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Observations of the K2 mission (continuing the program of the Kepler Space Telescope) are used to estimate the spot coverage S (the fractional area of spots on the surface of an active star) for stars of the Hyades cluster. The analysis is based on data on the photometric variations of 47 confirmed single cluster members, together with their atmospheric parameters, masses, and rotation periods. The resulting values of S for these Hyades objects are lower than those stars of the Pleiades cluster (on average, by ΔS ~ 0.05?0.06). A comparison of the results of studies of cool, low-mass dwarfs in the Hyades and Pleiades clusters, as well as the results of a study of 1570 M stars from the main field observed in the Kepler SpaceMission, indicates that the Hyades stars are more evolved than the Pleiades stars, and demonstrate lower activity. The activity of seven solar-type Hyades stars (S = 0.013 ± 0.006) almost approaches the activity level of the present-day Sun, and is lower than the activity of solar-mass stars in the Pleiades (S = 0.031 ± 0.003). Solar-type stars in the Hyades rotate faster than the Sun (〈P〉 = 8.6 d ), but slower than similar Pleiades stars.  相似文献   

Observations of the K2 continuation of Kepler Space Telescope program are used to estimate the spot coverage S (the fractional spotted area on the surface of an active star) for stars of the Pleiades cluster. The analysis is based on data on photometric variations of 759 confirmed clustermembers, together with their atmospheric parameters, masses, and rotation periods. The relationship between the activity (S) of these Pleiades stars and their effective temperatures shows considerable change in S for stars with temperatures T eff less than 6100 K (this can be considered the limiting value for which spot formation activity begins) and a monotonic increase in S for cooler objects (a change in the slope for stars with Teff ~ 3700 K). The scatter in this parameter ΔS about its mean dependence on the (V ?Ks)0 color index remains approximately the same over the entire (V?K s )0 range, including cool, fully convective dwarfs. The computated S values do not indicate differences between slowly rotating and rapidly rotating stars with color indices 1.1 < (V?K s )0 < 3.7. The main results of this study include measurements of the activity of a large number of stars having the same age (759 members of the Pleiades cluster), resulting in the first determination of the relationship between the spot-forming activity and masses of stars. For 27 stars with masses differing from the solarmass by nomore than 0.1M⊙, themean spot coverage is S = 0.031±0.003, suggesting that the activity of candidate young Suns is more pronounced than that of the present-day Sun. These stars rotate considerably faster than the Sun, with an average rotation period of 4.3d. The results of this study of cool, low-mass dwarfs of the Pleiades cluster are compared to results from an earlier study of 1570 M stars.  相似文献   

A method for estimating the spottedness parameter S (the spotted area as a fraction of the surface of an active star) proposed earlier is applied to an analysis of activity in 1570 M dwarf stars. The analysis is based on observational material obtained with the Kepler Space Telescope, as well as data on the fluxes of the studied objects in the near and far ultraviolet (NUV and FUV) based on data from the GALEX space telescope. The variations of S with the ages of the stars are studied (four groups with different ages are distinguished), as well as variations of S with their rotational periods. A diagram characterizing the relationship between S and the Rossby number Ro resembles the classical dependence of the X-ray luminosities of active stars on Ro, and a saturation regime is attained at the same value, Ro = 0.13. Moreover, objects with ages of more than 100 million years do not form a single sequence (and stars older than 900 million years possess surface spottednesses of order 1%). The S?Ro dependence obtained could expand possibilities for analyzing the dependence of the X-ray luminosities of active stars on their Rossby numbers, and could also be applied to refine parameters characterizing the action of dynamo mechanisms, such as the dynamo number N D . A comparison of the GALEX NUV and FUV brightness estimates with the activity parameters of the stars suggests that younger, more rapidly rotating active stars are brighter in the NUV, and that the FUV flux grows and the difference of the FUV and NUV brightnesses decreases with increasing spottedness S.  相似文献   

The results of a detailed analysis of spot activity on metallic-line A (Am) stars are presented. Two ROTD stars, KIC 8323104 and KIC 8703413, whose power spectra are characterized by a narrow peak and numerous lower-amplitude features at lower frequencies are considered. KIC 12253106, which is not an ROTD star, but undoubtedly has spots on its surface, is also studied. The rotation periods of the surface spots have been found, and the evolution of the spot positions explored. The differential-rotation parameter ΔΩ has been estimated. An analysis of the light curve to reconstruct maps of temperature inhomogeneities on the surface of KIC 8703413 has been performed. These maps indicate concentrations of the active regions at two longitudes. One of these longitudes was active about twice as often as the other one during our observations. The cyclical pattern of the variability of the spot positions on the stellar surface is determined, which may be related to oscillations due to Rossby waves.  相似文献   

The activity of the central star of the Kepler-32 planetary system is studied using continuous 1141-day observations with the Kepler Space Telescope. The Kepler-32 system includes a slowly rotating Mdwarf (rotational period of 37.8 d) with a mass of 0.54M and five planets. One of the unique properties of the system is its compactness: the orbits of all five planets are less than a third of the size of the orbit of Mercury; the planet closest to the star is separated from it by only 4.3 stellar radii. Surface-temperature inhomogeneities of the central star are studied using precise photometric observations of Kepler-32, and their evolution traced. In total, 42 624 individual brightness measurements in the 1141-day (3.1-year) observing interval were selected for the analysis. The calculated amplitude power spectra for the first and second halves of the interval of the Kepler-32 observations indicate appreciable variability of the photometric period, corresponding to the evolution of active regions at various latitudes on the stellar surface. Evidence for the existence of two active regions on the stellar surface separated in phase by 0.42 has been found. Time intervals in which the longitudes of the active regions changed (“flip-flops”) with durations of the order of 200–300 days have been established. The spotted area of the star was, on average, about 1% of the total visible surface, and varied from 0.3 to 1.7%. The results for the dwarf Kepler-32 are compared with those from a spectropolarimetric survey of 23 M dwarfs, including both fully convective stars and stars with weakly radiative cores. For a more detailed comparison, temperature inhomogeneities on the surface of one of the survey stars, DS Leo, was reconstructed using the ground-based observations (316 individual measurements of the V-band brightness of the star during seven observing seasons in an all-sky automated survey). The general properties and evolution of the active regions on DS Leo and Kepler-32 are considered. The positions of the active regions on the surface of Kepler-32 yields no evidence for differential rotation of this star. The possibility of detecting the magnetic field of Kepler-32 is proposed. The analysis of the photometric data for Kepler-32 are also compared to the previous results for the fully convective, low-mass M dwarfs GJ 1243 and LHS 6351. This demonstrates that the observed manifestations of activity on Kepler-32 correspond to those for active G-K stars and to M dwarfs with masses of the order of 0.5M , rather than Mdwarfs with masses from 0.2 to 0.5M .  相似文献   

Continuous 123.87-day observations with the “Kepler” space telescope are used to study the activity of the fully convective, low-mass M dwarf LHS 6351. The axial-rotation period of the star is 3.36 day. High-precision photometric observations of LHS 6351 enabled studies of its surfacetemperature inhomogeneities and their evolution. The difference in the longitudes of active regions increased from 120° at the beginning to 207° at the end of the observations, for i = 60° (and from 156° to 198° for i = 30°). This variation of the locations of the spots on the stellar surface provides evidence for differential rotation of the star. According to our estimates, the rate of displacement of the active regions is (0.006–0.014) ± 0.002 rad/day. Assuming i = 60°, the total area of spots S decreased, on average, from 1.2% to 0.92% of the total visible surface of the star; if i = 30°, this area decreased from 1.8% to 1.0%. We compared manifestations of the magnetic activity of LHS 6351 with the properties of the fully convective M dwarfs V374 Peg and GJ 1243, studied earlier. We derived the dependence of ΔΩ on the Rossby number for these M dwarfs, and identified two groups of stars with differing mass and differential rotation.  相似文献   

K2Mn2(SO4)3 orders magnetically at TN= 1.75 K. One of the orthorhombic cell edges of the low temperature Langbeinite structure becomes doubled in the magnetically ordered state. The antiferromagnetic spin structure found is characterized by weak or vanishing molecular fields due to nearest neighbours. There are no indications of magnetic order down to 1.45 K in the isomorphic compound K2Co2 (SO4)3.  相似文献   


The conditions for the formation of close binaries containing main-sequence stars, degenerate dwarfs of various types, neutron stars, and black holes of various masses are considered. The paper investigates the evolution of the closest binary systems under the influence of their gravitational-wave radiation. The conditions under which the binary components can merge on a time scale shorter than the Hubble time as a result of their emission of gravitational waves are estimated. A self-consistent scenario model is used to estimate the frequency of such events in the Galaxy, their observable manifestations, the nature of the merger products, and the role of these events in the evolution of stars and galaxies. The conditions for the formation and evolution of supermassive binary black holes during collisions andmergers of galaxies in their dense clusters are studied.


中-低压泥质岩在KFMASH体系中的相平衡关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张翠光  魏春景 《岩石学报》2004,20(3):725-736
利用内部一致热力学数据库、可靠的固溶体活度模型,用有关程序THERMOCALC 3.1计算了KFMASH(K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O)体系和亚体系KMASH、KFASH中的岩石成因格子。温压范围为P=0.05~1.2GPa,T=450~900℃.包括黑云母、白云母、钾长石、绿泥石、硬绿泥石、十字石、堇青石、斜方辉石、石榴石、尖晶石、红柱石、蓝晶石、矽线石、石英(过量)、熔体和水(固相线以下水过量、固相线以上水不过量)..利用这些成因格子以及所计算的AFM图、P-T视剖面图,可以很好地阐明泥质岩石中低压变质作用的相平衡关系及P-T条件。所计算的结果与岩石学研究非常吻合,能解释从绿片岩相至麻粒岩相的一系列变化。尤其是熔体的引入,使我们能够定量计算高角闪岩相以上出现的混合岩化过程。  相似文献   

 Thermodynamic properties of high-pressure minerals that are not recoverable from synthesis experiments by conventional quenching methods (“unquenchable” phases) usually are calculated from equation of state data and phase diagram topologies. The present study shows that, with cryogenic methods of recovery and sample treatment, phases with a suitable decomposition rate can be made accessible to direct thermodynamic measurements. A set of samples of Ca(OH)2-II has been synthesized in a multianvil device and subsequently recovered by cooling the high-pressure assembly with liquid nitrogen. Upon heating from liquid nitrogen to room temperature, the material transformed back to Ca(OH)2-I. The heat effect of this backtransformation was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. A commercial differential scanning calorimeter (Netzsch DSC 404), modified to allow sample loading at liquid nitrogen temperature was used to heat the material from −150 to +200 °C at rates varying between 5 and 15 °C min−1. The transformation started around −50 °C very gradually, and peaked at about 0 °C. To obtain a baseline correction, each sample was scanned under exactly the same conditions after the backtransformation was complete. Because of the relative sluggishness, onset and offset temperatures were not well defined as compared to fast (e.g., melting) reactions. To aid in integration, the resulting signals were successfully fitted using a generic asymmetric peak model. The enthalpy of backtransformation was determined to be ΔH =−10.37 ± 0.50 kJ mol−1. From previous in situ X-ray diffraction experiments, the location of the direct transformation in P-T space has been constrained to 5.7 ± 0.4 GPa at 500 °C (Kunz et al. 1996). With the reaction volume known from the same study, and assuming that ΔC p of the transformation remains negligible between the conditions of our measurements and 500 °C, our result gives an estimate of the entropy of transition and the P-T slope of the reaction curve. To a first approximation, the values ΔS = −16.00 ± 0.65 J(mol · K)−1 and dP/dT = 0.0040 ± 0.0002 GPa/K have been determined. These results need to be refined by equation of state data for Ca(OH)2-II. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

The transition from P213(T 4) to P212121(D 2 4 ) in the langbeinite K2Cd2(SO4)3 has been analyzed using group theoretical methods and previously published structural data above and below the transition. We find that because the transition is strongly first-order, the primary-order parameter has relatively large values at the transition temperature, and higher order terms which involve the order parameter, the strain, and the coupling of the two must be included in the Landau expansion for the free energy. Complex displacements occur at the transition for all atoms of the unit cell, but these displacements can be resolved into contributions which can be shown from symmetry considerations to transform as the 2 3 irrep of P2 1 3(T 4) as well as contributions from symmetry-preserving displacements which transform under the irrep 1. Therefore, the transition is not a simple one and involves sulfate rotations and cadmium and potassium ion displacements.  相似文献   

Crystal field spectra have been obtained from K2Co2(SO4)3 at a number of temperatures from 20 K to room temperature. The transition to the 4 T 1g(P) excited state is found to be split at all temperatures owing to the trigonal distortion of the Co site. Below the P213-P212121 phase transition temperature an excess splitting is observed owing to the additional distortion of the site in the orthorhombic phase. This excess distortion is found to be a linear function of temperature with no first order step at T c. Thus on a local scale the transition appears to be second order. The trigonal splitting increases with increasing temperature above Tc; this is not expected from the Speer-Salje model of the transition mechanism, which predicted decreasing distortion of the oxygen octahedra with increasing temperature. We propose that the apparent increase of asymmetry is due to the off centring of the Co atom in the high temperature phase in a more regular environment.  相似文献   

Bobylev  V. V.  Bajkova  A. T. 《Astronomy Reports》2020,64(12):1042-1049
Astronomy Reports - We have studied the kinematic properties of young pre-main-sequence stars. We have selected these stars based on data from the Gaia DR2 catalogue by invoking a number of...  相似文献   

利用热带降雨计划卫星(TRMM)获得的雷达降雨资料,对南海及其周边区域(简称南海地区)降雨的空间分布和季节特征进行了研究。结果表明:南海地区的降雨在空间上分布很不均匀,同时具有显著的季节变化。除了副高活动、季风潮、冬季冷涌和热带低压活动等天气过程,南海周边广泛分布的山地地形对该地区的降雨分布也产生强烈影响,降雨呈现南部高于北部、东部高于西部的分布特征。与CAMP和台站资料相比,PR观测具有更丰富的空间结构,能够更好地体现降雨随时间和空间变化的特征、反映高大的山地地形对降雨分布的影响。  相似文献   

Heat capacity measurements have been made on a synthetic sample of langbeinite, K2Mg2(SO4)3, from 13 to 342 K in an adiabatic calorimeter. Three phase transitions, at 51.0, 54.9 and 63.8 K, have been observed in this material. Our study is the first to report the existence of such phase transitions in K2Mg2(S04)3 and disputes predictions that none would take place below 77 K. Two models which have been proposed to explain the transition in potassium langbeinites are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

Polarized single crystal Raman spectra of the langbeinite K2Cd2(SO4)3 were recorded for different polarisations. With a view to understanding the phase transition mechanism, the lattice vibrational spectra (0–300 cm?1), as well as the SO4 symmetric stretching mode v 1 (1,022 cm?1), were recorded at different temperatures. No soft modes were observed. From the study of the temperature variation of the integrated intensity I 0 and band width Γ of the hard mode (1,022 cm?1), both SO4 libration and SO4 order/disorder models were ruled out as possible phase transition models. On the other hand, the model of Speer and Salje (paper I), involving the distortion of the polyhedra around Cd and K ions, explains the observed temperature behaviour of the Raman spectra very well. The consequences of a possible hypothetical high-temperature phase are discussed.  相似文献   

The 20-cm radio continuum fluxes of 91 HII regions in a previously compiled catalog have been determined. The spectral types of the ionizing stars in 42 regions with known distances are estimated. These spectral types range from B0.5 to O7, corresponding to effective temperatures of 29 000–37 000 K. The dependences of the infrared (IR) fluxes at 8, 24, and 160 μm on the 20-cm flux are considered. The IR fluxes are used as a diagnostic of heating of the matter, and the radio fluxes as measurements of the number of ionizing photons. It is established that the IR fluxes grow approximately linearly with the radio flux. This growth of the IR fluxes probably indicates a growth of the mass of heated material in the envelope surrounding the HII region with increasing effective temperature of the star.  相似文献   

西昆仑“库地蛇绿岩“是中国西部地区研究程度较高的蛇绿岩之一。对这条蛇绿岩带的时代、构造背景至今存在很大分歧。笔者等在库地超镁铁岩体中 ,获得侵入于橄榄岩中的伟晶辉长岩锆石 SHRIMP年龄为5 2 5± 2 .9Ma,在库地一些克沟获得块状玄武岩锆石 SHRIMP年龄为 4 2 8± 19Ma,这表明库地超镁铁岩和库地一些克沟玄武岩不属于同一时代 ,因此它们可能形成的构造背景也存在差异 ,库地蛇绿岩应解体。本文提供的年代资料为研究这一地区的早古生代构造演化提供了新的资料  相似文献   

内宜高速公路K96+800-K99+380地处四川盆地南部构造剥蚀丘陵区,穿越多个山丘和谷地,造成该段路基有人工填筑土、第四系淤泥质土等不良地质体,因而形成该段略基病害为过量沉降及沉降差和侧向挤出及局部坍滑两种类型。造成这种病害的原因是该路段局部填筑区地势低洼,自然排水困难,填筑土高度大、宽度大,未能真正压实固结。淤泥质土天然孔隙比大,为高压缩性土,且厚度大、埋深大。二者抗剪强度低,承载力低,是产生路基过量沉降及沉降差的主要原因。除上述原因外,由于高速公路加荷速率快(路堤施工速率快),路堤接近或达到极限高度,附加剪应力高、荷载宽度大等是造成路基侧向挤出和局部坍滑的主要原因。对以上的两种路基病害治理采取压浆、旋喷及粉喷桩相结合,上部路堤筑土体采取压浆加固,下部淤泥质土等软弱土采取深层搅拌桩(旋喷及粉喷桩)加固。二者结合还可对治理区产生群桩效应,同时提高地基土的密实度,防治路基侧向塑性挤出和坍滑。  相似文献   

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