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Evaluating the benefits of sediment and runoff reduction in different vegetation types is essential for studying the mechanisms of soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau.The experiment was conducted in shrub-grass plots with nine levels of mixed vegetation coverage from 0%to 70%,three slopes(10,15,and 20)and two rainfall intensities(1.0 and 2.5 mm/min).The results showed that the vegetation coverage and slope gradient significantly affect runoff and sediment yield.Shrub-grass vegetation coverage had a significant effect on the runoff start-time,runoff flow velocity,runoff rate,and soil erosion rate on hillslopes.Mixed vegetation coverage could effectively delay the runoff starttime and decrease the runoff flow velocity.However,the effects of the slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield are opposite to those of vegetation coverage.Shrub-grass vegetation coverage could effectively increase runoff and sediment yield reduction benefits,while their benefits were affected by the rainfall intensity.At the 1.0 mm/min rainfall intensity,the reduction in the sediment production rate was greater than that under the 2.5 mm/min intensity.However,when the shrub-grass vegetation coverage exceeded 42%,the runoff reduction benefit was more obvious at higher rainfall intensities.The cumulative sediment yield increased with increasing cumulative runoff,and the rate of increase in the cumulative runoff was greater than that of the cumulative sediment yield with increasing of shrub-grass vegetation coverage.Moreover,there was a power function relationship between cumulative sediment yield and cumulative runoff yield(P<0.05).Our paper is expected to provide a good reference on the ecological environment and vegetation construction on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Vegetation characteristics have not been sufficiently utilized in catchment runoff models. An analysis of storm hydrograph data from nested subareas of the Highland Water catchment, New Forest, U.K., indicates that depth of runoff and peak discharge from areas under heathland cover is substantially greater than from areas under woodland cover at several spatial scales. The significance of heath vegetation composition in the identification of runoff contributing areas is illustrated by an analysis of vegetation composition, water table depth, baseflow discharge and storm runoff from areas predominantly covered by heathland. Methods are proposed to employ the hydrological characteristics of heathland to refine and develop the Flood Studies Approach to discharge estimation in ungauged heathland catchments. Such an approach is greatly facilitated by the use of remotely-sensed data.  相似文献   

Experiments to test relationships between slope length, percolation, and runoff were carried out in a laboratory flume under simulated rainfall at intensities from 24·2-26 mm h?1. A composite soil subject to sealing was mixed from a clay and a sand and tested on 2·39 m, 7·18 m, and 17 m slopes for a minimum of 200 min. Runoff discharge is not a simple function of rainfall excess and slope length but shows a complex pattern dominated by surface sealing, rill development and headcut incision. Rill development by concentrated surface wash conformed to established threshold hydraulic conditions, but subsequent headcut incision was necessary to breach the seal and significantly affect percolation/runoff ratios. Headcut evolution is complex, apparently reflecting hydraulic instability and possibly different stages in seal development. Headcut and rill incision shows a cyclic pattern interspersed with broad areas of sheetwash and colluvial deposition where percolation rates are very low.  相似文献   

The 3-D spatial distributions of vegetation are of great significance for water and soil conservation but are rarely concerned in literatures. The live vegetation volume (LVV) was used to relate to water/soil loss under 144 natural erosive rainfall events from 2007 to 2010 in a typical water-eroded area of southern China. Quadratic polynomial regression models were established for five pure tree (Pinus massoniana Lamb) plots between LVV and water (rtmoff)/soil conservation effects (RE/SE). RE/SE corresponds to the ratios of runoff depth/soil loss of the pure tree plots to that of the control plot under each rainfall event. Increasing LVV exhibits descending (DS), descending-ascending (DA), ascending-descending (AD), and ascending (AS) trends in the LVV-RE and LVV-SE curves. The effects of soil conservation on the plots were generally more noticeable than the effects of water conservation, and most of the RE and SE values reflected the positive effects of water and soil conservation. The effects were mainly positive under heavy rains (e.g., rainfall erosivity, R = 140 MJ mm ha-l h, maximum 30 min intensity, I30 = 16 mm h-l), whereas the effects were mainly negative under light rains (e.g., R = 45 MJ mm ha-1 h, I30 = 8 mm h-l). The trees' water/soil conservation effects notably transformed when rainfall erosivity and intensity were lower than the positive or negative effects to a certain threshold. About 50% rainfall events led to obvious transform effects when LVVs were near 0.5 or 0.6. These results are able to aid in the decision making on the forest reconstruction in water-eroded areas.  相似文献   

Continental differences in the variability of annual runoff were investigated using an expanded and improved database to that used in previous work. A statistical analysis of the data, divided by continent and Köppen climate type, revealed that continental differences exist in the variability of annual runoff. The variability of annual runoff for temperate Australia, arid southern Africa and possibly temperate southern Africa were noted to be generally higher than that of other continents with data in the same climate type. A statistical analysis of annual precipitation by continent and Köppen climate type revealed that differences in the variability of annual precipitation could account for some but not all the observed differences in the variability of annual runoff. A literature review of potential causes of continental differences in evapotranspiration resulted in the hypothesis that the significantly higher variability of annual runoff in temperate Australia and possibly temperate southern Africa may be due to the distribution of evergreen and deciduous vegetation. The process model Macaque was used to test this hypothesis. The model results indicate that the variability of annual runoff may be between 1 and 99% higher for catchments covered in evergreen vegetation as opposed to deciduous vegetation, depending on mean annual precipitation and the seasonality of precipitation. It is suggested that the observed continental differences in the variability of annual runoff are largely caused by continental differences in the variability of annual precipitation and in temperate regions the distribution of evergreen and deciduous vegetation in conjunction with the distribution of mean annual precipitation and precipitation seasonality.  相似文献   

[专稿]近年长江中下游径流节律变化、效应与修复对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建军  张曼 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1471-1488
近十余年长江上游大量兴建大型水库,蓄水、调节和拦沙对中下游河川径流和泥沙产生了深刻影响.河川径流减少,径流季节提前,伏秋(特别是10月)流量显著降低、变差系数增大,97%严重干旱频率情景变成80%~85%.同时,宜昌和出海输沙量分别减少93%和70%,中下游河槽冲刷下降1~3 m,三峡蓄水后仅13年清水冲刷幅度和范围已超过三峡预期30年的冲刷上限,目前仍呈加速趋势.干流各站平均水位下降2~4 m,与此同时河道同流量洪水位反而升高.水库调节是水位降低的主要原因,河道冲刷更加剧水位降低,当前水位变化对防洪和生态都不利.汛后流量和干流水位提前降低使洞庭湖和鄱阳湖(两湖)提前干枯、松滋等"三口"入湖水量减少,伏秋高热季节两湖生态环境面貌发生了根本变化.汛后流量减少甚至显著增加长江大通十月流量小于15000 m3/s几率和上海长江水源受咸潮影响风险,10月咸潮入侵变成最严重时段必须引起高度重视.我们认为,径流和径流节律变化是当前长江生态环境最主要问题之一.建议以"水资源工程"重新定位上游大型工程、以"水资源优先"优化流域管理和切实回归既定三峡工程运行原则等统一调度和改善中下游水情;通过水库挖泥等措施修复长江物质通量,抑制中下游剧烈冲刷和稳定河流格局;加强中下游蓄滞洪区等防洪能力建设,为最大限度降低上游水库防洪和蓄水压力创造条件;主要通过改善上游水库调度维护两湖环境条件,"引清水入洞庭"和"增加供水设施建设"加强两湖适应能力.这是长江修复和保护重点.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on the performance ofvetiver grass mulch (VGM) in soil and water conservation.The study involved field ...  相似文献   

Understanding land use/land cover (LULC) effects on tropical soil infiltration is crucial for maximizing watershed scale hydro-ecosystem services and informing land managers. This paper reports results from a multiyear investigation of LULC effects on soil bulk infiltration in steep, humid tropical, and lowland catchments. A rainfall simulator applied water at measured rates on 2 × 6 m plots producing infiltration through structured, granulated, and macroporous Ferralsols in Panama's central lowlands. Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) helped to visualize infiltration depth and bulk velocity. A space-for-time substitution methodology allowed a land-use history investigation by considering the following: (a) a continuously heavy-grazed cattle pasture, (b) a rotationally grazed traditional cattle pasture, (c) a 4-year-old (y.o.) silvopastoral system with nonnative improved pasture grasses and managed intensive rotational grazing, (d) a 7 y.o. teak (Tectona grandis) plantation, (e) an approximately 10 y.o. secondary succession forest, (f) a 12 y.o. coffee plantation (Coffea canephora), (g) an approximately 30 y.o. secondary succession forest, and (h) a >100 y.o. secondary succession forest. Within a land cover, unique plot sites totalled two at (a), (c), (d), (e), and (g); three at (b); and one at (f) and (h). Our observations confirmed measured infiltration scale dependency by comparing our 12 m2 plot-scale measurements against 8.9 cm diameter core-scale measurements collected by others from nearby sites. Preferential flow pathways (PFPs) significantly increased soil infiltration capacity, particularly in forests greater than or equal to 10 y.o. Time-lapse ERT observations revealed shallower rapid bulk infiltration and increased rapid lateral subsurface flow in pasture land covers when compared with forest land covers and highlighted how much subsurface flow pathways can vary within the Ferralsol soil class. Results suggest that LULC effects on PFPs are the dominant mechanism by which LULC affects throughfall partitioning, runoff generation, and flow pathways.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡坡折带和常规海上地震勘探观测系统的制约,再加上南海北部陆坡区复杂的海底地层构造,导致南海北部陆坡区地震勘探成像结果不够理想.究其主要原因是多次波发育复杂、遮挡了一次波能量,也就直接影响到一次波的成像效果,从而制约了对陆坡区更深入的油气勘探.本文结合南海北部陆坡区的构造特征,依据多次波的产生机理分析多次波的发育分布状况,得出单一的地球物理方法已经不能较好的解决南海北部陆坡区的多次波压制问题.针对该区域复杂的地质背景,在综合运用多种地球物理方法的基础上,严格依照多区域、多尺度的理念,提出一套适应南海北部陆坡区多次波压制的系统策略.经过实际资料检验,有效的压制南海北部陆坡区的多次波干扰,最大程度的突出一次波成像,为南海北部进一步的油气勘探夯实基础.  相似文献   

Soil erosion from chestnut forests is one of the most important factors causing land degradation in the Yanshan Mountain Region. A 2-year field study was done to compare the effects on erosion of a control plot(CP), a repaired and maintained horizontal ditch built with an engineering baffle every 6 m(MP 1),and a repaired and maintained horizontal ditch built with an engineering baffle every 8 m(MP 2). The results showed that the slope runoff of chestnut forests was influenced by rainfall characteristic factors.No single rainfall characteristic factor showed dominance for hill slope runoff. The runoff reduction effect of the partition-coordinated erosion control measures(MP 1 and MP 2) was substantial for chestnut forests under high rainfall intensity conditions. However, the runoff reduction efficiency was higher under the conditions of heavy rainfall and low average rainfall intensity than for storms with higher intensity and lower total rainfall. The reduction effect of the partition-coordinated erosion control measures on the runoff and sediment yield of chestnut forest slopes was MP 2 > MP 1 > CP. The runoff reduction rate and erosion reduction rate of MP 2 reached 61.70% and 97.41%, respectively, and that for MP 1 was 54.15% and 85.31%, respectively. Therefore, after a comprehensive comparison, MP 2 was determined to be more effective for soil erosion control for a sloping chestnut forest.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a key process in the hydrological cycle. During ecological restoration of the Loess Plateau, soil moisture status has undergone important changes, and infiltration of soil moisture during precipitation events is a key link affecting water distribution. Our study aims to quantify the effects of vegetation cover, rainfall intensity and slope length on total infiltration and the spatial variation of water flow. Infiltration data from the upper, middle and lower slopes of a bare slope, a natural grassland and an artificial shrub grassland were obtained using a simulated rainfall experiment. The angle of the study slope was 15° and rainfall intensity was set at 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 mm/hr. The effect these factors have on soil moisture infiltration was quantified using main effect analysis. Our results indicate that the average infiltration depth (ID) of a bare slope, a grassland slope and an artificial shrub grassland slope was 46.7–73.3, 60–80, and 60–93.3 cm, respectively, and average soil moisture storage increment was 3.5–5.7, 5.0–9.4, and 5.7–10.2 mm under different rainfall intensities, respectively. Heavy rainfall intensity and vegetation cover reduced the difference of soil infiltration in the 0–40 cm soil layer, and rainfall intensity increased surface infiltration differences on the bare slope, the grassland slope and the artificial shrub grassland slope. Infiltration was dominated by rainfall intensity, accounting for 63.03–88.92%. As rainfall continued, the contribution of rainfall intensity to infiltration gradually decreased, and the contribution of vegetation cover and slope length to infiltration increased. The interactive contribution was: rainfall intensity * vegetation cover > vegetation cover * slope length > rainfall * slope length. In the grass and shrub grass slopes, lateral flow was found at a depth of 23–37 cm when the slope length was 5–10 m, this being related to the difference in soil infiltration capacity between different soil layers formed by the spatial cross-connection of roots.  相似文献   

Although considerable effort has been deployed to understand the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on runoff in major basins across Africa, such studies are scarce in the Gulf of Guinea Basin (GGB). This study combines the Budyko framework and elasticity concept along with geospatial data to fill this research gap in 44 nested sub-basins in the GGB. Annual rainfall from 1982 to 2021 show significant decreasing and increasing trends in the northern and southern parts of the GGB, respectively. Annual potential evapotranspiration (PET) also shows significant increasing trends with higher magnitudes observed in the northern parts of the GGB. Changing trends in climate variables corroborates with shift to arid and wetter conditions in the north and south, respectively. From 2000 to 2020 vegetation cover estimated using enhanced vegetation index (EVI) shows significant increasing trends in all sub-basins including those experiencing a decline in annual rainfall. Vegetation composition measured using vegetation continuous fields (VCFs) from 2000 to 2020 show an increase in tree canopy cover (TC), a decline in short vegetation cover and marginal changes in bare ground cover (BG). Elasticity coefficients show that a 10% increase in annual rainfall and PET may lead to a 33% increase and 24% decline in runoff, respectively. On the other hand, a 10% increase in EVI may lead to a 4% decline in runoff while a 10% increase in TC, SV and BG may reduce runoff by 4% and increase runoff by 3% and 2%, respectively. Even though changes are marginal, decomposing vegetation into different parameters using EVI and VCFs may lead to different hydrological effects on runoff which is one of the novelties of this study that may be used for implementing nature-based solutions. The study also demonstrates that freely available geospatial data together with analytical methods are a promising approach for understanding the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on hydrology in data-scarce regions.  相似文献   

Yonghui Yang  Fei Tian   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,374(3-4):373-383
Runoff in Haihe River Catchment of China is steadily declining due to climate change and human activity. Determining abrupt changes in runoff could enhance identification of the main driving factors for the sudden changes. In this study, the sequential Mann–Kendall test analysis is used to determine abrupt changes in runoff in eight sub-catchments of Haihe River Catchment, while trend analysis via the traditional Mann–Kendall test for the period 1960–1999 is used to identify the basic trend of precipitation and runoff. The results suggest an insignificant change in precipitation and a significant decline in runoff in five of the eight sub-catchments. For most of the sub-catchments, abrupt changes in runoff occurred in 1978–1985. Through correlation comparisons for precipitation and runoff for the periods prior to and after abrupt runoff changes, human activity, rather than climatic change, is identified as the main driving factor of runoff decline. It is also noted that abrupt decline in runoff was actually at the beginning of China’s 1978–1985 land reform. Given that the land reform motivated farmers to productively manage their reallocated lands, agricultural water use therefore increased. Hence percent agricultural land is analyzed in relation to land use/cover pattern for the late 1970s and early 1980s. The analysis shows that when cultivated farmland exceeds 25% of a sub-catchment area, an abrupt decline in runoff occurs. It is therefore concluded that high percent agricultural land and related agricultural water use are the most probable driving factors of runoff decline in the catchment.  相似文献   

Biological soil crust (BSC), as a groundcover, is widely intergrown with grass. The effects of grass combined with BSCs on slope hydrology and soil erosion during rainfall are still unclear. In this study, simulated rainfall experiments were applied to a soil flume with four different slope cover treatments, namely, bare soil (CK), grass cover (GC), BSC, and GC + BSC, to observe the processes of runoff and sediment yield. Additionally, the soil moisture at different depths during infiltration was observed. The results showed that the runoff generated by rainfall for all treatments was in the following order: BSC > GC + BSC > CK > GC. Compared with CK, GC promoted infiltration, and BSC inhibited infiltration. The BSCs obviously inhibited infiltration at a depth of 8 cm. When the rainfall continued to infiltrate down to 16 and 24 cm, the effects of grass on promoting infiltration were stronger than those of BSCs on inhibiting infiltration. Compared with CK, the flow velocity of the BSC, GC and GC + BSC treatments was reduced by 62.8%, 32.3% and 68.3%, respectively. The BSCs and grass increased the critical shear stress by increasing the resistance. Additionally, the average sediment yield of GC and both treatments with BSCs was reduced by 80.8% and >99%, respectively, compared with CK. The soil erosion process was dominated by the soil detachment capacity in the CK, BSC and GC + BSC treatments, while the GC treatment showed a transport-limited process. This study provides a scientific basis for the reasonable spatial allocation of vegetation in arid and semiarid areas and the correction of vegetation cover factors in soil erosion prediction models.  相似文献   

The effects of slope, cover and surface roughness on rainfall runoff, infiltration and erosion were determined at two sites on a hillside vineyard in Napa County, California, using a portable rainfall simulator. Rainfall simulation experiments were carried out at two sites, with five replications of three slope treatments (5%, 10% and 15%) in a randomized block design at each site (0%bsol;64 m2 plots). Prior to initiation of the rainfall simulations, detailed assessments, not considered in previous vineyard studies, of soil slope, cover and surface roughness were conducted. Significant correlations (at the 95% confidence level) between the physical characteristics of slope, cover and surface roughness, with total infiltration, runoff, sediment discharge and average sediment concentration were obtained. The extent of soil cracking, a physical characteristic not directly measured, also affected analysis of the rainfall–runoff–erosion process. Average cumulative runoff and cumulative sediment discharge from site A was 87% and 242% greater, respectively, than at site B. This difference was linked to the greater cover, extent of soil cracking and bulk density at site B than at site A. The extent of soil cover was the dominant factor limiting soil loss when soil cracking was not present. Field slopes within the range of 4–16%, although a statistically significant factor affecting soil losses, had only a minor impact on the amount of soil loss. The Horton infiltration equation fit field data better than the modified Philip's equation. Owing to the variability in the ‘treatment’ parameters affecting the rainfall–runoff–erosion process, use of ANOVA methods were found to be inappropriate; multiple‐factor regression analysis was more useful for identifying significant parameters. Overall, we obtained similar values for soil erosion parameters as those obtained from vineyard erosion studies in Europe. In addition, it appears that results from the small plot studies may be adequately scaled up one to two orders of magnitude in terms of land areas considered. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Taking northern Xinjiang, China, as an example, this study first compares the standard MODIS Terra and Aqua snow cover classifications, and then compares the accuracy of the standard MODIS daily and 8‐day snow cover products with the new daily and multi‐day snow cover combination of MODIS Terra and Aqua observations using in situ measurements. Under clear sky in both products, the agreement of land classification from MODIS Terra and Aqua daily and 8‐day snow cover products is close to 100% for a entire water year. In contrast, the agreement of snow classification from MODIS Terra and Aqua is high only in the winter months, decreasing in the rest of the period. The high agreement mainly concentrates in land or snow‐dominated areas, and major disagreements take place in the transitions zones from snow to land. The disagreement (mainly snow–land) in the 8‐day products is higher than that in the daily products. In addition, both MODIS Terra and Aqua cloud masks tend to map more areas in the transition zones as cloud. Under clear sky conditions, the three daily products have similar accuracy of snow and land classification, and the 8‐day standard products and the multi‐day combination product also have similar accuracy of snow and land classification. This further suggests that the algorithm in the combination of Terra and Aqua snow cover products is valid. Moreover, in the actual weather/cloud conditions, the combination products from Terra and Aqua reduce cloud blockage and improve snow classification accuracy against either MODIS Terra or Aqua (51% against 44% and 34% for daily and 92% against 87% and 78% for 8‐day, respectively), although Terra snow product (daily or 8‐day) has slightly better accuracy than the Aqua snow product. The new combination products can provide better mapping of spatiotemporal variation of snow cover/glacier and for snow‐melting modeling. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This study investigated the impacts of changes in land cover and climate on runoff and sediment yield in a river basin in India. Land Change Modeler was used to derive the future land cover and its changes using the Sankey diagram approach. The future climatic parameters were derived from five general circulation models for two emission scenarios with representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. The land cover and climate change impacts on runoff and sediment yield were estimated using SWAT model. The results show important changes in land cover and indicate that urban and agricultural areas strongly influence the runoff and sediment yield. Among the land cover and climate change impacts, climate has more predominant (70%–95%) impact. Runoff and sediment yield are likely to decrease in both RCP scenarios in the future period. The impacts of land cover changes are more prominent on sediment yield than runoff.  相似文献   

The impacts of historical land cover changes witnessed between 1973 and 2000 on the hydrologic response of the Nyando River Basin were investigated. The land cover changes were obtained through consistent classifications of selected Landsat satellite images. Their effects on runoff peak discharges and volumes were subsequently assessed using selected hydrologic models for runoff generation and routing available within the HEC‐HMS. Physically based parameters of the models were estimated from the land cover change maps together with a digital elevation model and soil datasets of the basin. Observed storm events for the simulation were selected and their interpolated spatial distributions obtained using the univariate ordinary Kriging procedure. The simulated flows from the 14 sub‐catchments were routed downstream afterwards to obtain the accrued effects in the entire river basin. Model results obtained generally revealed significant and varying increases in the runoff peak discharges and volumes within the basin. In the upstream sub‐catchments with higher rates of deforestation, increases between 30 and 47% were observed in the peak discharge. In the entire basin, however, the flood peak discharges and volumes increased by at least 16 and 10% respectively during the entire study period. The study successfully outlined the hydrological consequences of the eminent land cover changes and hence the need for sustainable land use and catchment management strategies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化对明晰气候变化和人类活动对湖泊水环境的影响有重要作用.以北方典型农牧交错的岱海流域为研究对象,基于遥感解译技术、马尔可夫转移矩阵、综合污染指数法等方法,对2000-2018年岱海流域土地利用/覆被和湖泊水质的变化进行分析,并结合冗余分析法和计量分析模型探究长时间序列尺度下土地利用/覆被变化对湖泊水质的...  相似文献   

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