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利用一架搭载云和降水粒子探头的国王350飞机对2020年1月5日邢台皇寺上空降雪云系的微物理特征进行探测和分析。结果表明:飞机探测时段处于系统发展初期阶段,同一位置垂直上升阶段和垂直下降阶段云微物理特征差距较大;云体结构不均匀,表现为云粒子在垂直高度上呈多层分布,中间有夹层。4 300~3 100 m高度层的过冷水含量最丰富,峰值达0.3 g/m3,对应温度约-9℃。过冷水丰富区出现在逆温层上方,该层最适合开展碘化银增雪作业。  相似文献   

本文用一维非定常积云模式研究积云中云滴群的凝结增长。比较了几种盐核谱及不同湍流交换强度等情况下凝结形成的云滴谱特征。结果表明半径1.5—2.5微米的巨核在凝结过程形成大云滴中起主要作用,而较大的巨核对平衡态凝结谱影响不大,仅起到提早出现大云滴的作用。凝结核浓度过大不利于大云滴的形成,对半径 1.5—2.5微米的巨核浓度为 10~(-3)个/厘米~3比较有利。凝结平衡谱随湍流交换和夹卷作用的影响较大,在某些条件下可以模拟出双峰谱。  相似文献   

星载双频云雷达的云微物理参数反演算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用星载雷达模拟器输出的模拟数据,为星载双频云雷达选择了最佳的频点组合,并开展了双频联合反演云微物理参数的算法研究。结果表明:(1)在位于大气窗口的6组频点组合中,94/220 GHz的组合对滴谱参数的微小变化较为敏感,有利于进行双频的联合反演。综合考虑不同频点的探测能力、衰减以及工业部门的制造水平后,认为94/220 GHz可以作为未来星载双频测云雷达的探测频点。(2)双频反演中最核心的双波长比(DWR)和体积中值直径(D0)的关系与冰晶粒子密度相关。当密度随着粒子直径变化时,DWR随着D0单调递增,当粒子密度固定不变时,DWR-D0曲线可能会出现非单调变化,从而使得固定密度时的反演比变密度时更加复杂。(3)后向迭代的双频反演算法同样适用于94/220 GHz进行云微物理参数的反演,并且对模拟数据的反演精度较高。此外,反演精度受到系统噪声以及定标精度的影响,为了满足反演精度的要求,系统噪声和定标误差应该控制在1 dBz以内。   相似文献   

气溶胶影响混合相对流云降水的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用一种新的异质冰相核化参数化方案,研究了当气溶胶同时作为云凝结核和冰核时,在不同高度输送对混合相对流云和降水的影响。结果发现,对于本文研究的理想混合相对流云,气溶胶在边界层的输送导致液滴数浓度明显增加,有效半径减小,霰粒的生长受到抑制,引起霰粒质量浓度降低;而气溶胶在对流层中层4~6km输送时,导致冰晶和霰粒数浓度明显增加。由于较多的冰晶引起更加快速的贝吉隆过程,使霰粒的质量浓度增加;气溶胶在对流层中层2~4km高度输送时冰相形成作用相对较弱,并引起霰粒的数浓度略微增加,由于霰粒的有效半径减小导致其质量浓度下降。气溶胶在不同高度的输送都导致液态和固态降水率降低,随着背景气溶胶数浓度的增加,气溶胶在0~2km、2~4km以及4~6km的输送分别导致累积降水量减少28%~64%、4%~44%和3%~46%,并且对降水的抑制效应及所在高度不同引起的降水差异随着背景气溶胶数浓度的增加而减小。  相似文献   

采用耦合了Saunders和Takahashi两种非感应起电参数化方案的RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)模式,对重庆地区一次雷暴过程进行模拟,对比分析了两种起电参数化方案下,电荷开始分离时和雷暴云发展到成熟阶段时的水成物粒子的分布、所带电荷密度以及雷暴云的电荷结构分布。模拟结果表明,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构从起电到放电都呈现偶极性特征,而在Takahashi参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构则由反偶极性发展成正偶极性。为研究CCN(cloud condensation nuclei)对雷暴云的影响,本文进行了两组敏感性试验,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,雷暴云的电荷结构没有发生极性翻转,但雷暴云中电荷量增加,电荷分布区域变大,有利于闪电发生。在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,电荷量变小。通过分析微物理量场和微物理过程发现,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,冰相粒子质量混合比增加,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,霰粒子质量混合比减小。验证了CCN的变化能影响云的微物理过程,从而影响雷暴云的电荷分布以及闪电的发生,尤其是冰相物质的变化显著影响了雷暴云的起电过程。  相似文献   

用于研究冰雪晶生长的小型垂直过冷云风洞系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研制了一个新的小型垂直过冷云风洞及其测试系统,实现了风、温数据自动采集,风洞内含水量测量方便易行.实验测量了温度-5—-18℃、含水量0.5—3.0g/m~3范围内冰雪晶生长的习性、下落速度、线性尺度增长率等诸参数.  相似文献   

A ground-based seeding experiment using carbon dioxide and propane sprayed from pressurized bottles was carried out under supercooled cloud conditions on a small spatial and short time scale. Water vapor deposition on the artificially generated dry ice and propane ice germs as the main ice formation process (nucleation and growth) is consistent with the experimental results. After nucleation, diffusional growth of the ice particles, partly at the expense of evaporating small droplets, was identified during the mixing of the seeding line with the ambient supercooled cloud. Within the seeding plume, ice water contents up to 80% of the total condensed water are observed, although the size of the formed ice particles did not exceed 25 μm. From the changes of the ice and supercooled liquid phase with time under mixed-phase conditions, liquid water content (LWC) evaporation, ice water content (IWC) formation, and ice crystal growth rates are estimated, which are not affected by the artificial nucleation process. Thus, these rates are assessed to be applicable for a growing ice phase of small ice particles in a young mixed-phase cloud, where other growth mechanisms, like riming or aggregation, are negligible.  相似文献   

In recent years, an increase in the number of anthropogenic aerosol particles has raised the global mean content of aerosol particles in the atmosphere from that of preindustrial times. The indirect effects of aerosols on weather and climate cannot be ignored. In this paper, the fifth generation Pennsylvania State University (PSU)?CNational Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (MM5) is used to simulate Typhoon Chanchu (international designation: 0601), which affected the northwest Pacific. Simulations are conducted in three two-way nested domains with Mercator map projection. The horizontal grid resolutions of the three domains are 27, 9, and 3?km. A period of 60?h is simulated. Surface and rawinsonde conventional observation data and ocean wind data are additionally incorporated into the initialization data. A control (CTL) experiment is run to produce a reasonable forecast. We change the parameter of the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration (CNP) in the Reisner-2 scheme of the CTL experiment (the default value is 100?cm?3) to conduct two sensitivity experiments. They are the very clean marine (VCM) CNP experiment (CNP?=?25?cm?3) and the severe contamination (SC) CNP experiment (CNP?=?1,000?cm?3). We investigate the effects of the CNP on Typhoon Chanchu by comparing and analyzing the simulation results of the three experiments in terms of the track, intensity, precipitation, vertical structure, and microphysical processes. The main results show that Typhoon Chanchu slightly weakens as the CNP increases. Increasing the CCN to 1,000?cm?3 results in less graupel, rainwater, and cloud ice but more cloud water. However, the mixing ratio of snow does not distinctly change as the CNP changes. Increasing the CCN leads a rapid decrease in the autoconversion of cloud water to rainwater. There is no autoconversion of cloud water to rainwater in a seriously polluted continental air mass. As the CNP increases, there is more condensation, evaporation, accretion of cloud water by rainwater, and precipitation fallout. Finally, a seriously polluted continental air mass can result in distinctly lower precipitation efficiency.  相似文献   

一次层状云系水分收支和降水机制的数值研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周非非  洪延超  赵震 《气象学报》2010,68(2):182-194
对2002年10月18—20日河南省层状云系的水分收支和降水机制用MM5模式模拟的结果表明,河南省域以外的水物质主要通过西和南边界输送到区域内,19日降水主要时段总水物质通量在水平方向上为净流入。对河南省域水汽、水凝物和总水物质的水分平衡等式中各项的估算表明该区域水物质基本达到收支平衡。估算的河南省域总水物质降水效率、凝结率、凝华率和水凝物降水效率及水汽降水效率分别约33.1%、27.7%、13.1%、69.7%和31.1%,总水物质降水效率与水汽降水效率接近是由于参与的水物质总量中水汽占绝大部分。约58.2%以上的冰晶转化为雪,超过82.1%的雪融化,不到11.1%的雪转化为霰,霰粒子几乎完全融化。冰晶通过凝华过程增长。雪主要由冰晶转化产生,凝华增长率比撞冻增长率高得多。雨水由暖云和冷云过程产生和增长,雨水碰并云水量和冰粒子融化量对雨水的贡献相近,云雨自动转化量小。可见,在主要降水时段,降水是由冷云和暖云过程共同产生的。冰粒子凝华增长对雨水的贡献最大超过35%,撞冻增长的贡献最高不足12%,可见水汽对降水粒子增长重要。催化层、冰水混合层和液水层对降水的贡献分别约为15%—27%、45%—50%和23%—38%,表明此"催化-供给"云中冰粒子在冰水混合层的增长对降水的贡献相当大。  相似文献   

Based on 1-year cloud measurements with radar and microwave radiometer broadband solar radiative transfer simulations were performed to quantify the impact of different ice crystal shapes of Arctic mixed-phase clouds on their radiative properties (reflectance, transmittance and absorptance). The ice crystal shape effects were investigated as a function of microphysical cloud properties (ice volume fraction fi, ice and liquid water content IWC and LWC, mean particle diameter DmI and DmW of ice/water particle number size distributions, NSDs).The required NSDs were statistically derived from radar data. The NSD was composed of a liquid and a solid mode defined by LWC, DmW (water mode) and IWC, DmI (ice mode). It was found that the ratio of DmI and DmW determines the magnitude of the shape effect. For mixed-phase clouds with DmI ≤ 27 μm a significant shape effect was obtained. The shape effect was almost insensitive with regard to the solar zenith angle, but highly sensitive to the ice volume fraction of the mixed-phase cloud. For mixed-phase clouds containing small ice crystals (DmI ≤ 27 μm) and high ice volume fractions (fi > 0.5) crystal shape is crucial. The largest shape effects were observed assuming aggregates and columns. If the IWC was conserved the shape effect reaches values up to 0.23 in cloud reflectance and transmittance. If the ice mode NSD was kept constant only a small shape effect was quantified (≤ 0.04).  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the redistribution of aerosol particles (APs) during the artificial nucleation and subsequent growth of ice crystals in a supercooled cloud. A significant number of the supercooled cloud droplets during icing periods (seeding agents: C3H8, CO2) did not freeze as was presumed prior to the experiment but instead evaporated. The net mass flux of water vapour from the evaporating droplets to the nucleating ice crystals (Bergeron–Findeisen mechanism) led to the release of residual particles that simultaneously appeared in the interstitial phase. The strong decrease of the droplet residuals confirms the nucleation of ice particles on seeding germs without natural aerosol particles serving as ice nuclei. As the number of residual particles during the seedings did not drop to zero, other processes such as heterogeneous ice nucleation, spontaneous freezing, entrainment of supercooled droplets and diffusion to the created particle-free ice germs must have contributed to the experimental findings. During the icing periods, residual mass concentrations in the condensed phase dropped by a factor of 1.1–6.7, as compared to the unperturbed supercooled cloud. As the Bergeron–Findeisen process also occurs without artificial seeding in the atmosphere, this study demonstrated that the hydrometeors in mixed-phase clouds might be much cleaner than anticipated for the simple freezing process of supercooled droplets in tropospheric mid latitude clouds.  相似文献   

地形云人工增雨条件卫星探测反演个例分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
选取2007年6月21日陕西白于山区地形云降水过程,用极轨卫星资料反演高空间分辨率的云微物理特征.对云降水物理结构分析表明:(1)山前云区(迎风坡)云顶亮温(T)为-31℃,粒子有效半径(Re)为9μm,含有丰富过冷水,缺乏冰晶;(2)T=-20℃的低云在有高云参与的情况下,产生了较多的降水;(3)山前云区面积约400...  相似文献   

毫米波雷达测云个例研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
云参数是影响降水和大气辐射过程的重要因子,但对云参数的遥感探测存在许多困难。利用35GHz的毫米波雷达进行云探测,并进行云参数反演研究,反演了云水含量、冰水含量和云滴有效直径的垂直廓线,得到了6类云况的垂直分布。结果表明:1)不同类型的云具有不同的云参数分布;2)在低于-15dBz的非降水云情况下,反演的云水含量及云滴有效直径较可靠;3)雷达探测的线性退偏振比因子,可以用于判别云中的过冷却水和冰晶,有助于更好了解云的宏微观特征。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional grid-level model including longwave radiative transfer and a level-4 second-order turbulent transfer closure which contains prognostic equations for turbulent quantities, is used to study the physics and dynamics of inversion-capped marine stratocumulus clouds.A set of numerical experiments had been performed to examined the role of sea surface temperature, large-scale vertical velocity, wind speed, and vertical wind shear in the formation and the structure of low-level clouds. For a given sea surface and geostrophic wind speed, stratocumulus clouds can grow higher with smaller large-scale subsidence as less dry air entrains into the cloud. Clouds grow higher with higher sea surface temperature for a given geostrophic wind speed and large-scale subsidence as a result of enhanced moist convection. In high wind speeds, the entire cloud deck is lifted up because of larger surface energy flux. In the budget studies of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), the buoyancy term is a major source term when the wind speed and the vertical shear are small across the inversion top. When the wind speed and the vertical wind shear across the inversion top become large, the mixed layer is decoupled into a cloud and a subcloud layer. In the TKE budget studies, the shear generation term becomes an important term in the budgets of the TKE and the variance of vertical velocity.  相似文献   

吉林一次降水层状云的结构和物理过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用机载粒子测量系统的探测结果,配合雷达及地面降水资料,结合一维层状云模式,通过对吉林2004年7月1日的一例降水性层状云系的宏微观物理结构和降水机制的定量化分析,对顾震潮三层模型有了进一步的认识.观测资料表明,该降水过程为典型的层状云降水,地面降水存在不均匀性,云系结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型,其中第1层为尺度很小的冰...  相似文献   

利用飞机、雷达、卫星观测资料,对2014年5月1日08时—2日08时河北省一次降水性层状云结构特征进行综合观测分析。结果表明本次过程降水云大致分为3层:4 200~2 850 m为冷暖云结构,2 162~2 174 m为十几米厚的纯暖云,近地面层121~265 m有粒子浓度较低(量级为101cm-3)的暖云。降水开始前存在较明显的催化云—供给云结构,降水开始后高层对低层有催化作用。人工增雨潜力区主要位于3 100~4 000 m,对应的雷达回波强度为20~30 d Bz,且雷达回波强度垂直梯度明显变小。对不同高度的云微物理量进行相关性分析,结果表明,云底的液态水含量和云滴浓度与气溶胶浓度具有较强的负相关,过冷水含量与云滴浓度相关性达到0.434,云凝结核浓度在冷云中与温度相关性较强,相关系数达到0.717。  相似文献   

A precipitation enhancement operation using an aircraft was conducted from 1415 to 1549 LST 14 March 2000 in Shaanxi Province. The NOAA-14 satellite data received at 1535 LST soon after the cloud seeding shows that a vivid cloud track appears on the satellite image. The length, average width and maximum width of the cloud track are 301 kin, 8.3 and 11 kin, respectively. Using a three-dimensional numerical model of transport and diffusion of seeding material within stratiform clouds, the spatial concentration distribution characteristics of seeding material at different times, especially at the satellite receiving time,are simulated. The model results at the satellite receiving time axe compared with the features of the cloud track. The transported position of the cloud seeding material coincides with the position of the track. The width, shape and extent of diffusion of the cloud seeding material are similar to that of the cloud track.The spatial variation of width is consistent with that of the track. The simulated length of each segment of the seeding line accords with the length of every segment of the track. Each segment of the cloud track corresponds to the transport and diffusion of each segment of the seeding line. These results suggest that the cloud track is the direct physical reflection of cloud seeding at the cloud top. The comparison demonstrates that the numerical model of transport and diffusion can simulate the main characteristics of transport and diffusion of seeding material, and the simulated results are sound and trustworthy. The area, volume, width, depth, and lateral diffusive rate corresponding to concentrations 1, 4, and 10 L^-1 are simulated in order to understand the variations of influencing range.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is used to study the influence of small non-precipitating clouds on horizontal roll vortices in the planetary boundary layer. The model explicitly represents the large-scale two-dimensional motions whilst small-scale eddies are parameterized by a buoyancy dependent mixing-length hypothesis. It is applied to conditions corresponding to an observed case of cloud street formation.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the effects of cloud parameterization in the R42L9 GCM   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cloud is one of the uncertainty factors influencing the performance of a general circulation model (GCM).Recently,the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics,Institute of Atmospheric Physics(LASG/IAP)has developed a new version of a GCM(R42L9).In this  相似文献   

On the basis of analysis and study of the growth of ice crystals, the inadequacy and thus a necessity for improvement of the Kohayashi-Pruppacher model are discussed. Be experimenting with a new wedge-shaped chamber of ice thermal diffusion which provides a stable environment and a wide range of control, a great amount of quantitative data from three-dimensional size measurements have been obtained. A quantitative research method is established, yielding, for the first time, satisfactory quantitative results in the region of low ice supersaturation. These results show that the Kobayashi-Pruppacher inference is inade-quate, and reveal new characteristics of ice-crystal growth in the Wulff growth region, the region of abrupt change of crystal forms and that of low ice supersaturation.  相似文献   

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