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Re–Os dating of disseminated ore from the Kalatongke Cu–Ni sulfide mineral deposit, Xinjiang, Northwest (NW) China, yields an apparent isochron age of 433 ± 31 Ma with an apparent initial 187Os/188Os (433 Ma) ratio of 0.197 ± 0.027. This apparent age is older than not only the zircon U–Pb age of the host intrusion (287 ± 5 Ma, Han et al., 2004) but also the stratigraphic age of the intruded country rock. Thus, the regression line is a pseudo-isochron. However, previous Re–Os dating of massive ores of the same deposit yielded an age that is consistent, within analytical uncertainty, with the zircon U–Pb age (Zhang et al., 2008). This relationship is similar to that observed in the Jinchuan deposit, NW China. Therefore, we suggested that the same mechanism, post-segregation diffusion of Os (Yang et al., 2008), is applicable to the Kalatongke deposit.Re–Os isotopic studies of Kalatongke, Jinchuan and representative magmatic Cu–Ni sulfide deposits suggest that the massive ores of mafic–ultramafic-rock-associated Cu–Ni sulfide deposits would yield geologically meaningful Re–Os age, whereas a pseudo-isochron would be obtained for the disseminated ores. Therefore, to obtain a geologically meaningful Re–Os age, the type of the deposit, the type of the ore and the ore-forming process should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The Kalatongke (also spelt as Karatungk) Ni–Cu–(platinum-group element, PGE) sulfide deposit, containing 33 Mt sulfide ore with a grade of 0.8 wt.% Ni and 1.3 wt.% Cu, is located in the Eastern Junggar terrane, Northern Xinjiang, NW China. The largest sulfide ore body, which occupies more than 50 vol.% of the intrusion Y1, is dominantly comprised of disseminated sulfide with a massive sulfide inner zone. Economic disseminated sulfides also occur at the base of the intrusions Y2 and Y3. The main host rock types are norite in the lower part and diorite in the upper part of each intrusion. Enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and depletion in heavy rare earth elements relative to mid-ocean ridge basalt indicate that the mafic intrusions were produced from magmas derived from a metasomatized garnet lherzolite mantle. The average grades of the disseminated ores are 0.6 wt.% Ni and 1.1 wt.% Cu, whereas those of the massive ores are 2 wt.% Ni and 8 wt.% Cu. The PGE contents of the disseminated ores (14–69 ppb Pt and 78–162 ppb Pd) are lower than those of the massive ores (120–505 ppb Pt and 30–827 ppb Pd). However, on the basis of 100% sulfide, PGE contents of the massive sulfides are lower than those of the disseminated sulfides. Very high Cu/Pd ratios (>4.5 × 104) indicate that the Kalatongke sulfides segregated from PGE-depleted magma produced by prior sulfide saturation and separation. A negative correlation between the Cu/Pd ratio and the Pd content in 100% sulfide indicates that the PGE content of the sulfide is controlled by both the PGE concentrations in the parental silicate magma and the ratio of the amount of silicate to sulfide magma. The negative correlations between Ir and Pd indicate that the massive sulfides experienced fractionation.  相似文献   

Magmatic PGE and Ni–Cu deposits form in contrasting geologic environments and periods. PGE deposits predominantly occur in large layered intrusions emplaced during the late Archean and early Proterozoic into stabilized, relatively S-poor cratonic lithosphere that provides enhanced preservation potential. The magmas ascend through intracratonic sutures where extension and rifting is limited. Crystallization under conditions of low regional stress, with limited magma-induced sagging due to underlying thick buoyant sub-continental mantle lithosphere, is consistent with their laterally continuous layering. Most of the global resources occur in three large intrusions: Bushveld, Great Dyke and Stillwater. Due to the large size (tens of kilometres) and limited complexity of the deposits, they are relatively easy to locate and delineate. As a result, the search space is relatively mature and few new discoveries have been made in the last few decades. The parental magmas to the intrusions are predominantly derived from the convecting mantle but, in addition, the involvement of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle is suggested by the relative Pt enrichment of most of the major deposits. In contrast to the PGE deposits, Ni–Cu deposits form throughout geologic time, but with the largest deposits being younger than ca. 2 Ga. The sulfide ores are concentrated under highly dynamic conditions within lava channels and magma conduits. The deposits are preferentially located near craton margins towards which mantle plumes have been channelled and where mantle magmas can readily ascend through abundant trans-lithospheric structures. Magma flow is focused and locally enhanced by shifting compressive–extensional tectonic regimes, and abundant S-rich crustal rocks provide an external S source that is required for the majority of deposits. The igneous bodies hosting the deposits tend to be irregular and small, tens to hundreds of metres in width and height, and are difficult to locate. As a result, the search space remains relatively immature. Understanding their tectonic setting helps reduce the prospective search space for world-class examples.  相似文献   

Large Au-sulfide deposits (GSDs) of disseminated ores occur worldwide in metallogenic provinces of various ages (from Precambrian to Pliocene). The studies performed showed that the great genetic diversity of GSD is determined by the similar oregenesis conditions that appear in different tectono-metallogenic settings (TMSs). A GSD is included in a certain TMS by the respective changes in the mineral and geochemical assemblages of ores. However, in the majority of cases, the GSDs of different TMSs are convergent (quasi-identical) in the texture, structure, and mineral composition of ores. All types of the above TMSs are found in Russia, which allows forecasting the discovery of new GSDs in each setting.  相似文献   

We studied a number of magmatic Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposits in two distinct belts in eastern Botswana. The Tati belt contains several relatively small deposits (up to 4.5 Mt of ore at 2.05% Ni and 0.85% Cu) at Phoenix, Selkirk and Tekwane. The deposits are hosted by ca 2.7 Ga, low- to medium-grade metamorphosed gabbroic–troctolitic intrusions situated within or at the periphery of a greenstone belt. The deposits of the Selebi-Phikwe belt are larger in size (up to 31 Mt of ore grade). They are hosted by high-grade metamorphosed gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites believed to be older than ca 2.0 Ga that intruded gneisses of the Central Zone of the Limpopo metamorphic belt. The composition of the sulfide mineralisation in the two belts shows systematic variation. Most of the mineralisation in the Tati belt contains 2–9% Ni and 0.05–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.7), whereas most of the mineralisation in the Selebi-Phikwe belt contains 1–3% Ni and 0.1–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.9). The Cu–Ni tenors of the ores in both belts are consistent with crystallization from a basaltic magma. The Tati ores contain mostly >3 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 100–1,000, indicative of a differentiated basaltic magma that remained S-undersaturated before emplacement. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe ores have <0.5 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd < 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 10–500. This suggests a relatively less differentiated magma that reached S saturation before emplacement. The Tati rocks show flat mantle-normalised incompatible trace element patterns (average Th/YbN = 1.57), except for strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, K). Such patterns are characteristic of relatively uncontaminated oceanic arc magmas and suggest that the Tati intrusions were emplaced in a destructive plate margin setting. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe rocks (notably Dikoloti) have more fractionated trace element signatures (average Th/YbN = 4.22), possibly indicating digestion of upper crustal material during magma emplacement. However, as there are also samples that have oceanic arc-like signatures, an alternative possibility is that the composition of most Selebi-Phikwe rocks reflects tectonic mingling of the intrusive rocks with the country rocks. The implication is that orogenic belts may have a higher prospectivity for magmatic Ni–Cu ores than presently recognised. The trigger mechanism for sulfide saturation and segregation in all intrusions remains unclear. Whereas the host rocks to the intrusions appear to be relatively sulfur poor, addition of crustal S to the magmas is suggested by low Se/S ratios in some of the ores (notably at Selebi-Phikwe). External S sources may thus remain unidentified due to poor exposure and/or S mobility in response to metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits in the Yangliuping area, SW China, are hosted in mafic–ultramafic sills. The four mineralized sills are located in the Yangliuping tectonic dome and intrude Devonian carbonaceous marble, graphitic schist. The sills are 200–300 m thick and 1,000–2,000 m in strike length and now consist chiefly of serpentinite, talc schist, tremolite schist, and meta-gabbro. Disseminated Ni–Cu sulfide mineralisation occurs in the serpentinite in the lower parts of the sills. Massive sulfide mineralisation is located in the base of the sills and in the footwall along fractures beneath the mineralized serpentinite. Although the sulfide ores have been modified by hydrothermal activity, there are relict cumulate textures in the disseminated sulfides indicating a magmatic origin for the ores. The Yangliuping Intrusions and the Dashibao Formation have similar primitive-mantle normalized trace element and platinum group element (PGE) patterns, indicating that they are derived from a common parental magma type. The positive correlation between Cu concentrations and Cu/Zr ratios of the Dashibao Formation basalts indicates that the chalcophile elements were removed before eruption. We propose that fractional crystallization of the Yangliuping magma accompanied by the introduction of S and CO2 from the wall rocks caused the magma to become S-saturated leading to the segregation of magmatic sulfides that became enriched in Ni–Cu–(PGE). The sills acted as conduits for the overlying Dashibao Formation basalts with the sulfide liquid, along with early crystallizing olivine and pyroxene, segregating from the magma as it passed through the conduits prior to eruption.Editorial handling: H.E. Frimmel  相似文献   

The Zhuxi deposit is a recently discovered W–Cu deposit located in the Jiangnan porphyry–skarn W belt in South China. The deposit has a resource of 3.44 million tonnes of WO3, making it the largest on Earth,however its origin and the evolution of its magmatic–hydrothermal system remain unclear, largely because alteration–mineralization types in this giant deposit have been less well-studied, apart from a study of the calcic skarn orebodies. The different types of mineralization can be classified into magnesian skarn, calcic skarn, and scheelite–quartz–muscovite(SQM) vein types. Field investigations and mineralogical analyses show that the magnesian skarn hosted by dolomitic limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–pyralspite(pyrope, almandine, and spessartine) series, diopside, serpentine,and Mg-rich chlorite. The calcic skarn hosted by limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–andradite series, hedenbergite, wollastonite, epidote, and Fe-rich chlorite. The SQM veins host highgrade W–Cu mineralization and have overprinted the magnesian and calcic skarn orebodies. Scheelite is intergrown with hydrous silicates in the retrograde skarn, or occurs with quartz, chalcopyrite, sulfide minerals, fluorite, and muscovite in the SQM veins.Fluid inclusion investigations of the gangue and ore minerals revealed the evolution of the ore-forming fluids, which involved:(1) melt and coexisting high–moderate-salinity, high-temperature, high-pressure(>450 ℃and >1.68 kbar), methane-bearing aqueous fluids that were trapped in prograde skarn minerals;(2) moderate–low-salinity, moderate-temperature, moderate-pressure(~210–300 ℃and ~0.64 kbar),methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the retrograde skarn-type W orebodies;(3) low-salinity,moderate–low-temperature, moderate-pressure(~150–240 ℃and ~0.56 kbar), methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the quartz–sulfide Cu(–W) orebodies in skarn;(4) moderate–low-salinity,moderate-temperature, low-pressure(~150–250 ℃and ~0.34 kbar) alkanes-dominated aqueous fluids in the SQM vein stage, which led to the formation of high-grade W–Cu orebodies. The S–Pb isotopic compositions of the sulfides suggest that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from magma generated by crustal anatexis, with minor addition of a mantle component. The H–O isotopic compositions of quartz and scheelite indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from magmatic water with later addition of meteoric water. The C–O isotopic compositions of calcite indicate that the ore-forming fluid was originally derived from granitic magma, and then mixed with reduced fluid exsolved from local carbonate strata. Depressurization and resultant fluid boiling were key to precipitation of W in the retrograde skarn stage. Mixing of residual fluid with meteoric water led to a decrease in fluid salinity and Cu(–W) mineralization in the quartz–sulfide stage in skarn. The high-grade W–Cu mineralization in the SQM veins formed by multiple mechanisms, including fracturing, and fluid immiscibility, boiling, and mixing.  相似文献   

The Tudun deposit is a medium-sized Cu–Ni sulfide deposit, located at the westernmost edge of the Huangshan–Jing’erquan Belt in the northern part of Eastern Tianshan, NW China. Sulfide separates including pentlandite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite from the Tudun deposit, contain Re, common Os and 187Os ranging from 40.46 to 201.2, 0.8048 to 6.246 and 0.1709 to 0.9977 ppb, respectively. They have very low 187Os/188Os ratios of 1.224–2.352. The sulfides yield a Re–Os isochron age of 270.0 ± 7.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.3), consistent within uncertainty with the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age for the Tudun mafic intrusion (gabbro) of 280.0 ± 3.0 Ma. The calculated initial 187Os/188Os ratio is 0.533 ± 0.022, and γOs values range from 283 to 307, with a mean of 297, indicating significant crustal contamination of the parent melt prior to sulfide saturation. The Tudun deposit shares the same age and Re–Os isotopic compositions with other orthomagmatic Cu–Ni sulfide deposits in Huangshan–Jing’erquan Belt, suggesting that they have formed in Early Permian.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan high-sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au deposit is located in the Zijinshan ore field of South China, comprising porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore systems. The Cu ore body is more than 1000 m thick and is characterized by an assemblage of digenite–covellite–enargite–alunite. Digenite is the dominant Cu-bearing mineral, which makes this deposit unique, although the mechanisms of digenite formation remain controversial. To elucidate the genesis of digenite, this paper presents the Cu isotopic compositions of Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan high-sulfidation Cu–Au deposit. The Cu isotopic values (65Cu relative to NIST 976) of all samples range from −2.97‰ to +0.34‰, and most values fall in a narrow range from −0.49‰ to +0.34‰, which is similar to the Cu isotopic signature of typical porphyry systems. Copper isotope ratios of each mineral decrease with increasing depth, a trend that is also typical of porphyry deposits. The variation tendency of δ65Cu values between sulfides is consistent with the sequence of mineral formation. These observations suggest that the Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit have a hypogene origin.  相似文献   

Analysis of magmatic and sedimentary rocks of several large igneous provinces has demonstrated that the release of gas during plutonic-metamorphic processes may be linked to global climate change and mass extinctions. Aguablanca, one of the largest Cu–Ni–PGE deposits in Europe, formed during the Variscan orogeny when a mafic magma intruded limestones and shales, creating a contact aureole composed of marble, skarn and hornfels. Our petrological and geochemical investigation of the aureole provides evidence that a combination of the two processes led to the formation of the ore deposit: The assimilation of terrigenous sediments supplied S to the magma while the assimilation of carbonates changed the oxygen fugacity and decreased the solubility of sulfur in the magma. The metamorphic assemblages in the contact aureole are directly related to heterogeneity of the protolith and particularly to the original proportions of calcite and clay. We modeled carbon dioxide degassing during contact metamorphism and showed that pure limestone is relatively unproductive because of its high reaction temperature. The presence of clay, however, leads to the formation of calc-silicates and significantly enhances CO2 degassing. Our estimations suggest that degassing of the Aguablanca contact aureole released about 74.8 Mt of CO2, a relatively low volume that we attribute to the composition of the host rock, mainly a pure limestone. A far larger volume of carbon dioxide was emitted by the contact metamorphism of dolostones in the contact aureole of Panzhihua (part of Emeishan large igneous province, SW China). We propose that the level of emission of carbon dioxide depends strongly on the nature of the protolith and has to be considered when predicting environmental impact during the emplacement of large igneous provinces.  相似文献   

Ore forming processes involve the redistribution of heat, mass and momentum by a wide range of processes operating at different time and length scales. The fastest process at any given length scale tends to be the dominant control. Applying this principle to the array of physical processes that operate within magma flow pathways leads to some key insights into the origins of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide ore deposits. A high proportion of mineralised systems, including those in the super-giant Noril'sk-Talnakh camp, are formed in small conduit intrusions where assimilation of country rock has played a major role. Evidence of this process is reflected in the common association of sulfides with vari-textured contaminated host rocks containing xenoliths in varying stages of assimilation. Direct incorporation of S-bearing country rock xenoliths is likely to be the dominant mechanism for generating sulfide liquids in this setting. However, the processes of melting or dissolving these xenoliths is relatively slow compared with magma flow rates and, depending on xenolith lithology and the composition of the carrier magma, slow compared with settling and accumulation rates. Chemical equilibration between sulfide droplets and silicate magma is slower still, as is the process of dissolving sulfide liquid into initially undersaturated silicate magmas. Much of the transport and deposition of sulfide in the carrier magmas may occur while sulfide is still incorporated in the xenoliths, accounting for the common association of magmatic sulfide-matrix ore breccias and contaminated “taxitic” host rocks. Effective upgrading of so-formed sulfide liquids would require repetitive recycling by processes such as re-entrainment, back flow or gravity flow operating over the lifetime of the magma transport system as a whole. In contrast to mafic-hosted systems, komatiite-hosted ores only rarely show an association with externally-derived xenoliths, an observation which is partially due to the predominant formation of ores in lava flows rather than deep-seated intrusions, but also to the much shorter timescales of key component systems in hotter, less viscous magmas. Nonetheless, multiple cycles of deposition and entrainment are necessary to account for the metal contents of komatiite-hosted sulfides. More generally, the time and length scale approach introduced here may be of value in understanding other igneous processes as well as non-magmatic mineral systems.  相似文献   

In the Neoarchean (~ 2.7 Ga) contact metamorphosed charnockitic footwall of the Mesoproterosoic (1.1 Ga) South Kawishiwi intrusion of the Duluth Complex, the primary metamorphic mineral assemblage and Cu–Ni–PGE sulfide mineralization is overprinted by an actinolite + chlorite + cummingtonite + prehnite + pumpellyite + quartz + calcite hydrothermal mineral assemblage along 2–3 cm thick veins. In calcite, hosted by the hydrothermal alteration zones and in a single recrystallized quartz porphyroblast, four different fluid inclusion assemblages are documented; the composition of these fluid inclusions provide p–T conditions of the fluid flow, and helps to define the origin of the fluids and evaluate their role in the remobilization and reprecipitation of the primary metamorphic sulfide assemblage.Pure CO2 fluid inclusions were found as early inclusions in recrystallized quartz porphyroblast. These inclusions may have been trapped during the recrystallization of the quartz during the contact metamorphism of the footwall charnockite in the footwall of the SKI. The estimated trapping pressure (1.6–2.0 kbar) and temperature (810–920 °C) conditions correspond to estimates based on felsic veins in the basal zones of the South Kawishiwi intrusion.Fluid inclusion assemblages with CO2–H2O–NaCl and CH4–N2–H2O–NaCl compositions found in this study along healed microfractures in the recrystallized quartz porphyroblast establish the heterogeneous state of the fluids during entrapment. The estimated trapping pressure and temperature conditions (240–650 bar and 120–150 °C for CO2–H2O–NaCl inclusions and 315–360 bar and 145–165 °C for CH4–N2–H2O–NaCl inclusions) are significantly lower than the p–T conditions (> 700 °C and 1.6–2 kbar) during the contact metamorphism, indicating that this fluid flow might not be related to the cooling of the Duluth Complex and its contact aureole. The presence of chalcopyrite inclusions in these fluid inclusions and in the trails of these fluid inclusion assemblages confirms that at least on local scale these fluids played a role in base metal remobilization. No evidences have been observed for PGE remobilization and transport in the samples. The source of the carbonic phase in the carbonic assemblages (CO2; CH4) could be the graphite, present in the metasedimentary hornfelsed inclusions in the basal zones of the South Kawishiwi intrusion.The hydrothermal veins in the charnockite can be characterized by an actinolite + cummingtonite + chlorite + prehnite + pumpellyite + calcite (I–II) + quartz mineral assemblage. Chlorite thermometry yields temperatures around 276–308 °C during the earliest phase of the fluid flow. In the late calcite (II) phase, high salinity (21.6–28.8 NaCl + CaCl2 equiv. wt.%), low temperature (90–160 °C), primary aqueous inclusions were found. Chalcopyrite (± sphalerite ± millerite), replacing and intersecting the early hydrothermal phases, are associated to the late calcite (II) phase. The composition of the formational fluids in the Canadian Shield is comparable with the composition of the studied fluid inclusions. This suggests that the composition of the fluids did not change in the past 2 Ga and base metal remobilization by formational fluids could have taken place any time after the formation of the South Kawishiwi intrusion.Sulfur isotope studies carried out on the primary metamorphic (δ34S = 7.4–8.9‰) and the hydrothermal sulfide mineral assemblage (δ34S = 5.5–5.7‰) proves, that during the hydrothermal fluid flow the primary metamorphic ores were remobilized.  相似文献   

Deposits of Ni–Cu–Co–(PGE) sulfide often occur in association with small differentiated intrusions that reside within local transtensional spaces in strike-slip fault zones. These faults often develop in response to incipient rifting of the crust and the development of large igneous provinces due to far-field stresses generated by plume-induced continental drift. We review the geology of a number of large and small nickel sulfide deposits and the associated intrusions, and show that the geometry of the host intrusion and localization of the mineral zones can be classified into three main groups. Further, we show that the morphology of each is controlled by space created in response to deformation on structures.One group of intrusions has the plan shape of an asymmetric rhomboid with the long axis sub-parallel to a fault zone, and contacts which have often been structurally modified during and/or after emplacement of the magma. The typical cross section is a downward-closing cone shape with curved walls and often a dyke-like keel at the base. This morphology is found in the Ovoid and Discovery Hill Zones of the Voisey's Bay Deposit (Canada), the Jinchuan, Huangshan, Huangshandong, Hongqiling, Limahe, Qingquanshan, and Jingbulake (Qingbulake) Intrusions in China, and the Eagle and Eagle's Nest deposits in the USA and Canada, respectively.A second group of deposits is associated with conduits within dyke and sheet-like intrusions; these deposits are often associated with discontinuities in the dyke which were created in response to structural controls during emplacement. Examples include the Discovery Hill Deposit and the Reid Brook Zone of the Voisey's Bay Intrusion, where there are plunging domains of thicker dyke which control the mineralization inside the dyke, and thin discontinuous segments of the dyke which are associated with structurally controlled mineralization in the surrounding country rock gneisses. The Oktyabrysk, Taimyrsk, Komsomolsk, and Gluboky Deposits in the Noril'sk Region of Russia are localized at the base of thicker parts of the Kharaelakh Intrusion which appear to be a conduit that follows synformal features in the country rocks located west of the Noril'sk–Kharaelakh Fault. Other examples of dyke-like bodies with both variation in width and the development of discontinuities are the Copper Cliff and Worthington Offset Dykes which radiate away from the Sudbury Igneous Complex (Canada). The distribution of ore bodies in these Sudbury Offset Dykes is principally controlled by variations in the thickness of the dyke, interpreted to reflect the presence of conduits within the dyke.A third group of mineralized intrusions located within structural corridors have the geometry of oblate tubes; examples include Kalatongke in China, Northeastern Talnakh and Noril'sk 1 in Russia, Babel–Nebo in Australia, and Nkomati in South Africa. Sometimes these oblate tube-like intrusions form in bridging structures between larger intrusions hosted in the more significant structures. Examples include the Tamarack Intrusion in Minnesota, USA, and the Current Lake Complex in Ontario, Canada, both of which contain magmatic Ni–Cu sulfide mineralization.In all of these deposits, the intrusions appear to be open system magma pathways, and so the term “chonolith” can be applied to describe them as a group. All of these intrusions are characterized by a high ratio of sulfide/silicate; there are 1–3 orders of magnitude more sulfide in the intrusion than the magma contained in the intrusion is capable of dissolving. The formation of these deposits is considered to have taken place in open system magma conduits. It is possible that the metal tenor of the sulfides were upgraded by equilibration of successive batches of silicate magma passing through the conduit, and equilibrating with a stationary pool of magmatic sulfide. At Voisey's Bay there appears little doubt that the sulfides were injected through a conduit dyke into higher level magma chambers. A similar model has been proposed for the formation of the deposits at Jinchuan and Noril'sk–Kharaelakh. Economically significant nickel sulfide deposits that tend to be high in Ni tenor, are often related to the late injection of magma that form distinct parts of the intrusion, and the localization of mineralization tends to be related to changes in the geometry of the magma chamber. Strongly deformed and metamorphosed komatiite-associated deposits (e.g. Pechenga, Thompson, and the Yilgarn komatiite associations) appear to be the remains of open system magma conduits which are now represented by segmented and boudinaged ultramafic bodies as a result of more than 4 phases of post-emplacement deformation.LIP activity at craton margins has long been recognized as a key control on the genesis of magmatic sulfide deposits; we show that the principal regional controls of strike-slip tectonics underpin the local geometry of the intrusions, and we provide an explanation for why so many of the global nickel sulfide ore deposits are associated with intrusions that share common morphologies and characteristics. This model provides a framework for more detailed structural investigations of nickel sulfide deposits, and it is a predictive framework for mineral exploration.  相似文献   

The Jinchuan Ni–Cu sulfide deposit is hosted by an elongated, olivine-rich ultramafic body that is divided by subvertical strike-slip faults into three segments (central, eastern, and western). The central segment is characterized by concentric enrichments of cumulus olivine crystals and interstitial sulfides (pyrrhotite–pentlandite–chalcopyrite intergrowth), whereas the eastern and western segments are characterized by an increase of sulfides toward the lower contacts. In all segments sulfides are concentrated at the expense of intercumulus silicates. Olivine re-crystallization is found to be associated with actinolite alteration in some samples. The compositional variations of primary olivine from the sulfide-poor samples can be explained by a small degree of olivine crystallization (<5%) from a basaltic magma followed by local re-equilibration of the olivine with up to 30% trapped silicate liquid. In the sulfide-bearing samples the compositions of primary olivine record the results of olivine-sulfide Fe–Ni exchange that occurred after the trapped silicate liquid crystallized. Our olivine data indicate that Ni in the original sulfide liquids increased inward in the central segment and laterally away from the lower contact in the eastern segment. Variations in the compositions of sulfide liquids are thought to result from fractional segregation of immiscible sulfide liquid from a basaltic magma in a staging chamber instead of in situ differentiation. High concentrations of olivine crystals (mostly >50 modal%) and sulfide (averaging ~5 wt%) in the rocks are consistent with the interpretation that the Jinchuan deposit was formed by olivine- and sulfide-laden magma successively ascending through a conduit to a higher, now-eroded, level. Sulfide enrichment toward the center in the central segment and toward the lower contact in the eastern and western segments may have, in part, resulted from flow differentiation and gravitational settling during magma ascent, respectively.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   

Eastern and western portions of the Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion have previously been interpreted as dismembered segments of a single elongate intrusion by late faults. However, the different stratigraphic sequences of the two portions indicate that they are originally two separate intrusions, referred to as Eastern and Western intrusions in this study. The Eastern intrusion is characterized by a concentric distribution of rock types with a core of sulfide dunite enveloped by lherzolite, whereas the Western intrusion is composed of the Upper and Lower units, interpreted as magmatic mega cycles with regular variations in lithology and chemistry. In the Western intrusion, the Upper unit consists of fine-grained dunite, lherzolite, and pyroxenite from its base to its top. The MgO contents decrease upward from the dunites (42–45 wt.%) to the lherzolites (36–41 wt.%), while Al2O3 and incompatible elements increase upward. In contrast, the Lower unit consists of coarse-grained dunites and lherzolites containing 37–40 and 28–35 wt.% MgO, respectively. Sharp contacts between the Upper and Lower units and fine-grained dunite xenoliths at the top of the Lower unit indicate that the Lower unit intruded along the base of the Upper unit. Disseminated and net-textured sulfides primarily occur in the Lower unit and comprise the no. 24 ore body. Very low S contents (<100 ppm) of the wall rocks at Jinchuan indicate that they were not the source of S causing sulfide immiscibility. Sulfide segregation more likely occurred in deep-seated magma chambers, and sulfides were deposited in the Western intrusion when sulfide-bearing magmas passed through the intrusion. In contrast, the Eastern intrusion was formed by injections of sulfide-free and sulfide-bearing olivine-crystal mushes, respectively, from another deep-seated staging magma chamber. The Eastern and Western intrusions and the deep-seated magma chambers comprise a complicated magma plumbing system at Jinchuan. Normal faults played a significant role in the formation of the magma plumbing system and provided pathways for the magmas.  相似文献   

The Huangshannan magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposit is one of a group of Permian magmatic Ni-Cu deposits located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic belt in the Eastern Tianshan, northwest China. It is characterized by elevated Ni tenor (concentrations in recalculated 100% sulfide) in sulfide within ultramafic rocks (9–19 wt%), with values much higher than other deposits in the region. Sulfides of the Huangshannan deposit are composed of pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite and the host rock is relatively fresh, indicating that the high-Ni tenor is a primary magmatic feature rather than formed by alteration processes. It is shown that sulfides with high-Ni tenor can be generated by sulfide-olivine equilibrium at an oxygen fugacity of QFM +0.5, for magmas containing 450 ppm Ni and 20% olivine. Ores with >10 wt% sulfur have relatively low PGE and Ni tenors compared to other ores, R factor (mass ratio of silicate to sulfide liquid) modeling of Ni indicates that they formed at moderate R values (150–600). Based on this constraint on R values, ores with <10 wt% sulfides in the Huangshannan deposit can be segregated from a similar parental magma with 0.05 ppb Os, 0.023 ppb Ir, and 0.5 ppb Pd at R values between 600 and 3000. This, coupled with the supra-cotectic proportions of sulfide liquid to cumulus silicates in the Huangshannan ores imply mechanical transport and deposition of sulfide liquid in a magma pathway or conduit, in which sulfides must have interacted with large volumes of silicate magma. Platinum and Pd depletion relative to other platinum group elements (PGEs) are observed in fresh and sulfide-rich samples (S > 4.5 wt%). As sulfide-rich samples are also depleted in Cu, and as interstitial sulfides in those samples are physically interconnected at a scale of several cms, the low Pt and Pd anomalies are attributed to solid Pt and Pd phases crystallization and retention with the monosulfide solid solution (MSS) and Cu-rich sulfide liquid percolation during MSS fractionation. This finding indicates that Pt anomalies in sulfide-rich rocks from magmatic Ni-Cu deposits in the Eastern Tianshan are the result of sulfide fractionation rather than a hydrothermal effect. 187Os/188Os(278Ma) values of the lherzolite samples vary from 0.27 to 0.37 and γOs(278Ma) values vary from 110 to 189, indicating significant magma interaction with crustal sulfides, rich in radiogenic Os. Well constrained γOs values and δ34S values (−0.4 to 0.8‰) indicate that crustal contamination occurred at depth before the arrival of the magma in the Huangshannan chamber. Regionally, deposits with high-Ni tenor have not been reported other than the Huangshannan deposit; however, many intrusions with high-Ni contents in olivine are present in NW China, such as the Erhongwa, Poyi and Poshi intrusions. Those intrusions are capable of forming high-Ni tenor sulfides due to olivine-sulfide-silicate equilibrium and relative high-Ni content in parent magma, making them attractive exploration targets.  相似文献   

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