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Over 4500 oiled birds were collected from beaches in Northwest France and the Channel Islands following the oil spillage from the AMOCO CADIZ in March 1978. Auks were the most abundant casualties: 1391 puffins Fratercula arctica, 978 razorbills Alca torda and 731 guillemots Uria aalge, but there were also 126 divers Gavia spp. A total of 33 bird species were recorded oiled. A corpse drift experiment suggested that after 30 March at least 3450 seabirds died off north Finistère alone; the total mortality in the first fortnight of the incident was probably considerably larger.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes briefly the observations made by a team of United States scientists during the two months immediately after the grounding of the Amoco Cadiz. Most of the information has been abstracted from the NOAA/EPA preliminary scientific report (Hess, 1978) which provides a more complete account of objectives and results to date. It is hoped that maximum use may be derived from a study of the effects of the spill.  相似文献   

Following the wreck of the AMOCO CADIZ on 16 March 1978, samples of water, sediment and oil were collected between April and June from the Brittany coast and western English Channel and were analysed for petroleum hydrocarbons by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, gas-liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

In 1991 the second Gulf War lead to the largest oil spill in human history. Over 770 km of coastline from southern Kuwait to Abu Ali Island (Saudi Arabia) were smothered with oil and tar, erasing most of the local plant and animal communities. In the following year cyanobacteria colonized most of the oil polluted shores. In the study area at the Saudi Arabian Gulf coast north of Jubail three different processes were observed that followed the extensive formation of cyanobacterial mats. The first one is desiccation, cracking, and peeling of the cyanobacterial mats, thereby removing the uppermost part of the oiled sediment. The second is the resettlement of burrowing macrofauna like crabs and benthic animals such as gastropods, which outcompete the cyanobacteria again. The third process is further extensive growth of cyanobacteria building thick laminated mats. These layers, completely seal the surface and hence produce an anaerobic milieu which inhibits oil degradation. As long as such cyanobacteria exist, they will prevent microbial oil degradation as well as any resettlement by macrofauna.  相似文献   

Image analysis of historical aerial photographs was used to examine the effects of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill and resulting clean-up on marsh ecology. Two heavily oiled marsh systems were compared. The marsh which received no clean-up recovered to its prior condition. The marshes in the system cleaned by sediment removal were extensively altered as a result of changes in intertidal height of the sediment surface.  相似文献   

The sinking of the tanker Prestige in November 2002 off the coast of Galicia resulted in the release of about 60,000 tons of heavy oil. The oil-spill provoked a serious environmental impact in Spanish and French coasts, which biological consequences are still being assessed. In this study we address the temporal dynamics of genetic diversity in some mussel populations impacted by the oil-spill. Changes in genetic diversity can be measured in natural populations provided that serial samples are available from before (year 2000) and after (years 2003, 2005) the oil-spill. Analyses of seven microsatellites indicate a weak but significant increase of genetic variation after the spill. This phenomenon is interpreted herein in terms of a balance between a enhanced genome mutability on microsatellite variation and a low genetic drift due to toxicants and asphyxia although other stochastic phenomena cannot be ruled out. Per locus annotation showed that in spite of the allelic changes observed in the period 2000-2005, the final size of most allelic series remained quite alike to those of year 2000. Present genetic data suggest that the genotoxic impact of the Prestige spill did not compromise the genetic diversity of studied mussel populations, at least regarding the genetic markers analysed.  相似文献   

Effects of nutrients on crude oil biodegradation in the upper intertidal zone   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Oh YS  Sim DS  Kim SJ 《Marine pollution bulletin》2001,42(12):1367-1372
To enhance biodegradation, nutrients in the form of slow-release fertilizer (SRF) were applied to oil-contaminated microcosms (3%, v/v) which simulated intertidal environmental systems. Although nutrient concentrations in the interstitial water were not proportional to those in amended SRF, microbial activity, growth of oil-degrading microorganisms, and oil-degradation rate were closely related to the concentration of nutrients in the interstitial water. Adding nutrients at higher dose (microcosm I, 144.4 mg C/kg sand/day, versus microcosm II, 8.5 mg C/kg sand/day) had a positive effect on oil degradation rate, which was especially obvious during the early phase of treatment. Use of pristane, phytane, and nor-hopane as biomarkers enabled the detection of significant treatment differences in hydrocarbon biodegradation, which were not reliable enough when the data were normalized to sand mass.  相似文献   

Sponges can filter large amounts of water, which exerts an important grazing impact on free bacteria, an important component of the diet of sponges. We examined the accumulation of bacteria in the Demospongiae (Hymeniacidon perlevis). Analyses were performed on homogenates from unstarved and starved sponges in seawater from their sampling site (the Ionian Sea). Culturable heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C), total culturable bacteria (37 °C) and vibrios densities were measured on marine agar 2216, plate count agar and TCBS agar, respectively. Total and fecal coliforms, as well as fecal streptococci, were determined by the most probable number method (MPN). H. perlevis was able to accumulate all of the six microbiological groups. Bacterial groups differed in their resistance to digestion by H. perlevis. Our data suggest that H. perlevis may accumulate, remediate and metabolize bacteria and that they may be employed as a useful bioindicator and bioremediator.  相似文献   

Time series changes in chlorophyll a concentration before and after the Hebei Spirit oil spill that occurred in December 2007 were analyzed using NCEP wind and SeaWiFS/MODIS ocean color data. Prevailing southwesterly winds and northeast/southwestward tidal currents pushed the oil towards Korea’s West Sea coast of Taean. After the oil spill, daily chlorophyll a concentration decreased about 45-50% compared to the normal condition before the oil spill, and this decrease continued for about two weeks. Monthly mean chlorophyll a concentration in December 2007 was lower compared to the average value for the same month between 1998 and 2007, but, in October and November 2007 before the spill and in January-February 2008 after the spill, the concentration value was higher than average for the same period between 1998 and 2007.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal distributions of dissolved and/or dispersed oil in seawater and pore water were monitored on site by fluorometric detection method after the Hebei Spirit oil spill. The oil concentrations in intertidal seawater, 15 days after the spill, were as high as 16,600 μg/L and appeared to decrease below the Korean marine water quality standard of 10 μg/L at most sites 10 months after the spill. Fluorometric detection of oil in pore water was introduced to eliminate the effects of grain size for the quantification of oil in sediments and to better explain spatial and temporal distribution of oil pollution at sandy beaches. The fluorescence detection method was compared with the conventional laboratory technique of total petroleum hydrocarbon analysis using gas chromatography. The method of fluorescence detection of oil was capable of generating results much faster and more cost-effectively than the traditional GC technique.  相似文献   

Densities of fishes, invertebrates and plants at rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal sites were censused 1-2 days prior to the Jessica oil spill and compared with information obtained for the same sites one month after the spill, both for sites impacted by oil and unaffected reference sites. While the availability of pre-spill data made this analysis one of the most powerful to date for testing impacts of oil on shoreline environments, no clear changes attributable to oiling could be identified. Discharged oil appeared to cause very little impact in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones, with such impacts lying within the range of natural spatial and temporal variation at sites investigated. Factors considered to minimize impact in Galápagos included paucity of fully sheltered shores in spill path, moderate wave action, warm temperature, high levels of sunlight, and mixing of bunker oil with diesel.  相似文献   

The effect of pH ranging from 8.0 to 6.8 (total scale - pHT) on fertilization, cleavage and larval development until pluteus stage was assessed in an intertidal temperate sea urchin. Gametes were obtained from adults collected in two contrasting tide pools, one showing a significant nocturnal pH decrease (lowest pHT = 7.4) and another where pH was more stable (lowest pHT = 7.8). The highest pHT at which significant effects on fertilization and cleavage were recorded was 7.6. On the contrary, larval development was only affected below pHT 7.4, a value equal or lower than that reported for several subtidal species. This suggests that sea urchins inhabiting stressful intertidal environments produce offspring that may better resist future ocean acidification. Moreover, at pHT 7.4, the fertilization rate of gametes whose progenitors came from the tide pool with higher pH decrease was significantly higher, indicating a possible acclimatization or adaptation of gametes to pH stress.  相似文献   

Estimates of the surface cover of stranded oil on a gravel beach ranged between 25 and 51%. This variability is attributed primarily to wet weather conditions that altered the colour of the surface substrate, thus making identification of oil or oiled sediments difficult. Estimates and the observations from three surveys in wet weather ranged between 25 and 46%; whereas on a dry day the range from four surveys was only 42–51%. Within this small study area (7200 m2) the same observer provided estimates of the surface oil cover that ranged from 1800 to 3680 m2. This wide variability for a small section of shoreline would probably be magnified during reconnaissance surveys where long sections of coast are surveyed to determine the degree of contamination. Surveys of beach contamination for cleanup decisions or for damage assessment should be conducted with regard to the environmental (weather) conditions and the degree of accuracy that is required from the survey.  相似文献   

The response of metal accumulation in coral Tubastraea coccinea to various degrees of metal enrichment was investigated from the Yin-Yang Sea (YYS) receiving abandoned mining effluents, the Kueishan Islet (KI) hydrothermal vent field, and the nearshore area of remoted Green Island (GI). The concentrations of most dissolved metals were highest in seawater at YYS, followed by KI, and then GI, showing the effects of anthropogenic and venting inputs on metal levels. Five metals (Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) yielded significant differences (p < 0.05) among the skeleton samples. We identified similar patterns in the metal–Ca ratios, indicating that the elevated metals in skeletons was a consequence of external inputs. The coral tissues were relatively sensitive in monitoring metal accumulation, showing significant differences among three locations for Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn. Specific bioconcentration factors provided strong support for the differential metal accumulation in skeletons and tissues.  相似文献   

Canada's post‐mined oil sands will have a higher concentration of salts compared with freshwater peatlands that dominate the landscape. While rare, naturally occurring saline wetlands do exist in Alberta's Boreal Plains and may function as analogues for reclamation, however, little is known about their hydrology. This paper investigates the geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of a natural saline‐spring peatland in Alberta's oil sands region. The fen is located within a saline groundwater discharge area connected to the erosional edge of the Grand Rapids Formation. Na+ (195–25,680 mgl?1) and Cl? (1785–56,249 mg l?1) were the dominant salts, and the fen transitioned sharply to freshwater along its margins because in part of subsurface mineral ridges that restricted shallow groundwater exchange. Salinity decreased from hypersaline to brackish along the local groundwater flow path but no active spring outlets were observed over the two‐year study. Vertical groundwater discharge was minimal because of the very low permeability of the underlying sediments. Subsurface storage was exceeded during periods of high flow, resulting in flooding and surface runoff that was enhanced by the ephemerally connected pond network. These findings have implications for reclamation, as mechanisms such as subsurface mineral ridges may function as effective saline groundwater‐control structures in the post‐mined environment. Incorporating saline wetlands into regional monitoring networks will help to better quantify natural discharge, which has implications for belowground wastewater storage related to in situ bitumen extraction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution is common in rivers in the vicinity of mining areas. In these polluted environments, the survival of alien species with a high tolerance to metals may be favored. The Tinto River (Southwest Iberian Peninsula) is an excellent natural laboratory for the study of plants’ responses to acidic and metal polluted sediments. This work analyzes the tolerance of the alien species Spartina densiflora to low pH and high metal loads in the Tinto River. The main aim of this study was to determine if this alien species can invade landward along the banks of the Tinto River. S. densiflora seeds were able to germinate in heavy metal polluted aerobic sediments even at pH 2. However, these conditions decreased S. densiflora final germination, altered germination dynamics, decreased aerial and subterranean growth rates, and prevented its establishment.  相似文献   

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