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Estimates of the masses of supermassive black holes (M bh ) in the nuclei of disk galaxies with known rotation curves are compared with estimates of the rotational velocities V m and the “indicative” masses of the galaxies M i . Although there is a correlation between M bh and V m or M i , it is appreciably weaker than the correlation with the central velocity dispersion. The values of M bh for early-type galaxies (S0-Sab), which have more massive bulges, are, on average, higher than the values for late-type galaxies with the same rotational velocities. We conclude that the black-hole masses are determined primarily by the properties of the bulge and not the rotational velocity or the mass of the galaxy.  相似文献   

The statistical relation between the masses of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in disk galaxies and the kinematic properties of their host galaxies is analyzed. Velocity estimates for several galaxies obtained earlier at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the data for other galaxies taken from the literature are used. The SMBH masses correlate well with the rotational velocities at a distance of R ≈ 1 kpc, V 1, which characterize the mean density of the central region of the galaxy. The SMBH masses correlate appreciably weaker with the asymptotic velocity at large distances from the center and the angular velocity at the optical radius R 25. We have found for the first time a correlation between the SMBH mass and the total mass of the galaxy within the optical radius R 25, M 25, which includes both baryonic and “dark” mass. The masses of the nuclear star clusters in disk galaxies (based on the catalog of Seth et al.) are also related to the dynamical mass M 25; the correlations with the luminosity and rotational velocity of the disk are appreciably weaker. For a given value of M 25, the masses of the central cluster are, on average, an order of magnitude higher in S0-Sbc galaxies than in late-type galaxies, or than the SMBH masses. We suggest that the growth of the SMBH occurs in the forming “classical” bulge of the galaxy over a time < 109 yr, during a monolithic collapse of gas in the central region of the protogalaxy. The central star clusters form on a different time scale, and their stellar masses continue to grow for a long time after the growth of the central black hole has ceased, if this process is not hindered by activity of the nucleus.  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of supermassive (102?1010 M ) black holes (SMBHs) in the dense cores of globular clusters and galaxies is investigated. The raw material for the construction of the SMBHs is stellar black holes produced during the evolution of massive (25?150M ) stars. The first SMBHs, with masses of ~1000M , arise in the centers of the densest and most massive globular clusters. Current scenarios for the formation of SMBHs in the cores of globular clusters are analyzed. The dynamical deceleration of the most massive and slowly moving stellar-mass (< 100M ) black holes, accompanied by the radiation of gravitational waves in late stages, is a probable scenario for the formation of SMBHs in the most massive and densest globular clusters. The dynamical friction of the most massive globular clusters close to the dense cores of their galaxies, with the formation of close binary black holes due to the radiation of gravitational waves, leads to the formation of SMBHs with masses ? 103 M in these regions. The stars of these galaxies form galactic bulges, providing a possible explanation for the correlation between the masses of the bulge and of the central SMBHs. The deceleration of the most massive galaxies in the central regions of the most massive and dense clusters of galaxies could lead to the appearance of the most massive (to 1010 M ) SMBHs in the cores of cD galaxies. A side product of this cascade scenario for the formation of massive galaxies with SMBHs in their cores is the appearance of stars with high spatial velocities (> 300 km/s). The velocities of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes can reach ~105 km/s.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of galaxies in dense galactic clusters. Observations and theoretical estimates indicate that this evolution may be specified to a large extent by collisions between galaxies, as well as interactions between the gaseous components of disk galaxies and intergalactic gas. We analyze collisions between disk galaxies with gaseous components using a simple model based on a comparison of the duration of a collision and the characteristic cooling time for the gas heated by the collision, and also of the relative masses of stars and gas in the colliding disk galaxies. This model is used to analyze scenarios for collisions between disk galaxies with various masses as a function of their relative velocities. Our analysis indicates that galaxies can merge, lose one or both of their gaseous components, or totally disintegrate as a result of a collision; ultimately, a new galaxy may form from the gas lost by the colliding galaxies. Disk galaxies with mass M G and velocities exceeding ~300 (M G/1010 M )1/2 km/s in intergalactic gas in clusters with densities ~10?27 g/cm3 can lose their gas due to the pressure of inflowing intergalactic gas, thereby developing into E(SO) galaxies.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of massive stars under the assumption that a young star accretes material from the protostellar cloud through its accretion disk while losing gas in the polar directions via its stellar wind. The mass of the star reaches its maximum when the intensity of the gradually strengthening stellar wind of the young star becomes equal to the accretion rate. We show that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases with the temperature of gas in the protostellar cloud T 0, since the rate at which the protostellar matter is accreted increases with T 0. Numerical modeling indicates that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases to ~900 M for T 0 ~ 300 K. Such high temperatures of the protostellar gas can be reached either in dense star-formation regions or in the vicinity of bright active galactic nuclei. It is also shown that, the lower the abundance of heavy elements in the initial stellar material Z, the larger the maximum mass of the star, since the mass-loss rate due to the stellar wind decreases with decreasing Z. This suggests that supermassive stars with masses up to 106 M could be formed at early stages in the evolution of the Universe, in young galaxies that are almost devoid of heavy elements. Under the current conditions, for T 0 = (30–100) K, the maximum mass of a star can reach ~100M , as is confirmed by observations. Another opportunity for the most massive stars to increase their masses emerges in connection with the formation and early stages of evolution of the most massive close binary systems: the most massive stars can be produced either by coalescence of the binary components or via mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

Partial mixing of material in the radiative envelopes and convective cores of rotating main sequence stars with masses of 8 and 16 M is considered as a function of the inital angular momentum of the stars. Losses of rotational kinetic energy to the generation of shear turbulence in the radiative envelope and the subsequent mixing of material in the envelope are taken into account. With an initial equatorial rotational velocity of 100 km/s, partial mixing develops in the upper part of the layer with variable chemical composition and the lower part of the chemically homogeneous radiative envelope. When the initial equatorial rotational velocity is 150–250 km/s, the joint action of shear turbulence and semi-convection leads to partial mixing in the radiative envelope and central parts of the star. The surface abundance of helium is enhanced, with this effect increasing with the angular momentum of the star. With an initial equatorial rotational velocity of 250 km/s, the ratio of the surface abundances of helium and hydrogen grows by ~30% and ~70% toward the end of the main-sequence evolution of an 8 M and 16 M star, respectively. The transformation of rotational kinetic energy into the energy of partial mixing increases with the angular momentum of the star, but does not exceed ~2%?3% in the cases considered.  相似文献   

The results of a systematic analysis of master radial-velocity curves for the X-ray binary 4U 1700-37 are presented. The dependence of the mass of the X-ray component on the mass of the optical component is derived in a Roche model based on a fit of the master radial-velocity curve. The parameters of the optical star are used to estimate the mass of the compact object in three ways. The masses derived based on information about the surface gravity of the optical companion and various observational data are 2.25 ?0.24 +0.23 M and 2.14 ?0.56 +0.50 M. The masses based on the radius of the optical star, 21.9R, are 1.76 ?0.21 +0.20 M and 1.65 ?0.56 +0.78 M. The mass of the optical component derived from the mass-luminosity relation for X-ray binaries, 27.4M, yields masses for the compact object of 1.41 ?0.08 + M and 1.35 ?0.18 +0.18 M.  相似文献   

We analyze models for quasi-stationary, ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with luminosities 1038–1040 erg/s exceeding the Eddington limit for a ~1.4M neutron star. With the exception of relatively rare stationary ULXs that are associated with supernova remnants or background quasars, most ULXs are close binary systems containing a massive stellar black hole (BH) that accretes matter donated by a stellar companion. To explain the observed luminosities of ~1040 erg/s, the mass of the BH must be ~40M if the accreted matter is helium and ~60M if the accreted matter has the solar chemical composition. We consider donors in the form of main-sequence stars, red giants, red supergiants, degenerate helium dwarfs, heavy disks that are the remnants of disrupted degenerate dwarfs, helium nondegenerate stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars. The most common ULXs in galaxies with active star formation are BHs with Roche-lobe-filling main-sequence companions with masses ~7M or close Wolf-Rayet companions, which support the required mass-exchange rate via their strong stellar winds. The most probable candidate ULXs in old galaxies are BHs surrounded by massive disks and close binaries containing a BH and degenerate helium-dwarf, red-giant, or red-supergiant donor.  相似文献   

A model for the formation of supermassive black holes at the center of a cluster of primordial black holes is developed. It is assumed that ~10?3 of the mass of the Universe consists of compact clusters of primordial black holes that arose as a result of phase transitions in the early Universe. These clusters also serve as centers for the condensation of dark matter. The formation of protogalaxies with masses of the order of 2 × 108 M at redshift z = 15 containing clusters of black holes is investigated. The nuclei of these protogalaxies contain central black holes with masses ~105 M , and the protogalaxies themselves resemble dwarf spherical galaxies with their maximum density at their centers. Subsequent merging of these induced protogalaxies with ordinary halos of dark matter leads to the standard picture for the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe. The merging of the primordial black holes leads to the formation of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei and produces the observed correlation between the mass of the central black hole and the bulge velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

We interpret the observed radial-velocity curve of the optical star in the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 using a Roche model, taking into account the X-ray heating of the optical star and screening of X-rays coming from the relativistic object by the accretion disk. Consequences of possible anisotropy of the X-ray radiation are considered. We obtain relations between the masses of the optical and compact (X-ray) components, m v and m x , for orbital inclinations i = 60°, 75°, and 90°. Including X-ray heating enabled us to reduce the compact object’s mass by ~0.5–1 M , compared to the case with no heating. Based on the K0III spectral type of the optical component (with a probable mass of m v ? 2.9 M ), we concluded that m x ? 2.45?2.55 M (for i = 75°?90°). If the K0III star has lost a substantial part of its mass as a result of mass exchange, as in the V404 Cyg and GRS 1905+105 systems, and its mass is m v ? 0.65?0.75 M , the compact object’s mass is close to the standard mass of a neutron star, m x ? 1.4 M (for i = 75°?90°). Thus, it is probable that the X-ray source in the 2S 0921-630 binary is an accreting neutron star.  相似文献   

Modern modeling of the population of low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes applying standard assumptions leads to a lack of agreement between the modeled and observed mass distributions for the optical components, with the observed masses being lower. This makes the task of estimating the systematic errors in the derived component masses due to imperfect models relevant. To estimate the influence of systematic errors in the derived masses of stars in X-ray binary systems, we considered two approximations for the tidally deformed star in a Roche model. Approximating the star as a sphere with a volume equal to that of the Roche lobe leads to slight overestimation of the equatorial rotational velocity V rot sin i, and hence to slight underestimation of the mass ratio q = M x /M v . Approximating the star as a flat, circular disk with constant local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law (a classical rotational broadeningmodel) is an appreciably cruder approach, and leads to overestimation of V rot sin i by about 20%. In the case of high values of q = M x /M v , this approximation leads to substantial underestimation of the mass ratio q, which can reach several tens of percent. The mass of the optical star is overestimated by a factor of 1.5 in this case, while the mass of the black hole is changed only slightly. Since most estimates of component mass ratios for X-ray binary systems are carried out using a classical rotational broadening model for the lines, this leads to the need for appreciable corrections to (reductions of) previously published masses for the optical stars, which enhances the contradiction with the standard evolutionary scenario for low-mass X-ray binaries containing black holes.  相似文献   

We consider the main population of cosmic voids in a heirarchical clustering model. Based on the Press-Schechter formalism modified for regions in the Universe with reduced or enhanced matter densities, we construct the mass functions for gravitationally bound objects of dark matter occupying voids or superclusters. We show that the halo mass functions in voids and superclusters differ substantially. In particular, the spatial density of massive (M ~ 1012 M ) halos is appreciably lower in voids than in superclusters, with the difference in the mass functions being greater for larger masses. According to our computations, an appreciable fraction of the mass of matter in voids should be preserved to the present epoch in the form of primordial gravitationally bound objects (POs) with modest masses (to 10% for M PO < 109 M ) keeping baryons. These primordial objects represent “primary blocks” in the heirarchical clustering model. We argue that the oldest globular clusters in the central regions of massive galaxies are the stellar remnants of these primordial objects: they can form in molecular clouds in these objects, only later being captured in the central regions of massive galaxies in the process of gravitational clustering. Primordial objects in voids can be observed as weak dwarf galaxies or Lyα absorption systems.  相似文献   

The observed properties of Wolf-Rayet stars and relativistic objects in close binary systems are analyzed. The final masses M CO f for the carbon-oxygen cores of WR stars in WR + O binaries are calculated taking into account the radial loss of matter via stellar wind, which depends on the mass of the star. The analysis includes new data on the clumpy structure of WR winds, which appreciably decreases the required mass-loss rates $\dot M_{WR}$ for the WR stars. The masses M CO f lie in the range (1–2)M –(20–44)M and have a continuous distribution. The masses of the relativistic objects M x are 1–20M and have a bimodal distribution: the mean masses for neutron stars and black holes are 1.35 ± 0.15M and 8–10M , respectively, with a gap from 2–4M in which no neutron stars or black holes are observed in close binaries. The mean final CO-core mass is $\overline M _{CO}^f = 7.4 - 10.3M_ \odot$ , close to the mean mass for the black holes. This suggests that it is not only the mass of the progenitor that determines the nature of the relativistic object, but other parameters as well-rotation, magnetic field, etc. One SB1R Wolf-Rayet binary and 11 suspected WR + C binaries that may have low-mass companions (main-sequence or subgiant M-A stars) are identified; these could be the progenitors of low-mass X-ray binaries with neutron stars and black holes.  相似文献   

Observational data on the evolution of quasars and galaxies of various morphological types and numerical simulations carried out by various groups are used to argue that low-redshift (z < 0.5) quasars of types I and II, identified with massive elliptical and spiral galaxies with classical bulges, cannot be undergoing a single, late phase of activity; i.e., their activity cannot be “primordial,” and must have “flared up” at multiple times in the past. This means that their appearance at low z is associated with recurrence of their activity—i.e., with major mergers of gas-rich galaxies (so-called wet major mergers)—since their lifetimes in the active phase do not exceed a few times 107 yrs. Only objects we have referred to earlier as AGN III, which are associated with the nuclei of isolated, late-type spiral galaxies with low-mass, rapidly-rotating “pseudobulges,” could represent primordial AGNs at low z. The black holes in such galaxies have masses M BH < 107 M , and the peculiarities of their nuclear spectra suggest that they may have very high specific rotational angular momenta per unit mass. Type I narrow-line (widths less than 2000 km/s) Seyfert galaxies (NLSyIs) with pseudobulges and black-hole masses M BH < 107 M may be characteristic representatives of the AGN III population. Since NLSyI galaxies have pseudobulges while Type I broad-line Seyfert galaxies have classical bulges, these two types of galaxies cannot represent different evolutionary stages of a single type of object. It is possible that the precursors of NLSyIs are “Population A” quasars.  相似文献   

Data on about forty virialized galaxy clusters with bright central galaxies, for which both the galactic velocity dispersion (?? gal) and the stellar velocity dispersion in the brightest galaxies (??*) are measured, have been used to obtain several approximate relations between ?? gal, ??*, the absolute B magnitude of the brightest central galaxyM B BCG , and the mass of the central massive black holeM BH: $\begin{gathered} \log \sigma _* = (0.12 \pm 0.14)\log \sigma _{gal} + (2.1 \pm 0.4), \hfill \\ \log \sigma _* = - (0.15 \pm 0.02)M_B^{BCG} + (0.85 \pm 0.5), \hfill \\ \log M_{BH} = 0.51\log \sigma _{gal} + 7.28. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $ . These relations can be used to derive crude estimates ofMBH in the nuclei of the brightest galaxies using the parameters of the both host galaxies and the host galaxy clusters. The last relation above confirms earlier suggestions of a quadratic relation between the masses of the coronas of the host systems and the masses their central objects: M hg halo ?? M cent 2 . The relations obtained are consistent with the common evolution of subsystems with different scales and masses formed in the process of hierarchical clustering.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of close binaries in which the initial secondary component is a nondegenerate helium star with mass MHe = 0.4–60 M, while the initially more massive primary has evolved into a black hole, neutron star, or degenerate dwarf. The neutron star is assumed to originate as a result of the evolution of a helium star with a mass of 2.5 MMHe ≤ 10 M after the explosion of a type Ib,c supernova. If the axial rotation of the helium star before the explosion is rigid-body and synchronized with the orbital rotation, for Porb ≤ 0.16 day, the rotational energy of the young neutron star will exceed the energy of an ordinary supernova. If the magnetic field of the neutron star is sufficiently strong, the necessary conditions for a magnetic-rotational supernova are provided. The initial rotational period of a young neutron star originating in a system with an orbital period shorter than ~50 days is shorter than ~4 s, which, according to observations, is required for the appearance of a radio pulsar. A helium star whose mass exceeds ~10 M in a close binary with an orbital period shorter than one day and with the axial rotation of the helium presupernova synchronous with the orbital rotation evolves into a Kerr black hole, whose formation is likely to be accompanied by a gamma-ray burst with a duration longer than two seconds. In particular, we consider close binaries in which the second supernova results in the formation of a neutron star that remains in the binary. The theoretical distribution of orbital periods and eccentricities for such systems is consistent with that observed for radio pulsars in the Galactic disk in binaries with compact components and orbital eccentricities exceeding ~0.09, providing an explanation for the observed correlation between the orbital eccentricities and orbital periods for these systems.  相似文献   

We have estimated the masses of the central supermassive black holes of 2442 radio galaxies froma catalog compiled using data from the NED, SDSS, and CATS databases. Mass estimates based on optical photometry and radio data are compared. Relationships between the mass of the central black hole M p bh and the redshift z p are constructed for both wavelength ranges. The distribution of the galaxies in these diagrams and systematic effects influencing estimation of the black-hole parameters are discussed. Upperenvelope cubic regression fits are obtained using the maximum estimates of the black-hole masses. The optical and radio upper envelopes show similar behavior, and have very similar peaks in position, z p ≅ 1.9, and amplitude, log M p/bh = 9.4. This is consistent with a model in which the growth of the supermassive black holes is self-regulating, with this redshift corresponding to the epoch when the accretion-flow phase begins to end and the nuclear activity falls off.  相似文献   

The results of numerical studies of the evolution of a close binary system containing a black hole with a mass of ~3000M are presented. Such a black hole could form in the center of a sufficiently rich and massive globular cluster. The secondary could be a main-sequence star, giant, or degenerate dwarf that fills or nearly fills its Roche lobe. The numerical simulations of the evolution of such a system take into account the magnetic wind of the donor together with the wind induced by X-ray irradiation from the primary, the radiation of gravitational waves by the system, and the nuclear evolution of the donor. Mass transfer between the components is possible when the donor fills its Roche lobe, and also via the black hole’s capture of some material from the induced stellar wind. The computations show that the evolution of systems with solar-mass donors depends only weakly on the mass of the accretor. We conclude that the observed ultra-luminous X-ray sources (L X ? 1038 erg/s) in nearby galaxies could include accreting black holes with masses of 102?104M. Three scenarios for the formation of black holes with such masses in the cores of globular clusters are considered: the collapse of superstars with the corresponding masses, the accretion of gas by a black hole with a stellar initial mass (<100M), and the tidal accumulation of stellar black holes. We conclude that the tidal accumulation of stellar-mass black holes is the main scenario for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes (102?104M) in the cores of globular clusters.  相似文献   

The activity of the central star of the Kepler-32 planetary system is studied using continuous 1141-day observations with the Kepler Space Telescope. The Kepler-32 system includes a slowly rotating Mdwarf (rotational period of 37.8 d) with a mass of 0.54M and five planets. One of the unique properties of the system is its compactness: the orbits of all five planets are less than a third of the size of the orbit of Mercury; the planet closest to the star is separated from it by only 4.3 stellar radii. Surface-temperature inhomogeneities of the central star are studied using precise photometric observations of Kepler-32, and their evolution traced. In total, 42 624 individual brightness measurements in the 1141-day (3.1-year) observing interval were selected for the analysis. The calculated amplitude power spectra for the first and second halves of the interval of the Kepler-32 observations indicate appreciable variability of the photometric period, corresponding to the evolution of active regions at various latitudes on the stellar surface. Evidence for the existence of two active regions on the stellar surface separated in phase by 0.42 has been found. Time intervals in which the longitudes of the active regions changed (“flip-flops”) with durations of the order of 200–300 days have been established. The spotted area of the star was, on average, about 1% of the total visible surface, and varied from 0.3 to 1.7%. The results for the dwarf Kepler-32 are compared with those from a spectropolarimetric survey of 23 M dwarfs, including both fully convective stars and stars with weakly radiative cores. For a more detailed comparison, temperature inhomogeneities on the surface of one of the survey stars, DS Leo, was reconstructed using the ground-based observations (316 individual measurements of the V-band brightness of the star during seven observing seasons in an all-sky automated survey). The general properties and evolution of the active regions on DS Leo and Kepler-32 are considered. The positions of the active regions on the surface of Kepler-32 yields no evidence for differential rotation of this star. The possibility of detecting the magnetic field of Kepler-32 is proposed. The analysis of the photometric data for Kepler-32 are also compared to the previous results for the fully convective, low-mass M dwarfs GJ 1243 and LHS 6351. This demonstrates that the observed manifestations of activity on Kepler-32 correspond to those for active G-K stars and to M dwarfs with masses of the order of 0.5M , rather than Mdwarfs with masses from 0.2 to 0.5M .  相似文献   

We show that semi-detached close binary systems with massive (4–25M) black holes are formed in the evolution of massive stellar binaries in which the initial mass of the primary exceeds ~25M. The mass exchange in such systems is maintained by the nuclear evolution of the donor and by its magnetic and induced stellar winds. The donor in such systems can be a main-sequence star, subgiant, non-degenerate helium star, or white dwarf. The evolution of corresponding systems with black-hole masses of 10M is investigated.  相似文献   

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