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We show in this article that charged fluid with pressure derived by Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space. Sci. doi:, 2011a) can be used to model classical electron, quark, neutron stars and pulsar with charge matter, quasi black hole, white dwarf, super-dense star etc. Recent analysis by Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space. Sci., 2011d) that all charged fluid solutions in terms of pressure mimic the classical electron model are partially correct because solutions by Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space. Sci. doi:, 2011a) may possess a neutral counterpart. In this paper we characterized solutions in terms of pressure for charged fluids that have and do not have a well behaved neutral counter part considering same spatial component of metric e λ for neutral and charged fluids. We discussed solution by Gupta and Maurya (Astrophys. Space Sci. 331(1):135–144, 2010a) and solutions by Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space Sci. doi:, 2011b; Astrophys. Space Sci. doi:, 2011c; Astrophys. Space Sci., 2011d) such that charged fluids possess and do not possess a neutral counterpart as special cases, respectively. For brevity, we only present some analytical results in this paper.  相似文献   

Rahaman et al. (Astrophys. Space. Sci. 331:191–197, 2010) discussed some classical electron models (CEM) in general relativity. Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space. Sci. 334:139–143, 2011) present a general exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations in terms of pressure. We showed that charged fluid solutions in terms of pressure are not reducible to a well behaved neutral counter part for a spatial component of metrice λ . Hence, these solutions represent an electron model in general relativity. We illustrated solutions in terms of pressure briefly with de-Sitter equation of state and charged analogues of Kohler Chao interior solution as a special cases.  相似文献   

This paper focuses attention on a qualitative analysis of the evolution of two-fluid flat FRW cosmological models.In the first model one of the fluid represents matter content of the universe comoving with respect to the another fluid that is the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), these two fluids are interacting.The first model is most relevant to describe the scenario before the recombination epoch when matter and radiation were in an interactive phase and the photons was bound to electron through Thomson scattering. The second model describe two noninteracting fluids where the matter is comoving to the space-time coordinates and the CMBR is moving axially, relative to the matter thus modeling the relative velocity between galaxies and the CMBR (Phys. Rev. Lett. 39:898–901, 1977). This model portray the cosmic evolution in the postrecombination epoch when the two-fluid are noninteracting.In this epoch the photons got themselves free to form the CMBR being observed presently.   相似文献   

Recently, Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space Sci. doi:, 2011) discussed all important solutions of charged fluid spheres with pressure and Gupta et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci. doi:, 2010) found first closed form solutions of charged Vaidya-Tikekar (V-T) type super-dense star. We extend here the approach evolved by Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space Sci. doi:, 2011) to find all possible closed form solutions of V-T type super-dense stars. The existing solutions of Vaidya-Tikekar type charged fluid spheres considering particular form of electric field intensity are being used to model massive stars. Infact at present maximum masses of the star models are found to be 8.223931M Θ and 8.460857M Θ subject to ultra-relativistic and non-relativistic conditions respectively. But these stars with such are large masses are not well behaved due to decreasing velocity of sound in the interior of star. We present new results concerning the existence of static, electrically charged perfect fluid spheres that have a regular interior. It is observed that electric intensity used in this article can be used to model superdense stars with ultrahigh surface density of the order 2×1014 gm/cm3 which may have maximum mass 7.26368240M Θ for ultra-relativistic condition and velocity of sound found to be decreasing towards pressure free interface. We solve the Einstein-Maxwell equations considering a general barotropic equation of state with pressure. For brevity we don’t present a detailed analysis of the derived solutions in this paper.  相似文献   

In the present article, we have obtained a class of charged superdense star models, starting with a static spherically symmetric metric in curvature coordinates by considering Durgapal (J. Phys. A 15:2637, 1982) type metric i.e. g 44=B(1+Cr 2) n , where n being any positive integer. It is observed that the maximum mass of the charged fluid models is monotonically increasing with the increasing values of n≤4. For n≥4, the maximum mass of the charged fluid models is throughout monotonically decreasing and over all maximum mass is attained at n=4. The present metric tends to another metric which describes the charged analogue of Kuchowicz neutral solution as n→∞. Consequently the lower limit of maximum mass of the charged fluid models could be determined and found to be 5.1165 solar mass with corresponding radius 18.0743 Km. While the upper limit of maximum mass of the model of this category is already known to be 5.7001 solar mass with corresponding radius 17.1003 Km for n=4. The solutions so obtained are well behaved.  相似文献   

A five dimensional Kaluza-Klein space-time is considered in the presence of prefect fluid source in the general scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Nordtvedt (Astrophys. J. 161:1069, 1970) with the help of special law of variation for Hubble’s parameter given by Bermann (Nuovo Cimento 74B:182, 1983). A cosmological model with a negative constant deceleration parameter is obtained in this theory. Some physical properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

We obtain a new parametric class of exact solutions of Einstein–Maxwell field equations which are well behaved. We present a charged super-dense star model after prescribing particular forms of the metric potential and electric intensity. The metric describing the super dense stars joins smoothly with the Reissner–Nordstrom metric at the pressure free boundary. The electric density assumed is where n may take the values 0,1,2,3,4 and so on and K is a positive constant. For n=0,1 we rediscover the solutions by Gupta and Maurya (Astrophys. Space Sci. 334(1):155, 2011) and Fuloria et al. (J. Math. 2:1156, 2011) respectively. The solution for n=2 have been discussed extensively keeping in view of well behaved nature of the charged solution of Einstein–Maxwell field equations. The solution for n=3 and n=4 can be also studied likewise. In absence of the charge we are left behind with the regular and well behaved fifth model of Durgapal (J. Phys. A 15:2637, 1982). The outmarch of pressure, density, pressure-density ratio and the velocity of sound is monotonically decreasing, however, the electric intensity is monotonically increasing in nature. For this class of solutions the mass of a star is maximized with all degree of suitability, compatible with Neutron stars and Pulsars.  相似文献   

The paper presents a class of interior solutions of Einstein–Maxwell field equations of general relativity for a static, spherically symmetric distribution of the charged fluid. This class of solutions describes well behaved charged fluid balls. The class of solutions gives us wide range of parameter K (0≤K≤42) for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of super dense star. For this solution the mass of a star is maximized with all degree of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3. Corresponding to K=2 and X=0.30, the maximum mass of the star comes out to be 4.96 M Θ with linear dimension 34.16 km and central redshift and surface redshift 2.1033 and 0.683 respectively. In absence of the charge we are left behind with the well behaved fourth model of Durgapal (J. Phys., A, Math. Gen. 15:2637, 1982).  相似文献   

An exact Bianchi type-V cosmological model is obtained in a scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. A 113:467, 1986) in case of perfect fluid distribution. Some physical properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

A spatially homogeneous Bianchi type-III space-time is considered in the presence of perfect fluid source in the frame work of f(R,T) gravity (Harko et al. in Phys. Rev. D 84:024020, 2011) with the help of a special law of variation for Hubble’s parameter proposed by Bermann (Nuovo Cimento B 74:182, 1983). A cosmological model with an appropriate choice of the function f(T) has been constructed. The physical behavior of the model is studied.  相似文献   

A spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-II cosmological model is obtained in a scalar tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. A 130:467, 1986) when the source for energy momentum tensor is a bulk viscous fluid containing one-dimensional cosmic strings. Some physical and kinematical properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied a new solution of charged gravastars with isotropic matter configuration in the framework of f(R, T) theory of gravity. For this purpose, we have assumed the electric charge as a constant. This stellar structure divided into three different regions: The preliminary part shows the interior charged region in which pressure equals to the negative density, second is the intermediate charged shell which is assumed to be very thin and filled with ultrarelativistic stiff fluid and the last corresponds to the electrovacuum region which is defined by an exterior Reissner-Nordström solution. Under these assumptions, we have found some physical aspects like length, energy, entropy and equation of state for charged spherical gravastar distribution. Moreover, we present an exact solution that free from event horizon and non-singular for this our new model.  相似文献   

Recently, Bijalwan (Astrophys. Space Sci., doi:, 2011a) discussed charged fluid spheres with pressure while Bijalwan and Gupta (Astrophys. Space Sci. 317, 251–260, 2008) suggested using a monotonically decreasing function f to generate all possible physically viable charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior solutions analytically. They discussed some previously known and new solutions for Schwarzschild parameter u( = \fracGMc2a ) £ 0.142u( =\frac{GM}{c^{2}a} ) \le 0.142, a being radius of star. In this paper we investigate wide range of u by generating a class of solutions that are well behaved and suitable for modeling Neutron star charge matter. We have exploited the range u≤0.142 by considering pressure p=p(ω) and f = ( f0(1 - \fracR2(1 - w)a2) +fa\fracR2(1 - w)a2 )f = ( f_{0}(1 - \frac{R^{2}(1 - \omega )}{a^{2}}) +f_{a}\frac{R^{2}(1 - \omega )}{a^{2}} ), where w = 1 -\fracr2R2\omega = 1 -\frac{r^{2}}{R^{2}} to explore new class of solutions. Hence, class of charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior is found for barotropic equation of state relating the radial pressure to the energy density. The analytical models thus found are well behaved with surface red shift z s ≤0.181, central red shift z c ≤0.282, mass to radius ratio M/a≤0.149, total charge to total mass ratio e/M≤0.807 and satisfy Andreasson’s (Commun. Math. Phys. 288, 715–730, 2009) stability condition. Red-shift, velocity of sound and p/c 2 ρ are monotonically decreasing towards the surface while adiabatic index is monotonically increasing. The maximum mass found to be 1.512 M Θ with linear dimension 14.964 km. Class of charged analogues of Schwarzschild interior discussed in this paper doesn’t have neutral counter part. These solutions completely describe interior of a stable Neutron star charge matter since at centre the charge distribution is zero, e/M≤0.807 and a typical neutral Neutron star has mass between 1.35 and about 2.1 solar mass, with a corresponding radius of about 12 km (Kiziltan et al., [astro-ph.GA], 2010).  相似文献   

A spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmological model is obtained in a scalar–tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. A 113:467, 1986) when the source for energy momentum tensor is a bulk viscous fluid containing one dimensional cosmic strings. Some physical and kinematical properties of the model are discussed. It is observed that the bulk viscosity has a greater role in getting an accelerated expansion of the universe in this theory.  相似文献   

An exact Bianchi type-V perfect fluid cosmological model is obtained in a scalar tensor theory proposed by Sen (Z. Phys. 149:311, 1957) based on Lyra Manifold in case of β is a constant and it is shown that this cosmological model exists only in the case of Radiation Universe (ρ=3p) if β is a function of ‘t’ using negative constant deceleration parameter. Some physical and geometrical properties of these models are discussed.  相似文献   

We have obtained Bianchi type-III cosmological model with strange quark matter attached to the string cloud in general relativity. For solving the Einstein’s field equations the relation [C=A n ] between metric coefficients C and A is used. Also, some physical and kinematic properties of the model are discussed.The results are analogous to results obtained by Yilmaz (Gen. Rel. Grav. 38:1397–1406, 2006).  相似文献   

We studied the spherical accretion of matter by charged black holes on \(f(T)\) Gravity. Considering the accretion model of a isentropic perfect fluid we obtain the general form of the Hamiltonian and the dynamic system for the fluid. We have analysed the movements of an isothermal fluid model with \(p=\omega e\) and where \(p\) is the pressure and \(e\) the total energy density. The analysis of the cases shows the possibility of spherical accretion of fluid by black holes, revealing new phenomena as cyclical movement inside the event horizon.  相似文献   

A fully and coherent relativistic fluid model derived from the covariant formulation of relativistic fluid equations is used to study ion-acoustic solitary waves in a fully relativistic ion-electron-positron plasma. This approach has the characteristic to be consistent with the relativistic principle and consequently leads to a more general set of equations valid for fully relativistic plasmas with arbitrary Lorentz relativistic factor. Our results may be relevant to cosmic relativistic double- layers and relativistic plasma structures involving energetic plasma flows that may occur in space plasmas. Furthermore, they may complement and provide new insights into recently published results (G. Lu et al. in Astrophys. Space Sci., doi:, 2010).  相似文献   

Exact solution of Einstein’s field equations is obtained for massive string cosmological model of Bianchi III space-time using the technique given by Letelier (Phys. Rev. D 20:2414, 1983) in presence of perfect fluid and decaying vacuum energy density Λ. To get the deterministic solution of the field equations the expansion θ in the model is considered as proportional to the eigen value s2 2\sigma^{2}_{~2} of the shear tensor sj i\sigma^{j}_{~i} and also the fluid obeys the barotropic equation of state. The vacuum energy density Λ is found to be positive and a decreasing function of time which is supported by the results from recent supernovae Ia observations. It is also observed that in early stage of the evolution of the universe string dominates over the particle whereas the universe is dominated by massive string at the late time. Some physical and geometric properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

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