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Based on classification tests, oedometer tests, fall-cone tests and triaxial tests, physical and mechanical properties of sediments in the Storegga Slide region were analysed to assess parameter interrelationships. The data show good relationships between a number of physical and mechanical parameters. Goodness of fit between compression index and various physical parameters can be improved by multiple regression analysis. The interclay void ratio and liquidity index correlate well with the undrained shear strength of clay. Sediments with higher water content, liquid limit, activity, interclay void ratio, plasticity index and liquidity index showed higher compression index and/or lower undrained shear strength. Some relationships between parameters were tested by using data from two other sites south of the Storegga Slide. A better understanding of properties of sediments in regions such as that of the Storegga Slide can be obtained through this approach.  相似文献   

Seafloor pockmarks and subsurface chimney structures are common on the Norwegian continental margin north of the Storegga Slide scar. Such features are generally inferred to be associated with fluid expulsion, and imply overpressures in the subsurface. Six long gravity and piston cores taken from the interior of three pockmarks were compared with four other cores taken from the same area but outside the pockmarks, in order to elucidate the origins and stratigraphy of these features and their possible association with the Storegga Slide event. Sulfate gradients in cores from within pockmarks are less steep than those in cores from outside the pockmarks, which indicates that the flux of methane to the seafloor is presently smaller within the pockmarks than in the adjacent undisturbed sediments. This suggests that these subsurface chimneys are not fluid flow conduits lined with gas hydrate. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates and Bathymodiolus shells obtained from a pockmark at >6.3 m below the seafloor indicate that methane was previously available to support a chemosynthetic community within the pockmark. AMS 14C measurements of planktonic Foraminifera overlying and interlayered with the shell-bearing sediment indicate that methane was present on the seafloor within the pockmark prior to 14 ka 14C years b.p., i.e., well before the last major Storegga Slide event (7.2 ka 14C years b.p., or 8.2 ka calendar years b.p.). These observations provide evidence that overpressured fluids existed within the continental margin sediments off Norway during the last major advance of Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   

This study documents the fractal characteristics of submarine mass movement statistics and morphology within the Storegga Slide. Geomorphometric mapping is used to identify one hundred and fifteen mass movements from within the Storegga Slide scar and to extract morphological information about their headwalls. Analyses of this morphological information reveal the occurrence of spatial scale invariance within the Storegga Slide. Non-cumulative frequency-area distribution of mass movements within the Storegga Slide satisfies an inverse power law with an exponent of 1.52. The headwalls exhibit geometric similarity at a wide range of scales and the lengths of headwalls scale with mass movement areas. Composite headwalls are self-similar.One of the explanations of the observed spatial scale invariance is that the Storegga Slide is a geomorphological system that may exhibit self-organized criticality. In such a system, the input of sediment is in the form of hemipelagic sedimentation and glacial sediment deposition, and the output is represented by mass movements that are spatially scale invariant. In comparison to subaerial mass movements, the aggregate behavior of the Storegga Slide mass movements is more comparable to that of the theoretical ‘sandpile’ model. The origin of spatial scale invariance may also be linked to the retrogressive nature of the Storegga Slide. The geometric similarity in headwall morphology implies that the slope failure processes are active on a range of scales, and that modeling of slope failures and geohazard assessment can extrapolate the properties of small landslides to those of larger landslides, within the limits of power law behavior. The results also have implications for the morphological classification of submarine mass movements, because headwall shape can be used as a proxy for the type of mass movement, which can otherwise only be detected with very high resolution acoustic data that are not commonly available.  相似文献   

Storegga Silide has been studied intensively due to the development of the big Ormen Lange gas field. Both marine and glacial deposits were involved in this slide, and marine layers were the sliding planes. Data from different wireline logs in the Storegga Slide area are analyzed using principal components and cluster statistical methods to characterize the two different kinds of sediments. The results show that the marine layer with high water content, high clay content and low strength can be differentiated from the glacial deposits. Moreover, the analysis from log response are compared with the physical parameters from the geotechnical boreholes, a good correlation exists in the dataset.  相似文献   

The Storegga Slide complex is a multi-stage slope failure on the Norwegian continental margin where the most recent major event occurred 8.1 ka b.p. (calendar years before present). Its northern flank contains pockmark features that are commonly inferred to be related to the historical and modern venting of methane-bearing fluids. Three jumbo piston cores (JPC), one from a pockmark and two background cores at variable distances from this site (proximal, 5 km, and distal, 15 km) on the northern flank of the slide (806–1,524 m water depths), were sampled at 10 cm resolution to assess the geologic record of methane venting in the Nyegga pockmark field. Six down-core radiocarbon measurements on mixed planktonic foraminifer species reveal ages of 9.4–16.4 ka b.p. Bathymodiolus mussel shell horizons, indicators of methane-rich environments, have been dated at 15.8–17.6 and ~22 ka b.p. in the pockmark core. Stable isotope analyses on planktonic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral) and benthic (Islandiella norcrossi, Melonis barleeanum) Foraminifera reveal δ18O values indicative of a clear glacial/deglacial transition (−1.5‰ shift in planktonic species). Both planktonic and benthic δ13C signatures record multiple excursions, interpreted to reflect the influence of methane in the environment; these δ13C excursions occur in the pockmark core and also in the distal background core. While authigenic calcite formation on the seafloor may play an important role in producing such excursions, these data together suggest the influence of methane seepage within the pockmark field over the past 25 ka, whereby seepage was particularly active between 13 and 15 ka. This is consistent with previously inferred regional increases in porewater pressure associated with glacial loading and higher sedimentation rates, which can cause gas hydrate and slope instability.  相似文献   

The ∼8.15 ka Storegga submarine slide was a large (∼3000 km3), tsunamigenic slide off the coast of Norway. The resulting tsunami had run-up heights of around 10–20 m on the Norwegian coast, over 12 m in Shetland, 3–6 m on the Scottish mainland coast and reached as far as Greenland. Accurate numerical simulations of Storegga require high spatial resolution near the coasts, particularly near tsunami run-up observations, and also in the slide region. However, as the computational domain must span the whole of the Norwegian-Greenland sea, employing uniformly high spatial resolution is computationally prohibitive. To overcome this problem, we present a multiscale numerical model of the Storegga slide-generated tsunami where spatial resolution varies from 500 m to 50 km across the entire Norwegian-Greenland sea domain to optimally resolve the slide region, important coastlines and bathymetric changes. We compare results from our multiscale model to previous results using constant-resolution models and show that accounting for changes in bathymetry since 8.15 ka, neglected in previous numerical studies of the Storegga slide-tsunami, improves the agreement between the model and inferred run-up heights in specific locations, especially in the Shetlands, where maximum run-up height increased from 8 m (modern bathymetry) to 13 m (palaeobathymetry). By tracking the Storegga tsunami as far south as the southern North sea, we also found that wave heights were high enough to inundate Doggerland, an island in the southern North Sea prior to sea level rise over the last 8 ka.  相似文献   

We present the results of the investigation of the hydrodynamical regime of the coastal zone off Tuapse. We identified the spatial and temporal scales of the dynamic inhomogeneities. The intensity of the vertical component of the relative vorticity and its distribution in the waters of the coastal zone are estimated. We demonstrate that the effects found in the distributions of the relative vortex’s intensity and its orientation are able to lead to the formation of blocking water in marine coastal zones or, inversely, to prompt the ventilation of these waters. Based on the multidimensional statistical analysis, the relationship of the relative eddy distribution and the dynamical topography of the coastal waters was revealed which simplifies the problem of the blocking or ventilation of the coastal waters.  相似文献   

《Applied Ocean Research》2007,29(1-2):72-79
The wave observations at three locations off the west coast of India have been analyzed using artificial neural network (ANN) to obtain forecasts of significant wave heights at intervals of 3, 6, 12 and 24 h. The most appropriate training method requiring an input of four observations spread over previous 24 h has been selected after considerable trials. Further, the networks are trained after filling in the missing information. Larger gaps in data are filled in using spatial mapping involving observations at nearby locations, while relatively smaller gaps are accounted for by the statistical technique of multiple regressions in temporal mode. It is found that by doing so the long-interval forecasting is tremendously improved, with corresponding accuracy levels becoming close to those of the short-interval forecasts. If the amount of gaps is restricted to around 2% per year or so it is possible to obtain 12 h ahead forecasts with 0.08 m accuracy on an average and 24 h ahead forecast with a mean accuracy of 0.13 m. However, in harsher environments the prediction accuracy can change.  相似文献   

Glauconie inside shells of foraminifers, assumed to be formed during the timespan from the Last Glaciation to the present, is reported. The process is thought to take place at water temperatures of 6–7°C. The nature of the infilling process is suggested to be neoformation of clay minerals rather than transformation of pre-infilled clay.  相似文献   

This paper presents the implementation of conservation measures, especially bottom trawl free areas, for the protection of cold-water coral off the Norwegian coast. The protection measures became effective less than 9 months after the managers were informed and the public became aware of damaged coral on nationwide television. Behind this quick reaction were a number of agents such as the oil industry, fishers, biologists, NGOs as well as policy-makers. The implementation of the protected areas was remarkably free of contention. This work attempts to outline the reasons for this, and determine whether there are lessons to be learned with regard to conservation measures elsewhere.  相似文献   

Based on seismic profiles, multibeam bathymetry and sediment cores, an improved understanding of the deglaciation/postglacial history of the southern part of the Norwegian Channel has been obtained. The Norwegian Channel Ice Stream started to recede from the shelf edge ca. 15.5 ka BP (14C ages are used throughout). Approximately 500–1000 years later the ice margin was located east of the deep Skagerrak trough. At that time, the Norwegian Channel off southern Norway had become a large fjord-like embayment, surrounded by the grounded ice sheet along the northern slope and possibly stagnant ice remnants at the southern flank. The Norwegian Channel off southern Norway has been the main sediment trap of the North Sea, and south of Egersund more than 200 m of sediments have been deposited since the start of the deglaciation. Five seismic units are mapped. The oldest unit E occurs in some of the deepest troughs, and was deposited immediately after the ice became buoyant. Unit D is acoustically massive and comprises mass-movement deposits in eastern Skagerrak and south of Egersund. Unit C (in the channel southwest of Lista/Egersund) is interpreted to comprise mainly bottom current deposits derived from palaeo-rivers, e.g. Elben. During deposition of unit C (ca. 14.5–13 ka BP), there was limited inflow of Atlantic water. A change in depositional environment at ca. 13 ka BP is related to an increased inflow of saline water and more open hydrographic circulation. Widely distributed, acoustically stratified clays of unit B were deposited ca. 13–10 ka BP. The Holocene Unit A shows a depositional pattern broadly similar to that of unit B.  相似文献   

The seasonal structure and dynamic mechanism of oceanic surface thermal fronts(STFs) along the western Guangdong coast over the northern South China Sea shelf were analyzed using in situ observational data, remote sensing data, and numerical simulations. Both in situ and satellite observations show that the coastal thermal front exhibits substantial seasonal variability, being strongest in winter when it has the greatest extent and strongest sea surface temperature gradient. The winter coastal thermal front begins to appear in November and disappears after the following April. Although runoff water is more plentiful in summer, the front is weak in the western part of Guangdong. The frontal intensity has a significant positive correlation with the coastal wind speed,while the change of temperature gradient after September lags somewhat relative to the alongshore wind. The numerical simulation results accurately reflect the seasonal variation and annual cycle characteristics of the frontal structure in the simulated area. Based on vertical cross-section data, the different frontal lifecycles of the two sides of the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary are analyzed.  相似文献   

Single-channel seismic reflection profiles show evidence for areas of significant gas accumulation at the head of the Cape Fear Slide on the continental rise off North Carolina. Gas accumulation appears to occur beneath a gas hydrate seal in landward-dipping strata and in domed strata associated with diapirism. In addition, gas venting may have occurred near diapirs located at the head of the slide.  相似文献   

Data collected on a cruise in January 2008, using a laser optical plankton counter, conductivity–temperature–depth sensors, and a lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler, was used to study the mesoscale distribution and advection of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in its deep water winter habitat off the shelf of northern Norway. The overwintering animals were generally located immediately below the Atlantic Water (AW) in Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW), in the 600–1200 m depth range. The depth of the interface between AW and AIW varied considerably in the area and this was clearly reflected in the C. finmarchicus distribution. Maximum abundance varied from about 80 ind m?3 to more than 200 ind m?3 at the different stations. Current measurements showed the richness of mesoscazle eddies, with speeds exceeding 70 cm s?1 at the surface and rapidly decreasing with depth. In the main overwintering layer the eddy features were also clearly seen, but with speeds generally below 20 cm s?1. C. finmarchicus were found in the whole survey area, but they were not homogeneously distributed. Advection of the copepods resulted in relatively high local rates of change in overwintering C. finmarchicus abundance with mean value of 8% per day in the area. It is clear that mesoscale physical processes greatly contribute to the variability in the abundance of overwintering C. finmarchicus off the shelf of northern Norway. The collected data are also a valuable addition to the generally sparse datasets on the C. finmarchicus winter distribution and the role of the Lofoten basin in the large scale system is also discussed.  相似文献   

During February and March in 1985, the research project of seven hydrographic sections in the sea region off the Wilkes Land (147°-162°E) Antarctica was finished. Hydrographic, chemical and biological data were obtained. According to preliminary analysis, some conclusions were made as follows:  相似文献   

Yoshida (1967) pointed out that the coastal upwelling region may not coincide with the intense longshore wind region and shift poleward. In order to clarify this poleward shift from the existing data, the monthly mean distributions of the offshore Ekman transport and the coastal upwelling intensity are estimated along the California coast from U. S. Daily Weather Maps and from the CCOFI data in 1949, respectively. The results show that the center of the coastal upwelling region is generally shifted to the north from the position of the maximum offshore Ekman transport. The detailed discussions are given for the case of August 1949 when the shift is seen most clearly.  相似文献   

Quantitative data on the vertical distribution and biomass of microzooplankton are presented for the western subtropical Pacific west of the Bonin Islands in winter. Microzooplankton other than foraminifera and radiolarians showed similar vertical distribution to chlorophylla. Among microzooplankters, naked ciliates, tintinnids and copepod nauplii were dominant components both in number and volume. Naked ciliates were the most dominant, comprising 82.2 % and 47.7 % of the total microzooplankton by number and volume, respectively. Copepod nauplii, occupying less than 10 % by number, accounted for 35.7 % of the volume of all microzooplankton. Tintinnids contributed less to the microzooplankton standing crop, 12.6 % of the total by number and 17.3 % by volume. Calculated microzooplankton wet weight varied from 0.84 to 1.80 g m?2 and corresponded to 9.9–18.1 % of net zooplankton weight. The relative abundance of microzooplankton to net zooplankton in this study is comparable to that previously reported in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean, but a little higher than in oceanic subarctic areas.  相似文献   

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