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在电离中电感应阻力对带电卫星轨道根数的摄动影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在高空电离层中运动的带电荷的卫星受电感应阻力后对轨道根数产生的摄动影响。研究结果表明,电感应阻力对带电卫星的轨道半长轴、轨道偏心率、近地点赤经、历元平赤经均有周期摄动影响,但除对半生长轴有长期摄动效应外对其它轨道根数均无长期摄动。轨道倾角和升交点赤经不受摄动影响。文中以飞行在高度1500km的电离层中的导体卫星作为算例。计算结果显示:带电导体卫星在高空电离层中带有一定电量时电感应阻力对轨道半长轴的缩短产生显著效应。  相似文献   

地球磁场对带电人造卫星轨道根数的摄动影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了地球磁场对带电的非赤道卫星的轨道根数的摄动影响,理论结果表明,地球磁场对带电卫星的轨道半长轴没有摄动影响,既无周期摄动,也无长期摄动,但对轨道偏心率、轨道倾角、升交点赤经、近地点经度和历元平近点角均有周期摄动,且对升交点和近地点经度还有长期摄动效应,通过算例表明,当卫星带有大量电菏时,地球磁场对卫星轨道的摄动影响必须加以考虑。  相似文献   

研究了地球磁场对带电的非赤道卫星的轨道根数的摄动影响。理论结果表明,地球磁场对带电卫星的轨道半长轴没有摄动影响,既无周期摄动,也无长期摄动,但对轨道偏心率、轨道倾角、升交点赤经、近地点经度和历元平近点角均有周期摄动,且对升交点和近地点经度还有长期摄动效应。通过算例表明,当卫星带有大量电荷时,地球磁场对卫星轨道的摄动影响必须加以考虑。  相似文献   

用功能转换原理和摄动理论的两种方法重点研究了导体卫星在地球磁场和有电导率介质空间飞行时磁感应阻力对圆形轨道半径的摄动影响。理论研究表明:导体卫星在圆形轨道上受磁感应阻力后轨道半径有随时间变化的长期摄动效应外还有周期性变化。此外,文中还讨论了磁感应阻力对圆形轨道的其它要素的摄动影响概况。  相似文献   

LEO卫星轨道设计中的主要摄动源影响评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对地球低轨道卫星(LEO)轨道设计中的摄动力模型进行了分析,并估计了其量级。然后针对用于GPS无线电掩星的LEO卫星轨道设计对掩星地面测点稳定性的要求,对力学模型进行了取舍,同时估计了各摄动力模型对轨道设计目标的影响。  相似文献   

对地球低轨道卫星 (LEO)轨道设计中的摄动力模型进行了分析 ,并估计了其量级。然后针对用于GPS无线电掩星的LEO卫星轨道设计对掩星地面测点稳定性的要求 ,对力学模型进行了取舍 ,同时估计了各摄动力模型对轨道设计目标的影响  相似文献   

Geosat卫星定轨中的大气阻力摄动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在利用卫星测高资料定轨的过程中,大气阻力摄动的影响较大。本文在比较几种常用大气密度模型误差对定轨影响的基础上,将密度改正公式引入到Geosat卫星的精密定轨中。结果显示,该公式可以有效地提高卫星的径向定轨精度。  相似文献   

Lageos卫星精密定轨中“类阻力”摄动的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Lageos卫星的精密定轨中引入了“类阻力”摄动加速度,以减小沿轨误差的影响。本文讨论了“类阻力”摄动的阻力系数CD的不同计算模式对定轨计算的影响。通过实例计算和分析比较,表明了类阻力系数CD在各个短弧上拟合的值变化较大。在一个月的长弧段内反CD作为常系数拟合求解仅是一种求平均值的近拟方法。类阻力系数CD应采用既包含长期变化又包含若干周期变化的计算模式比较合理,具体计算时该取多少项,应根据选用弧段的长短及精度要求来确定。  相似文献   

研究了双星多方模型的形状对同步子星轨道要素的摄动影响,假定两子星在同一轨道面上运动,推出了主星对伴星的轨道要素的摄动量,理论结果表明,双星多方模型对轨道半长轴和偏心率只有周期项摄动,无长期摄动,但对近星点和历元平近点角除有周期摄动外还有长期摄动效应。文中将理论结果应用于同步双星βPer(大陵五双星)的计算上,除计算了两个子星的形状(椭率)外对同步子星的轨道要素变化的周期项振幅和长期项的效应做了数值  相似文献   

本文利用天体力学中的摄动理论和天体物理学中的气体星多方模型理论研究了太阳多方模型对行星轨道要素变化的长期摄动影响。文中给出了太阳日多方指数n=3的模型由于自转、扁度和内部密度分布等因素对行星轨道要素变化的长期摄动效应的理论结果。研究结果表明:行星轨道要素除长轴、偏心率和轨道倾角不受长期摄动外升交点经度、近日点经度以及平近点角均受长期摄动的影响。最后利用理论结果对行星轨道要素的长期投动效应做了数值计算,数值结果在表1中给出。  相似文献   

We use the teleparallel geometry analog of the Møller energy-momentum complex to calculate the energy distribution (due to matter plus field including gravity) of a charged black hole solution in heterotic string theory. We find the same energy distribution as obtained by Gad who investigated the same problem by using the Møller energy-momentum complex in general relativity. The total energy depends on the black hole mass M and charge Q. The energy obtained is also independent of the teleparallel dimensionless coupling constant, which means that it is valid not only in the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, but also in any teleparallel model. Furthermore, our results also sustains (a) the importance of the energy-momentum definitions in the evaluation of the energy distribution of a given spacetime and (b) the viewpoint of Lessner that the Møller energy-momentum complex is a powerful concept of energy and momentum.  相似文献   

研究了双星多方模型的形状对同步子星轨道要素的摄动影响。假定两子星在同一轨道面上运动,推出了主星对伴星的轨道要素的摄动量。理论结果表明:双星多方模型对轨道半长轴和偏心率只有周期项摄动,无长期摄动,但对近星点和历元平近点角除有周期摄动外还有长期摄动效应。文中将理论结果应用于同步双星βPer(大陵五双星)的计算上。除计算了两个子星的形状(椭率)外对同步子星的轨道要素变化的周期项振幅和长期项的效应做了数值计算  相似文献   

A new non-singular analytical theory for the contraction of near-Earth satellite orbits under the influence of air drag is developed in terms of uniformly regular Kustaanheimo and Stiefel (KS) canonical elements using an oblate atmosphere with variation of density scale height with altitude. The series expansions include up to fourth power in terms of eccentricity and c (a small parameter dependent on the flattening of the atmosphere). Only two of the nine equations are solved analytically to compute the state vector and change in energy at the end of each revolution, due to symmetry in the equations of motion. It is observed that the analytically computed values of the semi-major axis and eccentricity are consistent with the numerically integrated values up to 500 revolutions over a wide range of the drag-perturbed orbital parameters. The theory can be effectively used for re-entry of near-Earth objects.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model is developed for the dynamics of a system of two bodies whose material points are under the influence of a central gravitational force. One of the bodies is assumed to be rigid and spherically symmetric, while the other is assumed to be deformable. To develop a tractable model for the system, the deformable body is modeled using Cohen and Muncaster's theory of a pseudo-rigid body. The resulting model of the system has several of the features, such as angular momentum conservation, exhibited by more restrictive models. We also show how the self-gravitation of the deformable body can be accommodated using appropriate constitutive equations for a force tensor. This enables our model to subsume many existing models of ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium. After the model and its conservations have been discussed, attention is restricted to steady motions of the system. Several results, which generalize recent works on rigid satellites, are established for these motions. For a specific choice of constitutive equations for the pseudo-rigid body, we determine the steady motions with the aid of a numerical continuation method. These results can also be considered as generalizations of earlier works on Roche's ellipsoids of equilibrium.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the integrability of a dynamical system describing the rotational motion of a rigid satellite under the influence of gravitational and magnetic fields. In our investigations we apply an extension of the Ziglin theory developed by Morales-Ruiz and Ramis. We prove that for a symmetric satellite the system does not admit an additional real meromorphic first integral except for one case when the value of the induced magnetic moment along the symmetry axis is related to the principal moments of inertia in a special way.  相似文献   

本文利用解摄动方程的平均值法求得在PPN框架中二体自转对轨道要素产生的后牛顿效应的长期变化影响.利用这一理论对CWCep和DRVul两颗双星中两子星的自转对轨道近星点和平近点角的长期摄动的后牛顿效应做了计算。结果表明:对于两个质量较大快速自转的子星,由此所产生的后牛顿效应的摄动量是不能忽视的。  相似文献   

给出了受摄限制性三体问题平动点线性稳定性的一些判断条件,条件只与相应的平动点切映像的特征方程系数有关,使用方便,用这些判断条件,讨论了一些阻力对经典限制性三体问题三角平动点线性稳定性的影响,改进了Murray等的一些结果。  相似文献   

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