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The seasonal variation of rainy season over the Tibetan Plateau in summer 1998 is analyzed byusing daily observational rainfall data for Lhasa from 1955 to 1996,and rainfall data at 70 stationsfrom January to August of 1998 over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and adjacent regions,as well asTBB data from May to August of 1998.The onset date of rainy season for Lhasa is climatologically6 June.Among the analyzed years,the earliest onset date is 6 May,while the latest may delay to2 July.The obvious inter-decadal variation can be found in the series of onset date.The onset dateof summer 1998 over middle TP (onset date of Lhasa) is 24 June,which is relatively later than thenormal case.The onset for rainy season of 1998 started over southeast and northeast parts of TP and thenpropagated westward and northward.The convection over east and west parts of TP shows thatthere is a quasi 12-15 day oscillation.In June,the convection over middle and lower reaches ofYangtze River is formed by the westward propagation of convection over subtropical westernPacific.while in July.it is formed by the eastward propagation of convection over TP.Besides,it is also found that there exists good negative and obvious advance and lagcorrelation between the convection over the middle and western TP and that over the subtropicalwestern Pacific and southern China.Therefore it can be inferred that a feedback zonal circulationwith a quasi two-three week oscillation exists between the ascending region of TP and descendingregion of subtropical western Pacific,i.e.the convection over TP may affect the subtropical highover western Pacific and vice versa.  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 and NCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,the distribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in this paper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asian region from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropical monsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and the recurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.The latter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South China Sea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northward shift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-flood rainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfall appeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China then formed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998 is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into South China Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

Based on the 1958-1999 monthly averaged NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the REOF analysis is applied to obtain the main spatial modes of normalized atmospheric heating source over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) in July.Results show that the four leading modes are located over the northeast TP,southwest TP.Kashmir and southeast TP respectively,and the cumulative variances are no more than one third of the total.It indicates that the heating source distribution is very complicated over the TP in July.In other words.it is difficult to depict the heating spatial distribution with a few modes.By using wavelet analysis,a 2-4-year variation period is identified in these modes.Moreover,correlation coefficients between each RPC and zonal wind U, meridional wind V.zonal moisture flux Qv,meridional moisture flux Qv,and precipitation rate over East Asia are calculated to construct correlation fields,Results show that different heating modes over the TP correspond to different circulation,moisture flux as well as precipitation patterns,Precipitation over North China(or Kashmir) is negatively(or positively) correlated with REOF1.Similarly.notable negative(or positive) correlation can be found between the rainfall over south part of Southwest China.South China,and the Philippines(or Japan) and the REOF3. Due to high localization of diabatic heating over the TP.it is not enough to study the influence of TP thermal forcing on the climate with an area averaged heating index.  相似文献   

Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly data,the relation between the surface sensible heat flux,(SHTFL) in the Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity and the East Asian winter monsoon is revealed as follows:on the inter-annual and longer time scales,the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has influence on the East Asian winter monsoon,that is,SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would become more vigorous,and vice versa.Both the most significant period of the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau and that of the East Asian winter monsoon index are 2 to 4-year time scales.On the 2 to 4-year time scales,the heterogeneous spatial distribution of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has effect on the East Asian winter monsoon,after SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would be more powerful,and vice versa.The lag influence of the difference of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian winter monsoon brings into effect mainly on 2 to 4-year time scales.In the end an reasonable explanation for their relationship has been discussed.  相似文献   

青藏高原对亚洲夏季风爆发位置及强度的影响   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
通过数值模拟,研究了青藏高原位于不同经度位置时,亚洲夏季风的爆发和演变情况,从动力和热力学角度分析了青藏高原大地形对亚洲夏季风爆发位置的影响。结果表明,青藏高原的“热力滑轮”作用引起:高原东南面热带陆地上空的偏南气流加强,降水增加,凝结潜热加强;高原西南面热带陆地上空出现偏北气流,降水减弱,陆面的感热加热加强。青藏高原对于亚洲夏季风的爆发地点有锚定的作用,在热带海陆分布的背景下,使亚洲夏季风首先在高原东南面的海洋东岸—陆地西岸爆发,并使亚洲季风降水重新分布。  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 andNCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,thedistribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in thispaper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asianregion from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropicalmonsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and therecurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.Thelatter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South ChinaSea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northwardshift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-floodrainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfallappeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China thenformed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoononset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into SouthChina Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

王可丽  吴国雄  江灏  刘平 《气象学报》2002,60(2):173-180
文中首先利用NCEP NCAR再分析的风场资料 ,分析了南亚夏季风的时空特征 ,选取了有代表性的典型强、弱夏季风年 ,继而利用ISCCP C2、ERBE S4卫星观测资料和NCEP NCAR再分析资料 ,对比分析了强、弱夏季风前期青藏高原地区的云—辐射—加热状况及其在海、陆差异中的作用。分析结果表明 ,南亚夏季风强或弱 ,其前期青藏高原地区的云—辐射—加热效应有明显的差异。在强 (弱 )南亚夏季风的前期 ,青藏高原大部分地区为相对少 (多 )云区 ,其云量变化不仅表明了此区的云—辐射—加热效应的不同 ,更重要的是与此同时出现的海、陆之间云量分布的“跷跷板”现象 ,进一步改变了海、陆之间的热力差异。而且 ,在强南亚夏季风年 ,这种热力差异不但开始得早 ,而且持续时间长、作用范围大 ,从而对南亚夏季风的形成和变化产生重要的影响  相似文献   

There is a close relationship between variation of middle latitude synoptic system over the Tibetan Plateau and movement of typhoon over the Northwest Pacific.This paper tries to discuss the mechanism of it through the numerical simulation and dynamic diagnosis.25-year statistical results during the period from 1970 to 1995 indicate that the relationship between middle latitude circulation over the Plateau and the track of typhoon over the Northwest Pacific are as follows.When longwave trough in 500 hPa isobaric surface over the Plateau.it is favourable to typhoon's westward movement:on the contrary,large scale anticyclone over the Plateau is favourable to typhoon's recurvature.We simulated the typhoon under these two flow patterns with MM5 model.Numerical simulation results showed that:(a)Longwave trough on 500 hPa surface over the Plateau makes subtropical high extended westward so as to typhoon south to high moves westward in easterly steering flow.(b)Anticyclone over the Plateau will bring about the longwave trough developing along the east coast of Asia,it'will usually cause typhoon recurring in front of the developed trough.In addition,the results of dynamic diagnosis show the physical mechanism on impact of synoptic system over the Plateau on the downstream synoptic system,that is,the transport of disturbance kinetic energy over the upstream Plateau makes the downstream trough developed.And then it affects the steering flow of typhoon.Because of existence of the high ridge over the Plateau.the energy transport channel moves to north.On the contrary,the trough exists over the Plateau,the energy transport channel moves to south.The southerly in front of trough over the Plateau and the southerly in the east part of typhoon transport low potential vorticity of low latitude into subtropical high.That is beneficial to development of subtropical high and affects typhoon's movement.These results fully reflect the impact of interaction between mid-latitude and low latitude on synoptic system.  相似文献   

青藏高原影响亚洲夏季气候研究的最新进展   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
文中回顾了近 10a来吴国雄等在青藏高原影响亚洲夏季气候研究方面的最新进展。通过分析东西风交界面的演变证明 ,由于青藏高原的春季加热 ,亚洲季风区对流层低层冬季盛行偏东风转变为夏季偏西南风最早发生在孟加拉湾东部 ,与其相伴随的激烈对流降水出现在其东面。因此孟加拉湾东部至中印半岛西部是亚洲季风最早爆发的地区。同时也指出盛夏伊朗高原和青藏高原加热所激发的同相环流嵌套在欧亚大陆尺度的热力环流中 ,从而加强了东亚的夏季风 ,加剧了中西亚的干旱 ;并通过其所激发的波动对夏季东亚的气候格局产生重要影响。文中还比较了夏季南亚高压的伊朗模态和青藏模态性质的异同及其对亚洲夏季降水异常分布的不同影响。  相似文献   

青藏高原地面加热场日变化对亚洲季风区大气环流的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用1982-1996年每天两次的NCEP丙分析资料,研究青藏高原地面加热场的日变化对亚洲季风区环流的影响。结果表明;青藏高原地面加热场的日变化是引起亚洲季风区大气环流日变化的主要因子,青藏高原地区,阿拉伯海,盂加拉湾和菲律宾附近地区是四个主要的日变化显著区,青藏高原地区是垂直运动的负值日变化中心,其它三个区域的日变化与青藏高原地区的日变化有反相关系,这种特征一年四季都存在,但各显著区域范围的大小,中心位置及环流日变化的强度随季节有不同程度的变化,青藏高原加热场日变化对我国东部地区环流的影响主要发生在夏季。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an index of land-sea thermal difference(ILSTD)that describes its zonal and meridional strength responsible for East Asian monsoon circulation to study its relation to the East Asian monsoon circulation and the summer rainfall over China on an interannual basis.Results are as follows:(1)ILSTD can be used to measure the strength of East Asian summer monsoon in such a way that the strong(weak)ILSTD years are associated with strong(weak)summer monsoon circulation.(2)The index also reflects well summer rainfall anomaly over the eastern part of China.In the strong index years,rain belt is mainly located over the northern China,and serious drought emerges in the Jianghuai valleys and mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River,along with increase of rainfall in North and South China,but in the weak years it is contrary.(3)Besides,the index has obvious QBO and quasi 4-year oscillations,but the periods and amplitudes have significant changes on an interdecadal basis.  相似文献   

夏半年青藏高原东部大气热源异常对环流和降水的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
罗会邦  陈蓉 《气象科学》1995,15(4):94-102
本文利用高原23个测站探空资料,经客观分析求得的1983-1992年夏半年逐月青藏高原东部大气热源和水汽汇积分值,讨论了高原东部大气热源对北半球大气环流以及对我国降水的影响。月距平均资料显示,高原东部大气热源在ENSO年一般有所加强,与此相应,500hPa高度场从高原到淮河流域为一低值区,蒙古一带为高压区,100hPa高度场高原上空为高压区,我国东北,朝鲜和日本一带为低值区。  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variation on the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation and the relationship with temperature,precipitation and vapor sources are analyzed for the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions.There is no temperature effect in the southern Tibetan Plateau and South Asia.Amount effect has been observed at a few sampling stations that account for about a half of the statistical stations.However,the seasonal variations on the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation at those stations are inconsistent with that of precipitation intensity.There is notable temperature effect in the middle and northern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent Northwest China.It has been observed that the seasonal variations of the δ18O in precipitation are almost consistent with those of air temperature in these regions.Because vapor is directly originated from lowlatitude oceans,the relative heavy δ18O with small variation characterizes the rainfall in South Asia.A sharp depletion of the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation takes place from Kyangjin on the southern slop of the Himalayas to the Tanggula Mountains in the middle Plateau.The δ18O reaches minimum due to very strong rainout of the vapor from oceans as the vapor rises over the Himalayas.From the Tanggula Mountains to the northern Tibetan Plateau,the δ18O in precipitation increases with increasing latitude and the is otopic situation in the northern Plateau istransferred into Northwest China with little disruption.  相似文献   

The combination of field experiments and satellite observations is the fundamental way tounderstand the characteristics of spatial-temporal variation in surface albedo over the Tibetan(Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau. Under the condition without snow cover, the relatively regular annualvariation cycle of the surface albedo can be expressed by an empirical formula. The effect of snowcover on the surface albedo in winter can be expressed by introducing two variables of snow forcingand sensitivity parameter. The existing satellite retrieved results of surface albedo may provide thedigital grid data for describing the geographical distribution. However, some satellite retrievedsurface albedos available over the Tibetan Plateau are obviously too low in winter. Taking thesatellite derived results in summer as the background field representative of geographicaldistribution and combining the empirical formula of annual cycle based on the surface observations,a dynamic model of surface albedo is developed for the need of modeling the climatic influence ofthe underlying surface forcing of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Climatological characteristics of subtropical anticyclone structure during seasonal transition are investigated based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.The ridge-surface of subtropical anticyclone is defined by the boundary surface between westerly to the north and easterly to the south (WEB in brief).In Afro-Asian monsoon area,the subtropical high in troposphere whose ridgelines are consecutive in wintertime takes on relatively symmetrical and zonal structure,the WEB tilts southward with increasing height.In summer,the subtropical high ridgelines are discontinuous at low levels and continuous at upper levels,the WEB tilts northward from the bottom up.Under the constraint of thermal wind relation,the WEB usually tilts toward warmer zone.May is the period when subtropical high modality most significantly varies.The structure and properties of subtropical high during seasonal transition are different from area to area.A new concept "seasonal transition axis" is proposed based on formation and variation of the vertical ridge axis of subtropical anticyclone.The subtropical high of summer pattern firstly occurs over eastern Bay of Bengal in the beginning of May.then stabilizes over eastern Bay of Bengal,Indo-China,and western South China Sea in the 3rd pentad of May,it exists over the South China Sea in the 4th-5th pentad of May and establishes over central India in the 1st-2nd pentad of June.The three consequential stages when summer modal subtropical high occurs correspond to that of Asian summer monsoon onset,respectively.To a great extent,the summer monsoon onset over the Bay of Bengal depends on the reversal of meridional temperature gradient in vicinity of the WEB in upper troposphere.The meridional temperature gradient at middle-upper levels in troposphere can be used as a good indicator for measuring the seasonal transition and Asian monsoon onset.  相似文献   

In correspondence with the establishment of the "upper high and lower high" pressure pattern due to the activities of 500 hPa high over the Tibetan Plateau in summer,a series of changes of the East Asia atmospheric circulation will take place.In this paper,the distributions of divergence and vertical velocity of 500 hPa high,the evolutions of atmospheric heat source,the variations of vorticity and zonal wind at 100 hPa level and vertical meridional cell over the Tibetan Plateau etc.are statistically analyzed.Thus,we can see that the ascending motion and the convective heating over the Tibetan Plateau,the South Asia high and the westerly jet on the north of the Plateau at 100 hPa level are weakned.The northern branch and the southern branch of the easterly jet on the south of the Plateau merge into a single whole and situate on the south of the former northern branch.In the meantime,thermodynamic land-sea discrepancy in South Asia and the convective heating over the Bay of Bengal is enhanced.It will play an important role in the maintenance of the easterly jet and the South Asia monsoon.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风南北进退的年代际变化对我国区域降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用1958-2001年的中国740站逐日降水资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF) ERA40再分析资料,综合动力因子和热力因子定义了东亚夏季风指数,并利用该指数的变化定义了东亚夏季风前沿,客观、详尽地描述了季风的移动特征.结果表明,在1958-2001年期间,东亚夏季风活动在1965、1980和1994年出现3次明显转变.1958-1964年东亚夏季风前沿在华南和华北地区停留时间异常偏长,而在长江中下游地区停留时间异常偏短;1965-1979年季风前沿在华南和黄河下游地区停留时间稍长;1980-1993年季风前沿集中在长江中下游地区时间异常偏长,而在华北地区停留时间异常偏短;1994-2001年东亚夏季风在长江以南停留时间偏长,从而导致了我国东部区域降水的异常分布、旱涝灾害频繁发生.  相似文献   

Experimental predictions with a hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model(L9R15 AGCM-ZCocean model)were performed for the 1986/87 El Nino event and the 1988/89 La Nina event withand without the Tibetan Plateau respectively(called TP FORC and NTP FORC hereinafter).Comparison shows that,to some extent,the existence of the Tibetan Plateau orography weakensor restrains(strengthens or facilitates)the formation of the anomalous circulation of Asianmonsoon during El Nino(La Nina)period.Opposite results are found in the uncoupled AGCMsimulation.  相似文献   

The study presented herein investigated the main characteristics of carbon monoxideintraseasonal variability and evaluated its possible impact factors using the upper troposphere and lowerstratosphere (UT/LS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations over Tibetan Plateau and itsadjacent areas in summer (June to August) of 2005 and 2006. Observations show a persistent constituentextreme extending up into the UT/LS throughout summer, as well as a temporally reversed phase variationbetween the carbon monoxide and ozone in UT/LS. The intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of carbonmonoxide during summer are investigated by using methods of wavelet and band pass filter analysis. It isfound that ISOs over the Tibetan Plateau have periods of 10 to 20 days and 30 to 60 days. The formermainly appeared in upper troposphere while the latter in lower stratosphere. Further analysis shows thatthese two periods of ISOs in UT/LS are mainly in phase to the activities of convection over the south of theplateau and the variation of South Asia High, respectively. The above two factors and their dynamicalcoupling may be responsible for the tracer ISOs at different levels.  相似文献   

Using an improved CCM1/NCAR climate dynamic model and a combination distribution of land-ocean-vegetation during 40-50 MaBP,a series of numerical experiments representing different stages of the Tibetan Plateau uplifting and different land-ocean distributions are designed to discuss the influence of the Plateau uplifting and land-ocean distribution variation on Asian climate change.It is shown that Tibetan Plateau uplifting can firstly increase the precipitation in China during the period from initial uplift to half height of modern Tibetan Plateau and then decrease the rainfall during the time from the half height to the present plateau. At the same time.the uplifting can reduce surface air temperature over China.Besides.the effects of the uplift and land-ocean distribution change on the variation of winter and summer Asian monsoon circulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

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