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利用拉曼光谱和红外光谱研究了方解石、白云石和菱镁矿的光谱学特征,探究了影响三种矿物红外辐射性能的因素。三种矿物的拉曼光谱(Raman)、中红外吸收光谱(MIR)、远红外吸收光谱(FIR)显示随着矿物中镁含量的增大将会影响CO32-的面外弯曲振动(ν2)、反对称伸缩振动(ν3)和平面内弯曲振动(ν4),使各光谱特征峰均向高频端迁移。基于黑体辐射定律以及在80 ℃、400~2 000 cm-1矿物的辐射能量谱,结果显示方解石、白云石、菱镁矿的发射率依次减少(0.951,0.938,0.895)。三种矿物的红外吸收光谱和发射光谱中的振动位置均受CO32-基频的显著影响,在1 300~1 650 cm-1均产生宽的低吸收带,该吸收带与CO32-的反对称伸缩振动相关,且吸收带范围(202,236,272 cm-1)与发射率之间呈负相关关系。因此,当最强化学键的振动出现在发射光谱窄的吸收带范围内会产生相对较高的辐射能和发射率。此外,矿物的晶体结构也会影响发射率,大的离子半径、键长和晶胞体积将降低辐射过程中能量的吸收,增强辐射特性。综上研究结果,方解石、白云石和菱镁矿的拉曼光谱和红外光谱揭示了金属原子的相对质量对光谱学特征的显著影响,其发射率可能受到C—O键的反伸缩振动范围、最强吸收带控制的最低发射率以及矿物晶体结构的共同影响。这项研究呈现了必要的光谱信息和热发射率数据以识别特定的碳酸盐矿物,为类似矿物的光谱特征研究奠定了基础;同时为进一步认识地壳中大量的碳酸盐矿物提供了研究方法,也为地外勘探的深入研究给予相关的理论基础。  相似文献   

The rates of grain growth of stoichiometric dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] and magnesite (MgCO3) have been measured at temperatures T of 700–800°C at a confining pressure P c of 300 MPa, and compared with growth rates of calcite (CaCO3). Dry, fine-grained aggregates of the three carbonates were synthesized from high purity powders by hot isostatic pressing (HIP); initial mean grain sizes of HIP-synthesized carbonates were 1.4, 1.1, and 17 μm, respectively, for CaMg(CO3)2, MgCO3, and CaCO3, with porosities of 2, 28, and 0.04% by volume. Grain sizes of all carbonates coarsened during subsequent isostatic annealing, with mean values reaching 3.9, 5.1, and 27 μm for CaMg(CO3)2, MgCO3, and CaCO3, respectively, in 1 week. Grain growth of dolomite is much slower than the growth rates of magnesite or calcite; assuming normal grain growth and n = 3 for all three carbonates, the rate constant K for dolomite (≃5 × 10−5 μm3/s) at T = 800°C is less than that for magnesite by a factor of ~30 and less than that for calcite by three orders of magnitude. Variations in carbonate grain growth may be affected by differences in cation composition and densities of pores at grain boundaries that decrease grain boundary mobility. However, rates of coarsening correlate best with the extent of solid solution; K is the largest for calcite with extensive Mg substitution for Ca, while K is the smallest for dolomite with negligible solid solution. Secondary phases may nucleate at advancing dolomite grain boundaries, with implications for deformation processes, rheology, and reaction kinetics of carbonates.  相似文献   

High-pressure behaviour of serpentine minerals: a Raman spectroscopic study   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Four main serpentine varieties can be distinguished on the basis of their microstructures, i.e. lizardite, antigorite, chrysotile and polygonal serpentine. Among these, antigorite is the variety stable under high pressure. In order to understand the structural response of these varieties to pressure, we studied well-characterized serpentine samples by in situ Raman spectroscopy up to 10 GPa, in a diamond-anvil cell. All serpentine varieties can be metastably compressed up to 10 GPa at room temperature without the occurrence of phase transition or amorphization. All spectroscopic pressure-induced changes are fully reversible upon decompression. The vibrational frequencies of antigorite have a slightly larger pressure dependence than those of the other varieties. The O–H-stretching modes of the four varieties have a positive pressure dependence, which indicates that there is no enhancement of hydrogen bonding in serpentine minerals at high pressure. Serpentine minerals display two types of hydroxyl groups in the structure: inner OH groups lie at the centre of each six-fold ring while outer OH groups are considered to link the octahedral sheet of a given 1:1 layer to the tetrahedral sheet of the adjacent 1:1 layer. On the basis of the contrasting behaviour of the Raman bands as a function of pressure, we propose a new assignment of the OH-stretching bands. The strongly pressure-dependent modes are assigned to the vibrations of the outer hydroxyl groups, the less pressure-sensitive peaks to the inner ones.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscope (tem) observations of single and multiple twins in calcite and dolomite are presented, and the results are analysed by means of selected area diffraction and trace analysis. Simple twinning in rhodochrosite and kutnahorite is also analysed. It is shown that the ordered carbonates, such as dolomite, have a common twinning plane {01 \(\bar 1\) 2} and this appears to be their only mode of deformation twinning. The carbonates with higher symmetry, such as calcite, have {01 \(\bar 1\) 8} as the primary twinning plane but calcite itself has other twinning mechanisms, of which the most important is illustrated. Crossing and stopping twins are also discussed. It is shown that twinning in calcite, which occurs predominantly at low temperatures, is characterized by the generation of large numbers of glide dislocations.  相似文献   

We have measured in-situ Raman spectra of aluminosilicate glasses and liquids with albite (NaAlSi3 O8) and anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) compositions at high temperatures, through their glass transition range up to 1700 and 2000 K, respectively. For these experiments, we have used a wire-loop heating device coupled with micro-Raman spectroscopy, in order to achieve effective spatial filtering of the extraneous thermal radiation. A major concern in this work is the development of methodology for reliably extracting the first and second order contributions to the Raman scattering spectra of aluminosilicate glasses and liquids from the high temperature experimental data, and analyzing these in terms of vibrational (anharmonic) and configurational changes. The changes in the first order Raman spectra with temperature are subtle. The principal low frequency band remains nearly constant with increasing temperature, indicating little change in the T-O-T angle, and that the angle bending vibration is quite harmonic. This is in contrast to vitreous SiO2, studied previously. Above Tg, intensity changes in the 560–590 cm?1 regions of both sets of spectra indicate configurational changes in the supercooled liquids, associated with formation of additional Al-O-Al linkages, or 3-membered (Al, Si)-containing rings. Additional intensity at 800 cm?1 reflects also some rearrangement of the Si-O-Al network.  相似文献   

The high-pressure response of the cell parameters of calcite, CaCO3, has been investigated by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The unit cell parameters have been refined from 0 to 1.435?GPa, and the linear and volume compressibilities have been measured as β a =2.62(2)?×?10?3?GPa?1,β c =7.94(7)?×?10?3?GPa?1, β v =13.12?×?10?3?GPa?1. The bulk modulus has been obtained from a fit to the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, giving K 0=73.46?±?0.27?GPa and V 0=367.789 ±?0.004?Å3 with K′=4. Combined with earlier data for magnesite, ankerite and dolomite, these data suggest that K 0 V 0 is a constant for the Ca-Mg rhombohedral carbonates.  相似文献   

 The Raman spectra of synthetic α-Co2SiO4 and α-Ni2SiO4 olivines have been studied at room temperature and various pressures. All the Raman frequencies of the two olivines increase with increasing pressure, and most of the frequency–pressure plots obtained under both quasi- and nonhydrostatic conditions are nonlinear. It has been found that the average pressure derivative of Raman frequencies of the lattice modes in both Co- and Ni-olivines is smaller than that of the internal modes of SiO4, indicating that the distortion of SiO4 tetrahedra under static compression may be more severe than that of MO6 octahedra. In addition, four new Raman bands were observed in Ni-olivine under nonhydrostatic compression and above 30 GPa. This result suggests that a new phase of Ni-olivine should be formed at 30 GPa or amorphization may occur at still higher pressure. Received: 11 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 December 2000  相似文献   

The formation of calcite, aragonite, dolomite, hydromagnesite, and nesquehonite in speleothems of a small cave within dolostone may be compared with the formation of these carbonate minerals in much larger environments in which evaporation exceeds precipitation (salt lakes, tropical lagoons, sebkhas etc...). In all cases the formation and diagenetic alteration is mainly governed by the Mg/Ca-ratio of the solutions, from which precipitation (or transformation) takes place.The certain occurrence of monohydrocalcite in the speleothems and in technical incrustations lead to the conclusion, that this very rare mineral precipitates from solutions which are transported as aerosols.  相似文献   

 High-pressure and high-temperature Raman spectra of CaGeO3 tetragonal garnet have been collected to 11.5 GPa and 1225 K, respectively, in order to investigate possible intrinsic anharmonic behaviour in this phase. The Raman peak positions were observed to vary linearly with pressure and temperature within the ranges studied, with the higher-energy peaks showing larger P- and T-induced shifts than the low energy modes. The observed T-induced shifts are similar to those reported for grossular and andradite, while the observed P-induced shifts are generally larger than those of aluminosilicate and MgSiO3 majorite garnets (Gillet et al. 1992; Rauch et al. 1996) due to the larger bulk modulus of CaGeO3 garnet. The observed mode shifts of CaGeO3 garnet were used to determine the isothermal and isobaric mode Grüneisen parameters for this phase. These parameters are similar in value to those reported previously for grossular and andradite (Gillet et al. 1992). The calculated intrinsic anharmonic parameters, a i , for CaGeO3 garnet were determined to be nonzero, indicating significant anharmonic behaviour for this phase. These values, which range from −3.8 × 10−5 K−1 to −1.3 × 10−5 K−1, are also similar to those reported for andradite and grossular, but smaller than those determined for pyrope (Gillet et al. 1992). Hence, we expect MgSiO3 majorite to show greater anharmonicity than the germanate analogue studied by us. The anharmonic parameters determined for CaGeO3 tetragonal garnet may now be introduced into quasiharmonic vibrational heat capacity models to account for the observed anharmonic behaviour. Received: 21 April 1999 / Revised, accepted: 11 September 1999  相似文献   

A quasi-harmonic model has been used to simulate the thermodynamic behaviour of the CaCO3 polymorphs, by equilibrating their crystal structures as a function of temperature so as to balance the sum of inner static and thermal pressures against the applied external pressure. The vibrational frequencies and elastic properties needed have been computed using interatomic potentials based on two-body Born-type functions, with O-C-O angular terms to account for covalency inside the CO3 molecular ion. A good agreement with experimental data is generally shown by simulated heat capacity and entropy, while the thermal expansion coefficient seems to be more difficult to reproduce. The results obtained for aragonite are less satisfactory than those of calcite, but they are improved by using a potential specifically optimized on properties of that phase itself.  相似文献   

Experimental data are used to model the transformation rate of polycrystalline aragonite (grain diameter 80 m) to calcite. Optimized values for nucleation and growth rates were obtained by numerically fitting the overall transformation rates from 280° to 380°C and 0.10 MPa to an expression for a grain-boundary-nucleated and interface-controlled transformation. The nucleation rate is 4–5 orders of magnitude faster than for calcite nucleated within aragonite grains, and the growing in rate is slower below 300°C than for calcite growing in aragonite single crystals. The activation enthalpy for growth in polycrystalline aggregate is 247kJ/mol compared to 163 kJ/mol for growth in single crystals. Permanent deformation of the phases limits the elastic strain energy due to the 7% volume change and reduces the coherency of the calcite/aragonite interace. Theoretical expressions are used to extrapolate the data for nucleation and growth to other temperatures, and data from 0.10 to 400 MPa are used to evaluate the effect of pressure on the grain-boundary nucleation rate. Because of permanent deformation of the phases, the effective strain energy for nucleation is 0.55 kJ/mol, which is less than a quarter of the value for purely elastic deformation. These data are used to predict the percent transformation for various P-T-t paths; without heating during uplift partial preservation of aragonite in dry blueschist facies rocks can occur if the calcite stability field is entered at 235° C, and the kinetic data are also consistent with published P-T-t paths which include heating during uplift. The predicted percent transformation is relatively insensitive to variations in the initial grain size of the aragonite, but strongly dependent on the effective strain energy.  相似文献   

Cleaved surfaces of dolomite were studied using ex-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) following exposure of the surfaces to various experimental conditions. Dolomite samples exposed to air, to a highly undersaturated solution (0.1 M NaCl, pH = 9), and to solution with a supersaturation (−Δμ/kT) of 5.5 (pH = 9) were investigated with semiquantitative methods of analysis to ascertain the degree of non-stoichiometry resulting at the dolomite surface from reactive conditions. It was found that the dolomite cleavage surface in undersaturated solution was not altered significantly from the stoichiometric surface termination. The composition of the cleaved surface after exposure to supersaturated solution, a surface known to have self-limiting growth characteristics under similar conditions, was found to be Ca2+ rich (CaxMg2 − x(CO3)2, 1.7 > x > 1.3). The observations, while underscoring differences in hydration/dehydration kinetics of the two alkaline earth cations, suggest that achievement of equilibrium at dolomite-water interfaces may be subject to significant barriers from both undersaturated and supersaturated solutions.  相似文献   

Increasing CO2 emissions and global warming are posing problems for carbon management. Results of laboratory experiments, probing the carbon sequestration potential of picrites from Igatpuri Formation, Deccan Flood Basalt Volcanic Province, India are reported here. The picrites which were reacted with water and carbon dioxide in its supercritical condition for about 5 months duration at 100°C temperature and 60 bars of CO2 pressure clearly show the growth of secondary carbonates over the surface as well as in the intergranular spaces. SEM-EDS studies, Infrared spectroscopic analysis and Raman spectrographic studies also confirm the development of secondary carbonates in the reacted picrite samples.  相似文献   

The solid‐state reaction magnesite (MgCO3) + calcite (aragonite) (CaCO3) = dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) has been identified in metapelites from western Tianshan, China. Petrological studies show that two metamorphic stages are recorded in the metapelites: (1) the peak mineral assemblage of magnesite and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite which is only preserved as inclusions within dolomite; and (2) the retrograde glaucophane‐chloritoid facies mineral assemblage of glaucophane, chloritoid, dolomite, garnet, paragonite, chlorite and quartz. The peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures are calculated to be 560–600 °C, 4.95–5.07 GPa based on the calcite–dolomite geothermometer and the equilibrium calculation of the reaction dolomite = magnesite + aragonite, respectively. These give direct evidence in UHP metamorphic rocks from Tianshan, China, that carbonate sediments were subducted to greater than 150 km depth. This UHP metamorphism represents a geotherm lower than any previously estimated for subduction metamorphism (< 3.7 °C km?1) and is within what was previously considered a ‘forbidden’ condition within Earth. In terms of the carbon cycle, this demonstrates that carbonate sediments can be subducted to at least 150 km depth without releasing significant CO2 to the overlying mantle wedge.  相似文献   

The maximum flotation response for three naturally occurring calcium minerals, apatite, calcite and fluorite with sodium oleate collector correlated directly with the minimum interfacial tension of the air/solution interface. For fluorite and apatite the minimum surface tension occurred about the mid-pH region and was attributed to the formation of pre-micellar associated species in solution. In the case of calcite the minimum was observed at high pH since the presence of high concentrations of calcium ions in solution appeared to reduce the concentration of amphililic species in the low and mid-pH regions.Microelectrophoresis data demonstrated that the three minerals acquired a negative charge in sodium oleate solution, resulting from adsorption of oleate species on the mineral surfaces.The flotation behaviour of the systems were shown to be related to the species distribution diagrams suggesting that the role of the acid soap dimer, soap dimer, molecular and lattice species could make a significant contribution to the character and composition of the interfacial films.High flotation response was explained by strong adhesion between the hydrophobic particle and bubble. It was suggested that the reduction in surface tension may not be the major factor contributing to the flotation efficiency but indicated the presence of associated surfactant species in solution which could also synergistically adsorb at the solid/liquid interface, increasing the hydrophobic character of the mineral surface. This would maximize the magnitude of the contact angle and hence the strength of the adhesion between particle and bubble. This adsorption behaviour is not in general agreement with conventionally non-hydrolyzable collector theory which is usually based on electrostatic models.  相似文献   

The uptake of Cd2+ by aragonite and calcite is investigated by combining macroscopic measurements with some qualitative sorption experiments performed in a hydrogel medium. Both biogenic and abiogenic aragonites were studied in order to evaluate the process on materials with different textures. Assuming that sorption occurs by surface precipitation of metal-bearing solids, the gel produces a drastic decrease in the nucleation density, which allows for the precipitation of crystallites that are large enough to be analysed by scanning electron microscopy and characterized by glancing-incidence X-ray techniques. The macroscopic study reveals that aragonite is a powerful sorbent for cadmium in aqueous environments. Microscopic observations indicate that cadmium is sorbed onto aragonite by surface precipitation of (Cd, Ca)CO3 solid solutions with a calcite-type structure. The precipitating individuals grow randomly oriented on the surface to reach sizes in the micrometre range. As a consequence, the concentration of cadmium in the aqueous solution decreases dramatically to values controlled by the low solubility of the cadmium-rich end member. This mechanism involves simultaneous dissolution-crystallization and is the same for both abiogenic and biogenic aragonites, the only difference being a result of the higher specific surface area of the biogenic starting material. Long-term uptake of cadmium by calcite occurs through a similar dissolution-crystallization mechanism, the final outcome being virtually the same, that is, surface precipitation of (Cd,Ca)CO3 solid solutions. In this case, however, substrate and precipitate are isostructural and the process occurs by oriented overgrowth of thin lamellar crystallites, which spread to quickly cover the surface by a layer a few nanometers thick. This epitaxial layer armors the substrate from further dissolution, so that the process stops when only a small amount of cadmium has been removed from the fluid. As a result, the “sorption capacity” of calcite is considerably lower than that of aragonite. The study illustrates reaction pathways and “partial” equilibrium endpoints in surface-precipitation processes involving solid solutions.  相似文献   

We present a Raman spectroscopic study of the structural modifications of several olivines at high pressures and ambient temperature. At high pressures, the following modifications in the Raman spectra are observed: 1)?in Mn2GeO4, between 6.7 and 8.6?GPa the appearance of weak bands at 560 and 860?cm?1; between 10.6 and 23?GPa, the progressive replacement of the olivine spectrum by the spectrum of a crystalline high pressure phase; upon decompression, the inverse sequence of transformations is observed with some hysteresis in the transformation pressures; this sequence may be interpreted as the progressive transformation of the olivine to a spinelloid where Ge tetrahedra are polymerized, and then to a partially inverse spinel; 2)?in Ca2SiO4, the olivine transforms to larnite between 1.9 and 2.1?GPa; larnite is observed up to the maximum pressure of 24?GPa and it can partially back-transform to olivine during decompression; 3)?in Ca2GeO4, the olivine transforms to a new structure between 6.8 and 8?GPa; the vibrational frequencies of the new phase suggest that the phase transition involves an increase of the Ca coordination number and that Ge tetrahedra are isolated; this high pressure phase is observed up to the maximum pressure of 11?GPa; during decompression, it transforms to a disordered phase below 5?GPa; 4)?in CaMgGeO4, no significant modification of the olivine spectrum is observed up to 15?GPa; between 16 and 26?GPa, broadening of some peaks and the appearance of a weak broad feature at 700–900?cm?1 suggests a progressive amorphization of the structure; near 27?GPa, amorphization is complete and an amorphous phase is quenched down to ambient pressure; this unique behaviour is interpreted as the result of the incompatibilities in the high pressure behaviour of the Ca and Mg sublattices in the olivine structure.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic-early Senonian Cehennemdere Formation extending in an E-W direction in a wide area at the south of the Bolkar Mountains (Central Taurides, Turkey) is composed of platform carbonates. The formation was deposited in an environment that was being transformed from a shallow carbonate platform to an open shelf and a continental slope, and was buried until late Paleocene uplift. The formation, with a thickness of about 360 m, was chiefly developed as textures consisting of mudstone and wackestone and has been commonly dolomitized. Based on petrographic and geochemical properties, four types of replacement dolomites and two types of dolomite cements were distinguished. Replacement dolomite (RD), which is cut by low-amplitude stylolites developed as (1) fine crystalline planar-s dolomite (RD1); (2) medium crystalline planar-s dolomite (RD2); (3) medium-coarse crystalline planar-e dolomite (RD3) and; (4) coarse crystalline planar-s (e) dolomite (RD4). Two types of dolomite cements (CD) observed in low abundance and overlie low-amplitude stylolites: (1) coarse crystalline dolomite cement (CD1) filling dissolution voids and fractures in RD1 dolomites, and; (2) rim dolomite cement (CD2) that commonly develops on the space-facing surfaces of RD4 dolomite. Replacement dolomites are non-stoichiometric (Ca54–59Mg41–46), have similar geochemical properties, and are generally dull red/non luminescent in appearance. Replacement dolomite is represented by δ18O values from −4.5 to −0.5‰ VPDB, δ13C values of −0.7 to 2.7‰ VPDB, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.707178 to 0.707692. Petrographic and geochemical data indicate that replacement dolomite (particularly RD2, RD3, and RD4 dolomite) was formed at shallow-intermediate burial depths during the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, from seawater and/or from slightly modified seawater. The replacement dolomite (RD) was then recrystallized at increased burial depths and temperatures. Dolomite cements are similar to replacement dolomites in that they are non-stoichiometric (Ca55Mg45) and have similar trace element compositions. CD1 dolomite, which cuts low-amplitude stylolites, was formed during intermediate to deep burial following stylolite development. CD2 dolomite was precipitated in intercrystal pores in association with RD4 dolomite. Remaining pore space was filled with bitumen.  相似文献   

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