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This study integrates potential gravity and magnetic field data with remotely sensed images and geological data in an effort to understand the subsurface major geological structures in Afghanistan. Integrated analysis of Landsat SRTM data was applied for extraction of geological lineaments. The potential field data were analyzed using gradient interpretation techniques, such as analytic signal (AS), tilt derivative (TDR), horizontal gradient of the tilt derivative (HG-TDR), Euler Deconvolution (ED) and power spectrum methods, and results were correlated with known geological structures.The analysis of remote sensing data and potential field data reveals the regional geological structural characteristics of Afghanistan. The power spectrum analysis of magnetic and gravity data suggests shallow basement rocks at around 1 to 1.5 km depth. The results of TDR of potential field data are in agreement with the location of the major regional fault structures and also the location of the basins and swells, except in the Helmand region (SW Afghanistan) where many high potential field anomalies are observed and attributed to batholiths and near-surface volcanic rocks intrusions.A high-resolution airborne geophysical survey in the data sparse region of eastern Afghanistan is recommended in order to have a complete image of the potential field anomalies.  相似文献   

In the last few hundred years, medium‐high mountain geomorphic systems of the East Sudetes, central Europe, have evolved under varying human impacts and have shown distinctive behaviours, depending on the nature and intensity of human activities. The general trend within this period has been from initial disturbance brought about by the spread of agriculture, through managed rural landscapes in the 19th and early 20th century, to gradual restoration of natural conditions observed in the last few tens of years, concurrent with considerable population decline in the mountain valleys. Accelerated soil erosion was successfully mitigated by the introduction of agricultural terraces in the 19th century, and most sediment could have been stored within the slopes. The current phase of nature restoration is understood as a return to general slope stability, weak coupling between slopes and channels, and limited sediment transfer across and out of mountainous drainage basins, which typified most of the Holocene prior to human colonization. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of testing the various methods of permanent stations’ velocity residua interpolation in a regular grid, which constitutes a continuous model of the velocity field in the territory of Poland. Three packages of software were used in the research from the point of view of interpolation: GMT (The Generic Mapping Tools), Surfer and ArcGIS. The following methods were tested in the softwares: the Nearest Neighbor, Triangulation (TIN), Spline Interpolation, Surface, Inverse Distance to a Power, Minimum Curvature and Kriging. The presented research used the absolute velocities’ values expressed in the ITRF2005 reference frame and the intraplate velocities related to the NUVEL model of over 300 permanent reference stations of the EPN and ASG-EUPOS networks covering the area of Europe. Interpolation for the area of Poland was done using data from the whole area of Europe to make the results at the borders of the interpolation area reliable. As a result of this research, an optimum method of such data interpolation was developed. All the mentioned methods were tested for being local or global, for the possibility to compute errors of the interpolated values, for explicitness and fidelity of the interpolation functions or the smoothing mode. In the authors’ opinion, the best data interpolation method is Kriging with the linear semivariogram model run in the Surfer programme because it allows for the computation of errors in the interpolated values and it is a global method (it distorts the results in the least way). Alternately, it is acceptable to use the Minimum Curvature method. Empirical analysis of the interpolation results obtained by means of the two methods showed that the results are identical. The tests were conducted using the intraplate velocities of the European sites. Statistics in the form of computing the minimum, maximum and mean values of the interpolated North and East components of the velocity residuum were prepared for all the tested methods, and each of the resulting continuous velocity fields was visualized by means of the GMT programme. The interpolated components of the velocities and their residua are presented in the form of tables and bar diagrams.  相似文献   

刘放  程万正  但尚铭 《地震研究》2003,26(2):120-125
对利用气象卫星遥感热辐射信息进行地震监测预报时必须考虑的不同星号、不同通道、不同时段及不同分辨率等问题进行了讨论,并为此进行了多种应用方法的计算和比较,介绍了相应的气象卫星遥感热辐射信息资料处理方法及研制的计算软件。在此基础上,对200l年10月27日云南水胜6.0级地震前的卫星遥感热辐射信息及其异常的时空分布特征进行了分析和研究。研究表明:地震前一个月左右,从计算结果中可以发现明显的高频次异常图像;同时,在空间分布上呈现出“大范围减温异常一大范围增温异常-地震”这样一个过程。  相似文献   

In this study, a Markov Random Field (MRF) approach is used to locate source boundary positions which are difficult to identify from Bouguer gravity and magnetic maps. As a generalized form of Markov Chains, the MRF approach is an unsupervised statistical model based algorithm and is applied to the analysis of images, particularly in the detection of visual patterns or textures. Here, we present a dynamic programming based on the MRF approach for boundary detection of noisy and super-positioned potential anomalies, which are produced by various geological structures. In the MRF method, gravity and magnetic maps are considered as two-dimensional (2-D) images with a matrix composed of N1 × N2 pixels. Each pixel value of the matrix is optimized in real time with no a priori processing by using two parameter sets; average steering vector (θ) and quantization level (M). They carry information about the correlation of neighboring pixels and the locality of their connections. We have chosen MRF as a processing approach for geophysical data since it is an unsupervised, efficient model for image enhancement, border detection and separation of 2-D potential anomalies. The main benefit of MRF is that an average steering vector and a quantization level are enough in evaluation of the potential anomaly maps. We have compared the MRF method to noise implemented synthetic potential field anomalies. After satisfactory results were found, the method has been applied to gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Gelibolu Peninsula in Western Turkey. Here, we have observed Anafartalar thrust fault and another parallel fault northwest of Anafartalar thrust fault. We have modeled a geological structure including a lateral fault, which results in a higher susceptibility and anomaly amplitude increment. We have shown that the MRF method is effective to detect the broad-scale geological structures in the Gelibolu Peninsula, and thus to delineate the complex tectonic structure of Gelibolu Peninsula.  相似文献   

结合同台观测的水平地电场数据,研究坪城垂直地电场观测数据,结果表明:(1)采用固体不极化电极进行垂直地电场观测,同一极距的观测结果基本一致,而铅板电极与固体不极化电极之间存在较大的电位差;(2)垂直地电场日变化形态清晰,长极距测道(A1C1、A2C1和A3C1测道)日变幅为5.85 mV/km左右,短极距(B1C1、B2C1和B3C1测道)日变幅为10.02 mV/km左右;(3)垂直向观测的地电场日变化优势周期在12 h和24 h。  相似文献   

A detailed dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves generated by local earthquakes and occasionally by blasts that occurred in southern Spain, was undertaken to obtain the shear-wave velocity structure of the region at shallow depth. Our database includes seismograms generated by 35 seismic events that were recorded by 15 single-component short-period stations from 1990 to 1995. All these events have focal depths less than 10 km and body-wave magnitudes between 3.0 and 4.0, and they were all recorded at distances between 40 and 300 km from the epicentre. We analysed a total of 90 source-station Rayleigh-wave paths. The collected data were processed by standard digital filtering techniques to obtain Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersion measurements. The path-averaged group velocities vary from 1.12 to 2.25 km/s within the 1.0-6.0 s period interval. Then, using a stochastic inversion approach we obtained 1-D shear-wave velocity–depth models across the study area, which were resolved to a depth of circa 5 km. The inverted shear-wave velocities range approximately between 1.0 and 3.8 km/s with a standard deviation range of 0.05–0.16 km/s, and show significant variations from region to region. These results were combined to produce 3-D images via volumetric modelling and data visualization. We present images that show different shear velocity patterns for the Betic Cordillera. Looking at the velocity distribution at various depths and at vertical sections, we discuss of the study area in terms of subsurface structure and S-wave velocity distribution (low velocity channels, basement depth, etc.) at very shallow depths (0–5 km). Our results characterize the region sufficiently and lead to a correlation of shear-wave velocity with the different geological units features.  相似文献   

Total dissolved solids (TDS) in lake and catchment water is a result of geological structure, as well as duration of rock and water contact and human activity. In this paper, a potential dissolved solids (PtDS) in three ??czna–W?odawa Lake catchments was determined using extraction and computer software (GIS and AquaChem). Human pressure on water quality was estimated as a difference of the TDS and a catchment hydrogeochemical potential (TPtDS, total potential dissolved solids). TPtDS coefficient included hydrogeological features of the aquifer, soil cover impact on infiltrated water quality, and sediments susceptibility to denudation. The main advantage of the model is a possibility of its employment for every catchment or other areas (e.g. administrative) on both microscale and mesoscale. The highest TPtDS occurred in the catchment, favoured with underground supply, which was located in the vicinity of the Cretaceous mesoregional unit (Che?m Hills). The lowest value was observed in the catchment built with organogenic sediments and coarse material. A seasonal constancy of TPtDS values proved a stability of the lake‐catchment systems under study. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results from the study concerning the application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data and derived raster products like the digital surface model (DSM) and the digital terrain model (DTM) for the assessment of the degree of change of the land use based on the forest succession example. Simultaneously, an automated method of ALS data processing was developed based on the normalized (nDSM) and cadastral GIS information. Besides delivering precise information on forest succession, ALS technology is an excellent tool for time-changes spatial analyses. Usage of the ALS data can support the image interpretation process decreasing the subjectivity of the operator. In parallel, a manual vectorization and object classification (object-based image analysis—OBIA) were performed; both based on aerial orthophoto and ALS data. By using integrated ALS point clouds and digital aerial images, one can obtain fast OBIA processing and the determination of areas where the land cover has changed. The Milicz District (central west part of Poland) was chosen as the test site where ALS was to be performed in 2007, together with the digital aerial photos (Vexcel camera; pixel 0.15 m; CIR). The aerial photos were then processed to a CIR orthophoto. The area of study consisted of 68 private parcels (some of them were abandoned; 68.57 ha; scanned cadastral maps from the local survey office; land use information) in the direct neighbourhood of the State Forest, on which a forest succession could often be observed. The operator vectorized forest (trees and shrubs) succession areas on the 2D CIR orthophoto. They were then compared with the results from the OBIA and GIS analysis, based on the normalized digital surface model. The results showed that areas with high vegetation cover were three times larger than the official land cover database (cadastral maps).  相似文献   

Dorofeev  V. L.  Sukhikh  L. I. 《Water Resources》2019,46(1):65-75
Water Resources - The results of simulation of Black Sea ecosystem dynamics with the use of a three-dimensional interdisciplinary model are given. An important feature of the simulation is the...  相似文献   

Monitoring of the following hydrological processes was carried out: breakup in the mouth areas of rivers in the northern European Russia, the propagation of the spring flood wave and inundation in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the Volga delta, a catastrophic flood in the Terek mouth area, and ice phenomena in the Volga mouth area and in the northern Caspian Sea. The results of satellite monitoring of seasonal processes in the Volga mouth area are presented.__________Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 261–273.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gorelits, Zemlyanov.  相似文献   

The Ebro river basin, in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, very often experiences radiation fog episodes in winter that can last for several days. The impact on human activities is high, especially on road and air transportation. The installation in July 2009 of a WindRASS in the area, which is able to work in the presence of fog, now allows inspecting the vertical structure of the temperature and wind profiles across the roughly 300-m-thick fog layer. We present a case study of a long-lasting (60 h) deep radiation fog that took place in December 2009 to obtain a deeper understanding of the dynamic processes governing such persistent fog. Field observations of vertical profiles of temperature, wind and turbulent kinetic energy are compared with a high-resolution mesoscale simulation, satellite imagery of fog distribution and observations taken in the area to understand why the fog is so persistent and how it dissipates only for a short period in the afternoon despite intermittent turbulence within the fog deck. The confinement of the fog inside a practically closed basin allows us to study the relevant physical processes in the establishment and subsequent evolution of the fog episode using a limited-area mesoscale model. The contribution of the WindRASS measurements allowed us to validate the numerical simulations, particularly inspecting the role of turbulence that can link the bottom and top of the fog through moderate episodic mixing. The fog layer has very weak winds inside, but is well mixed and experiences intermittent top-bottom turbulence generated in its upper part by convection due to radiative cooling and by wind shear due to the topographically generated flows that blow just above the top of the fog.  相似文献   

In 2011, a geophysical survey was carried out in the surroundings of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, using a Very Low Frequency method. The measurements were designed to determine the reason of frequent flooding of the lowest level of the building. The main objective of the study was to find out from where and in which way the rainwater seeps into the building and how this problem can be solved in the least invasive manner. The aim of geophysical methods was also to provide necessary information that will enable the construction of a hydro-geological model of the local environment. The interpretation revealed the presence of a sandy gutter surrounded by impermeable clay. There is a big resistivity contrast between those layers. Their location and approximate dimensions were determined.  相似文献   

地震监测预报中的卫星遥感(热红外)图象处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了用于地震监测预报中的卫星遥感(热红外)图象处理的原理、方法,分析了图象处理的特征,通过实例对图象处理进行了说明,指出了存在的问题  相似文献   

Water Resources - The objective of this paper is the assessment of the effect of a multifunctional mid-size retention reservoir on the occurrence of floods and low flows. The study object was...  相似文献   

The fast developing remote sensing techniques play an increasingly important role in earthquake emergency response, disaster survey and loss estimation. As there is a lack of quantitative studies on seismic damage based on remote sensing, its practicality in seismic disaster management has usually been questioned. The paper introduces the essential quantitative study idea, the concept of the remote sensing seismic damage index (DRS_I RS) and analysis models, demonstrates the seismic damage indices (DG_IC) of buildings obtained from ground surveying and its quantitative relation to DRS_I RS in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan Province, which was destroyed by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with M_S8.0. The primary results show that an obvious relationship exists between the DRS_I RS of buildings obtained from the high resolution satellite or aerial remote sensing images and DG_I C or the building collapse ratio obtained through ground survey, which suggests that the quantitative study on seismic damage based on remote sensing will provide an effective method for seismic damage survey and loss estimation.  相似文献   

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