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The obduction of an ophiolite sheet onto the eastern Pelagonian carbonate platform complex of the Hellenides began during the Late Bathonian and ended with the final emplacement of the ophiolite during Valanginian time. The early stages of obduction caused subaerial exposure of the platform, recorded by an unconformity of Callovian age, which is marked by laterites overlying folded and faulted, karstic substrates. The laterites have distinct ophiolitic geochemical signatures, indicating that emergent ophiolite had been undergoing lateritic weathering. This unconformity coincides with widespread western Tethyan, Callovian gaps, indicating that the obduction in the Hellenides was probably related to far-reaching plate tectonic processes. Resumed gravitational pull and rollback of the subducted, oceanic leading edge of the temporarily exposed ophiolite. Platform drowning continued into Tithonian–Valanginian time, documented initially by reefal carbonates and then by below-CCD, carbonate-free radiolarian cherts and shales. Subsequently, siliciclastic turbidites, which apparently originated from uplifted Variscan basement, were deposited together with and over the radiolarite as the ophiolite nappe sheet advanced. The nappe substrate underwent tectonic deformations of varying intensity, while polymictic mélange and syntectonic sedimentary debris accreted beneath the ophiolite and at the nappe front. The provenience of the ophiolite nappe complexes of northern Evvoia most probably has to be looked for in the Vardar ocean.  相似文献   

Several Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian?-Tithonian) to Early Cretaceous (Late Berriasian-Valanginian) shallow-water carbonate clasts of different facies are contained in mass-flow deposits in a pelagic sequence in the Kurbnesh area of central Albania. These clasts are used to reconstruct shallow-water carbonate platforms, which formed on top of the radiolaritic-ophiolitic wildflysch (ophiolitic mélange) of the Mirdita Zone. Stratigraphic interpretation of the platform carbonates was compiled on basis of calcareous algae, benthic foraminifera, and calpionellids. From biostratigraphic data and microfacies analysis, the Neocomian clasts can be directly correlated with autochthonous platform carbonates of the western part of the Munella carbonate platform, which at least reaches up to the Late Aptian. A Late Jurassic precursor platform (Kurbnesh carbonate platform; nomen novum) was completely eroded until the Valanginian and is only documented by the clasts described here. It was deposited on top of the Mirdita Ophiolite Zone nappe stack, which formed during the Middle to Late Jurassic Kimmeridian orogeny. Thrusting and imbrications as well as the formation of the syntectonic wildflysch (mélange) therefore occurred much earlier than previously assumed. Our results constrain the Kimmeridian orogeny, which was controlled by the closure of the Neotethys Ocean, and show excellent correlation with the Eastalpine-Dinaric- Hellenic orogenic system.  相似文献   

The Rhodiani ophiolites are represented by two tectonically superimposed ophiolitic units: the “lower” Ultramafic unit and the “upper” Volcanic unit, both bearing calcareous sedimentary covers. The Ultramafic unit consists of mantle harzburgites with dunite pods and chromitite ores, and represents the typical mantle section of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The Volcanic unit is represented by a sheeted dyke complex overlain by a pillow and massive lava sequence, both including basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites. Chemically, the Volcanic unit displays low-Ti affinity typical of island arc tholeiite (IAT) ophiolitic series from SSZ settings, having, as most distinctive chemical features, low Ti/V ratios (< 20) and depletion in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements.The rare earth element and incompatible element composition of the more primitive basaltic andesites from the Rhodiani ophiolites can be successfully reproduced with about 15% non-modal fractional melting of depleted lherzolites, which are very common in the Hellenide ophiolites. The calculated residua correspond to the depleted harzburgites found in the Rhodiani and Othrys ophiolites. Both field and chemical evidence suggest that the whole sequence of the Rhodiani Volcanic unit (from basalt to dacite) originated by low-pressure fractional crystallization under partially open-system conditions. The modelling of mantle source, melt generation, and mantle residua carried out in this paper provides new constraints for the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Mirdita–Pindos oceanic basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Basic shallowing-upward cycles (shu-cycles) and five-bundled megacycles in the Latemar platform have been widely regarded as a model example for precessional and eccentricity forcing in the Mesozoic. Based on bio-/chronostratigraphic data, recent studies questioned this particular type of Milankovitch forcing on the Latemar cyclic series. We present an integrated model that incorporates (i) new cyclostratigraphic data, (ii) new and existing bio-/chronostratigraphic data and (iii) new spectral analyses. The basic shu-cycles in the Latemar reflect sub-Milankovitch control. Cycle bundles of 1 : 4–5 (megacycles : shu-cycles) indicate precessional forcing. They do not reflect eccentricity superimposed on precessional forcing. Spectral analyses reveal highly significant ratios in the large-scale cycle bundlings. Stacking patterns of 1 : 9.9 and 1 : 24.0 shu-cycles represent obliquity and short eccentricity forcing. Both sub-Milankovitch and Milankovitch forcing potentially controlled shallow subtidal carbonate deposition in Mesozoic greenhouse times. Cyclostratigraphic models require an integrated approach including bio- and chronostratigraphic data.  相似文献   

Abstract Relative sea‐level changes on the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic platform of Sinai are manifested in shifts of distinct facies belts (deep‐water facies, high‐energy subtidal, shallow subtidal, lagoon, shallow shoreface siliciclastics, supratidal) and are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy. Eight sedimentary sequences are recognized for the Upper Cenomanian to Santonian. Their correlation along a north–south transect reveals distinct changes in lithofacies and progradation/retrogradation patterns within the individual systems tracts. The number and stratigraphy of the sequence boundaries of Sinai correlate well with those from adjacent areas. Patterns of increased subsidence are documented for the Central Sinai Basin since the Late Cenomanian by increased thickness of the stratal packages (post‐CeSin 7 HST, post‐TuSin 1 LST and HST, post‐TuSin 2 LST) and are balanced by varying accumulation rates. Based on new sedimentological and biostratigraphic data, large‐scale palaeogeographic maps and cross‐sections show the: (1) temporal and spatial evolution of the Central Sinai Basin, e.g. its latest Cenomanian initial formation, Lower Turonian deep‐water facies, Middle Turonian to Coniacian synsedimentary subsidence; (2) drowning of the Cenomanian platform coinciding with the latest Cenomanian to Early Turonian relative sea‐level rise; (3) re‐establishment of the platform in Middle–Late Turonian times; and (4) a Coniacian basin and swell morphology.  相似文献   

A calcrete horizon, 3–10 m thick, is found exposed in northern Jordan in three localities, Rumman, Marsa’, and Wasfi At Tal forest (WTF). It is situated at the base of the dominantly limestone, Late Cenomanian Hummar Formation, separating it from the underlying marly Fuheis Formation. The calcrete horizon exhibits all the diagnostic features characteristic of calcrete, such as diagenetic pisoids; a mottled or clotted texture; circumgranular cracks around grains in a nodular texture; pendant or microstalactitic cement; meniscus cement; plant roots or rhizogenic structures, both longitudinal and transverse; exfoliation on boulder and cobbles; alagally laminated hard pans; and abundant dissolution of cracks and vugs. Consequently, it represents a subaerial erosional unconformity and type 1 sequence boundary (SB) that was not previously noticed. The Hummar Formation is considered as a third-order sequence with the SB at the base of the calcrete horizon, while the calcrete horizon itself forms the lowstand system tracts (LST). The transgressive systems tracts (TST) involve the lower two third of the Hummar Formation ending with peloidal grainstone representing the maximum flooding surface (MFSs). The rest of the formation is the falling highstand systems tracts (HST). The next SB is not seen due to a thick soil-covered gap. The calcrete horizon formed due to the formation of a paleohigh, in the study area, associated with the compression produced by the initial subduction of the Afro-Arabian Plate under the Eurasian Plate during the Late Cenomanian, slightly earlier than the previously known Turonian subduction and compression.  相似文献   

通过对大巴山前樊哙剖面与龙门山前小塘子村剖面上三叠统沉积相垂向演化分析、砂泥岩X射线荧光光谱分析、储集层微观薄片研究,认为川东北与川西北地区上三叠统的沉积环境、沉积水体的深度和盐度及砂岩碎屑组分与印支晚幕构造运动有紧密的关系。印支晚幕运动早期,大巴山与龙门山前的小塘子组沉积水体盐度较高,属温暖潮湿气候下的潮坪沉积;须家河组二段沉积时期,随着大巴山与龙门山的低幅隆升,古气候由温暖潮湿逐渐变为较干冷,沉积水体变浅且盐度高,属辫状河三角洲沉积。须三段沉积时期,大巴山与龙门山前古气候又演变为温暖潮湿,沉积水体加深,湖泊沉积较发育,水体盐度逐渐降低。印支晚幕安县运动发生后,大巴山前与龙门山前的古气候变得干冷,沉积水体变浅,盐度降低,沉积物属典型的陆相淡水沉积。同时,小塘子组-须家河组砂岩碎屑成分也随着构造运动的演化具有显著的不同。  相似文献   

Eastern Gondwana was subjected to subduction processes during the Middle-Late Jurassic, but how these processes affected intraplate deformation in eastern Australia is poorly understood. Here we present 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar, and Rb-Sr geochronological data from illitic clay-bearing fault gouges associated with the northern part of the 200 km long, N-striking, dextral strike-slip, Demon Fault in eastern Australia. We show a major range of geochronological ages at 162.99 ± 0.74–152.1 ± 4.8 Ma, indicating that the Demon Fault was active during the Late Jurassic. This period partially coincides with the Middle-Late Jurassic deposition of widespread ash-fall tuffs in the Clarence-Moreton, Surat, and Eromanga basins. We propose that Middle-Late Jurassic intraplate tectonism in eastern Australia was influenced by subduction processes farther east, which produced extensive calc-alkaline magmatism in New Zealand from ~170 Ma. A global plate reorganisation event, related to the development of Early-Middle Jurassic sea-floor spreading of the Pacific Plate, possibly acted as the driving mechanism responsible for the intensification of magmatism and intraplate faulting in eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

Chemostratigraphic analyses (87Sr/86Sr, δ13Ccarb) of limestones from two Jurassic platform‐carbonate sequences in Italy (Trento and Campania–Lucania Platforms) illustrate previously established trends found in pelagic sediments and skeletal carbonates from biostratigraphically well‐calibrated sections elsewhere in Europe. Chemostratigraphic correlations between the platform‐carbonate successions and appropriate intervals from well‐dated reference sections allow the application of high‐resolution stratigraphy to these shallow‐water peritidal carbonates and, furthermore, elucidate the facies response to the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE). Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) levels of the western Trento Platform (Southern Alps, Northern Italy) contain spiculitic cherts that appear where rising carbon‐isotope values characterize the onset of the OAE: a palaeoceanographic phenomenon interpreted as driven by increased nutrient levels in near‐surface waters. There is a facies change to more clay‐rich facies at the level of the abrupt negative carbon‐isotope excursion, also characteristic of the OAE, higher in the section. The Campania–Lucania Platform (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy) records a change to more clay‐rich facies where carbon‐isotope values begin to rise at the beginning of the OAE but the negative excursion, higher in the section, occurs within oolitic facies. Although, in both examples, the Early Toarcian OAE can be recognized by a change to more clay‐rich lithologies, this facies development is diachronous and in neither case did the platform drown. Although the Trento Platform, in the south‐west sector studied here, was adversely affected by the OAE, it did not drown definitively until Late Aalenian time; the Campania–Lucania Platform persisted throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Differential subsidence rates, which can be calculated using comparative chemostratigraphy, are identified as a crucial factor in the divergent behaviour of these two carbonate platforms: relatively fast in the case of the Trento Platform; relatively slow in the case of the Campania–Lucania Platform. It is proposed that where water depths remained as shallow as a few metres during the OAE (Campania–Lucania Platform), dissolved oxygen levels remained high, nutrient levels relatively low and conditions for carbonate secretion and precipitation remained relatively favourable, whereas more poorly ventilated and/or more nutrient‐rich waters (Trento Platform) adversely influenced platform growth where depths were in the tens of metres range. The stage was thus set for drowning on the more rapidly subsiding western margin of the Trento Plateau and a pulse of oolite deposition post‐dating the OAE was insufficient to revitalize the carbonate factory.  相似文献   

The compositional variation of calciturbidites (Pedata/Pötschen Formation), deposited adjacent to the Dachstein Formation carbonate platform in the Triassic Hallstatt Basin, was analysed using detailed field measurements and point-counting of thin sections. The 35 m long section is located in the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria. Six point-count groups were distinguished separating basinal from platform-derived input. Summary statistics, cluster and correspondence analysis of the point-count data reveals a close relationship between the biota present on the Dachstein carbonate platform and the calciturbidite composition. The variations in turbidite composition are attributed to fluctuations in sea level and resulting flooding and exposure of the platform, which alternately created and destroyed shallow-water habitats on the platform top.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of carbonate/shale couplets, cycles and cycle-stacking patterns in a Cambrian shallow water platform (Iberian Chains, NE Spain) are related to sea-level changes driven by orbital forcing and by tectonic pulses. The interplay of both effects can be discriminated in the Iberian fault-controlled platform, in which the tectonic activity can be analysed by accurate and detailed biostratigraphic correlations based on trilobite zonation. The stratigraphic hierarchy of rhythmically interbedded limestones and shales, in two coeval but structurally separated geodynamic settings, yields cycle ratios of 1.44 :1. This ratio is supported by time thickness and spectral analysis, which is based on a graphic method of analysis: the Map of Grey Lines. The cycle ratio seems to be evidence for orbital forcing by obliquity and precession cycles predicted for early Paleozoic time. Carbonate/shale couplets, the smallest rhythmic units recognisable in the field, represent short-term, periodic fluctuations in supply of terrigenous sediments and carbonate productivity of uncertain origin, which could be associated with one of several harmonics of the former orbital cycles. The pulsating tectonic activity was approximated by using a quantitative analysis of tectonically induced subsidence (Shaw method). Recurrence frequencies of tectonic pulses were estimated and dated by biostratigraphy. As a result, tectonic disturbances in the Cambrian Iberian platform show an episodic periodicity comparable to that of orbital eccentricity cycles, which could mask their recognition. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 9 February 2000  相似文献   


海洋的初级生产力是全球磷循环的重要环节, 响应并且影响着全球气候变化。通过探讨地质历史时期的古海洋生产力的变化及其驱动机制, 为预测未来全球气候变化提供重要启示。中生代古海洋生产力变化及其对轨道尺度的气候变化的响应和驱动机制仍不清楚, 有待于进一步研究。本研究以贵州关岭永宁镇剖面中三叠世关岭组地层(约2.467亿至2.425亿年前)为对象, 通过旋回地层手段分析沉积物中磷(P)含量的变化及其周期, 揭示古海洋生产力在轨道尺度上的驱动机制。研究发现, 中三叠统沉积物中P/Al比值的变化对长、短偏心率天文周期的响应较为稳定和显著, 并与反映大陆风化和夏季风强弱的Fe/Al比值在10万年以上尺度上, 特别是在40.5万年长偏心率周期上呈现出显著的反相位关系, 进一步印证P是对冬季风的响应而Fe是对夏季风的响应这一假说。该时期古海洋生产力的大幅提升和海平面上升及生物辐射相一致, 但滞后于古气候的变化, 体现了古海洋生产力控制因素的复杂性。


以大量砂岩碎屑矿物定量鉴定资料为基础,通过对砂岩碎屑组分特征及其变化的综合分析,系统剖析了鄂尔多斯盆地中南部延长组长10—长1层砂岩类型、骨架轻矿物、岩屑组分等在平、剖面上的分布规律和变化特点。研究揭示,盆地在延长组长8与长7层沉积期间,出现了明显的沉积变革事件。在砂岩类型、矿物组分及源区大地构造背景等方面,大致以华池—黄陵一线为界,长7期以来盆地西南与东北沉积区差异显著,开始出现与长7期之前明显不同的沉积分区。结合盆地发育的构造背景及其他沉积-构造事件等研究认为,延长期沉积变革事件与中晚三叠世华北与扬子克拉通拼接碰撞,秦岭洋最终闭合联系密切,是对秦岭全面碰撞造山和强烈隆升剥蚀事件的响应。本研究对进一步分析延长期盆地物源区构造属性的变化和盆内沉积体系划分、砂体展布、有利储层预测提供了科学依据,为中生代盆-山耦合关系、沉积建造与改造响应提供了新的证据和重要线索。  相似文献   

Carbonate cements (calcite, siderite, dolomite, and ankerite) formed throughout the diagenetic history of the Sag River and Shublik Formations. The trace element and isotopic geochemistry of these cements varies as a function of the timing of precipitation. Earliest calcites, formed prior to significant compaction of the sediment, are relatively enriched in Mg (up to 4·4 mol%), and have 87Sr/86Sr values (mean = 0·707898) compatible with the original marine pore waters. Later calcites are relatively Fe-rich (up to 5·0 mol%) and are characterized by increasing 87Sr/86Sr values (up to 0·712823) and Sr content with decreasing age. The Fe content of zoned siderite and dolomite/ankerite rhombs increases towards the outside of the rhombs (i.e. increasing Fe content with decreasing age). These geochemical variations appear principally to result from changes in pore-water chemistry during diagenesis. The increase in 87Sr/86 Sr and Sr content of the cements is most likely due to interaction between pore waters and 87 Sr-rich clay and possibly feldspar in Ellesmerian mudrocks (whole rock 87Sr/86 Sr signatures for the mudrocks are > 0·716). Pore-water Fe2+ concentration was probably controlled by diagenetic alterations involving Fe-bearing minerals (e.g. pyrite precipitation). A reconnaissance examination of carbonate cements in the overlying Kingak Shale indicates that similar alterations occurred in the Kingak. The low δ18 O value of some calcite cements (-11·96% PDB) suggests that an influx of meteoric water may have occurred in the mid-Neocomian, though the low value could also result from an abnormally high geothermal gradient associated with mid-Neocomian rifting.  相似文献   

青海省东昆仑祁漫塔格地区肯德可克矿区外围东部发育一正长花岗岩体,主要矿物组合为正长石(50%~60%)+石英(20%~30%)+斜长石(10%~20%)+黑云母(1%~5%)。其LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为217.9±1.7 Ma(MSWD=0.74,n=20),形成时代为晚三叠世,与祁漫塔格地区铁多金属矿床基本同时形成。岩石地球化学组成具有高硅(Si O2=74.53%~75.28%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.81%~8.95%)、富铁贫镁(Fe OT/Mg O=18.02~31.48)的特征,并具强烈的负Eu异常(δEu=0.04~0.05),富集Rb、Th、U、K、Ga,亏损Sr、Ba、Ta、P、Ti,显示其为准铝质A型花岗岩。正长花岗岩锆石εHf(t)为2.0~12.4,平均6.4,显示其源区具有壳幔混合作用的特征,壳幔物质交换为区内铁多金属矿化提供了大量成矿物质。该正长花岗岩属A2型花岗岩,暗示其形成于造山后的伸展构造体制,反映了祁漫塔格地区晚华力西-印支期造山旋回于晚三叠世由造山后期转为伸展阶段。  相似文献   

冀西北尚义盆地对晚侏罗世构造活动的沉积响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
尚义盆地位于走向近东西的中生代燕山冲断带前缘盆地群的西段,在晚侏罗世土城子时期堆积了大量的粗碎屑。盆地中土城子组沉积相变明显,自北向南从粗砾质变为粉砂质沉积,具比较典型的非对称相带分布特征。土城子早一中期,从北向南总体上形成砾质冲积扇(包括泥石流)-辫状河流-洪泛平原或干化湖泊等古环境布局。晚期则以砂砾质辫状河流沉积为主,可能夹有发育大型风成交错层理的砂质沙丘沉积。土城子组碎屑成分以变质岩和花岗质岩石为主.物源主要来自盆地北侧的"内蒙地轴",沉积充填具有同构造砾岩的性质。尚义盆地北缘发育一系列呈叠瓦状排列的逆冲断裂。断裂与盆地耦合关系的初步分析显示.北缘逆冲断裂的构造载荷是控制尚义盆地形成和演化的主要因素。靠近北部冲断带一侧沉积相序的中—下部具有向上变粗的特点.可能指示了土城子组沉积受前进式的冲断载荷和岩石圈挠曲控制的过程。根据尚义盆地与其北侧相关断裂的空间配置、沉积碎屑北粗南细的变化、盆地横断面北厚南薄的楔状体特征等分析.盆地属于陆内的前陆式盆地,推测是在自北向南的近水平挤压构造背景下形成的.  相似文献   

藏东波密-察隅地区晚侏罗世花岗岩的成因及构造意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西藏东部的波密-察隅地区是拉萨地体的南东向自然延伸,其中生代以来的演化一直被认为是处于北部的班公湖-怒江洋和南部的雅鲁藏布洋两个动力学系统中。相应地,该区广泛分布的晚中生代-新生代岩浆岩也被认为与两个大洋的发展演化及随后拉萨-羌塘、拉萨-印度的碰撞和后碰撞作用直接相关。本研究在波密-察隅地区中北部的伯舒拉岭岩浆带中发现了晚侏罗世的花岗岩,锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb测年表明其形成时代为151~153Ma,地球化学显示较强的δEu负异常,锆石εHf(t)值基本在误差范围内波动,平均值为-7.75和-7.77,表明这期花岗岩为古老地壳重熔的产物,与传统认为的该时期岩浆活动对应怒江洋的俯冲岛弧背景相矛盾。结合该区发现的早侏罗世壳源花岗岩及区域沉积特征,本文认为波密-察隅地区侏罗世的壳源花岗岩应该是拉萨地体内新发现的印支期或早中生代造山事件后地壳增厚或伸展阶段岩浆活动的反映或继续,而和传统认为的怒江洋俯冲没有关系,拉萨地体东部的波密-察隅地区在演化方面可能有其特殊性。有关藏东波密-察隅地区中生代构造演化的研究还需大量地质工作以及多学科的研究去证实。  相似文献   

通过LA—ICP—MS锆石U—Pb测年及岩石化学分析,研究了黑龙江晨明地区跃进村岩体和云头砬子岩体的年代学、地球化学和形成环境。结果表明,跃进村岩体和云头砬子岩体的年龄分别为213±3 Ma和209±3 Ma,属于晚三叠世中期岩体。跃进村岩体岩性以石英二长岩为主,属于准铝质、钙碱性系列,轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素略亏损,属于I型花岗岩。云头砬子岩体岩性以碱长花岗岩为主,属于准铝质、碱性系列,轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素略亏损,属于A型花岗岩。两个岩体可能形成于海西—印支期造山带的造山隆起至后造山伸展环境的转换期。  相似文献   

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