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Summary The technique for evaluating the natural illumination of direct solar radiation introduced byÅngström andDrummond [1]2) has been applied by the authors to the pyrheliometric observations in India and the values of natural illumination derived at eight representative stations are presented in this paper. The dirunal and seasonal variations of the illumination fluxes have been discussed. —In general, illumination fluxes in India show a maximum during summer season except at Madras, where the maximum occurs during winter. The illumination fluxes at various stations vary within the range 80–110 kilolux throughout the year. However, at Calcutta, it varies within a rather narrow range of 65–85 kilolux. Both in summer and winter, the illumination flux during forenoon hours is usually more than that during afternoon hours. An increase in daylight illumination is observed with height of the station above sea level.  相似文献   

Stream surface albedo plays a key role in the energy balance of rivers and streams that are exposed to direct solar radiation. Most physically based analyses and models have incorporated a constant stream albedo between 0.03 and 0.10, based primarily on measurements from low‐gradient streams with low suspended sediment concentrations. However, albedo should vary with solar elevation angle, suspended sediment concentration, aeration, and fraction of direct versus diffuse radiation. The objective of this study was to quantify the dependence of albedo of mountain streams on the controlling factors and to develop a predictive model for use in physically based analysis and modelling of stream temperature, especially for future climate and land‐use scenarios. Stream surface albedo was measured at nine sites with a variety of gradients and suspended sediment characteristics in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. As expected, albedo of low‐gradient, non‐white water (flatwater) streams increased with solar elevation angle, suspended sediment concentration, and proportion of diffuse to direct solar radiation, ranging between 0.025 during cloudy periods over clear water to 0.25 for turbid water at elevation angles of less than 20°. Albedo was enhanced in steep reaches or at channel steps and cascades where flow was visibly aerated, with a range of 0.09 to 0.33. In clear weather, albedo exhibited notable diurnal variability at flatwater sampling sites. For example, during late summer, surface albedo typically fluctuated between 0.08 and 0.15 on a daily basis at a flatwater site on the highly turbid, glacier‐fed Lillooet River. Multiple regression models explained approximately 60% and 40% of the variance under cross validation for flatwater and white water data subsets, respectively, with corresponding root mean square errors of approximately 0.02 and 0.06.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the wavelength exponent of aerosol scattering in the Ångström relation for extinction by aerosol has been made from the ground-based measurments of direct solar radiation using Ångström pyrheliometer with and without Schott filters. It has been observed that in India, mainly for the middle part of the year this exponent is zero or even negative which means that the aerosol scattering is nearly neutral which is in marked contrast with the condition prevailing in middle latitudes. It is evident from the -values that the aerosol size distribution in India is far different from that prevailing in middle latitudes. At four representative stations in India, the values of the wavelength exponent and the atmospheric turbidity coefficient have been determined using the method introduced byÅngström [1,2]) and are discussed here.  相似文献   

In situ turbidity meters are being increasingly used to generate continuous records of suspended sediment concentration in rivers. However, the usefulness of the information obtained depends heavily on the existence of a close relationship between fluctuations in suspended sediment concentration and turbidity and the calibration procedure that relates suspended sediment concentration to the turbidity meter's signal. This study assesses the relationship between suspended sediment concentration and turbidity for a small (1·19 km2) rural catchment in southern Brazil and evaluates two calibration methods by comparing the estimates of suspended sediment concentration obtained from the calibrated turbidity readings with direct measurements obtained using a USDH 48 suspended sediment sampler. With the first calibration method, the calibration relationship is derived by relating the turbidity readings to simultaneous measurements of concentration obtained from suspended sediment samples collected from the vicinity of the turbidity probe during flood events. With the second method, the calibration is based on the readings obtained from the turbidity meter when the probe immersed in samples of known concentration prepared using soils collected from the catchment. Overall, there was a close link between fluctuations in suspended sediment concentration and turbidity in the stream at the outlet of the catchment, and the estimates of sediment concentration obtained using the first calibration method corresponded closely with the conventionally measured sediment concentrations. However, use of the second calibration method introduced appreciable errors. When the estimated sediment concentrations were compared with the measured values, the mean errors were ± 122 mg l?1 and + 601 mg l?1 for the first and second calibration procedures respectively. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The nighttime and sunset LF radio wave absorption measured at Nagycenk, western Hungary over 1967–1991 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (85 – 100 km). The very moderate positive and mostly statistically insignificant trends are consistent with the pattern provided by previous analyses of various day- and night-time absorption measurements. The trends could be of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

C. Jacobi 《Annales Geophysicae》1998,16(12):1534-1543
At the Collm Observatory of the University of Leipzig LF D1 low-frequency total reflection nighttime wind measurements have been carried out continuously for more than two decades. Using a multiple regression analysis to derive prevailing winds, tides and the quasi-2-day wave from the half-hourly mean values of the horizontal wind components, monthly mean values of mesopause wind parameters are obtained that can be analysed with respect to long-term trends and influences of solar variability. The response of the prevailing wind to the 11-year solar cycle differs throughout the year. While in winter no significant correlation between the zonal prevailing wind and solar activity is found, in spring and summer a negative correlation between the TWC can be seen from the measurements. This is connected with stronger vertical gradients of the zonal prevailing wind during solar maximum than during solar minimum. Since the amplitude of the quasi-2-day wave is dependent on the zonal mean wind vertical gradient, this is connected with a positive correlation between solar activity and quasi-two-day wave activity.Paper Presented at the Second IAGA/ICMA (IAMAS) Workshop on Solar Activity Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere, Prague, August 1997  相似文献   

To determine the effects of high-pressure constraints on the overall behaviour of ferroelectrics (FE) of both the perovskite “soft-mode” and hydrogen-bonded types, the authors have conducted dielectric property measurements to 5.5 GPa on single crystals and polycrystalline aggregates of several ferroelectrics (BaTiO3, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, triglycine sulphate, Rochelle salt). The results of the experiments indicate: (1) dielectric hysteresis is possible in ferroelectrics which are under high-pressure conditions of deviatoric stresses and strains in which the FE phase forms part of a composite system; that is, under the conditions it would encounter if it formed part of a planetary interior; (2) the continued stability of these FE phases is not restricted to a particular polarization mechanism; (3) existing FE states, occurring as elastic and dielectric inhomogeneities, can persist to much higher pressures than expected on the basis of the pressure dependence of isolated and unconstrained FE crystals.  相似文献   

Earth resistivity estimates from frequency domain airborne electromagnetic data can vary over more than two orders of magnitude depending on the half-space estimation method used. Lookup tables are fast methods for estimating half-space resistivities, and can be based on in-phase and quadrature measurements for a specified frequency, or on quadrature and sensor height. Inverse methods are slower, but allow sensor height to be incorporated more directly. Extreme topographic relief can affect estimates from each of the methods, particularly if the portion of the line over the topographic feature is not at a constant height above ground level. Quadrature–sensor height lookup table estimates are generally too low over narrow valleys. The other methods are also affected, but behave less predictably. Over very good conductors, quadrature–sensor height tables can yield resistivity estimates that are too high. In-phase–quadrature tables and inverse methods yield resistivity estimates that are too high when the earth has high magnetic susceptibility, whereas quadrature–sensor height methods are unaffected. However, it is possible to incorporate magnetic susceptibility into the in-phase–quadrature lookup table. In-phase–quadrature lookup tables can give different results according to whether the tables are ordered according to the in-phase component or the quadrature component. The rules for handling negative in-phase measurements are particularly critical. Although resistivity maps produced from the different methods tend to be similar, details can vary considerably, calling into question the ability to make detailed interpretations based on half-space models.  相似文献   

Summary The nighttime LF radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere measured at two frequencies in central Europe over 1963–1985 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (∼90–100 km). The observed positive trend is roughly consistent with results based on daytime absorption. Nighttime results are less pronounced and less statistically significant probably due to perturbing effects of geomagnetic activity. The observed trends, which are probably of anthropogenic origin, are together with the daytime results [3,4] the first evidence of long-term trends in planetary wave activity in the upper middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

J. Pfannkuche  A. Schmidt 《水文研究》2003,17(10):1951-1963
Measurements of suspended particulate matter concentration and turbidity point towards the possibility of a site‐specific algorithm (SPM), relating SPM to nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). In this paper regression models are presented that account for changes in the relationship of SPM and NTU as a result of changes in particle properties. The models have been developed by the use of daily measurements of SPM concentration and a continuous record of turbidity for the period from June 1996 to February 2001 in the River Elbe, a major river in the eastern part of Germany. The effect of changes in the particle properties with increasing water discharge was taken into account by varying the slope of a linear regression equation according to a logistic function. Water discharge, Q, was defined to be the only variable of this function—as an adequate substitute of the parameter bottom shear stress, which cannot be measured directly. Measurements of flow velocity in the River Elbe show that bottom shear stress is related almost linearly to water discharge up to bankful discharges. Regression models with slopes varying continuously with hydraulic parameters may account for the effects resulting from changes of particle characteristics and thus may have some advantages compared with models with a constant slope or models calibrated for different seasons. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Electromagnetic field response of a homogeneous uniaxially anisotropic conducting medium has been investigated in the presence of a vertical electric dipole placed at a heighth above the conducting surface. Expressions for the horizontal components of electric and magnetic fields and hence that of vertical impedance of the field, as a function of the distance of the place of observation from the source, have been derived. Numerical computations have been done and curves are given to illustrate the influence of anisotropy on the amplitude values of the impedance on the surface of the conducting medium.N.G.R.I. Contribution number 71–279.  相似文献   

Quasi-stationary planetary waves exhibit different seasonal behaviour in the two winter stratospheres. Whereas, in a climatological sense, wave amplitudes are large throughout northern winter, in the Southern Hemisphere there is a climatological minimum in midwinter. It is suggested here that the southern hemisphere behaviour is basically linear, the midwinter minimum arising from the opacity of the strong westerlies of southern midwinter to stationary wave propagation. On the other hand, it is further suggested that, in the northern hemisphere winter, the westerlies are prevented from becoming so strong (in a climatological sense) by the action of the waves themselves on the means state and that the penetration of large-scale waves into the midwinter northern stratosphere thus depends on a nonlinear feedback process. Preliminary tests of this hypothesis are conducted, using a highly truncated beta-plane model of the stratospheric flow.  相似文献   

Summary Propagation of dilational waves in radial directions from a spherical cavity in a medium with velocity varying periodically with distance has been considered. It has been shown that when the wave-length of the propagating wave is twice the wave-length of variation of the velocity in the medium the displacement even at a large distance is very great.  相似文献   

Altitude profile of aerosol Single Scattering Albedo (SSA), derived from simultaneous in-situ airborne measurements of the coefficients of aerosol absorption and scattering off the west coast of India over the Arabian Sea (AS), during January 2009 is presented. While both the absorption and scattering coefficients decreased with altitude, their vertical structure differed significantly. Consequently, the derived SSA, with a surface value of 0.94, decreased with altitude, illustrating increasing relative dominance of aerosol absorption at higher altitudes. Altitude profile of SSA, when examined in conjunction with that of hemispheric backscatter fraction, revealed that the continental influence on the aerosol properties was higher at higher altitude, rather than the effect of marine environment. During an east–west transect across the peninsular India at an altitude of ~2500 m (free troposphere), it was found that the aerosol scattering coefficients remained nearly the same over both east and west coasts.  相似文献   

Summary The phase velocity method has been applied for estimation of the crust structure o the Russian platform and Middle Asia. By the determination of phase velocities spectral and peak-and-trough visual methods have been used. The surface waves observations have been interpreted along the profiles and triangles of seismic stations. Group velocity method has been applied for crust investigations in the Far East regions and along different directions for isolated seismological stations.
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Presented to XIV assembly IUGG.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis of an expanding Earth is discussed on the basis of lunar laser ranging It is provcd that the given data do not indicate a secular increase in the principal moment of the Earth's inertia which would have to occur if the Earth were really expanding.
¶rt;amunma au u mu u ammuu a¶rt;u u ¶rt;a n a auu . aam, m n mu ¶rt;a m umamu amaua ma uuu u, m ¶rt; nmmam auu, u n¶rt; u m.

On free oscillations of the earth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This survey concerns mostly the theory of free oscillations, with a section on experimental work included at the end. Developments over the last 15 years are examined. The general theory of free oscillations is reviewed, and the effect on free oscillations of such factors as heterogeneity, the Earth's rotation and non-sphericity, and the source of the oscillations are discussed. Earth models, which have been obtained from oscillation data, are reviewed, and their use in forming theoretical seismograms is described.See note at p. 426.Note  相似文献   

Summary The direction of the geomagnetic field has changed substantially less in India than in Europe since the end of the 18th century.Whereas the European geomagnetic time series indicate a tendency of secular variation from which a remarkable westward drift of the non-axial field can be deduced, in India the field direction seems to have remained more or less fixed over the last two centuries. The drift of the non-axial field seems to be very small, or even eastward.  相似文献   

The two principal contributions to the surface heat flow of the earth are the cooling of the earth and the heat production of radioactive isotopes. As the rate of heat production decreases with time the temperature of the interior of the earth also decreases. The rate of decrease is determined by the ability of solid-state mantle convection to transport the heat to the surface. The dominant effect is the exponential temperature dependence of the mantle viscosity. The non-dimensional mantle temperature can be parameterised in terms of the Rayleigh number for mantle convection. It is found that the mantle is currently cooling at a rate of 36°K/109 years and that three billion years ago the mean temperature was 150°K higher than it is today; 83% of the present surface heat flow is attributed to the decay of radioactive isotopes and 17% to the cooling of the earth. The corresponding mean concentration of uranium in the mantle is 32 ppb.  相似文献   

ntroductionTurbiditycurrentsedimentisanoutcomeofdensityflowsedimentation.Theresearchonmodernturbidilitycurentsedimentsfromde...  相似文献   

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