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We present a revised metallicity distribution of dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood. This distribution is centred on solar metallicity. We show that previous metallicity distributions, selected on the basis of spectral type, are biased against stars with solar metallicity or higher. A selection of G-dwarf stars is inherently biased against metal-rich stars and is not representative of the solar neighbourhood metallicity distribution. Using a sample selected on colour, we obtain a distribution where approximately half the stars in the solar neighbourhood have metallicities higher than [Fe/H]=0 . The percentage of mid-metal-poor stars ([Fe/H]<−0.5) is approximately 4 per cent, in agreement with present estimates of the thick disc.
In order to have a metallicity distribution comparable to chemical evolution model predictions, we convert the star fraction to mass fraction, and show that another bias against metal-rich stars affects dwarf metallicity distributions, due to the colour (or spectral type) limits of the samples. Reconsidering the corrections resulting from the increasing thickness of the stellar disc with age, we show that the simple closed-box model with no instantaneous recycling approximation gives a reasonable fit to the observed distribution. Comparisons with the age–metallicity relation and abundance ratios suggest that the simple closed-box model may be a viable model of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy at solar radius.  相似文献   

High signal-to-noise ratio spectra were obtained of 10 high-proper-motion stars having  −1 ≲[Fe/H] < 0  , and a comparable number of disc stars. All but two of the high-proper-motion stars were confirmed to have  [Fe/H] > −1.0  , some approaching solar metallicity, but, even so, earlier measurements overestimated the metallicities and velocities of some of these stars. Models of stellar populations were used to assign membership probabilities to the Galactic components to which the high-velocity stars might belong. Many were found to be more probably thick-disc than halo objects, despite their large space motions, and two might be associated with the inner Galaxy. It may be necessary to reassess contamination of previous halo samples, such as those used to define the metallicity distribution, to account for contamination by high-velocity thick-disc stars, and to consider possible subcomponents of the halo.
The change in [α/Fe] ratios at  [Fe/H]≃−1.0  is often used to constrain the degree and timing of Type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis in Galactic chemical-evolution models. [Ti/Fe] values were measured for eight of the high-velocity stars. Both high- and low-[Ti/Fe] halo stars exist; likewise high- and low-[Ti/Fe] thick-disc stars exist. We conclude that the [Ti/Fe]'break' is not well defined for a given population; nor is there a simple, continuous evolutionary sequence through the break. Implications for the interpretation of the [α/Fe] break in terms of SN Ia time-scales and progenitors are discussed. The range of [Ti/Fe] found for high -velocity (low rotation) thick-disc stars contrasts with that for the low -velocity (high rotation) thick-disc sample studied by Prochaska et al.  相似文献   

We use the Hipparcos colour–magnitude diagram of field stars with Tycho colours to make a new minimum age estimate for the Galactic disc. The method is based on fits to the red envelope of subgiants in the Hipparcos colour–magnitude diagram with synthetic isochrones covering the range of disc metal abundance. The colours and luminosities of the isochrones as a function of abundance are checked using new techniques involving 'red-clump' stars in the giant branch region and on the main sequence using G and K dwarfs. We derive a minimum disc age of 8 Gyr, in good agreement with other methods.  相似文献   

The abundances of long-lived radioactive elements Th and U observed in metal-poor halo stars can be used as chronometers to determine the age of individual stars, and hence set a lower limit on the age of the Galaxy and hence of the universe. This radioactive dating requires the zero-decay productions of Th and U, which involves complicated r-process nucleosynthesis calculations. Several parametric r-process models have been used to calculate the initial abundance ratios of Th/Eu and U/Th, but, due to the sharp sensitivity of these models to nuclear physics inputs, the calculations have relatively large uncertainties which lead to large uncertainties in the age determinations. In order to reduce these uncertainties, we present a simple method to estimate the initial productions of Th and U, which only depends on the solar system abundances and the stellar abundances of stable r-process elements. From our calculations of the initial abundance ratios of Th/Eu and U/Th, we re-estimate the ages of those ver  相似文献   

Elemental abundances in late-type stars are of interest in several ways: they determine the location of the stars in the HR diagram and therefore their ages, as well as the atmospheric structure in their middle and upper photospheres. Especially in the case of chromospherically active late-type stars the question arises to what degree the upper photosphere is influenced by the nearby chromosphere. Analysing S/N ∼ 200 and Δλ/λ ∼ 20 000 data, we found a mean metallicity index [M/H] = −0.2 for programme K and M field stars based on an analysis of spectra in the region 5500–9000 Å. We also found that the Ca  I 6162-Å transition is a potential surface gravity indicator for K-type stars. For the chromospheric activity interval 4.4 < log  F Mg II  < 6.6 we did not find any chromospheric activity impact on photospheric and upper photospheric transitions. With the derived metallicity, we confirmed the Li abundance from our previous paper and thus its dependence on the Mg  II chromospheric activity index. The nature of the spectrum for the active M-type star Gl 896A is explained by pure rotation of 14 km s−1. As far as the lithium–rotation relation is concerned, the spectrum of Gl 517 is rotationally broadened as well, by 12 km s−1, and the Li abundance is the second highest in our sample of stars. However, there is no link between very high Li abundance, 2.2 dex, in the K dwarf star Gl 5 and stellar rotation.  相似文献   

Distributions of Neutron Exposures in AGB Stars and the Galaxy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the s-process nucleosynthesis model with the 13C(α,n)16O reaction oc- curring under radiative conditions in the interpulse phases, we investigate the characteristics of the distribution of neutron exposure in low-mass Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. We introduce a new concept, the distribution of neutron exposures of the Galaxy (NEG), to study the chemical evolution characteristics of the Galaxy for s-process elements. Using a chemical evolution model of the Galaxy, we develop a model for the NEG and obtain the evolution results of the NEG in different epochs. The present results appear to reasonably re- produce the distribution of neutron exposures of the solar system (hereafter NES). The main component and the strong component in the NES are built up in different epochs. The strong component of the s-process is mainly synthesised in the low-mass and metal-poor AGB stars, and the main component is produced by the s-process in the low-mass AGB stars with higher metallicities.  相似文献   

Recent measurements by Hipparcos present observational evidence supporting the existence of some white dwarf (WD) stars with iron-rich core composition. In connection with this, the present paper is aimed at exploring the structure and evolution of iron-core WDs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. In particular, we examined the evolution of the central conditions, neutrino luminosity, surface gravity, crystallization, internal luminosity profile and ages. We find that the evolution of iron-rich WDs is markedly different from that of their carbon–oxygen counterparts. In particular, cooling is strongly accelerated (up to a factor of 5 for models with pure iron composition) as compared with the standard case. Thus, if iron WDs were very numerous, some of them would have had time enough to evolve at lower luminosities than that corresponding to the fall-off in the observed WD luminosity function.  相似文献   

A sample containing 1 026 stars of spectral types F, G, and K, mainly dwarfs, from the solar neighbourhood with available space velocities and metallicities is treated. The treatment comprises a statistical analysis of the metallicity and velocity data and calculation of galactocentric orbits. Sample stars identified as members of the galactic halo are detached from the rest of the sample based on the values of their metallicities, velocity components and galactocentric orbits. In identifying halo stars a new, kinematical, criterion is proposed. Except one, these halo stars are the metal‐poorest ones in the sample. Besides, they have very high velocities with respect to LSR. On the other hand, the separation between the thin disc and thick one is done statistically based on LSR space velocities, membership probability (Schwarzschild distribution with assumed parameters) and galactocentric orbits. In the metallicity these two groups are not much different. For each of the three subsamples the mean motion and velocity ellipsoid are calculated. The elements of the velocity ellipsoids agree well with the values found in the literature, especially for the thin disc. The fractions of the subsystems found for the present sample are: thin disc 93%, thick disc 6%, halo 1%. The sample stars established to be members of the thin disc are examined for existence of star streams. Traces of both, known and unknown, star streams are not found (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Different stellar sources may have contributed to the 7Li enrichmentof the Galaxy: type-II supernovae, novae, and AGB stars. In the latter case, the interplay between the Hot Bottom Burning (HBB) process (via the Cameron-Fowler mechanism) and a very high mass-loss rate before the evolution off the AGB (the so-called ‘superwind’ phase), can lead to a significant production of 7Li from low- and intermediate-mass AGB stars (Travaglio et al., 2001). We have now undertaken an observational campaign aimed at constraining our stellar and Galactic models, with a twofold goal: (i) to assemble a compilation of high-resolution spectra of Galactic, unevolved (i.e. dwarfs), warm(spectral type F) stars, in a selected metallicity range (-1.0 ≤>[Fe/H] ≤ -0.3), using the ESO 1.5m telescope and the FEROS spectrograph; (ii) to carry out a Li survey among a sample of selected AGB stars, to investigate the possible correlation between7Li abundance (when detected) and mass-loss rate. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The mean metallicity of the Milky Way thin disc in the solar neighbourhood is still a matter of debate, and we recently proposed an upward revision. Our star sample was drawn from a set of solar neighbourhood dwarfs with photometric metallicities. In a very recent study, it has been suggested that our metallicity calibration, based on Geneva photometry, is biased. We show here that the effect detected is not a consequence of our adopted metallicity scale, and we confirm that our findings are robust. On the contrary, the application to Strömgren photometry of the Schuster & Nissen metallicity scale is problematic. Systematic discrepancies of  ∼0.1–0.3 dex  affect the photometric metallicity determination of metal-rich stars, on the colour interval  0.22 < b − y < 0.59  , i.e. including F and G stars. For F stars, it is shown that this is a consequence of a mismatch between the standard sequence   m 1( b − y )  of the Hyades used by Schuster & Nissen to calibrate their metallicity scale, and the system of Olsen. It means that although the calibration of Schuster & Nissen and Olsen's photometry are intrinsically correct, they are mutually incompatible for metal-rich F-type stars. For G stars, the discrepancy is most probably the continuation of the same problem, albeit worsened by the lack of spectroscopic calibrating stars. A corrected calibration is proposed that renders the calibration of Schuster & Nissen applicable to the catalogues of Olsen. We also give a simpler calibration referenced to the Hyades sequence, valid over the same colour and metallicity ranges.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of UBVRI data from the selected area SA 141. By applying recalibrated methods of measuring ultraviolet excess (UVX), we approximate abundances and absolute magnitudes for 368 stars over 1.3 deg2 out to distances over 10 kpc. With the density distribution constrained from our previous photometric parallax investigations and with sufficient accounting for the metallicity bias in the UVX method, we are able to compare the vertical abundance distribution to those measured in previous studies. We find that the abundance distribution has an underlying uniform component consistent with previous spectroscopic results that posit a monometallic thick disc and halo with abundances of  [Fe/H]=−0.8  and −1.4, respectively. However, there are a number of outlying data points that may indicate contamination by more metal-rich halo streams. The absence of vertical abundance gradients in the Galactic stellar populations and the possible presence of interloping halo streams would be consistent with expectations from merger models of Galaxy formation. We find that our UVX method has limited sensitivity in exploring the metallicity distribution of the distant Galactic halo, owing to the poor constraint on the UBV properties of very metal-poor stars. The derivation of metallicities from broad-band UBV photometry remains fundamentally sound for the exploration of the halo but is in need of both improved calibration and superior data.  相似文献   

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