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大气湍流的混沌吸引子特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用时间延迟技术,利用高性能的超声风温仪和红外湿度脉动仪所测得的大气湍流脉动资料,重构相空间中的湍流吸引子,估算了其相关维D2和最大Lyapunov指数λ1。结果表明,在不同地点、不同时间以及不同大气稳定度条件下,大气湍流的最大Lyapunov指数λ1均大于零,说明大气湍流的确具有混沌特征,且存在低维奇怪吸引子,其维数在3~7之间,视变量的不同(动力变量还是非动力变量)而不同,且受大气稳定度影响。首次使用了湍流动能来重建湍流吸引子。  相似文献   

地图边界提取的递归算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙向明  何会中 《气象科技》2006,34(2):237-239
通过一个递归算法完成对数字图像中地图边界的顺序跟踪提取,再转化成相应的经纬度坐标后,就可以应用于气象绘图软件GrADs、Vis5D、Surfer及MICAPS系统中进行底图的制作。利用这个方法,对于无法获得地图边界点经纬度坐标(如城市的行政区界线)时,能够直接从数字图像中完成所需信息的提取,以满足密集气象监测网和高空间分辨率的天气要素的图形化要求。应用于气象绘图和业务系统中,可解决缺少地图边界点经纬度数据时的地图绘制问题,并给出了应用示例。  相似文献   

从湍流经典理论到大气湍流非平衡态热力学理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湍流是日常生活中一种普遍的自然现象,也是经典物理学仍未完全解决的难题。湍流更是大气运动的最基本特征。本文系统地回顾了大气湍流经典理论发展简史,进一步详细介绍了大气湍流非平衡态热力学理论。大气湍流非平衡态热力学理论在熵平衡方程中引入动力过程,进而统一推导出大气湍流输送的Fourier定律、Flick定律和Newton定律,证明了Dufour效应、Soret效应、可逆动力过程与热力不可逆湍流输送过程之间的交叉耦合效应,以及湍流强度定理。这些定律和定理中得到了观测的事实验证,同时它们的唯象系数也由观测资料所确定。湍流强度定理揭示,湍流发展的宏观原因是速度和温度的剪切效应,Reynolds湍流和Rayleigh-Bénard湍流共存于大气湍流中。热力过程和动力过程间耦合效应现象的发现突破了传统湍流输送理论,即Fourier定律、Flick定律和Newton定律的观点——一个宏观量的输送通量等价于这个宏观量的梯度湍流输送通量。热力和动力过程间的耦合原理认为,一个宏观量的输送通量包括这个量的梯度湍流输送通量和速度耦合输送通量两部分。因此,能量和物质的垂直输送通量除了相应物理量梯度造成的湍流输送外,还应包括垂直速度耦合效应,即辐散或辐合运动造成的耦合效应。在一个很宽的尺度范围内,地表面的空间特征是非均匀的。下垫面非均匀性造成的对流运动将引起大气的辐散或辐合运动。这可能是导致地表能量收支不平衡的重要原因之一。垂直速度对垂直湍流输送的交叉耦合效应为非均匀下垫面大气边界层理论的发展,并为克服地表能量收支不平衡问题及非均匀下垫面大气边界层参数化遇到的困难提供了可能的线索。  相似文献   

A spectral-tensor model of non-neutral, atmospheric-boundary-layer turbulence is evaluated using Eulerian statistics from single-point measurements of the wind speed and temperature at heights up to 100 m, assuming constant vertical gradients of mean wind speed and temperature. The model has been previously described in terms of the dissipation rate \(\epsilon \), the length scale of energy-containing eddies \(\mathcal {L}\), a turbulence anisotropy parameter \(\varGamma \), the Richardson number Ri, and the normalized rate of destruction of temperature variance \(\eta _\theta \equiv \epsilon _\theta /\epsilon \). Here, the latter two parameters are collapsed into a single atmospheric stability parameter z / L using Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, where z is the height above the Earth’s surface, and L is the Obukhov length corresponding to \(\{Ri,\eta _\theta \}\). Model outputs of the one-dimensional velocity spectra, as well as cospectra of the streamwise and/or vertical velocity components, and/or temperature, and cross-spectra for the spatial separation of all three velocity components and temperature, are compared with measurements. As a function of the four model parameters, spectra and cospectra are reproduced quite well, but horizontal temperature fluxes are slightly underestimated in stable conditions. In moderately unstable stratification, our model reproduces spectra only up to a scale \(\sim \) 1 km. The model also overestimates coherences for vertical separations, but is less severe in unstable than in stable cases.  相似文献   

Turbulence structures of high Reynolds number flow in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated based on observations at Shionomisaki and Shigaraki, Japan. A Doppler sodar measured the vertical profiles of winds in the ABL. Using the integral wavelet transform for the time series of surface wind data, the pattern of a descending high-speed structure with large vertical extent (from the surface to more than 200-m level) is depicted from the Doppler sodar data. Essentially this structure is a specific type of coherent structure that has been previously shown in experiments on turbulent boundary-layer flows. Large-scale high-speed structures in the ABL are extracted using a long time scale (240 s) for the wavelet transform. The non-dimensional interval of time between structures is evaluated as 3.0–6.2 in most cases. These structures make a large contribution to downward momentum transfer in the surface layer. Quadrant analyses of the turbulent motion measured by the sonic anemometer (20-m height) suggest that the sweep motion (high-speed downward motion) plays a substantial role in the downward momentum transfer. In general, the contribution of sweep motions to the momentum flux is nearly equal to that of ejection motions (low-speed upward motions). This contribution of sweep motions is related to the large-scale high-speed structures.  相似文献   

The studies of turbulence decay were based in the past on measurements carried out in neutrally stratified wind tunnels and, more recently, on large-eddy simulation runs. Here the atmospheric turbulence decay process during the solar total eclipse of 11 August 1999 is examined. Thus a rapid transition from convective boundary-layer turbulence to that of a neutral or slightly stable one is considered. A u-v-w propeller anemometer and a fast response temperature sensor located in northern France on top of a 9-m mast recorded the turbulence observations. The measurements, in terms of turbulent kinetic energy decay with time, were found to be in good agreement with those prescribed by a theoretical model of turbulence decay recently proposed. In particular, it was found that the exponent of the power law describing the decay process has the value -2.  相似文献   

一阶Buterworth递归式带通滤波器技术改进方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈寅生  欧阳玫君 《气象》1997,23(5):8-12
把一阶Butterworth递归带通滤波器应用于滑动样本,输出序列出现了振幅和位相的相对误差,为了克服这种现象给制作中长期预报带来的困难,作者通过数值试验,分析了该滤波器的误差传递特性,并设计了“拟定初值的三步滤波方案”。大量试验表明,该方案可较为有效地抑制输出序列的误差和位相飘移。  相似文献   

一阶Buterworth递归式带通滤波器技术改进方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈寅生  欧阳玫君 《气象》1997,23(5):8-12
把一阶Butterworth递归式(FBR)带通滤波器应用于滑动样本,输出序列出现了振幅和位相的相对误差。为了克服这种现象给制作中长期预报带来的困难,作者通过数值试验,分析了该滤波器的误差传递特性,并设计了“拟定初值的三步滤波方案”。大量试验表明,该方案可较为有效地抑制输出序列的误差和位相飘移  相似文献   

刘小红  洪钟祥 《大气科学》1995,19(3):347-358
本文将Stull提出的均匀网格下的过渡湍流理论推广到非均匀网格情形,推广的非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论满足Stull提出的对过渡矩阵系数的要求并具有清晰的物理意义。然后,将非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论应用于一维大气边界层数值模式中,对Wangara资料进行了模拟,并与均匀网格情形进行了对比。计算表明,非均匀网格的过渡湍流模式能很好地模拟Wangara大气边界层平均量与湍流量的变化;本文非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论的推广是可行的,它可能会在大气边界层数值模拟及其他方面(如:中尺度模式)得到应用。  相似文献   

We report on a novel approach for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) modelling of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), using the standard k-ek-{\varepsilon} turbulence model. A new inlet condition for turbulent kinetic energy is analytically derived from the solution of the k-ek-{\varepsilon} model transport equations, resulting in a consistent set of fully developed inlet conditions for the neutral ABL. A modification of the standard k-ek-{\varepsilon} model is also employed to ensure consistency between the inlet conditions and the turbulence model. In particular, the turbulence model constant C μ is generalized as a location-dependent parameter, and a source term is introduced in the transport equation for the turbulent dissipation rate. The application of the proposed methodology to cases involving obstacles in the flow is made possible through the implementation of an algorithm, which automatically switches the turbulence model formulation when going from the region where the ABL is undisturbed to the region directly affected by the building. Finally, the model is completed with a slightly modified version of the Richards and Hoxey rough-wall boundary condition. The methodology is implemented and tested in the commercial code Ansys Fluent 12.1. Results are presented for a neutral boundary layer over flat terrain and for the flow around a single building immersed in an ABL.  相似文献   

We present a new model of the structure of turbulence in the unstable atmospheric surface layer, and of the structural transition between this and the outer layer. The archetypal element of wall-bounded shear turbulence is the Theodorsen ejection amplifier (TEA) structure, in which an initial ejection of air from near the ground into an ideal laminar and logarithmic flow induces vortical motion about a hairpin-shaped core, which then creates a second ejection that is similar to, but larger than, the first. A series of TEA structures form a TEA cascade. In real turbulent flows TEA structures occur in distorted forms as TEA-like (TEAL) structures. Distortion terminates many TEAL cascades and only the best-formed TEAL structures initiate new cycles. In an extended log layer the resulting shear turbulence is a complex, self-organizing, dissipative system exhibiting self-similar behaviour under inner scaling. Spectral results show that this structure is insensitive to instability. This is contrary to the fundamental hypothesis of Monin--Obukhov similarity theory. All TEAL cascades terminate at the top of the surface layer where they encounter, and are severely distorted by, powerful eddies of similar size from the outer layer. These eddies are products of the breakdown of the large eddies produced by buoyancy in the outer layer. When the outer layer is much deeper than the surface layer the interacting eddies are from the inertial subrange of the outer Richardson cascade. The scale height of the surface layer, z s, is then found by matching the powers delivered to the creation of emerging TEAL structures to the power passing down the Richardson cascade in the outer layer. It is z s = u * 3 /ks, where u * is friction velocity, k is the von Kármán constant and s is the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy in the outer layer immediately above the surface layer. This height is comparable to the Obukhov length in the fully convective boundary layer. Aircraft and tower observations confirm a strong qualitative change in the structure of the turbulence at about that height. The tallest eddies within the surface layer have height z s, so z s is a new basis parameter for similarity models of the surface layer.  相似文献   

Here we advance the physical background of the energy- and flux-budget turbulence closures based on the budget equations for the turbulent kinetic and potential energies and turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy, and a new relaxation equation for the turbulent dissipation time scale. The closure is designed for stratified geophysical flows from neutral to very stable and accounts for the Earth’s rotation. In accordance with modern experimental evidence, the closure implies the maintaining of turbulence by the velocity shear at any gradient Richardson number Ri, and distinguishes between the two principally different regimes: “strong turbulence” at ${Ri \ll 1}$ typical of boundary-layer flows and characterized by the practically constant turbulent Prandtl number Pr T; and “weak turbulence” at Ri > 1 typical of the free atmosphere or deep ocean, where Pr T asymptotically linearly increases with increasing Ri (which implies very strong suppression of the heat transfer compared to the momentum transfer). For use in different applications, the closure is formulated at different levels of complexity, from the local algebraic model relevant to the steady-state regime of turbulence to a hierarchy of non-local closures including simpler down-gradient models, presented in terms of the eddy viscosity and eddy conductivity, and a general non-gradient model based on prognostic equations for all the basic parameters of turbulence including turbulent fluxes.  相似文献   

We show the relationship between the intermittency of turbulence and the type of stratification for different atmospheric situations during the SABLES98 field campaign. With this objective, we first demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the velocity structure functions corresponding to these situations; next, we analyze the curvature of the scaling exponents of the velocity structure functions versus the order of these functions (ζ p vs. p), where ζ p are the exponents of the power relation for the velocity structure function with respect to the scale. It can be proved that this curve must be concave, under the assumption that the incompressible approximation does not break down at high Reynolds numbers. The physical significance of this kind of curvature is that the energy dissipation rate increases as the scale of the turbulent eddies diminishes (intermittency in the usual sense). However, the constraints imposed by stability, preventing full development of the turbulence, allow the function ζ p versus p to show any type of curvature. In this case, waves of high frequency trapped by the stability, or bursts of turbulence caused by the breaking up of internal waves, may produce a redistribution of energy throughout the scaling range. Due to this redistribution, the variation with the scale of the energy dissipation rate may be smaller (decreasing the intermittency) and, even in more stable situations, this rate may diminish (instead of increasing) as the scale diminishes (convex form of the curve ζ p vs. p).  相似文献   

Adequate high-quality data on three-dimensional velocities in the atmospheric surface layer (height \(\delta \)) were acquired in the field at the Qingtu Lake Observation Array. The measurement range occupies nearly the entire logarithmic layer from approximately \(0.006\delta \)\(0.2\delta \). The turbulence intensity and eddy structures of the velocity fluctuations in the logarithmic region were primarily analyzed, and their variations in the z (wall-normal) direction were revealed. The primary finding was that the turbulent intensity of wall-normal velocity fluctuations exhibits a sharp upswing in the logarithmic region, which differs from classic scaling law and laboratory results. The upswing of the wall-normal turbulence intensity in the logarithmic region is deemed to be linear based on an ensemble of 20 sets of data. In addition, the wall-normal extent of the correlated structures and wall-normal spectra were compared to low Reynolds number results in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The influence of random errors in turbulence measurements on scalar similarity for temperature, water vapour, \(\hbox {CO}_{2}\), and \(\hbox {NH}_{3}\) is investigated using two eddy-covariance datasets collected over a lake and a cattle feedlot. Three measures of scalar similarity, namely, the similarity constant in the flux–variance relationship, the correlation coefficient between two scalars and the relative transport efficiency, are examined. The uncertainty in the similarity constant \(C_{s}\) in the flux–variance relationship resulting from random errors in turbulence measurements is quantified based on error propagation analyses and a Monte-Carlo sampling method, which yields a distribution instead of a single value for \(C_{s}\). For different scalars, the distributions of \(C_{s}\) are found to significantly overlap, implying that scalars are transported similarly under strongly unstable conditions. The random errors in the correlation coefficients between scalars and the relative transport efficiencies are also quantified through error propagation analyses, and they increase as the atmosphere departs from neutral conditions. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients between three scalars (water vapour, \(\hbox {CO}_{2}\), and \(\hbox {NH}_{3}\)) are statistically different from unity while the relative transport efficiencies are not, which highlights the difference between these two measures of scalar similarity. The results suggest that uncertainties in these measures of scalar similarity need to be quantified when using them to diagnose the existence of dissimilarity among different scalars.  相似文献   

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