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We have developed an improved version of a world ocean model with the intention of coupling to an atmospheric model. This article documents the simulation capability of this 1° global ocean model, shows improvements over our earlier 5° version, and compares it to features simulated with a 0.5° model. These experiments use a model spin-up methodology whereby the ocean model can subsequently be coupled to an atmospheric model and used for order 100-year coupled model integrations. With present-day computers, 1° is a reasonable compromise in resolution that allows for century-long coupled experiments. The 1° ocean model is derived from a 0.5°-resolution model developed by A. Semtner (Naval Postgraduate School) and R. Chervin (National Center for Atmospheric Research) for studies of the global eddy-resolving world ocean circulation. The 0.5° bottom topography and continental outlines have been altered to be compatible with the 1° resolution, and the Arctic Ocean has been added. We describe the ocean simulation characteristics of the 1° version and compare the result of weakly constraining (three-year time scale) the three-dimensional temperature and salinity fields to the observations below the thermocline (710 m) with the model forced only at the top of the ocean by observed annual mean wind stress, temperature, and salinity. The 1° simulations indicate that major ocean circulation patterns are greatly improved compared to the 5° version and are qualitatively reproduced in comparison to the 0.5° version. Using the annual mean top forcing alone in a 100-year simulation with the 1° version preserves the general features of the major observed temperature and salinity structure with most climate drift occurring mainly beneath the thermocline in the first 50–75 years. Because the thermohaline circulation in the 1° version is relatively weak with annual mean forcing, we demonstrate the importance of the seasonal cycle by performing two sensitivity experiments. Results show a dramatic intensification of the meridional overturning circulation (order of magnitude) with perpetual winter surface temperature forcing in the North Atlantic and strong intensification (factor of three) with perpetual early winter temperatures in that region. These effects are felt throughout the Atlantic (particularly an intensified and northward-shifted Gulf Stream outflow). In the Pacific, the temperature gradient strengthens in the thermocline, thus helping counter the systematic error of a thermocline that is too diffuse.Partial support is provided by the Office of Health and Environmental Research of the US Department of Energy The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

The climatic effects of an elevated uniform global layer of purely absorbing smoke of absorption optical depth 0.2 have been simulated using a version of the 9-level spectral model of McAvaney et al. (1978). The model was run at rhomboidal wave number 21 with convective adjustment, prognostic precipitation and soil hydrology, but fixed zonally averaged climatological cloud and fixed sea surface temperature, for constant January and July conditions with and without smoke absorption. Results show a reduction in convective rainfall in the tropics and monsoonal regions of the order of 50%, with diurnal average soil surface coolings of several degrees C except in those locations where the reduction in soil moisture is sufficient to effectively stop evaporation at the surface. In that case, small increases in temperature may occur. Results over Australia are consistent with the zonal mean picture. Run in a diurnal cycle mode, the model shows that daily maximum temperatures are more strongly affected, with soil surface coolings of the order of 2°–3° C in summer (with some local warmings) and 4°–6° C in winter. Overninght minimum temperatures cool by only 1°–2° C in both summer and winter. Possible effects of a lowering of sea surface temperature, variations in cloud cover, neglect of scattering by smoke, and infrared absorption and emission by the smoke are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous evaluations of model precipitation fields have suffered from two weaknesses; they have used only mean observed climatologies which have prevented an explicit evaluation of interannual variability, and they have generally failed to quantify the significance of differences between model and observed fields. To rectify these weaknesses, a global precipitation climatology is required which is designed with model evaluation in mind. This paper describes such a climatology representative of the period 1951–80. The climatology is based on historical gauge-precipitation measurements from over 2500 land-based station time series representing over 28% of the Earth's surface. It is necessarily biased towards terrestrial areas. The climatology (CRU5180) is derived from month-by-month gridbox precipitation estimates at 5° resolution. Although other global precipitation climatologies exist, this is the first one to have used a consistent reference period for each station, and to include the details of interannual variability. Fields of mean seasonal and annual precipitation and mean temporal variability are presented, and the variability of global-mean precipitation over 1951–80 assessed. The resulting mean monthly global precipitation fields are compared briefly with two other observed climatologies used for model evaluation, those prepared by Jaeger and Legates and Willmott. The global and hemispheric means, mean seasonal cycles, and spatial patterns of the three cimatologies are compared. Although based on a smaller set of stations than Legates and Willmott, the CRU5180 precipitation estimates agree closely with their uncorrected climatology.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of surface temperature anomalies (STAs) upon frontal cyclones are investigated with a nonlinear model. The model used is a modified version of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM 1). The experiments are run with hemispheric domain and R 30 (rhomboidal) truncation. The present study isolates the effects of sensible heating. Topography and latent heating are excluded from this model. The initial data are created from a solution (normal mode) to the linear eigenvalue problem. Six experiments use various locations and intensities for dipole-shaped STA; one control case is run without STA. The intensity is either ±5 or ±10°K and the anomalies ae located at 40°N, 50°N, or 35°N. The jet is centered at 40°N. All cases are run for 20 days. Nonlinear, time-dependent, growth rate and phase frequency are derived and compared to the linear (eigenvalue) amounts.The resulting waves grow primarily by baroclinic instability. Perturbation fields at higher levels grow faster before they mature (occlude) and decay faster afterward, than do lower level fields. The baroclinic conversion of energy lessens as the perturbations mature. The principal hypothesis tested is that: the STA alters the static stability which in turn modulates the baroclinic instability. Over warm anomalies the static stability should be reduced, enhancing baroclinic instability. Over cold anomalies the opposite may happen. The nonlinear simulations confirm this hypothesis in part. In the present study, the intensity of the warm anomaly produces greater growth rate during and after the storm's mature state. Larger STA intensity increases the maximum amplitude of the perturbation in a roughly linear fashion. However, the STA effects are nonlinear after maximum amplitude is reached: during decay, the difference in amplitude between the control case and the 10°K STA case is more than twice the difference between the control and 5°K case. In contrast, little deviation from the control case is found for perturbations over the cold anomaly, indicating a nonlinear link between STA and wave growth. The latitudinal variation used of the surface temperature anomaly centers had no significant influence on the baroclinic growth. Secondary growths of storms after 10 days are more commonly seen in cases with STA.  相似文献   

Climatic changes at the Earth's surface propagate slowly downward into theground and modify the ambient ground thermal regime. However, causes of soiltemperature changes in the upper few meters are not well documented. One majorobstacle to understanding the linkage between the soil thermal regime andclimatic change is the lack of long-term observations of soil temperatures andrelated climatic variables. Such measurements were made throughout the formerSoviet Union with some records beginning at the end of the 19th century. Inthis paper, we use records from Irkutsk, Russia, to demonstrate how the soiltemperature responded to climatic changes over the last century. Both airtemperature and precipitation at Irkutsk increased from the late 1890s to the1990s. Changes in air temperature mainly occurred in winter, while changes inprecipitation happened mainly during summer. There was an anti-correlationbetween mean annual air temperature and annual total precipitation, i.e., more(less) precipitation during cold (warm) years. There were no significanttrends of changes in the first day of snow on the ground in autumn, but snowsteadily disappeared earlier in spring, resulting in a reduction of the snowcover duration. A grass-covered soil experiences seasonal freezing for morethan nine months each year and the long-term average maximum depth ofseasonally frozen soils was about 177 cm with a range from 91 cm to 260 cm.The relatively lower soil temperature at shallow depths appears to representthe so-called `thermal offset' in seasonally frozen soils. Changes in meanannual air temperature and soil temperature at 40 cm depth were about the samemagnitude (2.0 °C to 2.5 °C) over the common period of record, but thepatterns of change were substantially different. Mean annual air temperatureincreased slightly until the 1960s, while mean annual soil temperatureincreased steadily throughout the entire period. This leads to the conclusionthat changes in air temperature alone cannot explain the changes in soiltemperatures at this station. Soil temperature actually decreased duringsummer months by up to 4 °C, while air temperature increased slightly.This cooling in the soil may be explained by changes in rainfall and hencesoil moisture during summer due to the effect of a soil moisture feedbackmechanism. While air temperature increased about 4 °C to 6 °C duringwinter, soil temperature increased by up to 9 °C. An increase in snowfallduring early winter (October and November) and early snowmelt in spring mayplay a major role in the increase of soil temperatures through the effects ofinsulation and albedo changes. Due to its relatively higher thermalconductivity compared to unfrozen soils, seasonally frozen ground may enhancethe soil cooling, especially in autumn and winter when thermal gradient isnegative.  相似文献   

In the prognostic stratiform cloud scheme used in the UK Meteorological Office Unified Model, mixed phase clouds are assumed to exist between 0 and –15 °C. Recent observations of such clouds, carried out using the C-130 aircraft of the Meteorological Research Flight, suggest that a smaller range of 0 to –9°C may be more appropriate. The sensitivity of cloud and radiation fields as simulated by a 5 × 7.5° latitude-longitude version of the Unified Model to such a reduction in the temperature range of mixed phase clouds is considered. Using a smaller temperature range systematic errors in the radiation budget of the model are reduced in mid-latitudes, bringing the model into closer agreement with ERBE data. The sensitivity of model albedo to an increase in the temperature range over which mixed phase clouds are assumed to exist, suggested by previous observational studies, is also considered together with the impact of removing the mixed phase part of the precipitation parametrization altogether.  相似文献   

This paper presents probable effects of climate change on soil moisture availability in the Southeast Anatolia Development Project (GAP) region of Turkey. A series of hypothetical climate change scenarios and GCM-generated IPCC Business-as-Usual scenario estimates of temperature and precipitation changes were used to examine implications of climate change for seasonal changes in actual evapotranspiration, soil moisture deficit, and soil moisture surplus in 13 subregions of the GAP. Of particular importance are predicted patterns of enhancement in summer soil moisture deficit that are consistent across the region in all scenarios. Least effect of the projected warming on the soil moisture deficit enhancement is observed with the IPCC estimates. The projected temperature changes would be responsible for a great portion of the enhancement in summer deficits in the GAP region. The increase in precipitation had less effect on depletion rate of soil moisture when the temperatures increase. Particularly southern and southeastern parts of the region will suffer severe moisture shortages during summer. Winter surplus decreased in scenarios with increased temperature and decreased precipitation in most cases. Even when precipitation was not changed, total annual surplus decreased by 4 percent to 43 percent for a 2°C warming and by 8 percent to 91 percent for a 4°C warming. These hydrologic results may have significant implications for water availability in the GAP as the present project evaluations lack climate change analysis. Adaptation strategies – such as changes in crop varieties, applying more advanced dry farming methods, improved water management, developing more efficient irrigation systems, and changes in planting – will be important in limiting adverse effects and taking advantage of beneficial changes in climate.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the estimation of root zone soil moisture is presented. Global fields of the soil moisture within the uppermost metre of soil are derived with a temporal resolution of 10 days. For calibration, long-term soil moisture observations from the former Soviet Union are used. The variance of the measurements is largely dominated by the spatial variability of the long-term mean soil moisture, while the temporal variability gives comparatively small contribution. Consequently, the algorithm is organised into two steps. The first step concentrates on the retrieval of the spatial variance of the long-term means, which comprises more than 85% of the total soil moisture variability. A major part of the spatial variance can be explained by four easily available fields: the climatological precipitation, land use, soil texture, and terrain slope. The second step of the algorithm is dedicated to the local temporal variability. This part of variability is recovered by using passive microwave data from scanning multichannel microwave radiometre (SMMR) supported by monthly averaged fields of air temperature and precipitation. The 6-GHz channel of SMMR is shown to be severely disturbed by radio frequency interference, so that information from the 10-GHz channel is used instead. The algorithm provides reasonable soil moisture fields which is confirmed by a comparison with independent measurements from Illinois.  相似文献   

Based on model calculations, the moisture of soil for sites with and without a cover of trees under the current and rising temperature was studied assuming a 5 °C increase in annual mean temperature over a period of 100 years. The calculation for southern Finland (61°N) showed that the soil moisture under elevated temperature could be reduced compared to that under current temperature conditions. This was also true for northern Finland (66°N), but there the reduction in soil moisture was less substantial. In particular, when trees were present, the soil moisture during the growing season was reduced due to enhanced evapotranspiration. In the presence of trees, the moisture content of the surface soil was only half that under the current temperature. In these conditions, reduced accumulation of snow and a thin humus layer allowed the soil to freeze to deep layers, thereby causing further reduction in soil moisture due to poor transfer of water deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary A diagnostic model for complete heat budgets in the free atmosphere is presented and is applied to the African-Atlantic sector between 35°S–30°N for May 1979. The model is based on the conservation equations for latent and sensible heat. These are evaluated in a form integrated over 24 hours in time and over atmospheric boxes of 2.5°×2.5° in horizontal and 100 hPa in vertical direction. Grid-scale input data are the 3D-ECMWF-diagnoses of the FGGE period plus parameterized fields of surface rain, evaporation and sensible Heat flux. This leads to an overspecification of latent and sensible heat budgets for any atmospheric column between surface and top of the atmosphere and thus yields an objective column imbalance. In order to separate the vertical subscale fluxes of rain, moisture and heat in the free atmosphere the model uses a closure assumption for the coupling between moisture and sensible heat flux as well as one for the vertical imbalance profiles; it is demonstrated that the budgets are not too sensitive with respect to these parameterizations.Results are presented in terms of vertical profiles of the subscale vertical fluxes of rain, moisture and heat. These are interpeted as measures of convective activity, with particular emphasis on the ITCZ. May 1979 averages as well as results for a respresentative single day are discussed. The imbalance (=the error) can be sufficiently well separated from the signal. It is shown that the low-level mass flux divergence does not coincide with the position of the ITCZ while the maximum of the subscale fluxes does coincide. Over the continent, it is not the horizontal mass flux convergence which feeds the ITCZ and the rainbelt but rather the subscale moisture flux and its convergence in the vertical. Over the Saharan latitudes, there is considerable convective flux of sensible heat, but not of latent heat. Over the ocean, deep convection in the ITCZ is weaker than over Africa, and it is consistently correlated with upward converging subscale moisture flux. The fields of the subscale vertical fluxes are coherent in space and time. It is argued from these results that the presented diagnostic model is potentially useful for testing parameterizations of convection in general circulation and climate models.With 19 Figures  相似文献   

The paper deals with problems of temporal and spatial variability of snow cover duration, of correlation between snow cover and winter mean air temperature patterns and of the impact of climate change on the snow cover pattern in Estonia. Snow cover fields are presented in form of IDRISI raster images. Snow cover duration measured at ca 100 stations and observation points have been interpolated into raster cells. On the base of time series of raster images, a map of mean territorial distribution of snow cover duration is calculated. Estonia is characterized by a great spatial variability of snow cover mostly caused by the influence of the Baltic Sea. General regularities of snow cover pattern are determined. A 104-year time series of spatial mean values of snow cover duration is composed and analyzed. A decreasing trend and periodical fluctuations have detected. Standardized principal component analysis is used for the time series of IDRISI raster images. It enables to study the influence of different factors on the formation of snow cover fields and territorial extent of coherent fluctuations. Correlation between snow cover duration and winter mean air temperature fields is analyzed. A spatial regression model is created for estimation of the influence of climate change on snow cover pattern in Estonia. Using incremental climate change scenarios (2 °C, 4 °C and 6 °C of warming in winter) mean decrease of snow cover duration in different regions in Estonia is calculated. According to results of model calculation, the highest decrease of snow cover duration will be take place on islands and in the coastal region of West Estonia. A permanent snow cover may not form at all. In the areas with maximum snow cover duration in North-East and South-East Estonia, that decrease should be much lower.  相似文献   

The WAVES model was used to simulate the effect of global warming on soil moisture on the semi-arid Taihang Mountain in China. Parameters of the WAVES model were first adjusted according to soil moisture data from a field global warming experiment. Then, the reliability of WAVES in predicting soil moisture changes induced by climatic change was confirmed by comparing the simulated and observed soil moisture values under different climatic conditions and plant growth rates of another field treatment. Next, 10 climate change scenarios incorporating increases in temperature and changes in precipitation were designed. When a simulation was conducted using the leaf area index (LAI) growth pattern from a field experiment under the present climatic conditions, the results suggested that the combination of temperature increase and precipitation decrease would greatly decrease soil water content throughout the entire simulation period. On the other hand, only when precipitation increased by 20% and temperatureincreased by 2 °C, the effect of precipitation increase on soil moisture was obviously positive. Although soil moisture conditions in the T2P1 (temperature increase by 2 °C and precipitation increase by 10%) and T4P2 (temperature increase by 4 °C and precipitation increase by 20%) scenarios were slightly better during the rainy season and notmuch changed before the rainy season, the positive effect of 10%precipitation increase on soil moisture was totally offset by moisture decrease caused bya 4 °C temperature increase in the T4P1 scenario. At the same time, the trends of soil-moisture change were highly coincident with predicted changes in productivity. Finally, the predicted LAI values from other studies were combined with the climatic change scenarios and used in the simulation. The results showed that changes in LAI alleviated, at least to some extent, the effects of temperature and precipitation changes on soil moisture.  相似文献   

A long-term set of deep soil temperature data collected over a 64-year period beginning in 1889 in a rural Illinois area provide a rare opportunity to assess the natural shifts in temperatures in a pristine environment without any urban or instrument bias. Temperatures from 1901 to 1951 increased 0.4 °C, and this was 0.2 °C less than nearby values from two high quality surface temperature data sets that supposedly are without any influence of urban heat islands, shifts in station locations or instrumentation, or other changes with time. Comparison of the soil values with surface air temperatures from a nearby weather station in a growing university community revealed a heat island effect of 0.6 °C. This value is larger than the adjustment based on population that has been recommended to eliminate the urban bias in long-term temperature trends in the U.S. Collectively, the results suggest that additional efforts may be needed to eliminate the urban influence on air temperatures, beyond techniques that simply use population as the basis. Population is only an approximation of urban factors affecting surface temperatures, and the heat island influences inherent in the values from weather stations in smaller communities which have been used as control, or data assumed to be unaffected by their urban environment in the adjustment procedures, have not been adequately accounted for.  相似文献   

Air temperature retrieval from remote sensing data based on thermodynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary A new approach to retrieving air temperature from land surface temperature is presented. The new method is based on thermodynamics. Two important parameters, namely crop water stress index and aerodynamic resistance, were used to build a quantitative relationship between the land surface temperature and the ambient air temperature. The method was applied using MODIS satellite data for a location situated in the North China Plain. Comparing the measurement values at meteorological stations with air temperature, derived by the method for certain pixels, indicates that derived values can be obtained within an accuracy of 3°C for more than 80% of data processed. Sensitivity studies also suggest that inaccuracies associated with measurement error in the model variables are also within the 3°C range.  相似文献   

V. Gornitz  Nasa 《Climatic change》1985,7(3):285-325
The extent of albedo change resulting from anthropogenic modification of the vegetation cover over the last century has been investigated in West Africa. The climatic implications of these changes are briefly discussed.West Africa spans a suite of vegetation zones ranging latitudinally northward from tropical rainforest to desert scrub, and comprises environmental problems from extremely rapid deforestation of the tropical forests in Ivory Coast or Ghana to desertification in the Sahel.Historical vegetation changes have been digitized on a 1° × 1° grid map based on a literature survey of government censuses, forestry and agricultural reports, supplemented by atlases, and other historical, economic and geographic sources.The principal processes of land cover modification during the last century include clearing of the natural vegetation for agriculture, grazing, logging, and degradation of marginal semi-arid to arid ecosystems by excessive grazing or cultivation. Forestry surveys for West Africa suggest clearance of around 56% of the forest zone; estimated losses for Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Liberia range between 64% and 70%. Estimates of total land conversion range between 88 million ha, from the digitized land use map (Figure 4) to 122.8 million ha, from extrapolation of forestry data (Section 3.1).The change in albedo corresponding to the land use modification is relatively small, using conservative estimates for desertification amounting to an increase of around 0.4% regionally over 100 yr and 0.5% since agriculture began. Thus 4/5 of the total albedo may have occurred within the last century. Additional assumptions regarding desertification and a lower albedo value for tropical forest compensate for each other and do not significantly alter the result of the initial calculation. The maximum zones of increased albedo are concentrated in the forest zone (4°–8° N) and savanna-southern sahel (10°–12°) which correspond to zones of maximum agricultural and population growth. Between 13° N and 17° N, the albedo change is small or negative due to both less intensive land utilization and replacement of scattered vegetation on exposed sandy soil by lower albedo irrigated crops.These estimates may represent a lower limit, particularly if desertification is more extensive than initially assumed. Under an extreme assumption that the entire Sahel zone between 14°–20° N has been desertified, the regional mean albedo could increase by as much as 4%. This represents an upper limit to likely historical anthropogenic disturbances of the land surface.Although historical climate records show three major droughts during the 20th century (1910–1920, 1940's, 1969–1975, possibly continuing into the 1980's; Nicholson, 1980a; Hare, 1983), and stream flow fluctuations which correlate well with precipitation (Faure and Gac, 1981;Palutikof et al., 1981), these records do not appear to indicate a regional secular decrease in precipitation as suggested by several climate models. Evidence for apparent desiccation or desert creep (= desertification) may be attributed, in large part, to adverse changes in soil and stream hydrology caused by anthropogenic disruption of the vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Summary Asa step in the development of a fully coupled regional model of the atmosphere-ice-ocean system, atmospheric and sea ice models have been adapted to a western Arctic domain centered on the Bering Strait. Lateral boundary conditions derived from operational analyses drive the models through simulations on grids having horizontal resolutions of 21 km and 7 km. Sensitivities to the presence of sea ice are large after only 48 hours, by which time the surface temperatures in the Bering and Chukchi Seas are 10–15°C higher without sea ice than with sea ice. The temperatures, in turn, modify the fields of sea level pressure, surface wind and precipitation. By influencing the surface wind stress through the static static stability, the surface state feeds back to the surface momentum exchange, ice/ocean transport, and the rate of formation of new ice. The results also show a resolution-dependence of the surface winds, precipitation rates and new ice formation rates, particularly in areas in which the coastal configuration and topography are spatially complex. The experiments will be augmented by the implementation of an ocean model on the same grids.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Summary In this study, a detailed examination on the evolution of summer monsoon onset over southern tip of the Indian peninsula, its advancement and withdrawal over the Indian sub-continent is carried out by utilizing the analysis/forecast fields of a global spectral model for Monsoon-1995. The data base used in this study is derived from the archives of global data assimilation and forecasting system of NCMRWF, India, valid for 00UTC at 1.5° latitude/longitude resolution for the summer monsoon period of 1995. By utilizing the analyses and forecast fields, and the established knowledge of the Indian monsoon, objective criteria are employed in this study for determining the onset, advancement, and withdrawal of the monsoon.It is found that all the major characteristics of Monsoon-1995 are captured well by the analysis-forecast system even though the criteria adopted in this study are more objective and different in nature as compared to the conventional procedures. The onset date of monsoon over the southern tip of the Indian peninsula as determined by the dynamical onset procedure is found to be matching well with the realized date. Further, the evolution of monsoon onset characteristics over the Arabian Sea both in the analyses and forecasts is found to be in good agreement with the earlier studies. However, the magnitudes of net tropospheric moisture build-up and tropospheric temperature increase differ with respect to analyses and corresponding forecast fields. In addition, all important characteristics of the advancement and withdrawal of monsoon over the Indian sub-continent viz. stagnation, revival etc., are brought out reasonably well by the analysis and forecast system.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study is to describe spatial and temporal patterns of sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The analysis domain extends from 40°S to 25°N and 50°W to 80°E, hence the tropical and most of the South Atlantic and central and western Indian Oceans. The investigation, covering the years 1948 to 1979, utilizes the COADS marine data set. Empirical orthogonal functions and spectral analysis are used to analyze SST fields.A major finding of this investigation is that SSTs vary coherently throughout most of the analysis domain. The greatest coherence is evident from 10°N to 30°S in the Atlantic and from 20°N to 35°S in the western Indian Ocean. Spectral analysis of regional time series shows that throughout this region the time scale of 5–6 years is the dominant one in the fluctuations; this is also the case for the Southern Oscillation and for equatorial rainfall. SST variations are roughly in-phase within each ocean and the two oceans are roughly in-phase with each other, i.e., the lags which exist are much smaller than the dominant time scale of the fluctuations. The SST anomalies appear to propagate eastward from NE Brazil; the eastern Atlantic lags the western by two to six months and the Indian Ocean lags the western Atlantic by four to eight months.With 15 Figures  相似文献   

Almost three years of continuous measurements taken between January 2001 and May 2003 at the Gaize (or Gerze) automatic weather station (32.30 °N, 84.06 °E, 4420 m), a cold semi-desert site on the western Tibetan Plateau, have been used to study seasonal and annual variations of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters, such as thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity, and their relationship to soil moisture content. Most of these parameters undergo dramatic seasonal and annual variations. Surface albedo decreases with increasing soil moisture content, showing the typical exponential relation between surface albedo and soil moisture. Soil thermal conductivity increases as a power function of soil moisture content. The diffusivity first increases with increasing soil moisture, reaching its maximum at about 0.25 (volume per volume), then slowly decreases. Soil thermal capacity is rather stable for a wide range of soil moisture content.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to study the planetary boundary layer (PBL) characteristics during the winter period at Anand (22.4°N, 72.6°E), a semi-arid region, which is located in the western part of India. A one-dimensional turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) closure model is used for the study. The structure of the PBL,which consists of profiles of zonal and meridional components of wind,potential temperature and specific humidity, is simulated. A one-dimensional soil heat and moisture transport parameterization scheme is incorporated for the accurate representation of the energy exchange processes at the soil-atmosphere interface. The diurnal variation of fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat, shortwave radiation, net radiation and soil flux, soil temperature at different depths, Richardson number and TKE at the height of the constant flux layer is studied. The model predictions are compared with the available observations obtained from a special Land Surface Processes (LSP) experiment.  相似文献   

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