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湘东南中生代花岗闪长质小岩体的岩石地球化学特征   总被引:58,自引:15,他引:58  
湘东南花岗闪长质岩石以高K2O/Na2O,K2O+Na2O>6.0%为特征,属高钾钙碱性系列岩石,其形成主要受部分熔融作用制约;岩石稀土元素富集,铕负异常不明显,δEu=0.71~0.89;富集大离子亲石元素,Nb-Ta亏损,P、Ti或亏损或不亏损,具岛弧型岩浆作用微量元素分配模式,属板内钾质岩石,源区可能存在早期俯冲组分改造的岩石圈富集地幔组分,或是源于软流圈的岩浆与中下地壳混合作用的产物;其形成与该带中生代早期岩石圈的伸展-减薄作用有关。  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The early formation and evolution of the North China craton has been widely concerned by scientists.The Bengbu uplift belt is located in the southeast of the craton,theresearch degree of the belt is relatively low and received increasing attention from many scholars in recent years.Through the author's practical work and combined with  相似文献   

华南地区广泛发育中生代花岗岩,主要出露于南岭地区和东南沿海地区。受大地构造作用影响,自西向东,莫霍面深度逐渐变薄,深部温度逐渐升高,软流圈顶部上升,花岗岩形成时代也随之逐渐年轻化。南岭和东南沿海地区的地表和钻孔花岗岩放射性生热元素含量测试结果表明,南岭地区放射性生热率平均值为5.18μW/m~3,东南沿海地区为3.01μW/m~3,最高生热率为南岭佛冈岩体7.56μW/m~3;热贡献率主要来自Th和U的放射性衰变热,K的热贡献率一般不超过10%。通过本文研究结果,结合前人地质学、地球物理学和地热学研究成果,发现南岭地区和东南沿海地区地壳热流对地表热流值的贡献率分别为60%~65%和40%~45%,指示两者分别为"热壳冷幔"和"冷壳热幔"型岩石圈热结构。  相似文献   

“寨背式”离子吸附型稀土矿床多类型稀土矿化及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵芝  王登红  邹新勇 《岩石学报》2022,38(2):356-370



Whole rock major and trace element and Sr-, Nd- and Hf-isotope data, together with zircon U-Pb, Hf- and O-isotope data, are reported for the Nb-Ta ore bearing granites from the Lingshan pluton in the Southeastern China, in order to trace their petrogenesis and related Nb-Ta mineralization. The Lingshan pluton contains hornblende-bearing biotite granite in the core and biotite granite, albite granite and pegmatite at the rim. In addition, numerous mafic microgranular enclaves occur in the Lingshan granites. Zircon SIMS U-Pb dating gives consistent crystallization ages of ca. 132 Ma for the Lingshan granitoids and enclaves, consistent with the Nb-Ta mineralization age of ∼132 Ma, indicating that mafic and felsic magmatism and Nb-Ta mineralization are coeval. The biotite granites contain hornblende, and are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, with high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7071–0.7219, negative εNd(t) value of −5.9 to −0.3, εHf(t) values of −3.63 to −0.32 for whole rocks, high δ18O values and negative εHf(t) values for zircons, and ancient Hf and Nd model ages of 1.41–0.95 Ga and 1.23–1.04 Ga, indicating that they are I-type granites and were derived from partial melting of ancient lower crustal materials. They have variable mineral components and geochemical features, corresponding extensive fractionation of hornblende, biotite and feldspar, with minor fractionation of apatite. Existence of mafic microgranular enclaves in the biotite granites suggests a magma mixing/mingling process for the origin of the Lingshan granitoids, and mantle-derived mafic magmas provided the heat for felsic magma generation. In contrast, the Nb-Ta mineralized albite granites and pegmatites have distinct mineral components and geochemical features, which show that they are highly-fractionated granites with extensive melt and F-rich fluid interaction in the generation of these rocks. The fluoride-rich fluids induce the enrichment in Nb and Ta in the highly evolved melts. Therefore, we conclude that the Nb-Ta mineralization is the result of hydrothermal process rather than crystal fractionation in the Lingshan pluton, which provides a case to identify magmatic and hydrothermal processes and evaluate their relative importance as ore-forming processes.  相似文献   

Muscovite granites (MGs) in the Nanling Range (South China) occur as satellite intrusions within or surrounding batholitic biotite monzogranites (BMs). The MGs are massive and fine-grained with a porphyritic texture, and contain quartz, K-feldspar and albite in nearly equal portions. The accessory minerals in the MGs include alumina-rich minerals (e.g., Mn- and Fe-rich garnet, andalusite, topaz, and tourmaline), anatase, rutile, wolframite, cassiterite, xenotime, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and volatile-rich minerals (e.g., microlite, topaz, tourmaline, fluorite, and calcite). Compared with the BMs, the MGs are geochemically enriched in major elements of Si, K, and Na, and incompatible trace elements of Rb, Cs, Y, U, Nb, Ta, W, Sn, Pb, Bi, Li, and Be, and depleted in major elements of Fe, Mg, Ca, Ti, and P, and compatible trace elements of Ba, Sr, Co, Ni, Cr, Cd, V as well as Zr and Hf. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the MGs are flat with large negative Eu anomalies. The mineralogical and geochemical features of the MGs indicate that they crystallized from highly fractionated granitic magmas. Zircons separated from the MG samples, which were collected from six different tungsten deposits, show characters of hydrothermal origin according to their morphologies, chemical compositions and inclusions. In-situ U–Pb dating of the zircons yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 133.4 ± 1.0 Ma. This age is similar to the mean age of the zircons from wolframite-bearing quartz veins (WQVs) in the Nanling Range (133.7 ± 1.3 Ma) reported from our previous study. Zircon Hf isotopes also reveal that the MGs and the WQVs are homologous. These mineralogical, geochemical and zirconological features indicate that the MGs are the parental rocks of the tungsten deposits in the Nanling Range. This study provides a new guidance for the exploration of magmatic-hydrothermal tungsten deposits.  相似文献   

The Sangan mining region, which has a proven reserve of approximately 1000 Mt of 53% iron ore, is located in the Khaf-Kashmar-Bardeskan volcano-plutonic belt in northeastern Iran. The geological units in the eastern zone of the Sangan region consist of Precambrian schists, Jurassic sedimentary rocks and Tertiary subvolcanic granitoid intrusions. Iron skarn mineralization consists of stratiform and massive bodies in the carbonate rocks that are adjacent to the granitoid intrusions. Detailed field mapping revealed that 39-Ma syenitic intrusive bodies in the western and central zones of the Sangan region were the main sources of heat and fluid for the iron mineralization.A Mid-Cenozoic biotite granite pluton is associated with the eastern anomalies. However, field relationships suggested that this pluton is not the source of the metals, heat or fluids that were responsible for the iron mineralization. This pluton is rich in silica (SiO2 contents from 66.4 to 79.1 wt%) and is characterized by high-K series with metaluminous to slightly peraluminous affinity.Geochronological (U-Pb zircon method) and geochemical data, including major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, define the complex origin of these plutons, which consist of alkaline granitoids that appear to be A-type in character but also show I-type affinity.New geochemical and isotopic data from plutons in the eastern anomalies and data from previous studies of the western and central anomalies and the southeastern intrusive rocks in the Sangan region show that these plutons have close affiliation with lower to upper crust-derived melts and were largely modified into highly fractionated I-type granite. These rocks were derived from and emplaced by varying degrees of partial melting during the Middle Eocene (Bartonian to Lutetian, 38.3–43.9 Ma) from a crustal protolith in a normal to mature volcanic continental arc setting.The Sangan granitoids were produced from crustal assimilation by a heat source from mantle melts, which are associated with the Kashmar-Neotethyan slab that subducted under Eurasia. The Khaf-Kashmar-Bardeskan igneous rocks reflect an active Cenozoic plate margin that was related to the closure of the Kashmar-Neotethyan Sea between the Lut and Eurasia blocks because of the continuous convergence between the Arabian and Iran plates during the Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene.  相似文献   

南岭大东山岩体北部40Ar-39Ar定年及地球化学特征   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
南岭中段大东山岩体为中侏罗世、多期次形成的花岗岩体,由四个岩石单元组成,较早次单元岩性为黑云母二长花岗岩,较晚次单元为黑云母花岗岩。黑云母40Ar/39Ar法坪年龄为(162.3±1.2)Ma。相对于同时代花岗岩,岩石更富K和Si,贫Ti、Mg、Ca和P。其中SiO2为75.18%~76.49%;K2O为4.96%~6.13%。铝饱和指数(ASI)为0.92~1.26,平均1.03,属铁质、准铝质-微过铝质、高钾钙碱性系列。微量元素具Ba、Sr、P、Ti等亏损和Th、La、Nd、Sm等相对富集的特点;富含稀土元素(∑REE平均355μg/g)。ISr值为0.7054~0.7330,εNd(t)值为-7.4~-10.9,t2DM为1.55~1.84Ga,表明成岩物质源自中元古代地壳,并有少量地幔物质的混染,多种相关图解判别均显示其为A型花岗岩。岩石地球化学特征以及区域构造背景研究等表明,岩石形成于挤压造山向非造山转换的后造山拉张环境。  相似文献   

Granites are widespread in the Nanling region of China, which were emplaced in different tectonic environments as a result of frequent and intense magmatic activity. Two evolution sequences have been distinguished: the extrusive-hypabyssal and plutonic-hypabyssal sequences. Different mechanisms governing the evolution, especially the differentiation, of the two sequences may account for the different mechanisms of uranium mineralization leading to the formation of various types of uranium deposits in the Nanling region.  相似文献   

A-type granites: geochemical characteristics,discrimination and petrogenesis   总被引:318,自引:3,他引:318  
New analyses of 131 samples of A-type (alkaline or anorogenic) granites substantiate previously recognized chemical features, namely high SiO2, Na2O+K2O, Fe/Mg, Ga/Al, Zr, Nb, Ga, Y and Ce, and low CaO and Sr. Good discrimination can be obtained between A-type granites and most orogenic granites (M-, I and S-types) on plots employing Ga/Al, various major element ratios and Y, Ce, Nb and Zr. These discrimination diagrams are thought to be relatively insensitive to moderate degrees of alteration. A-type granites generally do not exhibit evidence of being strongly differentiated, and within individual suites can show a transition from strongly alkaline varieties toward subalkaline compositions. Highly fractionated, felsic I- and S-type granites can have Ga/Al ratios and some major and trace element values which overlap those of typical A-type granites.A-type granites probably result mainly from partial melting of F and/or Cl enriched dry, granulitic residue remaining in the lower crust after extraction of an orogenic granite. Such melts are only moderately and locally modified by metasomatism or crystal fractionation. A-type melts occurred world-wide throughout geological time in a variety of tectonic settings and do not necessarily indicate an anorogenic or rifting environment.Geological Survey of Canada contribution no. 18886  相似文献   

1 Introduction The association of massive Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides andchromite is a very unusual feature of podiformchromitites occurring in mantle tectonites of ophioliticcomplexes. It has only been described in theSoutheastern Desert, Egypt, where sulfides a…  相似文献   

施彬  刘力 《世界地质》2014,33(4):758-767
灶火沟早志留世(436.8~433.7 Ma)花岗岩发育于东昆中蛇绿构造混杂岩带中,主要岩石类型为花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩,其围岩分别为中元古代万宝沟群和奥陶—志留纪纳赤台群。花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩w(Si O2)分别为56.12%~63.49%和70.62%~76.54%,均为钙碱性系列。二长花岗岩显示向富碱质过渡的特征,铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.79~1.02,属准铝质—弱过铝质系列,为I型花岗岩。花岗闪长岩∑REE低于二长花岗岩∑REE,两者均具有LREE相对富集而HREE相对亏损的相似的右倾球粒陨石标准化配分曲线特征,花岗闪长岩具弱负Eu异常,二长花岗岩具强负Eu异常;两者均具有相对富集LILE而相对亏损HFS的微量元素特征。地球化学特征显示灶火沟花岗岩为岛弧型花岗岩,是原特提斯洋壳向北俯冲引起地幔楔物质底侵东昆仑岛弧下地壳部分熔融的产物,表明东昆仑造山带在早志留世仍处于原特提斯洋壳俯冲消减阶段。  相似文献   

刘道荣 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):211-222
中国萤石资源丰富,矿床数量众多,但尚无统一的分类标准。在总结现有萤石矿床分类基础上,以成矿热液来源为依据,将单一型萤石矿床划分为岩浆期后热液型、火山-次火山热液型及热卤水型3种,并介绍了各类萤石矿床的主要地质特征。结合已有文献资料,总结归纳各类型萤石矿床的稀土元素组成特征,探讨了成矿热液演化过程。岩浆期后热液型矿床萤石具有较高的稀土总量(∑REE均值约70×10-6)、较显著的铕负异常(δEu峰值在0.6~0.7)和较小的Y/Ho比值(主要变化范围30~65);火山-次火山热液型矿床萤石稀土总量与岩浆期后热液型接近,但具有显著的铕负异常或弱-中等的铕正异常(δEu峰值分别在0.1~0.2和1.1~1.2)和较小的Y/Ho比值(集中在40~50);热卤水型矿床萤石具有较低的稀土总量、显著的铕正异常(平均δEu>2)及较大的Y/Ho比值(均值约83)。与岩浆期后热液型和火山-次火山热液型矿床相比,热卤水型矿床的成矿流体可能经历了更复杂的演化过程。  相似文献   

渝东南地区的下志留统石牛栏组作为重要的油气储集层,研究其古环境变化、物质来源及物源区构造背景具有重要意义。本文采用稀土元素总量w(ΣREE)、REE配分模式、以及w(ΣLREE)/w(ΣHREE)、w(La)_N/w(Yb)_N、w(Ce)_N/w(Yb)_N、w(La)_N/w(Sm)_N、w(Gd)_N/w(Yb)_N、δEu、δCe、Ce_(anom)等特征值研究方法,对渝东南下志留统石牛栏组典型剖面的稀土元素特征及古海洋环境和物源进行深入研究。结果表明:石牛栏组灰岩稀土元素总量略低于大陆地壳平均值,轻稀土较为富集,重稀土亏损,铕明显负异常,铈负异常较微弱。w(ΣREE)证实了石牛栏组的沉积水体由浅缓慢变深再急剧变浅的变化过程。Eu负异常、Ce负异常和C_(eanom)值均揭示石牛栏组沉积时期海水具有弱还原性。REE的分异程度反映了石牛栏组从沉积早期到沉积晚期,沉积速率总体降低。稀土元素的比值特征及w(ΣREE)—w(La)/w(Yb)图解表明其物源源自雪峰山隆起,源岩主要为沉积岩。  相似文献   

贵州织金下寒武统戈仲武组(?1gz)磷矿富集大量稀土,但是磷块岩中REE富集机制问题尚不清楚。本文对贵州织金不同稀土含量区间(262×10~(-6)、262×10~(-6)~527×10~(-6)、527×10~(-6)~761×10~(-6)、761×10~(-6))的磷块岩的研究表明,磷块岩的稀土配分均显示出Ce负异常、Eu无明显异常、MREE富集以及富集重稀土元素Y的特征。(La/Sm)N-δCe及δPr-δCe图解显示织金磷块岩Ce异常为真实的Ce异常,代表磷块岩形成在氧化环境。但当时海水的氧化环境并不是控制MREE富集的决定因素。(La/Sm)N-SmN、(Gd/Yb)N-YbN散点图显示MREE富集是稀土在富集过程中稀土发生分异的结果。(Dy/Sm)N-δEu散点图以及Eu无明显异常说明织金磷块岩形成过程中可能无热水作用的参与。地史时期"老磷块岩"普遍存在重稀土亏损的特征。  相似文献   

席斌斌  张德会  王汪根 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z3):383-386
南岭地区是中国著名的有色、稀有金属地球化学省,其W、Sn矿床尤其引人注目。该地区花岗岩分布广泛,其中燕山期花岗岩与W、Sn矿床关系最为密切。通过对4个与W、Sn矿床有密切关系燕山期岩体进行稀土元素、高场强元素的地球化学特征以及比较岩体花岗岩源区地幔物质相对含量推断--较多的地幔物质加入源区有利于形成Sn矿床,反之有利于形成W矿床;岩浆期后热液活动强度对矿化程度亦有重要影响,与大型、超大型 W(Sn)矿床有关的花岗岩往往经历过强烈地热液活动。  相似文献   

南岭位于华南地区中部,是我国乃至全球最主要的钨锡金属成矿省.本文基于最近几年的高精度成岩成矿测年资料和地球动力学研究进展,提出南岭地区大规模成矿作用出现于中晚侏罗世(165~150Ma),相应的构造背景是古太平洋板块向大陆俯冲,在大陆边缘弧后地区出现一系列NE向壳幔相互作用强烈的伸展带,这些伸展带与东西向古断裂的交汇部位是岩浆活动和成矿作用中心区,NE向十杭带与南岭中脊部EW向古深大断裂的交汇处形成湘南最大的钨锡矿集区.在中晚白垩世.古太平洋板块向NNE方向走滑,导致大陆岩石圈大面积伸展,相应大规模的火山活动主要出现在武夷山以东地区,但在包括南岭地区在内的华南地区广泛出现盆岭构造,NNE向的白垩纪红层-火山盆地与以花岗岩为代表的隆起相间分布,在一些盆地可见130~90Ma侵位的、面积不大却广泛分布的花岗岩及其锡多金属矿化,构成华南地区大规模锡多金属矿化作用,但这次成矿作用在南岭地区并不十分强烈.  相似文献   

Huashan, Guposhan and Qitianling are three similar and representative metaluminous A-type tin granites in the western Nanling Range, China. They all have a high oxidization state with magnetite as the dominant Fe–Ti oxide. This study presents an understanding of systematic mineralogy of Sn-bearing minerals (biotite, titanite, magnetite and cassiterite) in the three granites. Biotite has an annite composition and both electron-microprobe and LA-ICP-MS analyses indicate trace amounts of tin in biotite (approximately 100–20 ppm). Chloritization of biotite is accompanied by formation of Sn-rich rutile and cassiterite. Titanite has a long history of crystallization from the early-magmatic stage through the late-magmatic stage to the hydrothermal stage. Owing to its solid-solution relationship with malayaite (CaSnSiO5), titanite always contains tin to various extents. Early-magmatic titanite contains about 0.5 wt.% SnO2, while the late-magmatic titanite is markedly enriched in tin (on average 14.8 and 3.4 SnO2 in titanite from the Qitianling and Huashan granites, respectively). Magnetite grains typically display a trellis structure with ilmenite lamellae, where microinclusions of cassiterite (<1 μm in size) are present. This is likely consistent with features of the “oxy-exsolution” process of Sn-bearing titanomagnetite precursor. Cassiterite may be observed as late-magmatic phase, but most commonly appears as an alteration product of other primary minerals. All tin-bearing minerals in the three granites record a complete process of tin mineralization in granite. The features of tin in primary biotite, titanite and magnetite reflect an initial enrichment during the early stage of magmatic crystallization of the Huashan, Guposhan and Qitianling granites. Association of interstitial Sn-titanite and cassiterite suggests further tin enrichment related to fractional crystallization of granitic magmas. Fluids and alteration of primary minerals play an important role in the leaching, concentration and transportation of Sn during hydrothermal processes, which favors vein-type Sn mineralization.  相似文献   

海南岛奥陶纪火山-碎屑沉积岩矿物、地球化学成分与源区岩性质和沉积构造环境密切相关.岩相学观察和矿物化学分析表明,所研究的岩石主要碎屑矿物由石英、绿泥石(Si:5.8~6.2 a.p.f.u.、Mg/(Mg Fe):~0.45)和自色云母(Si:6.2~6.8 a.p.f.u.、Al:4.5~5.7 a.p.f.u.)组成,含少量的长石(主要为钾长石)、黑云母(Mg/(Mg Fe)=0.43、TiO2=0.01%)和磷灰石等矿物.地球化学特征上,这些岩石普遍具有高SiO2含量(Al2O3/SiO2=0.07~0.19)、相对高的K2O/Na2O比值(1.25~14.71)和高的FeOtotal MgO含量(普遍大于5%,最高达11.5%),但微量元素(含REE)含量普遍低于PAAS(NASC),且REE分布模式显示LREE富集((La/Yb)N=6.1~12.5)、Eu负异常或弱负异常(δEu=0.57~0.86).高的前交代CIA(~84)和PIA(~85)指数、A-CN-K分布模式以及可变的Th/U(2.9~25)比值还说明源区已经历强烈的化学和机械风化作用.低的Ce/Pb比值(2.1~2.8)则反映海南岛早古生代地壳已经历过Pb的富集事件.结合矿物化学成分和区域地质对比,研究区奥陶纪火山-碎屑沉积岩源区主要由变质的岩浆弧花岗闪长岩和弧长英质火山岩组成,少量的铁镁质成分不能排除,因而暗示一个从活动大陆边缘到被动大陆边缘的过渡性沉积构造环境.同时,推测海南岛在早古生代和晚古生代-早中生代可能分别存在一次俯冲增生-碰撞造山事件;海南岛(可能包括华夏地块)应于晚奥陶世后才脱离东冈瓦纳大陆的澳大利亚边缘.  相似文献   

The Nanling Range (Southeast China) is well known for its wolframite-bearing-quartz-vein (WQV) tungsten deposit. This study focuses on the geochemistry and geochronology of zircons from the WQV and challenges the current view of the tungsten mineralization in the Nanling Range. The features of the WQV zircons include: (1) pale brown, murky brown, or orange-red color and translucence under microscope; (2) {110} + {101} type crystal form; (3) weak cathodoluminescence; (4) enrichment of Hf (ranging from 1.97 to 7.83 wt.% HfO2), U (ranging from 0.02 to 3.97 wt.% UO2), Th (ranging from 0 to 0.65 wt.% ThO2), and P (ranging from 0 to 1.82 wt.% P2O5); and (5) presence of solid (hydrothermal and ore minerals) and fluid inclusions. These features indicate that the WQV zircons crystallized from hydrothermal fluids during tungsten mineralization. The in-situ LA-ICPMS U–Pb results of the WQV zircons from five different tungsten deposits in the Nanling Range yield similar ages, ranging from 134.4 ± 1.9 Ma to 132.9 ± 1.5 Ma, approximately 20 million years younger than proposed tungsten ore ages (155 ± 5 Ma). Several mineralization characteristics and field observations also cast doubt on the current model — Nanling Range tungsten ore is the result of orthomagmatic processes. The zircon characterization method provided in this study could be applied to tungsten metallogenic research in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

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