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Ozone is well documented as the air pollutant most damaging to agricultural crops and other plants.It is reported that tropospheric O3 concentration increases rapidly in recent 20 years. Evaluating and predicting impacts of ozone concentration changes on crops are drawing great attention in the scientific community. In China, main study method about this filed is controlled experiments, for example, Open Top Chambers. But numerical simulation study about impacts of ozone on crops with crop model was developed slowly, what is more, the study about combined impacts of ozone and carbon dioxide has not been reported.The improved agroecosystem model is presented to evaluate simultaneously impacts of tropospheric O3 and CO2 concentration changes on crops in the paper by integrating algorithms about impacts of ozone on photosynthesis with an existing agroecosystem biogeochemical model (named as DNDC). The main physiological processes of crop growth (phenology, leaf area index, photosynthesis, respiration, assimilated allocation and so on) in the former DNDC are kept. The algorithms about impacts of ozone on photosynthesis and winter wheat leaf are added in the modified DNDC model in order to reveal impacts of ozone and carbon dioxide on growth, development, and yield formation of winter wheat by coupling the simulation about impacts of carbon dioxide on photosynthesis of winter wheat which exists in the former DNDC. In the paper, firstly assimilate allocation algorithms and some genetic parameters (such as daily thermal time of every development stage) were modified in order that DNDC can be applicable in North China. Secondly impacts of ozone on crops were simulated with two different methods-one was impacts of ozone on light use efficiency , and the other was direct effects of ozone on leaves photosynthesis. The latter simulated results are closer to experiment measurements through comparing their simulating results. At last the method of direct impacts of ozone on leaf growth is adopted and the coe cients about impacts of ozone on leaf growth and death are ascertained. Effects of climate changes, increasing ozone, and carbon dioxide concentration on agroecosystem are tried to be simulated numerically in the study which is considered to be advanced and credible.  相似文献   

Ozone is well documented as the air pollutant most damaging to agricultural crops and other plants. It is reported that tropospheric O3 concentration increases rapidly in recent 20 years. Evaluating and predicting impacts of ozone concentration changes on crops are drawing great attention in the scientific community. In China, main study method about this filed is controlled experiments, for example, Open Top Chambers. But numerical simulation study about impacts of ozone on crops with crop model was developed slowly, what is more, the study about combined impacts of ozone and carbon dioxide has not been reported. The improved agroecosystem model is presented to evaluate simultaneously impacts of tropospheric O3 and CO2 concentration changes on crops in the paper by integrating algorithms about impacts of ozone on photosynthesis with an existing agroecosystem biogeochemical model (named as DNDC). The main physiological processes of crop growth (phenology, leaf area index, photosynthesis, respiration, assimilated allocation and so on) in the former DNDC are kept. The algorithms about impacts of ozone on photosynthesis and winter wheat leaf are added in the modified DNDC model in order to reveal impacts of ozone and carbon dioxide on growth, development, and yield formation of winter wheat by coupling the simulation about impacts of carbon dioxide on photosynthesis of winter wheat which exists in the former DNDC. In the paper, firstly assimilate allocation algorithms and some genetic parameters (such as daily thermal time of every development stage) were modified in order that DNDC can be applicable in North China. Secondly impacts of ozone on crops were simulated with two different methods- one was impacts of ozone on light use efficiency, and the other was direct effects of ozone on leaves photosynthesis. The latter simulated results are closer to experiment measurements through comparing their simulating results. At last the method of direct impacts of ozone on leaf growth is adopted and the coefficients about impacts of ozone on leaf growth and death are ascertained. Effects of climate changes, increasing ozone, and carbon dioxide concentration on agroecosystem are tried to be simulated numerically in the study which is considered to be advanced and credible.  相似文献   

大气中O3和CO2增加对大豆复合影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄辉  王春乙  白月明  温民 《大气科学》2004,28(4):601-612
利用OTC-1型开顶式气室,对大豆"中黄14"进行了长时期不同O3和CO2处理的接触试验,模拟研究CO2和O3浓度倍增及其交互作用对大豆发育期、黄叶率和绿叶率、根瘤、生物量及其分配、产量结构、籽粒品质及叶片膜保护系统的影响,结果表明:单独O3浓度倍增,发育期明显提前;生物量最多可减少近一半,产量最多减产60%以上;粗蛋白含量增加6.2%,粗脂肪含量降低7.6%;叶片脂膜过氧化加剧.单独CO2浓度倍增,开花后发育期有所延迟;对生物量及产量有明显的正效应,成熟时总生物量和籽粒产量分别比T5增加21.0%和20.3%;粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量分别下降3.3%和1.6%;结荚前叶片脂膜过氧化反应减轻.CO2和O3持续倍增和逐渐达到倍增交互作用处理,在生物量、产量方面表现为CO2的影响大于O3,在叶片膜保护系统方面表现为O3的影响大于CO2,粗蛋白含量下降,粗脂肪含量上升,叶片脂质过氧化加剧.熏气处理均可造成:黄叶率上升,绿叶率下降,凋落物增加,且单独O3浓度倍增的处理最明显,通气仅10天黄叶率就高于50%;超氧化物歧化酶活性增强;气孔阻力增加,蒸腾速率下降,且单独CO2浓度倍增的处理最明显,尤其在高湿阴天,气孔阻力和蒸腾速率变化最高分别可达增加234.0%和下降58.5%.  相似文献   

不同CO2浓度处理对冬小麦的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白月明  王春乙  温民 《气象》1996,22(2):7-11
利用OCT-1型开顶式气室进行不同的CO2浓度处理对冬小麦生长发育影响的诊断试验。结果表明,不同CO2浓度处理对冬小麦的发育期、生物量、叶面积、产量、产品质量、种子发芽率以及粘虫等影响较为明显。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the enrichment of tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide concentration at striking rates has caused effects on biosphere, especially on crops. It is generally accepted that the increase of CO2 concentration will have obverse effects on plant productivity while ozone is reported as the air pollutant most damaging to agricultural crops and other plants. The Model of Carbon and Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Agroecosystems (DNDC) was adapted to evaluate simultaneously impacts of climate change on winter wheat. Growth development and yield formation of winter wheat under different O3 and CO2 concentration conditions are simulated with the improved DNDC model whose structure has been described in another paper. Through adjusting the DNDC model applicability, winter wheat growth and development in Gucheng Station were simulated well in 1993 and 1999, which is in favor of modifying the model further. The model was validated against experiment observation, including development stage data, leaf area index, each organ biomass, and total aboveground biomass. Sensitivity tests demonstrated that the simulated results in development stage and biomass were sensitive to temperature change. The main conclusions of the paper are the following: 1) The growth and yield of winter wheat under CO2 concentration of 500 ppmv, 700 ppmv and the current ozone concentration are simulated respectively by the model. The results are well fitted with the observed data of OTCs experiments. The results show that increase of CO2 concentration may improve the growth of winter wheat and elevate the yield. 2) The growth and yield of winter wheat under O3 concentration of 50 ppbv, 100 ppbv, 200 ppbv and the based concentration CO2 are simulated respectively by the model. The simulated curves of stem, leaf, and spike organs growth as well as leaf area index are well accounted with the observed data. The results reveal that ozone has negative effects on the growth and yield of winter wheat. Ozone accelerates the process of leaf senescence and causes yield loss. Under very high ozone concentration, crops are damaged dramatically and even dead. 3) At last, by the model possible effects of air temperature change and combined effects of O3 and CO2 are estimated respectively. The results show that doubled CO2 concentration may alleviate negative effect of O3 on biomass and yield of winter wheat when ozone concentration is about 70-80 ppbv. The obverse effects of CO2 are less than the adverse effects of O3 when the concentration of ozone is up to 100 ppbv. Future work should determine whether it can be applied to other species by adjusting the values of related parameters, and whether the model can be adapted to predict ozone effects on crops in farmland environment.  相似文献   

欧亚积雪异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响 II.数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于观测分析的结果 ,采用NCARCCM2模式 ,设计了三组数值试验方案 ,研究了积雪的异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响及其可能的物理过程。结果表明 ,数值模拟与观测分析所得结果一致 ,冬季积雪的异常分布 ,通过积雪的辐射冷却效应 ,可以改变地表的热状况以及地表对大气加热的异常 ,引起大气温度、位势高度场的调整 ,激发冬季大气EUP遥相关型 ,导致东亚冬季风环流的异常  相似文献   

近地层大气臭氧对作物光合作用影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近地层O3浓度增加对作物光合产生不利影响,因此,利用TE-49C型臭氧自动观测仪对常熟农田上方O3浓度进行了逐时测定,同时利用OTC-1型农田开顶式气室,测定了不同O3浓度对冬小麦叶片光合作用的影响.在此基础上,首次建立了O3对冬小麦光合作用影响的数值机理模式,模式分辨率达到瞬时时间尺度,空间积分采用Ross方案,具有较高分辨率和准确度.对O3浓度观测表明:O3浓度逐时值变化在0~160×10-9之间,相比之下日平均值变化较小,仅在5×10-9~60×10-9之内;长江中下游地区农田上方O3存在三种典型日变化形式:高浓度单峰型、高浓度多峰型和低浓度平缓型.数值分析表明:全晴天状况下高浓度单峰型对光合作用日总量影响最大.数值敏感分析表明:O3浓度和辐射同步变化时,随着日总辐射量的加大,臭氧浓度增加对光合作用的影响程度逐渐加强.全生育期积分表明:水肥适宜时,由于O3影响冬小麦光合总损失量约为9.22%.  相似文献   

干旱及灌溉对冬小麦根系和产量的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在郑州农业气象试验站开展不同程度干旱、灌溉试验,研究了不同水分条件对冬小麦根系活力、形态及产量的影响。结果表明,干旱条件下,冬小麦根系活力和根直径均有明显的降低,根长有明显增加,土壤下层所占根系总体积比例增大,且随着发育期的推进,下层根系所占比例呈现增大的趋势,水分利用效率有明显提高;随着干旱程度的增加,上述变化趋势更加明显。在灌溉量相同的情况下,越冬期灌溉,有利于冬小麦根系活力和根直径增加,但不利于根系的向下伸展;返青期和拔节期灌溉有利于根系向下伸展、水分利用效率提高、理论产量增加,但不利于根系活力和直径的增加;拔节期灌溉,可适当增大灌溉量,减少灌溉次数,以提高水分利用效率。综合根系形态和活力、水分利用效率及产量,在冬小麦干旱持续发生条件下,在返青期、孕穗期灌水600 m~3·hm~(-2)左右,可根据干旱程度适当增减灌水量,重旱条件下适当增加灌水次数,少量多灌缓解旱情,而重大干旱年份灌水困难条件下可只在拔节期灌水600 m~3·hm~(-2),以实现产量的减损和节水效果。  相似文献   

利用美国Licor-6200光合作用测定仪,对黄淮海地区代表性冬小麦品种鲁麦23号叶片光合作用速率进行了较为全面的测定,分别确定了冬小麦叶片光-光合作用响应曲线和CO2-光合作用响应曲线,在此基础上,建立了叶片光合作用模式,并进而建立了一个具有瞬时时间尺度,空间积分为叶片尺度的冬小麦冠层模式,利用模式分别分析了大气中CO2浓度升高和温度变化对冠层光合作用的不同影响,并在此基础上进一步进行了综合数值分析.单因子分析表明晴天状况下,冠层光合速率随CO2浓度升高而上升,当CO2浓度由330×10-6上升至660×10-6时,冠层光合日总量可增加19.7 %;冠层光合速率随辐射增加而增大,辐射量增加10.0 %,冠层光合日总量可增加6.7 %;冠层光合速率随温度升高而下降,温度升高1 ℃,冠层光合日总量减少2.9 %.多因子综合数值分析表明在辐射量较大的气候背景下,冠层光合日总量对温度和CO2变化响应更加敏感.本文的实测数据为研究气候变化对中国农业影响提供了最基本的可靠模型参数,冠层光合模型为未来改进作物模型提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

气候变化对河南省灌溉小麦的影响及对策初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
灌溉是河南省冬小麦最重要的种植管理模式。在DSSAT-CERES小麦模型参数调试和区域适用性验证的基础上,利用区域气候模式PRECIS输出的未来气候情景资料,量化分析了2021—2050年河南省灌溉条件下冬小麦产量的可能变化,结果表明:若不采取其他措施,未来A2,B2两种温室气体排放情景下,河南省冬小麦产量平均减少5%左右,A2情景减产率略高于B2;随着产量降低,产量波动区间略有缩小,但25%~75%的稳产区间也相应缩小,且B2情景下更容易出现极端低产的年份;冬小麦水分利用效率相应降低。采取适当应对措施,如延迟播种期、减小种植密度等有利于提高产量或缓解减产趋势。  相似文献   

气候变暖对江苏省冬麦苗期的影响及对策的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
黄毓华  高苹  徐萌  陈维新  潘永圣 《气象》2000,26(9):43-46
着重讨论了80年代后期以来气候变暖的特点,通过对江苏省3个地区冬麦播种~赵冬期和越冬期温度的对比分析,认为江苏气候变暖对冬麦的影响具有3个特点:一是从时段而言,出现在播种~越冬期;二是以地区而言,以淮北地区和江南地区偏暖更为明显;三是就高、低温度范围而言,最低气温的升高尤为突出。结合本地生产实际,分析了气候变暖对冬麦苗期的影响,提出了生产和管理的相应对策。  相似文献   

Accurate crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting are significant to the food security and the sus- tainable development of agriculture.Crop yield estimation by remote sensing and crop growth simulation models have highly potential application in crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting.However,both of them have limitations in mechanism and regional application,respectively.Therefore,approach and methodology study on the combination of remote sensing data and crop growth simulation models are con- cerned by many researchers.In this paper,adjusted and regionalized WOFOST (World Food Study) in North China and Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves-a model of leaf optical PROperties SPECTra (SAIL-PROSFPECT) were coupled through LAI to simulate Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) of crop canopy,by which crop model was re-initialized by minimizing differences between simulated and synthesized SAVI from remote sensing data using an optimization software (FSEOPT).Thus,a regional remote-sensing- crop-simulation-framework-model (WSPFRS) was established under potential production level (optimal soil water condition).The results were as follows:after re-initializing regional emergence date by using remote sensing data,anthesis,and maturity dates simulated by WSPFRS model were more close to measured values than simulated results of WOFOST;by re-initializing regional biomass weight at turn-green stage,the spa- tial distribution of simulated storage organ weight was more consistent with measured yields and the area with high values was nearly consistent with actual high yield area.This research is a basis for developing regional crop model in water stress production level based on remote sensing data.  相似文献   

By using the improved regional climate model (BCC_RegCM1.0), a series of modeling experiments are undertaken to investigate the impacts of historical land-use changes (LUCs) on the regional climate in China. Simulations are conducted for 2 years using estimated land-use for 1700, 1800, 1900, 1950, and 1990. The conversion of land cover in these periods was extensive over China, where large areas were altered from forests to either grass or crops, or from grasslands to crops. Results show that, since 1700, historical LUCs have significant effects on regional climate change, with rainfall increasing in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, Northwest China, and Northeast China, but decreasing by different degrees in other regions. The air temperature shows significant warming over large areas in recent hundred years, especially from 1950 to 1990, which is consistent with the warming caused by increasing greenhouse gases. On the other hand, historical LUCs have obvious effects on mean circulation, with the East Asian winter and summer monsoonal flows becoming more intensive, which is mainly attributed to the amplifled temperature difference between ocean and land due to vegetation change. Thus, it would be given more attention to the impacts of LUCs on regional climate change.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)发展的耦合气候模式FGOALS1.0_g控制试验、二氧化碳(CO2)浓度加倍试验模拟结果及实测结果(NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料)研究了全球变暖对大气季节内振荡(ISO)特征变化的影响。通过对比分析控制试验、二氧化碳浓度加倍试验模拟结果及观测结果发现:(1)FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式具有一定的模拟季节内振荡的能力,主要表现为模式能够模拟出ISO活跃区的位置、中心位置的季节变动以及强度的季节变化,其缺陷是模拟的ISO强度偏弱,模拟的ISO周期不显著且偏高频;(2)实测资料诊断分析得到的近六十年来偏暖阶段ISO活跃区强度增强及范围扩大可能不是人类活动影响使温室气体增加所导致的,它可能是大气ISO本身的年代际尺度变化;(3)近六十年来纬向东传波(西传波)的能量的存在增长(减少)趋势的主要原因可能是人类活动影响引起温室气体增加所导致的;(4)由于FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式在模拟ISO主周期及强度方面时存在不足,因此实测结果诊断分析得到的偏暖阶段ISO小波能量强,主周期范围大,偏冷阶段反之的结论用FGOALS1.0_g耦合气候模式尚难以证实。  相似文献   

冬小麦区土壤水分预报和灌溉决策系统的业务应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
毛飞  张光智  周丽 《气象》2001,27(6):36-39
建立了适用于单站,区域以及全国范围的冬小麦土壤水分预报和灌溉决策业务服务系统,并在2000年3-6月做了15周次土壤水分预报和灌溉决策,其中13次在中央电视台第七套节目“气象与农情”栏目中播出,直接为农业生产服务,土壤水分预报误差分析表明:0-100cm平均相对误差最小,0-50cm次之,0-30cm最大,土壤湿度预报分布规律与实况基本一致。  相似文献   

东亚冬季风是北半球冬季最活跃的大气环流系统,其活动有重要影响,其向南爆发可以越过赤道对澳大利亚夏季风起作用。但相对夏季风,人们对东亚冬季风的研究一直较少。作者首先利用Hadley中心近百年的北半球海平面气压场资料,改进提出了一个能更好表征东亚冬季风强度的指数,进一步分析研究了东亚冬季风的年际和年代际变化及其异常特征。其结果表明,东亚冬季风不仅存在着明显的年际变化,主要有准两年的振荡周期和5~7年左右的周期,还存在周期为25~30年左右以及周期为十几年的年代际变化。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用相关分析、合成分析的方法,还系统研究了东亚冬季风异常时的大气环流特征。对比分析表明,对应强、弱东亚冬季风,大尺度环流系统(蒙古高压、阿留申低压、500 hPa位势高度场等)的变化特征基本上呈反相分布;并且在强、弱东亚冬季风年,赤道地区的Hadley环流和Walker环流也出现基本反相的异常分布特征;而且赤道西太平洋有西(东)风异常出现,菲律宾以东有异常气旋(反气旋)性环流。在对异常东亚冬季风诊断分析的基础上,用一个大气环流模式(GCM)模拟了异常东亚冬季风的活动。通过对数值模拟结果的强、弱东亚冬季风进行对比分析发现,在强、弱东亚冬季风时,北半球中高纬度大气环流的结构会出现明显的变化和调整;同时,热带地区大气环流也有显著的差异。数值模拟和资料分析结果有较好的一致性,从而进一步揭示了东亚冬季风的变化和异常特征。  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶直接气候效应对东亚冬季风影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用东亚沙尘复折射指数数据和较新的植被分布对区域气候-沙尘耦合模式(RegCM4-Dust)的沙尘光学特性和沙源区域进行了更新。在此基础上,研究了沙尘气溶胶直接辐射效应对东亚冬季风的影响。模拟结果表明,引入沙尘效应后,东亚大陆绝大部分季风区对流层低层冬季风环流增强。同时,对流层中、上层中低纬度纬向风增强而中高纬度纬向风减弱,导致中高-中低纬度之间纬向风经向切变加强,从而有利于中高纬度冷空气向南侵入,这是低层冬季风环流增强在中上层的反映。另外,沙尘气溶胶导致东亚绝大部分季风区降水明显减少,东北地区西南部、华北大部、黄土高原、黄淮以及长江中下游流域减少达10%以上,这是降水对冬季风增强的响应。沙尘气溶胶引起冬季东亚次大陆-西北太平洋之间温度梯度增大,进而导致海陆间湿静力能梯度增大,是导致东亚大陆冬季风增强的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用NCAR CAM3.1模式及NCEP/NCAR(version 1)再分析资料计算了几种现实大气热源分布情况,讨论了亚洲各地区和南半球上空冬季1月大气冷(热)源对东亚冬季风环流系统和印度冬季风环流系统形成的影响.结果表明:(1)冬季1月东亚地区和澳大利亚上空大气冷(热)源与东亚冬季风环流关系密切,南半球澳大利亚附近的非绝热加热可以激发出澳大利亚北部的热低压系统,东亚大陆东部的大气冷源可以使东亚大陆低空出现冷高压,基本上模拟出东亚季风系统冬季主要环流成员;(2)亚洲地区西部及其对应的南半球印度洋非绝热加热与印度冬季风环流关系密切,同样对东亚冬季风也有一定的影响,特别是亚洲大陆西部副热带地区的非绝热加热可以加强冬季南海的越赤道气流并能调整阿留申低压的位置.  相似文献   

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