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The results of UV-observations at 1640 Å of the regions of stellar associations Per OB1, Sco OB1, and Cyg OB1 made with the space telescope Glazar are presented. Respectively, 42, 22, and 30 hot stars brighter than 10m at 1640 Å were detected and measured in the mentioned stellar associations. A few of them are suspected to be variable in far UV.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1609, Galileo Galilei started to improve upon the Dutch spyglass. Only a few months were needed to increase the magnifying power of the instrument up to 30 times. This transformation allowed Galileo to perform astronomical observations destined to change the traditional Universe. At present, the Institute and Museum of History of Science of Florence is conducting a research programme on the lenses of early telescopes. Historical research is combined with scientific analyses conducted by the National Institute of Applied Optics in Arcetri, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Florence, and the Glass Experimental Station in Murano. The shape and composition of the lenses are studied by applying different techniques. Moreover, the composition of early lenses and scientific glass objects are compared. Finally, Galileo’s observations are checked with an optical replica of Galileo’s telescope held at the Astrophysical Observatory in Arcetri.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the installation and observations of a new solar telescope installed on 2014 October 7 at the Kodaikanal Observatory. The telescope is a refractive type equipped with a tunable Lyot Hα filter. A CCD camera with size 2k×2k acquires images of the Sun and has a pixel size of 1.21′′pixel-1and a full field-of-view of 41′. The telescope is equipped with a guiding system which keeps the image of the Sun within a few pixels throughout the observations. The FWHM of the Lyot filter is 0.4 A? and the filter is motorized, capable of scanning the Hα line profile at a smaller step size of 0.01 A?. Partial-disk imaging covering about 10′is also possible with the help of a relay lens kept in front of the CCD camera. In this paper, we report the detailed specifications of the telescope, filter unit, the installation, observations and the procedures we have followed to calibrate and align the data. We also present preliminary results with this new full-disk telescope.  相似文献   

It is a well-known observation that many GRBs have spectra with curvature in the less than 1 MeV regime, but flatten out to approximately a -2 power law at higher energies. The large collecting area of BATSE allows spectral studies with unprecedented time resolution. We are conducting a systematic study of time-resolved spectroscopy of GRBs observed by BATSE. Several aspects of this survey are discussed: correlations among fit parameters and between fit parameters and intensity; screening for spectral features using-residual contour maps; and an introduction to the GRB topographic map and its possible qualitative diagnostic abilities.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a study of S59 ultraviolet spectral scans of the spectroscopic binaries Persei, 1 Scorpii and 2 Velorum. In the case of 1 Sco it was found that the Mgii doublet at 2800 Å undergoes intensity variations that may be indicative of variable emission in the photographic spectrum. The continuum in the 2490–2590 Å range deviates from the continuum of the comparison stars. In 2 Vel, flux variations in the 2770–2870 Å region have been detected.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifico, CONICET, Argentina. Guest Investigator of the S59 experiment on board the TD-1A satellite.  相似文献   

New spectral observations of chemically peculiar (CP) magnetic stars were obtained using an NES echelle spectrometer with a BTA telescope in the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russian Academy of Sciences). Several stars were shown to have anomalous Li abundances. Testing and monitoring the stars with Doppler shifts Vsini > 10 km/s indicated that the lithium 6708 Å line was variable in the spectra of some roaAP-CP stars. To distinguish variable features in the spectra, the dispersogram technique was used. The most peculiar among the stars studied is HD 12098. The strong and variable lithium 6708 Å line was detected in the spectrum of this star. The star has been shown to have greatly different lithium abundances in two rotation phases corresponding to opposite surface areas. As mentioned earlier, a similar behavior of the Li blend was found in the spectra of HD 83368 and HD 60435 which have lithium spots on their surface. Spectral observations of slowly rotating CP stars with the Doppler shifts Vsini < 10 km/s revealed the strong and nonvariable lithium 6708 Å line in the spectra of these stars. Quantitative spectral analysis using the Li I 6708 Å resonance doublet and the Li I 6103 Å line shows the lithium abundance, as determined by the 6103 Å line, to be somewhat greater than that determined by the 6708 Å line. A higher ratio of 6Li/7Li amounting to ~0.3–0.5 was found in these stars. 6Li production is assumed to be due to spallation reactions on the surface of magnetic CP stars; this isotope ratio remained in strong magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A new coordinate system – heliomagnetic reference frame – has been proposed in which the great circle passes through the solar pole and the north pole of the magnetic dipole is considered as the central meridian. It is shown that, in the new coordinate system, the active longitudes are defined much more clearly, are more stable in time, and are interlaced every 11 years.  相似文献   

The granulation boundary is a line running in the HR diagram from about F0V stars to G1Ib. It divides the HR diagram in two regions in which the spectral line bisector behaves differently. To the right (cooler stars) the Fraunhofer lines in stellar spectra show the characteristics typical for convective motions. For hot stars it indicates the presence of large velocities involving a large part of the line-forming region. We give evidence that the opposite behaviour shown by spectra of hotter stars can be explained by gravity waves.  相似文献   

The complete analysis of possible types of non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic motions in the field of the naked singularity of the STGT is given. The problem of the infall of a monochromatic radiation emitter on the naked singularity is studied. In spite of the absence of a freezing effect in the STGT, the naked singularity is not observable, for the brightness of the falling emitter decreases much faster than in the GTR. Atrr g , the trajectory of particles and light are quite similar to that of the GTR, and due to this fact the naked singularity is observationally indistinguishable from a black hole.  相似文献   

We report some of the results of the search for narrow-band spatial and spectral fluctuations of cosmic microwave background at the wavelength of 6.2 cmperformed with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 2001–2006 in two 35′ × 7′ strips on the sky in the vicinity of the North Celestial Pole. We find the spectra of spatial fluctuations in the 12 MHz radio-frequency band and in the interval of spatial periods from 4′ to 16′ to exhibit power-law rises with exponents reaching ?2.0±0.5, with a periodicity of 2–3 MHz. We also find two narrow-band (in terms of angular frequency) features at 4870.4 and 4871.5 MHz with the corresponding fluctuation amplitudes of 5±0.5 mK in terms of antenna temperature in the vicinity of angular periods of about 5′ with the frequency bandwidths of about 600 kHz. Standard tests performed using the spectra of the half-sum and half-difference of two groups of observations randomly drawn from a total sample of 23 records of the March 2002 observing set confirm the reality of the features of the angular spectrumof fluctuations mentioned above and so does the comparison with the spectra of cold matched load connected to the receiver input instead of the antenna. However, the nature of the features found remains unclear. Our attempt to link this radiation to rotational transitions 2Π1/2, J = 5/2 of the CH molecule, which has one of the components of its multiplet located inside the frequency interval of interest considered failed.  相似文献   

Poincaré surface of section technique is used to study the evolution of a family ‘f’ of simply symmetric retrograde periodic orbits around the smaller primary in the framework of restricted three-body problem for a number of systems, actual and hypothetical, with mass ratio varying from 10−7 to 0.015. It is found that as the mass ratio decreases the region of phase space containing the two separatrices shrinks in size and moves closer to the smaller primary. Also the corresponding value of Jacobi constant tends towards 3.  相似文献   

It has been shown by Brown and Emslie (1988) that any optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung source must emit an energy spectrumL () (keV s–1 keV–1) which has the property that higher derivatives alternate in sign, i.e., (–) j L(j)() > 0 for allj. In this short note, we apply this test to the superhot component discussed by Linet al. (1981) in order to determine whether a strictly thermal interpretation of this component is valid. We find that all statistically significant higher derivatives do indeed have the correct sign; this strengthens the identification of this component as due to a thermal source.Presidential Young Investigator.  相似文献   

We report the results of numerical simulations of the instrumental signal in the Stokes V channel of circular polarization as observed by RATAN-600 radio telescope operating in the “Southern sector with a flat reflector” mode. Our simulations are based on an improved algorithm of the beam pattern computation that takes into account diffraction in the space between the telescope mirrors. The computations cover a wide range of wavelengths in the case of a focused antenna and in the presence of aberrations. We analyze the structure and properties of the element M 41 of the Mueller matrix and of the parasite signal from the solar disk in various cases of the antenna irradiation. We estimate the differences between the left- and right-polarization power-beam patterns of the telescope. We report the computed M 11 and M 41 elements for the case of observation of the right- and left-polarized radiation at different points of the focal line of the secondary mirror, and analyze their variations as a function of a number of parameters, including, in particular, the shift applied to correct the displacement of scans.  相似文献   

The Earth’s rotation is accompanied by free circadian oscillations of its liquid core in the inner cavity of the lower mantle, which perturb the angular momentum of the entire Earth and produce an additional free nutation of the celestial pole called free core nutation (FCN). Since this nutation causes resonances in the diurnal tides and in the expansions of luni—solar nutation, its study, especially an improvement of the FCN period, is of fundamental importance for the theory of the Earth’s rotation. We have determined the FCN parameters from a joint analysis of equidistant series of coordinates of the celestial pole obtained from the combined processing of VLBI observations on global networks of stations for the interval 1984.0–2008.4 by IERS (International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service, Paris, France) and NEOS (National Earth Orientation Service, Washington, USA). Applying a moving least-squares filter (MLSF) to these data has shown that the FCN period averaged over this time interval differs significantly from the theoretical one and its phase varies over a wide range. Using the mean quadratic collocation (MQC) method, we have obtained a new, more accurate stochastic FCN model. Its analysis by the envelope method has revealed long-term linear phase trends, calling into question not only the adopted FCN period but also its stability and, hence, the stability of the resonant effects in the Earth’s luni—solar nutation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present evidence that the 164-day period in the wavelengths of the moving lines in SS 433 has been decreasing at the surprisingly rapid rate of P = –0.010±0.002. An ephemeris of the moving lines for the 1981 observing season is provided for the case P = –0.010.  相似文献   

The restricted problem of the motion of a point of negligible mass (asteroid) in anN-planetary system is considered. It is assumed that all the planets move about the central body (Sun) along circular orbits in the same plane and the mean motions of the asteroid and the planets are incommensurable. The asteroid orbit evolution is described as a first approximation by secular equations with the perturbing function averaged by the mean longitudes of the asteroid and the planets. For small values of the asteroid orbit eccentricity an expression for the secular part of the perturbing function has been obtained. This expression holds for the arbitrary values of the asteroid orbit semiaxis which are different from those of the planet orbit radii. The stability of the asteroid circular orbits in a linear approximation with respect to the eccentricity is studied. The critical inclinations for a Solar system model are calculated.  相似文献   

Results of observations of active galactic nuclei with the gamma-telescope GT-48 during 2007?C2009 are presented. It is shown that the very-high-energy (E > 1012 eV) gamma radiation from galaxies 3C 66A, Mrk 421, Mrk 501, and BL Lac is variable.  相似文献   

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