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Cang  Zhengyi  Shan  Xuanlong  Yi  Jian  Yue  Qingyou  Xu  Chuan  Zou  Xintong  Ren  Xianjun  Han  Jiaoyan 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(5):3483-3502
Natural Resources Research - Fractal theory is an efficient method to characterize quantitatively tight rocks. Volcanic rocks are very promising reservoirs, and their pore structures have...  相似文献   

Cao  Huairen  Lei  Yan  Wang  Xiaoyu  Guo  Xuelian 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2021,66(3):313-331
Journal of Paleolimnology - The Songliao Basin, northeast China, possesses an excellent Cretaceous lake sediment record that provides an opportunity to investigate Cretaceous terrestrial climate...  相似文献   

Mass failure deposits in lacustrine settings are some of the most understudied facies associations in the ancient or modern rock record. We integrated seismic data and well logs to investigate the external morphology, internal architecture and deformation and reservoir distribution of the sublacustrine landslides in the Cretaceous Nengjiang Formation of the Songliao Basin (SLB). A large‐scale sublacustrine landslide, named the Qi‐Jia sublacustrine landslide (QJSL), has been identified in the Nengjiang Formation of the SLB. The QJSL is currently the largest known sublacustrine landslide in the world. This landslide covers an area that exceeds 300 km2, with an estimated volume of 30 km3. Seismic imaging and mapping reveal that the QJSL can be recognized by several distinguishing seismic characteristics: discontinuous and internal chaotic seismic facies, compressional structures in the downslope region, irregular top and basal surfaces and erosional grooves in basal shear surfaces. The QJSL is 20–200 m thick, and is composed of a succession of fine‐grained deposits. Sandy layers are present but sparse and thinner than 16 m, and form reservoirs of the petroleum discoveries in this area. Our analyses show that the mechanism that triggered the collapse of the QJSL is attributed to rapid deposition and deltaic progradation. This study demonstrates that sand‐rich sublacustrine landslides formed at delta front slope can serve as conventional reservoirs in the lake centre, and provide a new target for subaqueous hydrocarbon exploration and development.  相似文献   

A basin evolution synthesis and an integration of geological and geophysical data, relevant as guides to the exploration of gold and lead–zinc deposits in the Itajaí Basin, are presented in this paper. The Itajaí Basin is interpreted as a collision-related foreland basin consisting of weakly metamorphosed sediments deposited between the structural front of the Dom Feliciano fold and thrust belt and the proximal flank of the cratonic forebulge. Its sediments represent a second-order depositional sequence deposited during a foreland transgression–regression cycle related to flexural subsidence. After deposition, the basin underwent a main late-collisional compressional deformation phase followed by an extensional post-orogenic relaxation. Known gold and lead–zinc deposits are associated with late-orogenic faulting of the Itajaí Basin sediments. The gold-bearing quartz veins are of filonean hydrothermal affiliation, while the lead–zinc deposits were formed by solution-remobilization in a meteoric–connate–magmatic mineralizing fluid. Major trends of favourability for such deposits are recognized. The most favourable sites for lead–zinc deposits are near known mineralized areas and also along a NE-orientated fault at the margin adjacent to the Dom Feliciano metamorphic belt. The higher favourability for gold deposits is assigned to an area along the same NE trend, and also around a small known deposit near the cratonic margin.  相似文献   

Analysis of accommodation space variation during deposition of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao Basin, NE China, indicates that accommodation space changed both through time and across the basin as a seesaw movement. The mid‐upper Qingshankou Formation is divided into three units. In each unit, changes of accommodation space differ in the southern and northern part of the basin. Increasing accommodation in the southern part is accompanied by a decrease in the northern part, and vice versa. Between the northern and southern basin, there was a neutral belt that is like a fulcrum, called the transformation belt here, where the accommodation did not change to any significant degree. We call this response ‘accommodation transformation’, whose characteristics are defined by tectonic subsidence analysis, palaeontological and sedimentary analyses. The accommodation increasing belt, decreasing belt, transformation belt and accommodation transformation boundary together constitute the accommodation transformation system. The recognition of accommodation transformation in the Songliao Basin provides a new insight into sequence stratigraphy and might be widely applicable.  相似文献   

刘强吉  武胜利 《中国沙漠》2015,35(5):1128-1135
通过风资料的统计和计算,对博斯腾湖流域风沙活动强度环境特征进行了系统的研究。结果表明:博斯腾湖流域年平均风速较小,一般1.6~3.0 m·s-1;有效起沙风作用时间存在明显的区域差异,其中巴音布鲁克起沙风天数占全年总天数的55.59%,焉耆、轮台、巴音郭楞及和静分别为18.75%、12.72%、11.48%、11.23%,其余各站均低于10%;随着风速等级的增加,起沙风出现的频率相应减少,基本上都集中在6.1~10.0 m·s-1;研究区方向变率指数(合成输沙势/输沙势,RDP/DP)0.49~0.68,属于中比率,风况特征属于纯双峰风况或锐双峰风况。输沙势属于低风能环境,且存在较大的区域差异。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地雅丹形态特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红英  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2019,39(3):214-220
雅丹是沟槽和垄脊相间排列的典型风蚀地貌,雅丹研究是风沙地貌学科的薄弱环节。结合遥感影像和气象数据,对柴达木盆地雅丹地貌的分布、形态特征和发育环境进行了研究。结果表明:柴达木盆地雅丹体形态参数长(l)与宽(w)之间具有良好的正相关关系,即l=3.8685w+7.7109;雅丹地貌的形态受地形、地层性质、气候条件和外力等因素影响;柴达木盆地主风向为WNW和NW,与该区域雅丹的长轴走向吻合,说明研究区雅丹的形成主要靠风蚀作用。  相似文献   

Source rock evaluation is a critical factor in resource assessment of oil and gas. Models for evaluating source rocks are dependent on established geomathematical principles, the calculation of source-rock parameters, and geological data. The sensitivities and uncertainties associated with these models are a matter of concern. In this paper, the effects and relative contributions of 13 major geological factors, as well as their variations and distribution probabilities, have been analyzed for the source rocks in the North Songliao Basin in northeastern China. The geological factors include the time of formation of the regional caprock, composition of the regional caprock, the phases of hydrocarbons in migration, and those factors associated with the generation, retention, and expulsion of hydrocarbons and their effects on source-rock efficiency. Of the 13 factors analyzed, the most important are the source-rock depth, sedimentation rate, total organic content, and kerogen-type index; the relative contributions to the uncertainty of efficient gas/oil migration amounts for the most important factors are 37, 25, 19, and 1% for oil and 32, 17, 20, and 15% for gas, respectively. These most reflect the changes that have occurred in the Qingshankou source rocks.  相似文献   

雅丹是干旱区常见的风蚀地貌,也是风沙地貌学界关注和争论的焦点。以柴达木盆地西北部冷湖地区的典型长垄状雅丹为对象,对其出露剖面的沉积物粒度特征进行了研究。结果表明:长垄状雅丹沉积物中粉沙组分含量最高,平均为44.03%;沙粒组分含量次之,平均为35.99%;黏粒组含量最低,平均为19.98%。沉积物频率曲线既有主次峰明确的双峰分布曲线,也有主次峰不明确的双峰和单峰分布曲线;前者可能为风力搬运堆积形成的沉积物,后两种曲线宽平,沉积物分选性差,可能为湖相沉积形成。沉积粒度参数在垂直剖面呈现出一定的变化规律,但是粒度参数之间没有显著的相关关系。长垄状雅丹沉积物呈明显的软硬岩层(即沙质亚砂土与粉质黏土或沙质亚黏土与粉质亚黏土)互层的现象,这为风力的吹蚀和磨蚀作用创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

王晓艳 《中国沙漠》2019,39(4):168-176
2017年在秦岭黑河流域7个采样点进行地下水样品采集。通过综合分析、Gibbs图、Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析法得出黑河地下水化学成分的特点、水化学类型及其成因。结果表明:阳离子的主要组成成分是Ca^2+,HCO3^-是阴离子的主要组成成分,黑河流域地下水化学类型为HCO3^--Ca^2+和SO4^2--HCO3^--Ca^2+型。Gibbs图分析得出该地下水化学离子组成受岩石风化作用控制;Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析及相关分析表明,地下水化学组分主要受方解石、白云岩等碳酸盐岩矿物的风化溶解,同时伴有硫酸溶解碳酸盐岩,受硅酸盐岩的溶解控制作用较小。  相似文献   

The Chagan Depression in the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin, located at the intersection of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the Tethys Ocean domains is an important region to gain insights on terrestrial heat flow, lithospheric thermal structure and deep geodynamic processes. Here, we compute terrestrial heat flow values in the Chagan Depression using a large set of system steady-state temperature data from four representative wells and rock thermal conductivity. We also estimate the “thermal” lithospheric thickness, mantle heat flow, ratio of mantle heat flow to surface heat flow and Moho temperature to evaluate the regional tectonic framework and deep dynamics. The results show that the heat flow in the Chagan Depression ranges from 66.5 to 69.8 mW/m2, with an average value of 68.3 ± 1.2 mW/m2. The Chagan Depression is characterized by a thin “thermal” lithosphere, high mantle heat flow, and high Moho temperature, corresponding to the lithospheric thermal structure of “cold mantle and hot crust” type. We correlate the formation of the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin to the Early Cretaceous and Cenozoic subduction of the western Pacific Plate and the Cenozoic multiple extrusions. Our results provide new insights into the thermal structure and dynamics of the lithospheric evolution in central China.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地水汽含量的计算与特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨青  刘晓阳  崔彩霞  李军  刘蕊 《地理学报》2010,65(7):853-862
利用1976-2009 年塔里木盆地的和田、库车、若羌、喀什和民丰5 个探空站的实测资料计算了逐月平均水汽含量,并建立了与地面水汽压的关系式;利用这种关系式计算了盆地及周边地区28 个站水汽含量,进行了EOF分解,得出了水汽分布形式;分析了地表水汽压随高度的变化;对在盆地腹地及周边地区进行的GPS观测资料进行了水汽含量的反演,并与探空计算值进行了对比。结果表明:盆地内水汽含量有两个高值区,主要分布在盆地西部和北部的边缘地带,中心水汽含量在13~14 mm,均位于塔里木河干流、叶尔羌河流域、阿克苏河支流周围的绿洲地区。塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地是水汽的低值区中心,水汽含量仅为7~8 mm,塔中是所有站中水汽量最少的,由中心向外逐渐增加,在环塔里木盆地的西部、北部绿洲区达到最高,然后由于海拔高度的影响又逐渐减小。塔里木盆地地基GPS反演水汽数据与探空计算值存在良好的线性关系。  相似文献   

It is well known that the Hetao Basin is one of the most seriously arsenic-affected groundwater areas in China. In order to understand the characteristics of high arsenic(As) groundwater in the Basin, a brief overview of arsenic in groundwater follows. High arsenic in the Basin commonly occurs in shallow groundwater and the total arsenic concentrations range from 0.58 to 572 μg/L(average 99.73 μg/L), exceeding the maximum mandated value of 10 μg/L for drinking water in China; As(Ш) is the predominant species. The regional distribution pattern of arsenic in the groundwater increases from south/southeast to north/northwest. Hangjinhouqi and Wuyuan counties are considered as the most seriously affected areas, with high incidences of endemic arsenicosic diseases in the Hetao Basin. High groundwater arsenic correlates with the increase of well depth. Previous studies proposed that groundwater arsenic in the Basin is mainly originated from desorption of some natural solid materials in the sediments, under reducing condition. Generally, reducing condition is believed to be the primary factor for arsenic releasing from the sediment to groundwater in the region. Under inorganic or bacterial processes, Fe2O3 changes to Fe S and arsenic adsorbed to Fe(OH)3 dissolves into groundwater, and As(V) is reduced to As(Ш). Besides, reducing environments, groundwater hydraulic gradients, organic matter, p H, evapotranspiration, and soil texture are presumed to be the predominant factors that control arsenic mobilization.  相似文献   

王博  许淑婧  夏敦胜  贾佳  赵爽 《中国沙漠》2013,33(3):840-849
塔里木盆地是北半球中、高纬度粉尘的重要源区。本研究在盆地南部的民丰县设置现代粉尘采样点,于2006年1月至2007年12月逐月采集样品。研究结果表明民丰县自然粉尘的月沉降通量为49.95 g·m-2,春、夏、秋季数值接近,冬季最低。粉尘中磁性矿物含量低,晶体粒径粗,矫顽力高,赤铁矿含量低。塔里木盆地自然粉尘和黄土高原黄土的磁学性质对比分析结果显示:黄土高原黄土的初始磁化率略低于塔里木盆地的现代降尘,二者的原生强磁性矿物的晶体粒径较粗,约为5 μm。粉尘在黄土高原沉积后,随着成壤过程中的生物化学风化作用加强,大量细粒强磁性矿物生成。同时,赤铁矿含量的增加也是指示成壤作用强度的重要标志。在塔里木盆地,人为源粉尘的磁性特征主要表现在强磁性和较低的矫顽力两方面。对盆地边缘地区的城市粉尘调查结果发现:北部城市粉尘的人为源输入强度高,磁学信号强;南部城市相对较弱。这与当地的经济发展状况、人口密度具有良好对应关系。环境磁学是进行粉尘环境监测和物源示踪的有效手段。  相似文献   

P. Haughton 《Basin Research》2001,13(2):117-139
ABSTRACT The mechanisms driving subsidence in late orogenic basins are often not easily resolved on account of later fault reactivation and a rapidly changing stress field. Contained turbidites in such basins provide a unique opportunity of monitoring sea bed deformation and evolving bathymetry and hence patterns of subsidence during basin filling. A variety of interpretations have been proposed to explain subsidence in Neogene basins in SE Spain, including extensional, strike‐slip and thrust top mechanisms. Ponded turbidite sheets on the floor of the Neogene Sorbas Basin (SE Spain) were deposited by sand‐bearing currents which ran into enclosed bathymetric deeps where they underwent rapid suspension collapse. The structure and distribution of these sheets (and the thick mudstone caps which overlie them) act as a proxy for the containing sea bed bathymetry at the time of deposition. An analysis of the sheet architecture helps identify a trough‐axial zone of syndepositional faulting and reveals a westwards stepping of the ponding depocentre with time. Fault breaks at the sea bed influenced the position of flow arrest and the distribution of sandstone beds on the basin floor. Westward stepping of the deeper bathymetry was episodic and probably controlled by transverse faults. Re‐locations of the depocentre were accompanied by the destabilization of carbonate sand stores on the margins of the basin, resulting in the repeated emplacement of large‐volume carbonate megabeds and calciturbidites. The fill to the Sorbas Basin was shingled by the onset of compression in the east attributed to transfer of slip between intersecting strike‐slip fault strands. A sinistral fault (a splay of the Carboneras Fault System) propagated through the evolving basin fill from the east as the eastern part of the basin became inverted and the locus of subsidence migrated into the Tabernas area 20 km area to the west. The sedimentological analysis of the basin fill helps see through a late dextral overprint which ultimately juxtaposed basement rocks to the south against the inverted and upended basin, along a late slip‐modified unconformity. Conventional palaeostress analysis of fractures along the basin margin fails to see past this late dextral shearing event. Basin migration parallel to the E–W‐orientated basin axis, slip‐reversal (sinistral to dextral) and the active involvement of strike‐slip faults are now identified as important aspects of the evolution of the Sorbas Basin during the latestTortonian.  相似文献   

北江流域汛期降水结构变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取北江流域18雨量站1961—2017年逐日降水数据,采用降水发生率、降水贡献率指标,利用Mann-Kendall法进行变化趋势检验,分析流域汛期(3—8月)不同历时、不同等级降水结构的时空变化特征,结果表明:1)汛期降水发生率随降水历时的增加大致呈指数形式递减,其中1~4 d历时降水发生率合计69.88%;降水贡献率随降水历时的增加而先增加后减小、到≥10 d历时又显著增加。降水贡献率的空间差异主要表现为历时2~4 d与历时≥10 d在北部与东南部反向变化。2)降水发生率随降水等级的增加而减小,其中小雨发生率约占65%;西部大雨贡献率偏高;东南部暴雨贡献率偏高,其中清远、佛冈站约为39%。3)中短历时(1~6 d)降水发生率呈不显著下降趋势,而贡献率呈不显著上升趋势;长历时(≥7 d)降水发生率、贡献率均呈显著下降趋势。各等级降水变化趋势方面,小雨、中雨发生率、贡献率不显著下降,大雨、暴雨发生率、贡献率不显著上升。  相似文献   

喀斯特露石常常占据一定比例的地表面积,且具有许多已知或未知的水文—生态功能,对于喀斯特地区的植被恢复和环境改善发挥着重要的作用。本实验运用样线法和拍照法识别喀斯特断陷盆地不同位置(盆缘和盆地边坡)露石的数量特征和外部形态特征,同时比较了两种方法测量样地岩石裸露率的精准度。结果发现:盆地边坡与盆缘的露石数量和外部特征存在显著差异,盆缘露石分布密度(0.54个·m-2)>盆地边坡(0.39个·m-2);但盆地边坡露石的长宽比大于盆缘,单体占地面积为盆缘露石的两倍,接近40%的盆地边坡露石与山体等高线平行。样线法和拍照法测量样地岩石裸露率的结果存有差异,但并不显著,且这种差异呈现出随着岩石裸露率的增加而逐渐增加的趋势,拍照测量结果具有较小的变异系数。这些结果说明了研究区露石具有较强的空间异质性,对解释地表水土运移规律和植物分布提供重要参考。拍照法能准确地测量岩石裸露率,并提供露石外部形态特征的精准数据,可以作为喀斯特样地露石调查的新方法加以推广。  相似文献   

 对关中盆地东部全新世黄土-古土壤序列(YHC剖面)常量元素分析,发现:YHC剖面化学组成以SiO2、Al2O3和CaO为主,三者平均含量的总和达774.1 g·kg-1,元素含量SiO2 >Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3>MgO>Na2O>K2OTiO2; 相对黄土L1,Ca、Na、Mg在S0中相对迁移,且Ca、Na淋溶强烈,K、Fe、Al在S0中相对轻微富集; 关中平原东部风化程度弱,处于较弱的脱Ca、Na初级风化阶段(并且可能在沉积源区就已经发生),伴有碳酸盐的淋溶。CIA等揭示的YHC剖面各层的风化顺序S0>Lt>L0>TS>L1UCC,与关中西部扶风和黄土高原中部庄浪相比,关中平原东部的风化程度居中。CIA对气候的响应灵敏,揭示出早全新世风化渐强气候变暖,中全新世风化最强气候暖湿,晚全新世以来风化程度骤然减弱气候恶化,对次一级的气候事件也有反映。  相似文献   

Field studies and petrographic examinations of core samples and of the bedrock of the floor of the Qattara Depression, Egypt, indicate that salt weathering predominates in its western part in marked contrast to its eastern part. The eastern part of the depression is covered with more than 120-cm-thick, moist sands with sporadic occurrence of halite and gypsum due to the low salinity of the groundwater table. At the western part of the depression, the strongly saline, sodium chloride nature of the groundwater table favors crystallization of halite (and sometimes gypsum) at or near the surface of the outcropping bedrock of the Moghra clastics and/or Dabaa shale. Crystallization of halite and/or gypsum generates increased pressure that leads to mechanical disintegration of the bedrock into fine-grained debris. Features related to disintegration include blistering of the rock surface, splitting, spalling and/or granular disintegration.Alternation of dry and wet cycles favor halite crystallization, mechanical disintegration of the outcropping bedrock and dissolution of the halite cement, which exposes fine-grained debris to wind deflation. Removal of the debris from the floor of the depression leads to the accumulation of lunettes and other dunes in the downwind direction.Therefore, salt weathering provides fine-grained debris that are easily removed by deflation, which accounts for the topographically lower level of the western part of the depression (134 m below sea level (b.s.l.)). In contrast, the presence of moist sediments at the eastern part of the depression inhibits deflation and encourages sedimentation by adhesion of wind-blown sand to the damp surface of the sabkha at an elevation of 45 m below sea level.The disintegration of the bedrock of the Qattara Depression by salt weathering has been in effect since the onset of aridity in northern Egypt in Quaternary time. Whereas the initial excavation of the depression started in Late Miocene or Pliocene time by fluvial erosion, karstic process, mass-wasting and wind deflation.  相似文献   

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