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1 INTRODUCTIONIn summer, different assembly of the intensity,location and vertical structure of the subtropical highand the earlier/later time of its seasonal northwardsjump bring about different precipitation patterns overChina. Therefore, subtropical hi…  相似文献   

By using ECMWF (2.5°×2.5°) grid data, analyzing correlation for the summer (June-August) of 1980 (the West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) anomalously more to the south), 1988 (the WPSH anomalously more to the north), 1981 (normal) in the west Pacific area, distribution characteristics of the low frequency waves are discussed. The relationship between distribution of the low frequency waves and intraseasonal abnormality of the west subtropical high is also analyzed. There is some discussions:(1)If the WPSH acts anomalously in summer, there is a distinct zonal wave series in the subtropical zone of the north Pacific.(2) One of the important characteristics of the WPSH abnormality is that there are low frequency geopotential high centres from east Pacific and northeast Asia, being combined in the west Pacific area.For different circulation, the combination areas are different, which define the WSPH anomalously more to the north or south.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are carried out using a global spectral model to study the role of an ideal heating source over the western tropical Pacific region in a medium-term weather process that marks the western advancement of the subtropical high in mid-June 1979. The result has indicated that the effect of the ideal heating source is evident in about 4 days after the inclusion in the high and the circulation at mid-and high-latitudes over the eastern part of China; the disturbance produced over the tropical ocean first transfers towards the northwest along the easterly flow on the southern edge of the subtropical high and then divides into two branches as it moves over the westerly over the mid-latitude area, one continuing the journey northwestward and the other turning to the northeast by east, resulting in changes in the subtropical high and the westerly through combined action.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThesubtropicalhighpressureisthemostimportantcirculationsysteminlowlatitudes.ItisthereforeoneofthehighlyconcernedsubjectsformeteorologistsbothathomeandabroadtoaddresstheissueofthewesternPacificsubtropicalhigh(tobesimplifiedasWPSH),especiallyforsummer.Thestudyisroughlydividedintothreeaspects[1]:ThefirstonedealswiththepatternwithwhichtheWPSHvaries,whichstudiestheshape,structure,natureandtemporal/spatialchangesetc.;thesecondonediscussesawidescopeoffactorsgoverningtheactivityof…  相似文献   

In this paper,using a nonlinear low-order barotropic system with orography and momentum forcing aswell as dissipation,we have theoretically calculated the two kinds of curves for the seasonal northward movementof subtropical highs.It has been shown that the theoretical results resemble basically with the analysed resultsof wave spectrum data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarized the characteristics of tropical cyclones (TC) activity over the western North Pacific in 2004 and analyzed their causation. Compared with the normal, the annual frequency of TC in 2004 was slightly higher, tropical cyclones in 2004 had a longer life span and occurred in a concentrated period, the source of TC were situated eastward; in all tracks of TC, the recurvature tracks took up larger proportion, the landfall regions of TC were located northward, which concentrated from East China to Japan. The primary causes were revealed as follows. Firstly, the intensity and area of the western North Pacific subtropical high was stronger and larger than usual respectively, and its ridge was frequently in the form of cells and stretched northwestward. Secondly, the convergence of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) was reinforced and the convergence zone moved more eastward than average. Thirdly, the meridionality of the westerlies was larger than average and the cell-shaped ridge formed a saddle region, which is in favor of TC northward motion and recurature.  相似文献   

During the developing phase of central Pacific El Nio(CPEN), more frequent TC genesis over the northwest quadrant of the western North Pacific(WNP) is attributed to the horizontal shift of environmental vorticity field.Such a northwestward shift resembles the La Nia composite, even though factors that cause the shift differ(in the La Nia case the relative humidity effect is crucial). Greater reduction of TC frequency over WNP happened during the decaying phase of eastern Pacific El Nio(EPEN) than CPEN, due to the difference of the anomalous Philippine Sea anticyclone strength. The TC genesis exhibits an upward(downward) trend over the northern(southern) part of the WNP,which is linked to SST and associated circulation changes through local and remote effects.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study on the variation of annual frequency of tropical cyclone (TC) and its relation with SST, Southern Oscillation index, sunspot relative number and number of days for specific circulation patterns was made by using 1884-1988 data of annual frequency for Northwest Pacific TC occurrence, which had been corrected to tendencies.Preliminary results indicated that in the variation of annual TC frequency there exist obvious p.6riods of 21, 31, 15 and 6 years and sustaining periods lasting 12 years in average.Well-defined processes of inflexion were observed in 1931, 1959 and 1977 over the past hundred years.The results also suggested insignificant statistic tendency of annual TC frequency increasing (decreasing) in winter/spring (summer/autumn )in the El Nino years.When the stratosphere was in the zonally westerly phase, the northern zonal circulation would abnormally develop and solar activity would enhance to favour the generation and development of TC.  相似文献   

In this paper, the hydrographical and meteorological data observed by the R/Vs "Xiang Yang Hong No. 5", "Experiment No. 3"and "Ke Xue No. 1 "during TOGA-COARE IOP are used to analyze the variability of surface wind and upper layer thermal structure, and to reveal the periods of intraseasonal oscillation of surface wind components and certain layers of sea temperature from November 6, 1992 to February 18, 1993 in the western tropical Pacific warm pool region. It is shown that the variation of the sea surface temperature (SST) was inversely correlated to that of surface wind components. It is also indicated from spectral analysis that the significant periods of intraseasonal oscillation of daily mean zonal wind (MZW) were 30-to 60-day and 8-to 9-day long, and that of mean meridional wind (MMW)was 6-to 7-day long. The fluctuation of daily mean sea temperature (MST) in certain layers from surface to the 250 m layer also had the 30-to 60-day low frequency oscillation except for the 150 m layer,and the fluctuations of the daily MST in 100, 150, 200 and 250 m layers had the same 3-day period,their coherence and phase differences were over 0. 90 and between 319° and 353° respectively, which implies the fluctuations of daily MST from 100 to 250 m layers were in phase with each other in the same 3-day period. The analysis of in situ observations revealed a physical evidence of the westerly wind bursts (WWBs) which trigger off the eastward movement of warm water through intraseasonal oscillation and induce the onset of E1 Nino event.  相似文献   

Based on the Intensive Field Campaign(IFC-1)data of Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS),a three-dimensional meso-β scale model is used to simulate the effect of boreal forests on the lower atmosphere.A fine horizontal resolution of 2 km×2 km is used in order to distinguish the vegetative heterogeneity in the boreal region.A total of 20×25 grid points cover the entire sub-modeling area in BOREAS' South Study Area(SSA).The ecosystem types and their coverage in each grid square are extracted from the North American Land Cover Characteristics Data Base (NALCCD) generated by the U.S.Geographical Survey (USGS) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln(UNL).The topography of the study area is taken from the Digital Elevation Map(DEM)of USGS.The model outputs include the components of the energy balance budget within the canopy and at the ground,the turbulence parameters in the atmospheric boundary layer and the wind,temperature and humidity profiles extending up to a height of 1500 m.In addition to the fine time and spatial step,the unique feature of the present model is the incorporation of both dynamic and biological effects of the Boreal forest into the model parameterization scheme.The model resultscompare favorably with BOREAS' IFC-1 data in 1994 when the forest was in the luxuriant growing period.  相似文献   

A simulation of the annual variation of temperature and moisture in the atmosphere and sublayer of soil in mid-high latitudes has been performed with a one-dimensional atmosphere-land coupled model, in which snowmelt process is included. The computed temperature variations in each latitudinal belt are consistent with the seasonal change of snowextent over continents in the Northern Hemisphere.To analyse the short-term climatic effect of snowfall anomaly, two sets of experiments have carried out by using the above simplified model, i. e. 1) the snowmelt period is earlier than the climatic mean and 2) snowdepth is less than the climatic mean. The results are shown in the present paper. In the first experiment, snow melts earlier, and comparing with the normal annual variation, the absorption of solar radiation increases significantly due to the earlier decrease of albedo. Thus the surface temperature is higher, and latent and sensible heat fluxes are enhanced. This process is characterized by thermal anom  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION An important constituent in the Asian summer monsoon system, the West Pacific subtropical high (simplified as the 揌igh) is closely related with the activity of summer monsoon via the changes in intraseasonal intensity and progression[1 - 8]. Zhang et al[5]. discuss the relationship between seasonal jumps and anomalous location of the Highs ridge and onset of low-latitude westerlies and tropical convection in summer, with the finding that the northward jump of the High is …  相似文献   

Based on tropical cyclone datasets from Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP, USA) reanalysis data and the rainfall records from 743 stations in China, the impacts of cyclogenesis number over the South China Sea and the western Pacific are studied on the 30-60-day oscillations in the precipitation of Guangdong during the flooding period. The year with more-than-normal (less-than-normal) tropical cyclogenesis is defined as a ‘high year’ (‘low year’). In light of the irregular periodic oscillations, the method used to construct the composite life cycle is based on nine consecutive phases in each of the cycles. Phases 1, 3, 5, and 7 correspond to, respectively, the time when precipitation anomalies reach the minimum, a positive transition (negative-turning-to-positive) phase, the maximum, and a negative transition phase. The results showed that the precipitation of the 30-60-day oscillations is associated with the interaction between a well-organized eastward propagation system from the Arabian Sea/Bay of Bengal and a westward-propagating system (with cyclonic and anticyclonic anomalies in the northwest-southeast direction) from the South China Sea to western Pacific during the high years, whereas the precipitation is affected during a low year by the circulation over the South China Sea and western Pacific (with cyclonic and anticyclonic anomalies in the northeast-southwest direction). During the high year, the warm and wet air mass from the ocean to the west and south are transported to Guangdong by westerly anomalies and an enclosed latitudinal cell, which ascends in the Northern Hemisphere low latitudes and descends in the Southern Hemisphere low latitudes. During the low year, the warm and wet air mass from the ocean to the south is transported to Guangdong by southwesterly wind anomalies and local ascending movements. Because the kinetic energy, westerly, easterly shift, vertical velocity and vapor transportation averaged over (109–119° E, 10–20° N) is stronger in high years than those in low years, the precipitation of the 30-60-day oscillations in Guangdong is higher in high years than that in low years.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONInsummarizingclimotologicalfactorsforprecipitationintherainingseasonsofChina,Lietal.presentedfiveanomaliesthatcouldaffecttheseasonalprecipitation,namely,SSTintheequatorialeasternPacific,thermalconditionsovertheQinghai-TibetanPlateau,Asianmonsoon,mid-latitudeblockinghighandWestPacificsubtropicalhigh.NotonlysubjecttothedirecteffectofmaritimethermalconditionsoftheWestPacific,thesubtropicalhighisalsoinfluencedbythegeneralcirculationandunderlyingsurfacefromtheotherfourfactors…  相似文献   

The mechanisms for the variation in the configuration of subtropical anticyclone during seasonal transition are explored from energy budget using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.Based on the seasonal variations of temperature and heating fields,it is found that the significant diabatic heating associated with spring precipitation over southern China has impacts on subsequent Asian seasonal transition.The reversal of meridional temperature gradient in the vicinity of the WEB (westerly-easterly boundary) in the middle and upper troposphere also depends on the latitudinal position where temperature ridge locates.The northward shift of the warm temperature ridge results from the fact that the local temperature increase to the north of the WEB is more than that in its vicinity.The diagnostic results through thermodynamic equation show that physical mechanism responsible for seasonal transition is different from area to area over the Asian monsoon region.The dominant factors responsible for northward shift of the Bay of Bengal warm ridge are the meridional temperature in initial stages of the onset and the descending motion after the onset. The factors for causing the northward jump of the South China Sea warm ridge involve the zonal temperature advection,meridional temperature advection,and diabatic heating associated with the southern China spring rainfall.The subsidence is the factor leading to the northward migration of the South Asia warm ridge.  相似文献   

The relationship between the quasi-stationary planetary waves forced by topography and heat sourceduring the Northern Hemisphere winter is investigated by means of a quasi-geostrophic,34-level,sphericalcoordinate model with the Rayleigh friction,the Newtonian cooling and the horizontal eddy thermal diffu-sion.The calculated results show that when the basic flow is the westerly in the tropical stratosphere,theamplitude of quasi-stationary planetary wave for zonal wavenumber 2 at middle and high latitudes is largerduring the Northern Hemispheric winter;while when the basic flow is the easterly,it is smaller.This is inagreement with the observed results.The calculated results also show that influence of the basic flow in the tropical troposphere on the quasi-stationary planetary waves is larger than that of the basic flow in the tropical stratosphere on the quasi-stationary planetary waves.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones which rapidly intensify (ΔV≥ 20 m/s in 24 h)in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of 135°E could have adverse influence on oceanic and coastal economic activities in China, 71% of which land in China. Rapid intensification is mostly seen east and northeast of the Luzon Island. It is much correlated with sea surface temperature(≥28℃)and upper air conditions, such as enhanced subtropical high, onset of Southwest monsoon surge, invasion of modest cold air, and Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough(TUTT) etc. Abovementioned processes enhance inflows in the low level and deep convection in the area of inner core. Statistics of satellite pixels have confirmed that rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones are marked by a sharp increase in the inner core convection and stable or slowly-increasing deep convection in outer region. Non-rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones have only constant or decreased deep convection in inner core and outer region. The sharp increasing of deep convection in the inner core and the rapid warming in its upper level is a forewarning of rapid intensification of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the features of sea-surface heat budget during the active/break phases of the 2000 summer monsoon in the South-China Sea(SCS) by means of the observed air-sea heat fluxes and data from Xisha Weather Station and NCEP/NCAR in the same period.Results suggest that the primary factors affecting sea-surface thermal budget are solar shortwave penetrating radiation and latent heat flux.Regardless of their changes,however,the thermal gain is reduced or becomes net loss at the active stage and the thermal gain gets gradually increased in the weakening and lull periods:during the first emergence of southwest monsoon the net loss happens thanks to the dramatic diminution of penetrating radiation resulting from increased cloudiness and intense precipitation:while at the re-emergence of the wind.reduced net sea-surface thermal gain is attributed to the sharp increase in latent heat flux resulting from intense evaporation:owing to great thermal inertia of water the SST change lags behind that of heat budget over the sea surface, and the lagging is responsible for regulating the budget by affecting latent heat fluxes,which,in turn.has effect upon the change of the SST,thereby forming short-term oscillations that are in association with the active/break phases of the monsoons.Part of the conclusions have been borne out by the observational study based on 1998 and 2002 data.  相似文献   

By using a linear oceanic mixed layer model, the influences of the horizontal gradients of sea surface temperature (SST) and the depth variations of the mixed layer upon tropical oceanic waves are investigated. The equatorial Rossby wave will be modified and a kind of slower thermal wave has been revealed under the influences of inhomogeneities of large-scale sea temperature field. An interesting result is that the propagating direction of the thermal wave is opposite to that of the classical Rossby wave. The result also shows that the thermal wave becomes dominant when the meridional gradient of sea temperature in the mixed layer exceeds a critical value. As a first approximation, it seems that both waves obtained by this study may be used to explain the observational facts that the SST anomalies can usually propagate in both directions, that is, eastward and westward, during the El Nino events.  相似文献   

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