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A precise estimate of the variation of the position of a celestial body in the case of small variations of the elements of its orbit is obtained using an Euclidean (mean-square) norm for the deviation in the position. A relatively simple expression for the mean-square deviation of the radius vector dr in terms of the deviations of the elements is derived. These are taken to be first-order small quantitites, with second-order quantities neglected. This relation is applied to estimate the norm ||dr|| in two problems. In the first one, small and constant differences between six orbital elements (including the mean anomaly) are considered for two orbits. In the second one, a zero-mass point moves under the gravitation of a central body and a small perturbing acceleration F. The vector F is taken to be constant in a co-moving coordinate system with axes directed along the radius vector, the transversal, and the binormal vector. In this latter problem, dr is the difference between the position vectors in the osculating and mean orbit. The norm ||dr||2 is the weighted sum of the squares of the components of F, neglecting higher-order small quantities. The coefficients of the quadratic form depend only on the semi-major axis and the eccentricity of the mean orbit. The results are applied to the motion of a small asteroid under the action of a low-thrust engine imparting a small force.  相似文献   

In a group of minerals of reasonable complexity in which the structure topology is related but not identical, the general relation between structure topology and chemical composition is not known. This problem is of major significance. The structural hierarchy and stereochemistry are described for 27 titanium disilicate minerals that contain the TS (titanium-silicate) block, a central trioctahedral (O) sheet and two adjacent (H) sheets of [5]- and [6]-coordinated polyhedra and (Si2O7) groups and related delindeite. The TS block is characterized by a planar cell based on translation vectors, t 1 and t 2 , with t 1 ~ 5.5 and t 2 ~ 7 Å and t 1 t 2 close to 90°. The general formula of the TS block is A 2 P B 2 P M 2 H M 4 O (Si 2 O 7 ) 2 X 4 + n, where M 2 H and M 4 O = cations of the H and O sheets; MH = Ti (= Ti + Nb), Zr, Mn2+, Ca; MO = Ti, Zr, Mn2+, Ca, Na; A P and B P are cations at the peripheral (P) sites = Na, Ca, Ba; X = anions = O, OH, F; n = 0, 2, 4; the core part of the TS block is shown in bold and is invariant. Cations in each sheet of the TS block form a close-packed layer and the three layers are cubic close packed.There are three topologically distinct TS blocks, depending on the type of linkage of two H sheets and the central O sheet. The H sheets of one TS block attach to the O sheet in the same manner. All structures consist of a TS block and an I (intermediate) block that comprises atoms between two TS blocks. Usually, the I block consists of alkali and alkaline-earth cations, (H2O) groups and oxyanions (PO4)3?, (SO4)2? and (CO3)2?. These structures naturally fall into four groups, based on differences in topology and stereochemistry of the TS block. In Group I, Ti = 1 apfu Ti occurs in the O sheet, and (Si2O7) groups link to a Na polyhedron of the O sheet (linkage 1). In Group II, Ti = 2 apfu, Ti occurs in the H sheet, and (Si2O7) groups link to two M 2+ octahedra of the O sheet adjacent along t 2 (linkage 2). In Group III, Ti = 3 apfu, Ti occurs in the O and H sheets, and (Si2O7) groups link to the Ti octahedron of the O sheet (linkage 1). In Group IV, Ti = 4 apfu (the maximum possible content of Ti in the TS block), Ti occurs in the O and H sheets, and (Si2O7) groups link to two Ti octahedra of the O sheet adjacent along t 1 (linkage 3). The stability of the TS block is due to the ability of Ti (Nb) to have an extremely wide range in Ti (Nb)-anion bond lengths, 1.68–2.30 Å, which allows the chemical composition of the TS block to vary widely. In crystal structures so far known, only one type of TS block occurs in a structure. The TS block propagates close-packing of cations onto the I block. The general structural principles and the relation between structure topology and chemical composition are described for the TS-block minerals. These principles allow prediction of structural arrangements and possible chemical compositions, and testing whether or not all aspects of the structure and chemical formula of a mineral are correct. Here, I show how these principles work, and review recent results that show the effectiveness of these principles as a predictive technique.  相似文献   

Multiple scattering of radiation in a semi-infinite electron atmosphere in the absence of true absorption (the Milne problem) is considered. The electron plasma is assumed to be turbulent, i.e., the magnetic field B has a regular B 0 and a stochastic B′ component (B = B 0 + B′). Faraday rotation of the plane of polarization (s8 λ2 B 0 cos gJ) due to the field B 0 depolarizes the outcoming radiation due to the superposition of rays with different polarization-angle rotations, corresponding to different paths traveled before they left the atmosphere. Stochastic Faraday rotation due to isotropic fluctuations, B′, efficiently decreases the amplitude of the polarization of each individual beam as it travels through the turbulent atmosphere. This effect is proportional to λ4 〈(B′)2〉, and becomes the dominant factor at large λ. We use the Ambartsumian-Chandrasekhar invariance principle, which results in six nonlinear equations (for the field B 0 perpendicular to the surface of the medium). We also compute the degree of polarization for the cases B 0 = 0, B′ ≠ 0, and B′ = 0, B 0 ≠ 0, and for a number of versions of the general case, B 0 ≠ 0, B′ ≠ 0. The spectra of the degree of polarization (for the case B 0 = 0) are presented for optical (λ = 0 ? 1 μm), infrared (λ = 1?5 μm), and X-ray (1–50 keV) wavelengths.  相似文献   

The angles of the magnetic moment μ and the line of sight L to the rotation axis Ω are estimated for the pulsar PSR B1921+24, which displays “on” and “off” periods in its radio emission. It is shown that this object is an orthogonal rotator, i.e., the angle β between μ and Ω is equal to 88°.2 and the angle between L and Ω is ζ = 98.7°, and that its rotation period should be twice the usually adopted value (P = 1.626 s). One possible reason for the peculiarities of this pulsar could be the precession of a relic disk in the equatorial region of the object. Further observations (in particular, in the infrared) are required to confirm the existence of such a disk. Polarization data for other pulsars whose radiation switches on and off (transients) are also required, to determine if they are likewise orthogonal rotators. Calculations for PSR B0656+14 show that β ∼ 20°, and the sharp increase of its pulse intensities is due to intrinsic reasons, and is not associated with a relic disk. Original Russian Text ? I.F. Malov, 2007, published in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 531–535.  相似文献   

Gutenberg and Richter developed an empirical relation, \(\log_{10} N(M) = a - bM\), to quantify the seismicity rate of various magnitudes in a given region and time period. They found the equation fit observed data well both globally and for particular regions. In conventional G–R relation, N(M) represents an arithmetic mean. As a result, the arithmetic standard deviation cannot be explicitly incorporated in the log-linear G–R relation. Moreover, this representation is susceptible to influence of spuriously large numbers of aftershocks of major earthquake sequences. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose an alternative representation of the G–R relation in terms of the logarithmic mean annual seismicity rate and its standard deviation. We select the crustal earthquake data from 1973 to 2011, as listed in the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) global catalog and the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) Taiwan regional catalog, to illustrate our methodology. We first show that by using the logarithmic annual seismicity rates we can significantly suppress the influences of spuriously large numbers of aftershocks following major earthquake sequences contained in the Taiwan regional catalog. More significantly, both the logarithmic mean annual seismicity rate and its standard deviation can be explicitly represented in the Gutenberg–Richter relation as follows:
$${\text{For}}\,{\text{global}}\,{\text{crustal}}\,{\text{seismicity}}{:}\;\log_{10} N = 8.14 - 1.03M \pm (0.04M - 0.13);$$
$${\text{For}}\,{\text{Taiwan}}\;{\text{crustal}}\,{\text{seismicity}}{:}\;\log_{10} N = 5.62 - 0.90M \pm (0.02M + 0.17)$$
where log10 N represents the logarithmic annual seismicity rate. Above analytical equations are very well constrained by observed global seismicity data with \(5.0 \le M \le 7.0\) and by Taiwan seismicity data with \(3.0 \le M \le 5.0\). Both equations can be extrapolated with confidence to simultaneously estimate not only the median annual seismicity rates but also their uncertainties for large earthquakes for the first time since inception of the G–R relation. These equations can be used to improve the conventional probabilistic seismic hazard assessment by including the dispersion of the annual seismicity rate. Finally, the corresponding numerical median annual seismicity rate with its upper and lower bounds obtained from above equations for \(5.0 \le M \le 9.0\) is listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Observed and estimated median annual seismicity rate and return period with their dispersions for Taiwan and global crustal earthquakes
Magnitude Catalog
Taiwan catalog (CWB) Taiwan catalog (CWB) Global catalog (NEIC) Global catalog (NEIC)
Annual rate (event/year) Return period (year) Annual rate (event/year) Return period (year)
M ≥ 5.0 24.55 13.18 7.08 0.041 0.076 0.14 1148.16 977.24 831.76 0.0009 0.001 0.0012
M ≥ 5.5 8.91 4.68 2.45 0.11 0.21 0.41 367.28 298.54 242.66 0.0027 0.0033 0.0041
M ≥ 6.0 3.24 1.66 0.85 0.31 0.60 1.18 117.49 91.20 70.79 0.0085 0.011 0.014
M ≥ 6.5 1.17 0.59 0.30 0.85 1.69 3.33 37.58 27.86 20.65 0.027 0.036 0.048
M ≥ 7.0 0.43 0.21 0.10 2.33 4.76 10.0 12.02 8.51 6.03 0.083 0.12 0.17
M ≥ 7.5 0.15 0.074 0.036 6.67 13.51 27.78 3.85 2.60 1.76 0.26 0.38 0.57
M ≥ 8.0 0.056 0.026 0.012 17.86 38.46 83.33 1.23 0.79 0.51 0.81 1.27 1.96
M ≥ 8.5 0.020 0.009 0.004 50.00 111.11 250.0 0.39 0.24 0.15 2.56 4.17 6.67
M ≥ 9.0 0.0074 0.0033 0.0015 135.14 303.03 666.67 0.13 0.074 0.04 7.69 13.51 25.00
Observed value is shown in bold number, estimated value in regular number \(\log_{10} N = 5.62 - 0.90M \pm (0.02M + 0.17)\) for Taiwan crustal earthquakes \(\log_{10} N = 8.14 - 1.03M \pm (0.04M - 0.13)\) for global crustal earthquakes

We analyze three-phase flow of immiscible fluids taking place within an elementary capillary tube with circular cross-section under water- and oil-wet conditions. We account explicitly for momentum transfer between the moving phases, which leads to the phenomenon of viscous coupling, by imposing continuity of velocity and shear stress at fluid-fluid interfaces. The macroscopic flow model which describes the system at the Darcy scale includes three-phase effective relative permeabilities, K i j,r , accounting for the flux of the ith phase due to the presence of the jth phase. These effective parameters strongly depend on phase saturations, fluid viscosities, and wettability of the solid matrix. In the considered flow setting, K i j,r reduce to a set of nine scalar quantities, K i j,r . Our results show that K i j,r of the wetting phase is a function only of the fluid phase own saturation. Otherwise, K i j,r of the non-wetting phase depends on the saturation of all fluids in the system and on oil and water viscosities. Viscous coupling effects (encapsulated in K i j,r with ij) can be significantly relevant in both water- and oil-wet systems. Wettability conditions influence oil flow at a rate that increases linearly with viscosity ratio between oil and water phases.  相似文献   

We have re-examined the historical evidence in the circum-Pacific for the origin of the 1586 orphan tsunami of Sanriku, Japan, previously attributed to a Lima, Peru, earthquake and tsunami in 1586. New evidence comes from corals found in a unique paleotsunami deposit on Kaua‘i. Dated by 230 Th- 238 U geochronology these corals determine an absolute age in high precision of a Pacific tsunami event that was previously dated to approximately the sixteenth century by 14 C methodology. Detrital corrected ages of three low thorium, well-preserved coral clasts range from 415 to 464 years old (relative to 2016), with a mean age of 444 years ±21 (\( 2\sigma_{{\bar{X}}} \)). Literature evidence for circum-Pacific paleotsunami in this time range is reviewed in light of the new high-precision dating results. Modeled and observed tsunami wave amplitudes in Japan from several Peruvian events are insufficient to match the 1586 Sanriku observation, and paleodated earthquakes from Cascadia, the Alaskan Kodiak region, and Kamchatka are incompatible with the Sanriku data in several ways. However, a mega-earthquake (M w > 9.25) in the Aleutians is consistent with the Kaua‘i evidence, Pacific Northwest observations, and the Sanriku tsunami amplitude. The Kaua‘i coral paleotsunami evidence therefore supports the origin of the 1586 Sanriku tsunami in the Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

Kaolinitic clays associated with sedimentary rocks cover widespread in the Yeniköy formation from the Akhar?m district, (Afyonkarahisar, W Anatolia). Due to the proximity to the ceramic industry areas such as Kütahya and U?ak Province of Turkey, the clays in the Akhar?m district have been intensively exploited for the last few years. The Akhar?m kaolinitic clays were hosted by Middle-Upper Miocene-aged Yeniköy formation and divided into two parts as northeastern and southwestern via normal fault. The alteration degree increases from lower levels to surface in the NE part of deposit. Besides layered structure in their N70° W/30° SW direction and gray-beige, yellowish brown colored in SW part. This study focused on mineralogy, geochemistry, and ceramic properties of kaolinitic clays. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, chemical, physical, and mechanical tests were conducted on studied samples from the wall of clay quarry. Akhar?m clay deposits consist of mainly kaolinite and quartz. Additionally, they include smectite, biotite, feldspar, jarosite, calcite, and hematite minerals. Akhar?m clays are characterized with their moderate plasticity (PL = 17.07–24.09), low water absorption (3.64–9.53 wt.%), low linear shrinkage (8.08–15.55 wt.%), high bending strength (17.72–32.69 N/mm2), and ideal lightness values (L* = 46.50–82.74) and color values (a* = 4.71–29.87; b* = 14.67–28.72). These properties vary related with mineralogical and geochemical features of Akhar?m clays. In conclusion, Akhar?m clays have desired specifications for floor and wall t to their mineralogical, geochemical, and ceramic properties.  相似文献   

A high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study has been carried out on a P21/c natural Mg-rich pigeonite sample with composition ca. Wo6En76Fs18 using a diamond anvil-cell. The unit-cell parameters were determined at 14 different pressures to 7.14 GPa. The sudden disappearance of the b-type reflections (h + k = odd) and a strong discontinuity (about 2.8%) in the unit-cell volume indicated a first-order P21/cC2/c phase transition between 4.66 and 4.88 GPa. The P(V) data of the P21/c phase were fitted to 4.66 GPa by a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM3 EoS), whereas the limited number of experimental data collected within the C2/c phase between 4.88 and 7.14 GPa were fitted using the same equation of state but with K′ constrained to the value obtained for the P21/c fitting. The equation of state coefficients are V 0 = 424.66(6) Å3, K T0 = 104(2) GPa and K′ = 8(1) for the P21/c phase, and V 0 = 423.6(1) Å3, K T0 = 112.4(8) GPa, and K′ fixed to 8(1) for the C2/c phase. The axial moduli for a, b, and c for the P21/c phase were obtained using also a BM3-EoS, while for the C2/c phase only a linear calculation could be performed, and therefore the same approach was applied for comparison also to the P21/c phase. In general the C2/c phase exhibits axial compressibilities (β c > β a >> β b) lower than those of the P21/c phase (β b > β c ≈ β a; similar to those found in previous studies in clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes). The lower compressibility of the C2/c phase compared with that of the P21/c could be ascribed to the greater stiffness along the b direction. A previously published relationship between P c and M2 average cation radius (i.r.) has been updated using all the literature data on P21/c clinopyroxene containing large cations at M2 site and our new data. The following weighted regression was obtained: P c (GPa) = 26(4) ? 28(5) ×  i.r (Å), R 2 = 0.97. This improved equation can be used to predict the critical pressure of natural P21/c clinopyroxene samples just knowing the composition at M2 site.  相似文献   

We have modeled the magnetic fields of the slowly rotating stars HD 116458 and HD 126515 using the “magnetic charge” technique. HD 116458 has a small angle between its rotation axis and dipole axis (β = 12°), whereas this angle is large for HD 126515 (β = 86°). Both stars can be described with a decentered-dipole model, with the respective displacements being r = 0.07 and r = 0.24 in units of the stellar radius. The decentered-dipole model is able to satisfactorily explain the phase relations for the effective field, Be(P), and the mean surface field, Bs(P), for both stars, along with the fact that the Be(P) phase relation for HD 126515 is anharmonic. We discuss the role of systematic measurement errors possibly resulting from instrumental or methodical effects in one or both of the phase relations. The displacement of the dipole probably reflects real asymmetry of the stellar field structure, and is not due to measurement errors. Using both phase relations, Be(P) and Bs(P), in the modeling considerably reduces the influence of the nonuniform distribution of chemical elements on the stellar surface.  相似文献   

To quantify the effect of salinity stratification on phytoplankton density (denoted as P) patterns, experiments were conducted with an idealised model that couples physical and biological processes. Results show that the idealised model is capable of capturing the main features of observed P patterns in the Columbia River estuary during the spring season: during weak stratification, P is almost vertically uniform with values decreasing towards the estuary mouth, whereas during strong stratification, high values of P extend further seawards but are confined to the upper layer. Sensitivity studies reveal that the strong vertical gradients of P can only occur if the intensity of turbulence (measured by depth-averaged values of vertical eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity) is weak. The advection of P by subtidal currents is important in obtaining a smaller along-estuary gradient of P during weak stratification and in obtaining a smaller horizontal gradient and a larger vertical gradient of P during strong stratification. Accounting for stratification controlled vertical distribution of vertical eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity is necessary for obtaining realistic P patterns if stratification is strong, but not if stratification is weak. A higher osmotic stress, which leads to faster loss of phytoplankton in salt water, results in a larger along-estuary gradient of P if stratification is weak and in a larger vertical gradient of P if stratification is strong.  相似文献   

The first high-accuracy CCD UBV RI(RI)C light curves for the recently discovered eclipsing binary V798 Cep (P = 16 d .08, V = 11 m . 8) are presented; this star is included in our program of eclipsing systems with considerable eccentricities. A photometric solution for the light curves and physical characteristics of the component stars are derived. The orbital eccentricity is quite high, e = 0.437. The longitude of periastron is close to 180°, making studies of the apsidal motion difficult. V798 Cep may be a hierarchical system.  相似文献   

A mechanism for the separation of chemical elements and isotopes in the atmospheres of chemically peculiar (CP) stars due to light-induced drift (LID) of ions is discussed. The efficiency of separation due to LID is proportional to the relative difference of the transport frequencies for collisions of ions of heavy elements located in the excited state (collision frequency ν e ) and ground state (collision frequency ν g ) with neutral buffer particles (hydrogen and helium), (ν e ? ν g )/ν g . The known interaction potentials are used to numerically compute the relative difference (ν e H ? ν g H )/νg H for collisions between the ions Be+, Mg+, Ca+, Sr+, Cd+, Ba+, Al+, and C+ and hydrogen atoms. These computations show that, at the temperatures characteristic of the atmospheres of CP stars, T = 7000?20 000 K, values of |ν e H g H |/ν g H ≈ 0.1?0.4 are obtained. With such relative differences in the transport collision frequencies, the LID rate of ions in the atmospheres of coolCP stars (T < 10000 K) can reach ~0.1 cm/s,which exceeds the drift rate due to light pressure by an order of magnitude. This means that, under these conditions, the separation of chemical elements under the action of LID of ions could be an order of magnitude more efficient than separation due to light pressure. Roughly the same manifestations of LID and light pressure are also expected in the atmospheres of hotter stars (20 000 > T > 10 000 K). LID of heavy ions is manifest only weakly in very hot stars (T > 20 000 K).  相似文献   

We have determined the main parameters of the old precataclysmic variable stars MS Peg and LM Com. The radial velocities of the components, reflection effects in the spectra, and light curves of the systems are studied based on model stellar atmospheres subject to external irradiation. Forty-seven moderate-resolution spectra for MS Peg and 57 for LM Com obtained with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are used to derive the refined orbital periods of 0.1736660 days and 0.2586873 days, respectively; the orbital eccentricities do not exceed e=0.04. The mass (M w =0.49e) and radius (e w =0.015R) of the MS Peg primary calculated using the gravitational redshift correspond to those for a cooling carbon white dwarf with a thin hydrogen envelope. The parameters of the red dwarf (M r =0.19M, Teff=3560 K, R r =0.18R) are close to those derived from evolutionary tracks for main-sequence M stars with solar chemical composition. The radius (R r =0.22R) and temperature (Teff=3650 K) of the LM Com secondary exceed theoretical estimates for main-sequence stars with masses of M r =0.17M. The luminosity excess of the red dwarf in LM Com can be explained by a prolonged (T>5×106 yrs) relaxation of the M star to its normal state after the binary leaves the common-envelope stage. For both systems, theoretical U, B, V, and R light curves and spectra calculated using the adopted sets of parameters are generally consistent with the observations. This confirms the radiative origin of the hot spots, the unimportance of horizontal radiative transport, and the absence of large-scale velocity fields with high values (Vtrans>50 km/s) at the surfaces of the secondaries. Most of the emission lines in the spectra of these objects are formed under conditions close to thermalization, enabling modeling of their pro files in an LTE approximation. A strong λ3905 Å emission line has been identified as the 3s23p4s 1P0-3s23p2 1S SiI λ3905.52 Å line formed in the atmosphere of the hot spot. The observed intensity can be explained by non-LTE “superionization” of SiI atoms by soft UV radiation from the white dwarf. We suggest a technique for identifying binaries whose cool components are subject to UV irradiation based on observations of λ3905 Å emission in their spectra.  相似文献   

The results of photometric observations of the dwarf nova GY Cnc in the Rc filter acquired in 2013–2015 (~3900 orbital cycles, 19 nights in total) are presented, including observations during its outburst in April 2014. The binary’s orbital elements have been refined. The orbital period has changed only insignificantly during the ~30 000Porb since the earlier observations; no systematic O–C variations were detected, only fluctuations within 0.004d on time scales of 1500–2000Porb. A “combined” model is used to solve for the parameters of GY Cnc during two states of the system. The flux from the white dwarf is negligible due to the star’s small size. The temperature of the donor star, T2 ~ 3667 K (Sp M0.2 V), varies between 3440 and 3900 K (Sp K8.8–M1.7 V). The semi-major axis of the disk is a ~ 0.22a0, on average. In quiescence, a varies within ~40%. The disk has a considerable eccentricity (e ~ 0.2?0.3) for a < 0.2a0. The disk shape becomes more circular (e < 0.1) with increasing a. The outburst of GY Cnc was associated with increased luminosity of the disk due to the parameter αg (related to the viscosity of the disk material) decreasing to 0.1–0.2 and the temperature in the inner parts of the disk increasing twofold, to Tin ~ 95 000 K. These changes were apparently due to the infall of matter onto the surface of the white dwarf as the outburst developed. All parameters of the accretion disk in quiescence display considerable variations about their mean values.  相似文献   

Mining and milling of metal ores coupled with industries have bequeathed many countries the legacy of wide distribution of metal contaminants in sediments. The aim of this study was to assess potential sediment contamination via useful screening methods (XRF, CHNS, TGA/MS). The sediments were collected from the water reservoir Krompachy Eastern Slovakia in April 2015. Within the frame of evaluation it was found that the concentrations of the study elements (Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd) exceeded some of the MPC, TV and IV values. Sample c was the most polluted by metals, which evident according to it’s the highest CHNS proportion as well as the highest clay and silt proportion. In the samples studied the best correlation was confirmed between weight losses in the temperature range (400–620 °C) and the following metal concentrations: Cu (r = 0.89), Zn (r = 0.88), As (r = 0.93), Hg (r = 0.83), Pb (r = 0.87). The greatest proportions of m/z 44, m/z 18 were detected at temperatures (400–620 °C) associated with decomposition of minerals such as siderite, barite, and exothermic loss of more refractory aromatic C took also place.  相似文献   

A new class of figures of equilibrium for a rotating gravitating fluid located inside a gravitating ring or torus is studied. These figures form a family of sequences of generalized oblate spheroids, in which there is for any value of the tidal parameter α in the interval 0 ≤ \(0 \leqslant \frac{\alpha }{{\pi G\rho }} \leqslant 0.1867\) ≤ 0.1867 a sequence of spheroids with oblatenesses emin (α) ≤ eemax (α). A series of classicalMaclaurin spheroids from a sphere to a flat disk is obtained for α = 0. At intermediate values 0 < ααmax, there are two limiting non-rotating spheroids in each sequence. When α = αmax, the sequence degenerates into a single non-rotating spheroid with ecr ≈ 0.9600, corresponding to the maximum oblateness of E7 elliptical galaxies. The second part of the paper considers the influence of rings of dark matter on the dynamics of elliptical galaxies. It is proposed that the equilibrium of an oblate isolated non-rotating galaxy is unstable, and it cannot be supported purely by anisotropy of the stellar velocity dispersion. A ring of dark matter can stabilize a weakly rotating galaxy, supplementing standard dynamical models for such stellar systems. In order for a galaxy to acquire appreciable oblateness, the mass of the ring must be an order of magnitude higher than the mass of the galaxy itself, consistent with the ratios of the masses of dark and baryonic matter in the Universe. The influence of massive external rings could shed light on the existence of galaxies with the critical oblateness E7.  相似文献   

We present the results of a joint analysis of JHK interferometric and UBVJHKLM photometric observations of RCrB acquired in June 2001. The baseline for the IOTA interferometer was 21.18 m. During the observations, the star was in its bright state in the V band and near its maximum brightness in the L band. Our analysis reveals an IR source that is considerably smaller than the extended dust envelope discovered earlier. We identify this compact IR source with the emission from a group of dust clouds. The linear scale (diameter) of the IR source was d in,c ≈ 13.5D* (its angular diameter is θin,c≈6.4 mas). About 7% of the star’s radiation was obscured by this group of clouds, which contributed ~14% of the total IR excess of R CrB and ~22% of the K-band flux. The color temperature of the compact source was only ~300 K higher than the color temperature of the extended dust envelope. The inner boundary of the extended dust envelope had a diameter of d in,e ≈ 90D*in,e≈43 mas).  相似文献   

We analyze the general 2D isosceles three-body problem for various ratios ? of the mass of the central body to the mass of each of the other two bodies. We set the initial conditions using two parameters: the virial coefficient k and the parameter \(\mu = \dot r/\sqrt {\dot r^2 + \dot R^2 }\), where \(\dot r\) is the relative velocity of the two outer bodies and \(\dot R\) is the velocity of the central body relative to the center of mass of the outer bodies. We compare statistical dependences between evolutionary parameters of triple systems with various values of ?, and analyze the k and μ dependences of the number of crossings of the center of mass of the triple system by the central body and the lifetime of the system. We construct the functions Rmax(rmax), where rmax and Rmax are the maximum achievable distances between the outer bodies, and between the central body and the center of mass of the outer bodies in the triple system. The parameter ? proves to be the most important parameter of the problem, and determines the relationship between the measures of the regular and stochastic trajectories. However, there exist “seeds” of stochasticity, even at small ?~10?2. The measure of the stochastic orbits increases with ?; when ?≥10, virtually the entire region of the initial conditions corresponds to stochastic trajectories.  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in permeability of soil, when soil is subjected to high confining pressure and flow pressure, which may alter the textural and geomechanical characteristics of soil, is of great importance to many geo-engineering activities such as, construction of high-rise buildings near the coast or the water bodies, earthen dams, pavement subgrades, reservoir, and shallow repositories. It is now possible to evaluate the changes in permeability of soil samples under varying conditions of confining pressure and flow pressure using flexible wall permeameter (FWP). In the present study, investigation was carried out on a cylindrical sample of granular soil employing FWP under varied conditions of confining pressure (σ3)—50–300 kPa, which can simulate the stress conditions equivalent to depth of about 20 m under the earth’s crust, and a flow pressure (fp)—20–120 kPa, which is mainly present near the small earthen embankment dams, landfill liners, and slurry walls near the soft granular soil with high groundwater table. The obtained results indicate a linear relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) with effective confining pressure (σeff.), k, decreasing linearly with an incremental change in σeff.. Further, k increases significantly with an increase in fp corresponding to each σeff., and q increases significantly with increase in the fp corresponding to each (σ3). It was also observed that corresponding to the low fp of 20 kPa, the reduction in k is nonlinear with σ3. The percentage reduction in k is observed to be 9, 13, and 27% corresponding to σ3 of 50–100, 100–200, and 200-300 kPa, respectively.  相似文献   

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