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Continuum radiation from active galactic nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be divided into two broad classes, where the emitted continuum power is dominated either by thermal emission (radio-quiet AGN), or by nonthermal emission (blazars). Emission in the 0.01–1 m range is the primary contributor to the bolometric luminosity and is probably produced through thermal emission from an accretion disk, modified by electron scattering and general relativistic effects. The 1–1000 m continuum, the second most important contributor to the power, is generally dominated by thermal emission from dust with a range of temperatures from 40 K to 1000–2000 K. The dust is probably reemitting 0.01–0.3 m continuum emission, previously absorbed in an obscuring cone (or torus) or an extended disk. The 1–10 keV X-ray emission is rapidly variable and originates in a small region. This emission may be produced through Compton scattering by hot thermal electrons surrounding an accretion disk, although the observations are far from being definitive. The weak radio emission, which is due to the nonthermal synchrotron process, is usually elongated in the shape of jets and lobes (a core may be present too), and is morphologically distinct from the radio emission of starburst galaxies.In the blazar class, the radio through ultraviolet emission is decidedly non-thermal, and apparently is produced through the synchrotron process in an inhomogeneous plasma. The plasma probably is moving outward at relativistic velocities within a jet in which the Lorentz factor of bulk motion (typically 2–6) increases outward. This is inferred from observations indicating that the opening angle becomes progressively larger from the radio to the optical to the X-ray emitting regions. Shocks propagating along the jet may be responsible for much of the flux variability. In sources where the X-ray continuum is not a continuation of the optical-ultraviolet synchrotron emission, some objects show variability consistent with Compton scattering by relativistic electron in a large region (in BL Lacertae), while other objects produce their X-ray emission in a compact region, possibly suggesting pair production.When orientation effects are included, all AGN may be decomposed into a radio-quiet AGN, a blazar, or a combination of the two. Radio-quiet AGN appear to have an obscuring cone or torus containing the broad emission line clouds and an ionizing source. Most likely, the (non-relativistic) directional effects of this obscuring region give rise to the difference between Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies or narrow and broad line radio galaxies. For different orientations of the nonthermal jet, relativistic Doppler boosting can produce BL Lacertae objects or FR I radio galaxies, or at higher jet luminosities, flat-spectrum high-polarization quasars or FR II radio galaxies.  相似文献   

New absolute proper motions of the two globular clusters NGC 4147 and NGC 6218 and a specific model of galactic mass distribution are used to integrate their orbits numerically. The resulting values of orbital parameters and their variation due to the uncertainty of the initial values are discussed. Furthermore, the deviations from the time average of the virial theorem are determined.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the region containing fast particles, electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, around active galactic nuclei is responsible for generating electromagnetic emissions from -rays to radio waves. The electrons are accelerated by Langmuir turbulence originating through the process of Raman forward scattering (RFS). The radiation mechanism is stimulated Raman backward scattering (RBS) where the fast electron beam loses energy by scattering over spatially periodic magnetic field. The spatially periodic magnetic field results from the magnetic modulational instability of the Langmuir waves. This model accounts well for the large luminosities observed in active galactic nuclei over -rays to radio waves and in addition it relates physically the emission regions at different wavelengths.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of galactic globular clusters has been studied by means of Walsh-Hadamard transforms. Consistent indications have been collected suggesting the existence, at least in a first approximation, of two disting populations of clusters — the metal poor clusters showing a spherical distribution whereas metal rich clusters are flattened along the disk.Simulated cluster-halos have been computed in order to study the dependence of observed radial velocities on the eccentricity of cluster orbits, showing that only a general high value of eccentricity seems able to reproduce the observational features.  相似文献   

The Galactic globular clusters are believed to be among the most ancient objects for which reliable ages can be determined. As the Universe can not be younger than the oldest object it contains, the oldest Galactic globular clusters provide one of the few most important constraints that one can have on cosmological models. Latest estimates indicate that the absolute age of the oldest globular clusters is 14 ± 3 Gyr. The calibration of absolute ages is still subject to observational and theoretical uncertainties at the ≈ 20% level, and represents a major limitation on our ability to test cosmological models. However, relative ages are starting to be much better known due to the super colour-magnitude diagrams that have been obtained through the use of CCD detectors on large telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope. The available data are consistent with the majority of Galactic globular clusters being virtually coeval but with a minority having significantly lower ages. The existence of “prehistoric” clusters with ages of around 50 Gyr, as hypothesised in the quasi-steady state cosmology, should be readily recognised.  相似文献   

The migration of binary systems of compact massive objects in galactic nuclei owing to encounters with globular clusters is studied. A binary moves in the field of a galactic bulge with a fixed potential. An empirical relationship between the masses of the binary and bulge of the form M b = 1000(M 1+M 2) is used, where M 1 and M 2 are the masses of the components of the binary. The amplitude of the drift of the binary components is found as a function of the initial binary orbit parameters, the size of the bulge, and the initial velocity and mass of the globular cluster. It is shown that the amplitude of the drift depends to a greater extent on the parameters of the cluster, while the magnitude of the perturbation in the binary orbit depends weakly on the bulge size and the eccentricity and major semiaxis of the binary orbit. The amplitude of the drift of the center of mass also decreases on the average as the difference between the masses of the components becomes larger.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the X-ray point source populations in 182 Chandra images of galaxy clusters at   z > 0.1  with exposure time >10 ks, as well as 44 non-cluster fields. The analysis of the number and flux of these sources, using a detailed pipeline to predict the distribution of non-cluster sources in each field, reveals an excess of X-ray point sources associated with the galaxy clusters. A sample of 148 galaxy clusters at  0.1 < z < 0.9  , with no other nearby clusters, shows an excess of 230 cluster sources in total, an average of ∼1.5 sources per cluster. The lack of optical data for these clusters limits the physical interpretation of this result, as we cannot calculate the fraction of cluster galaxies hosting X-ray sources. However, the fluxes of the excess sources indicate that over half of them are very likely to be active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the radial distribution shows that they are quite evenly distributed over the central 1 Mpc of the cluster, with almost no sources found beyond this radius. We also use this pipeline to successfully reproduce the results of previous studies, particularly the higher density of sources in the central 0.5 Mpc of a few cluster fields, but show that these conclusions are not generally valid for this larger sample of clusters. We conclude that some of these differences may be due to the sample properties, such as the size and redshift of the clusters studied, or a lack of publications for cluster fields with no excess sources. This paper also presents the basic X-ray properties of the galaxy clusters, and in subsequent papers in this series the dependence of the AGN population on these cluster properties will be evaluated.
In addition the properties of over 9500 X-ray point sources in the fields of galaxy clusters are tabulated in a separate catalogue available online or at http://www.sc.eso.org~rgilmour .  相似文献   

The spatial velocities of 24 globular clusters have been determined. Correlations among the velocities of the clusters, their positions in the Galaxy, and their metallicity indices are investigated. The mean velocity ellipsoid is determined, which proves to be nearly spherical. Clusters belonging to different groups of blue horizontal-branch stars in accordance with Mironov, Rastorguev, and Samus’ are considered separately. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 259-268, April–June, 2000.  相似文献   

Echo mapping makes use of the intrinsic variaibility of the continuum source in active galactic nuclei to map out the distribution and kinematics of line‐emitting gas from its light travel time‐delayed response to continuum changes. Echo mapping experiments have yielded sizes for the broad line‐emitting region in about three dozen AGNs. The dynamics of the line‐emitting gas seem to be dominated by the gravity of the central black hole, enabling measurement of the black‐hole masses in AGNs. We discuss requirements for future echo‐mapping experiments that will yield the high‐quality velocity–delay maps of the broad‐line region that are needed to determine its physical nature. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Binary or dual active galactic nuclei (DAGN) are expected from galaxy formation theories. However, confirmed DAGN are rare and finding these systems has proved to be challenging. Recent systematic searches for DAGN using double-peaked emission lines have yielded several new detections, as have the studies of samples of merging galaxies. In this paper, we present an updated list of DAGN compiled from published data. We also present preliminary results from our ongoing Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) radio study of eight double-peaked emission-line AGN (DPAGN). One of the sample galaxy shows an S-shaped radio jet. Using new and archival data, we have successfully fitted a precessing jet model to this radio source. We find that the jet precession could be due to a binary AGN with a super-massive black-hole (SMBH) separation of \(\sim \) 0.02 pc or a single AGN with a tilted accretion disk. We have found that another sample galaxy, which is undergoing a merger, has two radio cores with a projected separation of 5.6 kpc. We discuss the preliminary results from our radio study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the study of instabilities in flows driven by the radiation pressure of an ionizing continuum to flows that are not plane parallel. It is well known that the plane-parallel instability leads eventually to the formation of continuum-driven shocks backed by a sonic transition. If these structures are thin, we find that they are unstable to a corrugation mode, and evolve to form sharp-peaked triangular profiles. Once this has occurred, the thin-shock approximation is no longer valid.
We study the further development of the shocks by numerical hydrodynamic simulations. The flow tends to break up into numerous discrete bow-shaped components. The speed of these components through the upstream material is almost constant. As a result, the maximal velocity of radiatively driven shocks through the upstream gas may be determined by instabilities rather than by other physical effects. Interactions between gas in the wings of neighbouring bowshocks can, however, form subsequent generations of bowshocks that are faster and more acute than their predecessors.
One likely location where continuum-driven shocks may occur is in the broad-line regions of active nuclei. We discuss the application of our results to such flows.  相似文献   

We constructed a grid of relativistic models for standard high-relative-luminosity accretion α-disks around supermassive Kerr black holes (BHs) and computed X-ray spectra for their hot, effectively optically thin inner parts by taking into account general-relativity effects. They are known to be heated to high (~106–109 K) temperatures and to cool down through the Comptonization of intrinsic thermal radiation. Their spectra are power laws with an exponential cutoff at high energies; i.e., they have the same shape as those observed in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Fitting the observed X-ray spectra of AGNs with computed spectra allowed us to estimate the fundamental parameters of BHs (their mass and Kerr parameter) and accretion disks (luminosity and inclination to the line of sight) in 28 AGNs. We show that the Kerr parameter for BHs in AGNs is close to unity and that the disk inclination correlates with the Seyfert type of AGN, in accordance with the unification model of activity. The estimated BH masses Mx are compared with the masses Mrev determined by the reverberation mapping technique. For AGNs with luminosities close to the Eddington limit, these masses agree and the model under consideration may be valid for them. For low-relative-luminosity AGNs, the differences in masses increase with decreasing relative luminosity and their X-ray emission cannot be explained by this model.  相似文献   

A total of 235 active galactic nuclei (AGN) from two different soft X-ray surveys [the ROSAT Deep Survey (DRS) and the ROSAT International X-ray Optical Survey (RIXOS)] with redshifts between 0 and 3.5 are used to study the clustering of X-ray selected AGN and its evolution. A 2σ significant detection of clustering of such objects is found on scales < 40–80 h −1 Mpc in the RIXOS sample, while no clustering is detected on any scales in the DRS sample. Assuming a single power-law model for the spatial correlation function (SCF), quantitative limits on the AGN clustering have been obtained: a comoving correlation length 1.5 ≲  r 0 ≲ 3.3  h −1 Mpc is implied for comoving evolution, while 1.9 ≲  r 0 ≲ 4.8 for stable clustering and 2.2 ≲  r 0 ≲ 5.5 for linear evolution. These values are consistent with the correlation lengths and evolutions obtained for galaxy samples, but imply smaller amplitude or faster evolution than recent ultraviolet and optically selected AGN samples. We also constrain the ratio of bias parameters between X-ray selected AGN and IRAS galaxies to be ≲ 1.7 on scales ≲ 10  h −1 Mpc, a somewhat smaller value than is inferred from local large-scale dynamical studies.  相似文献   

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