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The development of symmetric disturbance superposed on the background field of Hoskins-Bretherton (1972) frontogenesis model is investigated by means of WKBJ approach,It is found thatthe forcing of large-scale deformation,the frontal circulation and the spatial-temporal variations ofstability parameters (F~2,N~2,M~2) can bring about the development of symmetric disturbance,even though the frontal baroclinic flow is symmetric stable (F~2N~2-M~2=q>0),Thefrontogenetical process of deformation confluence zone and the ascending branch of frontalcirculation are in favor of the development of symmetric disturbance,The actions of ageostrophicshear in frontal zone and the variation of stability parameters are dependent on the structure ofdisturbance.  相似文献   

变形场锋生条件下斜压锋区上对称波包的发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王兴宝  伍荣生 《气象学报》2000,58(4):403-417
文中用 WKBJ方法讨论了叠加在 Hoskins- Bretherton( 1 972 )变形场锋生模型背景上对称斜压波包的发展问题。在锋区斜压气流对称稳定的条件下 ( F2 N2 - M2 =q>0 ) ,大尺度变形场强迫、锋生环流的作用及锋生过程引起的稳定度参数 ( F2 ,N2 ,M2 )的个别变化也会对对称扰动的发展产生作用 ,变形场锋生和锋区环流的上升支下方有利于对称扰动发展 ,而锋区附近非地转垂直切变和稳定度参数的变化对扰动的影响则与对称扰动的结构有关。  相似文献   

Starting from the anelastic equations describing deep convection in cylindrical coordinates, the WKBJ method is used to discuss the stability of asymmetric three-dimensional inhomogeneous vortex under the conditions of nonhydrostatic and non-equilibrium gradient wind. From the equation of wave action, the development of disturbance is qualitatively analyzed.  相似文献   

非平直基流中尺度扰动的对称发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用f平面非静力平衡滤声波模式,在自然坐标系下,运用WKBJ方法及能量方法研究了非平直基流对中尺度扰动波包发展问题。结果表明:中尺度波包对称发展主要取决于扰动波结构与背景结构之间的匹配。  相似文献   

从适于研究深对流运动的柱坐标系非弹性近似(anelasticapptoximation)方程组出发,利用WKBJ方法导出了包含径向辐合辐散及垂直运动的、非梯度风平衡、非静力平衡、非轴对称三维非均匀时变涡旋基流上扰动的波作用量方程,并对中尺度扰动的发展作了定性讨论.  相似文献   

The effects of baroclinic basic flow on a paralleled mesoscale disturbance development are investigated.By using the WKB method,two-dimensional perturbation equations with the anelastic approximation areanalyzed.The result indicates that the symmetric development of a mesoscale disturbance is due to the in-homogeneous thermal wind deviations and unstationality of the basic field.  相似文献   

A uniform,inviscid,incompressible fluid in a two-dimensional plane(x,z)is considered.Three principles:conservation of potential vorticity,conservation of absolute momentum,and conservation of mass are used for this study.If the initial mass field and the initial wind field do not satisfy geostrophic balance,then through geostrophic adjustment under suitable conditions,the frontogenesis will finally occur.Our work points out that the initial density distribution greatly influences the frontal features.If the stratification in cold air is the same as that in warm air,two frontogeneses will occur at top and bottom boundaries respectively.If the stratification in cold air is larger than that in warm air,the frontogenesis at the bottom boundary still exists,but the other at the top boundary disappears.This result makes us further understand the mechanism of the frontogenesis in the real atmosphere.  相似文献   

The concept of wet bulb potential vorticity and SCAPE(slantwise convective available potential energy) is used to calculate the horizontal and vertical distribution of moist symmetric instability including convective symmetric instability(CSI) and local symmetric instability(LSI) in the process of a storm snowfall in North China.The potential contribution of moist symmetric instability to a narrow storm snowfall belt occurring in the Hetao and Lindong,Linxi region of Inner Mongolia and the relationship between moist symmetric instability and direction of the basic flow,wind shear and moisture are discussed.It is found that the strong snowfall belt is almost parallel with negative value area of wet bulb potential vorticity at low levels in the vicinity of snow area.And the dynamical mechanism of the strong snowfall center in the Lindong,Linxi region is different from that in the Hetao region.The former is induced by frontogenetical forcing with weak symmetric instability in the warm section of frontal area and the latter triggered by obvious moist symmetric instability.  相似文献   

In this paper,a tropical atmospheric model of relevance to shorts-term climate variations(Wang and Li 1993) is utilized for study of the development of Madden-Julian oscillation.The model contains an interactive process of boundary-layer Ekman convergence and precipitation heating.The model is solved by expanding dependent variables in terms of parabolic cylindrical functions in the meridional direction and truncating three meridional modes n=0,2,4 for equatorial symmetric solutions.The free wave solutions obtained under long-wave approximation are induced as a Kelvin wave and two Rossby waves.After considering the effect of boundary-layer dynamic process,the modified Kelvin wave becomes unstable in long-wave bands with a typical growth rate on an order of 10-6 s-1and an eastward phase speed of 10 m s-1;the most unstable mode is wavenumber one.These theoretical results are consistent with the observed Madden-Julian oscillation in equatorial area.For the two modified Rossby waves,one with a smaller meridional scale(n=4) decays except for extra long-waves;the other with a larger meridional scale(n=2) grows in short-wave bands.This may be relevant to explaining the westward propagation of super cloud clusters in the Madden-Julian oscillation.The theory suggests that the boundary-layer dynamic process is an important mechanism in the development of the Madden-Julian oscillation.  相似文献   

初始扰动对冰雹云发展影响的数值研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙学金  宫福久 《气象科学》1998,18(2):113-120
在水平均一的初始场中触发对流的发生可采用热力扰动和强迫抬升两种方法,但扰动的方式、强度和范围的不同对模拟的对流云的发展有着重要的影响。本文利用一次冰雹云发展前期的实测探空资料,对热力扰动的强度、范围进行了数值试验,结果表明:在同样的层结条件下,随着扰动强度、厚度的增加,所模拟的冰雹云的强度也增加,且以湿热泡扰动触发的冰雹云最强,其次是湿泡,而热泡扰动最弱。但无论以何种方式启动,只要模拟的冰雹云的云顶高度相当,云体的宏微观特征差异就不大。  相似文献   

王兴宝 《气象科学》1996,16(1):1-11
本文用WKKBJ方法研究了地形对重力惯性波传播与发展的影响,得到了地形影响下重力惯性波的波作用量守恒方程。结果表明:重力惯性波能量有向地形较高的区域传播的趋势,并且波包振幅上坡时加大,下坡时减小。  相似文献   

Geostrophic adjustment and frontogenesis are examined by means of the 2-D ARPS model.The simulation shows that.without the large-scale forcing,both the frontogenesis and frontolysisare observed during the geostrophic adjustment process and the intensity of the front oscillates inthe case of no discontinuity.The convergence (divergence) induced by the secondary circulation isthe most important factor for frontogenesis (frontolysis) at the top and bottom boundaries.Theamplitude and period of oscillation are dependent on the initial atmospheric stratification and theCoriolis frequency,and they are related to the inertio-gravity wave.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional,semi-geostrophic numerical model incorporating the tropopause and stratosphere is used to investigate the effects of a positive potential vorticity anomaly and latent heat release on the frontogenetic process and the structure of the resulting frontal zone.It is demonstrated that(1) the inclusion of tropopause and stratosphere significantly changes the frontal structure only in the upper levels;(2) a clearly defined quasi-equivalent barotropic structure and a region of upward motion of finite width appear when a positive potential vorticity anomaly exists on the warm side of the maximum baroclinity in the lower troposphere,especially when it is located on the south edge of the baroclinic zone;(3) the above mentioned structure deteriorates as the frontogenesis proceeds in a dry atmosphere but can be maintained in a moist frontogenetic process with condensational heating;(4) the combination of a positive potential vorticity anomaly and the latent heat release is able to accelerate the frontogenesis significantly with the time needed to form an intense frontal zone reduced to less than 15 h.The results have significant theoretical importance in understanding the complex nature of frontal structure and frontogenesis,especially in understanding the dynamic structure of the subtropical frontal zone observed during early summer over East Asia.  相似文献   

Based on a zonally non-uniform mean circulation in summer simulated by numerical modelling,perturbation heatings ever South Asia and a perturbation cooling over Northwest Australia were incorporated in a numerical model to discuss their effects on summer monsoon over Asia and the structure of flow disturbance.  相似文献   

In this paper,the frontogenesis forced by dust radiative heating and the radiative effects of an isolated duststorrn on a frontal circulation system are examined by means of two-and three-dimensional numerical models.Results indicate that as a duststorm breaks out,frontogenesis is caused in by dust radiative heating in the lower atmosphere.A marked isentropic potential temperature layer is formed in the middle troposphere.The low-level convergence occurs along the direction of the front movement.Atnight,dust radiative cooling results in frontolysis in the lower atmosphere.An obvious vertical circulation is forced by radiative heating of an isolated duststorm along the direction of the prevailing wind.It is stronger at day,weaker and reverse at night.The response of the horizontal wind field to dust radiative forcing is different at different levels.  相似文献   

By using PSU/NCAR MM5 mesoscale model,a 60-h simulation is performed to reproduce a frontal cyclogenesis over the Western Atlantic Ocean during March 13-15 1992.The model reproduces well the genesis,track and intensity of the cyclone,its associated thermal structure as well as its surface circulation.The major cyclone (M) deepens 45 hPa in the 60-h simulation and 12 hPa in 6 hours from 36 h to 42 h (model time) and 27 hPa in 24 hours from 36 h to 60 h (model time).Cross-section and isentropic analysis tell us that the cyclogenesis is in very close relation with slantwise isentropic surfaces;the cyclone is always superposed on the core of neutral convective stability with nearly vertical isentropic surfaces,which coincides with what the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD) says.Beginning with the theory of SVD,the development and propagation of the oceanic frontal cyclone are studied by using high-resolution model output in the context of slantwise isentropic surfaces.The results show that the frontal cyclone deepens rapidly by the interaction with the large-scale environment after occurring over the ocean with weak static stability;and the theory of SVD can well interpret the development and propagation closely related with slantwise isentropic surfaces,The downstream slantwise up-sliding movement along canting isentropic surfaces makes vorticities develop (USVD) under favorable condition (CD<0,where CD is SVD index),and results in the moving and development of the cyclone.  相似文献   

The major advances and achievements of recent studies on monsoon simulation are reviewed.Four aspects are included in the paper and they are simulation of general feature and seasonal to interannual variation of monsoon.simulation of monsoon and ENSO relations,paleo-monsoon simulation,and the predictability study of monsoon and monsoon climate.Concluding remarks are made in the last section.  相似文献   

The dynamics of tropical cyclone is investigated in a nondivergent,barotropic model with no basic flow.The effect of linear beta term on the movement and development of tropical cyclone is emphatically demonstrated.The streamfunction tendency due to the symmetric component of linear beta term appears in a dipole-like pattern with an east-west symmetry,which maintains and intensifies the large-scale beta gyres and causes the tropical cyclone to have a westerly moving component.The streamfunction tendency due to the asymmetric component of linear beta term arises in an ellipse pattern with a north-south major axis,which weakens the tropical cyclone.The streamfunction tendency due to the asymmetric component of linear beta term and the intensity of large-scale cyclonic beta gyre synchronously vary in a fluctuating manner with time.  相似文献   

Downburst is a very dangerous weather phenomenon for aeroplane taking off or landing. In order to understand the initial formation and evolution of downburst and to study the effects of atmospheric environment condition and the microstructure of cloud-precipitation particles on the downburst development processes, we have designed and carried out a modeling scheme by making use of our own non-hydrostatic compressible mesoscale-γ model including necessary cloud-precipitation processes. The initial conditions of temperature, humidity and wind are from an observation case in which the downburst occurred. The results of computations demonstrate the evolution of downburst and show the variation of various environmental and microphysical parameters. Some of the mechanisms about the downburst occurrence have been obtained. Computation results may help airport forecasters to determine the occurrence of downburst better.  相似文献   

A primitive equation model with a zonal domain and a p-σ incorporated vertical coordinate system is used to study the effects of the envelope degree of orography on the simulated properties of both winter and summer climates.Results show that the orography with a larger envelope degree can improve the simulations to certain extent,especially in winter.It is found that the simulated properties of climate are mainly determined by the co-effects of the land-sea and the orographic distributions,and the envelope degree of orography has a secondary effect.However it should be taken properly in order to improve simulations:otherwise,it would be harmful.Different envelope degrees of orography can be adopted in different areas.  相似文献   

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