了一种测试易碎泥岩夹层渗透率的新方法,将泥岩夹层岩芯浇筑在环氧树脂中,通过切割打磨等工序制备出符合渗透试验要求的标准试样。为了观测泥岩夹层岩芯与环氧树脂的胶结情况,对人工合成试样进行了镀金电镜扫描试验,发现交界面孔隙较岩石孔隙小、胶结良好,说明夹层岩芯是人工合成试样中的主要渗透通道。利用稳态法对人工合成试样进行渗透率测试,测试结果与其他学者的测试结果吻合,证实了该方法的可靠性。同时开展了理论分析,结果表明,浇筑式方法测得的渗透率与理论结果相符,从理论上进一步证实了其可行性。文中所述的泥岩夹层渗透性测试方法,对测试不规则破碎岩芯的渗透率具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

良好的密闭性能是盐穴储气库安全运营的基本前提,但地质赋存条件复杂、建库实践不足、理论体系不完备等均会导致盐腔遭遇各类泄漏风险。根据国内外的工程实践及事故统计,再结合盐穴储库特有的工程地质条件和运行工况,总结出三大泄漏因素(地质因素、工程因素、人为失误)和4种泄漏类型。地下盐穴储气库潜在的泄漏类型有夹层密闭性不足引起的气体近水平漏失、盖层被突破失效致使气体上窜、井筒完整性不足致使气体逃逸、夹层与断层连通致使气体流向断层。最终,依据各自的泄漏特征提出了相应的预防处置措施,以防止气体泄漏事故的发生和大范围的蔓延。由于我国盐穴储库的发展暂时处于上升期,研究结果对深部盐穴储气库的安全建设具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

A general approach to rock engineering designing aspects adopted at the Khiritharn Pumped Storage Scheme is described. The scheme involves excavation of three large caverns and tunnels in jointed sandstone within a suture zone in Southeast Thailand. Geological condition and engineering properties of the sandstone were investigated. Strength and modulus properties of the intact rock were determined from laboratory tests and properties of rock mass were empirically estimated for the design analysis in the de.nite study stage on the basis of three rock mass classi.cation systems namely the Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Geological Strength Index (GSI) and a Japanese system (EPDC). While the GSI gives strength and modulus of deformation values slightly higher than the RMR classi.cation, the EPDC gives a lower value of modulus of deformation but comparable rock mass strength value for the level of con.ning pressures at the depth of the cavern excavation. The results of stress analysis and loosening wedge analysis for the cavern excavations suggest favorable excavation condition.  相似文献   

Thermomechanical effects of a rapid depressurization in a gas cavern   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid gas depressurization leads to gas cooling followed by slow gas warming when the cavern is kept idle. Gas temperature drop depends upon withdrawal rate and cavern size. Thermal tensile stresses, resulting from gas cooling, may generate fractures at the wall and roof of a salt cavern. However, in most cases, the depth of penetration of these fractures is small. These fractures are perpendicular to the cavern wall. The distance between two parallel fractures becomes larger when fractures penetrate deeper in the rock mass, as some fractures do not keep growing. These conclusions can be supported by numerical computations based on fracture mechanics. Salt slabs are created. However, these slabs remain strongly bounded to the rock mass and it is believed that in many cases their weight is not large enough to allow them to break off the cavern wall. Depth of penetration of the fractures must be computed to prove that they cannot be a concern from the point of view of cavern tightness.  相似文献   

盐穴储气库水溶造腔夹层垮塌力学机制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
盐岩矿床中难溶泥质夹层的存在给地下储库水溶造腔带来了诸多不利影响,如何有效地预测与控制水溶造腔过程中泥质夹层的垮塌成为亟待解决的技术难题。夹层垮塌力学机制研究以该问题为背景,建立了水溶造腔过程中夹层垮塌分析的力学模型,并应用弹性板壳理论进行了求解,根据求解结果对夹层因局部破损及整体失稳引起垮塌的力学机制分别进行了论述,对夹层垮塌的力学机理进行了总结,给出了一种计算夹层极限跨度的方法。研究成果对水溶造腔过程中夹层垮塌的预测与控制有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

基于事故统计分析的盐岩地下油/气储库风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
井文君  杨春和  陈锋 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1787-1794
基于国外盐岩地下油气储备库曾发生过的重大事故的统计资料,采用风险矩阵法对盐岩储备库在建设和运营过程中的存在的重大风险进行了评价,分析了储备库重大事故的发生概率、风险等级、事故类型以及引发事故的主要原因,为我国盐岩储备库在建设和运营中的风险管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明,单个盐穴在建设和运营过程中发生重大事故的统计概率为1.51%,风险等级介于三级和四级之间,属于基本可接受的风险,但必须制定防范、监控措施;事故类型可分为油气渗漏、腔体失效和地表沉陷,其中油气渗漏事故的风险等级为三级,属于可接受风险,其他类型的事故风险等级均为二级,属于可容许风险;引发事故的原因主要是套管破损、蠕变过量和人为失误,其次还有地面装置损坏和盖层失效  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的盐穴储气库选址评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国盐岩地下储气库大规模兴建的开始,如何对各目标盐矿区进行储气库库址的评价和优选已成为国内储气库建设面临的首要问题。在对盐穴储气库选址的影响因素进行详细归类和分析的基础上,应用层次分析法建立盐穴储气库选址综合评价体系的目标层次结构模型,并结合专家调查法,确定了该模型中18项基本指标在整个选址评价体系中所占的权重。综合本领域专家的意见和相关的理论研究成果,提出了选址体系中各基本指标的适宜度等级划分标准,以及库址综合适宜度等级评价标准,综合各指标的权重计算结果,建立了目标库址综合建库适宜值P的计算公式,为我国盐穴储气库库址的评价和优选提供了可行方法和理论依据。将该方法应用于湖北云应盐矿的盐穴储气库库址评价中,评价结果与专家论证意见一致,表明了该方法的合理性。  相似文献   

Reasonable failure paths are crucial in the stability assessment of a highly pressurized gas storage cavern in a rock mass using limit equilibrium analysis. In this study, the fracture patterns in the rock mass around a gas storage cavern are evaluated based on the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method with a cohesive crack model. The proposed analysis method was first validated through scaled-down model testing results before extending to a full-scale problem. Using the current approach, a parametric sensitivity analysis was performed by taking into account the influences of the stress ratio, the depth of the cavern, and the tensile strength of the rock mass. Based on the analysis results obtained, this research showed that the representative failure paths, in which the uplift evaluation is necessary, can be established from the EFG results with careful consideration of crack initiation and the propagation direction. The site having an in situ stress ratio greater than 1.2 is preferred for operation of underground gas storage caverns. By performing the limit equilibrium analyses for stability assessment of the rock mass above the pressurized cavern, we demonstrated that the factor of safety against uplift computed from the failure paths established in this study is higher than or equal to those obtained from analyses with the simplified models in previous studies without considering the influence parameters on the fracture patterns.  相似文献   

Failure analyses of the insoluble interlayers are critical for a salt cavern leaching for natural gas storage. In this study, a series of brine immersion tests was carried out to investigate the softening laws of the mechanical characteristics of an argillaceous anhydrite interlayer. The test results show that brine immersion decreases the mechanical strength of the interlayer. A softening depth model of the interlayer specimens was developed based on the experimental results. This model was used to establish a mathematical model of the softening of an overhanging interlayer in a salt cavern during leaching. The softening model can predict the softening scope and the residual strength of the interlayer in different softening zones at different leaching times. The model was integrated with a numerical simulation to analyze the characteristics of failure of an overhanging interlayer. It was found that the interlayer tends to fail when the brine immersion time reaches a certain value in the simulation. Finally, the influence of environmental and artificial factors on the softening laws of the insoluble interlayer was discussed. It was found that the matrix structure and soluble components of the interlayer are two significant environmental factors and the brine immersion time is the key artificial factor. Therefore, the failure of an interlayer can be controlled by adjusting the brine immersion time during leaching a salt cavern.  相似文献   

吴颖  居忠  朱卫琴 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):439-443
国内天然气需求量的快速攀升与季节性峰谷差的不断加大,迫使我国加快了天然气储气库的建设步伐,以增强冬季用气高峰时段的调峰能力。依据赵集矿区多年勘探开发的地质成果,主要阐述了赵集矿区岩盐资源的地质特征,全面评述了在赵集矿区建设地下盐穴储气库的地质条件,评估了储气库项目对现有盐化工企业与地方经济社会发展的影响,对存在的问题进行了分析,提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

李浩然  杨春和  陈锋 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1194-1202
盐岩地下储气库腔体以钻井水溶方式开采,溶腔形态可见性差、形态发展可控性难度高,针对畸形溶腔进行科学的稳定性评价是保证其安全运营的重要手段。将变权和相对差异函数理论引入到盐岩溶腔的安全评价中,建立适用于盐穴储气库畸形单腔的稳定性评价模型,首次以溶腔声纳测腔数据为基础,建立三维真实仿真模型并进行数值模拟,将数值模拟结果作为评价指标的评分依据,最后应用该方法对金坛储气库某腔体进行稳定性评价,并针对评价结果提出安全改善措施。研究结果表明,用变权方法对评价指标权重进行处理后得到的结果更加合理,通过将该方法与其他安全评价方法计算结果进行对比,证明了该模型在盐岩储气库畸形溶腔的稳定性评价中具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

The geometrical dimensions of a frozen-ground enclosure for a low-temperature storage reservoir are determined from a static designstorage reservoir are determined from a static design on the assumption of a safe excavation of ground in digging the trench. Neglecting the combined work of the enclosure and surrounding thawing rock mass, the problem is reduced to the design of the frozen-ground shell, stressed along its outer contour by the thawing ground pressure.

To estimate the tension of the wall of an enclosure it is sufficient to use the solution of the problem of a thick-walled tube subjected to ambient pressure. It is difficult to find a sufficiently simple analogue for the problem of the bottom. The solution of the plate-bending problem locates the neutral line in the middle of the section when there are equal tensile and compressive stresses at the inner and the outer contour. If the combined work of the bottom of the section and the wall is taken into account, the neutral line shifts from the centre of the bottom to the inner contour of the enclosure, i.e., the compressive stresses exceed the tensile ones, which is of particular importance for materials with different resistance to compression and tension.  相似文献   

盐穴地下油气储库在长期运行过程中的地表沉降预测是储库安全评价的重要内容,目前尚无成熟的基于力学理论的解析模型。将盐穴储库地表沉降问题近似为半无限空间内球型空洞受力收缩导致的边界位移问题,利用弹性无限域内球型空洞受力收缩的球对称位移解,运用叠加原理,推导得到半无限空间球型空洞在一定内压作用下引起的地表沉降的弹性积分形式解析解。然后运用对应原理,将体积变形视为弹性,畸变视为Maxwell黏弹性,对地表沉降弹性解析解进行拉普拉斯变换,得到时空域上的地表沉降的黏弹性积分形式解析解。通过与数值模拟结果的比对,验证了文中弹性模型的准确性。最后将沉降预测黏弹模型运用于某盐穴储库地表沉降的预测分析,并与该储库现场沉降观测数据进行对比,分析表明,新模型能够很好地预测盐穴储库地表沉降及发展趋势,该模型为储库地表沉降预测提供了一套新的基于力学理论的方法。  相似文献   

Numerous potentially toxic compounds are entering Louisiana’s inshore and nearshore coastal environments. To a large degree there is insufficient information for predicting the fate and effect of these materials in aquatic environments. Studies documenting the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons entering Louisiana coastal wetlands are summarized. Also included are research findings on factors affecting the persistence of petroleum hydrocarbons and other toxic organics (pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), creosote, etc.) in sediment-water systems. Sediment pH and redox conditions have been found to play an important role in the microbial degradation of toxic organics. Most of the hydrocarbons investigated degrade more rapidly under high redox (aerobic) conditions although there are exceptions (e.g., 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) (DDT) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)). Some of these compounds, due to their slow degradation in anaerobic sediment, may persist in the system for decades.  相似文献   

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