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Using a regional climate model MM5 nested to an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate the relative Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate response to different mechanisms over China. Model simulations of the present day (PD) climate and the LGM climate change are in good agreement with the observation data and geological records, especially in the simulation of precipitation change. Under the PD and LGM climate,changes of earth orbital parameters have a small influence on the annual mean temperature over China.However, the magnitude of the effect shows a seasonal pattern, with a significant response in winter. Thus,this influence cannot be neglected. During the LGM, CO2 concentration reached its lowest point to 200 ppmv. This results in a temperature decrease over China. The influences of CO2 concentration on climate show seasonal and regional patterns as well, with a signi cant influence in winter. On the contrary, CO2 concentration has less impact in summer season. In some cases, temperature even increases with decreasing in CO2 concentration. This temperature increase is the outcome of decrease in cloud amount; hence increase the solar radiation that reached the earth's surface. This result suggests that cloud amount plays a very important role in climate change and could direct the response patterns of some climate variables such as temperature during certain periods and over certain regions. In the Tibetan Plateau, the temperature responses to changes of the above two factors are generally weaker than those in other regions because the cloud amount in this area is generally more than in the other areas. Relative to the current climate, changes in orbital parameters have less impact on the LGM climate than changes in CO2 concentration. However,both factors have rather less contributions to the climate change in the LGM. About 3%-10% changes in the annual mean temperature are contributed by CO2.  相似文献   

Using a regional climate model MM5 nested with an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate responses of the mid-Holocene climate to different factors over China. Model simulations of the mid-Holocene climate change, especially the precipitation change, are in good agreement with the geologic records. Model results show that relative to the present day (PD) climate, the temperature over China increased in the mid-Holocene, and the increase in summer is more than that in winter. The summer monsoon strengthened over the eastern China north of 30°N, and the winter monsoon weakened over the whole eastern China; the precipitation increased over the west part of China, North China, and Northeast China, and decreased over the south part of China.The sensitive experiments indicate that changes in the global climate (large-scale circulation background),vegetation, earth orbital parameter, and CO2 concentration led to the mid-Holocene climate change relative to the PD climate, and changes in precipitation, temperature and wind fields were mainly affected by change of the large-scale circulation background, especially with its effect on precipitation exceeding 50%. Changes in vegetation resulted in increasing of temperature in both winter and summer over China, especially over eastern China; furthermore, its effect on precipitation in North China accounts for 25% of the total change.Change in the orbital parameter produced the larger seasonal variation of solar radiation in the mid-Holocene than the PD, which resulted in declining of temperature in winter and increasing in summer; and also had an important effect on precipitation with an effect equivalent to vegetation in Northeast China and North China. During the mid-Holocene, CO2 content was only 280×10-6, which reduced temperature in a very small magnitude. Therefore, factors affecting the mid-Holocene climate change over China from strong to weak are large-scale circulation pattern, vegetation, earth orbital parameter, and CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

利用2006~2015年成都地区国家站及区域站20时~20时24小时地面实况降雨量资料、常规观测资料、NCEP1°×1°再分析资料对成都市区域性暴雨进行统计分析,得出:这一时期成都地区共有43例区域性暴雨发生,次数最多的是在2013年,发生季节以7月为最多(占总次数的49%)。根据区域性暴雨影响系统的不同,将其简单分为3种类型,分别是:低涡型、高空槽和切变线型、副热带高压边缘型。3种类型暴雨的发生次数、持续时间均有不同,暴雨次数所占比例分别为40%、46%、14%,持续时间大多为1天。同时选取3个历史个例分析了不同类型区域性暴雨的大尺度环流背景特征。  相似文献   

Four sets of climate change simulations at grid spacing of 50 km were conducted over East Asia with two regional climate models driven at the lateral boundaries by two global models for the period 1981–2050. The focus of the study was on the ensemble projection of climate change in the mid-21 st century(2031–50) over China. Validation of each simulation and the ensemble average showed good performances of the models overall, as well as advantages of the ensemble in reproducing present day(1981–2000) December–February(DJF), June–August(JJA), and annual(ANN) mean temperature and precipitation. Significant warming was projected for the mid-21 st century, with larger values of temperature increase found in the northern part of China and in the cold seasons. The ensemble average changes of precipitation in DJF, JJA, and ANN were determined, and the uncertainties of the projected changes analyzed based on the consistencies of the simulations. It was concluded that the largest uncertainties in precipitation projection are in eastern China during the summer season(monsoon precipitation).  相似文献   

华北区域环流型与河北气候的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用Lamb-Jenkinson方法和NCEP/NCAR再分析的1951—2006年月平均海平面气压场资料,对华北区域环流进行分型并分析了对河北气候的影响。结果表明,影响华北的主要环流型有8种(A、SW、NE、W、C、N、ANE、AN),占全部环流型的64.43%。冬季主要盛行A、NE环流型,夏季主要盛行SW、C环流型,冬季最主要的环流型A和夏季最主要的环流型SW出现次数呈反相变化。河北夏季降水量与SW出现次数呈明显的同相变化,而与A型出现次数呈非常好的反相变化,即冬季A环流型出现多,夏季SW环流型出现就少,夏季降水量就少,反之亦然。冬季的主要环流型在20世纪60年代中期发生了明显改变,夏季环流型在60年代和70年代发生了两次明显改变,之后基本维持改变后的环流型。河北气候与区域环流型变化有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

植被覆盖变化对区域气候影响的研究进展   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
陆面植被覆盖变化作为全球及区域气候变化的重要影响因素之一,在近几十年来逐渐受到科学家们的关注,特别是通过大量的数值模拟研究了不同陆面覆盖状况对大气和气候变化的影响,取得了重要进展。研究结果普遍认为,植被覆盖变化通过改变地表反照率、粗糙度和土壤湿度等地表属性,从而影响辐射平衡、水分平衡等过程,最终可以导致区域降水、环流形势及大气温度、湿度等气候变化。总结了近十年国内外的相关研究及初步成果,尤其是植被变化对中国区域气候的影响,大部分研究认为,大范围植被退化使我国地表温度升高,东亚夏季风环流减弱,降水减少,使华北干旱加剧。同时指出了研究中存在问题及今后的工作重点。  相似文献   

The projected temperature and precipitationchange under different emissions scenarios using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models over the northwestern arid regions of China(NWAC) were analyzed using the ensemble of three high-resolution dynamical downscaling simulations: the simulation of the Regional Climate Model version 4.0(Reg CM4) forced by the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model version 1.1(BCC_CSM1.1); the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 3 regional climate model(Had GEM3-RA) forced by the Atmosphere-Ocean coupled Had GEM version 2(Had GEM2-AO); and the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model forced by the Norwegian community Earth System Model(Nor ESM1-M). Model validation indicated that the multimodel simulations reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of temperature and precipitation well. The temperature is projected to increase over NWAC under both the 4.5 and 8.5 Representative Concentration Pathways scenarios(RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively) in the middle of the 21 st century, but the warming trend is larger under the RCP8.5 scenario. Precipitation shows a significant increasing trend in spring and winter under both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5; but in summer, precipitation is projected to decrease in the Tarim Basin and Junggar Basin. The regional averaged temperature and precipitation show increasing trends in the future over NWAC; meanwhile, the large variability of the winter mean temperature and precipitation may induce more extreme cold events and intense snowfall events in these regions in the future.  相似文献   

末次冰期东亚区域气候变化的情景和机制研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
钱云  钱永甫  张耀存 《大气科学》1998,22(3):283-293
用一嵌套在全球大气环流模式中的区域气候模式,通过数值试验和对内外因作用的机制分析,探讨了以末次冰期为背景的大尺度强迫引起的大气环流和区域内下垫面条件异常等中尺度强迫影响区域气候变化的过程和机制。大尺度强迫和区域内局地的中尺度强迫通过不同的热力和动力学过程影响大气运动状况和区域气候的变化。末次冰期大尺度强迫引起的全球大气环流背景的变化是形成冰期和现代区域气候差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

The atmospheric water holding capacity will increase with temperature according to Clausius-Clapeyron scaling and affects precipitation.The rates of change in future precipitation extremes are quantified with changes in surface air temperature.Precipitation extremes in China are determined for the 21st century in six simulations using a regional climate model,RegCM4,and 17 global climate models that participated in CMIP5.First,we assess the performance of the CMIP5 models and RCM runs in their simulation of extreme precipitation for the current period(RF:1982-2001).The CMIP5 models and RCM results can capture the spatial variations of precipitation extremes,as well as those based on observations:OBS and XPP.Precipitation extremes over four subregions in China are predicted to increase in the mid-future(MF:2039-58)and far-future(FF:2079-98)relative to those for the RF period based on both the CMIP5 ensemble mean and RCM ensemble mean.The secular trends in the extremes of the CMIP5 models are predicted to increase from 2008 to 2058,and the RCM results show higher interannual variability relative to that of the CMIP5 models.Then,we quantify the increasing rates of change in precipitation extremes in the MF and FF periods in the subregions of China with the changes in surface air temperature.Finally,based on the water vapor equation,changes in precipitation extremes in China for the MF and FF periods are found to correlate positively with changes in the atmospheric vertical wind multiplied by changes in surface specific humidity(significant at the p<0.1 level).  相似文献   

胡桂芳  高理 《气象科技》2010,38(Z1):24-28
利用1951—2009年北半球500hPa高度、北太平洋海温、环流特征量、降水等资料,采用相关分析、合成分析、经验函数正交分解(EOF)、子波分析等多种统计技术,对影响山东2009年10月降水趋势的各种因素进行分析和研究。结果表明:山东10月降水大致存在3种降水分布型;在不同时间尺度的气候背景上,2009年10月山东基本处于一个少雨或由少雨向多雨转换的气候阶段;2009年春季加利福尼亚冷流的减弱,2009年6月开始的厄尔尼诺事件及6月起西太平洋副高持续的偏强、偏西、正常或偏南状态,各种指标均指示山东10月降水偏少的可能性大,预测与实况基本吻合。  相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料,对2008年8~9月内蒙主着陆场区强对流天气频发和降水异常偏多现象,研究其形成的气候背景和大尺度环流特征.结果表明:前期赤道西太平洋海表温度异常偏低、欧亚和青藏高原积雪异常偏深是其前期气候背景.极涡中心8月位于东半球和9月位于西半球,是场区前期降水偏多和后期气温偏高的原因之一.欧亚经向环流的偏强,有利于南北方冷暖空气的交汇.副热带高压偏强偏西及活跃的印缅槽为场区提供了充沛的水汽和强对流天气必要的扰动能量.中低层偏南风和偏北风在淮河以北地区汇合与维持,是场区降水异常和强对流偏多的主要原因.  相似文献   

长三角地区11月大雾频次变化的天气气候背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1977—2006年长三角地区5个国家气候一级站的1日4次地面气象观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR相关资料,初步分析了该地区11月区域雾频次变化的天气气候背景。结果表明,长三角11月区域雾少发(多发)时,500hPa高空为较强的西北风(平直的西风),850hPa上为强西北风(弱西北、东北风),低层925hPa上偏北风分量较大且相对湿度较小(偏北风减小并出现偏东风分量且相对湿度较大),海平面气压场上长三角受强冷高压控制(位于弱高压底前部均压区内)。  相似文献   

正确认识气候变化对流域森林植被和水文的影响对于林业经营管理与流域生态修复具有重要意义。为了揭示气候与植被覆盖变化对西南亚高山区流域碳水循环过程的影响,用生物物理/动态植被模型SSiB4/TRIFFID(Simplified Simple Biosphere model version 4, coupled with the Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics model)与流域地形指数水文模型TOPMODEL(Topographic Index Model)的耦合模型(以下记为SSiB4T/TRIFFID)模拟了不同气候情景下西南亚高山区的梭磨河流域植被演替和碳水循环过程。结果表明,所有试验流域植被经历了从C3到苔原灌木最后到森林的变化;控制试验流域蒸散在流域植被主要为苔原灌木时达到最大而径流深最小;增温5 ℃并且增雨40%试验[记为T+5, (1+40%) P试验]流域蒸散在流域为森林覆盖时达到最大而径流深最小。随着温度增加,森林蒸腾、冠层截留蒸发和蒸散的增加幅度明显大于草和苔原灌木,导致森林从控制试验的增加径流量变为减小径流量。从控制试验到T+5, (1+40%) P试验,温度增加使森林净初级生产力有所增加,但对草和苔原灌木的净初级生产力影响很小;植被水分利用效率随温度增加明显减小。西南山区随着海拔高度降低(温度升高),森林从增加径流量转变为减少径流量,植被水分利用效率也相应明显减小。西南山区气候的垂直地带性对森林—径流关系和水分利用效率的空间变化有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influences on regional climate and water resources over East Asia are simulated by using a regional model nested to a global model. The changes of land use/land cover (LULC) and CO2 concentration are considered. The results show that variations of LULC and CO2 concentration during the past 130 years caused a warming trend in many regions of East Asia. The most remarkable temperature increase occurred in Inner Mongolia, Northeast and North China, whereas temperature decreased in Gansu Province and north of Sichuan Province. LULC and CO2 changes over the past 130 years resulted in a decreasing trend of precipitation in the Huaihe River valley, Shandong Byland, and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, but precipitation increased along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and parts of South China. This pattern of precipitation change with changes in surface evapotranspiration may have caused a more severe drought in the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River valley. The drought trend, however, weakened in the mid and upper reaches of the Yellow River valley, and the Yangtze River valley floods were increasing. In addition, changes in LULC and CO2 concentration during the past 130 years led to adjustments in the East Asian monsoon circulation, which further affected water vapor transport and budget, making North China warm and dry, the Sichuan basin cold and wet, and East China warm and wet.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the sources of uncertainty and the physical consistency of climate models from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP), an ensemble of general circulation models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs) was used to explore climatological water balances for the Churchill River basin in Labrador, Canada. This study quantifies mean atmospheric and terrestrial water balance residuals, as well as their annual cycles. Mean annual atmospheric water balances had consistently higher residuals than the terrestrial water balances due, in part, to the influences of sampling of instantaneous variables and the interpolation of atmospheric data to published pressure levels. Atmospheric and terrestrial water balance residuals for each ensemble member were found to be consistent between base and future periods, implying that they are systemic and not climate dependent. With regard to the annual cycle, no pattern was found across time periods or ensemble members to indicate whether the monthly terrestrial or atmospheric root mean square residual was highest. Because of the interdependence of hydrological cycle components, the complexity of climate models and the variety of methods and processes used by different ensemble members, it was impossible to isolate all causes of the water balance residuals. That being said, the residuals created by interpolating a model's native vertical resolution onto NARCCAP's published pressure levels and the subsequent vertical interpolation were quantified and several other sources were explored. In general, residuals were found to be predominantly functions of the RCM choice (as opposed to the GCM choice) and their respective modelling processes, parameterization schemes, and post-processing.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the main results and findings of studies conducted by Chinese scientists in the past five years.It is shown that observed climate change in China bears a strong similarity with the global average.The country-averaged annual mean surface air temperature has increased by 1.1℃over the past 50 years and 0.5-0.8℃over the past 100 years,slightly higher than the global temperature increase for the same periods.Northern China and winter have experienced the greatest increases in surface air temperature.Although no significant trend has been found in country-averaged annual precipitation, interdecadal variability and obvious trends on regional scales are detectable,with northwestern China and the mid and lower Yangtze River basin having undergone an obvious increase,and North China a severe drought.Some analyses show that frequency and magnitude of extreme weather and climate events have also undergone significant changes in the past 50 years or so. Studies of the causes of regional climate change through the use of climate models and consideration of various forcings,show that the warming of the last 50 years could possibly be attributed to an increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases,while the temperature change of the first half of the 20th century may be due to solar activity,volcanic eruptions and sea surface temperature change.A significant decline in sunshine duration and solar radiation at the surface in eastern China has been attributed to the increased emission of pollutants. Projections of future climate by models of the NCC(National Climate Center,China Meteorological Administration)and the IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences),as well as 40 models developed overseas,indicate a potential significant warming in China in the 21st century,with the largest warming set to occur in winter months and in northern China.Under varied emission scenarios,the country-averaged annual mean temperature is projected to increase by 1.5-2.1℃by 2020,2.3-3.3℃by 2050, and by 3.9-6.0℃by 2100,in comparison to the 30-year average of 1961 1990.Most models project a 10% 12% increase in annual precipitation in China by 2100,with the trend being particularly evident in Northeast and Northwest China,but with parts of central China probably undergoing a drying trend.Large uncertainty exists in the projection of precipitation,and further studies are needed.Furthermore,anthropogenic climate change will probably lead to a weaker winter monsoon and a stronger summer monsoon in eastern Asia.  相似文献   

徐璇  陆日宇  石英 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1177-1186
本文利用全球海气耦合模式(MIRO3.2_hires)和区域气候模式(RegCM3)的模拟结果,分析了东亚地区夏季降水和大气环流的季节演变特征,并与NCEP/DOE再分析资料和降水观测资料进行了对比分析.结果表明,全球和区域气候模式都能反映出中国东部地区夏季平均环流场和降水场气候态分布的基本特征,但全球模式模拟的雨带范...  相似文献   

我国近海和邻近海的海洋环境对最近全球气候变化的响应   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
蔡榕硕  陈际龙  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2006,30(5):1019-1033
鉴于全球气候变暖对海洋环境和海洋生态及对经济和社会可持续发展影响的严重性,作者首先利用ERA-40再分析的风场资料以及HadISST 和SODA等海洋高分辨率再分析资料,分析了近50年来全球气候变化对中国近海(包括渤海、黄海、东海和南海)和邻近海(主要是热带和副热带西太平洋)海面附近的风力、海表纬向和经向风应力和海表温度的影响.分析结果表明: 由于受全球气候变暖的影响,1976年之后中国近海和邻近海上空的冬、夏季风变弱,从而引起中国近海冬、夏季海表风应力减弱(尤其是经向风应力),而海表水温明显上升; 并且,冬、夏季海表风应力的减弱和海水温度的上升在中国东海反映尤其明显,这些为中国近海赤潮的频繁发生提供了有利的海洋环境.此外,从中国近海上空环流散度分布的变化可见,中国近海上空从1976年之后大气环流辐散增强,这不利于中国近海上升流的形成,从而会对沿岸水域营养盐的输送产生影响.  相似文献   

We present a 16-month record of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), total reactive nitrogen (NOy), sulphur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), C2 – C8 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), C1 – C2 halocarbons, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) measured at a southern China coastal site. The study aimed to establish/update seasonal profiles of chemically active trace gases and pollution tracers in subtropical Asia and to characterize the composition of the `background' atmosphere over the South China Sea (SCS) and of pollution outflow from the industrialized Pearl River Delta (PRD) region and southern China. Most of the measured trace gases of anthropogenic origin exhibited a winter maximum and a summer minimum, while O3 showed a maximum in autumn which is in contrast to the seasonal behavior of O3 in rural eastern China and in many mid-latitude remote locations in the western Pacific. The data were segregated into two groups representing the SCS background air and the outflow of regional continental pollution (PRD plus southern China), based on CO mixing ratios and meteorological conditions. NMHCs and halocarbon data were further analyzed to examine the relationships between their variability and atmospheric lifetime and to elucidate the extent of atmospheric processing in the sampled air parcels. The trace gas variability (S) versus lifetime (τ) relationship, defined by the power law, Slnx = Aτb, (where X is the trace gas mixing ratio) gives a fit parameter A of 1.39 and exponent b of 0.42 for SCS air, and A of 2.86 and b of 0.31 for the regional continental air masses. An examination of ln[n-butane]/ln[ethane] versus ln[propane]/ln[ethane] indicates that their relative abundance was dominated by mixing as opposed to photochemistry in both SCS and regional outflow air masses. The very low ratios of ethyne/CO, propane/ethane and toluene/benzene suggest that the SCS air mass has undergone intense atmospheric processing since these gases were released into the atmosphere. Compared to the results from other polluted rural sites and from urban areas, the large values of these species in the outflow of PRD/southern China suggest source(s) emitting higher levels of ethyne, benzene, and toluene, relative to light alkanes. These chemical characteristics could be unique indicators of anthropogenic emissions from southern China.  相似文献   

利用T42L9全球大气环流谱模式进行数值试验 ,以揭示南海夏季风强度异常的特征及其影响。控制试验结果表明 ,该模式不仅能够很好地模拟出气候平均的西风带槽脊和高低空气流分布以及它们的季节性变化 ,而且对于与亚洲季风有关的各个主要系统 ,如南亚高压、副高进退及越赤道气流等都有较强的模拟能力。在亚洲季风区及热带太平洋这一大范围区域的大气内部热源异常强迫下 ,模式显示出了南海夏季风持续异常的特征、北半球热带外环流的响应以及亚洲季风区降水异常分布。南海夏季风长时间强度异常所引起的大气内部热源异常 ,一方面通过三维垂直环流的异常联结着南海夏季风对北半球热带内外环流的影响 ,另一方面它又通过持续异常期的波列传播 ,即能量的传播 ,不仅影响我国长江流域降水 ,还会逐渐影响到北半球中高纬环流结构。这样西风带环流形势将会发生相应的变化和调整 ,南海夏季风持续异常影响到了北半球大气环流和天气气候的变化。  相似文献   

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