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By using a three-level atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM),we have completed several numerical experiments to study the impacts of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) and antarctic ice cover anomaly(AICA) during 1981-1983 on climate variability.The results show that during the El Nino period of 1982-1983 the impact of SSTA overrides that of AICA.SSTA mainly affects equatorial zonal circulation and produces PNA wave train,and SE-NW wave train in East Asia to influence the weather of China.AICA produces west-east anomalous vortex streets in the middle latitudes of both hemispheres and affects the intensity of the polar vortex of Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Based on the tropical cyclone (TC) asymmetric disturbance as the superposition of the symmetric environmental circulation,the analytical solution of travelling wave is given by using the barotropical nondivergent model with diabatic heating forcing and non-friction in a plane polar coordinate.Then,the TC radial inhomogeneous structure is analyzed on radial/tangential velocity and geopotential height.It is found that the different kinds of structures are influenced by the Coriolis parameter (f),TC intensity (Ω),disturbance circular frequency (ω),and TC angular wavenumber (m).And,the diabatic heating (Q1) has significant impacts on the radial/tangential velocity distribution shaped like the inner-tight and outer-relaxed.  相似文献   

By using a three-level atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM),we have completed severalnumerical experiments to study the impacts of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and antarctic icecover anomaly (AICA) during 1981—1983 on climate variability.The results show that during the ElNino period of 1982—1983 the impact of SSTA overrides that of AICA.SSTA mainly affects equatorialzonal circulation and produces PNA wave train,and SE-NW wave train in East Asia to influence theweather of China.AICA produces west-east anomalous vortex streets in the middle latitudes of bothhemispheres and affects the intensity of the polar vortex of Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The progress made fi'om Phase 3 to Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3 to CMIP5) in simulating spring persistent rainfall (SPR) over East Asia was examined from the outputs of nine atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). The majority of the models overestimated the precipitation over the SPR domain, with the mean latitude of the SPR belt shifting to the north. The overestimation was about 1mm d-1 in the CMIP3 ensemble, and the northward displacement was about 3°, while in the CMIP5 ensemble the overestimation was suppressed to 0.7 mm d-i and the northward shift decreased to 2.5°. The SPR features a northeast-southwest extended rain belt with a slope of 0.4°N/°E. The CMIP5 ensemble yielded a smaller slope (0.2°N/°E), whereas the CMIP3 ensemble featured an unre- alistic zonally-distributed slope. The CMIP5 models also showed better skill in simulating the interannual variability of SPR. Previous studies have suggested that the zonal land-sea thermal contrast and sensible heat flux over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau are important for the existence of SPR. These two ther- mal factors were captured well in the CMIP5 ensemble, but underestimated in the CMIP3 ensemble. The variability of zonal land-sea thermal contrast is positively correlated with the rainfall amount over the main SPR center, but it was found that an overestimated thermal contrast between East Asia and South China Sea is a common problem in most of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Simulation of the meridional thermal contrast is therefore important for the future improvement of current AGCMs.  相似文献   

In this paper,experiment results about East Asia climate from five CGCMs are described.The ability of the models to simulate present climate and the simulated response to increased carbon dioxide are both covered.The results indicate that all models show substantial changes in climate when carbon dioxide concentrations are doubled.In particular,the strong surface warming at high latitudes in winter and the significant increase of summer precipitation in the monsoon area are produced by all models.Regional evaluation results show that these five CGCMs are particularly good in simulating spatial distribution of present climate.The main characteristics of the seasonal mean H500,SAT,MSLP field can be simulated by most CGCMs.But there are significant systematic errors in SAT,MSLP,HS00 fields in most models.On the whole,DKRZ OPYC is the best in simulating the present climate in East Asia.  相似文献   

In this paper,TOVS satellite data are used through variational method on the data-sparse plateau area.Diagnoses are carried out to find a way to solve the large error problem of model initial field.It is put forward that TOVS retrieval data can be used to improve the initial field of numerical prediction model on Tibetan Plateau area.Through variational method,TOVS data are processed and the liability of the initial information on the plateau is improved.Diagnostic results confirm further that the application of TOVS retrieval data can improve our capability to describe the dynamic system features on the plateau and the objectivity of related initial information such as the distribution of water vapor channel and stratification stability.  相似文献   

By using of an ensemble method,the tests of rainfall for the predictions of the seasonal,interseasonal and annual scales in China during 1982-1995 have been made by the atmospheric GCM/mixed layer ocean and ice model(OSU/NCC).Contrasts between forecasts by the OSU/NCC and the observations show that the model has a certain ability in the prediction of precipitation for summer over China in all of the three different time scales.And it indicates that the interseasonal prediction is the best among the forecasts of three scales.It is also indicated that the prediction is especially acceptable in certain areas.  相似文献   

In this paper,taking its turbulent exchange coefficient as a function of the Lagrangian time scale and standard variance of the turbulence in atmosphere,the atmospheric dispersion PDF models are obtained on the basis of atmospheric diffusion K-theory.In the model the statistics of wind speed are directly used as its parameters instead of classic dispersion parameters.The bi-Gaussian PDF is derived in convective boundary layer (CBL),from the statistics of vertical velocity in both of the downdraft and updraft regions that are investigated theoretically in the other part of this paper.Giving the driven parameters of the CBL (including the convective velocity scale ω* and the mixing depth hi) and the time-averaged wind speed at release level,the PDF model is able to simulate the distribution of concentration released at any levels in the CBL.The PDF's simulations are fairly consistent with the measurements in CONDORS experiment or the results brought out by some numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This is an investigation of exchanges of energy and water between the atmosphere and the vegetated continents,and the impact of and mechanisms for land surface-atmosphere interactions on hydrological cycle and general circulation by implementing the Simplified Simple Biosphere(SSiB) model in a modified version of IAP/LASG global spectral general model(L9R15 AGCM).This study reveals that the SSiB model produces a better partitioning of the land surface heat and moisture fluxes and its diurnal variations,and also gives the transport of energy and water among atmosphere,vegetation and soil explicitly and realistically.Thus the coupled SSiB-AGCM runs lead to the more conspicuous improvement in the simulated circulation,precipitation,mean water vapor content and its transport.particularly in the Asian monsoon region in the real world than CTL-AGCM runs.It is also pointed out that both the implementation of land surface parameterizations and the variations in land surface into the GOALS model have greatly improved hydrological balance over continents and have a significant impact on the simulated climate.particularly over the massive continents.Improved precipitation recycling model was employed to verify the mechanisms for land surface hydrology parameterizations on hydrological cycle and precipitation climatology in AGCM.It can be argued that the recycling precipitation rate is significantly reduced,particularly in the arid and semi-arid region of the boreal summer hemisphere,coincident with remarkable reduction in evapotranspiration over the continental area.Therefore the coupled SSiB-AGCM runs reduce the bias of too much precipitation over land surface in most AGCMs,thereby bringing the simulatedprecipitation closer to observations in many continental regions of the world than CTL-AGCMruns.  相似文献   

By using statistic method,the effects of the abnormal sea-ice along the North Pacific on both summer rainfall and temperature in China and the corresponding distribution of atmospheric circulation during the period from late winter to early spring are explored in this article.The analysis indicates that the percentage of the sea-ice area along the North Pacific is the biggest during February-April,so is the distribution of the standard variance.Thus,the period of February-April is the natural winter of the sea-ice along the North Pacific.A quasi-four-year oscillation exists in the sea-ice-area-index during this period.The abnormal sea-ice area has significant effects on both summer rainfall and temperature of China.At the 500 hPa geopotential height field corresponding to the years with large values of seaice areas,the polar vortex in May is obviously stretched to east and south.The subtropical high over West Pacific strengthens enormously and extends northwards,and the Mongolian trough deepens.The deepening maintains till June and July.The summer meridional cell over the East Asia increases,with the southerly being able to reach high latitudes.As a result,the rainfall increases over the areas north of the Yangtze River and decreases over the areas south of the Yangtze River obviously in China.In the temperature field,it is shown that the temperature is lower over most areas in northern China.and higher in southern China.There are opposite situations in the years when sea-ice index is small.  相似文献   

The sounding data of meteorological satellites provide not only the real time weather information about the distribution of both cloud and rainfall,but also some others about the movement and state of atmosphere.They are important variables and parameters for NWP model used to simulate and predict atmospheric state.In order to introduce remote sensing information from satellites into NWP model,there is an efficient way of establishing an RT model by use of the atmosphere radiation sounding data of meteorological satellites to get the variables and parameters valuable to NWP model.In this paper,we set up profiles of air temperature and water vapor from the surface to upper (0.1 hPa) using the radiosounding data and the surface data from May to August 1998 atmosphere East Asia.A TOVS RT model (RTTOV5) is provided to compute the value of radiation value of HIRS channels in NOAA14.Then the radiation values of 19 HIRS channels are gotten.After matching these data computed by the RT model and the corresponding values coming from satellite sounding in time,the statistic distribution of bias between tile model output and the satellite sounding at each sounding channel can be gotten.At the same time.the distribution of RMS to every TOVS HIRS channel,the standard biases to different scanning angle to each channel are also obtained.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments of adjoint variational assimilation have been performed using the known Lorenz system.With the increase of sensitivity of model's initial values,it is more and more difficult to use the adjoint method to get the initial values which are consistent with the dynamics of the forecast model.Under some circumstances the algorithm completely fails.This shows that four-dimensional assimilation is related to the limit of predictability.On the other hand.with the increase of model equation's error,the result of variational assimilation may become worse and worse so that the prediction has no meaning.But if the model parameters are corrected when variational assimilation is made,the forecast results can be greatly improved based on Lorenz model.  相似文献   

Using the variational four-dimensional (4-D) data assimilation technique (the adjoint method), we defined the error/mean-error ratios (EMER) of observational data. The plausibility of marking the gross error using the EMER is investigated theoretically under some assumptions.Idealized numerical experiments are carried out using the simple Lorenz model to test the quality control scheme.  相似文献   

孙岚  吴国雄  孙菽芬 《气象学报》2000,58(2):179-193
利用陆面过程模式 SSi B与 IAP/LASG发展的 L9R1 5AGCM的耦合 1 0 a积分试验 ,研究了全球尺度大气与地表的水分和能量交换以及陆地与大气环流和气候的相互作用。模拟表明 :SSi B模式可模拟出陆地上较为真实的表面通量及其日变化 ,较好地定量描述土壤 -植被 -大气连续体系 ( SPAC)中能量和水分的传输过程。因此 ,将其引入气候模式中能够模拟出比 CTL- AGCM更合理的气候平均状态、水汽分布以及水汽输送的气候特征 ,特别是亚洲夏季风水汽输送独特的地域性 ,再现了大气环流 ,尤其是陆面气候的基本特征。并指出 ,陆面过程参数化的引进及其陆面状况的变化显著地改善了全球陆地上的水分平衡状况。利用改进的再循环降水模式 ,进一步研究了陆面过程参数化明显改进降水模拟的物理机制。指出全球陆地 ,特别是盛夏北半球干旱、半干旱地区的再循环降水率明显减小 ,与陆面上表面潜热通量的显著减小区一致 ,从而克服了许多未耦合陆面过程的 AGCMs因对地表水过程非常简单地参数化导致的普遍存在着整个陆地降水偏高 ,改善了全球陆地上的水分平衡状况。因此 ,在充分耦合的陆气环流模式中模拟的降水分布与实况接近。  相似文献   

A coupled general circulation model in a zonal belt is used to simulate the variation of circulation features in the process of uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.The results reveal that the heating rates of the Plateau increase with the rising of the Plateau topography,and the latent heating component in the heating field tends to be the most important heating factor.The uplift of the Plateau enhances the upward motion,intensifies the pressure systems in the high and low level atmosphere,reinforces Southeast Asia monsoon strength,increases precipitation and severely decreases the surface temperature over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.However.the basic structures of the general circulation do not vary much due to the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.and it is the land-sea distribution that is the decisive factor to form the present circulation pattern and monsoon.Therefore,to simulate the paleoclimate during the geological period people should consider more factors,especially the land-sea distribution.  相似文献   

Impacts of human activities on climate change as simulated by the general circulation models (GCMs)in China for the recent ten years have been summarized and reviewed in this paper.The researches show that it might be getting warmer over China due to the greenhouse effects.The atmospheric circulation and precipitation also might be changed due to the greenhouse effects.The assessments and evaluations of the models over the globe and China have also been presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Based on the 1958-1999 monthly averaged NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the REOF analysis is applied to obtain the main spatial modes of normalized atmospheric heating source over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) in July.Results show that the four leading modes are located over the northeast TP,southwest TP.Kashmir and southeast TP respectively,and the cumulative variances are no more than one third of the total.It indicates that the heating source distribution is very complicated over the TP in July.In other words.it is difficult to depict the heating spatial distribution with a few modes.By using wavelet analysis,a 2-4-year variation period is identified in these modes.Moreover,correlation coefficients between each RPC and zonal wind U, meridional wind V.zonal moisture flux Qv,meridional moisture flux Qv,and precipitation rate over East Asia are calculated to construct correlation fields,Results show that different heating modes over the TP correspond to different circulation,moisture flux as well as precipitation patterns,Precipitation over North China(or Kashmir) is negatively(or positively) correlated with REOF1.Similarly.notable negative(or positive) correlation can be found between the rainfall over south part of Southwest China.South China,and the Philippines(or Japan) and the REOF3. Due to high localization of diabatic heating over the TP.it is not enough to study the influence of TP thermal forcing on the climate with an area averaged heating index.  相似文献   

The numerical simulation experiment of climate at Last Glacial Maximum (LGM.21 ka BP) in China is made by using an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled with land surface processes (AGCM+SSiB) and earth orbital parameters and boundary forcing conditions at21 ka.The modeled climate features are compared with reconstructed conditions at 21 ka from paleo-lake data and pollen data.The results show that the simulated climate conditions at 21 ka in China are fairly comparable with paleo-climatological data.The climate features at 21 ka in China from the experiment are characterized by a drier in the east and a wetter in the west and in the Tibetan Plateau as well.According to the analysis of distribution of pressure and precipitation,as well as the intensity of atmospheric circulation at 21 ka,monsoon circulation in eastern Asia was significantly weak comparing with the present.In the Tibetan Plateau,the intensity of summer monsoon circulation was strengthened,and winter monsoon was a little stronger than the present.The simulation with given forcing boundary conditions,especially the different vegetation coverage,can reproduce the climate condition at the LGM in China,and therefore provides dynamical mechanisms on the climate changes at 21 ka.  相似文献   

Complex Singular Value Decomposition(CSVD)analysis technique was applied to study the Quasi Four year Oscillation(QFO)of air sea interaction and its coupled pattern evolution during different phases.Results show that:(1)CSVD method can better reveal phase relation between two physical fields:(2)Not only northerly anomalies from Northern Hemisphere but also southerly anomalies from Southern Hemisphere contribute to EI Nino.They converge in western equatorial Pacific,leading to outburst of strong equatorial westerly anomalies,and result in strong El Nino event onset:(3)An abnormal subtropical anticyclone circulation appears over northwestern Pacific while El Nino developing.It favors transitions from the warm SST(EINino)to the cold SST(La Nina),just as the tropical westerly anomalies produced by abnormal cyclone during a decaying La Nina.which encourage the development of El Nino:(4)The westerly anomalies in equatorial Pacific are mainly induced by eastward abnormal subtropical cyclone pairs,which are located in north and south Pacific respectively,and are not the eastward westerly anomalies from equatorial Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

In nested nonhydrostatic mesoscale model MM5,the characteristic quantities of atmospheric turbulence,i.e.,the standard deviations of the turbulent fluctuated speeds for three directions in PBL are computed by Mellor-Yamada's level 2.5 closure scheme.The magnitudes and the vertical profiles of these quantities computed from the model are closely connected with temperature and wind speed profiles as well as the type of the ground with a significant diurnal variation,and are in agreement with known magnitudes and regularities in different stratification conditions.Hence the method in this paper is reasonable and convincible.Their horizontal distribution depends on the horizontal distribution of the stratification.The method of predicted characteristic quantities of turbulence from mesoscale model in this paper can be used in the problem of atmospheric diffusion and atmospheric environment.  相似文献   

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