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<正>The ultramafic massif of Bulqiza,which belongs to the eastern ophiolitic belt of Albania,is a major source of metallurgical chromitite ore.The massif consists of a thick(4 km)sequence,composed from the base upward of tectonized harzburgite with minor dunite,a transitional zone of dunite,and a magmatic sequence of wehrlite,  相似文献   

The Bulqiza ultramafic massif, which is part of the eastern Mirdita ophiolite of northern Albania, is world renowned for its high-Cr chromitite deposits. High-Cr chromitites hosted in the mantle section are the crystallized products of boninitic melts in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ). However, economically important high-Al chromitites are also present in massive dunite of the mantle-crust transition zone (MTZ). Chromian-spinel in the high-Al chromitites and dunites of the MTZ have much lower Cr# values (100Cr/(Cr+Al)) (47.7–55.1 and 46.5–51.7, respectively) than those in the high-Cr chromitites (78.2–80.4), harzburgites (72.6–77.9) and mantle dunites (79.4–84.3). The chemical differences in these two types of chromitites are reflected in the behaviors of their platinum-group elements (PGE). The high-Cr chromitites are rich in IPGE relative to PPGE with 0.10–0.45 PPGE/IPGE ratios, whereas the high-Al chromitites have relatively higher PPGE/IPGE ratios between 1.20 and 7.80. The calculated melts in equilibrium with the high-Cr chromitites are boninitic-like, and those associated with the high-Al chromitites are MORB-like but with hydrous, oxidized and TiO2-poor features. We propose that the coexistence of both types of chromitites in the Bulqiza ultramafic massif may indicates a change in magma composition from MORB-like to boninitic-like in a proto-forearc setting during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

<正>The ultramafic massif of Bulqiza,which belongs to the eastern ophiolitic belt of Albania,is the most important area for metallurgical chromitite ores.The massif consists of a thick(4 km)rock sequence,with a generalized profile from the bottom to the top as follows.The tectonite  相似文献   

The Bulqiza ultmafic massif, which belongs to the eastern Mirdita ophiolite of northern Albania, is world renowned for its high‐Cr chromite resource. The high‐Cr chromitites commonly host in the mantle section, while high‐Al chromitites also present in massive dunite of the mantle‐crust transition zone (MTZ) in this massif. Chromian‐spinel in the MTZ high‐Al chromitites and MTZ dunites have much lower Cr# values [Cr/(Cr+Al)×100] (47.7–55.1 and 46.5–51.7, respectively) than those of chromian‐spinel in the high‐Cr chromitites (78.2–80.4), harzburgites (72.6–77.9) and mantle dunites (79.4–84.3). The high‐Cr chromitites are rich in IPGE relative to PPGE with 0.10–0.45 PPGE/IPGE ratios, whereas the high‐Al chromitites have higher PPGE/IPGE ratios between 1.20 and 7.80. The partial melting degrees of parental magmas for the high‐Cr chromitites are beyond the critical interval (> 25%) and thus prevented sulfide saturation and diluted Pt and Pd in melts, producing high‐Cr chromitites barren of Pt and Pd. However, the degrees for the high‐Al chromitites just enter the critical interval (20–25%) for the effective extraction of PGE from mantle sulfides, which may account for the enrichments of PPGE in high‐Al chromitites. The parental melts of the high‐Cr chromitites have Al2O3 and TiO2 contents of ~10.6–11.4 wt.% and 0.14–0.31 wt.%, whereas the calculated Al2O3 and TiO2 for the high‐Al chromitites are ~14.9–15.9 wt.% and 0.07–0.61 wt.%, respectively. The calculated melts in equilibrium with the high‐Cr chromitites are boninitic‐like, and those with high‐Al chromitites are MORB‐like but with hydrous, oxidized and TiO2‐poor affinities. To make a compromise between the inconsistence above, we proposed that coexistence of both types of chromitites in the Bulqiza ultramafic massif may reflect that their magma compositions transited from MORB‐like to boninitic‐like in a proto‐forearc setting during subduction initiation. Key words: Chromian‐spinel, Platinum‐group elements, high‐Cr and high‐Al chromitite, Mirdita ophiolite, Albania.  相似文献   

豆荚状铬铁矿是蛇绿岩中特有的一类矿产,按其化学成分可分为高Cr型和高Al型两种。其中的PGE主要以RuS2和Os、Ir、Ru合金等包体形式存在,或以类质同像形式进入铬铁矿晶格。两种类型的铬铁矿均表现出负倾斜型PGE配分模式,其Pt、Pd含量相近;与高Al型铬铁矿相比,高Cr型铬铁矿有更高的Os、Ir、Ru含量,部分豆荚状铬铁矿表现出Pt、Pd相对富集的平坦到正倾斜型PGE配分模式。目前对豆荚状铬铁矿PGE含量及配分模式还缺少一个统一的解释,但其PGE地球化学可为豆荚状铬铁矿的成因及构造背景解释提供更多的信息。  相似文献   

正The ultramafic massif of Bulqiza,which belongs to the eastern ophiolitic belt of Albania,is the most important area for metallurgical chromitite ores.The massif consists of a thick(4 km)rock sequence,with a generalized  相似文献   

阿尔巴尼亚布尔其泽纯橄岩壳非常新鲜,主要由橄榄石、尖晶石和单斜辉石等矿物组成.其中橄榄石存在单斜辉石和铬尖晶石(磁铁矿)共生包裹体现象,包裹体矿物粒度在1~10 μm,有些甚至为纳米级200~500 nm.纯橄岩橄榄石的Fo值为94.7~96.0,铬尖晶石的Cr#为76.5~82.4,远高于蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中常见纯橄岩的铬值(Cr#>60).基于前人研究结果,提出这种现象是由于亏损方辉橄榄岩与含钛、铬、铁熔体发生交代作用,从而形成橄榄石的固溶体并存在Ti4+、Al3+、Ca2+、Fe3+,而部分Cr3+进入铬尖晶石结晶.后期由于岩体在抬升过程中降温,橄榄石中混溶的组分析出包裹体形成磁铁矿和铬尖晶石.并且依据铬尖晶石-橄榄石的矿物化学成分,识别出岩体内方辉橄榄岩相对较低的部分熔融程度约为30%~40%,纯橄岩部分熔融程度约为40%,表明不同岩相间其形成背景存在明显差异.因此,认为布尔奇泽蛇绿岩具有多阶段的过程,首先是在洋中脊环境下经历部分熔融作用形成了方辉橄榄岩,后受到俯冲环境(SSZ)的岩石-熔体反应生成更富Mg、Si和Cr等的熔体,致使地幔橄榄岩高度部分熔融,形成此类纯橄岩.   相似文献   

豆荚状铬铁矿是关键金属铬的重要来源之一,尽管豆荚状铬铁矿的研究取得了诸多进展,但对于发育于蛇绿岩壳-幔过渡带的铬铁矿成因却涉及较少。阿尔巴尼亚布尔齐泽岩体壳-幔过渡带中产出的Cerruja豆荚状铬铁矿矿床,其矿体及纯橄岩围岩普遍被辉石岩脉穿切,辉石岩脉与矿体接触带以及辉石岩脉中的铬尖晶石强烈破碎,在铬尖晶石的裂隙和包裹体中发育大量富Ti矿物相,如金红石、钛铁矿和榍石等,是研究壳-幔过渡带铬铁矿成因的理想对象。Cerruja豆荚状铬铁矿及纯橄岩围岩中铬尖晶石Cr#分别为0.56~0.58和0.52~0.55,属于高铝型铬铁矿。接触带及辉石岩脉中的铬尖晶石Cr#明显升高(分别为0.57~0.67和0.72~0.83),且Ti、V、Mn、Sc、Co、Zn和Ga含量也升高。本文依据铬尖晶石的结构及矿物化学成分变化特征,提出布尔齐泽壳-幔过渡带铬铁矿经历多阶段演化叠加:首先,Mirdita-Pindos洋盆在侏罗纪(约165 Ma)发生洋内初始俯冲,软流圈物质上涌生成的MORB-like弧前玄武质熔体随着俯冲的进行逐渐向玻安质熔体演变,期间产生的过渡型熔体与地幔橄榄岩反应生成高铝型铬铁矿;然后,部分MORB-like弧前玄武质熔体随着堆晶间隙分离结晶往富Fe和Ti的方向演化,改造早期形成的高铝型铬铁矿并结晶高铬型铬铁矿,同时生成金红石、钛铁矿和榍石等富Ti矿物相。  相似文献   

The East Sulawesi Ophiolite (ESO) is tectonically dismembered and widely distributed in Central and East Sulawesi. It comprises, from base to top, residual mantle peridotite and mafic–ultramafic cumulate through layered to isotropic gabbro, to sheeted dolerites and basaltic volcanic rocks. Residual peridotite is dominantly spinel lherzolite intercalated with harzburgite and dunite. Ultramafic rocks from different locations display significant differences in rock composition and mineral. However, the clinopyroxene of peridotite displays REE pattern similarities with those of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) origin, rather than those of suprasubduction zone (SSZ) origin. The gabbroic unit consists of massive gabbro, layered gabbro, mafic and ultramafic cumulate and anorthosite. The observed crystallization sequence of gabbroic unit, which is olivine→(spinel)→plagioclase→clinopyroxene→(orthopyroxene)→(hornblende), and the mineral chemistry data indicate that the ESO gabbro has similarities with MOR setting.Major and trace element geochemistry of basalt and dolerite suggests MOR, oceanic plateau and minor SSZ origins. A possible oceanic plateau origin is supported by the following: (i) the 15-km thickness is comparable with the thickness of oceanic plateau rather than normal oceanic lithosphere; (ii) there are no or only minor olivine phenocrysts in the basalt; and (iii) predominance of aphyric texture in the basalts. The REE pattern of ESO basalt exhibits N-MORB-like signatures. However, a negative Nb anomaly in the trace element spider diagram may be attributed to mantle heterogeneity of an OPB source.The geochemical variations and disparities for both peridotite and basalt and the noncogenetic relationship between crust and mantle sections in several locations suggest that the ESO may have been formed at one tectonic setting and was later overprinted by magmatism in different environments through its birth to emplacement. A possible Cretaceous origin of an oceanic plateau component of the ESO is indicated on the basis of calculated paleopositions using plate trajectory analyses together with previously published paleolatitude data. The ESO can be traced back to the proximity of the presently active region of the SW Pacific Superplume.  相似文献   

In recent years diamonds and other unusual minerals(carbides,nitrides,metal alloys and native elements) have been recovered from mantle peridotites and chromitites(both high-Cr chromitites and high-Al chromitites) from a number of ophiolites of different ages and tectonic settings.Here we report a similar assemblage of minerals from the Skenderbeu massif of the Mirdita zone ophiolite,west Albania.So far,more than 20 grains of microdiamonds and 30 grains of moissanites(SiC) have been separated from the podiform chromitite.The diamonds are mostly light yellow,transparent,euhedral crystals,200~300 μm across,with a range of morphologies;some are octahedral and cuboctahedron and others are elongate and irregular.Secondary electron images show that some grains have well-developed striatums.All the diamond grains have been analyzed and yielded typical Raman spectra with a shift at ~1325 cm~(-1).The moissanite grains recovered from the Skenderbeu chromitites are mainly light blue to dark blue,but some are yellow to light yeUow.All the analyzed grains have typical Raman spectra with shifts at 766 cm~(-1),787 cm~(-1),and 967 cm~(-1).The energy spectrums of the moissanites confirm that the grains are composed entirely of silicon and carbon.This investigation expands the occurrence of diamonds and moissanites to Mesozoic ophiolites in the Neo-Tethys.Our new findings suggest that diamonds and moissanites are present,and probably ubiquitous in the oceanic mantle and can provide new perspectives and avenues for research on the origin of ophiolites and podiform chromitites.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Mirdita Ophiolite in northern Albania is part of an ophiolite belt occurring between the Apulian and Pelagonian subcontinents in the Balkan Peninsula. The upper mantle and crustal units of the Mirdita Ophiolite show major changes in thickness, rock types, and chemical compositions from west to east as a result of its complex evolution in a suprasubduction zone (SSZ) environment. The  3–4-km-thick Western Mirdita Ophiolite (WMO) includes lherzolite–harzburgite, plagioclase–lherzolite, plagioclase–dunite in its upper mantle units and a plutonic complex composed of olivine gabbro, troctolite, ferrogabbro, and gabbro. These peridotites and gabbroic rocks are overlain directly by a  600-m-thick extrusive sequence containing basaltic pillow lavas and hyaloclastites. Sheeted dikes are rare in the WMO. The  12-km-thick Eastern Mirdita Ophiolite (EMO) includes tectonized harzburgite and dunite with extensive chromite deposits, as well as ultramafic cumulates including olivine clinopyroxenite, wehrlite, olivine websterite, and dunite forming a transitional Moho with the overlying lower crustal section. The plutonic rocks are made of pyroxenite, gabbronorite, gabbro, amphibole gabbro, diorite, quartz diorite, and plagiogranite. A well-developed sheeted dike complex has mutually intrusive relations with the underlying isotropic gabbros and plagiogranites and feeds into the overlying pillow lavas. Dike compositions change from older basalt to basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, quartz diorite, to late-stage andesitic and boninitic dikes as constrained by crosscutting relations. The  1.1-km-thick extrusive sequence comprises basaltic and basaltic andesitic pillow lavas in the lower 700 m, and andesitic, dacitic and rhyodacitic massive sheet flows in the upper 400 m. Rare boninitic dikes and lavas occur as the youngest igneous products within the EMO. The basaltic and basaltic andesitic rocks of the WMO extrusive sequence display MORB affinities with Ti and Zr contents decreasing upsection (TiO2 = 3.5–0.5%, Zr = 300–50 ppm), while Nd(T) (+ 8 to + 6.5) varies little. These magmas were derived from partial melting of fertile MORB-type mantle. Fractional crystallization was important in the evolution of WMO magmas. The low Ti and HREE abundances and Cs and Ba enrichments in the uppermost basaltic andesites may indicate an increased subduction influence in the evolution of the late-stage WMO magmas. Basaltic andesites in the lower 700 m of the EMO volcanic sequence have lower TiO2 ( 0.5%) and Zr ( 50 ppm) contents but Nd(T) values (+ 7 to + 6.5) are similar to those of the WMO lavas. These rocks show variable enrichment in subduction-enriched incompatible elements (Cs, Ba, Th, U, LREE). The basaltic andesites through dacites and boninites within the upper 400 meters of EMO lavas show low TiO2 ( 0.8–0.3%) and Nd(T) (+ 6.5 to + 3.0). The mantle source of these rocks was variably enriched in Th by melts derived from subducted sediments as indicated by the large variations in Ba, K, and Pb contents. EMO boninitic dikes and lavas and some gabbroic intrusions with negative Nd (T) values (− 1.4 and − 4.0, respectively) suggest that these magmas were produced from partial melting of previously depleted, ultra-refractory mantle. The MORB to SSZ transition (from west to east and stratigraphically upwards in the Mirdita Ophiolite and the progression of the Nd(T) values from + 8.0 to − 4.0 towards the east resulted from an eastward shift in protoarc–forearc magmatism, keeping pace with slab rollback in this direction. The mantle flow above the retreating slab and in the arc-wedge corner played a major role in the evolution of the melting column, in which melt generation, aggregation/mixing and differentiation occurred at all levels of the sub-arc/forearc mantle. The SSZ Mirdita Ophiolite evolved during the intra-oceanic collapse and closure of the Pindos marginal basin, which had a protracted tectonic history involving seafloor spreading, protoarc rifting, and trench-continent collision.  相似文献   

The Golyamo Kamenyane serpentinite is a portion of a metaophiolite, located in the Upper High-Grade Unit of the metamorphic basement of the Eastern Rhodope Metamorphic Complex, SE Bulgaria. It consists of metaharzburgite and metadunite hosting layers of metagabbro and some chromitite bodies. All these lithologies were affected by ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism and subsequent retrograde evolution during exhumation. Chromite from chromitites can be classified into four textural groups: (1) partly altered chromite, (2) porous chromite, (3) homogeneous chromite and (4) zoned chromite. Partly altered chromite shows unaltered, Al-rich cores with unit cell size of 8.255 Å and Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio] = 0.52–0.60, Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) atomic ratio] = 0.65–0.70 and Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) = 0.20–0.30, surrounded by porous chromite, with a cell size of 8.325 Å, Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) < 0.20 and values of Cr# and Mg# evolving from 0.60 to 0.91 and 0.65–0.44, respectively, from core to rim. The chemical composition of porous chromite varies within the following ranges: Cr# = 0.93–0.96, Mg# = 0.48–0.35 and Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) = 0.22–0.53. Its unit cell size is very constant (8.350 Å). Most pores in porous and partly altered chromite are filled with chlorite, which also occurs between chromite grains. Homogeneous chromite has Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) = 0.55–0.66, Cr# = 0.96–0.99, Mg# = 0.32–0.19 and a cell size of 8.385 Å. The cores of zoned chromite are similar to those of partially altered chromite, but the rims are identical to homogeneous chromite. Although chlorite predominates in the silicate matrix of homogeneous and zoned chromite, it coexists with some antigorite, talc and magnesiohornblende. Mineral data and thermodynamic modeling allow interpretation of the alteration patterns of chromite as the consequence of a two-stage process developed during retrograde metamorphic evolution coeval with fluid infiltration. During the first stage, chromite reacts in the presence of fluid with olivine to produce chlorite and Cr- and Fe2+-rich residual chromite (ferrous chromite) at ~700 to ~450 °C. This dissolution–precipitation reaction involves continuous chromite mass loss resulting in the development of a porous texture. This stage takes place progressively on cooling under water-saturated and reducing conditions. The second stage mainly consists of the formation of homogeneous chromite with ferrian chromite composition by the addition of magnetite to the porous ferrous chromite during a late oxidizing hydrothermal event.  相似文献   

On the basis of their mineral chemistry, podiform chromitites are divided into high-Al (Cr# = 20–60) (Cr# = 100 1 Cr/(Cr + Al)) and high-Cr (Cr# = 60–80) varieties. Typically, only one type occurs in a given peridotite massif, although some ophiolites contain several massifs that can have different chromitite compositions. We report here the occurrence of both high-Cr and high-Al chromitite in a single massif in China, the Dongbo mafic-ultramafic body in the western Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone of Tibet. This massif consists mainly of mantle peridotites, with lesser pyroxenite and gabbro. The mantle peridotites are mainly composed of harzburgites and minor lherzolites; a few dike-like bodies of dunite are also present. Seven small, lenticular bodies of chromitite ores have been found in the harzburgites, with ore textures ranging from massive through disseminated to sparsely disseminated; no nodular ore has been observed. Individual chromitite pods are 1–3 m long, 0.2–2 m wide and strike NW, parallel to the main trend of the peridotites. Chromitite pods 3, 4, and 5 consist of high-Al chromitite (Cr# = 12–47), whereas pods 1 and 2 are high-Cr varieties (Cr# = 73 to 77). In addition to chromian spinel, all of the pods contain minor olivine, amphibole and serpentine. Mineral structures show that the peridotites experienced plastic deformation and partial melting. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Dongbo peridotites suggest that they formed originally at a mid-ocean ridge (MOR), and were later modified by suprasubduction zone (SSZ) melts/fluids. We interpret the high-Al chromitites as the products of early mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) or arc tholeiite magmas, whereas the high-Cr varieties are thought to have been generated by later SSZ melts.  相似文献   

Several Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian?-Tithonian) to Early Cretaceous (Late Berriasian-Valanginian) shallow-water carbonate clasts of different facies are contained in mass-flow deposits in a pelagic sequence in the Kurbnesh area of central Albania. These clasts are used to reconstruct shallow-water carbonate platforms, which formed on top of the radiolaritic-ophiolitic wildflysch (ophiolitic mélange) of the Mirdita Zone. Stratigraphic interpretation of the platform carbonates was compiled on basis of calcareous algae, benthic foraminifera, and calpionellids. From biostratigraphic data and microfacies analysis, the Neocomian clasts can be directly correlated with autochthonous platform carbonates of the western part of the Munella carbonate platform, which at least reaches up to the Late Aptian. A Late Jurassic precursor platform (Kurbnesh carbonate platform; nomen novum) was completely eroded until the Valanginian and is only documented by the clasts described here. It was deposited on top of the Mirdita Ophiolite Zone nappe stack, which formed during the Middle to Late Jurassic Kimmeridian orogeny. Thrusting and imbrications as well as the formation of the syntectonic wildflysch (mélange) therefore occurred much earlier than previously assumed. Our results constrain the Kimmeridian orogeny, which was controlled by the closure of the Neotethys Ocean, and show excellent correlation with the Eastalpine-Dinaric- Hellenic orogenic system.  相似文献   

Petrology,geochemistry and genesis of Kuiqi granite batholith   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuiqi granite batholith outcrops in the vicinity of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province and constitutes one of the typical alkali granitic complexes in the “Belt of Miarolitic Granites” extending along the southeast coast of China. The complex is believed to have been emplaced at higher levels of the crust in a tensional fault environment. Petrographically it is composed mainly of aegirine-arfvedsonite granites with early biotite granites scattered. Miarolitic structure and granophyric texture are commonly observed. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the complex is 107.65 m.y. Both petrological and petrochemical studies show that the Kuiqi granite is of A-type. Data on chemical composition, REE pattern and transition elements reveal that there is a close genetic connection between granites and associated volcanic rocks. Thus, syntexistype (I-type) granite, A-type granite and volcanic rocks form a cogenetic “trinity”, in which the A-type granite is usually the latest member of the volcanic-intrusive series.  相似文献   

Rodrigues Island is composed of a differentiated series of transitional-mildly alkaline olivine basalts. The lavas contain phenocrysts of olivine (Fo88–68)±plagioclase (An73–50), together with a megacryst suite involving olivine, plagioclase, kaersutite, clinopyroxene, apatite, magnetite and hercynite-rich spinels. Troctolitic-anorthositic gabbro xenoliths are widely dispersed throughout the lavas and are probably derived from the upper parts of an underlying layered complex: the megacrysts may originate from coarse, easily disaggregated differentiates near the top of this body.Modelling of major and trace element data suggests that the majority of chemical variation in the lavas results from up to 45% fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and magnetite at low pressures, in the ratio 2035396. The clinopyroxene-rich nature of this extract assemblage is significantly different to that of the xenoliths, and suggests that clinopyroxene-rich gabbros and/or ultrabasic rocks may lie at greater depth.Sr and Nd isotopic data (87Sr/86Sr 0.70357–070406,143Nd/144Nd 0.51283–0.51289) indicate a mantle source with relative LREE depletion, and emphasise an unusual degree of uniformity in Indian Ocean island sources. A small group of lavas with strong HREE enrichment suggest a garnet-poor source for these, while high overall Al2O3/ CaO ratios imply high clinopyroxene/garnet ratios in refractory residua.  相似文献   

The basement rocks of Abu Marawat area comprise serpentinites (oldest), metavolcanics and their equivalent pyroclastics, intrusive metagabbro–diorite complex, synkinematic granitoids, Hammamat sediments and basic intrusion (youngest). Remote sensing ETM+ data of Abu Marawat area were analyzed, and band ratios technique was applied to discriminate between different varieties of these basement rocks. Serpentinites are represented by lensoidal bodies tectonically incorporated in the metavolcanics. On band ratio 5/7 image, they are characterized by very bright image signature. The metavolcanics comprise basalts, andesite and subordinate dacites together with their equivalent pyroclastics. They were regionally metamorphosed up to the greenschist facies and exhibit dark grey image signatures on band ratio 5/7 image. The metagabbro–diorite complex is made up of metagabbros, diorites and quartz diorites, whereas the synkinematic granitoids are formed of tonalites and granodiorites. The band ratio 5/7 image illustrates tonalites with dark image signature, whereas metagabbro–diorites and granodiorites exhibit grey image signature. The metavolcanic suites are of island arc setting, where metabasalts are of tholeiitic affinity, while the meta-andesites and metadacites are of calc-alkaline character. The metagabbroic and granitoid rocks are of I-type, calc-alkaline affinity and were formed in arc tectonic setting. They are enriched in LIL elements and depleted in Nb and HFS elements, a characteristic feature of subduction-related magmatism. The regular variation trends among the major and trace elements as well as the coincidence of the plotted samples favor the assumption that they are comagmatic and formed by processes such as fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

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