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全晓娟  李宁  苏波  李国玉 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):115-120
In permafrost regions, many methods about active cooling embankment are put forward, one of these representations is ventilated embankment, its cooling effect is the result of the air convection in the duct, and this leads to reducing the annual average ground temperature. The present work in this article is to determine the boundary conditions of the ventilated embankment and natural ground in numerical work. There are several effects which influence boundary conditions, they are: radiation, evaporation,phase change, convection and embankment material etc. Radiation and convection are the main effects in those. We mainly consider sun radiation in this article. The added-surface effect in ventilated embankment lowers its temperature, so the temperature on the wall of the ventilated embankment is different from the temperature in atmosphere. There are two methods in determining the surface temperature, experimental method and experiential method. Detailed research is discussed in the article.  相似文献   

保温材料在青藏铁路路基工程中应用的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温智  盛煜  马巍  齐吉琳  吴基春 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):83-89
In many cases, preventing permafrost from further thaw due to human activities might be the first choice for embankment design in permafrost regions. 2-D finite element analysis was conducted in this paper, in which phase change was taken into consideration to simulate the thermal regime of the Qinghai-Tibetan Railway with Expandable Polystyrene (EPS). Based on the predicted maximum thaw depth in the following 50 year, the best position for insulation was presented and the relationship between the thickness of insulation and the height of embankment was analyzed. Besides, the applicable range of insulation in embankment engineering of the Qinghai-Tibetan Railway in terms of Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT) was suggested and the influence of geothermal field of permafrost on the applicable range of the insulation was discussed.  相似文献   

青藏铁路可调控通风管路基温度场的三维非线性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
可调控通风管路基是一种理想的保护高温冻土的工程措施. 应用有限元法, 对青藏铁路普通通风管路基和可调控通风管路基在施工完10 a内的温度场变化进行了三维数值分析. 结果表明: 可调控通风管路基在夏季(8月份)0 ℃的等温线比普通通风管路基要高, 说明它的冻土上限抬升幅度较大, 使冻土得到更好地保护, 并且其路基下面从第二年开始也不会出现融化层; 可调控通风管路基下面的冻土平均温度降到 -1 ℃时的时间比普通通风管路基要早, 说明可调控通风管路基具有较好的降温速度和降温效果.  相似文献   

带隔热门的通风路基三维温度特性数值分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
刘志强  赖远明 《冰川冻土》2005,27(1):134-139
对带隔热门的通风管路基三维温度场进行了数值模拟, 通过带相变的瞬态热平衡微分方程, 用伽辽金法导出有限元计算公式, 利用单元生死技术模拟隔热门的开关效应, 在考虑未来气温上升2.6 ℃、年平均地表温度 -1 ℃的情况下, 计算了通风路基有无隔热门两种情况下的温度场. 对比分析表明, 带隔热门的通风路基减小了路基热量的吸收, 降低了路基内部的温度, 能更有效地保护路基下的冻土.  相似文献   

王釭 《冰川冻土》2007,29(2):327-332
结合工程实例详细介绍青藏铁路高原多年冻土地段片石通风路堤的参数选择、施工方法以及保证措施.通过以上的施工技术,取得了相应的阶段性成果:片石路基片石层顶面、底面与路基基底位置处地温分别低于普通路基相同位置处地温,片石路基有利于降低路基地温,是一种有效的主动保护多年冻土工程措施;片石路基在调节路基阴阳坡地温起到了积极的作用,减轻了路基地温不对称性的发生;对比片石路基和普通路基的路基变形量,片石路基的变形量相对较小.  相似文献   

青藏铁路冻土与融区过渡段路基变形特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冻胀和融沉是影响寒区路基稳定性的两大问题.对于多年冻土到融区过渡段路基,除考虑冻胀和融沉外,还应考虑多年冻土区和融区路基沉降变形差和冻胀变形差问题.根据青藏铁路沱沱河试验段路基在竣工后3a内的现场试验数据,分析了有代表性路基的地温变化、路基基底变形以及整个试验段的冻胀、沉降变形差问题,计算出了多年冻土与融区过渡段路基的合理长度.结果表明:多年冻土与融区过渡地带沉降总变形量相差较大,但从年沉降速率来看,路基不会产生突降,且随着沉降速率逐渐减小,路基趋于稳定;试验段内冻胀量差异不大,不会影响线路平顺度.对于本试验段此类工程地质条件,可以采用允许多年冻土融化原则的工程措施.  相似文献   

多年冻土区铁路通风路基室内模型试验的温度场特征   总被引:27,自引:19,他引:27  
根据多年冻土区铁路通风结构路基室内模型试验的研究, 分析了模型路基典型部位的温度随时间的变化情况, 及整个路基3个典型断面在冻结期结束和融化期结束时的温度场特征. 结果表明: 路基底部温度变化与气温变化趋势不一致; 路基上部温度变化与气温变化趋势一致, 但存在滞后现象; 沿着风向方向, 在冻结期, 路基温度分布比较对称, 但在融化期, 就形成不对称分布; 除了在通风管中部上方小部分有明显不同外,通过通风管中心轴断面的温度场特征与两通风管间断面的温度场分布特征在同一时刻是相似的.  相似文献   

青藏铁路普通路基下部冻土变化分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
吴青柏  刘永智  于晖 《冰川冻土》2007,29(6):960-968
高温高含冰量冻土地区,青藏铁路采取了冷却路基、降低多年冻土温度的工程措施.然而青藏铁路仍有大量路段未采用任何工程措施,因此修筑普通路基后冻土变化也是普遍关心的问题.根据青藏铁路普通路基下部土体温度监测的近期结果,分析了季节冻土区、已退化多年冻土区和多年冻土区路基下部冻土变化特征.结果表明,不同区域修筑普通路基,其下部土体温度、最大季节冻结深度、多年冻土上限等存在较大的差异.在季节冻土和已退化多年冻土区,右路肩下部(阴坡)已形成冻土隔年层;在多年冻土强烈退化区,其路基下部形成融化夹层;在高温多年冻土区,其路基下部上限存在抬升和下降,上限附近土体温度有升高的趋势.在低温多年冻土区,其路基下部上限全部抬升,上限附近土体存在"冷量"积累,有利于路基下部多年冻土热稳定性.因此,低温多年冻土区修筑普通路基后,冻土变化基本是向着有利于路基稳定性的方向发展,在其它地段修筑普通路基,冻土变化是向着不利于路基稳定性的方向发展的.特别是阴阳坡太阳辐射差异,导致了土体热状态和多年冻土上限形态产生较大的差异,这种差异将会对路基稳定性产生一定的影响.  相似文献   

Abstract: Permafrost (perennially frozen ground) appears widely in the Golmud-Lhasa section of the Qinghai-Tibet railway and is characterized by high ground temperature (≥ ?1°C) and massive ground ice. Under the scenarios of global warming and human activity, the permafrost under the railway will gradually thaw and the massive ground ice will slowly melt, resulting in some thaw settlement hazards, which mainly include longitudinal and lateral cracks, and slope failure. The crushed rock layer has a thermal semiconductor effect under the periodic fluctuation of natural air. It can be used to lower the temperature of the underlying permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet railway, and mitigate the thaw settlement hazards of the subgrade. In the present paper, the daily and annual changes in the thermal characteristics of the embankment with crushed rock side slope (ECRSS) were quantitatively simulated using the numerical method to study the cooling effect of the crushed rock layer and its mitigative ability. The results showed that the ECRSS absorbed some heat in the daytime in summer, but part of it was released at night, which accounted for approximately 20% of that absorbed. Within a year, it removed more heat from the railway subgrade in winter than that absorbed in summer. It can store approximately 20% of the “cold” energy in subgrade. Therefore, ECRSS is a better measure to mitigate thaw settlement hazards to the railway.  相似文献   

青藏高原多年冻土区铁路路堤临界高度数值计算分析   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
青藏高原多年冻土区铁路路堤的修建, 改变了原有天然地表的热平衡条件, 从而引起了路堤下多年冻土上限位置的变化. 为了确保铁路路堤完成后, 在考虑全球气温升高的条件下, 未来50 a中多年冻土上限不发生下移, 采用有限元的分析方法, 对青藏高原多年冻土区粗颗粒填土路堤的临界高度进行了数值模拟计算. 得到了不同年平均气温条件下路堤的上下临界高度值, 并从中找到以铁路正常运营50 a为限, 路堤临界高度存在与否的年平均气温临界值为-3.5 ℃. 分析发现, 无论是修筑高路堤, 还是低路堤, 地温均呈上升趋势, 冻土处于退化状态.  相似文献   

青藏铁路冻土区块石护坡路基热传递特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李国玉  李宁  康佳梅 《冰川冻土》2007,29(2):315-321
块石护坡路基是青藏铁路建设中一种有效的冷却地基保护冻土工程措施.考虑高原夏季夜间冷空气对块石护坡路基温度场的影响,对青藏铁路北麓河块石护坡试验路基夏季某一整天的温度场、热流量和热流密度进行了分析,研究块石护坡路基昼夜间热传递特性.结果表明:块石护坡路基在夏季白天吸收热量,在夜间冷空气的作用下路基释放一部分热量,说明夏季夜间存在一定的降温效果.另外考虑一年内冷暖季块石护坡的热传递差异,对块石护坡路基冷暖季的温度场、热流量和热流密度变化情况进行研究,探讨其冷暖季热传递特性,结果显示:块石护坡路基暖季处于吸热状态,冷季处于放热状态;从一年的热流量变化看,块石护坡路基冷季的放热量大于吸热量,路基储存冷能有利于保护冻土.  相似文献   

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