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A 3D velocity model of the Earth’s crust beneath the Klyuchevskoy volcanic group has been constructed using the seismic tomography method. Anomalies of the velocity parameters related to the zones of magma supply to active volcanoes have been distinguished. Petrological data on the composition, temperature, and pressure of generation and crystallization of parental melts of Klyuchevskoy volcano magnesian basalts have been obtained. The parental melt corresponds to picrite (MgO = 13–14 wt %) with an ultimate saturation of SiO2 (49–50 wt %), a high H2O content (2.2–2.9%), and incompatible elements (Sr, Rb, Ba). This melt is formed at pressures of 15–20 kbar and temperatures of 1280–1320°C. Its further crystallization proceeds in intermediate magma chambers at two discrete pressure levels (i.e., greater than 6, and 1–2 kbar). The results of the petrological studies are in good agreement with the seismotomographic model.  相似文献   

Abstract   The geological, geochemical and mineralogical data of dismembered ophiolites of various ages and genesis occurring in accretionary piles of the Eastern Peninsulas of Kamchatka enables us to discriminate three ophiolite complexes: (i) Aptian–Cenomanian complex: a fragment of ancient oceanic crust, composed of tholeiite basalts, pelagic sediments, and gabbroic rocks, presently occurring in a single tectonic slices (Afrika complex) and in olistoplaques in Pikezh complex of the Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula and probably in the mélange of the Kronotsky Peninsula; (ii) Upper Cretaceous complex, composed of highly depleted peridotite, gabbro and plagiogranite, associated with island arc tholeiite, boninite, and high-alumina tholeiitic basalt of supra-subduction origin; and (iii) Paleocene–Early Eocene complex of intra-island arc or back-arc origin, composed of gabbros, dolerites (sheeted dykes) and basalts produced from oceanic tholeiite melts, and back-arc basin-like dolerites. Formation of the various ophiolite complexes is related to the Kronotskaya intra-oceanic volcanic arc evolution. The first ophiolite complex is a fragment of ancient Aptian–Cenomanian oceanic crust on which the Kronotskaya arc originated. Ophiolites of the supra-subduction zone affinity were formed as a result of repeated partial melting of peridotites in the mantle wedge up to the subduction zone. This is accompanied by production of tholeiite basalts and boninites in the Kamchatsky Mys segment and plagioclase-bearing tholeiites in the Kronotsky segment of the Kronotskaya paleoarc. The ophiolite complex with intra-arc and mid-oceanic ridge basalt geochemical characteristics was formed in an extension regime during the last stage of Kronotskaya volcanic arc evolution.  相似文献   

Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the origin of the CO_2 involved in chemical weathering reactions.Spatial variations of major elements ratios measured in water samples can be explained by a change of the chemical composition of the volcanic rocks between the volcanic cone(trachytes)and the basaltic shield as evidenced by the variations in the composition of these rocks.Hence,DIC results from the neutralization of CO_2 by silicate rocks.DIC concentrations vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mmol/L and carbon isotopic compositions of DIC measured in rivers vary from-14.2‰to 3.5‰.At a first order,the DIC transported by rivers is derived from the chemical weathering’s consumption of CO_2 with a magmatic origin,enriched in~(13)C(-5%)and biogenic soil CO_2 with lower isotopic compositions.The highest δ~(13)C values likely result from C isotopes fractionation during CO_2 degassing in rivers.A mass balance based on carbon isotopes suggest that the contribution of magmatic CO_2 varied from less than 20%to more than 70%.Uncertainties in this calculation associated with CO_2 degassing in rivers are difficult to quantify,and the consequence of CO_2 degassing would be an overestimation of the contribution of DIC derived from the neutralization of magmatic CO_2 by silicate rocks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to refine our knowledge about the nature of helium with a high abundance of the rare isotope3He(3He/4He= 10?5) discovered in terrestrial volcanic gases in 1968.We will discuss here the results of isotope analyses of helium released by step-wise heating of ultrabasic xenoliths and some volcanic rocks. On the basis of these results, possible sources of3He in the earth due to fission and nuclear reactions are considered critically. The most probable source of the high abundance of3He is shown to be due to the capture and trapping of primordial He by the earth during its formation (primordial helium3He/4He= 3 × 10?4), a small but significant fraction of which has been retained to the present time.  相似文献   

In autumn of 1966 on the northern slope of Kliuchevskoy volcano a chain of new adventive craters broke out at the height of about 2200 m. Eighty-four hours before the beginning of the eruption a swarm of preliminary volcanic earthquakes had appeared. The number of preliminary shocks was 457 with total energy of 4 × 1017 erg. With the beginning of the lava flow the earthquakes stopped and a continuous volcanic tremor appeared. The total energy of volcanic tremor amounts to 1016 erg. During the eruption numerous explosive earthquakes with the energy of 1015–1016 erg were recorded and besides the microbarograph of the Volcanostation recorded 393 explosions with an energy more than 1013 erg and their total energy was equal to 1017 erg. All together it has been formed 8 explosive craters and the lowest 9th crater was effusive. The slag cone was formed round this effusive crater, the lava effusion of basaltic-andesite composition (52,5% SiO2) tooke place from the lava boccas at the cone base and from the crater. The lava flow covered a distance of 10 km along the valley of the Sopochnoy river and descended to a height of about 800 m. The lava flow velocity at the outflow reached 800 m/hr, the lava temperature was 1050°C. The effused lava volume amounts to 0.1 km3. The eruption stopped on December 25–26, 1966.  相似文献   

The works on geodetic monitoring of the contemporary crustal motions (CCMs) in the region of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Komandor Islands for the 40-year history of instrumental observations are reviewed. The examples of CCM recording by the classical geodetic methods and, since 1996, by the Global Positioning System (GPS) are presented. The deployment of the regional network for GNSS observations by the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KAMNET) made it possible to study the geodynamical processes at the junction of three major plates (Eurasian, North American, and Pacific) and smaller plates (Okhotsk and Bering). The interpretation of the examples of recorded CCMs is presented. The prospects of further development in the field of studying the geodynamics of the Koryak-Kamchatka region are outlined.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the geochemistry of thermal waters in the Koshelev volcanic massif in southern Kamchatka. We discuss the conditions for the generation of thermal waters, possible variants of thermal and deep-seated material supply for the Koshelev hydrothermal system, and propose a conceptual model for the system.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the geological history and petrology of a major polygenic volcanic edifice dating back to Upper Pleistocene to Holocene time. This long-lived volcanic center is remarkable in that it combines basaltic and trachybasaltic magmas which are found in basaltic andesite and trachybasaltic–trachyandesite series. The inference is that the coexisting parent magmas are genetically independent and are generated at different sources at depth in an upper mantle volume. The associated volcanic rocks have diverse compositions, stemming from a multi-stage spatio–temporal crystallization differentiation of the magmas and mixing of these in intermediate chambers.  相似文献   

Geological-structural and hydrogeological features available in the Kamchatka region were used to identify three leading types of volcanogenic hydrogeological structures: Quaternary volcanogenic basins (VBs), Neogene volcanogenic adbasins (VABs), and artesian volcanogenic basins (AVBs). The first type subdivides into six subtypes by morphogenetic features. It is these subtypes that control the conditions under which the VBs are generated. All these are characterized from the standpoint of regional hydrogeology.  相似文献   

Total dissolved solids (TDS) in lake and catchment water is a result of geological structure, as well as duration of rock and water contact and human activity. In this paper, a potential dissolved solids (PtDS) in three ??czna–W?odawa Lake catchments was determined using extraction and computer software (GIS and AquaChem). Human pressure on water quality was estimated as a difference of the TDS and a catchment hydrogeochemical potential (TPtDS, total potential dissolved solids). TPtDS coefficient included hydrogeological features of the aquifer, soil cover impact on infiltrated water quality, and sediments susceptibility to denudation. The main advantage of the model is a possibility of its employment for every catchment or other areas (e.g. administrative) on both microscale and mesoscale. The highest TPtDS occurred in the catchment, favoured with underground supply, which was located in the vicinity of the Cretaceous mesoregional unit (Che?m Hills). The lowest value was observed in the catchment built with organogenic sediments and coarse material. A seasonal constancy of TPtDS values proved a stability of the lake‐catchment systems under study. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jijel has been hit by a strong earthquake in 1856 that triggered a destructive tsunami. Field geological investigations show that the marine terrace deposits (Tyrrhenian or likely Eutyrrhenian) exhibit several types of soft sediment deformation features including sismoslumps, thixotropic bowls, thixotropic wedges, and diapir-like structures. In addition, paleo-liquefaction features represented by neptunian and injection dikes have been observed in the sand dune deposits (Aterian or Würm). Furthermore, typical paleo-earthquake-induced ground failures including lateral spreading, paleo-landslides, and sand volcanoes have been observed in recent, likely, Holocene deposits. Such features, remarkably comparable to present-day earthquake-induced ground failures showing clearly repetitive occurrence of past events may constitute a precious material for future paleo-seismic investigation. The various features have been interpreted herein as seismites associated to strong earthquakes produced likely by the potentially active faults previously identified in the area.  相似文献   

The nutrient basis of Lake Azabach'e is studied. The distribution of pH and the concentrations of O2, Pmin, Fe, N–NH+ 4, N–NO 3, Si, and organic forms of N and P are considered. The chemical basis of biological production of Lake Azabach'e is assessed. It is found that the amount of Si is excessive everywhere and that phytoplankton production is limited by phosphate and mineral nitrogen deficiency in virtually equal degrees.  相似文献   

The transfer function between the vertical and horizontal components of geomagnetic field variations is studied and the frequency responses of its parameters are presented. The relation to geoelectric heterogeneities of the medium is analyzed. The coast effect is considered and a deep curve of the apparent electrical resistivity constructed on its basis is used for estimating the depth to the asthenospheric conducting layer. The behavior of the induction vectors in the frequency-time domain is studied. Specific features of the behavior of the real and imaginary parts of the induction vector related to geoelectric heterogeneities of the medium are determined. Monitoring results are compared with time moments of earthquakes of K = 13?14 at epicentral distances of up to 150 km.  相似文献   

Tephrochronologic studies conducted in the Levaya Avacha River valley helped determine the true age of the Veer cinder cone, which formed approximately in 470 AD (1600 14C BP). These data refute the existing idea that it was generated in 1856. The monogenetic Veer cone should be cancelled from the catalogs of historical eruptions and active volcanoes in Kamchatka. The eruption of this cone was a reflection of the all-Kamchatkan increase in the activity of endogenous processes that occurred in 0–650 AD.  相似文献   

The Zhuxi ore deposit is a super-large scheelite(copper) polymetallic deposit discovered in recent years. It grew above copper/tungsten-rich Neoproterozoic argilloarenaceous basement rocks and was formed in the contact zone between Yanshanian granites and Carboniferous-Permian limestone. Granites related to this mineralization mainly include equigranular, middle- to coarse-grained granites and granitic porphyries. There are two mineralization types: skarn scheelite(copper) and granite scheelite mineralization. The former is large scale and has a high content of scheelite, whereas the latter is small scale and has a low content of scheelite. In the Taqian-Fuchun Basin, its NW boundary is a thrust fault, and the SE boundary is an angular unconformity with Proterozoic basement. In Carboniferous-Permian rock assemblages, the tungsten and copper contents in the limestone are both very high. The contents of major elements in granitoids do not differ largely between the periphery and the inside of the Zhuxi ore deposit. In both areas, the values of the aluminum saturation index are A/CNK1.1, and the rocks are classified as potassium-rich strongly peraluminous granites. In terms of trace elements, compared to granites on the periphery of the Zhuxi ore deposit, the granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit have smaller d Eu values, exhibit a significantly more negative Eu anomaly, are richer in Rb, U, Ta, Pb and Hf, and are more depleted in Ba, Ce, Sr, La and Ti, which indicates that they are highly differentiated S-type granites with a high degree of evolution. Under the influence of fluids, mineralization of sulfides is evident within massive rock formations inside the Zhuxi ore deposit, and the mean SO_3 content is 0.2%. Compared to peripheral rocks, the d Eu and total rare earth element(REE) content of granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit are both lower, indicating a certain evolutionary inheritance relationship between the granites on the periphery and the granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit. For peripheral and ore district plutons, U-Pb zircon dating shows an age range of 152–148 Ma. In situ Lu-Hf isotope analysis of zircon in the granites reveals that the calculated e_(Hf)(t) values are all negative, and the majority range from -6 to -9. The T_(DM2) values are concentrated in the range of 1.50–1.88 Ga(peak at 1.75 Ga), suggesting that the granitic magmas are derived from partial melting of ancient crust. This paper also discusses the metallogenic conditions and ore-controlling conditions of the ore district from the perspectives of mineral contents, hydrothermal alteration, and ore-controlling structures in the strata and the ore-bearing rocks. It is proposed that the Zhuxi ore deposit went through a multistage evolution, including oblique intrusion of granitic magmas, skarn mineralization, cooling and alteration, and precipitation of metal sulfides. The mineralization pattern can be summarized as "copper in the east and tungsten in the west, copper at shallow-middle depths and tungsten at deep depths, tungsten in the early stage and copper in the late stage".  相似文献   

A spectral analysis of the diurnal variations in the geomagnetic field horizontal component, observed at Kamchatka and Barrow polar observatory in September–October 1999, has been performed. The complete set of oscillations of thermal tidal atmospheric waves with T = 24, 12, 8, and 4 h has been detected in the variation spectral power (Sq) at Kamchatka, and only the fundamental harmonic with T = 24 h has been distinguished at Barrow. The above periods vary in both directions relative to stable maximums during strong geomagnetic disturbances. The relative spectral intensity at subharmonics also vary toward the fundamental harmonic with a period of 24 h. In the frequency band 0.5–3 h (IGW periods), the maximal intensity in the background spectra is observed at T ~ 2 h and increases by an order of magnitude with increasing geomagnetic activity at both Kamchatka and Barrow. A day before earthquakes, the intensity of this maximum is below the rms background values, and the spectra widen toward the region of periods shorter than 2 h. A similar effect was previously observed in the power spectra of the diurnal variations in the quasistatic electric field and VLF noise, simultaneously measured in September–October 1999.  相似文献   

Water scarcity and climatic variability in the Mediterranean region have traditionally required the construction of dams to guarantee water supply for irrigation, industrial and urban uses and hydropower production. Reservoirs affect the hydrology of the river downstream, but the magnitude and persistence of these effects are still poorly unknown. Understanding the magnitude of these effects is the objective of this paper, in which we analyse the flow regimes of twelve rivers located in the NW Mediterranean region. Different temporal scales (daily, monthly and annual) are used for the analysis and also to estimate flow variables associated with flow magnitude, frequency, duration and variability. It is shown that dams alter the hydrological regime of most of the studied rivers, with special influence on monthly flows and flood magnitude and frequency. The most altered rivers (Muga and Siurana, NE Iberian Peninsula) experience a complete overturn in their flow regime with, for instance, flood reduction reaching up to 76% for the 2‐year flood event. Other rivers showed lower changes in hydrology (e.g. Orb and Têt). Annual runoff showed a pattern of decrease in all the studied rivers (regulated and non‐regulated) indicating that besides dams (i.e. reservoir evaporation), other factors likely affect water yield. A general recovery downstream from dams is also observed at all temporal scales, mainly because of the inflow from tributaries. Although dams have a clear impact on the hydrology of Mediterranean rivers, water withdrawals and diversions for irrigation and other consumptive uses also affected the hydrological patterns. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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