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连长云  章革  元春华  杨凯 《中国地质》2005,32(3):483-495
便携式短波红外光谱仪(PIMA)是利用短波红外光谱测量技术,对肉眼难以识别的层状硅酸盐、粘土、碳酸盐以及部分硫酸盐矿物进行快速识别的实用仪器。通过不同地质环境的光谱参考数据库及计算机数据处理软件,辅之野外观察和必要的岩石学分析,可以从PIMA测量获得的谱线中得出研究区蚀变矿物组合的信息。应用蚀变矿物组合,结合其他勘探数据,有利于确定钻孔的位置,指导区域勘探工作。PIMA可应用于许多成矿环境中,包括高硫化物、低硫化物热液成矿系统、斑岩成矿系统、中温热液成矿系统、沉积岩中的金-铜矿床、铀矿床、火山成因块状硫化物矿床和金伯利岩矿床。已有的研究表明,PIMA可以快速获得和处理短波红外光谱数据并形成蚀变矿物钻孔柱状分布图或平面分布图,这些信息对找矿靶区的确定至关重要。应用PIMA在新疆土屋斑岩铜矿区开展了系统的蚀变矿物填图工作,有效地识别出镁绿泥石、铁绿泥石、蒙脱石、白云母、黑云母等蚀变矿物,这些蚀变矿物的类型和丰度与岩石鉴定结果基本一致,在此基础上,建立了土屋斑岩铜矿区蚀变矿物组合及其分带模式,并与传统的分带模式进行了对比。最后总结了土屋斑岩铜矿区PIMA找矿模型,该模型对土屋斑岩铜矿区及未知地区矿产勘查工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

程新彬 《地质与勘探》2015,51(4):713-721
内蒙古乌拉特后旗潮海地区具有较好的成矿前景,在潮海地区通过开展区域1∶5万地球化学测量及重点工作区1∶1万地球化学测量与成矿元素的空间分布特征研究,认为该区寻找Au及多金属矿的潜力较大。通过元素异常特征及传统地质大比例尺填图的综合方法,发现该区Au矿化可能与二长花岗岩区内部的石英脉及寒武系变质岩系密切相关,区内深大断裂亦为其控矿因素。依据元素区域地球化学异常特征,并结合区域大比例尺地质测量、地球物理特征划分出了乌兰敖包和萨音呼都格两个Au成矿远景区。  相似文献   

文中系统论述了柳坝沟金矿床的多金属元素原生晕地球化学特征,运用多元统计方法,结合地球化学各参数信息,勾勒出矿区原生晕异常形态,建立了元素轴向分带序列,探讨金矿床剥蚀程度并建立了原生晕叠加模型。认为柳坝沟金矿床西段头尾晕共存,Sb、Bi反分带,显示出多阶段叠加成矿的特点,是下部有盲矿体存在的反映;东段基本属正向分带序列,地球化学参数较强的波动,可能预示着深部有盲矿体存在。313号脉西段矿体遭受一定剥蚀,矿段中段和东段遭受轻微剥蚀。综合分析推断西段深部矿化远景较好,中段较好异常分布在海拔高度1400 m以上的较浅部位,东段深部前景最佳;为矿区深部找矿提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

The Kopet-Dagh basin of northeastern Iran was formed during the Middle Triassic orogeny. From Jurassic through Miocene time, sedimentation was relatively continuous in this basin. The Shurijeh Formation (Neocomian), which consists of red bed siliciclastic sediments that were deposited in fluvial depositional settings, crops out in the southeastern part of the Kopet-Dagh basin. In addition to clastic lithofacies, non-clastic facies in the form of calcrete paleosols, were identified in this formation. The calcrete host rocks are mainly sandstone, pebbly sandstone. The calcrete in middle unit in the Shurijeh Formation consists of, from bottom to top: incipient calcrete, nodular calcrete, massive calcrete horizons. The maturity pattern of these calcrete gradationally increases from bottom to top in this unit. Lack of organo-sedimentary structure (mainly plant roots), diversity of calcite fabric, suggest that the studied calcretes have a multi-phase development: a short vadose phase followed by a long phreatic phase. These calcretes are neither pedogenic nor groundwater calcretes. Petrographic studies show that they are composed of micritic textures with a variety of calcite fabrics, microsparitic/sparitic veins, displacive, replacive fabrics, quartz, hematite grains. Cathodoluminescence images, trace elemental analysis (Fe, Mn increased, Na, Sr decreased) of calcrete samples show the effects of meteoric waters during the calcrete formation when water tables were variable. In this study, we conclude that evaporation, degassing of carbon dioxide are the two main factors in the formation of non-pedogenic or groundwater calcrete. The sources of carbonate were probably parent materials, surface waters, ground waters, eolian dusts, numerous outcrops of limestones that have been exposed in the source area during Neocomian time.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal manganese and ferromanganese deposits associated with Neyriz ophiolite colored mélange occurred as small ore deposits in the Abadeh-Tashk area, SE of Fars Province, SW Iran. The deposits are found in three types: a) banded syngenetic ores, b) massive boudin and lens shaped diagenetic ores and c) vein and veinlet epigenetic ores. Microtextural, geochemical and mineralogical data associated with petrographic Raman, FTIR and SEM studies indicated that the primary Fe compounds formed series of microbially mediated biomats and Mn compounds were precipitated as an amorphous oxide on an active oxide surface accompanying silica gels. Field relationships between ore and host rock, high Mn/Fe ratio (17.43 to 40.79), ΣLREE, positive Eu and negative Ce anomalies in syngenetic ore types reveal that the ores were formed by hydrothermal fluid in an oceanic floor environment. Manganese was fractionated from iron due to physicochemical changes as well as microbial activities in the sedimentary environment. Microbial remains as filamentous beads with regular circular shapes, vermiform structures, series of Fe-rich biomats, traces of embedded organic material besides trace metals and REE concentrations in Mn ores emphasize the role of microorganisms in Fe and Mn precipitation. Syngenetic mineralization took place under suboxic neutrophilic conditions, while diagenetic processes resulted in variably reduced Fe- and Mn-oxides via organic matter decomposition, forming rhodochrosite as the end product. Braunite formation occurred most probably as a biogeochemically mediated early diagenetic product. Diagenetic and epigenetic Mn ores were formed when primary Mn deposits underwent subsequent diagenetic and remobilization–redeposition events respectively.  相似文献   

Airborne hyperspectral imagery was used to study the distribution of white mica minerals in Archean (3.2 Ga) submarine hydrothermal systems associated with volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization in a well-exposed volcanic sequence of the Soansville greenstone belt in the Pilbara, Western Australia. White mica mineral abundance and distribution maps were compared with published hydrothermal alteration maps and differences were interpreted using whole-rock geochemistry and temperature estimates from oxygen isotope geothermometric studies of hydrothermally altered rocks. Three different zones were identified from the hyperspectral imagery: 1) Al-rich white mica zones in the upper parts of the volcanic sequence which are related to recharge of unevolved seawater, 2) Al-poor white mica zones at middle and upper levels of the volcanic sequence predominantly related to K alteration by more-evolved hydrothermal fluids, and 3) high to intermediate Al-content white mica zones in lower levels of the sequence and in cross-cutting zones related to intense alteration by laterally flowing and upwelling evolved fluids. The integrated study of the spatial distribution of hyperspectrally detected white mica minerals together with published maps and rock analyses allowed characterization of the hydrothermal systems and reconstruction of paleo fluid pathways.  相似文献   

Chrysocolla in the Cuajone ores appears to be microcrystalline and to exhibit a fibrous structure.Sulphuric acid leaching of the chrysocolla is facilitated by a microcracked surface structure. A marked surface structural change is evidenced as hydrogen ions replace the copper. The end result is a noncontinuous surface layer of silica from which the copper has been essentially completely removed.The results of this study provide confirmatory evidence for the structure and hydrometallurgy of chrysocolla.  相似文献   

The Pataz region in the eastern part of the North Peruvian Department La Libertad hosts a number of important gold mining districts like La Lima, El Tingo, Pataz, Parcoy, and Buldibuyo. Economic gold mineralization occurs in quartz-sulfide veins at the margin of the calc-alkaline Pataz Batholith, that mainly consists of granites, granodiorites, and monzodiorites. The batholith is of Paleozoic age and cuts the Precambrian to Early Paleozoic low-grade metamorphic basement series. Its intrusion was controlled by a NNW-trending fault of regional importance. The gold-bearing veins are characterized by a two-stage sulfide mineralization. Bodies of massive pyrite and some arsenopyrite were formed in stage 1, and after subsequent fracturing they served as sites for deposition of gold, electrum, galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite. It is concluded that gold was transported as a AuCl 2 - -complex by oxidizing chloride solutions and deposited near older pyrite by micro-scale redox changes and a slight temperature decrease. Mineralogical, textural, geochemical, and microthermometric features are interpreted as a consequence of mineralization at considerable depth produced by a hydrothermal system linked with the emplacement of the Pataz Batholith. acteristics in order to outline a general physicochemical model of the hydrothermal ore-forming processes.  相似文献   

Gold mineralisation at Zarshuran, northwestern Iran, is hosted by Precambrian carbonate and black shale formations which have been intruded by a weakly mineralised granitoid. Granitoid intrusion fractured the sedimentary rocks, thereby improving conditions for hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation. Silicification is the principal hydrothermal alteration along with decalcification and argillisation. Three hydrothermal sulphide mineral assemblages have been identified: an early assemblage of pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite; then widespread base metal sulphides, lead-sulphosalts and zoned euhedral arsenical pyrite; and finally late network arsenical pyrite, massive and colloform arsenical pyrite, colloform sphalerite, coloradoite, and arsenic–antimony–mercury–thallium-bearing sulphides including orpiment, realgar, stibnite, getchellite, cinnabar, lorandite and a Tl-mineral, probably christite. Most of the gold at Zarshuran is detectable only by quantitative electron microprobe and bulk chemical analyses. Gold occurs mainly in arsenical pyrite and colloform sphalerite as solid solution or as nanometre-sized native gold. Metallic gold is found rarely in hydrothermal quartz and orpiment. Pure microcrystalline orpiment, carbon-rich shale, silicified shale with visible pyrite grains and arsenic minerals contain the highest concentrations of gold. In many ways Zarshuran appears to be similar to the classic Carlin-type sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits. However, relatively high concentrations of tellurium at Zarshuran, evidenced by the occurrence of coloradoite (HgTe), imply a greater magmatic contribution in the mineralising hydrothermal solutions than is typical of Carlin-type gold deposits. Received: 13 May 1999 / Accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   

Short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral reflectance of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks in the footwall of the Hellyer massive sulfide deposit was measured with a portable PIMA-II infrared spectrometer. The Al–OH band was used to derive information on the octahedral Al content and the abundance of white mica (sericite) in the hydrothermal alteration and mineralization system. The range of the Al–OH band wavelength from 2192 nm to 2222 nm corresponds to the number of octahedral Al (Alvi) in white mica approximately from 3.9 to 3.0 (based on 4 octahedral cations per formula). This Alvi range represents a significant compositional variation, covering most of the compositional region between muscovite (Alvi = 4.0) and phengite (Alvi = 3.0). Furthermore, the spectral reflectance data show that the compositional variation of white mica is spatially related to hydrothermal alteration zoning, such that phengitic white mica tends to occur in 1) main upflow fluid channel, 2) intensely altered volcanic rocks, and 3) Pb–Zn mineralization, whereas muscovitic white mica was formed preferentially distal to massive sulfide mineralization on the margin of the footwall alteration system. The results suggest that the Al–OH band wavelength, and therefore the octahedral Al content, of white mica can be used as vectors to mineralization to map the hydrothermal system at Hellyer.  相似文献   

Summary ¶The epithermal, low sulfidation Emperor gold telluride deposit in Fiji, hosted by Late Miocene-Early Pliocene shoshonitic rocks, is spatially related to a low-grade porphyry Cu system on the western flank of the Tavua Caldera. Gold is largely in the form of invisible gold in arsenian pyrite but 10 to 50% of gold is in the form of precious metal tellurides. Gold mineralization occurs in steeply dipping dikes and faults, flat-dipping structures (<45°), referred to locally as flatmakes, and at the intersection of two or more structures referred to as shatter zones. Petrographic, electron microprobe, and scanning electron microscope analyses of ores from some of the more recently discovered orebodies, Matanagata, Matanagata East, and R1 reveal that tellurium-bearing minerals, sylvanite, calaverite, krennerite, petzite, hessite, coloradoite, melonite, native tellurium, and rare benleonardite, formed during various hydrothermal stages, hosted in quartz, and to a lesser extent arsenian pyrite and tetrahedrite group minerals. Sylvanite followed by krennerite are the two most common tellurides in these orebodies. These tellurides show no systematic spatial distribution within flatmakes but there appears to be a higher concentration of tellurides where the flatmake intersects steep structures. Gold-rich tellurides preceded the formation of silver-rich tellurides and were constrained at 250°C in log fS2 and log fTe2 space at –12.7 to –10.1 and –9.4 to –7.8, respectively, based on sulfide and telluride stabilities, and the composition of sphalerite. Ore forming components, such as Au, Ag, Te, Cu, V, and S, were likely derived from Late Miocene-Early Pliocene monzonites in and adjacent to the Tavua caldera.Received January 14, 2003; revised version accepted June 26, 2003  相似文献   

甘肃寨上金矿区地球物理和地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
寨上金矿位于西秦岭岷县—礼县成矿带西部,矿体主要赋存于二叠纪的板岩、粉砂岩中,总体呈带状展布,严格受NWW向断裂控制,其派生的次级(层间)断裂为容矿构造。激电中梯测量圈出5处高阻异常、1条低阻高极化带、7处视极化率异常,金矿脉与100~200Ω·m低缓高阻异常和1 0%~1 2%的视极化率异常吻合。1∶20万、1∶5万的水系沉积物测量仅显示出低缓异常,进一步的土壤测量可圈定金矿体的赋存位置、走向。总结了可直接指导本区及外围野外地质工作的找矿方法和找矿标志。  相似文献   

本文总结了古马岭金矿地质、地球物理、地球化学特征,确定了金矿体和金矿化蚀变带的找矿标志。  相似文献   

The results of the study of anomalous structures of geochemical fields (ASGF) accompanying hydrothermal gold deposits are considered. A model of the formation of such structures in the course of development of hydrothermal ore-metasomatic systems is proposed. The existing methods of detection and geometrization of ASGF are evaluated. The elaborated technique of the study of anomalous geochemical fields is based on standardized unbiased indexes assigned to detection and geometrization of anomalous structures. A classification of ASGF at hydrothermal gold deposits has been developed. General features due to the universal mechanism of functioning of hydrothermal systems and specific features related to the localization and metallogenic specialization of particular kinds of ore mineralization are identified for the studied geological and economic types of gold deposits. The elaborated technique of quantitative characterization of ASGF parameters comprises the geometrization of anomalous structures, calculation of the coefficient of ordering, and computation of the productivities of standardized indexes of zoning. The established regular variation of quantitative parameters of ASGF with depth may be applied to the estimation of the erosion level of ore-bearing structural units in ore fields and deposits.  相似文献   

山西堡子湾金矿床地质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴保全 《铀矿地质》2003,19(4):220-224
山西堡子湾金矿床位于华北地台北缘,是以金为主伴生银铜多金属的中型金矿床。赋存地层为太古界集宁群。燕山期岩浆活动形成的石英二长岩及有关的隐爆角砾岩与成矿关系密切。围岩蚀变分布于角砾岩体内,主要为绢云母化、高岭石化、碳酸盐化和硅化。石英二长岩的稀土分布型式和岩石地球化学特征,说明其为重熔型岩浆侵入所形成。矿体中石英的氧同位素δ^18O值接近花岗岩类范围;矿床中硫化物的δ^34S值范围为-3.2‰~-1.2‰,接近陨石硫。堡子湾金矿的成矿物质来源于岩浆,成矿作用与燕山期岩浆期后热液活动以及隐爆作用和流体作用有关。  相似文献   

干河坝金矿床是秦岭勉县—略阳构造混杂岩带内发现的首例金矿床。矿床形成经历了前勉略洋沉积建造及基底形成阶段、勉略洋盆沉积预富集阶段、秦岭与扬子板块间陆-陆碰撞拼合和造山后派生出构造叠置改造富集阶段。有利的含矿岩系(含Au3.66×10-9)是金矿形成的物质基础,韧-脆性递进构造变形作用是金成矿的关键控制因素;干河坝金矿为两者叠加的重要产物。矿床主成矿期均一温度137~280℃,具有中—低温热液成矿特征;早—中成矿阶段成矿流体盐度(NaCl)变化于4.5%~23.1%。硫同位素以富集重硫为特征,δ34S值为9.91‰~15.45‰,除火山成因硫强烈分馏外,还有大量沉积岩系地壳硫的加入,显示后期地质改造强烈的成矿作用特点。金呈显微细粒的独立矿物,成矿元素组合为Au-Ag-As-Sb-Cu-Pb-Zn,显示蚀变构造岩外貌的类卡林型金矿床地质特征。  相似文献   

A major gold province of the world exists in the Proterozoic Birimian and Tarkwaian supracrustal rocks of West Africa. The bulk of the gold comes from the primary lode occurrences of the Birimian rocks of Ghana (formerly The Gold Coast). Birimian lithofacies is characterised by subaqueous fine-grained sediments with bimodal volcanic material. Metasedimentary rocks include phyllites and metawackes. Metavolcanic rocks are predominantly tholeiitic basalts. Komatiites and banded iron formations (BIF) are absent.Gold is in 5 parallel, evenly spaced, more than 300 km long, northeast-trending volcanic belts separated by basins containing pyroclastic and meta-sedimentary units. The most prominent is the Ashanti volcanic “greenstone” belt, which hosts the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation mines at Obuasi (more than 800,000 kg Au since 1896), the Billiton Bogosu Gold mine at Bogosu, and the State Gold Mining Corporation mines at Prestea, Bibiani and Konongo.Gold, ranging from 2 to 30 ppm, is in quartz veins of laterally extensive major orebodies which deeply penetrate fissures and shear zones at contacts between metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The veins consists mainly of quartz with carbonate minerals, green sericite, carbonaceous partings and metallic sulfides and arsenides of Fe, As, Zn, Au, Cu, Sb, and Pb. Gold occurs in carbonate fillings in fractured quartz veins. Country rocks, which contain rutile, anatase and granular masses of leucoxene, along ore channels, have been hydrothermally altered to carbonates, sericite, silica and sulfide minerals. Fluid inclusion evidences suggest that mineral deposition took place at about 350°C and 140 bar from dilute aqueous solutions. Timing deduced from ore textures, however, show complex multi-stage mineralization events, with higher temperature minerals commonly having formed later than lower temperature ones. Geochemical studies of materials produced by tropical processes, especially soils, are essential in prospecting poorly exposed terranes of west Africa. Trace and major element distributions at mines and mineral occurrences can indicate mineralization otherwise difficult to detect.This paper highlights the features of the Ghanaian gold deposits that may aid the current search for new deposits along the gold belts. Exploration based on geochemistry is highly important, but should be integrated with data from accompanying geological, lithologic, mineralogical, and structural studies.  相似文献   

The solubility of gold in aqueous sulphide solutions has been determined from pH20°C ≈ 4 to pH20°C ≈ 9.5 in the presence of a pyrite-pyrrhotite redox buffer at temperatures from 160 to 300°C and 1000 bar pressure. Maximum solubilities were obtained in the neutral region of pH as, for example, with mNaHS = 0.15 m, pH20°C = 5.96, T = 309°C, P = 1000 bar where a gold solubility of 225 mg/kg was obtained. It was concluded that three thio gold complexes contributed to the solubility. The complex Au2(HS)2S2? predominated in alkaline solution, the Au(HS)2? complex occurred in the neutral pH region, and in the acid pH region, it was concluded with less certainty that the Au(HS)° complex was present. Formation constants calculated forAu2(HS)2S2? and Au (HS)2? emphasize their high stability. In the temperature range from 175 to 250°C, values of for Au2(HS)2S2? vary from ?53.0 to 47.9 (±1.6) and from ?23.1 to ?19.5 ( ± 1.5) for Au(HS)2?. Equilibrium constante for the dissolution reactions, Au° + H2S + HS? ? Au(HS)2? + 12H2 and 2Au° + H2S + 2H8? ? Au(HS)2? + H2 vary from pKm = +2.4 to +2.55 (±0.10) for Au2(HS)2S2? and from pKn = + 1.29 to + 1.19 (±0.10) for Au(HS)2? over the temperature range 175 to 250°C. Enthalpies of these dissolution reactions were calculated to be ΔHm° = ?5.2 ±2.0 kcal/mol and ΔHn° = +1.7 ±2.0 kcal/mol respectively. It was concluded that gold is probably transported in hydrothermal ore solutions as both thio and chloro complexes and may be deposited in response to changes in temperature, pressure, pH, oxidation potential of the system and total sulphur concentration.  相似文献   

羊坪湾金矿床是在南秦岭造山带石泉-汉阴北部地区继黄龙金矿床和鹿鸣金矿床开发之后近年来新发现的金矿床,对该金矿床的研究对于该区域找矿实践及金成矿理论研究具有重要意义.笔者通过野外调研和室内测试相结合对羊坪湾金矿床地质、地球化学特征及金的富集规律进行了研究.羊坪湾金矿产于下志留统梅子垭组(S1m)含炭二云母石英片岩中,目前矿区圈出南、北两条平行展布的金矿化蚀变带,在矿带内圈出3条平行展布的金矿体.金矿化特征为硅化、黄铁矿化.金粒度较粗,主要为明金,以粒间金、裂隙金等形式赋存.含炭二云母石英片岩夹石英岩互层有利岩性段和韧(脆)性剪切构造控制着金矿的产出.流体包裹体研究表明:均一温度为170~220℃,属中-低温;氢、氧同位素的特征显示,成矿热液中的水介质是以大气降水和变质分泌水为主的混合水.硫同位素的变化范围是7.5‰~11.7‰,说明成矿物质主要来源于地层.综合地质地球化学特征认为该矿床为沉积-改造型中低温热液矿床.  相似文献   

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