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The geometry and dynamics of the Mesozoic basins of the Weald–Boulonnais area have been controlled by the distribution of preexisting Variscan structures. The emergent Variscan frontal thrust faults are predominantly E–W oriented in southern England while in northern France they have a largely NW–SE orientation.Extension related to Tethyan and Atlantic opening has reactivated these faults and generated new faults that, together, have conditioned the resultant Mesozoic basin geometries. Jurassic to Cretaceous N–S extension gave the Weald–Boulonnais basin an asymmetric geometry with the greatest subsidence located along its NW margin. Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene N–S oriented Alpine (s.l.) compression inverted the basin and produced an E–W symmetrical anticline associated with many subsidiary anticlines or monoclines and reverse faults. In the Boulonnais extensional and contractional faults that controlled sedimentation and inversion of the Mesozoic basin are examined in the light of new field and reprocessed gravity data to establish possible controls exerted by preexisting Variscan structures.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results of combined structural and geomorphological investigations we carried out in two key areas, in order to obtain new data on the structure and evolution of the Tyrrhenian slope of the southern Apennines. Analysis by a stress inversion method [Angelier, J., 1994. Fault slip analysis and paleostress reconstruction. In: Continental Deformation. P.L. Hancock Ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 53–100] of fault slip data from Mesozoic to Quaternary formations allowed the reconstruction of states of stress at different time intervals. By integrating these data with those deriving from the stratigraphic and morphotectonic records, chronology and timing of the sequence of the deformation events was obtained.The tectonic history of the region can be related to four deformation events. Structures related to the first event, that was dominated by a strike-slip regime with a NW–SE oriented σ1 and was active since Mid–Late Miocene, do not significantly affect the present day landscape, as they were strongly displaced and overprinted by subsequent deformation events and/or deleted by erosion. The second and third events, that may be considered as the main responsible for the morphostructural signature of the region, are comparable with the stretching phases recognised offshore and considered to be responsible for the opening and widening of the Tyrrhenian basin. In particular, the second event (with an E–W oriented σ3), took place in the Late Miocene/earliest Pliocene and was first dominated by a strike-slip regime, that was also responsible for thrusting and folding. Since Late Pliocene, it was dominated by an extensional regime that created large vertical offsets along N–S to NW–SE trending faults. The third event, that was dominated by extension with a NW–SE oriented σ3, started in the Early Pleistocene and was responsible for formation of the horst-and-graben structure with NE–SW trend that characterises the Tyrrhenian margin of the southern Apennines. The fourth deformation event, which is characterised by an extensional regime with a NE–SW trending σ3, started in the late Middle Pleistocene and is currently active.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the recent (1990–1997) seismicity that affected the northern sector (Sannio–Benevento area) of the Southern Apennines chain. We applied the Best Estimate Method (BEM), which collapses hypocentral clouds, to the events of low energy (Md max=4.1) seismic sequences in order to constrain the location and geometry of the seismogenetic structures. The results indicate that earthquakes aligned along three main structures: two sub-parallel structures striking NW–SE (1990–1992, Benevento sequence) and one structure striking NE–SW (1997, Sannio sequence). The southernmost NW–SE structure, which dips towards NE, overlies the fault that is likely to be responsible for a larger historical earthquake (Io max=XI MCS, 1688 earthquake). The northernmost NW–SE striking structure dips towards SW. The NE–SW striking structure is sub-vertical and it is located at the northern tip of the fault segment supposed to be responsible for the 1688 earthquake. The spatio-temporal evolution of the 1990–1997 seismicity indicates a progressive migration from SE (Benevento) to NW (Sannio) associated to a deepening of hypocenters (i.e., from about 5 to 12 km). Hypocenters cluster at the interface between the major structural discontinuities (e.g., pre-existing thrust surfaces) or within higher rigidity layers (e.g., the Apulia carbonates). Available focal mechanisms from earthquakes occurred on the recognized NW–SE and NE–SW faults are consistent with dip-slip normal solutions. This evidences the occurrence of coexisting NW–SE and NE–SW extensions in Southern Apennines.  相似文献   

Neotectonic observations allow a new interpretation of the recent tectonic behaviour of the outer fore arc in the Caldera area, northern Chile (27°S). Two periods of deformation are distinguished, based on large-scale Neogene to Quaternary features of the westernmost part of the Coastal Cordillera: Late Miocene to Early Pliocene deformations, characterized by a weak NE–SW to E–W extension is followed by uppermost Pliocene NW–SE to E–W compression. The Middle Pleistocene to Recent time is characterized by vertical uplift and NW–SE extension. These deformations provide clear indications of the occurrence of moderate to large earthquakes. Microseismic observations, however, indicate a lack of shallow crustal seismicity in coastal zone. We propose that both long-term brittle deformation and uplift are linked to the subduction seismic cycle.  相似文献   

Late Pliocene–Pleistocene tectonic evolution of the Apennines is driven by progressive eastward migration of extensional downfaulting superposed onto the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene compressional thrust belt. This process has led to distinct structural domains that show decreasing transcrustal permeability from conditions of pervasive mixing between deep and surface fluids in the hinterland (west) to conditions of restricted fluid circulation and overpressuring in the foreland (east). At present, the highest rates of normal faulting and the strongest seismicity occur in the area bounded by stretched, highly permeable crust to the west and thick, poorly permeable crust to the east. In this area, the seismogenic sources of the largest earthquakes (5<Ms<7) are potentially related to mature normal faults that deeply penetrate thick brittle upper crust, and act as transient high-permeability channels during seismic activity. In this framework, it is plausible that domains of overpressuring govern progressive inception of normal faulting and fluid redistribution in the crust, leading to eastward migration of the belt of maximum seismicity with time.  相似文献   

The evolution of the seismogenic process associated with the Ms 5.8 Sangro Valley earthquake of May 1984 (Abruzzo, central Italy) is closely controlled by the Quaternary extensional tectonic pattern of the area. This pattern is characterised by normal faults mainly NNW striking, whose length is controlled by pre-existing Mio–Pliocene N100±10° left-lateral strike-slip fault zones. These are partly re-activated as right-lateral normal-oblique faults under the Quaternary extensional regime and behave as transfer faults.Integration of re-located aftershocks, focal mechanisms and structural features are used to explain the divergence between the alignment of aftershocks (WSW–ENE) and the direction of seismogenic fault planes defined by the focal mechanisms (NNW–SSE) of the main shock and of the largest aftershock (Ms=5.3).The faults that appear to be involved in the seismogenic process are the NNW–SSE Barrea fault and the E–W M. Greco fault. There is field evidence of finite Quaternary deformation indicating that the normal Barrea fault re-activates the M. Greco fault as right-lateral transfer fault. No surface faulting was observed during the seismic sequence. The apparently incongruent divergence between aftershocks and nodal planes may be explained by interpreting the M. Greco fault as a barrier to the propagation of earthquake rupturing. The rupture would have nucleated on the Barrea fault, migrating along-strike towards NNW. The sharp variation in direction from the Barrea to the M. Greco fault segments would have represented a structural complexity sufficient to halt the rupture and subsequent concentration of post-seismic deformation as aftershocks around the line of intersection between the two fault planes.Fault complexities, similar to those observed in the Sangro Valley, are common features of the seismic zone of the Apennines. We suggest that the zones of interaction between NW–SE and NNW–SSE Plio-Quaternary faults and nearly E–W transfer faults, extending for several kilometres in the same way as M. Greco does, might act as barriers to the along-strike propagation of rupture processes during normal faulting earthquakes. This might have strong implications on seismic hazard, especially for the extent of the maximum magnitude expected on active faults during single rupture episodes.  相似文献   

Neotectonic evolution of the Central Betic Cordilleras (Southern Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleostress orientations were calculated from fault-slip data of 36 sites located along a traverse through the Central Betic Cordilleras (southern Spain). Heterogeneous fault sets, which are frequent in the area, have been divided into homogeneous subsets by cross-cutting relationships observed in the field and by a paleostress stratigraphy approach applied on each individual fault population. The state of stress was sorted according to main tectonic events and a new chronology is presented of the Miocene to Recent deformation in the central part of the Betic Cordilleras. The deviatoric stress tensors fall into four distinct groups that are regionally consistent and correlate with three Late Oligocene–Aquitanian to Recent major tectonic events in the Betic Cordilleras. The new chronology of the neotectonic evolution includes, from oldest to youngest, the following main tectonic phases:
(1) Late Oligocene–Aquitanian to Early Tortonian: σ1 subhorizontal N–S, partly E–W directed, σ3 subvertical; compressional structures (thrusting of nappes, large-scale folding) and strike-slip faulting in the Alborán Domain and the External Zone of the Betic Cordilleras;
(2) Early Tortonian to Pliocene–Pleistocene: σ1 subvertical, σ3 subhorizontal NW–SE, partly N–S directed or E–W-directed (radial extension); large-scale normal faulting in the Central Betic Cordilleras and in the oldest Neogene formations of the Granada Basin related to the gravitational collapse of the Betic Cordilleras and the exhumation of the intensely metamorphosed rock series of the Internal Zones, at the same time formation of the Alborán Basin and intramontane basins such as the Granada Basin;
(3) Pleistocene to Recent: (3a) σ1 subvertical, σ3 subhorizontal NE–SW with prominent normal faulting, but coevally; (3b) σ1 subhorizontal NW directed, σ3 NE–SW subhorizontal with strike-slip faulting. Extensional structures and strike-slip faulting are related to the ongoing convergence of the Eurasian and African Plates and coeval uplift of the Betic Cordilleras. Reactivation of pre-existing fractures and faults was frequently observed. Phase 3 is interpreted as periodic strike-slip and normal faulting events due to a permutation of the principal stress axes, mainly σ1 and σ2.
Keywords: Neotectonics; Paleostress; Fault-slip data; Deformation history; Betic Cordilleras  相似文献   

Summary ¶The crustal structure of the Campania continental margin is synthesized from outcrop, seismic reflection and gravimetric data. Outcrop and subsurface geological data reveal the presence of NE–SW faults, E–W faults and NW–SE faults. An older extensional event occurred along NW–SE faults and was followed by the main extensional event linked to the activity of NE–SW normal faults. The latter were active between 700 and 400ka producing half-grabens filled by more than 5km of Quaternary deposits. The stratigraphic signature of these tectonic events corresponds to a Lower Pleistocene marine unconformity-bounded unit overlain by Middle Pleistocene rocks belonging to a transgressive-regressive cycle. A crustal section of the Campania margin displays an asymmetric linked fault system characterized by a 10–12km-deep main detachment level, listric normal faults and rollover anticlines. Structural and stratigraphic data document that the inception of volcanic activity at Vesuvius occurred at 400ka, just after the main extensional event, and the volcano is located at the margin of a rollover anticline.Received June 26, 2002; revised version accepted November 9, 2002  相似文献   

Four major fault systems oriented N–S to NNE–SSW, NE–SW, E–W and NW–SE are identified from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images and a high resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the Ethiopian Rift Valley and the surrounding plateaus. Most of these faults are the result of Cenozoic - extensional reactivation of pre-existing basement structures. These faults interacted with each other at different geological times under different geodynamic conditions. The Cenozoic interaction under an extensional tectonic regime is the major cause of the actual volcano-tectonic landscape in Ethiopia. The Wonji Fault Belt (WFB), which comprises the N–S to NNE–SSW striking rift floor faults, displays peculiar propagation patterns mainly due to interaction with the other fault systems and the influence of underlying basement structures. The commonly observed patterns are: curvilinear oblique-slip faults forming lip-horsts, sinusoidal faults, intersecting faults and locally splaying faults at their ends. Fault-related open structures such as tail-cracks, releasing bends and extensional relay zones and fault intersections have served as principal eruption sites for monogenetic Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER).  相似文献   

In this work we analyse and check the results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) by means of a comparison with palaeostress orientations obtained from the analysis of brittle mesostructures in the Cabuérniga Cretaceous basin, located in the western end of the Basque–Cantabrian basin, North Spain. The AMS data refer to 23 sites including Triassic red beds, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones, sandstones and shales. These deposits are weakly deformed, and represent the syn-rift sequence linked to basins formed during the Mesozoic and later inverted during the Pyrenean compression. The observed magnetic fabrics are typical of early stages of deformation, and show oblate, triaxial and prolate magnetic ellipsoids. The magnetic fabric seems to be related to a tectonic overprint of an original, compaction, sedimentary fabric. Most sites display a NE–SW magnetic lineation that is interpreted to represent the stretching direction of the Early Cretaceous extensional stage of the basin, without recording of the Tertiary compressional events, except for sites with compression-related cleavage.Brittle mesostructures include normal faults, calcite and quartz tension gashes and joints, related to the extensional stage. The results obtained from joints and tension gashes show a dominant N–S to NE–SW, and secondary NW–SE, extension direction. Paleostresses obtained from fault analysis (Right Dihedra and stress inversion methods) indicate NW–SE to E–W, and N–S extension direction. The results obtained from brittle mesostructures show a complex pattern resulting from the superposition of several tectonic processes during the Mesozoic, linked to the tectonic activity related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay during the Early Cretaceous. This work shows the potential in using AMS analysis in inverted basins to unravel its previous extensional history when the magnetic fabric is not expected to be modified by subsequent deformational events. Brittle mesostructure analysis seems to be more sensitive to far-field stress conditions and record longer time spans, whereas AMS records deformation on the near distance, during shorter intervals of time.  相似文献   

We present a series of high-resolution seismic reflection lines across the Yizre'el valley, which is the largest active depression in Israel, off the main trend of the Dead Sea rift. The new seismic reflection data is of excellent quality and shows that the valley is dissected into numerous small blocks, separated by active faults. The Yizre'el valley is found to consist of a series of half grabens, rather than a single half graben, or a symmetrical graben. The faults are generally vertical and appear to have a dominant strike-slip component, but some dip-slip is also evident. A marked zone of compression near Megido is associated with the intersection of the two largest faults in the valley, the Carmel fault and the Gideon fault. Variable trend of the faults reflects the complexity of the local geology along the boundary between the wide NW–SE trending Farah–Carmel fault zone and the E–W trending basins and ranges in the Lower Galilee. This tectonic complexity is likely to result from a highly variable stress pattern, modified by the structures inside it. Normal faulting in the valley occurred at an early stage of its development as a tectonic depression. However, strike-slip motion on the Carmel fault, and possibly also on some of the other faults, appears to have started together with the onset of normal faulting. Earthquake hazard in the area appears to be uniform as faults are distributed throughout the Yizre'el valley.  相似文献   

In this work, we report the results of combined geological, structural, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies carried out on Quaternary deposits in the Picentini Mountains, southern Apennines (Italy). The study concerns four small continental basins, Acerno, Tizzano, Iumaiano, and Piano del Gaudo, related to fluvial–lacustrine depositional environments, ranging in altitude from 600 to 1,200 m a.s.l. and strongly incised during recent time. Stratigraphic and structural analyses, integrated by low- and high-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), show that the formation of these basins has been controlled by extensional and transtensional tectonics. Most of the AMS sites exhibit a well-defined magnetic foliation parallel to the bedding planes. A well-defined magnetic lineation has also been measured within the foliation planes. In the Iumaiano, Tizzano, and Piano del Gaudo basins, magnetic lineations cluster around NNE–SSW trend and are parallel to the stretching directions inferred by structural analysis of faults and fractures. On the basis of structural, sedimentological, and high-field AMS data, we suggest a tectonic origin for the magnetic lineation, analogously to what has been observed in other weakly deformed sediments from Neogene and Quaternary extensional basins of the Mediterranean region. Our results demonstrate that onset and the evolution of the investigated basins have been mainly controlled since lower Pleistocene by NW–SE normal and transtensional faults. This deformation pattern is consistent with a prevalent NE–SW extensional tectonic regime, still active in southern Apennines, as revealed by seismological and geodetic data.  相似文献   

The carbonates of the Barremian to Aptian Qishn Formation are outcrop equivalents to major hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Middle East and in Oman specifically. The rocks are exposed in the Haushi–Huqf area of eastern Oman where they are affected by pervasive jointing and localized folding and faulting. Information gathered in the Huqf outcrops can be used to formulate predictions on fracture patterns in adjacent reservoirs. Systematic joints are confined to few meters-thick intervals of widely differing lithologies, which can be correlated over hundreds of square kilometers. Over the entire area, systematic joints are typically more than tens of meters long, have spacings of 4–18 cm and homogeneous morphologies. These joints are interpreted to be of Late Aptian age. The dominant set of joints strikes consistently NW–SE and developed parallel to the causative maximum horizontal compression SH. The direction of compression is at an high angle to the two major tectonic domains of the region, the subsiding Oman Interior basins and the elevated Haushi-Huqf High. NW–SE compression is proposed to have caused crustal/lithospheric buckling and thereby to have controlled Jurassic to Early Tertiary patterns of vertical movements. In such a scenario, the direction of compression is predicted to be constant over the entire domain. It is thus expected that Qishn carbonates in the subsiding Oman Interior basins also experienced NW–SE compression and developed systematic joints similar to those observed in the Huqf region. In the Neogene, with the establishment of the Zagros stress field, the maximum horizontal compression became roughly N–S, thereby possibly leading to the closure of pre-existing joint systems.  相似文献   

The Iberian Chain is a wide intraplate deformation zone formed by the tectonic inversion during the Pyrenean orogeny of a Permian–Mesozoic basin developed in the eastern part of the Iberian Massif. The N–S convergence between Iberia and Eurasia from the Late Cretaceous to the Lower Miocene times produced significant intraplate deformation. The NW–SE oriented Castilian Branch of the Iberian Chain can be considered as a “key zone” where the proposed models for the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Iberian Chain can be tested. Structural style of basin inversion suggests mainly strike–slip displacements along previous NW–SE normal faults, developed mostly during the Mesozoic. To confirm this hypothesis, structural and basin evolution analysis, macrostructural Bouguer gravity anomaly analysis, detailed mapping and paleostress inversions have been used to prove the important role of strike slip deformation. In addition, we demonstrate that two main folding trends almost perpendicular (NE–SW to E–W and NW–SE) were simultaneously active in a wide transpressive zone. The two fold trends were generated by different mechanical behaviour, including buckling and bending under constrictive strain conditions. We propose that strain partitioning occurred with oblique compression and transpression during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

This paper presents a geological–structural study of some Neogene hinterland basins of the Northern Apennines, located on the Tyrrhenian side of the chain. These basins developed on the already delineated thrust-fold belt from middle–late Tortonian times. Their evolution has been commonly referred to an extensional tectonic regime, related to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. New data have allowed us to hypothesize a different tectonic evolution for the chain, where compressive tectonics plays a major role both in the external and in the hinterland area. In this frame, the hinterland area located west of a major outcropping crustal thrust (Mid-Tuscany Metamorphic Ridge) has been the target of a geological–structural investigation. The field mapping and structural analysis has been focused on the syntectonic sediments of the Radicondoli–Volterra basin as well as on adjoining minor basins. These basins commonly display a synclinal structure and are generally located in between basement culminations, probably corresponding to thrust anticlines. Sediments of the hinterland basins have been affected by compressive deformation and regional unconformities separate stratigraphic units due to the activity of basement thrusts. In the study area, normal faulting either accommodates the thrusting processes or post-dates compressive deformation. A chronology of faulting and a six-stage evolution of this area are presented, providing further insights for the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A geophysical perspective based on well-acquired gravity, magnetic, and radiometric data provides good insights into the basin architectural elements and tectonic evolution of the Rio do Peixe Basin (RPB), an Early Cretaceous intracontinental basin in the northeast Brazilian rift system, which developed during the opening of the South Atlantic. NW–SE-trending extensional forces acting over an intensively deformed Precambrian basement yielded a composite basin architecture strongly controlled by preexisting, mechanically weak fault zones in the upper crust. Reactivated NE–SW and E–W ductile shear zones of Brasiliano age (0.6 Ga) divided the RPB into three asymmetrical half-grabens (Brejo das Freiras, Sousa, and Pombal subbasins), separated by basement highs of granite bodies that seem to anchor and distinguish the mechanical subsidence of the subbasins. Radiometric and geopotential field data highlight the relationship between the tectonic stress field and the role of a preexisting structural framework inserted in the final rift geometry. The up-to-2000 m thick half-grabens are sequentially located at the inflexion of sigmoidal-shaped shear zones and acquire a typical NE–SW-oriented elliptic shape. The Sousa Subbasin is the single exception. Because of its uncommon E–W elongated form, three-dimensional gravity modeling reveals an E–W axis of depocenters within the Sousa Subbasin framework, in which the eastern shoulders are controlled by NE–SW-trending faults. These faults belong to the Precambrian structural fabric, as is well illustrated by the gamma ray and magnetic signatures of the basement grain. Release faults were identified nearly perpendicular or oblique to master faults, forming marginal strike ramps and horst structures in all subbasins. The emplacement mechanism of Brasiliano granites around the RPB was partially oriented by the same structural framework, as is indicated by the gravity signature of the granitic bodies after removal of the gravity effect of the basin-filling deposits. The RPB major-fault occurrence along the releasing bend of a strong discontinuity – the so-called Portalegre Shear Zone – in addition to the configuration of a gentle crustal thinning, according to gravity field studies, suggests that a crustal discontinuity governs the nucleation of the RPB, followed probably by small displacement in deep crustal levels accommodating low-rate stretching during basin subsidence.  相似文献   

The NW–SE-striking Northeast German Basin (NEGB) forms part of the Southern Permian Basin and contains up to 8 km of Permian to Cenozoic deposits. During its polyphase evolution, mobilization of the Zechstein salt layer resulted in a complex structural configuration with thin-skinned deformation in the basin and thick-skinned deformation at the basin margins. We investigated the role of salt as a decoupling horizon between its substratum and its cover during the Mesozoic deformation by integration of 3D structural modelling, backstripping and seismic interpretation. Our results suggest that periods of Mesozoic salt movement correlate temporally with changes of the regional stress field structures. Post-depositional salt mobilisation was weakest in the area of highest initial salt thickness and thickest overburden. This also indicates that regional tectonics is responsible for the initiation of salt movements rather than stratigraphic density inversion.Salt movement mainly took place in post-Muschelkalk times. The onset of salt diapirism with the formation of N–S-oriented rim synclines in Late Triassic was synchronous with the development of the NNE–SSW-striking Rheinsberg Trough due to regional E–W extension. In the Middle and Late Jurassic, uplift affected the northern part of the basin and may have induced south-directed gravity gliding in the salt layer. In the southern part, deposition continued in the Early Cretaceous. However, rotation of salt rim synclines axes to NW–SE as well as accelerated rim syncline subsidence near the NW–SE-striking Gardelegen Fault at the southern basin margin indicates a change from E–W extension to a tectonic regime favoring the activation of NW–SE-oriented structural elements. During the Late Cretaceous–Earliest Cenozoic, diapirism was associated with regional N–S compression and progressed further north and west. The Mesozoic interval was folded with the formation of WNW-trending salt-cored anticlines parallel to inversion structures and to differentially uplifted blocks. Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic compression caused partial inversion of older rim synclines and reverse reactivation of some Late Triassic to Jurassic normal faults in the salt cover. Subsequent uplift and erosion affected the pre-Cenozoic layers in the entire basin. In the Cenozoic, a last phase of salt tectonic deformation was associated with regional subsidence of the basin. Diapirism of the maturest pre-Cenozoic salt structures continued with some Cenozoic rim synclines overstepping older structures. The difference between the structural wavelength of the tighter folded Mesozoic interval and the wider Cenozoic structures indicates different tectonic regimes in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic.We suggest that horizontal strain propagation in the brittle salt cover was accommodated by viscous flow in the decoupling salt layer and thus salt motion passively balanced Late Triassic extension as well as parts of Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression.  相似文献   

Alps and Apennines are juxtaposed within an approximately 100 km-wide area covered by the Upper Eocene to Miocene successions of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Upper Eocene–Oligocene evolution of this area was characterized to the north and west by the propagation of the SE-verging Southalpine thrust-fold belt that can be traced from the Po Plain subsurface until the Torino Hill-Saluzzese area, and to the south by a high-angle, broadly E–W oriented megashear zone that led to the juxtaposition of different crustal levels and controlled the development of a mosaic of partly independent sub-basins. Since the latest Oligocene the N-verging Apenninic tectonics prevailed in the collisional system and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin evolved as a wide thrust-top basin, bounded to the north by the N-verging Monferrato arc and characterized by a tectono-sedimentary evolution recording changes of subsidence and shift of depocentres in relation to crustal structures.  相似文献   

We present a revision and a seismotectonic interpretation of deep crust strike–slip earthquake sequences that occurred in 1990–1991 in the Southern Apennines (Potenza area). The revision is motivated by: i) the striking similarity to a seismic sequence that occurred in 2002  140 km NNW, in an analogous tectonic context (Molise area), suggesting a common seismotectonic environment of regional importance; ii) the close proximity of such deep strike–slip seismicity with shallow extensional seismicity (Apennine area); and iii) the lack of knowledge about the mechanical properties of the crust that might justify the observed crustal seismicity. A comparison between the revised 1990–1991 earthquakes and the 2002 earthquakes, as well as the integration of seismological data with a rheological analysis offer new constraints on the regional seismotectonic context of crustal seismicity in the Southern Apennines. The seismological revision consists of a relocation of the aftershock sequences based on newly constrained velocity models. New focal mechanisms of the aftershocks are computed and the active state of stress is constrained via the use of a stress inversion technique. The relationships among the observed seismicity, the crustal structure of the Southern Apennines, and the rheological layering are analysed along a crustal section crossing southern Italy, by computing geotherms and two-mechanism (brittle frictional vs. ductile plastic strength) rheological profiles. The 1990–1991 seismicity is concentrated in a well-defined depth range (mostly between 15 and 23 km depths). This depth range corresponds to the upper pat of the middle crust underlying the Apulian sedimentary cover, in the footwall of the easternmost Apennine thrust system. The 3D distribution of the aftershocks, the fault kinematics, and the stress inversion indicate the activation of a right-lateral strike–slip fault striking N100°E under a stress field characterized by a sub-horizontal N142°-trending σ1 and a sub-horizontal N232°-trending σ3, very similar to the known stress field of the Gargano seismic zone in the Apulian foreland. The apparent anomalous depths of the earthquakes (> 15 km) and the confinement within a relatively narrow depth range are explained by the crustal rheology, which consists of a strong brittle layer at mid crustal depths sandwiched between two plastic horizons. This articulated rheological stratification is typical of the central part of the Southern Apennine crust, where the Apulian crust is overthrusted by Apennine units. Both the Potenza 1990–1991 and the Molise 2002 seismic sequences can be interpreted to be due to crustal E–W fault zones within the Apulian crust inherited from previous tectonic phases and overthrusted by Apennine units during the Late Pliocene–Middle Pleistocene. The present strike–slip tectonic regime reactivated these fault zones and caused them to move with an uneven mechanical behaviour; brittle seismogenic faulting is confined to the strong brittle part of the middle crust. This strong brittle layer might also act as a stress guide able to laterally transmit the deviatoric stresses responsible for the strike–slip regime in the Apulian crust and may explain the close proximity (nearly overlapping) of the strike–slip and normal faulting regimes in the Southern Apennines. From a methodological point of view, it seems that rather simple two-mechanism rheological profiles, though affected by uncertainties, are still a useful tool for estimating the rheological properties and likely seismogenic behaviour of the crust.  相似文献   

天山地区碰撞后构造与盆山演化   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
研究表明,近东西向的天山造山带基本格架在古生代晚期已经初步形成;平行造山带广泛分布的二叠纪红色磨拉石证明当时造山隆升作用非常强烈,导致前陆盆地普遍发育。三叠纪,天山造山带遭受区域剥蚀夷平,盆山高差缩小,盆地规模进一步扩大。侏罗纪—古近纪,由于板内伸展作用,在准平原化的天山地区形成了一系列伸展盆地,呈近东西向分布。新近纪以来,受南面印度—欧亚陆—陆碰撞的影响,天山地区发生强烈陆内变形,以逆冲推覆和褶皱堆叠为特征;节理统计表明新生代的主压应力为南北方向。晚新生代,由印度和欧亚大陆碰撞产生的强烈挤压作用对大陆腹地的天山地区影响很大:前中生代块体发生剧烈隆升和褶皱,伴随大规模新生代坳陷的形成,导致盆山高差急剧增大;脆性剪切与挤压变形构造叠加在韧性变形的古生代岩层之上。同时,中生代拉伸盆地发生构造反转,形成新生代挤压盆地,盆山交接带变形以台阶状逆断层和断层相关褶皱为特征。由于盆地朝造山带的下插作用,使古生代的岩层呈构造岩片方式逆冲推覆在盆地边缘的中新生代岩层之上,当穿越不同地质构造单元时表现出不同的运动学特征。强烈挤压褶皱冲断是晚新生代盆山交接带的基本特征和最普遍的盆-山耦合方式,局部伴有小规模近东西向的走滑断层。中生代沉积岩的褶皱与断裂、侏罗纪煤层自燃及烧结岩的形成、强烈地震与断层活动、以及新疆独特的镶嵌状盆山格局,都是新近纪以来构造作用的产物。  相似文献   

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