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In this paper,climatic features of sea temperature of western Pacific warm pool and therelationship with sea surface temperature (SST) of its adjacent regions are analyzed based on theobserved sea temperature on vertical cross section along 137°E in western Pacific,the monthlymean SST of Xisha Station in South China Sea and the global monthly mean SST with resolution of1°×1°(U.K./GISST2.2).The results indicate that (1) in a sense of correlation.SST of westernPacific warm pool can represent its sea subsurface temperature from surface to 200 m-depth level inwinter,and it can only represent sea temperature from surface to 70 m depth in summer.The seasubsurface temperature anomaly of warm pool may be more suitable for representing thermalregime of western Pacific warm pool.The sea subsurface temperature of warm pool has acharacteristic of quasi-biennial oscillation.(2)Warm pool and Kuroshio current are subject todifferent ocean current systems (3)Furthermore,the relationship between SST of Xisha Stationand SST of warm pool has a characteristic of negative correlation in winter and positive correlationin summer,and a better lag negative correlation of SST of Xisha Station with sea subsurfacetemperature of warm pool exists.(4)Additionally,oscillation structure of sea temperature like “aseesaw” exists in between warm pool and Regions Nino3 and Nino4.January (June) maximum(minimum) sea subsurface temperature anomaly of warm pool may serve as a strong signal thatindicates maturity phase (development phase) of La Nina (El Nino) event,it also acts as a strongsignal which reveals variations of SST of Regions Nino3 and Nino4.  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:23,自引:14,他引:23  
利用1956~2000年的热带气旋(简称TC,下同)资料对影响我国TC活动的气候特征进行了初步的统计分析,结果发现影响我国的TC活动具有明显的阶段性特征,1960年代影响我国的TC数明显偏少,而后进入偏多期,1990年代又相对偏少。影响我国的TC强度多集中于980~999 hPa,华东的闽、浙一带TC登陆比华南晚,但强度较大。在此基础上通过对影响我国的TC年个数与太平洋海温场进行相关分析,发现两个相关较密切的区域: 西太平洋暖池(120~150 E, 10~20 N)正相关区、赤道中东太平洋(180 ~90 W, 10 S~5 N)负相关区,这两个相关区具有较好的持续性。进一步分析影响我国的TC在El Ni駉年与La Ni馻年的气候特征发现,El Ni駉年影响我国的TC数较少,但强度较大,La Ni馻年则相反,影响我国TC多年和少年对应的太平洋海温距平分布形势分别与La Nia年和El Nio年的海温距平分布形势类似。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTropicalwesternPacificOceanisanareathathasthehighestoceantemperatureacrosstheglobe.Asmostofthewarmwaterconcentratesintheregion,itisknownasthe搘esternPacificwarmpool?Asshowninsomestudies[1-5],thegeneralcirculationandshort-termclimaticchangeswillbeseriouslyaffectedifthermodynamicconditionchangesinthewaters,whichthenhaveanimportantroletoplayintheonsetofanyENSOepisodes.Therehasnotbeenanyunifieddefinitionoftheindexforthewarmpool.FollowingthecriterionofWyrtki[4],however,theareae…  相似文献   

西太平洋暖池的跃变及其气候效应   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
用SST(COADS,NCEP)资料研究热带西太平洋暖池的年代际变化和跃变特征,讨论其气候效应。结果表明:西太平洋暖池有显著的10-20年周期的年人际变化和40-50年周期的气候跃变:一百多年来西太平洋暖池发生了4次大跃变,在1910年代中期和1950年代中期,西太平洋暖池由异常发展转为异常减弱,1930年代初和1980年代初,西太平洋暖池由异常减弱转为异常发展:西太平洋暖池在1980年代初的跃变,具明显的效应,跃变后热带中东太平洋海温显著升高,大范围海域升温超过0.5℃,夏季西太平洋副高加强西伸,脊线偏南,我国汛期降水呈南方偏多、北方偏少的分布趋势,与跃变前基本相反。研究结果还表明:在西太平洋暖池异常发展期,El Nino事件出现多且强于La Nina事件,而在西太平洋暖池异常减弱期,La Nina事件出现多且强于El Nino事件。  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which are increased and decreased SST(sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS(South China Sea) and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool with increased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparing with the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper and lower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for each experiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly(SSTA) in the SCS greatly affects the seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the cold period of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall in China is uncertain.  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which areincreased and decreased SST (sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS (South China Sea)and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool withincreased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparingwith the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper andlower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for eachexperiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly (SSTA) in the SCS greatly affectsthe seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the coldperiod of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall inChina is uncertain.  相似文献   

There exists a warm pool in the South China Sea (SCS). The temporal and spatial distribution and evolution of SCS warm pool is investigated using water temperatures at a depth of 20 min the sea. The formation of the warm pool is discussed by combining water temperatures with geostrophic currents and simulated oceanic circulation. It is found that there are significant seasonal and interannual changes in the warm pool and in association with the general circulation of the atmosphere. The development of SCS warm pool is also closely related to the gyre activities in the sea and imported warm water from Indian Ocean (Java Sea) besides radiative warming.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variation on the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation and the relationship with temperature,precipitation and vapor sources are analyzed for the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions.There is no temperature effect in the southern Tibetan Plateau and South Asia.Amount effect has been observed at a few sampling stations that account for about a half of the statistical stations.However,the seasonal variations on the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation at those stations are inconsistent with that of precipitation intensity.There is notable temperature effect in the middle and northern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent Northwest China.It has been observed that the seasonal variations of the δ18O in precipitation are almost consistent with those of air temperature in these regions.Because vapor is directly originated from lowlatitude oceans,the relative heavy δ18O with small variation characterizes the rainfall in South Asia.A sharp depletion of the stable isotopic compositions in precipitation takes place from Kyangjin on the southern slop of the Himalayas to the Tanggula Mountains in the middle Plateau.The δ18O reaches minimum due to very strong rainout of the vapor from oceans as the vapor rises over the Himalayas.From the Tanggula Mountains to the northern Tibetan Plateau,the δ18O in precipitation increases with increasing latitude and the is otopic situation in the northern Plateau istransferred into Northwest China with little disruption.  相似文献   

Plant breeding for different maturities plays an important role in agricultural strategies for adaptation to climatic change.In this paper using the data of ten corn hybrids with early,medium and late maturities and different leaf angles,including erectophile and planophile,observed in Beijing,Yanqing,Tai'an,Gongzhuling of Jilin and Shihezi of Xinjiang,a normal growing function was derived on the basis of the main pattern of accumulated dry matter:W=1/1+exp(8.56-13.52u) In accordance with the function authors built up a model of potential maximum biomass which depends on accumulated temperature Bmax=100+1.11∑Tm(kg/mu)(1ha=15mu) The model was applied to estimate the potential corn yield of hybrids with different maturities,and applications of the results in assessing the impact of climatic change are discussed.  相似文献   

The South China Sea warm pool interacts vigorously with the summer monsoon which is active in the region. However, there has not been a definition concerning the former warm pool which is as specific as that for the latter. The seasonal and inter-annual variability of the South China Sea warm pool and its relations to the South China Sea monsoon onset were analyzed using Levitus and NCEP/NCAR OISST data. The results show that, the seasonal variability of the South China Sea warm pool is obvious, which is weak in winter, develops rapidly in spring, becomes strong and extensive in summer and early autumn, and quickly decays from mid-autumn. The South China Sea warm pool is 55 m in thickness in the strongest period and its axis is oriented from southwest to northeast with the main section locating along the western offshore steep slope of northern Kalimantan-Palawan Island. For the warm pools in the South China Sea, west Pacific and Indian Ocean, the oscillation, which is within the same large scale air-sea coupling system, is periodic around 5 years. There are additional oscillations of about 2.5 years and simultaneous inter-annual variations for the latter two warm pools. The intensity of the South China Sea warm pool varies by a lag of about 5 months as compared to the west Pacific one. The result also indicates that the inter-annual variation of the intensity index is closely related with the onset time of the South China Sea monsoon. When the former is persistently warmer (colder) in preceding winter and spring, the monsoon in the South China Sea usually sets in on a later (earlier) date in early summer. The relation is associated with the activity of the high pressure over the sea in early summer. An oceanic background is given for the prediction of the South China Sea summer monsoon, though the mechanism through which the warm pool and eventually the monsoon are affected remains unclear.  相似文献   

An ocean model developed by the Institute of Marine Research and the University of Bergen in Norway (BOM) and a state-of-the-art sea ice model developed by NCAR (CSIM4) are coupled, Considering influences of 9 major rivers,forced by the NCEP reanalysis atmospheric fields and the Levitus surface salinity,the Arctic sea ice climatic variation from January 1949 to December.1999 was simulated through the coupled model.The comparison of simulated results and observations shows that:(1)the long-term ice concentration variation tendencies are in consistent with the observations in the divisional ocean regions;(2)simulated ice thickness horizontal distribution is reasonable.Simulated ice thickness has a decreasing tendency in the central Arctic,which agrees with the submarine observations.Simulated annually maximum ice thickness is highly related to observed fast-ice thickness off the Russian coast;and (3)sea ice area/volume fluxes through the Fram Strait are in accord with the satellite-derived data.Generally,the coupled model successfully simulated the Arctic Ocean sea ice climatic variation.  相似文献   

南海暖池的季节和年际变化及其与南海季风爆发的关系   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
用LEVITUS和NCEP/NCAR OISST资料,分析了南海暖池的季节和变化特征及其与西太平洋暖池和印度洋暖池的关系,讨论了南海暖池强度指数的年际变化与南海季风爆发时间的联系,结果指出,南海暖池有明显的季节变化牲,12~2月隆冬季节最弱,3~4月迅速发展北上,6~9月达其盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水,10~11月迅速减弱南退:在南海暖池盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水最大厚度达55m,  相似文献   

The time series of the sea surface temperature(SST) anomaly,covering the eastern (western) equatorial Pacific,central Indian Ocean,Arabian Sea.Bay of Bengal and South China Sea(SCS),have been analyzed by using wavelet transform.Results show that there exists same interdeeadal variability of SST in the tropical Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean,and also show that the last decadal abrupt change occurred in the 1970s.On the interannual time scale,there is a similar interannual variability among the equatorial central Indian Ocean and the adjacent three sea basins(Arabian Sea.Bay of Bengal and South China Sea).but the SST interannual changes of the Indian Ocean lagged 4-5 months behind that of the equatorial central-east Pacific.Meanwhile,the interannual variability and long-range change between SST anomaly and Indian summer monsoon rainfall in recent decades have been explained and analyzed.It indicates that there existed a wet(dry) period in India when the tropical SST was lower(higher)than normal,but there was a lag of phase between them.  相似文献   

By use of the moving T test to do research on the interdecadal climate jump of the Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure.500 hPa height and North Pacific sea surface temperature,we found that in recent 50 years an obvious interdecadal climate jump existed at the late 1970s to the early 1980s.There is significant difference before and after the jump in terms of the Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure,500 hPa height and North Pacific sea surface temperature.Furthermore,the focus is then placed on the effect of the jump on temperature and rainfall in China.  相似文献   

Using the 1980-2010 winter GODAS oceanic assimilations, study is conducted of the winter heat content (HC) established in the subsurface layer (5 to 366 m in depth) over the western Pacific warm pool (WP), followed by investigating the HC spatiotemporal characteristics, persistence and the impacts on the climate anomalies of neighboring regions. Results are as follows: 1) the pattern of integral consistency is uncovered by the leading EOF1 (PC1) mode of HC interannual variability, the year-to-year fluctuation of the time coefficients being well indicative of the interannual anomaly of the WP winter subsurface-layer thermal regime. The HC variation is bound up with ENSO, keeping pronounced autocorrelation during the following two seasons and more, with the persistence being more stable in comparison to SSTA in the equatorial middle eastern Pacific; 2) the winter HC anomalies produce lasting effect on the WP thermal state in the following spring and summer and corresponding changes in the warm water volume lead to the meridional transport and vertical exchange of warm water, which exerts greater impacts upon the sea surface temperature/heat flux over the warm pool per se and neighboring regions, especially in the Philippine Sea during the posterior spring and summer; 3) the increase in the winter HC corresponds to the spring OLR decrease and richer precipitation over the waters east to the Philippine Sea and the resultant convective heating anomalies are responsible for the rise of geopotential isobaric surfaces over tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, thereby producing effect on the western Pacific subtropical high (anomaly). Subsequently, the sea-surface heat flux exchange is intensified in the warm pool, a robust anomalous cyclone shows up at lower levels, air-sea interactions are enhanced and abnormal convective heating occurs, together making the winter HC anomalies even more closely associated with the variation in the summer subtropical high. As a result, the WP winter HC can be used as an effective predictor of the variation in spring/summer western Pacific subtropical high and the strength of summer monsoon over the northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

Based on the air-sea interface heat fluxes and related meteorological variables datasets recently released by Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Fluxes (OA Flux) Project of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, as well as the outgoing longwave radiation and surface wind datasets from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the seasonal dependence of local air-sea interaction over the tropical western Pacific warm pool (referred to the region (1o-6oN, 144o-154oE)) is revealed and the probable impacts of remote forcing on the air-sea interaction are examined. The results indicated the dominance of oceanic forcing with the significant impact of ENSO in March and that of atmospheric feedback without notable influence of remote forcing in June. While the interannual variability of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) is larger than that of SSTA tendency when oceanic forcing is dominant, the opposite is true when atmospheric feedback is dominant. The magnitude of the oceanic forcing of the atmosphere tends to decrease in March with the occurrence of ENSO, though ENSO has little influence on the atmospheric feedback to the ocean in June. The local air-sea interaction is substantially the same before and after the removal of the effect of Indian Oceanic Dipole. The reduction of shortwave radiation fluxes into the western Pacific warm pool, due to the enhanced overlaying convection in March associated with ENSO, leads to the decline of SST tendency that will weaken the oceanic forcing of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:12,自引:13,他引:12  
基于小波包分解重构方法,利用NCEP/NCAR逐丑再分析资料,讨论了南亚夏季风与季内西太平洋副高活动的关系,提出和定义了用以诊断副高活动的夏季风频域能量判据。诊断结果除佐证了副高已有的一些研究结果和变化规律外,还揭示出副高与季风间一些新的关系特征。  相似文献   

利用1951—2007年NOAA延长重构的海温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国160站降水资料,研究了夏季西太平洋暖池海温的年际变化特征及其与中国夏季降水的关系。结果表明,夏季西太平洋暖池海温异常具有明显的年际变化特征;夏季西太平洋暖池海温异常偏高(低)时,亚洲热低压减弱(加强),西太平洋副热带高压加强(减弱)、位置偏西(偏东),850 hPa风场上中国东部地区为偏北(南)风距平,使得东亚夏季风减弱(增强),导致长江中下游地区夏季降水偏多(少)。  相似文献   

Analysis is done of the distribution of odd and even symmetric components of circulations on a global basis in terms of observations and technique for the odd/even symmetry,indicating that climatic features of the component patterns and their temporal evolution are able to reveal their influence of land-sea discrepancy in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,the time scale of atmospheric response to radiation heating,circulation waveform structure and seasonal adjustment of global circulation.  相似文献   

利用1961—2018年广东86个国家气象观测站逐日最高气温资料,NCEP/NCAR月尺度再分析大气环流资料、海表温度资料(ERSST V5),国家气候中心大气环流指数资料,采用相关、合成、突变分析等方法分析了广东高温的气候变率及其与大气环流和海温的关系。结果表明,近58年来广东平均高温日数以3.0 d/(10a)的速率显著上升,并在1998年发生增加的突变。广东高温日数具有显著的年际和年代际变化并且其对应的大气环流和海温的异常特征基本相同,但年际差异比年代际差异更加明显。在6—9月,对流层中高层位势高度正异常是广东高温日数偏多的一个重要原因,同时南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压偏强、影响华南的偏北气流偏强,大陆高压加强也对应高温日数偏多。在5—8月,热带印度洋、热带西太平洋、南海海温偏高有利于广东高温日数增多。  相似文献   

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