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We revisit the problem of clump formation due to thermal instabilities in a weakly ionized plasma with the help of a linear perturbation analysis, as discussed by Nejad-Asghar & Ghanbari. In the absence of a magnetic field and ambipolar diffusion the characteristic equation reduces to the thermal instability described by Field. We derive the critical wavelengths, which separate the spatial ranges of stability and instability. Contrary to the original analysis of Nejad-Asghar & Ghanbari, perturbations with a wavelength larger than the critical wavelength destabilize the cloud. Moreover, the instability regime of isentropic perturbations is drastically reduced. Isobaric modes with real values of the critical wavelength appear only if the density dependence of the cooling rate is more pronounced than the temperature dependence. Isentropic modes arise only if the power of the density in the cooling rate is smaller than 1/2, which is not fulfilled for CO cooling. We find that ambipolar diffusion is not a dominating heating process in molecular gas.  相似文献   

Frictional heating by the ion-neutral drift is calculated and its effect on the isobaric thermal instability is studied. Ambipolar drift heating of a one-dimensional self-gravitating magnetized molecular slab is used under the assumptions of quasi-magnetohydrostatic and local ionization equilibrium. We see that ambipolar drift heating is inversely proportional to density and its value in some regions of the slab can be significantly larger than the average heating rates of cosmic rays and turbulent motions. The results show that isobaric thermal instability can occur in some regions of the slab, and thus it may produce slab fragmentation and formation of astronomical unit scale condensations.  相似文献   

We present NH3(1,1) and (2,2) observations of MBM 12, the closest known molecular cloud (65-pc distance), aimed at finding evidence for on-going star formation processes. No local temperature (with a T rot upper limit of 12 K) or linewidth enhancement is found, which suggests that the area of the cloud that we have mapped (15-arcmin size) is not currently forming stars. Therefore this nearby 'starless' molecular gas region is an ideal laboratory to study the physical conditions preceding new star formation.
A radio continuum source has been found in Very Large Array archive data, close to but outside the NH3 emission. This source is likely to be a background object.  相似文献   

The dense molecular cloud cores that form stars, like other self-gravitating objects, undergo bulk oscillations. Just at the point of gravitational instability, their fundamental oscillation mode has zero frequency. We study, using perturbation theory, the evolution of a spherical cloud that possesses such a frozen mode. We find that the cloud undergoes a prolonged epoch of subsonic, accelerating contraction. This slow contraction occurs whether the cloud is initially inflated or compressed by the oscillation. The subsonic motion described here could underlie the spectral infall signature observed in many starless dense cores.  相似文献   

A recent observation with the Hipparcos satellite and some numerical simulations imply that the interaction between an oblate halo and a disc is inappropriate for the persistence of galactic warps. Following on from this , we have compared the time evolution of galactic warps in a prolate halo with that in an oblate halo. The haloes were approximated as fixed potentials, while the discs were represented by N -body particles. We have found that the warping in the oblate halo continues to wind up, and finally disappears. On the other hand, for the prolate halo model, the precession rate of the outer disc increases when the precession of the outer disc recedes from that of the inner disc, and vice versa. Consequently, the warping in the prolate halo persisted to the end of the simulation by retaining the alignment of the line of nodes of the warped disc. Therefore, our results suggest that prolate haloes could sustain galactic warps. The physical mechanism of the persistence of warp is discussed on the basis of the torque between a halo and a disc and that between the inner and outer regions of the disc.  相似文献   

Yu-Qing Lou  Ren-Yu Hu   《New Astronomy》2010,15(2):198-214
We study the self-similar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of a quasi-spherical expanding void (viz. cavity or bubble) surrounding the centre of a self-gravitating gas sphere with a general polytropic equation of state. We show various analytic asymptotic solutions near the void boundary in different parameter regimes and obtain the corresponding void solutions by extensive numerical explorations. We find novel void solutions of zero density on the void boundary. These new void solutions exist only in a general polytropic gas and feature shell-type density profiles. These void solutions, if not encountering the magnetosonic critical curve (MCC), generally approach the asymptotic expansion solution far from the central void with a velocity proportional to radial distance. We identify and examine free-expansion solutions, Einstein–de Sitter expansion solutions, and thermal-expansion solutions in three different parameter regimes. Under certain conditions, void solutions may cross the MCC either smoothly or by MHD shocks, and then merge into asymptotic solutions with finite velocity and density far from the centre. Our general polytropic MHD void solutions provide physical insight for void evolution, and may have astrophysical applications such as massive star collapses and explosions, shell-type supernova remnants and hot bubbles in the interstellar and intergalactic media, and planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium of pressure truncated, filamentary molecular clouds that are threaded by rather general helical magnetic fields. We first apply the virial theorem to filamentary molecular clouds, including the effects of non-thermal motions and the turbulent pressure of the surrounding ISM. When compared with the data, we find that many filamentary clouds have a mass per unit length that is significantly reduced by the effects of external pressure, and that toroidal fields play a significant role in squeezing such clouds.
We also develop exact numerical MHD models of filamentary molecular clouds with more general helical field configurations than have previously been considered. We examine the effects of the equation of state by comparing 'isothermal' filaments, with constant total (thermal plus turbulent) velocity dispersion, with equilibria constructed using a logatropic equation of state.
Our theoretical models involve three parameters: two to describe the mass loading of the toroidal and poloidal fields, and a third that describes the radial concentration of the filament. We thoroughly explore our parameter space to determine which choices of parameters result in models that agree with the available observational constraints. We find that both equations of state result in equilibria that agree with the observational results. Moreover, we find that models with helical fields have more realistic density profiles than either unmagnetized models or those with purely poloidal fields; we find that most isothermal models have density distributions that fall off as r −1.8 to r −2, while logatropes have density profiles that range from r −1 to r −1.8. We find that purely poloidal fields produce filaments with steep radial density gradients that are not allowed by the observations.  相似文献   

The evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) is driven by a variety of phenomena, including turbulence, shearing flows, magnetic fields and the thermal properties of the gas. Among the most important forces at work is self-gravity, which ultimately drives protostellar collapse. As part of an ongoing study of instabilities in the ISM, Hunter, Whitaker & Lovelace have discovered another process driven by self-gravity: the instability of an interface of discontinuous density. Theory predicts that this self-gravity driven interfacial instability persists in the static limit and in the absence of a constant background acceleration. Disturbances to a density interface are found to grow on a time-scale of the order of the free-fall time, even when the perturbation wavelength is much less than the Jeans length. Here we present the first numerical simulations of this instability. The theoretical growth rate is confirmed and the non-linear morphology displayed. The self-gravity interfacial instability is shown to be fundamentally different from the Rayleigh–Taylor instability, although both exhibit similar morphologies under the condition of a high density contrast, such as is commonly found in the ISM. Such instabilities are a possible mechanism by which observed features, such as the pillars of gas seen near the boundaries of interstellar clouds, are formed.  相似文献   

We present the local linear stability analysis of rotating jets confined by a toroidal magnetic field. Under the thin flux tube approximation, we derive the equation of motion for slender magnetic flux tubes. In addition to the terms responsible for the conventional instability of the toroidal magnetic field, a term related to the magnetic buoyancy and a term corresponding to the differential rotation become relevant for the stability properties. We find that the rigid rotation stabilizes while the differential rotational destabilizes the jet in a way similar to the Balbus–Hawley instability. Within the frame of our local analysis, we find that if the azimuthal velocity is of the order of or higher than the Alfvén azimuthal speed, the rigidly rotating part of the jet interior can be completely stabilized, while the strong shearing instability operates in the transition layer between the rotating jet interior and the external medium. This can explain the limb-brightening effect observed in several jets. However, it is still possible to find jet equilibria that are stable all across the jet, even in the presence of differential rotation. We discuss observational consequences of these results.  相似文献   

We study Parker instability (PI) operating in a non-adiabatic, gravitationally stratified, interstellar medium. We discuss models with two kinds of heating mechanisms. The first one results from photoionization models. The other, relying on supplemental sources, has been postulated by Reynolds, Haffner & Tufte. The cooling rate, corresponding to radiative losses, is an approximation to the one given by Dalgarno & McCray. An unperturbed state of the system represents a magnetohydrostatic and thermal equilibrium. We perform linear stability analysis by solving the boundary value problem. We find that the maximum growth rate of PI rises for increasing magnitudes of non-adiabatic effects. In the pure photoionization model, the maximum growth rate of the general non-adiabatic case coincides with the isothermal limit. Adding other sources of heat leads to a maximum growth rate that is larger than the one corresponding to the isothermal limit. We find that the influence of the supplemental heating on PI also leads to a decrease in temperature in magnetic valleys. Finally, we conclude that the initial gas cooling due to the action of PI may promote a subsequent onset of thermal instability in magnetic valleys and formation of giant molecular clouds.  相似文献   

We model the dynamics of Magellanic Stream with the ram-pressure scenario in the logarithmic and power-law galactic halo models and construct numerically the past orbital history of Magellanic Clouds and Magellanic Stream. The parameters of models include the asymptotic rotation velocity of spiral arms, halo flattening, core radius and rising or falling parameter of rotation curve. We obtain the best-fit parameters of galactic models through the maximum likelihood analysis, comparing the high resolution radial velocity data of HI in Magellanic Stream with that of theoretical models. The initial condition of the Magellanic Clouds is taken from the six different values reported in the literature. We find that oblate and nearly spherical shape halos provide a better fit to the observation than the prolate halos. This conclusion is almost independent of choosing the initial conditions and is valid for both logarithmic and power-law models.  相似文献   

We investigate the Parker instability (PI) influenced by thermal processes in a non-adiabatic, gravitationally stratified interstellar medium and discuss a model including the photoionization heating together with the supplemental heating mechanisms postulated by Reynolds, Haffner and Tufte. A cooling rate due to radiative losses is described by an approximation to the realistic cooling function of Dalgarno and McCray for ionized interstellar gas. An unperturbed initial state of the system simultaneously represents both a magnetohydrostatic and thermal equilibrium, and is thermally stable. We perform a set of 3D numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the zeusmp code. We find that PI developing in the presence of non-adiabatic effects promotes a transition of gas in magnetic valleys to a thermally unstable regime. We find that the region of initially enhanced density due to PI starts to condense more as the result of thermal instability action. The density in this region rises above the classical isothermal limit of two times the equilibrium value at the mid-plane. The maximum density in an evolved system reaches 10–40 times the equilibrium value at the mid-plane, and the structures so formed attain oval shapes. These results lead to the conclusion that PI, operating in the presence of realistic cooling and heating processes, can trigger the formation of dense clouds, which may give rise to giant molecular complexes.  相似文献   

We introduce a differential equation for star formation in galaxies that incorporates negative feedback with a delay. When the feedback is instantaneous, solutions approach a self-limiting equilibrium state. When there is a delay, even though the feedback is negative, the solutions can exhibit cyclic and episodic solutions. We find that periodic or episodic star formation only occurs when two conditions are satisfied. First the delay time-scale must exceed a cloud consumption time-scale. Secondly, the feedback must be strong. This statement is quantitatively equivalent to requiring that the time-scale to approach equilibrium be greater than approximately twice the cloud consumption time-scale. The period of oscillations predicted is approximately four times the delay time-scale. The amplitude of the oscillations increases with both feedback strength and delay time.
We discuss applications of the delay differential equation (DDE) model to star formation in galaxies using the cloud density as a variable. The DDE model is most applicable to systems that recycle gas and only slowly remove gas from the system. We propose likely delay mechanisms based on the requirement that the delay time is related to the observationally estimated time between episodic events. The proposed delay time-scale accounting for episodic star formation in galaxy centres on periods similar to   P ∼ 10 Myr  , irregular galaxies with   P ∼ 100 Myr  , and the Milky Way disc with   P ∼ 2  Gyr, could be that for exciting turbulence following creation of massive stars, that for gas pushed into the halo to return and interact with the disc and that for spiral density wave evolution, respectively.  相似文献   

The model of a Local Hot Bubble has been widely accepted as providing a framework that can explain the ubiquitous presence of the soft X-ray background diffuse emission. We summarize the current knowledge on this local interstellar region, paying particular reference to observations that sample emission from the presumed local million degree K hot plasma. However, we have listed numerous observations that are seemingly in conflict with the concept of a hot Local Bubble. In particular, the discovery of solar wind charge exchange that can generate an appreciable soft X-ray background signal within the heliosphere, has led to a re-assessment of the generally accepted model that requires a hot local plasma. In order to explain the majority of observations of the local plasma, we forward two new speculative models that describe the physical state of the local interstellar gas. One possible scenario is similar to the present widely accepted model of the Local Hot Bubble, except that it accounts for only 50% of the soft X-ray emission currently detected in the galactic plane, has a lower thermal pressure than previously thought, and its hot plasma is not as hot as previously believed. Although such a model can solve several difficulties with the traditional hot Local Bubble model, a heating mechanism for the dimmer and cooler gas remains to be found. The second possible explanation is that of the ‘Hot Top’ model, in which the Local Cavity is an old supernova remnant in which no (or very little) million degree local plasma is presently required. Instead, the cavity is now thought to be filled with partially ionized cloudlets of temperature ∼7000 K that are surrounded by lower density envelopes of photo-ionized gas of temperature ∼20,000 K. Although this new scenario provides a natural explanation for many of the observations that were in conflict with the Local Hot Bubble model, we cannot (as yet) provide a satisfactory explanation or the emission levels observed in the B and Be ultra-soft X-ray bands.  相似文献   

We investigate the chemical and observational implications of repetitive transient dense core formation in molecular clouds. We allow a transient density fluctuation to form and disperse over a period of 1 Myr, tracing its chemical evolution. We then allow the same gas immediately to undergo further such formation and dispersion cycles. The chemistry of the dense gas in subsequent cycles is similar to that of the first, and a limit cycle is reached quickly (2–3 cycles). Enhancement of hydrocarbon abundances during a specific period of evolution is the strongest indicator of previous dynamical history. The molecular content of the diffuse background gas in the molecular cloud is expected to be strongly enhanced by the core formation and dispersion process. Such enhancement may remain for as long as 0.5 Myr. The frequency of repetitive core formation should strongly determine the level of background molecular enhancement.
We also convolve the emission from a synthesized dark cloud, comprised of ensembles of transient dense cores. We find that the dynamical history of the gas, and therefore the chemical state of the diffuse intercore medium, may be determined if a sufficient sample of cores is present in an ensemble. Molecular ratios of key hydrocarbons with SO and SO2 are crucial to this distinction. Only surveys with great enough angular resolution to resolve individual cores, or very small groupings, are expected to show evidence of repetitive dynamical processing. The existence of non-equilibrium chemistry in the diffuse background may have implications for the initial conditions used in chemical models. Observed variations in the chemistries of diffuse and translucent regions may be explained by lines of sight which intersect a number of molecular cloud cores in various stages of evolution.  相似文献   

Recent observations have revealed that damped Lyα clouds (DLAs) host star formation activity. In order to examine if such star formation activity can be triggered by ionization fronts, we perform high-resolution hydrodynamics and radiative transfer simulations of the effect of radiative feedback from propagating ionization fronts on high-density clumps. We examine two sources of ultraviolet (UV) radiation field to which high-redshift ( z ∼ 3) galaxies could be exposed: one corresponding to the UV radiation originating from stars within the DLA, itself, and the other corresponding to the UV background radiation. We find that, for larger clouds, the propagating I-fronts created by local stellar sources can trigger cooling instability and collapse of significant part, up to 85 per cent, of the cloud, creating conditions for star formation in a time-scale of a few Myr. The passage of the I-front also triggers collapse of smaller clumps (with radii below ∼4 pc), but in these cases the resulting cold and dense gas does not reach conditions conducive to star formation. Assuming that 85 per cent of the gas initially in the clump is converted into stars, we obtain a star formation rate of  ∼0.25 M yr−1 kpc−2  . This is somewhat higher than the value derived from recent observations. On the other hand, the background UV radiation which has harder spectrum fails to trigger cooling and collapse. Instead, the hard photons which have long mean free-path heat the dense clumps, which as a result expand and essentially dissolve in the ambient medium. Therefore, the star formation activity in DLAs is strongly regulated by the radiative feedback, both from the external UV background and internal stellar sources and we predict quiescent evolution of DLAs (not starburst-like evolution).  相似文献   

Dust grains respond to the physical and chemical conditions of the interstellar region in which they are embedded. The interaction produces an extinction curve which depends on the local environment and on the past history of the dust grains. In this work we present a theoretical study of the effects of radial variations of dust extinction properties on gas-phase chemistry in spherical core–halo clouds. We use observational constraints on the variation range of the extinction curve, and we analyse if the degree of dust environmental processing could be reflected by chemical signatures in the gas-phase molecular concentrations. The results of this work show that significant variations in the photodestruction rates and in the thermal profile of the cloud might induce chemical patterns otherwise excluded in the standard dense-cloud chemistry. Some discrepancies between observations and theoretical provisions are discussed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   

Molecular outflows and the jets which may drive them can be expected to display signatures associated with rotation if they are the channels through which angular momentum is extracted from material accreting on to protostars. Here, we determine some basic signatures of rapidly rotating flows through three-dimensional numerical simulations of hydrodynamic jets with molecular cooling and chemistry. We find that these rotating jets generate a broad advancing interface which is unstable and develops into a large swarm of small bow features. In comparison to precessing jets, there is no stagnation point along the axis. The greater the rotation rate, the greater the instability. On the other hand, velocity signatures are only significant close to the jet inlet since jet expansion rapidly reduces the rotation speed. We present predictions for atomic, H2 and CO submillimetre images and spectroscopy including velocity channel maps and position–velocity diagrams. We also include simulated images corresponding to Spitzer IRAC band images and CO emission, relevant for APEX and eventual ALMA observations. We conclude that protostellar jets often show signs of slow precession but only a few sources display properties which could indicate jet rotation.  相似文献   

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