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Availability of remote sensing data from earth observation satellites has made it convenient to map and monitor land use/land cover at regional to local scales. A land cover map is very critical for a various planning activities including watershed planning. The spectral and spatial resolutions are major constraints for mapping the crop resources at microlevel. The cropping pattern zones have been mapped using the false color composite, physiography, irrigation and toposheets. The IRS LISS-III data is classified into various categories depending on spectral reflectance from crop canopy and are overlaid on cropping zones map. The re-classified resultant map provides land use/land cover information including dominant cropping systems. The canopy cover is estimated monthly considering the crop calendar for the area.  相似文献   

遥感、地理信息系统与全球定位系统集成的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
刘震  李树楷 《遥感学报》1997,1(2):157-160
随着遥感、地理信息系统与全球定位系统等各项技术的成熟 ,对遥感、地理信息系统与全球定位系统的集成的要求变得越来越迫切 ,有关这种集成系统的理论、技术和方法逐渐成为地理信息学的重点 ,有关这种集成系统的开发、研制和应用逐渐成为诸多与之相关的学科发展中的重中之重。不同专业背景的研究者从各自的需要、背景出发纷纷发表不同的见解 ,作者从地理信息流本身的特点出发 ,分析了遥感、地理信息系统与全球定位系统各自的特点 ,阐述了集成的可能性和必要性。在从事这种集成系统的研制的工作基础上试图给出这种集成系统的定义和概念模型 ,并且提出研制发展这种集成系统中必须解决的问题  相似文献   

地理遥感信息模型与地理数学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
马蔼乃 《测绘科学》2000,25(2):10-14
地理图像信息模型是在地形模型、物理模型、数学模型的基础上提出的一种新型模型。概述了地理图像信息模型的基本概念、技术与应用。提出了符合地理科学自身规律的非线性数学方法 ,解决了确定性问题与不确定问题的结合 ,从形式逻辑计算发展到辩证逻辑的计算 ,从抽象公式的计算发展到抽象思维与形象思维结合的公式与图像合为一体的计算 ,从而解决了地理数学问题 ,为发展地理数学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Reservoir sedimentation is the gradual accumulation of incoming sediments from upstream catchment leading to the reduction in useful storage capacity of the reservoir. Quantifying the reservoir sedimentation rate is essential for better water resources management. Conventional techniques such as hydrographic survey have limitations including time-consuming, cumbersome and costly. On the contrary, the availability of high resolution (both spatial and temporal) in public domain overcomes all these constraints. This study assessed Jayakwadi reservoir sedimentation using Landsat 8 OLI satellite data combined with ancillary data. Multi-date remotely sensed data were used to produce the water spread area of the reservoir, which was applied to compute the sedimentation rate. The revised live storage capacity of the reservoir between maximum and minimum levels observed under the period of analysis (2015–2017) was assessed utilizing the trapezoidal formula. The revised live storage capacity is assessed as 1942.258 against the designed capacity of 2170.935 Mm3 at full reservoir level. The total loss of reservoir capacity due to the sediment deposition during the period of 41 years (1975–2017) was estimated as 228.677 Mm3 (10.53%) which provided the average sedimentation rate of 5.58 Mm3 year1. As this technique also provides the capacity of the reservoir at the different elevation on the date of the satellite pass, the revised elevation–capacity curve was also developed. The sedimentation analysis usually provides the volume of sediment deposited and rate of the deposition. However, the interest of the reservoir authorities and water resources planner’s lies in sub-watershed-wise sediment yield, and the critical sub-watersheds upstream reservoir requires conservation, etc. Therefore, in the present study, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used for the estimation of sediment yield of the reservoir. The average annual sediment yield obtained from the SWAT model using 36 years of data (1979–2014) was 13.144 Mm3 year?1 with the density of the soil (loamy and clay) of 1.44 ton m?3. The findings revealed that the rate of sedimentation obtained from the remote sensing-based methods is in agreement with the results of the hydrographic survey.  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)是遥感科学与技术专业的一门重要的基础课。结合西安科技大学遥感科学与技术专业的培养目标,本文对地理信息系统的课程安排、教材选择、理论和实践教学等方面进行了探讨,并针对目前教学实践过程中存在的教学内容抽象、实践课时较少和考核方式单一等问题,提出了相应的改进措施,以期提高教学质量。  相似文献   

The current study was taken up to investigate the utility of remote sensing and GIS tools for evaluation of Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP) implemented during 1997–2001 in Katangidda Nala watershed, Chincholi taluk, Gulbarga district, Karnataka. The study was carried out using IRS 1C, LISS III data of December 11, 1997 (pre-treatment) and November 15, 2002 (post-treatment) covering the watershed to assess the changes in land use / land cover and biomass that have changed over a period of five years (1997–2002). The images were classified into different land use/land cover categories using supervised classification by maximum likelihood algorithm. They were also classified into different biomass levels using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) approach. The results indicated that the area under agriculture crops and forest land were increased by 671 ha (5.7%) and 1,414 ha (11.94%) respectively. This is due to the fact that parts of wastelands and fallow lands were brought into cultivation. This increase in the area may be attributed to better utilization of surface and ground waters, adoption of soil and water conservation practices and changes in cropping pattern. The area under waste lands and fallow lands decreased by 1,667 ha (14.07%) and 467 ha (3.94%), respectively. The vegetation vigour of the area was classified into three classes using NDVI. Substantial increase in the area under high and low biomass levels was observed (502 ha and 19 ha respectively). The benefit-cost analysis indicates that the use of remote sensing and GIS was 2.2 times cheaper than the conventional methods. Thus, the repetitive coverage of the satellite data provides an excellent opportunity to monitor the land resources and evaluate the land cover changes through comparison of images for the watershed at different periods.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to delineate and characterize ground water prospect zones using IRS-ID LISS-III geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale. The information on lithology, structure, geomorphology and hydrology were generated and integrated to prepare ground water prospect map for a region in western Rajasthan. The information on nature and type of aquifer, type of wells, depth range, yield range, success rate and sustainability were supplemented to form a good database for identification of favourable zone. Geographical Information system (GIS) was used to prepare database on the above layers, analysis of relationship and integrated map preparation. The study area has a complex geomorphology. The geology is dominated by rocks of post Delhi Intrusive and Quaternary sediments. On the basis of hydrogeology and geomorphic characteristics, four categories of ground water prospect zones: high, moderate, low and very low ere delineated. The high prospect zones are alluvial plains and valley fills mainly influenced by quaternary formations with yield expectation between 100-200 lpm. The moderate zone has pediment surfaces covered by shallow soil cover in addition to weathered and fractured aquifer material with expected yield of water between 50-100 lpm. The low potential zones mainly comprise inselbergs and rocky surface with expected discharge below 50 lpm. The very low prospect zones act as run-off generating zones.  相似文献   

入海河口是陆地和海洋之间的过渡区域,由于入海河口受海陆交互作用,受水沙过程、水动力过程影响明显,河口滩面地形变化频繁,空间数据特别是滩面地形数据获取较为困难,难以开展滩面水文过程分析。本研究首先提出一个总体框架用于河口流域提取,其核心是通过ModelBuilder构建链式河口流域地理处理过程,基于DEM进行一站式滩面信息处理,实现河口流域信息的快速提取。对于一些侵蚀性河口或者人工干预比较多的河口,研究辅以高分辨率影像非监督分类方法,进行河口流域信息的快速提取。研究结果表明,本研究在河口流域提取方面有良好的实用性,可方便地进行多种情境分析与比较,减少中间数据处理过程,进而有效地应用辅助规划决策。  相似文献   

郭达志教授,1938年生于福建省龙岩市。1960年毕业于北京矿业学院(现中国矿业大学)并留校任教,1960年至1962年参加研究生班学习。1983~1985年被选派到英国诺丁汉大学留学,主修光电测量技术和数字制图。1988年以来先后多次到加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等国开展合作科研与学术交流。郭教授曾任中国矿业大学测量与地球物理勘探研究所所长、测量物理系系主任,校学术委员会委员、学位委员会委员等职。1989年至2005年连续四届担  相似文献   

介绍了遥感技术在交通项目环境评价中的应用领域,并以随岳高速公路湖南段工程作为应用研究的实例,充分说明该技术是进行交通类项目环境评价中生态评价专题的有效手段之一,尤其适用于进行项目的土地利用现状调查和生态景观影响分析,它具有直观、快速、成本低等特点,值得在类似项目的评价中广泛重视和采用。  相似文献   

利用遥感影像红外波段辅助地理国情信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理国情监测成果,直接关系到国家的重大战略决策的正确性.本文选取呼兰区的部分区域和五常市的部分区域为试验区,以10 m空间分辨率的Sentinel-2数据为主要数据源,合成每月NDVI时间序列数据,有效利用植被季相变化和物候差异,提取区域的针叶林和阔叶林的空间分布信息.同时,利用NDWI对水体进行自动化提取,充分发挥当...  相似文献   

蒋红兵  龚建辉  姜贞白  卓嵩 《测绘》2012,(3):139-141
本文从信息化测绘和数字化测绘的区别与联系出发,通过分析遥感测绘单位在从数字化测绘体系向信息化测绘体系发展过程中的优势与面临的问题,研究了在遥感测绘单位构建信息化测绘平台的主要内容,对相关测绘单位具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对遥感图像分割时仅利用光谱信息容易造成过分割和边缘定位不准的问题,提出一种结合光谱强度和纹理信息的遥感图像分水岭分割算法。首先分别提取图像的光谱梯度和纹理梯度,提出一种改进双边滤波模型,滤除图像中的噪声的周时,采用了一种局部的平滑尺度,能够有效消除纹理信息,借助于滤波算法,分别对原图像和Gabor纹理特征图像进行平滑处理,利用边缘检测算子得到光谱梯度和纹理梯度。最后利用形态学膨胀方法进行融合融合,使用分水岭变换对图像分割。用三幅高分辨率彩色遥感图像数据进行实验,并与JSEG(Joint Systems Engineering Group)和多分辨率分割方法进行比较,结果表明该方法具有较高的边界定位准确性,同时降低了过分割和欠分割现象。  相似文献   

分析了地理国情普查生产中如何采集地面照片及相机姿态等相关信息,并介绍了如何采用编程的方法批量处理地面照片及信息入库,以及生产中遇到的一些问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes three aspects of uncertainty in geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. First, the positional uncertainty of an area object in a GIS is discussed as a function of positional uncertainties of line segments and boundary line features. Second, the thematic uncertainty of a classified remote sensing image is described using the probability vectors from a maximum likelihood classification. Third, the "S-band" model is used to quantify uncertainties after combining GIS and remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Road transportation network development is a vital component of infrastructure development. Absence of database on roads of Trivandrum district was felt as a major hindrance in prioritizing improvement/development/repair of the roads for better traffic efficacy. High resolution PAN imagery (IRS-IC, September-December 1999, 1:25,000 scale) was visually interpreted to decipher road net work for preparing an elaborate database for Kerala Highway. The data were incorporated on 1:25,000 scale SOI base maps. Field verification was carried out to identify and categorize the PWD roads as per their administrative sections. Final maps were digitized in ARC/INFO environment. Information about terrain conditions was also generated using satellite remote sensing images and aerial photographs. Incorporating the height source and elevation data in the value field and taking mass points as input, a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) model of a sample area near Vellanad, 22 km east of Trivandrum city was created to analyse the terrain-road network interrelationship. Our case study involving draping of road network on TIN model as well as on geomorphology map established that this methodology could be used to define alternative and efficient route corridors, with particular emphasis on selection of the least-cost route and prioritization of repair.  相似文献   

本文分析了90年代遥感与地理信息系统的发展趋势。根据国民经济持续发展的需求和计算机技术、信息技术的发展前景,提出了今后遥感与地理信息系统发展的建议。  相似文献   

提出一种基于标记分水岭分割的高分辨率卫星融合影像提取水体信息的方法。首先采用pansharpening 融合法获得光谱扭曲小的高分辨率卫星融合影像;其次利用标记分水岭算法对高分辨率卫星融合影像进行分割;最后在分割基础上利用水体指数模型提取水体信息。采用QuickBird高分辨率遥感影像数据试验,与eCognition多尺度分割提取水体方法的结果相比,表明本文方法更快速有效,具有实用推广价值。  相似文献   

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