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Reliable assessment of the spatial distribution of soil erosion is important for making land management decisions, but it has not been thoroughly evaluated in karst geo‐environments. The objective of this study was to modify a physically based, spatially distributed erosion model, the revised Morgan, Morgan and Finney (RMMF) model, to estimate the superficial (as opposed to subsurface creep) soil erosion rates and their spatial patterns in a 1022 ha karst catchment in northwest Guangxi, China. Model parameters were calculated using local data in a raster geographic information system (GIS) framework. The cumulative runoff on each grid cell, as an input to the RMMF model for erosion computations, was computed using a combined flow algorithm that allowed for flow into multiple cells with a transfer grid considering infiltration and runoff seepage to the subsurface. The predicted spatial distributions of soil erosion rates were analyzed relative to land uses and slope zones. Results showed that the simulated effective runoff and annual soil erosion rates of hillslopes agreed well with the field observations and previous quantified redistribution rates with caesium‐137 (137Cs). The estimated average effective runoff and annual erosion rate on hillslopes of the study catchment were 18 mm and 0.27 Mg ha?1 yr?1 during 2006–2007. Human disturbances played an important role in accelerating soil erosion rates with the average values ranged from 0.1 to 3.02 Mg ha?1 yr?1 for different land uses. The study indicated that the modified model was effective to predict superficial soil erosion rates in karst regions and the spatial distribution results could provide useful information for developing local soil and water conservation plans. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion due to water is a major environmental problem in many parts of the world. Most of Mediterranean countries are concerned because of their specific climate and soils sensitivity, but also because of the recent intensification of human activities and agricultural practices. Accurate estimation of soil water erosion for various land-use and climate scenarios is so an important key to define sustainable management policies. In the last decades, several studies have been carried out to build models suitable for quantifying soil erosion. Among these models, the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP, Flanagan, D.C., Nearing, M.A., 1995. USDA-Water Erosion Prediction Project: Hillslope profile and watershed model documentation. NSERL Report 10, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN, USA.) is a physically based, distributed-parameter model that has been developed and mainly validated in USA. Only few studies have investigated its applicability to environmental conditions that differs from those where the model was developed. The aim of this work is to test the efficiency of WEPP model to predict soil erosion at catchment scale in a Mediterranean semi-arid area. Continuous simulations have been conducted between 1995 and 2002 on an cultivated experimental catchment located upstream from a hill reservoir (Kamech catchment, 2.45 km2, Cap Bon, Tunisia) where runoff and soil erosion measurements are available at the outlet. Comparison between predictions and measurements shows significant differences. Processes related to seasonal effects (as cracking soils) are pointed out as a weakness of WEPP model for Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of timber-cutting on sediment concentrations, soil loss and overland flow in an insigne pine (Pinus radiata) plantation were studied in a mountain watershed of the Cordillera de la Costa, central Chile. Soil formation rates for the lithological conditions of the watershed were estimated. Soil loss measurements on the plantation were taken in 100 m2 plots, equipped with Coshocton samplers, during the years 1991 and 1992. Treatments were: clear-cutting no residues/burned, clear-cutting with residues and undisturbed controls. First-year soil losses were greater from the no residues/burned (2128 kg ha?1) than from the residues (1219 kg ha?1) or undisturbed (48 kg ha?1) plots. During the second post-treatment year, soil loss was greater from the burned plots (1349 kg ha?1) than from the residues (243 kg ha?1) or the undisturbed (72 kg ha?1) plots. Sediment concentrations for the three treatments were 561, 340 and 59 mgl-1 during the first year, and 400, 150 and 83 mgl?1 in the second year. Runoff from the no residues/burned plots was greater than from residues or undisturbed plots during the two post-treatment years. Long-term soil losses were projected to average 240 kg ha?1 yr?1 from areas without residues/burned and 120 kg ha?1 yr?1 in areas with residues treatment, over a 25 year rotation period, whereas control areas were projected to average 60 kg ha?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

Physically based soil erosion simulation models require input parameters of soil detachment and sediment transport owing to the action and interactions of both raindrops and overland flow. A simple interrill soil water transport model is applied to a laboratory catchment to investigate the application of raindrop detachment and transport in interrill areas explicitly. A controlled laboratory rainfall simulation study with slope length simulation by flow addition was used to assess the raindrop detachment and transport of detached soil by overland flow in interrill areas. Artificial rainfall of moderate to high intensity was used to simulate intense rain storms. However, experiments were restricted to conditions where rilling and channelling did not occur and where overland flow covered most of the surface. A simple equation with a rainfall intensity term for raindrop detachment, and a simple sediment transport equation with unit discharge and a slope term were found to be applicable to the situation where clear water is added at the upper end of a small plot to simulate increased slope length. The proposed generic relationships can be used to predict raindrop detachment and the sediment transport capacity of interrill flow and can therefore contribute to the development of physically‐based erosion models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid areas, high‐intensity rainfall events are often held responsible for the main part of soil erosion. Long‐term landscape evolution models usually use average annual rainfall as input, making the evaluation of single events impossible. Event‐based soil erosion models are better suited for this purpose but cannot be used to simulate longer timescales and are usually applied to plots or small catchments. In this study, the openLISEM event‐based erosion model was applied to the medium‐sized (~50 km2) Prado catchment in SE Spain. Our aim was to (i) test the model's performance for medium‐sized catchments, (ii) test the ability to simulate four selected typical Mediterranean rainfall events of different magnitude and (iii) explore the relative contribution of these different storms to soil erosion using scenarios of future climate variability. Results show that because of large differences in the hydrologic response between storms of different magnitudes, each event needed to be calibrated separately. The relation between rainfall event characteristics and the calibration factors might help in determining optimal calibration values if event characteristics are known. Calibration of the model features some drawbacks for large catchments due to spatial variability in Ksat values. Scenario calculations show that although ~50% of soil erosion occurs as a result of high frequency, low‐intensity rainfall events, large‐magnitude, low‐frequency events potentially contribute significantly to total soil erosion. The results illustrate the need to incorporate temporal variability in rainfall magnitude–frequency distributions in landscape evolution models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current generation of landscape evolution models use a digital elevation model for landscape representation. These programs also contain a hydrological model that defines overland flow with the drainage network routed to an outlet. One of the issues with landscape evolution modelling is the hydrological correctness of the digital elevation model used for the simulations. Despite the wide use and increased quality of digital elevation models, data pits and depressions in the elevation data are a common feature and their removal will remain a necessary step for many data sets. This study examines whether a digital elevation model can be hydrologically correct (i.e. all depressions removed so that all water can run downslope) before use in a landscape evolution model and what effect depression removal has on long‐term geomorphology and hydrology. The impact on sediment transport rates is also examined. The study was conducted using a field catchment and a proposed landform for a post‐mining landscape. The results show that there is little difference in catchment geomorphology and hydrology for the non‐depression removed and depression removed data sets. The non‐depression removed and depression removed digital elevation models were also evaluated as input to a landscape evolution model for a 50 000 year simulation period. The results show that after 1000 years there is little difference between the data sets, although sediment transport rates did vary considerably early on in the simulation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface soil moisture has been extensively studied for various land uses and landforms. Although many studies have reported potential factors that control surface soil moisture over space or time, the findings have not always been consistent, indicating a need for identification of the main factors. This study focused on the static controls of topographic, soil, and vegetation features on surface soil moisture in a steep natural forested headwater catchment consisting of three hillslope units of a gully area, side slope, and valley‐head slope. Using a simple correlation analysis to investigate the effects of the static factors on surface soil moisture at depths of 0–20 cm at 470 points in 13 surveys, we addressed the characteristics of surface soil moisture and its main controlling factors. The results indicated that the mean of surface soil moisture was in the decreasing order of gully area > valley‐head slope > side slope. The relationship between the mean and standard deviation of surface soil moisture showed a convex‐upward shape in the headwater catchment, a negative curvilinear shape in the gully area, and positive curvilinear shapes at the side and valley‐head slopes. At the headwater catchment and valley‐head slope, positive contributions of soil porosity and negative contributions of slope gradient and saturated hydraulic conductivity were the main controlling factors of surface soil moisture under wetter conditions, whereas positive contributions of topographic wetness index and negative contributions of vegetation density were the main controlling factors of surface soil moisture under drier conditions. At the side slope underlain by fractured bedrocks, only saturated hydraulic conductivity and vegetation density were observed to be the controlling factors. Surface soil moisture in the gully area was mainly affected by runoff rather than were static features. Thus, using hillslope units is effective for approximately estimating the hydrological behaviours of surface moisture on a larger scale, whereas dependency between the main static factors and moisture conditions is helpful for estimating the spatial distributions of surface moisture on a smaller scale.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of hydrological processes on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in a forested headwater catchment, DOC concentration was observed along the flow path from rainfall to stream water via throughfall, soil water, groundwater, and spring water for 4 years, and DOC flux through the catchment was calculated. The spatial and temporal variations in DOC concentration and flux were compared with physical hydrological observations and the mean residence time of water. In the upslope soil layer, DOC concentrations were not significantly correlated with water fluxes, suggesting that DOC concentrations were not strictly controlled by water fluxes. In the upslope perennial groundwater, DOC concentration was affected by the change in the amount of microbial degradation of DOC produced by changes in the mean residence time of water. In stream water, the temporal variation in DOC concentration was usually affected by changes in DOC concentration of the inflow component via vertical infiltration from above the perennial groundwater. During dry periods, however, the component from inflow via vertical infiltration was negligible and DOC in the upslope perennial groundwater became the major component of stream water DOC. The temporal variation in stream water DOC concentration during baseflow was affected by rainfall patterns over several preceding months. Therefore, records of rainfall over several preceding months are one of the most important factors for predicting changes in DOC concentration on a catchment scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study sought to contribute to an improved understanding of soil erosion and redistribution on Mediterranean agricultural land, where traditional soil conservation practices have been applied over millennia to provide effective protection of cultivated land. The study was undertaken in the Na Borges catchment, a groundwater-dominated lowland limestone basin (319 km2), located in the northeastern part of Mallorca, Spain. The average sediment yield from the basin, based on river sediment load data, is 1 t/km2·yr. The 137Cs technique was used to quantify soil redistribution rates over the past 40 years and to identify the key factors involved in soil erosion and redistribution processes. To estimate erosion and deposition rates and to elucidate the main factors affecting soil redistribution, samples were collected from six slope transects representative of the local land use and slope gradients and the presence or absence of soil conservation practices. A mass balance and a profile distribution conversion model were used for cultivated areas and areas of natural vegetation, respectively, to derive point estimates of the soil redistribution rates from the 137Cs inventories measured for individual soil bulk cores. In areas without soil conservation practices, the estimated mean soil erosion rates ranged from 12.7 to 26.4 t/ha·yr, which correspond to the slight and moderate erosion classes. The erosivity of Mediterranean climatic conditions combined with the influence of agricultural practices and slope gradient on soil erosion, represent the main factors responsible for the variation of soil losses documented for the cultivated land located in downslope areas, in the absence of soil conservation practices. Deposition dominated for those transects affected by soil conservation practices, with rates ranging between 18.8 and 96.6 t/ha·yr. However, this situation does not mean that soil conservation measures retain all the sediment, but rather that agriculture and urbanization (i.e. new rural paths and stone boundaries) modified the micro-topography and diverted sediment from other upslope zones towards the slopes where sampling transects were located.  相似文献   

A stochastic distributed model of soil erosion by overland flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model has been built to simulate runoff and erosion on slopes of varying form with soil of varying hydraulic conductivity, porosity, storage capacity, and particle size distribution. The model is based on known physical laws and takes into account spatially dependent random variation in the initial conditions of the soil. The rainfall is similarly both random and autocorrelated in space. Detailed results show how runoff is generated as a result of slow conductivity and high water table, how this leads to erosion, the degradation of the land surface, the capture of flow lines, and the development of networks of rills. The last accords well with results from laboratory experiments. Changing the initial conditions produces results that accord with intuition and reality.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to classify water erosion risk for a deciduous forest and to predict the amount of sediment yield from forest road network. GIS in combination with AHP was used for determining the soil erosion risk degrees of forest. Beside, sediment yield from forest roads with gravel and asphalted surfacing was estimated using SEDMODL. Rainfall simulator was used in calibration and validation process of model. Results showed that 47.9% of forest soil is classified from moderate to very high vulnerability. 32.3% of roads were located in soil erosion risk class of very high. This class is generally found in the eastern region of forest, while areas with very low risk are found in the south western part. 14.6% of the forest roads were ranked as having very low sediment yield. Only 61 segments out of 339 segments of forest road network delivered sediment to the ravine network. The estimated annual sediment yield for all of road sections by SEDMODL and rainfall simulator were 10,935.45 and 10,509.29 g m-2, respectively. Results of the calibration and validation process showed that the variation accounted for in the predicted values by SEDMODL with the observed values under rainfall simulation was 3.90%. Best management practices (BMP) must be considered for the areas with high degrees of erosion risk.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of precipitation (D and 18O) has been widely used as an input signal in water tracer studies. Whereas much recent effort has been put into developing methodologies to improve our understanding and modelling of hydrological processes (e.g., transit‐time distributions or young water fractions), less attention has been paid to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, used as input signal in these studies. Here, we investigated the uncertainty in isotope‐based hydrograph separation due to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The study was carried out in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (0.56 km2). Rainfall and throughfall samples were collected at three locations across this relatively small catchment, and stream water samples were collected at the outlet. Results showed that throughout an event, the spatial variability of the input signal had a higher impact on hydrograph separation results than its temporal variability. However, differences in isotope‐based hydrograph separation determined preevent water due to the spatio‐temporal variability were different between events and ranged between 1 and 14%. Based on catchment‐scale isoscapes, the most representative sampling location could also be identified. This study confirms that even in small headwater catchments, spatio‐temporal variability can be significant. Therefore, it is important to characterize this variability and identify the best sampling strategy to reduce the uncertainty in our understanding of catchment hydrological processes.  相似文献   

Understanding rainfall‐runoff processes is crucial for prevention and prediction of water‐related natural disasters. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a potential tracer, but few researches have applied it for rainfall‐runoff process studies. We observed multiple tracers including SF6 in spring water at 1‐ to 2‐hr intervals during rainstorm events to investigate the effectivity of SF6 tracer in rainfall–runoff studies through the clarification of rainfall–runoff process. The target spring is a perennial spring in a forested headwater catchment with an area of 0.045 km2 in Fukushima, Japan. The relationship between the SF6 concentration in spring water and the spring discharge volume was negative trend; the SF6 concentration in spring water becomes low as the spring discharge volume increases especially during rainstorms. The hydrograph separation using SF6 and chloride ion tracers was applied for determining the contribution of principal sources on rainfall–runoff water. It suggested more than 60% contribution of bedrock groundwater at the rainfall peak and high percentage contribution continued even in the hydrograph recession phase. Based on observed low SF6 concentration in groundwater after heavy rainfall, the replacement of groundwater near the spring with bedrock groundwater is indicated as a mechanism for water discharge with low SF6 concentration during rainfall events. Consequently, rainstorm events play an important role as triggers in discharging water stored in the deeper subsurface area. In addition, SF6 tracer is concluded as one of the strongest tracers for examining rainfall–runoff process studies. And, therefore, this study provided new insights into the dynamics of groundwater and its responses to rainfall in terms of SF6 concentration variance in water in headwater regions.  相似文献   

Qihua Ran  Feng Wang  Jihui Gao 《水文研究》2020,34(23):4526-4540
Rainfall characteristics are key factors influencing infiltration and runoff generation in catchment hydrology, particularly for arid and semiarid catchments. Although the effect of storm movement on rainfall-runoff processes has been evaluated and emphasized since the 1960s, the effect on the infiltration process has barely been considered. In this study, a physically based distributed hydrological model (InHM) was applied to a typical semi-arid catchment (Shejiagou, 4.26 km2) located in the Loess Plateau, China, to investigate the effect of storm movement on infiltration, runoff and soil erosion at the catchment scale. Simulations of 84 scenarios of storm movement were conducted, including storms moving across the catchment in both the upstream and downstream directions along the main channel, while in each direction considering four storm moving speeds, three rainfall depths and two storm ranges. The simulation results showed that, on both the hillslopes facing downstream (facing south) and in the main channel, the duration of the overland flow process under the upstream-moving storms was longer than that under the downstream-moving storms. Thus, the duration and volume of infiltration under upstream-moving storms were larger in these areas. For the Shejiagou catchment, as there are more hillslopes facing downstream, more infiltration occurred under the upstream-moving storms than the downstream-moving storms. Therefore, downstream-moving storms generated up to 69% larger total runoff and up to 351% more soil loss in the catchment than upstream-moving storms. The difference in infiltration between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased as the storm moving speed increased. The relative difference in total runoff and sediment yield between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased with increasing rainfall depth and storm speed. The results of this study revealed that the infiltration differences under moving storms largely influenced the total runoff and sediment yield at the catchment scale, which is of importance in runoff prediction and flood management. The infiltration differences may be a potential factor leading to different groundwater, vegetation cover and ecology conditions for the different sides of the hillslopes.  相似文献   


The water balance dynamics and runoff components of a tropical forested catchment (46?km2) on the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua were studied combining hydrometry, geological characterization and hydrochemical and isotopic tracers (three-component hydrograph separation). The climatic water balance was estimated for 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 with net values of 811?mm year-1, 782?mm year-1 and –447?mm year-1, respectively. Runoff components were studied at different spatial and temporal scales, demonstrating that different sources and temporal contributions are controlled by dominant landscape elements and antecedent rainfall. In forested sub-catchments, permeable soils, stratigraphy and steep slopes favour subsurface stormflow generation contributing 50% and 53% to total discharge. At catchment scale, landscape elements such as smooth slopes, wide valleys, deeper soils and water table allow groundwater recharge during rainfall events. Groundwater dominates the hydrograph (50% of total discharge) under dry prior conditions. However, low soil infiltration capacity generates a larger surface runoff component (42%) under wet prior conditions which dominates total discharge. Our results show that forested areas are important to reduce surface runoff and thus soil degradation, which is relevant for the design of water management plans.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   

Concentrated flow erosion in Mediterranean cultivated areas is considered a major process of land degradation. Rills and ephemeral gullies in a 6.4 ha olive orchard catchment located in an intensive commercial farm, which could represent a common degradation scenario in hilly areas, were measured and compared with the sediment loads at the outlet. Four GPS survey campaigns were carried out between March 2009 and March 2014, for periods with cumulative precipitation ranging between 728 and 121 mm. Chopped pruning residues were kept on the lanes during campaigns 2–4, whereas a grass cover crop was seeded in campaign 4. Rainfall, runoff and sediment loads were measured in a flume gauge station at the catchment outlet. The ratio of concentrated flow erosion to catchment sediment load varied between 1.0 and 35.0. Total concentrated flow erosion ranged between 25.0 and 0.1 t ha−1. Rill erosion was the dominant process on ephemeral gullies for three campaigns, with a mean contribution to the total concentrated flow erosion of 55%. Rills clearly followed tractor tracks along the most parallel lanes to the maximum slope. Therefore, a change in traffic direction would be helpful to reduce the connectivity, controlled by the spatial distribution of rows and lanes in the farm. Olive plantation distributions should prioritize hydrological criteria to adapt traffic patterns in olive farms, as long as the tractor manoeuvrability and risk of overturning are not adversely affected. Although the farmer only kept the cover crop for one campaign, it proved to be an efficient measure for interrupting rills along the lanes, whereas pruning residues were effective for the control of interrill erosion. On-site application of pruning residues reduced their handling and transport costs, while increasing the soil fertility and soil cover. However, guidelines for the efficient application of pruning residues are still necessary in terms of residue rates and orientation.  相似文献   

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