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朱铭 《地质科学》1990,(2):166-172
本文提出的天然气藏定年途径是建立在围岩与天然气藏之间放射性成因氩扩散与积累模式基础上的。中原油田部分钻井天然气形成年龄的计算结果,表明其自生自储天然气藏的形成始于21.5Ma前。  相似文献   

天然气水合物与常规油气资源的成藏在时空上存在密切联系,在一定条件下可以共生成藏。存在泄漏共生、封盖共生和遮盖侧储三种基本的共生成藏模式。泄漏共生模式是先期形成了传统油气藏,而后由于发生油气泄漏并在其上方形成天然气水合物,其特征是在水合物的下方生、储、盖齐备;封盖共生模式则是先在上部形成天然气水合物,同时作为下部传统油气藏的盖层,其特征是水合物之下的传统油气藏具备生、储成藏条件,但缺乏盖层成藏要素;遮盖侧储模式是由于水合物矿藏的遮盖作用,迫使在下部形成的烃类物质向上运移时改道,在旁侧具成藏条件的邻区成藏。实际的地质成藏可能会出现这些基本模式的组合形式。  相似文献   

试论天然气水合物成藏系统   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
针对天然气水合物理论预测和实际产出的不一致性、各种标志或异常未与天然气水合物建立起严格的对应关系、世界范围内已知或由BSR等间接指标所指示的天然气水合物在垂直方向和水平方向上分布的不确定性,如何更好地从地质系统论角度研究天然气水合物成藏过程和分布规律,尝试提出天然气水合物成藏系统概念,分别从烃类生成体系、流体运移体系、成藏富集体系对天然气水合物成藏过程进行了初步探讨;同时运用此思路对世界上调查研究程度较高的分布区开展了天然气水合物成藏系统初步分析。  相似文献   

川西坳陷天然气成藏条件及成藏模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

油藏成藏年代学分析   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
成藏年代学研究是成藏动力学研究的重要方面 ,是揭示成藏过程、成藏速率研究的有效途径。文中系统介绍了成藏年代学研究方法 ,即以储层自生伊利石年代学分析法为主 ,与其它传统地质方法相结合 ,对大庆油田的成藏年代学进行了系统研究。大庆油田北部的喇嘛甸、萨尔图、杏树岗块状背斜构造油藏成藏年龄在 65~ 4 0Ma ,南部受岩性控制的背斜构造油藏成藏年龄在 77.4~ 73Ma ,采用数值模拟方法对其进行了验证 ,揭示了石油二次运移、聚集成藏的动力学过程具有快速、高效的特征  相似文献   

中国南海天然气水合物沉积成藏条件初探及其分布   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
于兴河  张志杰  苏新  陈芳  李杨 《地学前缘》2004,11(1):311-315
中国南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一 ,具备良好的天然气水合物成藏条件和勘探前景。根据沉积条件 (沉积速率、沉积相和含砂率等 )分析 ,综合多方面的地质条件 ,认为气水合物存在于水深30 0~ 35 0 0m的区域 ;陆坡和靠近沉积中心的高沉积速率的厚层沉积为天然气水合物聚集的有利部位 ,与BSR分布的吻合率在 6 0 %~ 80 %之间 ;等深流、重力流沉积和各类扇体 (如三角洲、扇三角洲、低位扇等 )的前缘为水合物沉积的有利相带 ,与BSR分布的吻合率在 5 0 %~ 75 %之间 ;赋存气水合物的沉积物的含砂率通常在 35 %~ 70 %之间。依据多方面资料的研究 ,在南海海域划分出 1 1个有利的天然气水合物勘探远景区块 ,面积共 1 2 .5 (± 1 .5 )× 1 0 4km2 ,约占整个南海总面积的 3.6 %。  相似文献   

沈传波  葛翔  白秀娟 《地球科学》2019,44(3):713-726
四川盆地震旦-寒武系储层具有万亿立方米以上的油气地质储量,具有广阔的勘探前景.复杂的地质条件及多期次构造作用限制了对其油气成藏演化过程的精细刻画.近年来,流体包裹体40Ar/39Ar和烃类Re-Os同位素定年等新技术在油气成藏研究中表现出良好的潜力和广泛的应用前景.针对四川盆地深部油气成藏演化的定量解析这一问题,在总结前人对震旦-寒武系油气成藏演化地质分析的基础上,结合近期对川中威远气田、川西龙门山矿山梁古油藏和川北米仓山古油藏中沥青Re-Os同位素的定年结果,认为四川盆地震旦-寒武系油气存在~450 Ma、205~162 Ma两期成藏作用,其中天然气藏形成的关键时期为205~162 Ma.还指出了Re-Os同位素分析在定量解析油气演化研究中需要解决的关键问题,并认为烃类的Re-Os同位素定年将会推动我国成藏年代学的发展,促进诸如四川盆地等复杂地质条件深层油气成藏过程和成藏机理的研究.   相似文献   

南海潜在天然气水合物藏的成因及形成模式初探   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
文章分析了南海部分地区浅表层沉积物酸脱氢烃类气体的组成及ODP184航次部分岩屑样品罐顶气的组成与同位素特征,总结了南海部分气苗的烃类气体与同位素组成特征,并根据它们的同位素值估算了这些气体源的深度。估算值与实际值较吻合。在此基础上对这些烃类气体的成因进行了判别,结果为:北部陆坡的烃类主要来源于深部的裂解气,可能还有浅部生物气的混合,南部陆坡的烃类主要以浅部的生物气为主,还有热解气的混合。文中还对南海潜在天然气水合物藏的形成模式进行了初步的探讨。这些认识将有助于对南海天然气水合物的形成过程及同一构造背景下油气藏的关系的理解,对今后的普查勘探具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

摘要:祁连山地区天然气水合物分布较为复杂,急需对该区天然气水合物成藏控制因素与成藏模式进行深入研究。本次重点对青海木里三露天天然气水合物系 列钻井揭示的地质资料及各种样品分析测试结果进行综合分析,结果显示:该区天然气水合物气源以油型热解成因气为主,少部分在浅部混有部分微生物成因气及煤成气,这些油型热解成因 气源主要由下部或更深部上三叠统或二叠系提供;当气源岩生成烃类气体后运移至浅部直接或间接由断裂连同泥岩、油页岩等封堵形成浅部气体聚集;浅部气体聚集体局部加入微生物成因气 或煤成气,经过不晚于中更新世早期形成的岛状永久冻土作用,在天然气水合物稳定带内与水结合形成天然气水合物,当它们处在天然气水合物稳定带之外便在更浅部以异常高压气层或游离( 吸附)气存在。由于气源类型与供应条件、运移与聚集条件、天然气水合物稳定带范围的不同,它们之间的匹配关系在不同位置具有很大的差异性,从而影响该区天然气水合物在横向平面上和 纵向剖面上分布与产出的不均性。  相似文献   

南海东北部天然气水合物赋存类型多样,包括块状、瘤状、薄层状、脉状及分散状等五种形式,独自出现或相互共生成藏,并伴生碳酸盐岩,且分布在水深600~900m、海底及其以下的200m地层之内。其中前四种水合物常形成于浅断裂隙、沉积物层间薄弱带、海底表面等局部地区,粒径大于正常沉积物孔隙,水合物肉眼可见,故又称可视水合物;分散状水合物充填于微米—纳米级孔隙的沉积物中,肉眼难以分辨,故这类水合物为非可视水合物。据钻井揭示,以海底之下90m处地层为界,研究区发育上、下两套水合物矿层,上部水合物矿层以可视水合物为主,下部水合物矿层为非可视水合物。其中上部水合物矿层发育上、下两个水合物层段,在各水合物层段的顶部均发育自生碳酸盐岩,反映为地史时期与水合物藏演化相伴生的古冷泉。综合分析认为,天然气水合物赋存形式及水合物藏演化受控于多种因素作用,包括岩性、粒度、岩相(古河道、扇体)等沉积作用,新构造活动及断层作用,流体及气体运移,以及影响水合物结晶成核生长的热流、盐度、时间等。其中可视水合物主要受构造因素控制,多为活跃流体携带气体以渗漏形式局部聚集形成;而分散状水合物则多受沉积因素影响,气体以扩散形式运移至适宜温压域的沉积层内形成水合物。上新世以来的地质事件是水合物形成分解的诱发因素,冰期、间冰期变化与水合物形成分解有一定耦合关系。水合物形成时代应早于上覆的自生碳酸盐岩,晚于其赋存的母岩沉积层,研究区上部水合物矿层的上段形成于晚更新世,下段形成于中更新中期—晚更新世,下部水合物矿层形成中更新世早期—中更新世中期;水合物矿藏共经历了3次水合物藏发育期和2次水合物藏破坏期。伴随水合物演化,发育两期自生碳酸盐岩,海底自生碳酸盐岩形成于更新世末期,上部水合物矿层之下段的顶部碳酸盐岩形成于中更新世早期。多层水合物构成的复式水合物矿藏系统,是扩散、渗漏驱动的二元成藏动力学过程综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

为研究页岩气藏开发过程中介质变形和滑脱效应对微裂缝表观渗透率动态变化的影响规律,分析有效应力和多孔介质结构参数等对气体渗流影响机制,采用光滑平板模型,结合分形及气体微观渗流理论,建立了介质变形和滑脱效应耦合作用下的微裂缝表观渗透率动态模型,并对模型进行可靠性验证和参数敏感性分析。研究表明,页岩气藏降压开采过程中受介质变形和滑脱效应“一负一正”耦合影响,微裂缝表观渗透率呈先减小后增大趋势,且临界压力值约为5 MPa;不同有效应力状态下,由于介质变形和滑脱效应耦合机制的差异性,导致表观渗透率变化规律不同,从微观作用机制角度对实验中不同加载条件下页岩应力敏感性的差异做出了理论解释;微裂缝最大开度越小,表观渗透率曲线“凹槽”越深,同时微裂缝孔隙度及开度分形维数越高、迂曲度分形维数越低,表观渗透率值越大。  相似文献   

磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年方法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磷灰石He封闭温度是目前已知定年体系中最低的,能够反映低温价段(40~90℃)的热历史信息,该方法现已成为低温热年代学领域研究的重要手段.本文概述了磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年方法的原理、校正、实验流程、应用以及存在的问题.其中,重点介绍了近几年国内外(U-Th)/He定年中辐射损伤研究的进展,主要包括以下几个方面:①辐射损伤的原理:捕获模型的提出及应用;②辐射损伤对磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年的影响;③新模型的提出:辐射损伤累积-退火模型;④辐射损伤的实际应用.  相似文献   

In this work, we construct a new coupled Multiscale/Discrete Fracture Model for compressible flow in a multiporosity shale gas reservoir containing networks of natural and hydraulic fractures. The geological formation is characterized by four distinct length scales and levels of porosity. The window of observation of the finest (nanoscale) portraits the nanopores within organic matter containing adsorbed gas. At the microscale, the medium is formed by two solid phases: organic, composed by kerogen aggregates, and inorganic (clay, quartz, calcite). Such phases are separated by the network of partially-saturated interparticle pores where microscopic free gas flow influenced by Knudsen effects along with gas diffusion in the immobile water phase occur simultaneously. The upscaling of the local flow to the mesoscale gives rise to a nonlinear homogenized pressure equation in the shale matrix which lies adjacent to the system of natural fractures. Homogenization of the coupled matrix/preexisting fractures to the macroscale leads to a microstructural model of dual porosity type. Such homogenized model is subsequently coupled with the hydrodynamics in the network of induced fractures which, in the context of the discrete fracture modeling, are treated as (n ? 1), (n = 2, 3) lower dimensional objects. In order to handle numerically the nonlinear interaction between the different flow equations, we adopt a superposition argument, firstly proposed by Arbogast (1996), in each iteration of a fixed-point algorithm. The resultant governing equations are discretized by the finite element method and numerical simulations of gas production in stratified arrangements of the fracture networks are presented to illustrate the potential of the multiscale approach.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing of unconventional gas reservoirs rapidly developed especially in the USA to an industrial scale during the last decade. Potential adverse effects such as the deterioration of the quality of exploitable groundwater resources, areal footprints, or even the climate impact were not assessed. Because hydraulic fracturing has already been practised for a long time also in conventional reservoirs, the expansion into the unconventional domain was considered to be just a minor but not a technological step, with potential environmental risks. Thus, safety and environmental protection regulations were not critically developed or refined. Consequently, virtually no baseline conditions were documented before on-site applications as proof of evidence for the net effect of environmental impacts. Not only growing concerns in the general public, but also in the administrations in Germany promoted the commissioning of several expert opinions, evaluating safety, potential risks, and footprints of the technology in focus. The first two publications of the workgroup “Risks in the Geological System” of the independent “Information and Dialogue process on hydraulic fracturing” (commissioned by ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH) comprises the strategy and approaches to identify and assess the potential risks of groundwater contamination of the exploitable groundwater system in the context of hydraulic fracturing operations in the Münsterland cretaceous basin and the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany. While being specific with respect to local geology and the estimation of effective hydraulic parameters, generalized concepts for the contamination risk assessment were developed. The work focuses on barrier effectiveness of different units of the overburden with respect to the migration of fracking fluids and methane, and considers fault zones as potential fluid pathway structures.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing is a method used for the production of unconventional gas resources. Huge amounts of so-called fracturing fluid (10,000–20,000 m3) are injected into a gas reservoir to create fractures in solid rock formations, upon which mobilised methane fills the pore space and the fracturing fluid is withdrawn. Hydraulic fracturing may pose a threat to groundwater resources if fracturing fluid or brine can migrate through fault zones into shallow aquifers. Diffuse methane emissions from the gas reservoir may not only contaminate shallow groundwater aquifers, but also escape into the atmosphere where methane acts as a greenhouse gas. The working group “Risks in the Geological System” as part of ExxonMobil’s hydrofracking dialogue and information dissemination processes was tasked with the assessment of possible hazards posed by migrating fluids as a result of hydraulic fracturing activities. In this work, several flow paths for fracturing fluid, brine and methane are identified and scenarios are set up to qualitatively estimate under what circumstances these fluids would leak into shallower layers. The parametrisation for potential hydraulic fracturing sites in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony (both in Germany) is derived from literature using upper and lower bounds of hydraulic parameters. The results show that a significant fluid migration is only possible if a combination of several conservative assumptions is met by a scenario.  相似文献   

天然气水合物是未来重要的战略开采资源,受到了世界各国的广泛关注,因此对海底天然气水合物进行大规模开采成为必然。目前,海底天然气水合物开采还处于试采阶段,到目前为止还未形成成熟的开采方式。本文从人们所担心的海域天然气水合物开采过程中因储层非成岩可能出现的海底水合物大规模气化、破坏海洋生态环境、产生海底地质灾害等问题出发,对海域天然气水合物开采的安全性进行了分析。同时调研了当前世界各国海域天然气水合物试采现状,指出了进行储层改造是海域天然气水合物未来进行大规模开采的必由之路。探讨分析了采用水力喷射微小井眼技术边钻进水平井边喷射改进发泡水泥浆以进行储层改造的可行性,可为我国水合物商业化开采提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Although it has been shown that the potential of tight‐sand gas resources is large, the research into the mechanisms of hydrocarbon charging of tight sandstone reservoirs has been relatively sparse. Researchers have found that there is a force balance during hydrocarbon charging, but discriminant models still have not been established. Based on the force balance conditions observed during gas migration from source rocks to tight sandstone reservoirs, a calculation formula was established. A formula for identifying effective source rocks was developed with the gas expulsion intensity as the discrimination parameter. The critical gas expulsion intensity under conditions of various burial depths, temperatures, and pressures can be obtained using the calculation formula. This method was applied in the Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs of the eastern Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, and it was calculated that the critical expulsion intensity range from 6.05 × 108 m3/km2 to 10.07 × 108 m3/km2. The critical gas charging force first increases with depth and later decreases with greater depths. The distribution range of effective gas source rocks and total expelled gas volume can be determined based on this threshold. This method provides new insight into and method for predicting favourable tight‐sand gas‐bearing regions and estimating their resource potentials. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

页岩储层裂隙渗透率模型和试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏学  刘卫群  朱立 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):719-729
页岩储层的裂隙渗透率是评价页岩气开采的重要参数,基于裂隙法向刚度的概念,考虑页岩储层变形过程中裂隙系统和基质系统之间的相互作用以及页岩气解吸引起的体应变,提出了与有效应力相关的页岩储层的渗透率模型。然后分别分析了页岩气藏在单轴应变和常体积条件下的渗透率模型,分析表明,单轴应变和常体积条件下(3个方向的总应变都为0)的裂隙渗透率模型完全一致。采用脉冲衰减渗透率仪测试了煤系页岩的裂隙渗透率,当有效应力从0.7 MPa增加到14.5 MPa时,渗透率从41.81×10-17 m2降到5.43×10-17 m2。为了阐述渗透率模型的有效性,利用煤系页岩的渗透率数据对有效应力-渗透率模型进行拟合。结果表明,当裂隙的法向刚度、张开度和煤系页岩的初始渗透率分别为57 922.5 MPa/m、0.000 17 m和50.15×10-17 m2时,有效应力-渗透率模型和煤系页岩的渗透率拟合程度较好。然后利用现场渗透率数据对该模型进行拟合,结果表明,当裂隙的法向刚度和张开度的关系符合反比例函数时,拟合程度非常好。该渗透率模型适合于单轴应变、常体积和常围压条件,可用于描述页岩气开采过程中页岩储层裂隙渗透率随孔隙压力的变化规律。同时,该渗透率模型和P&M模型以及S&D模型进行了比较,结果表明,该渗透率模型的拟合结果与S&D模型基本一致,但与P&M模型存在一定的差别。  相似文献   

Depleted reservoirs of natural gas and petroleum can provide excellent traps for carbon dioxide. Deep aquifers, which are not used due to high salinity, can host larger amount of the carbon dioxide under their high formation pressure than natural gas and oir reservoirs. Small fraction of aquifers in sedimentary basins in the world are enough to host about 87 gigaton-C of carbon dioxide.

A preliminary technical and economical survey on the carbon dioxide injection system suggests that the energy requirement for carbon dioxide injection into subterranean aquifers is about 269 kWh/ton-C and that the investment and operation costs for system are 79 $/ton-C. By our preliminary cost estimation in Japan, the CO2-emission-free electricity generation may become possible with a cost increase of 35% for natural-gas-fired power station, and of 60% for coal-fired-power station.  相似文献   

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