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Riassunto Data una variabile casuale X che segue la legge normale di probabilitl con valor medio a ed error medio y 1'A. considera un'altra variabile casuale che prende il valore intero r quando r–1/2
Summary Given a random variable X following the normal probability law, with expectation a and standard error p, the author considers another random variable , that takes the entire value r when r–1/2  相似文献   

Summary Recently excellent archeomagnetic data sequences have been bublished from several parts of the world. Using these sequences, an attempt is made to trace the secular variation of the virtual geomagnetic dipole field characterized by the three first order spherical harmonic coefficients . The archeomagnetic data (declination, inclination and total intensity) are transformed into the first order coefficients mentioned by a simple mathematical method. The secular variations of these coefficients, however, contain both dipole and non-dipole components. The separation of these is also attempted.Paper presented at the IAGA Symposium, Madrid, September 1969.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Frontgeschwindigkeitc eine stetige und monoton wachsende Funktion von der Tiefez ist, wird dargelegt, wie man aus einer gemessenen Laufzeitkurve () die zuc inverse Funktionz=z (c) auf einfache Weise berechnen kann. Weiter wird die Eindringtiefez m in Funktion von ermittelt und abschliessend ein Beispiel gegeben.
Summary Based on a recorded travel-time curve (), a simple direct method is developed for calculating the functionz=z (c), under the asumption that the wave velocityc is a regularly monotone increasing function of the depthz. Finally a rumerical example is given.

Summary Characteristics of the piezo-remanent magnetization (PRM) of lunar rocks are particularly interesting in comparison with the PRM of terrestrial rocks, because ferromagnetic constituents in lunar materials are metallic iron grains whose average magnetostriction coefficient is negative. Experimentally observed characteristics of the PRM of lunar rocks are substantially the same as those of the PRM of terrestrial rocks and magnetites, in which is positive. These experimental results indicate that the acquisition mechanism of PRM is due to a non-linear superposition of the magnetoelastic pressure upon the magnetostatic pressure on both sides of the 90° domain walls in ferromagnetic particles, as suggested by Nagata and Carleton.
Zusammenfassung Die Eigenschaften der piezo-remanenten Magnetisierung (PRM) der Mondgesteine sind besonders interessant im Vergleich mit der PRM der Erdgesteine, weil die ferromagnetischen Bestandteile der Mondmaterien die metallischen Eisenkörnchen sind, derer durchschnittliche Magnetostriktion-Koeffizient negativ ist. Die experimentelle gemessenen Eigenschaften von PRM der Mondgesteine sind wesentlich dieselbe der Erdgesteine und Magnetite, derer positive ist. Solche experimentaren Ergebnisse zeigen an, dass die Erwerbung von PRM durch eine nonlineare Übereinanderwirkung des magnetoelastischen Druckes und des magnetostatischen Druckes gegen die beiden Seiten der 90° Gebietwände der ferromagnetischen Teilchen ist, wie Nagata und Carleton vorgeschlagen haben.

Summary The mechanism of beating of Pc3 type pulsations is studied. Using the method of numerical computation of a sonagram (the method of frequency-time analysis) a set of samples of pulsations from the Budkov Observatory is treated (1968–1969) mostly at K-indices equal to 2–3. By comparing f–t diagrams with the spectra of the samples an attempt has been made at interpreting the beating as a superposition of the frequency components, contained in the pulsation signal. In most observed cases it is possible to determine two close frequencies, the difference of which is on the average =5.4 mHz. The average carrier frequency of the samples was =37.6 mHz, and the average frequency of the beating =2.7 mHz. The interval of observed values of fB amounted to 1–5 mHz. A tendency was observed for fB to increase with increasing degree of disturbance of the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Summary Presently used -charts for magnitude determinations have been obtained principally on the base of direct observations of ground motion amplitudes, and periods, of several components of seismic waves (such as PZ, PH, SH), as function of epicentral distance. However, observations alone can serve for the definition of a magnitude scale for events with only one particular focal depth. In order to make the magnitude concept applicable to all focal depths, it must be decided when two events with different focal depths should be assigned the same magnitude. Any respective decision, which will assure consistent magnitudes, must be based on the velocity vs. depth, and eventually the anelasticity vs. depth profiles of the Earth.It is concluded that in magnitude studies the anelasticity is of minor importance. Thus, after the amplitudes are compensated for the radiation pattern at the focus, the observed variation of amplitudes along the surface of the Earth, as function of epicentral distance, is practically due only to the velocity heterogeneity inside the Earth. Assuming a dependence of the velocity on the distance from the center of the Earth (no lateral velocity heterogeneities are permitted), a set of new -charts is obtained, independent of direct amplitude observations, for PZ-, PH-, and SH-waves. A refinement in the magnitude definition warrants the magnitude figures obtained with the new -charts to be uniform with regard to focal depths. Examples show the new -charts to decrease the scatter of magnitude determinations between stations.Since the efficiency in generating longitudinal and transverse waves is most probably not the same for all events, separate P-wave and S-wave magnitudes are advocated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für ein Beobachtungsbeispiel (Stromgeschwindigkeit, Dichte) aus der Kieler Bucht wird eine Deutung ausgeprägter Maxima der zugehörigen Spektren zwischen 0,3 und 60 Minuten durch interne Wellen gegeben. Mit einer beobachteten Periode von zwei Minuten durchgeführte Rechnungen ergeben eine starke Abhängigkeit der Wellenlänge von der mittleren Strömung . Im Falle erhält man bei 23,5 m Wassertiefe eine Wellenlänge von etwa 70 m, im Falle von etwa 85 m. Die berechneten Schwingungen stellen uneigentliche interne Wellen dar (W. Krauß [1966]). Die Interpretation durch eine Grenzflächenwelle führt auf eine Wellenlänge von 86 m, die nur geringfügig von denen der internen Wellen 1. Ordnung in stetig sich ändernder Strömung abweicht.In einer theoretischen Untersuchung werden kleinräumige Anfangsstörungen (z. B. momentane Druckänderungen an der Meeresoberfläche) als mögliche Ursache für die Entstehung kurzperiodischer interner Wellen erkannt. Es zeigt sich, daß kurzzeitig wirksame Anfangsbeschleunigungen in ihrem Einwirkungsbereich stehende, allmählich abklingende interne Wellen erzeugen, während in der Umgebung gleichzeitig fortschreitende Wellen entstehen, deren Amplituden mit wachsender Entfernung vom Erregungsgebiet abnehmen. Die Perioden der Schwingungen haben größere Werte als die zu einer exponentiellen Schichtung gehörige Väisäläperiode und verändern sich in Abhängigkeit von der Größe des Anregungsgebietes wie die zellularer Stabilitätsschwingungen.
The powerspectrum of internal motions in the western baltic between the periods 0.3 and 60 minutes. Part 1: Interpretation of the wavelike component of the internal unrest in the sea
Summary The powerspectra of the internal unrest in the sea show marked peaks in the range of periods between 0.3 and 60 minutes. An interpretation of these phenomena is given in terms of internal waves for a specific example obtained from short periodic current and density variations in the Kieler Bucht. The numerical calculations for an observed period of two minutes show an important influence of the vertical distribution of the current on the wavelength. In the case of the wavelength amounts to about 70 m, where as in the case of the length is about 85 m, assuming a depth of the sea of 23.5 m. The computed oscillations represent improper internal waves (W. Krauß [1966]). Interpretation by internal boundary waves yields a wavelength of 86 m, which is slightly different only from those of the first mode of internal waves in the case of continuously varying .By a theoretical investigation it is shown that short periodic internal waves may be caused by local initial perturbations (for instance by sudden variations of pressure at the surface). The solution of the problem describes slowly decreasing standing internal waves, which are generated within the area upon which short-dated initial accelerations have acted. At the same time a train of progressive waves is developed in the environment travelling away from the centre of the excitation. The amplitudes of these waves diminish with increasing distance from the origin. The periods of the computed oscillations yield higher values than the Väisäläperiod belonging to an exponential stratification. The variability in these periods is caused by variations in depth, by variations in stability, and by changes in the horizontal dimensions of the area of initial perturbation. This dependence is similar to that of cellular oscillations of stability.

Spectre des oscillations internes de la mer Baltique Ouest pour des périodes comprises entre 0,3 et 60 minutes. 1ère Partie: Interprétation des éléments ondulatoires de mouvement
Résumé Pour un cas d'observation (vitesse de courant, densité) en baie de Kiel, des maximums bien marqués des spectres correspondants entre 0,3 et 60 minutes s'expliquent par des ondes internes. Des calculs effectués avec une période de deux minutes montrent que la longueur d'onde dépend beaucoup du courant moyen, . Pour , par 23,5 m de profondeur, on obtient une longueur d'onde environ 70 m; pour , une longueur d'environ 85 m. Les oscillations calculées représentent des ondes internes qui ne sont pas des ondes propres. L'interprétation par une onde de surface limite conduit à une longueur d'onde de 86 m très peu différente de celles des ondes internes du premier ordre dans un courant constamment variable.Une étude théorique montre que des perturbations initiales peu étendues (par exemple variations momentanées de la pression à la surface de la mer) peuvent être à l'origine d'ondes internes à courte période. Il apparaît que des accélérations initiales, agissant brièvement, font naître dans leur zone d'action des ondes internes stationnaires qui s'amortissent peu à peu, tandis qu'en même temps aux alentours se produisent des ondes progressives dont l'amplitude décroît à mesure qu'elles s'éloignent de la région où elles ont pris naissance. Les périodes des oscillations ont des valeurs plus grandes que celle de la période de Väisälä rapportée à une stratification exponentielle, et elles varient suivant la grandeur de la zone où elles ont pris naissance comme les oscillations de stabilité cellulaire.

A generalized turbulent diffusion model has been developed which evaluates the time rate of growth of a simulated cloud of particles released into a turbulent (i.e. diffusive) atmosphere. The general model, in the form of second-order differential equations, computes the three-dimensional size of the cloud as a function of time. Parameters which influence the cloud growth, and which are accounted for in the model equations, are: (1) length scales and velocity magnitudes of the diffusive field, (2) rate of viscous dissipation , (3) vertical stability as characterized by the relative adiabatic lapse rate (1/T)(g/C p +T/z), and (4) vertical shear in the mean horizontal winds , and , for a given height and of spatial extent equal to that of the diffusing cloud. Sample results for near ground level and for upper stratospheric heights are given. For the atmospheric boundary layer case, the diffusive field is microscale turbulence. In the upper stratospheric case it is considered to be a field of highly interactive and dispersive gravity waves.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-eight balloons have been flown in Canada to measure vertical and horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. A horizontal electric field of magnitude typically between 10 and 50 millivolts/meter has been measured at night at high latitudes in association with auroras and magnetic disturbances. Its origin is in the magnetosphere and it maps to balloon alitudes with small attenuation according to Maxwell's equations. The vertical electric field at the balloon displays variations as the horizontal ionospheric field changes in order to maintain . Thus, magnetospheric processes affect both vertical and horizontal atmospheric electric fields and the potential differences induced by these processes may be comparable to weather induced potential differences. Weather processes have also been observed to produce large horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. Methods of distinguishing horizontal fields of ionospheric origin from those of weather origin are investigated with the conclusion that a determination of the source of a given event can often if not generally be made.This paper was presented byU. Fahleson  相似文献   

The Drude law (molecular refraction) for the temperature radiation in a monoatomic model of the Earth's mantle is derived. The considerations are based on the Lorentz electron theory of solids. The characteristic frequency (or eigenfrequency) of independent electron oscillators (in energy units, ) is identified with the band gapE G of a solid. The only assumption is that solid material related to the Earth's mantle has the mean atomic weight A21 g/mole, and its energy gap (E G) is about 9 eV. In this case the value of molecular refraction (in cm3/g) is (n 2–1)/=0.5160.52, where andn are the density and the refractive index at wavelength D=0.5893 m (sodium light), respectively. The average molecular refraction of important silicate and oxide minerals with A21, obtained byAnderson andSchreiber (1965) from laboratory data, is , where denotes the mean arithmetic value calculated from three principal refractive indices of crystal. For the rock-forming minerals with 19A<24 g/mole the new relation was found byAnderson (1975).  相似文献   

Summary If the condition R(A)=k(n), whereA is the design matrix of the type n × k and k the number of parameters to be determined, is not satisfied, or if the covariance matrixH is singular, it is possible to determine the adjusted value of the unbiased estimable function of the parameters f(), its dispersion D( (x)) and 2 as the unbiased estimate of the value of 2 by means of an arbitrary g-inversion of the matrix . The matrix , because of its remarkable properties, is called the Pandora Box matrix. The paper gives the proofs of these properties and the manner in which they can be employed in the calculus of observations.  相似文献   

A study is presented of spectral features of volcanic tremor recorded at Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) following the methods of analysis suggested by the resonant scattering formalism of Gaunaurd and Überall (1978, 1979a, 1979b) and the model for hydraulic origin of Seidl et al. (1981). The periods investigated include summit and flank eruptions that occurred between 1984 and 1993. Recordings from a permanent station located near the top of the volcano were used, and the temporal patterns associated with (a) the average spacing ( ) between consecutive spectral peaks in the frequency range 1–6 Hz, (b) the spectral shape and (c) the overall spectral amplitude were analyzed. values are thought to depend on the physical properties of magma, such as its density, which, in turn, is controlled by the degree of gas exsolution. Variations in the spectral shape are tentatively attributed to changes in the geometrical scattering from the boundary of resonant conduits and magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude at the station should essentially reflect the state of turbulence of magma within the superficial ascending path. A limit in the application of the resonant scattering formalism to the study of volcanic tremor is given by the fact that the fundamental modes and integer harmonics are difficult to identify in the frequency spectra, as tremor sources are likely within cavities of very complex geometry, rather than in spherical or cylindrical chambers, as expected by theory. This study gives evidence of some correlations between the analyzed temporal patterns and the major events in the volcanic activity, related to both lava flow and explosions at the summit vents. In particular, relatively high values of have been attained during the SE crater eruption of 1984, the complex eruptive phases of September–October 1989 and the 1991–1993 flank eruption, suggesting the presence of a relatively dense magma for all of these events. Conversely, very low values have been recorded in coincidence with the December 1985 activity and the paroxysmal explosions at the summit craters of early 1990, which are interpreted here as fed by fluid-vesiculated magma. Appreciable modifications in the spectral shape have been observed in relation to changes of the volcanic activity that probably preceded the opening and disactivation of shallow dykes or magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude seems to be a sensitive indicator of the state of gas turbulence within the shallow conduits, as is suggested by the high values attained during phases of intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Some comparisons between mining-induced and laboratory earthquakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although laboratory stick-slip friction experiments have long been regarded as analogs to natural crustal earthquakes, the potential use of laboratory results for understanding the earthquake source mechanism has not been fully exploited because of essential difficulties in relating seismographic data to measurements made in the controlled laboratory environment. Mining-induced earthquakes, however, provide a means of calibrating the seismic data in terms of laboratory results because, in contrast to natural earthquakes, the causative forces as well as the hypocentral conditions are known. A comparison of stick-slip friction events in a large granite sample with mining-induced earthquakes in South Africa and Canada indicates both similarities and differences between the two phenomena. The physics of unstable fault slip appears to be largely the same for both types of events. For example, both laboratory and mining-induced earthquakes have very low seismic efficiencies where a is the apparent stress and is the average stress acting on the fault plane to cause slip; nearly all of the energy released by faulting is consumed in overcoming friction. In more detail, the mining-induced earthquakes differ from the laboratory events in the behavior of as a function of seismic momentM 0. Whereas for the laboratory events 0.06 independent ofM 0, depends quite strongly onM 0 for each set of induced earthquakes, with 0.06 serving, apparently, as an upper bound. It seems most likely that this observed scaling difference is due to variations in slip distribution over the fault plane. In the laboratory, a stick-slip event entails homogeneous slip over a fault of fixed area. For each set of induced earthquakes, the fault area appears to be approximately fixed but the slip is inhomogeneous due presumably to barriers (zones of no slip) distributed over the fault plane; at constant , larger events correspond to larger a as a consequence of fewer barriers to slip. If the inequality a / 0.06 has general validity, then measurements of a E a /M 0, where is the modulus of rigidity andE a is the seismically-radiated energy, can be used to infer the absolute level of deviatoric stress at the hypocenter.  相似文献   

The conditions under which two magmas can become mixed within a rising magma batch are investigated by scaling analyses and fluid-dynamical experiments. The results of scaling analyses show that the fluid behaviours in a squeezed conduit are determined mainly by the dimensionless number where 1 is the viscosity of the fluid, U is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, is the density difference between the two fluids, and R is the radius of the tube. The parameter I represents a balance between the viscous effects in the uppermost magma which prevent it from being moved off the conduit walls, and the buoyancy forces which tend to keep the interface horizontal. The experiments are carried out using fluid pairs of various density and viscosity contrasts in a squeezed vinyl tube. They show that overturning of the initial density stratification and mixing occur when I>order 10-1; the two fluids remain stratified when I 10-3. Transitional states are observed when 10-3<I<10-1. These results are nearly independent of Reynolds number and viscosity ratio in the range of and Re 1<300. Applying these results to magmas shows that silicic to intermediate magmas overlying mafic magma will be prone to mixing in a rising magma batch. This mechanism can explain some occurrences of small-volume mixed lava flows.  相似文献   

Summary Seven optimal networks consisting of 4 to 10 stations are compared for a given region, where velocity-depth profiles and the distribution of seismic intensity are known. Assuming that the standard error of arrival time is t =0.05 s and the standard errors of the parameters of velocity-depth profiles are equal to 5% of their values, the average standard errors of the origin time and focus coordinates are estimated. The application of optimum methods to the planning of seismic networks in the Lublin Coal Basin is presented, and maps of standard errors of origin time , depth and epicenter ( xy ) for the case of an optimum network of 6 seismic stations are given.  相似文献   

A new dissipation model based on memory mechanism   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The model of dissipation based on memory introduced by Caputo is generalized and checked with experimental dissipation curves of various materials.List of symbols unidimensional stress - unidimensional strain - Q –1 specific dissipation function - c(t) creep compliance - m(t) relaxation modulus - c 0 instantaneous compliance - m equilibrium modulus - (t) creep function - relaxation function - () spectral distribution of retardation times - spectral distribution of relaxation times - c *() complex compliance - m *() complex modulus - tang loss-tangent  相似文献   

Piest  Jürgen 《Ocean Dynamics》1963,16(1):9-14
Zusammenfassung Als Zusammenhang zwischen der kennzeichnenden Wellenperiode und der durchschnittlichen Periode im Seegang wird die Formel angesetzt. Mit Hilfe empirischer Unterlagen wird nachgewiesen, daßc eine Funktion des von D. E. Cartwright und M. S. Longuet-Higgins [1956] eingeführten Spektralparameters ist. Es wird eine vorläufige quantitative Beziehung zwischenc und abgeleitet.
Empirical investigations of the relation between the mean and the significant wave period in the sea
Summary It is supposed that the formula represents the relation between the significant wave period and the mean period in the sea. With the aid of empirical data it is demonstrated thatc is a function of the spectral parameter introduced by D. E. Cartwright and M. S. Longuet-Higgins [1956]. A preliminary quantitative relation betweenc and is derived.

Etudes empiriques de la relation entre la période moyenne et la période significative des vagues dans la houle
Résumé On suppose que la formule représente la relation entre la période significative des vagues et la période moyenne dans la houle. A l'aide des données empiriques on montre quec est une fonction du paramètre spectral , introduit par D. E. Cartwright et M. S. Longuet-Higgins [1956]. Une relation quantitative préliminaire entrec et est dérivée.


Summary Utilising two years data collected at two tropical coastal stations, Madras (13°04N, 80°15E) and Waltair (17°42N, 83°18E) and for one tropical continental station, Nagpur (21°09N, 79°07E), the authors have re-evaluated the constants ofBrunt's regression equation. Analyses of the observations for Waltair and Nagpur show good correlation coefficients (r) between the values of the effective emissivity of the atmosphere (the effective emissivity is the ratio of incoming long-wave sky radiation at the surfaceR s , to black body radiation T 4) and the square root values of surface vapour pressuree (mb). The value ofr for Waltair from radiometer observations is 0.98. It is also determined for Waltair and Nagpur from Ångström compensation pyrgeometer observations as 0.83 and 0.91 respectively. A low correlation co-efficient 0.56 is obtained for Madras. It might be due to higher surface vapour pressure values at Madras than at Waltair and Nagpur. The applicability of the reduced regression equations are examined for different years for the different stations. The agreement between the computed values with the new regression equations and the observed long-wave sky radiation at the surface seems to be quite good.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1) Es werden Multipollösungen der skalaren Wellengleichung 2 f/t 2 – c2 div gradf=0 betrachtet. Einerseits kann man solche Lösungen direkt durch Kugelfunktionenn-ter Ordnung ausdrücken, anderseits aus der Einpollösungf=1/p F(t–p/c) durch Differentiation nachn Richtungen erhalten. Es wird der Zusammenhang zwischen den Ergebnissen der beiden Verfahren gezeigt. — 2) Für die Energiedichte und den Energiefluss durch Kugelflächen bei kleinen elastischen Verschiebungen werden Ausdrücke in Kugelkoordinaten angegeben. — 3) Für die Wellengleichung grad div –b 2 rot rot werden rotationsfreie Multipollösungen angegeben und Ausdrücke für Energiedichte und Energiefluss hergeleitet. — 4) Das gleiche wird für divergenzfreie Multipollösungen durchgeführt. — 5) Es werden Multipole betrachtet, die weder rotationsfrei noch divergenzfrei sind. Als Spezialfälle werden Multipole mit zeitlich begrenzter und solche mit periodischer Erregung gezeigt, ferner Lösungen der Wellengleichung, die sowohl rotationsfrei wie divergenzfrei sind. — 6) Es wird gezeigt, wie man die elastischen Wellen, die im Sinne vonStokes von einem Herdgebiet endlicher Ausdehnung ausgehen, näherungsweise durch elastische Multipole darstellen kann. — 7) Es wird angedeutet, wie man durch Messung von Komponenten von oder u.s.w. in Punkten im Innern des Mediums die Erregung und Energie von elastischen Multipolen bestimmen kann. Ferner wird auf den Fall hingewiesen, wo ein rotationsfreier Einpol sich im Innern eines Halbraumes befindet und die Messungen an seiner Oberfläche ausgeführt werden.
Summary (On foci of elastic waves in isotropic homogeneous media) — 1) Multiplets as solutions of the scalar wave equation 2 f/t 2 – c2 div gradf=0 are considered. Such solutions can be obtained either directly by aid of spherical harmonics of ordern, or by differentiating the single polef=1/p F(t–p/c) with respect ton directions. The relations between the results of those two procedures are shown. — 2) In the case of small elastic displacements , the density of energy and the flow of energy through spherical surfaces are expressed by spherical coordinates. — 3) Multiplets which satisfy the equation of motion =a 2 grad div b 2 curl curl and the equation curl = 0 are given, and expressions for the density and flow of energy are found. — 4) The same is done with multiplets satisfying the equation of motion and the equation div = 0. — 5) General multiplets which satisfy the equation of motion are treated. As special cases, multiplets with excitation of finite length and multiplets with periodic excitation are considered, furthermore solutions of the equation of motion and of the equations curl = 0 and div = 0 are given. — 6) It is shown how elastic waves whose origin is a region of finite extension in the sense given byStokes, can be approximated by elastic multiplets. — 7) Some indications are given on the problem of how to find the functions of excitation and the energy of an elastic multiplet by measuring components of or etc., at points in the interior of the medium. The same problem is considered in the case of the single elastic pole. = grad 1/p F (t–p/a), if the measurements are made at the surface of an elastic half space.

The magnetoconvection problem under the magnetostrophic approximation is investigated as the nonlinear regime is entered. The model consists of a fluid filled sphere, internally heated, and rapidly rotating in the presence of a prescribed, axisymmetric, toroidal magnetic field. For simplicity only a dipole parity and a single azimuthal wavenumber (m = 2) is considered here. The leading order nonlinearity at small amplitude is the geostrophic flow U g which is introduced to the previously linear model (Walker and Barenghi, 1997a, b). Walker and Barenghi (1997c) considered parameter space above critical and found that U g acts as an equilibration mechanism for moderately supercritical solutions. However, for solutions well above critical a Taylor state is approached and the system can no longer equilibrate. More importantly though, in the context of this paper, is that subcritical solutions were found. Here subcritical solutions are considered in more detail. It was found that, at is strongly dependent on . ( is the critical value of the modified Rayleigh number is a measure of the maximum amplitude of the generated geostrophic flow while , the Elsasser number, defines the strength of the prescribed toroidal field.) Rm at proves to be the key measure in determining how far into the subcritical regime the system can advance.  相似文献   

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