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In reservoir characterization, the covariance is often used to describe the spatial correlation and variation in rock properties or the uncertainty in rock properties. The inverse of the covariance, on the other hand, is seldom discussed in geostatistics. In this paper, I show that the inverse is required for simulation and estimation of Gaussian random fields, and that it can be identified with the differential operator in regularized inverse theory. Unfortunately, because the covariance matrix for parameters in reservoir models can be extremely large, calculation of the inverse can be a problem. In this paper, I discuss four methods of calculating the inverse of the covariance, two of which are analytical, and two of which are purely numerical. By taking advantage of the assumed stationarity of the covariance, none of the methods require inversion of the full covariance matrix.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the use of linear and nonlinear regression models to obtain quadratic estimates of covariance parameters. These models lead to new insights into the motivation behind estimation methods, the relationships between different methods, and the relationship of covariance estimation to prediction. In particular, we derive the standard estimating equations for minimum norm quadratic unbiased translation invariant estimates (MINQUEs) from an appropriate linear model. Connections between the linear model, minimum variance quadratic unbiased translation invariant estimates (MIVQUEs), and MINQUEs are examined and we provide a minimum norm justification for the use of one-step normal theory maximum likelihood estimates. A nonlinear regression model is used to define MINQUEs for nonlinear covariance structures and obtain REML estimates. Finally, the equivalence of predictions under various models is examined when covariance parameters are estimated. In particular, we establish that when using MINQUE, iterative MINQUE, or restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates, the choice between a stationary covariance function and an intrinsically stationary semivariogram is irrelevant to predictions and estimated prediction variances.  相似文献   

Quadratic estimators of components of a nested spatial covariance function are presented. Estimators are unbiased and possess a minimum norm property. Inversion of a covariance matrix is required but, by assuming that spatial correlation is absent, a priori, matrix inversion can be avoided. The loss of efficiency that results from this assumption is discussed. Methods can be generalized to include estimation of components of a generalized polynomial covariance assuming the underlying process to be an intrinsic random function. Particular attention is given to the special case where just two components of spatial covariance exist, one of which represents a nugget effect.  相似文献   

A proof is provided that the predictions obtained from kriging based on intrinsic random functions of orderk are identical to those obtained from anappropriate universal kriging model. This is a theoretical result based on known variability measures. It does not imply that people performing traditional universal kriging will get the same predictions as those using intrinsic random functions, because traditionally these methods differ in how variability is modeled. For intrinsic random functions, the same proof shows that predictions do not depend on the specific choice of the generalized covariance function. It is argued that the choice between these methods is really one of modeling and estimating the variability in the data.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of data displaying trends may be performed with the help of generalized increments, the variance of these increments being a function of a generalized covariance. Generalized covariances are estimated primarily by parametric methods (i. e., methods searching for the best coefficients of a predetermined function), but also may be computed by one known nonparametric alternative. In this paper, a new nonparametric method is proposed. It is founded on the following principles: (1) least-squares residues are generalized increments; and (2) the generalized covariance is not a unique function, but a family of functions (the system is indeterminate). The method is presented in a general context of a k order trend in Rd, although the full solution is given only fork = I in Ri. In Ri, higher order trends may be developed easily with the equations included in this paper. For higher dimensions in space, the problem is more complex, but a research approach is proposed. The method is tested on soil pH data and compared to a parametric and nonparametric method.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed that employs first-moment estimation (kriging), cross-validation, and response surface analysis to estimate parameters of a generalized covariance function. Results from application of this procedure to two data sets are given.  相似文献   

Multivariable spatial prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For spatial prediction, it has been usual to predict one variable at a time, with the predictor using data from the same type of variable (kriging) or using additional data from auxiliary variables (cokriging). Optimal predictors can be expressed in terms of covariance functions or variograms. In earth science applications, it is often desirable to predict the joint spatial abundance of variables. A review of cokriging shows that a new cross-variogram allows optimal prediction without any symmetry condition on the covariance function. A bivariate model shows that cokriging with previously used cross-variograms can result in inferior prediction. The simultaneous spatial prediction of several variables, based on the new cross-variogram, is then developed. Multivariable spatial prediction yields the mean-squared prediction error matrix, and so allows the construction of multivariate prediction regions. Relationships between cross-variograms, between single-variable and multivariable spatial prediction, and between generalized least squares estimation and spatial prediction are also given.  相似文献   

Computational aspects of the estimation of generalized covariance functions by the method of restricted maximum likelihood (REML) are considered in detail. In general, REML estimation is computationally intensive, but significant computational savings are available in important special cases. The approach taken here restricts attention to data whose spatial configuration is a regular lattice, but makes no restrictions on the number of parameters involved in the generalized covariance nor (with the exception of one result) on the nature of the generalized covariance function's dependence on those parameters. Thus, this approach complements the recent work of L. G. Barendregt (1987), who considered computational aspects of REML estimation in the context of arbitrary spatial data configurations, but restricted attention to generalized covariances which are linear functions of only two parameters.  相似文献   

On the estimation of the generalized covariance function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of the generalized covariance function, K, is a major problem in the use of intrinsic random functions of order k to obtain kriging estimates. The precise estimation by least-squares regression of the parameters in polynomial models for K is made difficult by the nature of the distribution of the dependent variable and the multicollinearity of the independent variables.  相似文献   

Fitting trend and error covariance structure iteratively leads to bias in the estimated error variogram. Use of generalized increments overcomes this bias. Certain generalized increments yield difference equations in the variogram which permit graphical checking of the model. These equations extend to the case where errors are intrinsic random functions of order k, k=1, 2, ..., and an unbiased nonparametric graphical approach for investigating the generalized covariance function is developed. Hence, parametric models for the generalized covariance produced by BLUEPACK-3D or other methods may be assessed. Methods are illustrated on a set of coal ash data and a set of soil pH data.  相似文献   

Marshall and Mardia (1985) and Kitanidis (1985) have suggested using minimum norm quadratic estimation as a method to estimate parameters of a generalized covariance function. Unfortunately, this method is difficult to use with large data sets as it requires inversion of an n × n matrix, where n is number of observations. These authors suggest replacing the matrix to be inverted by the identity matrix, which eliminates the computational burden, although with a considerable loss of efficiency. As an alternative, the data set can be broken into subsets, and minimum norm quadratic estimates of parameters of the generalized covariance function can be obtained within each subset. These local estimates can be averaged to obtain global estimates. This procedure also avoids large matrix inversions, but with less loss in efficiency.  相似文献   

The parameters of covariance functions (or variograms) of regionalized variables must be determined before linear unbiased estimation can be applied. This work examines the problem of minimum-variance unbiased quadratic estimation of the parameters of ordinary or generalized covariance functions of regionalized variables. Attention is limited to covariance functions that are linear in the parameters and the normality assumption is invoked when fourth moments of the data need to be calculated. The main contributions of this work are (1) it shows when and in what sense minimum-variance unbiased quadratic estimation can be achieved, and (2) it yields a well-founded, practicable, and easy-to-automate methodology for the estimation of parameters of covariance functions. Results of simulation studies are very encouraging.  相似文献   

Use of intrinsic random function stochastic models as a basis for estimation in geostatistical work requires the identification of the generalized covariance function of the underlying process. The fact that this function has to be estimated from data introduces an additional source of error into predictions based on the model. This paper develops the sample reuse procedure called the bootstrap in the context of intrinsic random functions to obtain realistic estimates of these errors. Simulation results support the conclusion that bootstrap distributions of functionals of the process, as well as their kriging variance, provide a reasonable picture of variability introduced by imperfect estimation of the generalized covariance function.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

Looking at kriging problems with huge numbers of estimation points and measurements, computational power and storage capacities often pose heavy limitations to the maximum manageable problem size. In the past, a list of FFT-based algorithms for matrix operations have been developed. They allow extremely fast convolution, superposition and inversion of covariance matrices under certain conditions. If adequately used in kriging problems, these algorithms lead to drastic speedup and reductions in storage requirements without changing the kriging estimator. However, they require second-order stationary covariance functions, estimation on regular grids, and the measurements must also form a regular grid. In this study, we show how to alleviate these rather heavy and many times unrealistic restrictions. Stationarity can be generalized to intrinsicity and beyond, if decomposing kriging problems into the sum of a stationary problem and a formally decoupled regression task. We use universal kriging, because it covers arbitrary forms of unknown drift and all cases of generalized covariance functions. Even more general, we use an extension to uncertain rather than unknown drift coefficients. The sampling locations may now be irregular, but must form a subset of the estimation grid. Finally, we present asymptotically exact but fast approximations to the estimation variance and point out application to conditional simulation, cokriging and sequential kriging. The drastic gain in computational and storage efficiency is demonstrated in test cases. Especially high-resolution and data-rich fields such as rainfall interpolation from radar measurements or seismic or other geophysical inversion can benefit from these improvements.  相似文献   

Comparison of kriging techniques in a space-time context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space-time processes constitute a particular class, requiring suitable tools in order to predict values in time and space, such as a space-time variogram or covariance function. The space-time co-variance function is defined and linked to the Linear Model of Coregionalization under second-order space-time stationarity. Simple and ordinary space-time kriging systems are compared to simple and ordinary cokriging and their differences for unbiasedness conditions are underlined. The ordinary space-time kriging estimation then is applied to simulated data. Prediction variances and prediction errors are compared with those for ordinary kriging and cokriging under different unbiasedness conditions using a cross-validation. The results show that space-time kriging tend to produce lower prediction variances and prediction errors that kriging and cokriging.  相似文献   

In linear geostatistics, models for the mean function (drift) and the variogram or generalized covariance function are selected on the basis of the modeler's understanding of the phenomenon studied as well as data. One can seldom be assured that the most appropriate model has been selected; however, analysis of residuals is helpful in diagnosing whether some important characteristic of the data has been neglected and, ultimately, in providing a reasonable degree of assurance that the selected model is consistent with the available information. The orthonormal residuals presented in this work are kriging errors constructed so that, when the correct model is used, they are uncorrelated and have zero mean and unit variance. It is suggested that testing of orthonormal residuals is a practical way for evaluating the agreement of the model with the data and for diagnosing model deficiencies. Their advantages over the usually employed standardized residuals are discussed. A set of tests are presented. Orthonormal residuals can also be useful in the estimation of the covariance (or variogram) parameters for a model that is considered correct.  相似文献   

The impact of using an incorrect covariance function on kriging predictors is investigated. Results of Stein (1988) show that the impact on the kriging predictor from not using the correct covariance function is asymptotically negligible as the number of observations increases if the covariance function used is compatible with the actual covariance function on the region of interestR. The definition and some properties of compatibility of covariance functions are given. The compatibility of generalized covariances also is defined. Compatibility supports the intuitively sensible concept that usually only the behavior near the origin of the covariance function is critical for purposes of kriging. However, the commonly used spherical covariance function is an exception: observations at a distance near the range of a spherical covariance function can have a nonnegligible effect on kriging predictors for three-dimensional processes. Finally, a comparison is made with the perturbation approach of Diamond and Armstrong (1984) and some observations of Warnes (1986) are clarified.  相似文献   

Bayesian updating methods provide an alternate philosophy to the characterization of the input variables of a stochastic mathematical model. Here, a priori values of statistical parameters are assumed on subjective grounds or by analysis of a data base from a geologically similar area. As measurements become available during site investigations, updated estimates of parameters characterizing spatial variability are generated. However, in solving the traditional updating equations, an updated covariance matrix may be generated that is not positive-definite, particularly when observed data errors are small. In addition, measurements may indicate that initial estimates of the statistical parameters are poor. The traditional procedure does not have a facility to revise the parameter estimates before the update is carried out. alternatively, Bayesian updating can be viewed as a linear inverse problem that minimizes a weighted combination of solution simplicity and data misfit. Depending on the weight given to the a priori information, a different solution is generated. A Bayesian updating procedure for log-conductivity interpolation that uses a singular value decomposition (SVD) is presented. An efficient and stable algorithm is outlined that computes the updated log-conductivity field and the a posteriori covariance of the estimated values (estimation errors). In addition, an information density matrix is constructed that indicates how well predicted data match observations. Analysis of this matrix indicates the relative importance of the observed data. The SVD updating procedure is used to interpolate the log-conductivity fields of a series of hypothetical aquifers to demonstrate pitfalls and possibilities of the method.  相似文献   

Ensemble size is critical to the efficiency and performance of the ensemble Kalman filter, but when the ensemble size is small, the Kalman gain generally cannot be well estimated. To reduce the negative effect of spurious correlations, a regularization process applied on either the covariance or the Kalman gain seems to be necessary. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the estimation errors when two regularization methods including the distance-dependent localization and the bootstrap-based screening are applied on the covariance and on the Kalman gain. The investigations were carried out through two examples: 1D linear problem without dynamics but for which the true Kalman gain can be computed and a 2D highly nonlinear reservoir fluid flow problem. The investigation resulted in three primary conclusions. First, if localizations of two covariance matrices are not consistent, the estimate of the Kalman gain will generally be poor at the observation location. The consistency condition can be difficult to apply for nonlocal observations. Second, the estimate of the Kalman gain that results from covariance regularization is generally subject to greater errors than the estimate of the Kalman gain that results from Kalman gain regularization. Third, in terms of removing spurious correlations in the estimation of spatially correlated variables, the performance of screening Kalman gain is comparable as the performance of localization methods (applied on either covariance or Kalman gain), but screening Kalman gain outperforms the localization methods in terms of generality for application, as the screening method can be used for estimating both spatially correlated and uncorrelated variables, and moreover, no assumption about the prior covariance is required for the screening method.  相似文献   

边少锋  Menz.J 《地球科学》2000,25(2):195-200
首先引入利用旋转面作为基函数的函数逼近概念, 在此基础上经过复杂的矩阵推导证明泛克立格法可表示为传统的带权最小二乘多项式拟合与以旋转面作为基函数的函数逼近, 并在一定条件下(随机场高度连续无块金效应) 论证了协方差(即旋转面) 的参数可通过数学分析的方法确定, 给出了以高斯函数为例确定协方差函数的两个准则.   相似文献   

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